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What is Sao Paulo in Brazil famous for? All about São Paulo: the record city for the number of inhabitants in Brazil and the Western Hemisphere. Photos and reviews.

Brazil is a country located in topical latitudes and has a fairly high standard of living. Millions of tourists from all over the world come here every year to see the Brazilian contrasts with their own eyes and plunge into the pool of South American cities with their heads. The most popular cities among travelers are Rio de Janeiro with its rich history, an abundance of monuments and picturesque beaches, the capital, picturesque and, of course, one of the largest cities in the world - Sao Paulo.

Sao Paulo Cathedral: Gothic style, a classic of the genre!

The city of São Paulo, which is the capital of the state of the same name, today has a population of over 11 million people, and this is without taking into account the inhabitants of the suburbs, together with whom the population of the city will probably exceed the mark of 20 million.

The city and its suburban part occupy an area of ​​almost 8,000 km², the city lies at an altitude of 760 m above sea level, and its highest point is Pico do Jaragua, a mountain whose peak is at an altitude of 1.1 km. The city is located in a zone of humid subtropical climate, which causes a fairly comfortable temperature balance and high humidity, thanks to which the city is literally buried in greenery.

History of Sao Paulo

The history of this city, which grew up 70 kilometers from the Atlantic coast, begins in the 16th century with a small Jesuit settlement. The heyday of Sao Paulo falls on the 17th-18th centuries: it was at that time that a stream of assorted adventurers and those who wanted to get rich quick literally poured in here.

In São Paulo at that time, the slave trade and other dark deeds flourished, and the so-called bandeirants, those same adventurers and seekers of easy money, ruled the ball. But, despite not always honest ways of earning, it was these “guys” who contributed to the growth of the city and the discovery of new wealth in the region (such as gold), which later became the basis for the construction of a large metropolis, which is Sao Paulo today.

What is interesting in Sao Paulo: numbers and records

Panoramic views of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

One of the central city attractions today is precisely the monument to the bandeirants, called Monumento as Bandeiros. When slavery was abolished, São Paulo switched to exporting coffee, the income from which was no less than from the trade in "ebony" (as the slave trade was called).

The growth in demand for coffee provoked another wave of immigration, residents of the Old World, Asia and Africa came here for a better life. In total, more than a hundred different ethnic groups today call Sao Paulo their home, in honor of the people who arrived here, even a memorial museum of immigration was opened.

Today Sao Paulo is officially recognized as the largest city in South America and the entire Southern Hemisphere, as well as the most populous city in the entire Western Hemisphere. Also, the city is considered the economic driver of the entire state. And even the collapse in coffee prices at the beginning of the 20th century had practically no effect on the economic health of the city, since the economy by that time was quite diversified and did not depend on one type of raw material.

Today, the head offices of the largest multinational corporations are located here, the city accumulates billions of dollars of profit every day and produces a huge amount of goods.

What to see in Sao Paulo

The most beautiful bridge in Sao Paulo

The service sector and tourism are one of the main revenue items of the metropolitan economy. In order to make the city attractive to tourists, for two centuries, all kinds of picturesque hotels have been regularly built, tropical parks and gardens have been laid out, and, of course, colorful carnivals are regularly held, not like in Rio de Janeiro, of course, but with their own color.

Among the most famous sights of Sao Paulo, both architectural and natural, worth highlighting:

São Paulo and its suburban part occupy an area of ​​almost 8,000 km², the city lies at an altitude of 760 meters above sea level, and its highest point is Pico do Jaragua.

  • Ibirapuera Park, where the famous Museum of Modern Art stands (or, as it is also called, the Great Marquis);
  • Museum of Wonders known as Villa de Ossos Bacalau.

In general, there are a lot of thematic museums in the city of São Paulo, and it will take at least a week to visit them all.

There are more than museums in Sao Paulo only parks, at one time they were broken in honor of famous personalities, memorable dates, etc. There are also ancient religious buildings in the city, such as, for example, the monastery of St. Benedict, founded in the 16th century. Here in the city is located one of the largest football stadiums in Brazil - Morumbi, where famous Brazilian football players often play their best games.

And this is only a small part of the beauties and sights that can be seen by visiting this huge city. Anyone who chooses to travel to Sao Paulo will be able to feel the real Brazil in detail, plunge into the sea of ​​entertainment, which is enough here, as in any major metropolis in the world.

