House of Creativity on Nevsky Prospect.

Probably, every resident and visitor of St. Petersburg was once impressed for the first time by the appearance of the palace ensemble, located in the very heart of the hero city, at the meeting place of Nevsky Prospekt with the Fontanka River, which before the revolution belonged to the imperial family, and then was given to children. And now many young Petersburgers visit the circles of the Anichkov Palace. This monument of Russian architecture is magnificent because it was created gradually, absorbing the influence of eras and styles, reflecting the tastes of its aristocratic owners. Rastrelli, Zemtsov, Ruska, Starov, Quarenghi, Rossi, Stakenschneider - all the great architects contributed to the design of the Anichkov estate, so that today's children would be comfortable engaging in a variety of creativity offered by the children's circles of the Anichkov Palace.


Since February 1937, children's hubbub has been heard here, since it was then that the St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity was located in the royal residence. True, until 1990 it was called the Palace of Pioneers. Even in the difficult war years, during the devastating blockade, the circles of the Anichkov Palace did not stop their work. Both the library and the playgrounds were constantly open. Even the New Year tree was held here, meeting in 1942, even the city Olympiad of children's creativity was not canceled, the Anichkov Palace always met the children.

The Olympiad Center, functioning here today, has absorbed all the traditions that have developed over almost a century. And now they are steadily supported. During the blockade, schoolchildren who attended the circles of the Anichkov Palace formed several concert teams. These were dancers from the AE Obrant ensemble and students from the art department. They prepared here even during the bombing, and then performed in hospitals and military units. More than seventy pupils received the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad".

Present time

Today the Anichkov Palace hospitably opens its doors to young Petersburgers: enrollment in circles occurs as the groups fill up, introducing children into the real world - for life! - hobbies. All kinds of arts, sciences, as well as technology, sports are represented here. A new direction is social activities. The Anichkov Palace is open all year round. The Olympiad Center constantly holds contests and festivals, scientific conferences and subject Olympiads. New game programs are being developed here, magnificent performances are staged.

Literally every day a new event awaits visitors. The Anichkov Palace for children is a favorite meeting place with participation in a variety of all-Russian and city events. Also, teachers learn and share their experience here, when seminars and conferences, contests and festivals are held. The Anichkov Palace (St. Petersburg) traditionally holds the final of the competition for teachers of additional education for the whole of Russia - "I give my heart to children."

Anichkov estate

Three quarters of a century have passed, and the traditions that were once laid down here all live on and help to bring up a worthy change - generation after generation. Among the graduates of the Anichkov Palace there are many of the most prominent figures in science, culture and sports. In addition, there is an Anichkov Lyceum for the most gifted students, where they receive secondary education. Lush ceremonial interiors are the style of Russian classicism, they give solemnity to festive evenings and concerts, educate schoolchildren in the spirit of beauty. Not a single tomboy visiting the Anichkov Palace excursions spits in the front door, ruins the elevator or any public space with extraneous drawings or inscriptions.

In enfilades of living rooms, in halls and offices, official receptions, assemblies, exhibitions, magnificent balls and chamber concerts are held. However, the very heart of the children's palace is Anichkov's estate, where there are many buildings - architectural monuments, including the palace itself. This, for example, the Cabinet building, Service building. There is also a modern complex "Carnival" - a concert and theater complex. And all this is surrounded by magnificent gardens. It is here, where the Orphanage of Creativity - Anichkov Palace is located - that the slogan "All the best for children!" Despite its more than solid age, this wonderful institution does not get tired of developing, and very dynamically.


The territory of the palace extends much further than the walls of the Anichkov estate. For example, on the Karelian Isthmus there is a resort area where "Zerkalny" is located - a suburban center where both children and teachers love to relax. Quite recently, already in our century, two new complexes were opened - the pride of the Anichkov Palace. The first, with greenhouses, aviaries and modern laboratories, "Krestovsky Ostrov" is an ecological and biological center, and the second has educational and health functions, and therefore included a four-track pool, halls for choreography and gymnastics, gyms. And the Theater of Youth Creativity (TYuT) of the Anichkov Palace is very popular not only among residents of St. Petersburg, but also among city guests. It is almost as difficult to get there to study as to the Anichkov Lyceum for especially talented students. A very big competition.

