Gleb nosovsky - royal rome between the oka and the volga rivers. Gleb Nosovskiy Tsarskiy Rome in the interfluve of the Oka and the Volga Why in the era of the Romanovs the name "Novgorod", taken from Yaroslavl, was transferred to the northwest on the shores of Lake Ilmen

A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky


(New information about the Virgin Mary and Andronicus-Christ, the Serf war of the Novgorodians, Dmitry Donskoy and Mamaia, Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient History of Rome by Titus Livy and the Old Testament)


All the results presented in this book are recent, new, and published for the first time. This work follows our books "The Beginning of Horde Rus" and "Baptism of Rus".

The authors discovered new and extremely important information about the Virgin Mary and the Emperor Andronicus-Christ (Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky), the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamaia, Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the antique History of Rome by Titus Livy, the works of Plutarch and the Old Testament.

In this book, we continue to extract new and often unexpected consequences from our earlier statistical and astronomical dating of past events. That is, from the new chronology we created. Mathematical and astronomical proofs of the new chronology proper have been presented by us in previous books, primarily in the books "Foundations of History", "Methods", "Stars". We will not repeat them here.

What do we mean by reporting new information discovered by us and significantly expanding our knowledge about many famous people and events the ancient world? We are not talking about the discovery by us of any fundamentally new, previously unknown manuscripts or inscriptions. Recovered, say, from some dusty, forgotten archives or from excavations. We mainly work with well-known old texts. Although sometimes we did manage to find, ourselves or with the help of colleagues, extremely rare and unique historical materials that turned out to be very valuable for the new chronology. Still, we focus on well-known "antique" works, the Bible, numerous medieval chronicles and manuscripts. Our discovery - which, incidentally, was quite unexpected for ourselves - is that these generally known texts harbor, it turns out, a lot of unknown, firmly forgotten, “buried” by the editors of the 16th-18th centuries. And this deeply buried information must be "unearthed". Sometimes with great difficulty. Once brought to light, they turn out to be fragments of a once rich and detailed picture of the past, forgotten fragments of the lives of famous heroes. Clearing the debris from dirt and later layers, we illuminate with bright light many half-forgotten or completely forgotten facts of the past. The authors do not touch upon issues of faith and theology and do not discuss any of the church dogmas. The book deals exclusively with questions of a historical and chronological nature.

The legend of Romulus and Remus has been known to everyone since childhood. History textbooks, fascinating novels and chic Hollywood films tell of the great "ancient" Rome. The flight of King Aeneas from the flaming Troy and his arrival in the homeland of his ancestors - in the rich People's Land (Latin). A severe she-wolf feeds her milk to the abandoned royal children - Romulus and Remus. A bronze statue of a proud grinning she-wolf created by the great Etruscans in the Vatican Museum. The babies grow up and Romulus founds Rome. The mighty Roman Empire rises. The iron legions of Rome conquer the world. The prediction of the gods is coming true that Rome will rule the entire universe. Bloody gladiatorial battles in the arena of the huge Colosseum. Annunciation. Virgin Mary embraces two babies - Christ and John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Christ. Solar eclipse and earthquake at the time of Jesus' death. Bright Resurrection of Christ. The Dormition of the Mother of God and the death of the legendary beauty, the Roman woman Lucretia. Fierce tigers and lions are set against the first Christians, who die a martyr's death in front of the pagan-Romans roaring with delight, dressed in beautiful togas with a blood-red border. The cruel emperor Nero in a flower wreath sings a song on the podium of a huge amphitheater. The great Roman historian Titus Livy tells admiringly about Tsarist Rome in his famous "History from the Founding of the City". The great Greek historian Plutarch writes biographies of prominent Romans and Greeks ...

AFTER THIS BOTH MADE UNITED AND LIVED TOGETHER, AND EVERYONE GOT THE WIFE OF THE WOMAN HE HAS FIRST COUNTED. Husbands, however, could not learn the language of their wives, while wives learned the language of their husbands. When they finally began to understand each other, the men said the following to the Amazons: “... We can no longer lead such a life and therefore we want to return to our own people and live again with our people. YOU WILL BE OUR Wives ALONE AND WE WILL NOT HAVE OTHERS. " To this the Amazons replied: “We cannot live with your women. After all, our customs are not the same as theirs ... If you want us to be your wives ... then go to your parents and receive your share of the inheritance. When you return, let's live on our own. "

The young men obeyed their wives and did so: they returned to the Amazons, having received their share of the inheritance. Then the women said to them: “We are horrified at the thought that we will have to live in this country: after all, for our sake you have lost your fathers, and we have done great harm to your country. BUT AS YOU WANT TO TAKE US AS A WIFE, LET'S DO IT TOGETHER: LET'S LEAVE THIS COUNTRY AND LIVE BEYOND THE TANAIS RIVER. "

The young men agreed to this too. They crossed Tanais and then walked three days east of Tanais and three days north of Lake Meotida. Arriving in the area where they still live, they settled there. Since then, Sauromat women have retained their ancient customs: together with their husbands and even without them, they go hunting on horseback, go on a hike and wear the same clothes with men.

SAVROMATS SPEAK SKIFSKI, but from time immemorial it is wrong, as the Amazons have poorly mastered this language ”, p. 214-216.

In fact, here Herodotus again repeated the plot of the Servant War, and in a version quite close to the abduction of the Sabine women, according to Titus Livy. Judge for yourself.

1) According to Herodotus, the Greeks during the war CAPTURED WOMEN - AMAZON and went with them to their homeland. According to Titus Livy, the Romans abduct the Sabine women. According to the Russian - Horde version, the slaves - slaves took the wives of their masters.

2) According to Herodotus, the Amazons were soon left “without men” again. They allegedly killed all the Greeks who had captured them. This motive of WOMEN WITHOUT HUSBANDS (MEN) sounds both in the version of Titus Livy and in the Novgorod version. Wives were left without husbands for one reason or another.

3) According to Herodotus, women - Amazons found themselves in the land of the Scythians. There was a fight between them and the Scythians. There were even those killed. Realizing that they were dealing with women, the Scythians decided NOT to KILL the AMAZONS, but, on the contrary, TO TAKE THEY AS WIFES FOR YOUR YOUNG PEOPLE. This plot almost coincides with the story told by Titus Livy. He also claims that the Romans decided to kidnap the Sabine women, so that they could take them as wives and prolong their birth. Of course, no one was going to kill the Sabine women. The men - the Sabines, who were present at the abduction of wives and Sabine girls, were frightened and did not offer real military resistance to the Romans. The Russian - Horde version speaks dully, without any details, about "abduction of wives by slaves." It is only reported that the wives of the Scythians supposedly decided to become slave wives themselves, since they believed in the death of their husbands, who had gone on a long campaign.

4) Herodotus specifies exactly how the Scythian plan was implemented. The Scythians have come up with TICE. In order to lull the vigilance and belligerence of the Amazons, the Scythian youths had to break their camp not far from them and, in case of persecution from the Amazons, temporarily retreat. But then it was recommended to slowly approach and break the camp again. This should have been done carefully until the Amazons got used to it, put up with the presence of the Scythians and enter into sexual intercourse with them.