Night panorama of the city and Edificio Copan building

Sao Paulo city on the map of Brazil

Cheapest flights to Rio

The closest international airport to Sao Paulo is located in Rio de Janeiro.

Located in the southeast of the country, 70 km from the Atlantic coast and 430 km south of. The population of the city is 11,316,149 people (2011).

São Paulo is officially part of a large agglomeration called "Grande São Paulo" or "Greater São Paulo", which includes 39 municipalities. The population of the agglomeration is 19,822,572 people (2011).

The city was founded on January 25, 1554 and at first was called Sao Paulo Campos de Piratinga (São Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga). Until the middle of the 19th century, it was a small town, and then it began to expand greatly as a result of the growth of coffee production.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the economy of São Paulo was based mainly on the export of coffee, but due to the global economic crisis, it was reoriented to industrial development. Now it is dominated by the service sector, there are offices of numerous banks, various companies and transnational corporations.

Today's Sao Paulo is the largest business and financial center of South America, as well as the largest cultural, educational and scientific center of Brazil.

In addition, Sao Paulo is the richest city in the country in terms of per capita income. But, despite this, due to the glaring inequality between social classes, part of the city's population lives in slums - "favelas", which is why Sao Paulo has a rather high level of street crime.

Last modified: 11/26/2014


Sao Paulo has a humid subtropical climate. The temperature in summer rarely reaches +30 °C, and in winter there are practically no sub-zero temperatures. The rains are quite heavy, especially in the warm months, and in July and August they practically do not happen.

In recent years, August, despite the fact that it is a winter month here, is dry and hot - the temperature sometimes reaches +28 °C.

A notable fact of São Paulo's location is that the city is crossed by the Tropic of South (Tropic of Capricorn).


Sao Paulo is the leader among Brazilian cities in terms of ethnic diversity of residents, mainly due to the descendants of immigrants.

After the abolition of slavery in 1888, an influx of numerous immigrants began to São Paulo, most of whom were from Italy, there were also many Portuguese, Germans, Spaniards, Jews, Arabs and Japanese. The city is currently witnessing a large wave of Bolivian migration.

The population of São Paulo is 11,316,149 people (2011), of which racially:

60.6% white

30.5% brown (mixture of races, such as Africans and Europeans or Indians and Europeans)

6.5% - blacks (negroes)

2.2% - Asians

0.2% - Indians

The largest ethnic groups of Greater São Paulo origin are:

Over 6 million people are of Italian descent

Approximately 3 million are of Portuguese descent

Over 2 million are of Spanish descent

1 million 700 thousand - of African descent

1 million Arabs

665,000 Japanese

400,000 Germans

250,000 French

150,000 Greeks

120,000 Chinese

60,000 Bolivians

50,000 Koreans

40,000 Jews

Last changes: 05.05.2012

Tourism and attractions Sao Paulo

São Paulo isn't particularly popular with foreign tourists (locals call it the ugly gray-concrete jungle), so it's probably one of the most underrated cities for tourism in Brazil, sitting in the shadow of Rio and El Salvador.

In fact, São Paulo is quite an interesting city with its own characteristics, the refined lifestyle of its inhabitants, numerous museums, theaters, parks and squares.

It has a very rich cultural life, thanks to which Sao Paulo is called the cultural capital of Brazil. The city constantly hosts various international events in the world of music, art, business and fashion, including the International Film Festival, the multi-million dollar March for Jesus, São Paulo Fashion Week, the traditional Brazilian carnival and the world's largest gay parade (more than 3 million participants).

Website about the cultural events of Sao Paulo -

But, perhaps, the main features of São Paulo are a huge number of excellent restaurants (more than 12,000) for every taste and budget, as well as an incredibly rich and varied nightlife that can satisfy various musical tastes.

- an important tourist area and one of the main highways of São Paulo. The length is about 2.8 km, the width is about 85 meters. The avenue is an important landmark, similar to Fifth Avenue in New York.

Avenida Paulista was opened at the end of the 19th century as part of the expansion of the city. Currently, it is built up mainly with modern office buildings, thanks to which it is one of the main business centers of the city.

Cathedral of Sao Paulo
or Catedral de Se)- Catholic Cathedral of Sao Paulo, one of the largest neo-Gothic churches in the world.

Its history dates back to 1589, when it was decided to build the main church of the colony in the then small village of Sao Paulo. By 1616, a temple had been erected on this site, which was allowed in 1745, and a small, modest church was built in its place, which stood until 1911.

