Is it possible to carry fruits in hand luggage. Is it possible to take fruit on a plane, how to carry it

Many people like to treat their relatives or colleagues upon returning from vacation. But if you have many relatives or colleagues, the weight may exceed the allowable for hand luggage, especially if you are flying alone, and everyone needs to bring gifts.

Can fruit be carried in hand luggage on an airplane? You can take as much as allowed by the carry-on baggage rules. The main thing is that the contents of bags and suitcases do not have a strong smell and do not leak with an abundance of juice. Therefore, such products should be transported in solid containers so as not to flood the aircraft cabin with juice. For this, special hard plastic containers are sold for transporting soft food. The containers have tight-fitting lids and the smell will not come out either. They are cheaper to buy in large supermarkets, which may not be at the airport. Take care of this in advance, and not an hour before the start of registration.

International shipping

If you are flying or returning from overseas, always check the customs regulations of that country. As for fruits, there are rarely problems with exports, every country wants to earn money on exports. Importing is much more difficult. Try to find out in advance, before arriving at the airport, whether and which fruits can be transported in hand luggage.

Difficulties arise due to various quarantine measures when imported into Russia. Transgenic products are prohibited for import into Russia, both plants and fruits. From some countries, it is generally forbidden to import fruits and vegetables. What can be imported into Russia: no more than 5 kg of samples of agricultural products. This includes fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Fine for the import of prohibited products - 500 rubles, repeated violation - 1000 rubles. It is not the surplus that is confiscated, but everything from the category of quarantine products.

But ask your friends who went abroad, and from whom they took away food? Surely everyone will say that no one inspected anything. Therefore, an erroneous opinion arises, all this is nonsense and you can carry everything and as much as you want. But in fact, it depends on your luck, since a full screening is quite rare.

Your airline's carry-on baggage policy

In addition to laws, how to arrange fruit in hand luggage on an airplane , This is governed by the rules of the airline you are flying on. There is always food in hand luggage if the flight is long and you are also flying with a child. But this does not mean that you can take a bag of yummy in your hand luggage. Usually, companies limit the weight of food to take with them. Therefore, you will not be allowed to take a bag with such food, but a couple of kilograms will be allowed into the salon.

Don't forget bad odors. This applies to such exotic fruits as durian, and products similar to it. In the rules of transportation of some companies, a ban on transportation is directly written about him.

Ripe mango, sweet and sour papaya, exotic dragon fruit and unusual passion fruit - do you also want to take a piece of summer with you? Is it possible - how to transport Thai fruits? What species are prohibited for export? How many fruits can you take with you from Thailand and what kind of packaging can you “think up” so that everything arrives safe and sound?

In this article, we will talk in detail about all the subtleties and nuances associated with this topic. Also, we will dispel some myths and stories that people like to scare tourists with.

Is it possible to export fruit from Thailand

Yes, any exotic delicacies are allowed for export. Of course, we are talking about parties for personal consumption.

Transportation can be carried out in any way - both in baggage and in hand luggage. Any personal export must not be in conflict with the customs regulations of the country of export and the country of import. In addition, the agreements prescribed by the carrier company must be respected.

How many kilograms of fruit can be taken out of Thailand

Thai customs limits export to 20 kg. Exceeding this figure indicates that the party is of a commercial nature. This means that it must be drawn up and paid according to the letter of the law.

Another thing is the Russian side. Rosselkhoznadzor has set requirements for the import of products of plant and animal origin. So, for one person it is possible to carry only up to 5 kg of products.

Again, tourists often claim that carrying more than 5 kg is possible - no one pays attention. Indeed, at most airports, “Thai fruit imports” are treated with loyalty. So to speak, turn a blind eye to excesses. However, how do you know that it is you who will not become the very “demonstrative option” for paying a fine and problems with customs?

What fruits are prohibited for export from Thailand

In addition to the popular "stinky and powerful" durian, whole coconuts and watermelons are prohibited for export. Their peel does not allow to "enlighten" the insides of the product. By the way, in the "broken" state, transportation is possible.

As for durian, the ban is due to its specific smell. By the way, its transportation is prohibited not only in airplanes, but also in public transport Thailand. Also, I bring fruit in hotel complexes, shopping centers, souvenir shops.