The teachers working here do not allow the pupils to forget about the previous achievements of the Palace of Youth Creativity, this is the only way they can conquer new heights. It is the patriotic education that is especially well organized in all divisions of this institution. The excursions that are held in the Anichkov Palace are very helpful in this. Even panoramic ones, like the "Palace of the Kings - Palace of Children", which tells the story of the owners of the palace and its construction, as well as its recent history, and these stories are supported by a trip through the state halls, through the Winter Garden, a visit to the magnificent library, the Oak Cabinet, where he loved to relax Alexander the Third, a review of the unique paintings of the Room of Fairy Tales (Palekh) and many, many more. One can imagine with what reverence children visit the sections and circles of the Anichkov Palace. He has more than one address, since there are many subdivisions, and the territory is vast. The Museum of the History of the Anichkov Palace, for example, is located on Nevsky Prospekt at 39, where you can find the entire leadership of the organization.

Anichkov Lyceum

At first, eight classes were formed in the lyceum, where, in addition to the basic and secondary general, additional education is also given according to special programs. That is why the places in the lyceum are extremely demanded. Since the year of its creation (1989), children have been taught here in a comprehensive manner, and children who are closely engaged in scientific and technical creativity in the circles and sections of the Anichkov Palace enter the lyceum. Since 1993, ninth-graders have been studying here. mostly academic, but significantly expanded. Particular attention is paid equally to all educational disciplines, without a single exception, therefore, for a quarter of a century of existence, the lyceum has graduated students with a very high level of training. Today, a little more than two hundred lyceum students study here, who had to withstand a competition of five or six people for one place.

Learning is effective: students win subject competitions at any level - from urban to all-Russian. One hundred percent of the graduates of the Anichkov Lyceum enter universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and any other cities, without fail continuing the scientific research begun here. After graduating from universities, they become prominent scientists both in Russia and abroad. The basis for admission to the Anichkov Lyceum is the results of compulsory entrance examinations. Admission is conducted in the eighth and tenth grades. For those wishing to try their hand at the site of the lyceum, examples of tasks that will be present at the entrance tests are presented. After successfully passing the exams, enrollment follows according to the rating, where the preferential categories are not taken into account.


The library of the Anichkov Palace is the oldest, largest and most unique. Her fund was collected in the thirties of the last century. And for the pupils who visit the Anichkov Palace, reading is really an complicity in creativity, as Marina Tsvetaeva argued. The entire educational environment of this institution is created with the active participation of the library and its staff. The library is not only unique, it is unique in its versatility: more than seventy-five thousand copies of various publications are in its collection. Here are domestic and foreign, reference books, popular science books, as well as many valuable printed publications that can satisfy absolutely any request - even for children, even for adults.

The library employs specialists with higher education (often not the only one) and with vast experience, who still constantly improve their cultural and professional level. Cooperation has been established with a variety of institutions of the city: the library is assisted by the Academy of Postgraduate Education, district methodological rooms, Palaces and Houses of Children's Creativity, Russian national Library, The Pushkin Children's Library and all its branches, the Mayakovsky Regional Children's and Public Library, ITMO Universities, St. Petersburg State University, and many others. Joint socially significant programs and sociocultural projects are being developed and implemented, which are aimed at serving the native city.


In St. Petersburg, there is a comprehensive, state-supported program "Heirs of the Great City", and within its framework there is a movement organized in 1990 by Vladimir Ilyich Axelrod. The movement is called "Young for the Revival of St. Petersburg". Its purpose was to form civic and patriotic feelings of youth by involving them in the field of local history. The main tasks are to create conditions for the self-realization of all project participants, taking into account their age, interests, and inclinations, as well as supporting local history associations for children, teaching organizational methods, and educating leaders of children's associations. The work is being carried out enormous and it does not lie within the walls of the Anichkov Palace, since it involves the implementation of many interrelated subprograms. This is the path to the revival of the city through enlightenment, the path to knowing it through play.

Here, schoolchildren act as guides and local lore researchers, they study not only multinational St. Petersburg, but the whole of Russia, they even know how to draw up pedigrees for schoolchildren who wish. They look after the city's monuments, look after museums, guard the shrines of St. Petersburg. Each subprogram is filled with specific content, and this content is supplemented every year. The entire project is being implemented through city shows and competitions, camp gatherings and conferences. Students from the sixth grade, students and local history teachers, all circle members of the Anichkov Palace participate in this program. In general, the Movement includes fifteen clubs, more than thirty city teams and twenty groups of young guides. More than seventeen thousand children participate in all programs of the Movement.