The construction of the current cathedral began in 1913 and was finally completed in 1967, according to the design of the German architect Maximilian Emil Nehl, who gave the building a neo-Gothic style.

Today, the Sao Paulo Cathedral is the largest religious building in the city: it has a height of 111 m and a width of 46 m. ​​Almost 800 tons of marble were used for interior decoration, internal capitals are decorated with coffee beans, pineapples and animal figures.

The capacity of the temple is about 8,000 people.

- located at the Cathedral of Sao Paulo and is considered the center of the city, since it is from this point that all the distances of the roads of Sao Paulo are calculated.

The square has been the site of many historic events in São Paulo's history, most notably the largest demonstration in Brazilian history in 1984, the Diretas JA, which brought together some 1.5 million people and demanded direct presidential elections.

Sao Paulo Zoo
- is the largest in Brazil, was opened in 1958 and today is considered one of the best in South America.

The zoo is located on an area of ​​84.5 hectares, a significant part of which is covered with Atlantic forests, there is also a lake, a habitat for numerous birds. In total, more than 3,200 different animals live here, about 220 species of birds, 95 species of reptiles and many other representatives of flora and fauna.

During the construction of the zoo in Sao Paulo, the main task was to create the most comfortable natural habitat for its inhabitants. The zoo even has its own 572-hectare farm where vegetables are grown for animal feed.

Sao Paulo Zoo website -

Sao Paulo Aquarium (São Paulo Aquarium)- This is one of the largest aquariums in Latin America, its area is 9000 square meters and 2 million liters of water. About 3,000 marine and river inhabitants live in the aquarium (more than 300 species in total).

Sao Paulo Aquarium website -

Transport Sao Paulo

Public transport in Sao Paulo - underground, buses, trolleybuses, minibuses, Taxi and helicopters.

The transport system in Sao Paulo is overloaded, traffic jams are a constant phenomenon, especially from 6 to 10 am and from 4 to 8 pm.

Bilhete Unico

Bilhete Unico- a smart card designed to pay for travel on buses, minibuses, metro and suburban trains and allows you to save on travel, especially for those who need to make several transfers, for example, bus-metro-train, etc.

The Bilhete Unico card allows you to make up to 4 trips on public transport in Sao Paulo. For example, if you use it in the subway, you can ride on three buses for another 3 hours and not pay for them (the card provides a free bus transfer between metro stations and suburban train stations for 3 hours. on the subway 4 times within three hours you won’t get it for free, the money for the journey will be read, but it will still be cheaper than buying one-time tickets every time.

The card is issued free of charge at metro stations, and can be topped up at metro stations, newsstands, state bookmakers (lotéricas), supermarkets and other establishments where the round "Bilhete Unico" logo is displayed.

Bilhete Unico website –

Buses and trolleybuses

Buses- the most popular form of public transport in Sao Paulo (more than 17,000 buses), but this is not the fastest way to travel. In addition, they can be overloaded with passengers, but unlike the metro and trains, they reach every district.

The fare is 3 BRL. If you do not have a Bilhete Unico card, you can pay directly to the conductor on the bus. Children under 5 years old travel free of charge.

The trolleybus network consists of over 290 trolleybuses.

Metro and suburban trains

The São Paulo rail network consists of underground(Metrô) and urban and suburban trains(CPTM), they are integrated into each other and carry more than 5,000,000 passengers per day. Daily, from 4:00 to 24:00 (on Saturday until 01:00).

Metro is the most modern, safe and efficient mode of transport. Served by two companies Metrô and ViaQuatro. Its only drawback is its short length, only 74.3 km, 5 lines and 65 stations.

Metrô website -

ViaQuatro website (4th line) – r

CPTM is a 260.8 km rail network with 89 stations.

CTPM website -

If you do not have a Bilhete Unico card, you can always buy a regular one-time ticket at the ticket offices and vending machines of metro and commuter trains.

The fare for the metro and CPMT is 4.65 BRL.

São Paulo subway and commuter train map (opens in psd).


There are two types of taxis in São Paulo: ordinary street taxis are inexpensive Taxi and radio taxi(ordered by phone or online).

Taxis in Sao Paulo are relatively expensive compared to other major cities around the world, and cheating by foreigners is common here.

But still, a taxi is one of the safest ways to travel around the city for tourists.


Due to intense traffic jams, combined with fears of kidnapping among wealthy citizens, Sao Paulo has become the city with the largest number of helicopters in the world (more than 470 helicopters make about 75 thousand flights a year).