Is the weight of fruit in checked baggage and carry-on baggage taken into account or is it considered separately

The weight of fruits is included in the total weight of the baggage, it is not calculated otherwise. This rule also applies to hand luggage.

As a rule, carriers limit 23 kg in the luggage compartment and 10 kg in hand luggage. Your things or fruits will lie there - it's up to you. Another thing is customs. After all, you remember about the 20 kg batch limit intended for personal consumption?

Handbags, laptops and cameras are not considered hand luggage. Some airlines may change the rules.

Is it necessary to buy a special fruit basket to take them out of Thailand?

No, it's not necessary, but it's quite convenient. Plastic containers will keep the shell of the fruit, protect them from the fight. This is especially true for connecting flights.

When buying a basket, consider the dimensions. It is important that the container fits into the luggage rack above the seats. Otherwise, you will have to keep it on your hands or under your feet. The height of the shelf, depending on the model of the aircraft, is from 35-40 cm.

Fruit baskets can be found in markets, less often in supermarket chains like BigC and Tesco.

Some tourists use cardboard boxes. But, for full transportation, it must be wrapped with tape. The slightest leak of fruit is a chance to soften the whole cardboard.

How to pack fruit so that it doesn't wrinkle

Depending on the type of fruit, they are packed in newspaper sheets or lined with parchment paper. Also, an alternative in the form of ordinary towels is possible. However, the weight of the Thai fruit box will increase significantly.

Some stores offer to buy (rarely give out for free) special foam nets. Most often, they are worn on mango, passion fruit and papaya. Ask the seller about this accessory if the purchase is not made in a chain supermarket.

What fruits to buy to bring them - green and unripe

A common mistake of tourists is to choose frankly green fruits, hoping for their ripening during the flight and staying at home. Indeed, experienced travelers recommend taking not the most ripe fruits, but it is better to leave the clearly “green” option on the counter.

The thing is that sweetness and taste, exotic fruits are gaining in the sun. Together with a tropical, humid climate, the product is juicy and tasty.

Unripe fruits in our climate will become softer, but their "green" taste will not disappear anywhere.

How to buy Thai fruits for export, small life hacks and some tips

  • Do not tell the seller that you plan to make a purchase for transportation to Russia. Although not often, it happens that sellers intentionally sell bad goods. You won't come back to make claims.

Say you need a big batch of fruit for a party in a couple of days. That is, emphasize that a slightly unripe fruit is needed. In addition, a bulk purchase should be a reason for an additional discount. Don't be afraid to bargain!

  • Do not buy goodies on the central, tourist streets. Prices are definitely higher there.
  • It is not recommended to purchase peeled, cut fruits. Their shelf life varies within a few hours.
  • Green mango (fruit variety) - transported much better than its yellow counterpart.
  • Before flying, read the rules of the airline. Some firms have introduced complete restrictions on the transport of fruits from Thailand in hand luggage. As a rule, this applies to charter flights and small carriers.

Each passenger goes through several checks before getting on the plane.. At check-in and passport control, no one will look into your bag.

Also about your travel lists.

Baggage that a passenger takes with him into the cabin is called hand luggage.. Its dimensions in economy class must not exceed a total of 115 centimeters (20x40x55). Weight cannot be more than 7-10 kilograms, depending on the airline.

In business class, the weight can reach up to 15 kilograms. On some routes, for example, to Beijing or New York, even in economy class, 2 pieces of luggage are provided.

Can I take food in hand luggage? Luggage during inspection will be sure to check for prohibited items. Food can also be included. This factor also depends on the rules of transportation of the country where the plane flies.

Is it allowed to bring sausage? EU countries ban meat and dairy products in any baggage manufactured outside the EU. This may include cheese, smoked meats, sausages, milk and dairy products.

Also chocolate and confectionery. Now you know whether it is allowed to carry lard or cheese on an airplane.

Some countries will not let vegetables and fruits in your luggage. All of the above categories are subject to special sanitary and epidemiological control. Plants are subject to phytocontrol.