The motif of CUTE is also vivid in the Roman version of Titus Livy. Romulus and the Romans also misled the Sabines by arranging for a diversion a holiday, to which they invited neighbors with their wives and daughters. When they arrived, the Romans unexpectedly, according to a conventional sign, rushed at the Sabine women and kidnapped them. In the Greek version of Herodotus, the motive of the forcible abduction of women is greatly softened and replaced by the gradual adaptation of the Amazons to the young men - Scythians - who are not far from them. As we have already noted, the Russian Novgorod version also says that the wives of the Scythians themselves decided to take slaves as their husbands, since they mistakenly considered their husbands dead in the war. Thus, the motive for voluntarily entering into marriage sounds. We see that Herodotus's story is in good agreement with both Titus Livy's version and the Russian-Horde version.

5) According to Herodotus, in the end, the amazons' suspicion was replaced by love for the young men - the Scythians, who had been seeking their attention for so long. As a result, the Amazons became the wives of the Scythians. The Roman version of Titus Livius tells the same story. The abducted Sabine women at first, naturally, grieved for their former families, but the Romans who kidnapped them tried in every possible way to please the women. As a result, the initial resentment was replaced by love and respect. The Sabine women became good wives of the Romans. The Russian - Horde version also reports about the VOLUNTARY entry of the wives of Novgorodians into marriage with slaves.

6) According to Herodotus, the event takes place in Scythia. That is, as we understand it, in Russia - the Horde. Probably in the era of the XIII - early XIV century A.D. e., when the Trojan king Aeneas \u003d Prince Rurik and his descendants founded Tsarist Rome in the Mesopotamia of the Oka and Volga. Herodotus also reports that the Scythian youths and their wives, the Amazons, set off on a long journey to found a new kingdom. It is clearly stated that they go northeast from the Tanais River, that is, from the Don River. Let's remind that on old maps Don was called Tanais, see the book "New Chronology of Rus". But if you move to the northeast from the Don River in the course of, as Herodotus says, three days to the east and three days to the north, then you can find yourself just in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. Which, as we showed in the book "The Beginning of Horde Rus", became the metropolis of Tsarist Rome, founded here by Aeneas and his descendants. Thus, the testimony of Herodotus, Titus Livy, Virgil and other "antique" authors in this point are in good agreement both with each other and with the Russian - Horde version. According to which, Novgorod became the metropolis of the new Kingdom. By virtue of our results, this is Yaroslavl on the Volga or, more generally, the region of several cities around Yaroslavl.

CONCLUSION. In the "History" of Herodotus there are two very close stories about the Servant War of the Novgorodians, probably from the 13th to the beginning of the 14th century AD. e.

So, the story of the "antique" Herodotus about the wives - the Amazons is directly connected with the Russian - Horde history of the Servant War near Yaroslavl - Novgorod. It is appropriate to recall here that, according to the numerous facts we have discovered, the "ancient Amazons" are the Russian - Horde COSSACKS. The wives of the Cossacks who lived on the Don and on the Volga, see "New Chronology of Russia", ch. 4: 6; "Empire", ch. 9:20 am. In particular, on old maps, "The Land of the Amazons" was repeatedly depicted in Russia, in the Mesopotamia of the Volga and Don. Such, for example, is the map of Charles V and Ferdinand, cited and studied by us in the book "New Chronology of Rus", ch. 4, ill. 4.8.


As we have shown in the book "New Chronology of Rus" and our other publications, the chronicle Veliky Novgorod is the city of Yaroslavl on the Volga. Or rather, the name of the whole region, which included several more cities, in particular Rostov and Suzdal. But in the epoch of the XVII century the name “Novgorod” was taken away from Yaroslavl and assigned to a small town, a former okolotka - a prison in the northwest of Russia, near Lake Ilmen, at the mouth of the river, which was named VOLKHOV. The question arises, why EXACTLY HERE was the famous chronicle name NOVGOROD transferred - on paper and on maps - and at the same time the no less famous name VOLGA? After all, it is clear that the word VOLKHOV is just a slightly distorted name for VOLGA.

Figure: 1.218. A fragment of S. Herberstein's map allegedly of 1546, which generally correctly shows the vicinity of the Northern Dvina. Taken from, card P

The answers may vary. However, there is one among them that deserves serious attention. Let us turn to the old maps of Muscovy, compiled by Western European cartographers and travelers of the 16th – 17th centuries. The following curious circumstance is noteworthy. These maps depict the Northern Dvina and its environs quite well; cities and villages of this region are more or less correctly shown. See, for example, fig. 1.218 the corresponding fragment of S. Herberstein's map allegedly of 1546, in fig. 1.25 fragment of Frederic de Wit's map of 1670, in Fig. 1.219 - drawing of an old map of Guillaume Delisle of 1706. It can be seen that Western cartographers knew well those areas where Western merchants and merchant ships arrived by the Northern Sea Route. They climbed up the Dvina and other rivers of this region, eventually reaching Yaroslavl, the largest shopping center of that era. See the modern map in fig. 1.216 and 1.214. But Vladimir - Suzdal Rus, the environs of the city of Moscow and, in general, the lands to the south and west of Yaroslavl, Western cartographers knew much worse. They even had difficulties with Moscow. That is, with the capital of Russia in the 16th century! For example, on the same map of S. Herberstein allegedly in 1546, the city of Moscow is not marked. Only the name of the land is written - MOSKOVIA (Moscowia), see fig. 1.218.

A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky


(New information about the Virgin Mary and Andronicus-Christ, the Serf war of the Novgorodians, Dmitry Donskoy and Mamaia, Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient History of Rome by Titus Livy and the Old Testament)


All the results presented in this book are recent, new, and published for the first time. This work follows our books "The Beginning of Horde Rus" and "Baptism of Rus".

The authors discovered new and extremely important information about the Virgin Mary and the Emperor Andronicus-Christ (Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky), the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamaia, Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the antique History of Rome by Titus Livy, the works of Plutarch and the Old Testament.

In this book, we continue to extract new and often unexpected consequences from our earlier statistical and astronomical dating of past events. That is, from the new chronology we created. Mathematical and astronomical proofs of the new chronology proper have been presented by us in previous books, primarily in the books "Foundations of History", "Methods", "Stars". We will not repeat them here.

What do we mean by reporting new information discovered by us and significantly expanding our knowledge about many famous people and events of the ancient world? We are not talking about the discovery by us of any fundamentally new, previously unknown manuscripts or inscriptions. Retrieved, say, from some dusty, forgotten archives or from excavations. We mainly work with well-known old texts. Although sometimes we really managed to find, ourselves or with the help of colleagues, extremely rare and unique historical materials that turned out to be very valuable for the new chronology. Still, we focus on well-known "antique" works, the Bible, numerous medieval chronicles and manuscripts. Our discovery - which, incidentally, was quite unexpected for ourselves - is that these generally known texts harbor, it turns out, a lot of unknown, firmly forgotten, “buried” by the editors of the 16th-18th centuries. And this deeply buried information must be "unearthed". Sometimes with great difficulty. Once brought to light, they turn out to be fragments of a once rich and detailed picture of the past, forgotten fragments of the lives of famous heroes. Clearing the debris from dirt and later deposits, we illuminate with bright light many half-forgotten or completely forgotten facts of the past. The authors do not touch upon issues of faith and theology and do not discuss any of the church dogmas. The book deals exclusively with questions of a historical and chronological nature.