To serve them, the city has about a hundred landing sites, allowing businessmen and just wealthy residents of the city to effectively use their time. Last changes: 19.03.2017

Bus stations in Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo has three main bus terminals:

Bus station Tiete (Terminal Rodoviário do Tietê)- is the second largest in the world. Buses from it serve more than 1000 cities in five countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay), including Rio de Janeiro.

Bara Funda Bus Station (Terminal Rodoviário Barra Funda)- serves the cities of the west of the state of São Paulo, and buses also depart from here to the western states of Mato Grosso (Cuiaba) and Parana (the city of Foz do Iguaçu near the Iguazu Falls).

Jabaquara bus station (Rodoviário de Jabaquara)- serves the cities of the southern coast of the state of Sao Paulo, such as Santos, Guaruja, Praia Grande, etc.

Last changes: 07.05.2012

How to get to Sao Paulo

Usually, tourists from Russia get to Sao Paulo with a transfer at one of the airports in Europe, from where there are direct flights, or through Rio de Janeiro, which is 430 km away.

Sao Paulo has two international airports:

Sao Paulo Guarulhos International Airport(São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport) - the main airport of the city, located in the city of Guarulhos, 25 km from the center of Sao Paulo. It is the busiest airport in Brazil. All international flights arrive here.

They fly here:

- Buenos Aires, Argentina)

– Mexico City (Mexico)

– Toronto (Canada)

- Beijing, China), Madrid(Spain)



– Dallas, Miami, New York (USA)

What is the famous Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura in Rome? Construction history, interior, patio, photo. San Paolo Fuori le Mura on the map of Rome.

If you are lucky enough to make a trip to the Eternal City of Rome, then do not miss the opportunity to visit one of the most magnificent historical monuments of the ancient Christian period - the Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura. When, in the late 80s of the fourth century, the construction of the Basilica of St. Paul, parishioners had to travel a long way to get into it.

Interior decoration of the Church of San Paolo Fuori le Mura (Rome)

History of the Basilica

Once San Paolo Fuori le Mura was located far to the south, outside the city limits. This place was not chosen by chance. Here, in the year 65, during the reign of Emperor Nero, the Apostle Paul was executed. Right there on the site of the ancient cemetery, the pious matron Lutsina buried the Great Martyr Pavel.

Church of St. Paul stood for almost 1440 years in its original form, delighting everyone with its grandeur and beauty. He was not touched by the hands of the barbarians, nor by war, nor by time. In mid-July 1823, a fire broke out while the roof was being repaired.

The inhabitants of Rome experienced grief and shock at the sight of the almost destroyed sanctuary. Smoldering firebrands of a collapsed roof, fragments of marble columns, charred beams. It seemed that the world of beauty and holiness burned down with them. But the great love, faith and help of the entire Christian world helped the Romans to restore this temple almost in its original form.

Russia was one of the first to make its contribution. By order of Nicholas I, for the restoration of the altar, Ural malachite and lapis lazuli were sent to Rome. In 1855, after the completion of restoration work, the basilica, which received a second life, was re-consecrated.

San Paolo Fuori le Mura is strict on the outside, but very beautiful on the inside!

Despite the fact that the appearance of the basilica is restrained and simple, its interior is extremely striking in elegance and luxury. The length of the basilica is 131.66 m, its width is 65 m, the height at its highest part is 29.70 m. The Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura is the second largest in Rome. Three doors, decorated with fragments from the life of Peter and Paul, Jesus Christ and his disciples, the Holy Trinity lead to the temple.

Beautiful inner courtyard of the basilica. Marble columns supporting the arches are installed along its perimeter. The cornice of the arcade is entwined with a mosaic pattern.

The layout of the Basilica of St. Paul represents at its core the Christian cross. Its five naves are designed for a large number of parishioners. The naves are divided by rows of marble columns. The central nave is wider. From the side naves to the central nave, the height and illumination of the interior space increase. It feels like you are coming out of the twilight into a wondrous light.

According to the concept of Christianity, earthly life is seen as darkness, and the world of God is the embodiment of eternal light. This concept is clearly visible here. The center of San Paolo Fuori le Mura is separated from the side aisles by graceful marble colonnades. Despite the fact that the space of the cathedral is easily visible, an unknown force draws you, namely, to the central nave leading to the altar.