The states that put forward such requirements are simply afraid that some kind of disease or other harmful microorganisms may “come” to their country with the products.

Also, a lot depends on the customs officers.. There may not be official bans on transportation, but tacit agreements between air services are possible.

Not all foreign carriers feed passengers on board. More precisely, they do it only for a fee.

It is not profitable for them if the passenger eats his own sandwiches, and does not buy them on the plane at a huge price.

That's why you may be asked to throw away the "wrong" food when checking in. It can become “wrong” if it contains prohibited products. If it is not packed in a factory way or this package has been opened.

An important factor is the country of departure. Spanish customs officers can safely look at a piece of jamon, the Swiss at cheese, and the Belgians at chocolate. Thais look "through their fingers" at tons of daily exported fruits.

But do not count on it, it is better to do everything as the rules require.

Quietly allowed to carry purchases from DutyFree sealed in a special package.

Do not open the package! At many foreign airports, you can be fined for eating or drinking in the wrong place. Especially alcoholic drinks. In the buildings of Russian airport terminals, this is also increasingly common.

The stewardesses can reprimand you if they see you have open food or liquids. But in practice this rarely happens. And even more so in business class, eat and drink whatever you want.

Can I take it on a plane children food? Yes, here which is clearly allowed:

  • children food;
  • therapeutic (dietary) nutrition.

All this should not exceed the consumption rate for the duration of the flight. During inspection, it must be in unopened factory packaging.

Can be brought into the salon:

  • packaged dry foods - biscuits, chips, snacks, popcorn, bread;
  • liquid and semi-liquid, less than 100 ml. We will cover this topic in more detail below.

What is prohibited:

  • pieces of meat, sausages, smoked meats, hard cheese, products containing animal components (sandwiches, pastries, sweets, chocolate);
  • any liquid and semi-liquid products, canned food with a volume of more than 100 ml;
  • fruits, vegetables without factory packaging;
  • in open packaging.

Transportation of liquids

How exactly and is it possible to carry food on a plane if it is liquid, for example, yogurt?

These include:

  • water;
  • and soft drinks;
  • canned food;
  • soups;
  • oils (this should be remembered when buying home olive, coconut or other oils);
  • syrups;
  • juices.

To pass the screening and scanning procedure, all liquids in packages less than 100 ml must be placed in a transparent bag with a total volume of no more than 1 liter.

If you have containers with a volume of more than 100 ml, take care of their delivery to the main one in advance. Pack liquids properly.

The luggage department employees are not particularly scrupulous. If your containers break during transport, things will deteriorate.

Anything over 100 ml can be purchased at duty-free shops after the baggage check. But according to the rules of air transportation, all purchases must be packed and special packages.

At least, residents of the CIS often do this, foreigners are usually more law-abiding.

If justification is needed

You may be asked to confirm the reason for the food you need on the road. This can only be the case with children's and medical nutrition.

If questions are unlikely to arise regarding nutrition for children, then it is best to have a prescription or a certificate from a doctor with a diagnosis for medical purposes.

Take care of this in advance before the trip. Ask the doctor to duplicate the diagnosis in Latin. So there will be less nit-picking at foreign airports.

Going on a trip do not forget to read all the rules of baggage transportation in advance, especially regarding whether it is acceptable to carry food in hand luggage.

Then you will not have to part with provisions that are “expensive” for your heart and wallet and do not pay fines to customs officers.

13.06.2019, 10:30


Going home from a vacation in a hot country, tourists often decide to treat their loved ones with local exotics. Fruit warmed by the sun of Thailand or Vietnam, for example, is a very popular souvenir. Often, problems begin already before departure: airport employees suddenly announce that you will fly home alone, and the fruit basket will remain in the inspection area.

How to avoid problems and deliver a fruit souvenir to the recipient? We will deal with the rules for transporting fruit, consider all the nuances.

How to carry fruit on domestic flights in Russia

Is it possible to bring from Krasnodar Territory home grandmother's apples, for example? Can. There is no official ban on the transport of fruit within the country, so each airline sets its own rules for such a procedure.

Watch the weight of your luggage. You can pack at least a full suitcase of gifts, but they will not be weighed separately. Fruit is considered part of the luggage, so there won't be much room for your belongings.