The legend of Romulus and Remus has been known to everyone since childhood. History textbooks, fascinating novels and chic Hollywood films tell of the great "ancient" Rome. The flight of King Aeneas from the flaming Troy and his arrival in the homeland of his ancestors - in the rich People's Land (Latin). A severe she-wolf feeds her milk to the abandoned royal children - Romulus and Remus. A bronze statue of a proud grinning she-wolf created by the great Etruscans in the Vatican Museum. The babies grow up and Romulus founds Rome. The mighty Roman Empire rises. The iron legions of Rome conquer the world. The prediction of the gods is coming true that Rome will rule the entire universe. Bloody gladiatorial battles in the arena of the huge Colosseum. Annunciation. Virgin Mary embraces two babies - Christ and John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Christ. Solar eclipse and earthquake at the time of Jesus' death. Bright Resurrection of Christ. The Dormition of the Mother of God and the death of the legendary beauty, the Roman woman Lucretia. Fierce tigers and lions are set against the first Christians, who die a martyr's death in front of the pagan-Romans roaring with delight, dressed in beautiful togas with a blood-red border. The cruel emperor Nero in a flower wreath sings a song on the podium of a huge amphitheater. The great Roman historian Titus Livy tells admiringly about Tsarist Rome in his famous "History from the Founding of the City". The great Greek historian Plutarch writes biographies of prominent Romans and Greeks ...

It is believed that an educated person should know a lot from the history of Ancient Rome. And this is absolutely correct. Roman history is indeed the backbone of ancient history. Many modern states are rightfully proud of the fact that their roots go back to "ancient" Rome, that many European and Asian cities were first founded by Roman legions during the era of the spread of the Empire in all directions.

In this book we show that the "antique" Tsarist Rome is a state that arose in the Mesopotamia of the Oka and the Volga, that is, in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, in the 13th - early 14th centuries. Another name for Imperial Rome is the Great \u003d "Mongol" Empire, which, according to the new chronology, existed in the XIV-XVI centuries AD. e. The point of view accepted today that “antique” Rome conquered the entire civilized world of that time, IS REAL. However, with one amendment - this did not happen long before our era, as the Scaligerian history assures us, but in the era of the XIV-XVI centuries. It was at this time that the Great \u003d "Mongolian" Empire - that is, Russia-Horde, according to our reconstruction - covered almost the entire world.

We found that on the pages of the famous works of "ancient" Roman authors, for example, Titus Livius, SPEAKS A LOT AND RESPECT ABOUT THE VIRGIN MARY, THE MOTHER OF CHRIST. Recall that, according to our research (see the book "Tsar of the Slavs"), Christ is described in the Byzantine chronicles as the emperor Andronicus of the 12th century AD. e., and in the Russians - as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (partially). Thus, if we talk about secular history, then we are talking about the mother of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus the Elder. WE ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME PRESENTING ANCIENT SOVIET SOURCES THAT TELL THE MOTHER OF GOD WITH THE LIPS OF CONTEMPORARIES. In particular, the assertion of the Scaligerian version is refuted that Mary the Mother of God was described by her contemporaries allegedly only in religious sources and was practically not reflected in the pages of "antique" secular literature of that era. The information we have discovered throws a new bright light on the life of Mary the Virgin.

We show that the emperor Andronicus-Christ was also reflected in the pages of the famous "antique" authors - Titus Livy and Plutarch. Let us recall that the Scaligerian version insists that Christ was described by his contemporaries only in church sources and was practically not described in the pages of "ancient" secular literature. In other words, the Scaligerian historians assert that none of the secular chroniclers-contemporaries of Christ considered it necessary to leave information about him in their chronicles. Or, at least, such information has not reached us, with rare and, moreover, dubious exceptions. In the books "Tsar of the Slavs" and "The Beginning of Horde Rus", we showed that this is far from the case. It turned out that Andronicus-Christ was well known to many secular authors - their contemporaries. The works of which are cited, for example, by the later Byzantine historian Nikita Choniates. Further it turned out that the life of Christ was described not only by Byzantine secular writers, but also by Russian chroniclers. They knew Christ as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. And also - as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Further, we showed that many plots of the chronicle "biography" of Andronicus-Christ were included in the "antique" stories about the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

In this book, we significantly expand the list of "antique" secular texts and authors who speak a lot about Andronicus-Christ, as well as about Tsar Khan Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, under whom apostolic Christianity was adopted in the Empire. First of all, this applies to the famous books "History from the founding of the City" by Titus Livy and "Comparative Biographies" of Plutarch. It turned out that Christ is known to us today under his two secular names. Namely, as the famous Romul, the first king of "ancient" Tsarist Rome. And also as Servius Tullius, the sixth, penultimate king of Tsarist Rome.

In the books "Cossacks-Aryans: from Russia to India" and "Baptism of Russia" we showed that the famous Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 was also reflected in many "ancient" primary sources, which are now referred to "deep antiquity". In particular, in the Bible, "ancient" Indian epic, "antique" mythology, Roman history. In this book, we present new vivid reflections of the Battle of Kulikovo and its main participants - Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, found by us in the "History" of Titus Livy and the Bible. This allows you to brighten up the great religious battle for the establishment of apostolic Christianity in the Great \u003d "Mongol" Empire. Now the description of the Battle of Kulikovo becomes much more saturated, since we add new sources to the previously known sources about it, which were mistakenly attributed to completely different eras and events of the “distant past”. Now that historical events and their descriptions have begun to "take their place" correctly, much in history has become clearer.

This is a story about the legendary country of the Rus - Arsania (Arsa, Artab), known from Arab sources, now it is the area of \u200b\u200bthe middle Oka in the Ryazan region. The name of this center of Russia comes from the self-name of the Mordovian tribes - Erzya (Arsa from the Iranian aršan (hero, man). The name of the Russian city of Ryazan (Erzyan) also comes from him. It is possible that the famous, mentioned by Arab historians, could be the capital of this particular Since it is highly probable that the legendary Arsa was originally located on Borkovsky Island, near present-day Ryazan, this island (or peninsula) is located between the rivers Oka and Trubezh at the northern border of modern Ryazan.

Borkovsky island near Ryazan on the map of S. Herberstein (1549).

View from the Island to the domes of the Assumption Cathedral in the Ryazan Kremlin.

Borkovsky Island is known for its numerous hoards of Arab silver coins, there are more of them here than in any other ancient Russian city. The famous researcher of Old Ryazan Mongayt believed that there are 7 of these treasures, now their number has been reduced to 5. Even in spite of this circumstance, the island village of Borki, in the north of Ryazan, remains the absolute leader in the treasures of Kufic silver. For example, in the famous Ladoga, the main northern city of the Russians, there are 4 of them, on the Sarsk settlement - the oldest Scandinavian center near Rostov, there are only 2 treasures. In total, 56 treasures of Arab dirhams are known on the Middle and Lower Oka, for comparison, only 25 treasures were found in the region of Novgorod and Ladoga. Those. in the region of Arsania the largest number of Arab coins is concentrated than elsewhere in Russia. This is evidence that Arsa is the main trade center (marketplace) of the Rus on the Great Volga Trade Route. It was here, near the future Ryazan, that two important river routes crossed - the Volga and the Don. Along the Volga it was possible to get to the Caspian Sea, along the Don River - to the Azov and Black ones.

Map of treasures of Arab dirhams on the Volga trade route from the book of I.E. Dubova "The Great Volga Way". Location legendary country Arsania (45-89) is literally striking with an abundance of black dots.

On the map of Muscovy, compiled by S. Herberstein in 1549, this intersection of river routes is literally depicted. The rivers Oka and Don (Tanais) flow into a huge lake in the center of Muscovy. In the middle of this huge lake is depicted a certain Island, which Herberstein calls Strub (Strvb).