The Theater of Youth Creativity in the Anichkov Palace, created in 1956 by a theater teacher and outstanding director M.G.Dubrovin, has managed to become a unique theater during this time, not just a theater for children. This is primarily an institution that plays an educational role with the help of dramatic art. The Anichkov Palace TYUT has always successfully fulfilled this mission, and even if its pupils did not associate their future life with the theater, they loved it all their lives, and the personality of each TYUT graduate turned out to be developed and harmoniously built. Now about three hundred schoolchildren are engaged here, and the teaching staff includes twenty-five excellent teachers of acting, movement, stage speech, both directors and foremen of production shops work here.

Already many thousands of young Petersburgers have received the highest moral lessons, many generations of theater lovers have grown up. For sixty years, a harmonious and complex education system has been successfully operating, which includes mastering a whole range of theatrical professions - make-up artists are trained here, and lighting, and costume designers, and theater designers. Many of those who graduated from TYuT work, heading the production departments of the main theaters in St. Petersburg and Moscow, all of them have grown into highly qualified specialists in their field. An example is G. Filshtinsky, a lighting designer, who received three national awards. TYuT holds International festivals of children's theaters, regional and international seminars and conferences dedicated to children's theatrical creativity.

How is registration in TYuT carried out

The recruitment, of course, is carried out on the basis of a competition, just like when entering a theater school. Applicants must go through three rounds of the creative competition to keep the most talented. Here they look first of all at the existing propensity for theatrical studies, at the psychophysical indicators. All information collected about the adolescent is studied, which allows for gender and age differentiation. It is necessary in order to maintain the optimal ratio in the team of girls and boys, younger and older. Children perform creative tasks, and according to their results, a competitive selection takes place. This is a reading of a poem, a fable, showing the most simple acting sketches.

In the first round, a tendency and interest in theater classes is revealed, in the second, personality traits that will be necessary during these classes are revealed - these are plastic expressiveness and expressiveness of speech, inner vision. On the second round, an interview is conducted once again regarding the identification of inclinations, aptitude for studies, and commitment. In the third round, they look specifically at the degree of giftedness, at the ability and ability to carry out certain stage actions, at how a teenager orientates himself in the stage space, how he acts in an imaginary situation. Also, the decisive factor is the competition material itself and its choice.

The work of the circles

In the department of humanitarian programs and children's programs, the largest of the structural divisions of the Palace of Youth Creativity, humanitarian and social education of adolescents and children is supported. The highest priority tasks of upbringing are being solved, and the educational programs that Anichkov Palace implements form a constant motivation for creativity and research activities, and cultivate spiritual ideals in every person. There are circles literally in all areas of children's creativity, and it is they who help children choose their future profession. Future geologists - romantics of long-distance roads, and real poets and writers, and lawyers, and historians, and teachers, and journalists, and tour guides are engaged here. It is impossible even to list all directions.

In addition to circles, there are large public associations, including the already mentioned "Young for the Revival of St. Petersburg". There is an association "Klio", and its main task is to support social initiatives of young residents of the glorious city. There are also club-type associations where children are given humanitarian education. It is due to such activities that Anichkov Palace multiplies its considerable achievements, including the winners of reviews and competitions, Olympiads of various levels, awarded prizes by domestic and international laureates, diploma winners and prize-winners of all kinds of competitive events. Absolutely all the groups studying according to the programs created here distinguished themselves: the Youth University, the Petropol club, young museum experts, the Daring literary club, the Generation press center, the social sciences club and many, many other divisions of the Anichkov Palace.

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    Until the children got the Anichkov Palace (now the Palace of Youth Creativity is here), it served as a gift, and it was redirected more than once, the estate was owned by various surnames of St. Petersburg.

    Anichkov Palace, until it became a children's institution, served as a gift that passed from hand to hand in imperial circles. It was owned by the common-law husband of Empress Elizabeth Alexei Razumovsky, favorite of Catherine II Grigory Potemkin, Nicholas I ...

    The first palace on Nevsky Prospekt began to be built in 1741 by the order of Empress Elizabeth. Today it is difficult to imagine, but then these places were the border of St. Petersburg, a forest clearing passed here, therefore the estate was designed to decorate the entrance to the city.