Pears or apples are one thing, and berries and soft fruits are another. They easily wrinkle and stain the bag with juice, they need special containers.

How to carry fruit on international flights

Due to the fact that the sanitary services do not know under what conditions your foreign souvenirs were grown, in addition to the rules of air carriers, customs legislation also applies.

To avoid trouble, check the rules for importing and exporting fruits directly by calling the customs service hotline and on the airline's website.

From which countries you can not bring fruit

The import of fruits from the EU countries, Canada, Norway, USA, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine is completely prohibited. Turkey has recently joined this ranks.

How many kg of fruit can be imported into Russia

At different countries their views on how many kilograms of fruit you can export, however, the import rules for residents of Russia are as follows: one person can import no more than 5 kilograms of agricultural products into the territory of the Russian Federation. This refers to fruits, vegetables and nuts.

The greater weight of such baggage will be regarded as products intended for commercial activities. The "smuggler" faces a fine of 500 rubles (information as of May 31, 2019), and absolutely all fruits transported will be confiscated, and not just the surplus. In case of repeated violation of export rules, the fine will be 1000 rubles.

How to carry fruit on a plane

Rules for the safe transportation of fruit on board an aircraft:
  • Purchase a plastic basket from your local market or store. This option is much safer than a cardboard box wrapped in tape. Fruit is a very delicate cargo, its juice can seep through the cardboard and stain neighboring luggage.
  • A plastic basket can be checked in as hand luggage. On average, depending on the model of the aircraft, the top shelf for hand luggage is 35-40 cm in height, consider this when choosing a basket.
  • Check with the air carrier for the maximum possible weight of luggage, on average it is 10 kg.
  • Wrap each fruit in newspaper or wrapping paper. Just remember that this will add weight to your cargo.
Advice. FIt is forbidden to transport hands if a quarantine is declared in the country or outbreaks of an epidemic are recorded in the area.Also, keep your fruit purchase receipt in case you have questions from the airport staff.

Where to carry fruit: in hand luggage or in luggage

Can I take fruit with me in hand luggage? Rather yes than no. But there is always a "but". Don't forget that:
  • Fruits that exude a strong odor, such as Thai durian, are prohibited among passengers.
  • You can carry as much fruit in your hand luggage as you theoretically need on a flight. This means that a huge checkered bag with mangoes will be taken away from you, and a small bag up to 1-2 kilograms will most likely be allowed to be carried. Calculate the weight of hand luggage so that the fruit fits within the specified limit.

You can carry fruits in your luggage. If you decide to carry fruits in your checked baggage, pay attention to the food allowance of your air carrier.
And even if the fruits are traveling in a separate suitcase, their weight must fit into the established limit - the established norm. On average, it is about 20 kg. Be prepared to pay the excess in case of a miscalculation.

How to bring fruit from Thailand

We conducted a survey that showed that the most popular souvenir that tourists bring home from Thailand is local fruits. This is a great option for a gift, as well as an opportunity to take a piece of Thai summer with you.

Thai customs legislation provides for the export of 20 kg of fruit. However, for Russians there is a restriction on the import of up to 5 kg, remember this.

It is forbidden to carry on the plane:

  • Durian is a fruit that has a very specific smell, which makes you dizzy and nausea is possible.
  • Coconut and watermelon - due to the thick peel / shell, it is impossible to enlighten them with a scanner at customs. They are allowed to be transported in a cut form, but then their shelf life is a matter of hours.

What fruits to bring from Thailand?

Local exotic for you: mangosteen, dragon fruit, rambutan. Don't forget to try papaya, lychee and longan. If you want to pamper yourself at the resort - take the most ripe. If you are already packing your bags, take slightly unripe fruit.

How to bring fruit from Vietnam

You can take out of the country you can 7 kilograms of fruit. But imported kilograms remain unchanged - for Russian citizens, the same 5 kg are allowed to be transported to their homeland.

Durian is banned here too. Local color is good, but it is better to choose a different souvenir. In addition to durian, watermelon and coconuts, jackfruit is prohibited. The latter is banned due to its resemblance to durian.

What fruits to bring from Vietnam?