S. Herberstein describes the island near Ryazan as "a once great reign, whose sovereign was not subject to anyone," while he does not mention anything about the Ryazan principality.

Sigismund Herberstein
Notes on Muscovy

The Ryazan Region is located between the Oka and the Tanais River; it has a wooden town near the banks of the Oka. There was also a fortress called Iaroslaw; only traces of it now remain. Not far from the city, the Oka river forms an island called Strub, once a great reign, whose sovereign was not subject to anyone

It is well known that not a single city of the Ryazan principality was located on an island in the middle of the Oka. Gerberstein mentions Pereyaslavl Ryazan (present-day Ryazan), he calls it the fortress Yaroslav (Iaroslaw) and confuses it with Old Ryazan, supposedly only traces of it remained. Apparently, Herberstein learned about these cities from stories. They told him about the great island state, which in his mind was superimposed on the information about the Ryazan principality and was even able to block it. The island state has become more significant than the future Russian principality. What the word Strub means is unknown, perhaps it is a modified "log" in the meaning of a fortress, maybe this is a distorted word "island".

Ibn Rust, "The Book of Expensive Values"
As for the Rus (ar-rusiya), they are on an island surrounded by a lake. The island on which they live, a three-day journey, is covered with forests and swamps, unhealthy and cheese to the point that as soon as a person steps on the ground, the latter shakes due to the abundance of moisture in it. They have a king called Khakan-Rus.

The interfluve of the Oka and the Trubezh River is the land of numerous lakes and swamps. During spring floods, it was almost completely flooded, only the tops of huge sand dunes remained above the water. When the water subsides, the approximate diameter of Borkovsky Island can be up to 2 km. This is somewhat less, but they could be wrong, because none of the Arabs had ever been to the Rus Island.

Borkovsky Island was formed by the sediments of the Oka River. In ancient times, its huge sand dunes were even called mountains. The largest dune bore the name "Sakor-Gora", on which a settlement and a large burial ground of the Finno-Ugric Ryazan-Oka archaeological culture were found at the end of the 19th century. This warlike culture existed until the 7th century; it is believed that it subsequently transformed into the Meshchera culture and underwent strong Slavization. One of the first explorers of Borkovsky Island, A.I. Cherepnin, recorded at the end of the 19th century a local legend about the owners of Sakor Mountain.

A.I. Tcherepnin “Local antiquity. Borkovsky burial ground "(TRUAK, 1894, T. 9, Issue 1, pp. 1-26)
“A long time ago, it seems, even before the Tatars, there was a town with iron gates on Sakor Mountain; alien giants lived in the city; they led a dissolute life - they offended the neighboring peasants, robbed their property, took away their wives and daughters by force; there was no sweetness with them. Many years passed, the giants did not leave their sinful life. It was hard for the people. Long-suffering and merciful the Lord, for a long time He tolerated the ugliness of the giants; but God's mercy also ends. God was angry with the wicked, sent fierce enemies against them, who destroyed the giants to the last baby and ravaged their rotten town. It was then that a miracle happened, the iron gates went into the ground by themselves - it was easy for the enemies to break into the town.

Remains of a sand dune on Borkovsky Island.

Cherepnin's information is in many ways consistent with the text of S. Herberstein and the references by Arab authors. On the site of the current village of Borki, there was once a center of powerful rulers. The Arabs called him Arsa (Arta, Artania). They wrote that none of the strangers returned from here alive. Why is unknown.

“Rusy. There are three groups [jeans]. One group of them is the closest to the Bulgar, and their king sits in a city called Kuyaba, and it [the city] is larger than the Bulgar. And the most distant of them is a group called as-Slaviya, and their [third] group, called al-Arsaniya, and their king sits in Ars. And people for trade come to Cuyabu. As for Arsa, it is not known that any of the foreigners reached it, since there they [the inhabitants] kill every foreigner who comes to their lands. Only they themselves go down the water and trade, but they do not tell anyone anything about their affairs and their goods and do not allow anyone to accompany them and enter their country. And black sables and tin [lead?] Are exported from Arsa. "

The Arabs undoubtedly called Kiev the city of Kuyaba, Slaviya most likely Novgorod, the land of the Ilmen Slovenes. The Arabs often confused the Balkan Bulgaria and the Volga, therefore, in the story of Istakhri, the name Bulgar means precisely the First Bulgarian Kingdom (which is in the Balkans). It is really closer to Kiev than to the other two centers of Russia. Many generations of researchers tried to place the city of Arsu literally anywhere - from the Baltic to Perm. But most linguists saw Arsania in the area of \u200b\u200bpresent-day Ryazan because of the coincidence of the name of the city, the name of the local Erzya and the Arisu people mentioned by the Khazar king Joseph.

Reply letter from the Khazar king Joseph
Near (this) river (Itil, Volga) there are numerous peoples in villages and cities, some in open areas, and others in fortified (walled) cities. Here are their names: Bur-t-s, Bul-r, S-var, Arisu, Ts-r-mis, V-n-n-tit, S-v-r, S-l-viyun Every nation defies (accurate) investigation and is innumerable. They all serve me and pay tribute.

The people of Arisu, according to the Khazar king, lived near the Volga (Itil), next to the Suvars (S-var - a tribe of the Volga Bulgars) and the Cheremis Mari (Ts-r-mis). This is an approximate settlement of the Mordovian tribes.
In the 9th century, the territory of the Middle Oka was captured by the Vyatichi. As is known from the Tale of Bygone Years, the Vyatichi were also under the control of the Khazars and paid tribute to them, Tsar Joseph apparently mentions them under the name Vnnn-tit (venchi, vyatichi).
It can be assumed that the Russians on Borkovsky Island were also dependent on the Khazar Kaganate. The legend about the receipt of their land by the Russians from the Khazars is cited by Arab authors.

Mojmal at-tavarih
“They also say that Rus and Khazar were from the same mother and father. Then Rus grew up and, since he did not have a place that he liked, he wrote a letter to Khazar and asked him to give a part of his country to settle there. and found a place for himself. The island is neither large nor small, with swampy soil and rotten air; there he settled. "

The coast of Borkovsky Island and the Oka River in the Lukovsky Forest area.

On the map of al-Idrisi, the city of Artan is located in the lands of the Mordovians west of the Volga (Itil). Next to it on the map is a certain river Saginu (or Sakir), whose name resembles the name "Sakor-mountains" from the legend of Borkovsky Island. It is quite possible that this is no coincidence, near Idrisi the Sakir River is a kind of tributary of the Volga that flows into the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, i.e. this is the combination of the Oka and Don rivers at the same time.

Below is a reconstruction of the al-Idrisi map with Latin designations of toponyms. A piece of the Black Sea is at the top. The city of Artan is depicted on the top of the mountain. Idrisi wrote about him:
The city of Arsa is beautiful and (located) on a fortified mountain between Slava and Cuyaba.

Reconstruction of the Idrisi map from the book by BA Rybakov "Russian lands on the Idrisi map". The reconstruction is close to modern cartography.

Arab authors specially singled out the Oka - it was called the Rus (Rus) River and, apparently, was combined with the Volga. Since it was along the Oka that the famous Volga trade route went from the Varangians to the Arabs (or Khazars). The ethnic community of Russia itself undoubtedly formed on this trade route.