A triumphal arch is placed in the depths of the central nave. It is called the arch of Galla Placidia, in honor of the sister of Emperor Onofry. Galla Placidia ordered the mosaic that adorned the arch, and funds for its construction were allocated by the emperor. It is decorated with fragments from the revelations of John the Evangelist.

Jesus Christ is depicted in the center of the arch. On either side of it are 24 teachers of the Church. On the right side of the arch is St. Peter, and on the left St. Paul. A beautiful golden glow shines through the arch. It is reflected from the apse covered with golden smalt. Repeatedly intensifying, this light streams towards the person walking towards the altar, under which there is a sarcophagus with the relics of St. Paul.

Celebration of the 2000th anniversary of St. Paul in San Paolo Fuori le Mura

Pope Benedict XVI, at the ceremony of celebrating the 2000th anniversary of St. Paul, said that the relics belong to St. Paul, and this is confirmed by scientific research, which the Holy Church allowed to conduct. The pontiff also said that after the research is completed, access to the holy relics will be opened.

The architecture of the Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura is very plastic. The play of light and shadow, the gold of the apse, the blue color of the mosaic, the "sunshine" of the false ceiling and the arches' paintings create a sense of movement. Everything calls for the one who entered the halls of the basilica to go to the altar that exudes radiance. Along the perimeter of its central nave, above the columns, there are medallions with portraits of the Popes. However, several medallions are empty. One of the predictions says that as soon as the portrait appears on the last medallion, and the ruling pope dies, the End of the World will come.

Under the vault above the portraits there are windows. Golden light pours through their stained-glass windows, illuminating the Basilica of St. Paul with soft light. It brings hope and faith in a long bright future. The surrounding beauty and grandeur raise a person above the ordinary and vanity of being. They make you think about the higher values ​​of life.

Inner and outer courtyards

Courtyard of San Paolo Fuori le Mura

The courtyard of the Basilica is very beautiful. Paired marble columns supporting the arches are installed along its perimeter. The arcade cornice is entwined with an intricate mosaic pattern. Paths lined with marble slabs lead to the fountain from four arched openings, decorated with double twisted columns, to the center of the courtyard. The courtyard is full of greenery.

No less attractive is the outer courtyard of the temple of San Paolo Fuori le Mura, which is surrounded by 150 marble columns. In its center stands a sculpture of St. Paul. In his right hand he holds a sword, with his left he holds a large book. The whole appearance of the apostle indicates that he is ready to defend the Christian faith at the cost of his own life. This is the price he had to pay.

The classical facade of the Cathedral of St. Paul - San Paolo Fuori le Mura

San Paolo Fuori le Mura on the map of Rome

What other churches in Italy deserve attention:

  • Church
  • - decoration of Venice
  • Church
  • in Assisi
  • in Rome

The Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura (Italian: Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura, which means "St. Paul's Basilica outside the city walls") is one of the four great (patriarchal) basilicas of Rome (included in the UNESCO World Heritage List) . It was founded at the beginning of the 4th century by order of Emperor Constantine on the site of the tomb of St. Paul. As you know, Saint Paul was executed in Rome in 67. AD (according to another version - in 64 AD). The disciples buried the body of Paul a few kilometers from the then walls of the Eternal City, near the Ostian road. Hence the name of the basilica.

The last emperor of the unified Roman Empire, Theodosius I, decided that the church built by Constantine was unworthy of the memory of St. Paul and in 386. the construction of a new, five-aisled basilica began. Pope Gregory the Great made a great contribution to the expansion of the cathedral and its acquisition of spiritual significance. For a long time, before the appearance of St. Peter's Cathedral, the Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura was the largest church in the Christian world. In 1823 a terrible fire almost destroyed the basilica. It took several decades to restore, but the temple was recreated in accordance with the old plans (with the exception of the facade, which was rebuilt in the style of classicism). By the way, malachite and lapis lazuli were sent by the Russian emperor Nicholas I to recreate the altar.

Inside the basilica, several masterpieces of ecclesiastical art should be noted. Firstly, it is a unique mosaic of the 5th century that survived the fire. Secondly, the ciborium (i.e., a canopy over the altar) by Arnolfo di Cambio, in the decor of which ancient pagan and Christian motifs are organically intertwined. But, of course, the frieze with portraits of all the popes of Rome, starting with the Apostle Peter, is considered the most famous decoration of San Paolo Fuori le Mura. According to legend, when there is no free space for portraits on the frieze, the End of the World will come. And there are almost no free medallions left on the frieze, which gives reason to make a forecast: there is still some time before the End of the World, but there is not much of it left. Actually, any of you, having arrived in Rome and visited St. Paul's Basilica, can make your own forecast, counting the remaining empty medallions.