    The house owes its name to officer Anichkov. On the other side of the Neva at that time, the soldiers of the Admiralty battalion were stationed together with their commander, officer Mikhail Anichkov. It was this battalion that later built the first wooden bridge, which was named in honor of the commander. By the way, the settlement, where the military was stationed, was also named after the officer's last name. As a result, in almost all documents, the future palace was called nothing more than "the palace at the Anichkov bridge." By 1754, the palace was built under the direction of the architect Mikhail Zemtsov, the empress presented it to her favorite Alexei Razumovsky as a token of gratitude, and she herself went to her young lover.

    Empress Catherine II bought the Anichkov Palace to present it to Grigory Potemkin. The new owner, with the help of the architect I. Ye. Starov, remade the facades in the style of early classicism, the building acquired a more austere look. Subsequently, many famous architects, at the request of the owners, made their own adjustments to the building plan, but each of them treated the work of their colleagues very carefully and tactfully. Largely due to this, Anichkov Palace has survived to this day.

    In Catherine's times, an anecdote happened to the Anichkov Palace: Potemkin sold the imperial present, Catherine bought it and presented it again. This did not prevent the favorite from selling the estate again, this time to the treasury.

    After Anichkov, the palace was the office of Her Majesty and the directorate of the imperial theaters, the sister of Alexander I managed to take care of it: the Yellow Column Hall was her work. The new owner - the future Nicholas I - also rebuilt the palace to his liking. The balls that Pushkin didn’t like, which attracted his wife Natalia, were held here. Here on November 23, 1836, the poet was invited to an audience with the emperor, who demanded to refrain from the duel. It is interesting that the poet Vasily Zhukovsky had his own rooms in the Anichkov Palace. He was the teacher of the young Alexander II, who lived in the palace as a child.

    In front of the main building of the Anichkov Palace, there is a birch tree planted by cosmonauts German Titov and Vladimir Komarov.

    After the revolution, the city's museum was located in the Anichkov Palace, and this meant not only St. Petersburg, but also Moscow and Rome. In the early 1930s, the rich interior decoration was sold out, mostly abroad. In 1937, the city authorities opened the Palace of Pioneers here - the largest in the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War, this architectural monument miraculously survived, although the Nazis planned to destroy it. In those difficult years, the building housed a hospital.

    After the war, the Palace of Pioneers opened its doors again. The circles were attended by the chess player Boris Spassky, the opera singer Elena Obraztsova, the actress Alisa Freindlich and many others. Now in the legendary palace there are more than 20 clubs and sports sections for schoolchildren. But the entrance is open to adults too. The tour will cost 200 RUB.

    Practical information

    Address: Nevsky Prospect, 39.

    Years of construction: 1741-1754.

    The nearest metro stations are Mayakovskaya and Gostiny Dvor.

    The St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity occupies a historical and architectural ensemble at the corner of the Fontanka River and Nevsky Prospekt, including the Anichkov Palace and the Imperial Cabinet. The Anichkov Palace has become the second home for many generations of Petersburgers - many of them began their journey to the profession from participation in circles, real "stars" were lit here, which still demonstrate success in various sciences and arts. City + decided to conduct a small educational program and outlined the main milestones in the history of this amazing building on Nevsky Prospekt.

    The first palace on Nevsky prospect

    The territory between Sadovaya Street and Fontanka along Nevsky Prospect, where the Anichkov Palace is now located, at the beginning of the 18th century belonged to A.M. Devier, the first Chief of Police of St. Petersburg. However, after the palace coup on November 25, 1741, the daughter of Peter the Great, Elizabeth, ascended the throne, who ordered the construction of the palace on the site of the regimental court of the Transfiguration. It was not a secret for anyone that the palace was being built for the favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna - Count Alexei Grigorievich Razumovsky.

    The creation of the project and the actual construction of the palace was undertaken by the architect M.G. Zemtsov in 1741, then the case was transferred to G.D. Dmitriev, and the famous architect FB Rastrelli completed the construction of the Anichkov Palace.

    Anichkov - the first palace on Nevsky Prospect... It got its name from the nearby Anichkov Bridge. Unlike other buildings on the avenue, the main facade is not facing it - this suggests that in the early 1740s, Nevsky Prospect was not yet perceived as the main street of the city. Many guests arrived at the palace by water, and then the main side of the building faces the Fontanka, by the time the palace was built - the border of the city.