"Khudud al-alam" about the river Rus
“Another river - Rus, which flows out of the depths of the country of the Slavs and flows eastward until it reaches the borders of the Rus. Then it passes the borders of Urtab, Slab and Kuyafa, which are the cities of the Rus, and the borders of Kifdjak. There it changes direction and flows south to the borders of the Pechenegs and flows into Attil. "

The Rus River is so important for the compiler of "Khudud al-alam" that he places all three Russian centers on its banks - Urtab (Ryazan), Slab (Novgorod) and Kuyafa (Kiev). This is undoubtedly a mistake, but it emphasizes the importance of the Oka and the Volga trade route for Russian history.

"Khudud al-alam" About the three centers of the Rus.
Kuia.a is the city of the Rus, closest to Muslims, a pleasant place and the residence of the king. Various furs and valuable swords are taken out of it. Sla.a is a pleasant city, and from it, when peace reigns, trade with the Bulgar country is conducted. Artab is a city where every stranger is killed and from where very valuable sword blades and swords that can be bent in half are taken out, but as soon as the hand is withdrawn, they take their previous shape. "

The unknown author of "Khudud al-alam" emphasizes that valuable, apparently damask, sword blades are exported from Arsa. Most likely they were produced in Europe and transported along the Volga route, but it can be assumed that some samples were forged on the spot, because the Ryazan-Oka Finns had a fairly developed culture of metalworking.

Since the 15th century, the Epiphany Monastery has been known on Borkovsky Island. The current Epiphany Church in Borki was built in 1673. Nowadays, a cemetery of the village of Borki has developed around the Church of the Epiphany.

At present, almost all sand dunes on Borkovsky Island have ceased to exist. From here, during the entire Soviet period, sand was removed to construction sites in Ryazan. Because of this barbarism, a significant part of the sandy mountains turned into quarries filled with water. Of course, the entire cultural layer of Sakor Mountain was completely destroyed. The remains of this dune are now built up with houses from the village of Borki.

Lake Svyatoe on Borkovsky Island.

To the east of Sakor Mountain there used to be the so-called Pearl Field and Pearl Hillock, as well as French Hills. These names appeared due to the active treasure hunting in this area. Local residents found placers of jewelry right on the surface of the Pearl Field. The "French" hillocks became due to the fact that they constantly found the burials of unknown soldiers with cold weapons, local peasants believed that these were the graves of soldiers of the Napoleonic army in 1812.

Systematic archaeological research on Borkovsky Island was carried out only at the end of the 19th century, these were the excavations of V.A. Gorodtsov, A.I. Cherepnin. Most of the treasures of Kufic silver from Borok were also found in the 19th century. In Soviet times, the dunes were explored only sporadically, especially since by the 1970s they were almost completely destroyed.

A.L. Mongait wrote about the settlements on Borkovsky Island in Soviet times.

“Many Chud settlements, which arose in the early Iron Age, continued to exist in the 6th-10th centuries. n. e. Such are, for example, two settlements discovered by V.A.Gorodtsov in Borki in 1890. One of them was located at the southern end of Sokor-Gora and was characterized by pits and remnants of destroyed adobe furnaces, near which fragments of rough earthenware and burnt stones lay in abundance , iron ore and slags, clay spinning and sinkers. Another settlement was discovered on the so-called "French Hills", not far from the place where a treasure with Kufic coins of the 10th century was found. The area of \u200b\u200bthe village is covered with a layer of coal, which indicates its destruction by fire. A mass of roughly shaped ceramics with thick walls was found here, according to V.A.Gorodtsov, contemporary to the Borkovsky burial ground and basically dating both villages "
A.L. Mongait. "Ryazan land".

It is very difficult to draw conclusions about the ethnic component of the population of Borkovsky Island, primarily because of its poor knowledge. After all, the researchers of the late 19th century did not yet possess all the skills of modern archeology. During the Soviet era, little research was done on Borki, and by the end of the 20th century, the cultural layers of the Island had already ceased to exist.

It is possible that the Borka settlement in the 9th century had a mixed Finno-Slavic population under the control of the Scandinavian Rus. Since the Vyatichi were under the control of the Khazars, it can be assumed that there was some kind of Khazar contingent. The presence of the Khazars on the Middle Oka can be evidenced by the presence of a settlement


All the results presented in this book are recent, new, and published for the first time. This work follows our books "The Beginning of Horde Rus" and "Baptism of Rus".

The authors discovered new and extremely important information about the Virgin Mary and the Emperor Andronicus-Christ (Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky), the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamaia, Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the antique History of Rome by Titus Livy, the works of Plutarch and the Old Testament.

In this book, we continue to extract new and often unexpected consequences from our earlier statistical and astronomical dating of past events. That is, from the new chronology we created. Mathematical and astronomical proofs of the new chronology proper have been presented by us in previous books, primarily in the books "Foundations of History", "Methods", "Stars". We will not repeat them here.

What do we mean by reporting new information discovered by us and significantly expanding our knowledge about many famous people and events of the ancient world? We are not talking about the discovery by us of any fundamentally new, previously unknown manuscripts or inscriptions. Retrieved, say, from some dusty, forgotten archives or from excavations. We mainly work with well-known old texts. Although sometimes we really managed to find, ourselves or with the help of colleagues, extremely rare and unique historical materials that turned out to be very valuable for the new chronology. Still, we focus on well-known "antique" works, the Bible, numerous medieval chronicles and manuscripts. Our discovery - which, incidentally, was quite unexpected for ourselves - is that these generally known texts harbor, it turns out, a lot of unknown, firmly forgotten, “buried” by the editors of the 16th-18th centuries. And this deeply buried information must be "unearthed". Sometimes with great difficulty. Once brought to light, they turn out to be fragments of a once rich and detailed picture of the past, forgotten fragments of the lives of famous heroes. Clearing the debris from dirt and later layers, we illuminate with bright light many half-forgotten or completely forgotten facts of the past. The authors do not touch upon issues of faith and theology and do not discuss any of the church dogmas. The book deals exclusively with historical and chronological issues.

The legend of Romulus and Remus has been known to everyone since childhood. History textbooks, fascinating novels and chic Hollywood films tell of the great "ancient" Rome. The flight of King Aeneas from the flaming Troy and his arrival in the homeland of his ancestors - in the rich People's Land (Latin). A severe she-wolf feeds her milk to the abandoned royal children - Romulus and Remus. A bronze statue of a proud grinning she-wolf created by the great Etruscans in the Vatican Museum. The babies grow up and Romulus founds Rome. The mighty Roman Empire rises. The iron legions of Rome conquer the world. The prediction of the gods is coming true that Rome will rule the entire universe. Bloody gladiatorial battles in the arena of the huge Colosseum. Annunciation. Virgin Mary embraces two babies - Christ and John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Christ. Solar eclipse and earthquake at the time of Jesus' death. Bright Resurrection of Christ. The Dormition of the Mother of God and the death of the legendary beauty, the Roman woman Lucretia. Fierce tigers and lions are set against the first Christians, who die a martyr's death in front of the pagan-Romans roaring with delight, dressed in beautiful togas with a blood-red border. The cruel emperor Nero, wearing a flower wreath, sings a song on the platform of a huge amphitheater. The great Roman historian Titus Livy speaks with admiration about Tsarist Rome in his famous "History from the Founding of the City". The great Greek historian Plutarch writes biographies of prominent Romans and Greeks ...