Rambutan or "hairy fruit", cantaloupe or orange melon. Lychee, pomelo can also be found in local markets or in shops. Some tourists buy completely green fruits, in the hope that they will ripen in flight. This is a mistake, fruits will ripen under the warm sun, if you choose too unripe fruits, they will not fill with juice in your home. Take fruits that are about to turn red.

Bringing ripe fruits from a vacation in a hot country is a great way to extend your vacation.

The rules for transporting fruit in hand luggage on an airplane depend on whether it is an internal or external flight. And also from the regulations of a particular airline.

Domestic flights

If the flight is within the boundaries Russian Federation- in the cabin, as hand luggage, you can take up to 5 kg of fruit per 1 passenger.

Fruit must be carefully packaged. Those intended for in-flight meals are sliced.

  • fruits with a strong odor (citrus). Other passengers may have allergies or simply feel uncomfortable;
  • overripe fruits, so as not to stain other people's things and the cabin of the aircraft.

The preferred container for transportation is plastic containers, for hard fruits - soft nets. Cellophane packaging for tender fruits is the worst option, fruits are easily deformed.

International flights

The rules of not only the carrier, but also the customs service apply here. Both can be found on the official website of the airline. Or call to hotline customs.

The weight of fruits that a passenger is going to bring to Russia should not exceed 5 kg per person. The import of products (including fruits) from the following countries is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  1. Australia.
  2. Azerbaijan.
  3. Georgia.
  4. EU (all countries).
  5. Canada.
  6. Moldova.
  7. Norway.
  8. Tajikistan.
  9. Ukraine.
  10. Uzbekistan.

From Turkey you can not import grapes, pears, strawberries, strawberries, apples. When exporting dried fruits from China, you will need a quality certificate and sealed packaging.

If you were given a check when buying fruit, keep it. In the event of a conflict situation, you present this check to the security service.

A tourist may be in an area where an epidemic broke out. In this case, the import of fresh fruit into the territory of the Russian Federation will also be banned.

Fruits from Thailand and Vietnam

From these southern countries, tourists bring fruit as a souvenir. Are there rules and restrictions?

Exotic fruits are Thailand's competitive advantage, attracting tourists. And everyone strives to take overseas curiosities home. But fruits should not be spoiled and stain things that are nearby. Customs officers advise you not to take overripe fruits with you, but if you pack them hermetically and carry them in the luggage compartment, they have no right to forbid you.

From Thailand you cannot carry on an airplane only:

  1. Durian - this fruit has a strong specific smell.
  2. Coconuts - a dense peel is not translucent during inspection. Previously, smugglers smuggled drugs in these fruits.
  3. Watermelons - the peel can burst with a pressure drop. Watermelon is carried in hand luggage only in sliced ​​form.

The restriction - 5 kg of fruit per person (hand luggage) - also applies when aircraft depart from Thailand. Fruits are perishable products, so their import is strictly controlled. For more fruit in your baggage, a phytosanitary certificate will be required.

From here, tourists bring rambutan, lychee, pomelo and other exotic fruits. You can take up to 5 kg per passenger as hand luggage.

In the cabin of the aircraft, it is convenient to carry fruit in a basket. If each fruit is wrapped in paper, both the delicate peel and taste will be preserved. It is recommended to buy slightly unripe fruits, they tolerate transportation better.

The ban applies to the same fruits as in Thailand. In addition to coconuts and durian, jackfruit cannot be brought from Vietnam - it resembles durian in appearance.

Summing up

If your plans include the transport of fruits in hand luggage on the plane, you must:

  1. On the website of a particular airline, get acquainted with its regulations, as well as with recommendations regarding containers for transporting fruit.
  2. Assume that the maximum allowable weight of hand luggage per person is 5 kg. The rest of the cargo is handed over to the luggage compartment.
  3. Pack fruits so that they do not stain the things of other passengers and the aircraft cabin.
  4. Do not take with you fruit that is prohibited for transportation on an airplane.
  5. Keep in mind that fruits from a number of countries cannot be imported into the territory of the Russian Federation.

Please be aware that exotic fruits may be banned if a particular airport is quarantined.