    Anichkov Palace in the 18th century

    Completed the construction of the building in 1756 year. When Count Razumovsky died, Anichkov Palace passed into the possession of his brother, President of the Academy of Sciences, Count Kirill Grigorievich Razumovsky, and then in 1775 the estate was rented by the Petersburg merchants, who arranged a large masquerade in the palace for 2500 people.

    In 1776, Catherine II bought the palace from Razumovsky and presented it to Count G.A.Potyomkin. In the next two years, the palace was rebuilt for Potemkin according to the project of I. Ye. Starov - since then the palace has a classic, not baroque appearance. In 1779, a gallery with exotic tropical plants was created in the garden. In the gallery, the prince arranged masquerades, which were played by up to a hundred musicians, and other entertainment events. Then Potemkin sold Anichkov Palace to the merchant Shemyakin. Having decided that it was not proper to refuse from the royal gifts, Catherine II again bought the palace and gave it to Potemkin. However, in 1785 the estate was sold again, this time to the treasury.

    In 1794, it was decided to place in the building Office of His Imperial Majesty... The Anichkov Palace became the personal office of the tsar. In 1795, in one of the pavilions of the palace, the book collection of Joseph Zalussky was temporarily stored, which became the basis for the creation of the Public Library, and in 1799 the western part of the estate was transferred to the Theater Directorate.


    Palace is the best wedding gift

    In 1809, Alexander I presented the Anichkov Palace to his sister - grand Duchess Ekaterina Pavlovna - on the occasion of her wedding with Prince George of Oldenburg. Since the 1810s, he lived in the Anichkov Palace poet V. A. Zhukovsky... He was the tutor of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II. It was here that AS Pushkin read the finished poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" to Zhukovsky.

    In 1817, Alexander I presented Anichkov Palace to his brother grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich (to the future Emperor Nicholas I) for the wedding. As usual with the tsars, the building was rebuilt again: in 1817-1820, K. Rossi was engaged in this. He built a Service Building, two garden pavilions, and redesigned the garden. The estate became part of the unified ensemble of Teatralnaya Square (now Ostrovsky Square) designed by Rossi.

    In 1825, Prince Nikolai Pavlovich became emperor and a year later gave the Anichkov Palace the imperial status. It was under Nicholas I that balls were held in the Anichkov Palace that A.S. Pushkin despised, and which his wife Natalya Nikolaevna loved so much.

    The owners of the palace were Alexander II, Alexander III, and the last mistress of the estate was the mother of Nicholas II, empress Maria Feodorovna... She was shown cinematography here in 1897, and since 1899 a school for children of employees began to operate at the Anichkov Palace.

    Immediately after the revolution, Anichkov Palace was nationalized - at first, the Ministry of Food was working in it, in 1918-1935 the museum of the city (not only Leningrad) functioned in the palace. Since 1918, the Department of Communal and Social Hygiene and the library of the City Museum have worked in the buildings of the Cabinet.

    On February 12, 1937, on the initiative of S.M. Kirov, a Palace of Pioneers, the largest in the USSR. The Anichkov Palace was reconstructed according to the project of architects A.I. Gegello and D.L. Krichevsky. Cabinet cases have acquired the shape of a square. More than a hundred children's circles were opened, and the chess club, which was attended by Viktor Korchnoi, Boris Spassky, Mark Taimanov, became especially famous. In addition, Stanislav Zhuk, Lev Dodin, Sergei Yursky, Alisa Freindlich, Lev Lurie, Elena Obraztsova visited the Palace of Pioneers.

    The Palace of Pioneers did not stop working during the entire blockade, and on June 28, 1942, a gala evening for graduates of Leningrad schools was held here, and by 1945 the palace complex was restored.

    In 1990, the Palace of Pioneers was transformed into Youth Creativity Palace.


    Palace today

    To this day, the doors of the Palace are open to young Petersburgers: there are many different circles in art, science, technology, sports, social activities, etc. One of the largest structural divisions of the Palace of Youth Creativity - department of Humanitarian Programs and Children's Social Initiatives... Children can choose any of the areas of interest to them: journalism, the basics of etiquette, local history, museum studies, a course on the culture of a guide's speech, the basics of layout and design, join a tourist and local history club, go through a counselor's school.