It is believed that an educated person should know a lot from the history of Ancient Rome. And this is absolutely correct. Roman history is indeed the backbone of ancient history. Many modern states are rightfully proud of the fact that their roots go back to "ancient" Rome, that many European and Asian cities were first founded by Roman legions during the era of the spread of the Empire in all directions.

In this book, we show that the "antique" Tsarist Rome is a state that arose in the Mesopotamia of the Oka and the Volga, that is, in Vladimir-Suzdal Russia, in the 13th - early 14th centuries. Another name for Imperial Rome is Great \u003d "Mongol" Empire, which, according to the new chronology, existed in the XIV-XVI centuries AD. e. The point of view accepted today that “antique” Rome conquered the entire civilized world of that time, IS REAL. However, with one amendment - this did not happen long before our era, as the Scaligerian history assures us, but in the era of the XIV-XVI centuries. It was at this time that the Great \u003d "Mongolian" Empire - that is, Russia-Horde, according to our reconstruction - covered almost the entire world.

We found that on the pages of the famous works of "ancient" Roman authors, for example, Titus Livius, SPEAKS A LOT AND RESPECT ABOUT THE VIRGIN MARY, THE MOTHER OF CHRIST. Recall that, according to our research (see the book "Tsar of the Slavs"), Christ is described in the Byzantine chronicles as the emperor Andronicus of the 12th century AD. e., and in the Russians - as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (partially). Thus, if we talk about secular history, then we are talking about the mother of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus the Elder. WE ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME PRESENTING ANCIENT SOVIET SOURCES THAT TELL THE MOTHER OF GOD WITH THE LIPS OF CONTEMPORARY. In particular, the assertion of the Scaligerian version is refuted that Mary the Mother of God was described by her contemporaries allegedly only in religious sources and was practically not reflected in the pages of "antique" secular literature of that era. The information we have discovered throws a new bright light on the life of Mary the Virgin.

We show that the emperor Andronicus-Christ was also reflected in the pages of the famous "antique" authors - Titus Livy and Plutarch. Let us recall that the Scaligerian version insists that Christ was described by his contemporaries only in church sources and was practically not described in the pages of "ancient" secular literature. In other words, the Scaligerian historians assert that none of the secular chroniclers of Christ's contemporaries considered it necessary to leave information about him in their chronicles. Or, at least, such information has not reached us, with rare and, moreover, dubious exceptions. In the books "Tsar of the Slavs" and "The Beginning of Horde Rus" we showed that this is far from the case. It turned out that Andronicus-Christ was well known to many secular authors - their contemporaries. The works of which are cited, for example, by the later Byzantine historian Nikita Choniates. Further it turned out that the life of Christ was described not only by Byzantine secular writers, but also by Russian chroniclers. They knew Christ as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. And also - as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Further, we showed that many plots of the chronicle "biography" of Andronicus-Christ were included in the "antique" stories about the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

In this book, we significantly expand the list of "antique" secular texts and authors who speak a lot about Andronicus-Christ, as well as about Tsar Khan Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, under whom apostolic Christianity was adopted in the Empire. First of all, this refers to the famous books "History from the founding of the City" by Titus Livy and "Comparative Biographies" of Plutarch. It turned out that Christ is known to us today under his two secular names. Namely, as the famous Romulus, the first king of "ancient" Tsarist Rome. And also as Servius Tullius, the sixth, penultimate king of Tsarist Rome.

In the books "Cossacks-Aryans: from Russia to India" and "Baptism of Russia" we showed that the famous Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 was also reflected in many "ancient" primary sources, which are now referred to "deep antiquity". In particular, in the Bible, "ancient" Indian epic, "antique" mythology, Roman history. In this book, we present new vivid reflections of the Battle of Kulikovo and its main participants - Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, found by us in the "History" of Titus Livy and the Bible. This allows you to brighten up the great religious battle for the establishment of apostolic Christianity in the Great \u003d "Mongol" Empire. Now the description of the Battle of Kulikovo becomes much more saturated, since we add new sources to the previously known sources about it, which were mistakenly attributed to completely different eras and events of the “distant past”. Now that historical events and their descriptions have begun to "take their place" correctly, much in history has become clearer.

In our books on chronology, we have repeatedly said that in antiquity, texts were often written either without vowels at all, or omitting most of them. It is known that in Arabic writing, for example, vowels practically disappeared. But in other languages, vowels, especially in names, are highly unreliable. See the Foundations of History and Methods books for details. In this book, the reader will meet with our attempts to read old names based only on their skeleton of consonants. This may sometimes seem unreasonable. Of course, in our time, the habit of equally clear reproduction of vowels and consonants in writing has long been developed. But here we are not talking about modern, but about old texts. In which the skeleton of the consonants of the word was much more stable than the surrounding vowels. Of course, it makes no sense to engage in interpretations of old names without any preliminary, suggestive considerations. However, they appear in our country after the correct chronology has been restored with the help of mathematical and astronomical methods. Then, comparing the corresponding to each other "ancient" and medieval events, it is finally possible to understand "who is with whom" and "what with what" is identified. Only after this does it become possible to reconstruct the original sounding of uncoordinated names in old texts.

We repeat that all the linguistic parallels given in the book are secondary. By themselves, they prove nothing and acquire meaning only as an addition to our strict chronological results. That is, when the historical picture has already been reconstructed by other methods and tells us which of the possible interpretations of the old names is best suited.

In this book, we sometimes refer to our seven-volume edition “Chronology. The First Canon ", containing the foundation of the New Chronology and published in 2004-2006 by the publishing house RIMIS, Moscow. The seven-volume edition consists of the following books:

1) A. T. Fomenko, "Foundations of History";

2) A. T. Fomenko, "Methods";

3a) G. V. Kalashnikov, G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, "Stars" ("Stars of the Almagest");

3b) G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, T. N. Fomenko, "Stars" ("Stars of the Zodiac");

4) G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, "New Chronology of Russia";

5) G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, "Empire";

6) G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, "Biblical Russia";

7) G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, "Reconstruction".

Cm. [CHRON1], [CHRON2] ..., [CHRON7] in the list of references.

We are grateful to T. N. Fomenko and N. D. Gostev for valuable ideas, comments and additions.

A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky

2006, Moscow,

Moscow State University

them. M.V. Lomonosov



The chronology, and therefore the entire building of ancient and medieval history in the form we know today, was created in the 16th – 17th centuries. First of all, the works of JOSEPH SKAAIGER (1540–1609), “the founder of modern chronology as a science,” p. 82.

The work of I. Scaliger was mainly completed by the chronologist DIONYSUS PETAVIUS (PETAVIUS) (1583–1652),,, see fig. 0.1 and fig. 0.2.

Figure: 0.1. The chronological work of Dionysius Petavius \u200b\u200bin three volumes, republished in 1767. He and the works of his predecessor, I. Scaliger, form the basis of the modern version of history. Photo taken by A.T. Fomenko in 2005.

Figure: 0.2. The title page of the first volume of the work of Dionysius Petavius. Reprinted 1767

Based on the Scaligerian scheme, in the 18th century Russian history and chronology were "created" by Gerard Friedrich Miller (1705–1783) and other German scientists, see the books "Foundations of History" and "New Chronology of Rus". Therefore, the accepted today chronology of antiquity and the Middle Ages would be more correct to call the VERSION OF THE SCALIGER - PETAVIUS. We will sometimes call it simply SKAEIGER CHRONOLOGY. This version was far from the only one in the 17th – 18th centuries. Major scientists doubted its fairness.