Be sure to visit the elegant cloister (i.e. courtyard) of the Benedictine monastery adjacent to the basilica. Built in 1220-1241, it is still considered one of the most beautiful monastery courtyards in the Western world.

And, finally, a sensation! Although not new. by a group of archaeologists in 2006. excavations were carried out in the cellars of San Paolo Fuori le Mura, and a stone sarcophagus with human remains was found. On the day of the memory of the Apostle Paul on June 29, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI officially announced that the relics of St. Paul lie in the sarcophagus and after all scientific research has been carried out, the church will open access to them for believers. So, in the near future, the Basilica of St. Paul will become one of the greatest shrines for Christians around the world.

Sao Paulo is a Brazilian metropolis with a population of many millions. It is considered the cultural capital of Brazil, so the question of what to see in Sao Paulo can be confusing with a variety of options.

As always, it is better to start from the central square, which can tell a lot about the past of the city. In Sao Paulo, this is Praça da Se, from where you can move along Paulista Avenue to see the rest of the sights. And there are a lot of them in the city, and for every taste: Ibirapuera Park, Liberdade district, the Cathedral in the old center, various museums, exhibition galleries, monuments of architecture and art.

The Art Museum of São Paulo begins to surprise even when approaching it: at first it is hard to believe that the rectangular bulk of the building with an area of ​​​​under 10,000 m2 hangs almost in the air, relying only on four red columns at the corners. An outstanding monument of Brazilian architecture of the last century is made in the style of brutalism, which explains its unusual appearance and color schemes.

Avenida Paulista, or, as the people of Sao Paulo themselves often call it, Avenue Paulista, is the hallmark of the city and its main thoroughfare, the surroundings along which are the focus of the Brazilian economic miracle. It is a wide 85-meter transport artery with a length of 2.8 km, connecting the most significant tourist and business areas of the second most important Brazilian metropolis.

Portuguese is the eighth language in the world in terms of the number of speakers, of which there are almost 200 million in all parts of the world, except maybe Australia and Antarctica. The only museum of the Portuguese language in the world, surprisingly, is located not in Portugal itself, but in Brazil, the largest Portuguese-speaking country.

From a bird's eye view, it resembles a giant flag fluttering in the middle of the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere, one of the ten largest agglomerations in the world - Sao Paulo. This flag is built by the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer, Edifício Copan or simply Copan.

The main attraction of the largest Brazilian city of Sao Paulo is the Paulista Museum (Paulista is translated as "resident of Sao Paulo"). Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it was the first museum created to commemorate a major historical event - the independence of Brazil - and to preserve the memory of this for future generations.

The Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church in Sao Paulo, Brazil has a long history. It all started in the 16th century, when Sao Paulo was still a small village, and Brazil was a colony. The main church of the country began to be built in 1589, and construction was completed in 1616. Over time, the church became the center of the diocese, and it housed the bishop's chair.

In 1965, in Sao Paulo, in honor of the army of thousands of Italian immigrants, one of the highest skyscrapers in Brazil, the "Italia Building", was built. This grandiose building was erected according to the project of the German architect Franz Heap, its height is 168 meters, which is only 2 meters lower than the tallest Brazilian building, Miranti do Vali. Construction was carried out from 1960 to 1965, and as a result, the city received a 46-storey office skyscraper with a usable area of ​​over 50,000 m2.

The Brazilian city of Sao Paulo is the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the ten largest agglomerations in the world. For almost half a thousand years of history, the style of its development has changed many times, and it does not have a single architectural appearance. Therefore, when building the next skyscraper, usually no one worries about whether it will fit into the architectural ensemble or not.

The Brazilian city of Sao Paulo rests on a plateau that is part of the Serra do Mar mountain system, located in Southeast Brazil. This mountain system itself, in turn, is part of the vast geological region "Brazilian Plateau", which occupies almost half of the country's territory. Seismic activity is extremely low, so no seismic problems are observed.

On the territory of the University of São Paulo is the world-famous Butantan Institute. It is a major biomedical research center and reports directly to the São Paulo State Secretariat of Health. The founder of the institute in 1901 was the Brazilian therapist and researcher Vitaliy Brasil.