In the fundamental works of the 16th-17th centuries - Scaliger and Petavius \u200b\u200b- the chronology of antiquity is presented in the form of extensive tables without any scientific justification.

The history of the development of the new chronology can be rather conditionally divided into several stages.

FIRST stage: from the XVI to the beginning of the XX century

At this time, various researchers here and there discovered major contradictions in the building of the Scaligerian chronology. Let us list some of the scientists known to us who disagreed with the Scaliger-Petavius \u200b\u200bchronology and believed, on the basis of their research, that the true chronology of antiquity and the Middle Ages was significantly different.

De ARCILLA (de Arcilla) - XVI century, professor at the University of Salamanca in Spain, see "Foundations of history", ch. 1. Information about his research in chronology is rather vague.

Isaac NEWTON (1643-1727) - the great English scientist, mathematician, physicist. He devoted many years to studying chronology. Published a large work "The Corrected Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms",,,,. He offered to move many events of "antiquity" closer to us in time. For details see the book "Foundations of History", chap. 1.

Jean GARDUIN (1646-1729) - a prominent French scientist, author of numerous works on philology, theology, history, archeology, numismatics. Director of the French Royal Library. He wrote several books on chronology, where he sharply criticized the entire building of Scaligerian history. In his opinion, most of the "monuments of antiquity" were made much later than is usually believed, or even are forgeries, see "Reconstruction", Appendix 3.

Petr Nikiforovich KREKSHIN (1684-1763) - personal secretary of Peter I. He wrote a book in which he criticized the Scaligerian version of Roman history. At the time of Krekshin, this version was still quite "fresh", and therefore was not considered as something obvious, as in our time, see "New Chronology of Russia", ch. 14:30.

Robert BALDAUF - German philologist of the second half of the 19th century - early 20th century, assistant professor at the University of Basel. Author of the book "History and Criticism". On the basis of philological considerations, he concluded that the monuments of "ancient" literature have a much later origin than is commonly believed. Baldauf argued that they were created in the Middle Ages, see "Reconstruction", Appendix 3.

Edwin Johnson (1842-1901) - 19th century English historian. In his writings, he subjected the Scaligerian chronology to serious criticism. He believed that it should be significantly shortened, see "Foundations of History", ch. 1.

Nikolai Alexandrovich MOROZOV (1854–1946) - an outstanding Russian scientist-encyclopedist. He made a breakthrough in chronological research. He criticized the Scaligerian version of chronology and history. He proposed ideas for several new natural-scientific methods of chronology analysis. In fact, he turned chronology into a science, see "Foundations of History", ch. 1.

Wilhelm KAMMAYER (late 19th century - 1959) - German scientist and lawyer. Developed a methodology for determining the authenticity of old official documents. He discovered that many ancient and early medieval Western European documents are in fact later forgeries or copies. He made a conclusion about the falsification of ancient and medieval history. He wrote several books on this topic, see "Reconstruction", Appendix 3.

Immanuel VELIKOVSKY (1895-1979) - an outstanding physician-psychoanalyst. Born in Russia, lived and worked in Russia, England, Palestine, Germany, USA. Relying substantially on the earlier works of N.A. Morozov, but never mentioning them, he wrote a number of books on ancient history, in which, following N.A.Morozov, he listed some of the contradictions in ancient history. I made an attempt to explain them using the "theory of catastrophism." In the West, he is considered the founder of the critical school in chronology. However, in fact, Immanuel Velikovsky tried to protect Scaliger's chronology from too large transformations, taking thoughts far away from the research of N.A.Morozov. Replacing the radical ideas of NA Morozov with their "weak surrogate". The fact that in Western Europe the works of I. Velikovsky on history were known much better than the much earlier and much more meaningful works of N.A.Morozov, served as a significant brake on the development of a new chronology in Western Europe in the 20th century, see “Reconstruction ", Appendix 3.

Summing up, it must be said that the groundlessness of the Scaligerian chronology was quite clearly indicated in the works of scientists of the 17th – 19th centuries. They gave a detailed criticism of the Scaligerian version of history and formulated an assertion about the global falsification of ancient texts and ancient monuments. At the same time, no one, except N.A.Morozov, could find ways to build a correct chronology. However, even he failed to create a definitive, scientifically based version of the chronology. The chronological hypotheses put forward by him turned out to be half-hearted and inherited a number of significant errors in the Scaliger-Petavius \u200b\u200bchronology.

SECOND stage: the first half of the XX century

This stage is undoubtedly associated with the name of N.A.Morozov. For the first time he understood and clearly formulated the fundamental idea that not only the Scaligerian chronology of “deep antiquity,” but also the chronology up to the 6th century AD, needs a complete restructuring. e. NA Morozov applied a number of new natural-scientific methods for the analysis of chronology and gave a large number of weighty, sometimes irrefutable, arguments in favor of the fallacy of the Scaligerian chronology. In 1907-1932 N. A. Morozov published his main research on revising the history of antiquity,,. However, he mistakenly believed that the Scaligerian chronology after the 6th century AD. e. becomes more or less true. As we now understand, N. A. Morozov stopped, far from reaching the logical end, see "Foundations of History", Ch. 1: 3. Not so long ago, on our initiative and in the wake of interest in our books on the new chronology, the remarkable works of N.A.Morozov were finally republished and became available to the general reader.

THIRD stage: 1945-1973

This stage can be roughly described in one word: suppression. Historical science did its best to consign to oblivion the chronological studies of N. A. Morozov and his predecessors. In Russia, the discussion about chronology is completely stopped. Around the works of N.A.Morozov on chronology, a barrier of alienation and silence is created. In Russia, historians stick negative labels on the name of N.A.Morozov, trying to prevent the spread of his ideas. In the West, the discussion is closed in the framework of the erroneous hypothesis of I. Velikovsky about "catastrophism".

FOURTH stage: 1973-1980

In 1973, AT Fomenko, an employee of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, engaged in celestial mechanics, drew attention to an article in 1972 by the American astrophysicist Robert Newton, who discovered a strange jump in the lunar acceleration D. "The jump arose around the 10th century AD. Scaligerian dating of records on lunar and solar eclipses, R. Newton calculated the acceleration of the Moon as a function of time in the interval from the beginning of the Common Era to the XX century. Since the sudden jump of the parameter D "by an order of magnitude (!) is not explained in any way by the gravitational theory, it caused a scholarly discussion that culminated in 1972 in a discussion hosted by the Royal Society of London and the British Academy of Sciences. The discussion did not lead to a clarification of the situation, and then R. Newton suggested that the cause of the mysterious leap was some mysterious non-gravitational forces in the Earth-Moon system.

AT Fomenko noted that all attempts to explain the gap in the behavior of D "did not raise the issue of the accuracy of the dating of those ancient eclipses on which R. Newton's calculations were based. On the other hand, although AT Fomenko at that time was very far from history, he heard that at the beginning of the century N. A. Morozov proposed some new dating of "ancient" eclipses in his work "Christ" (1924-1932). The initial attitude of A. T. Fomenko to the works of N. A. Morozov , based on vague stories in the corridors of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, was very distrustful. Nevertheless, overcoming skepticism, A. T. Fomenko found N. A. Morozov's astronomical tables with new dates of "ancient" eclipses and re-calculated the parameter D " , using the same R. Newton's algorithm. He was surprised to find that the mysterious jump disappeared and the graph D "turned into an almost straight horizontal line. The scientific work of AT Fomenko on this topic was published in 1980.

It became clear that the complex issue of establishing the correct chronology cannot be sorted out without creating new independent dating methods. Therefore, in the period 1973-1980, the main attention was paid to the creation of mathematical and statistical methods for the analysis of historical texts. As a result, in 1975–1979, AT Fomenko was able to discover and develop several such new methods. In particular, we are talking about the following methods, see the books by AT Fomenko "Foundations of History" and "Methods".

1. Local maximum method. It is based on the concept of graphs of volumes of historical texts, specially introduced by A.T. Fomenko for these studies. The following were formulated: the principle of correlation of maxima and a statistical model based on it. The chronicle is divided into separate chunks, each of which describes a separate year. Then the volume of each such “weather fragment” is calculated. Comparison of sequences of such volumes makes it possible to sometimes detect repeats within large chronicles. That is, pieces that are actually repetitions, duplicates of the same short chronicle, included, by mistake of the editors, twice or even more times inside the "long chronicle".

2. A method of recognizing and dating the dynasties of rulers. The Malig principle of dynastic distortion. The distribution of the lengths of the reigns of the kings of various dynasties was investigated. By comparing the periods of reign, it is sometimes possible to find dynasties that are considered different today, but in fact are just phantom reflections of the same real dynasty on the pages of different historical chronicles.

3. Frequency attenuation principle. Method of ordering historical texts in time. We are talking about the study of the distribution of names in historical chronicles, as well as the system of mutual references of ancient authors to each other. If two copies of the same short chronicle were inserted into a "long chronicle" by mistake, this circumstance can be detected by the appearance of repeated significant surges in the frequencies of the mentioned names of historical characters.

4. Frequency duplication principle. Duplicate detection method. It is a variant of the previous one, but very important. The Bible was statistically analyzed using this method. Using the principle of attenuation of frequencies, both previously known duplicate-repetitions in the Bible and new, previously unknown duplicates were found. The general picture of "repetitions" within the Bible was revealed. A striking example: the new statistical dating of the Apocalypse. It turns out he moves from the New Testament to the Old Testament. The result is consistent with the astronomical dating of the Apocalypse, about which see below. Moreover, it turned out that the books of the Old and New Testaments were created and edited in the same era, and, as it turned out later, the main books of the New Testament appeared, most likely, before the main books of the Old Testament.

5. Method of questionnaires codes. Comparison of two long "streams" royal biographies and detection of duplicate duplicates. The method proved to be effective in identifying shorter fragments within the extensive chronicles, which are simply different versions of the same short chronicle, but placed by the editors in different places in the "long chronicle" by mistake, due to which the history, of course, "lengthened".

6. The method of correct chronological ordering and dating of ancient geographical maps. For each old card a "questionnaire" is drawn up that accumulates all the main features of the card. This allows you to compare different maps in terms of the number of "correct" and "incorrect" features, that is, meeting or contradicting geographic reality. As a result, it is often possible to establish which geographical maps were created earlier and which later.

The next step was the construction by AT Fomenko of the Global Chronological Map (GCM) and the application of mathematical dating methods to the Scaligerian "textbook of ancient history". As a result of an extensive statistical experiment carried out by A. T. Fomenko with the help of several colleagues, it was found that the new dating methods mentioned above did not reveal any oddities and contradictions in the dating of historical material from the 17th – 20th centuries. That is, in the interval of the last approximately four hundred years, the results of "mathematical dating" of events are in good agreement with the previously known historical dates taken from history textbooks and relating to the events of the 17th – 20th centuries. However, the application of the same methods to the annals dated today to an era earlier than the 17th century, unexpectedly revealed radical discrepancies with the Scaligerian chronology. In particular, mysterious duplicate chronicles within the "Scaliger - Petavius \u200b\u200btextbook", located earlier than the 17th century AD, were revealed. e. For example, it turned out that the "ancient" history of Rome from the alleged VIII century BC. e. BC is just a phantom reflection, a "cast" of the medieval history of Rome from the alleged III century AD. e. until the XI century A.D. e. Moreover, in this very medieval history of Rome, repetitions were found, the elimination of which - that is, "gluing", identifying duplicates with each other - further shortens the history of Rome and completely transfers it to the period of the XI-XVII centuries AD. e. See Foundations of History and Methods.

Further, inside the "Scaliger - Petavius \u200b\u200btextbook", mysterious duplicate royal dynasties were found. That is, phantom reflections of the same real dynasty, but placed by late chronologists and editors of the 17th – 18th centuries in supposedly completely different historical epochs and even countries. One such example is shown in Fig. 0.3. See "Foundations of History," ch. 6. Here, the allegedly "oldest" dynasty of Israelite kings turns out to be a reflection of the later "antique" dynasty of Roman emperors. Moreover, both of these dynasties are phantom reflections of the same real dynasty of the XIII-XVII centuries AD. e.

Figure: 0.3. Correlation of the reigns of the "ancient" Israeli kingdom, according to the Bible, allegedly from 922 to 724. BC e. and the Third "antique" Roman Empire allegedly III-VI centuries. n. e. In fact, both of these dynasties are phantom reflections of the same real dynasty of the 13th – 17th centuries.

Further, it was found that the results of using different dating methods, including astronomical, are in good agreement with each other. The general picture of the location of the "repetitions" in the "Scaliger-Petavius \u200b\u200btextbook" was discovered. AT Fomenko revealed three main chronological shifts. It turned out that the "Scaligerian textbook of ancient history" was glued together from four duplicates of the short original chronicle. The overlap of "ancient" biblical history with medieval European history was discovered. The resulting system of chronological shifts began to be called the global Chronological Map of A. T. Fomenko.


The publication dates of some printed books and manuscripts from the 16th to 17th centuries may have to be raised by at least another fifty or even a hundred years.

In other words, after returning to the correct chronological place of the ancient chronicles, it was discovered that the "textbook of ancient history" was being radically shortened, reduced. All old documents known today describe in general the genuine events of antiquity, but these events took place in the era of the XI-XVII centuries. It becomes clear that there were no "dark ages". They appeared only thanks to the incorrect Scaligerian chronology, which threw many events of the Middle Ages into the distant past. As a result, in "antiquity" ghostly phantoms of the XI-XVII centuries flickered, and many periods of the Middle Ages, on the contrary, were artificially exposed. And they were later called the "dark ages". From the point of view of the new chronology, it turns out that there were no gaping failures in the development of civilization. The development was, as it is today, very dynamic and relatively fast, in an ascending line, without global catastrophes.

Let's summarize this stage of research. Based on the listed methods and statistical results, A. T. Fomenko revealed a global picture of chronological re-dating in the Scaliger version, after which the errors of this version are mostly eliminated. In particular, A. T. Fomenko discovered three important shifts in chronology: approximately 333 years, 1053 years and 1800 years. These shifts, of course, are not present in the real, correct chronology, but only in the erroneous version of Scaliger - Petavius. It turned out that the "Scaligerian textbook" was glued together from four copies of the same short chronicle. This fundamental result is conventionally shown in Fig. 0.4.

Figure: 0.4. Global chronological map of A. T. Fomenko. Presentation of the "Scaligerian history textbook" in the form of gluing together four practically identical short chronicles. After their return to their true chronological place, written history, it turns out, becomes known to us only since the X-XI centuries. n. e. (and closer to us). What happened before the X century is unknown to us. From these distant eras, written sources did not reach