    For schoolchildren who are fond of technique, the Palace also provides a variety of circles: car modeling, design of unmanned aerial vehicles, robotics, entertaining mathematics, 3D modeling, space exploration, modeling in graphic editors, a photo studio, programming basics, electrical engineering and much more.

    Great attention is paid in the St. Petersburg Palace to the creativity of young and musical education small Petersburgers - here they teach to play various instruments, sing, even the artistic word! In addition, the Anichkov Palace has its own orchestra, a theater studio, a choreography class and a fine arts studio. In total, the Palace of Youth Creativity works more than 200 circles - here everyone will find something to their liking!

    All year round, festivals and competitions, game programs and performances, subject Olympiads and scientific conferences are held here. Among the graduates of the Anichkov Palace are several generations of outstanding figures of culture, science, and sports. For 80 years of its existence, the Palace as an educational institution for young Petersburgers has stepped far beyond the walls of the Anichkov estate. In the resort area on the Karelian Isthmus there is a Country Center for Children and Youth Creativity "Zerkalny", two modern complexes, opened already in the XXI century: the ecological and biological center "Krestovsky Island" with modern laboratories, greenhouses and aviaries and an educational and health complex, which includes a swimming pool, gyms, gymnastics and choreography rooms.

    Text: Julia Sevostyanova

    Where the Fontanka River is crossed by Nevsky Prospect, the legendary Anichkov Palace is located. This building is the very first stone building on Nevsky. Throughout its existence, the palace has changed many owners, rebuilt, changing its appearance, but still remains as magnificent as it was two centuries ago.

    History of the Anichkov Palace

    Like many palaces built during the reign of the august persons (for example, the Yusupov palaces), the Anichkov Palace was also created as a gift to Elizabeth's favorite - A.G. Razumovsky. Its construction began in 1741 by the architect M.G. Zemtsov, who died before the end of construction and was replaced by G.D. Dmitriev, and after - F.B. Rastrelli. Initially, the palace was built in the Russian Baroque style, but as a result of numerous reconstructions, which began in 1779, of the facade, roofs and an extension of the third floor, the palace acquired the appearance of early classicism.

    The view of the main entrance has repeatedly changed; in its place in 1805, a majestic colonnade of trading rows was built. Later, stables and service buildings were built. Each owner, to whom the palace was once again granted, made his own changes in its appearance. All the restructuring continued until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, during which the palace was practically not damaged.

    The Anichkov Palace received its name from the surname of the officer Anichkov, who was quartered with his battalion in a neighboring settlement, and under whose leadership the first wooden bridge named Anichkov was built here. Subsequently, after the death of the officer, the palace located not far from the bridge was also called Anichkov.

    Museum of the History of Anichkov Palace

    The former personal museum of Emperor Alexander now houses the Museum of the Anichkov Palace. The exposition contains everything related to the history of the origin and the owners of the estate. A separate place in the museum is occupied by evidence of the modern post-war history, since the Anichkov Palace was given to children and to this day the Palace of Youth Creativity is located here. Every year, exhibitions are held here, which present the achievements of young Petersburgers and their mentors.


    Mugs for children in the Anichkov Palace

    The smallest residents of St. Petersburg have a place to spend their leisure time with benefit, because the famous Anichkov Palace, in which the House of Creativity is located, has 1300 different sections and circles in its arsenal. Such a huge choice will not leave the slightest desire for children to wander aimlessly through the streets or spend time near the computer. Here you can choose an activity that will appeal to both boys and girls.

    Pool of Anichkov Palace

    The largest institution of out-of-school education in Europe, which includes a swimming pool, a country center, a concert complex, its own sea vessel and much more - all this is Anichkov Palace. The educational and recreational complex has recently included a swimming pool, in which not only children, but also adults can spend their free time with health benefits.

    The St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity is the largest institution of additional education for children in Russia and Europe, where more than 16,000 young Petersburgers are engaged. More than 85% of the pupils of the Palace study free of charge.
    In the Palace of Youth Creativity, more than 1300 circles, united in clubs, sections, laboratories, theaters, orchestras, studios, offer their programs to children from 3 to 18 years old!

    Enrollment in the collectives of the St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity takes place annually in the last week of August - the first week of September. Enrollment for the 2020-2021 academic year will be announced in the summer of 2020.

    For more information, please contact the Palace Information Center at 39 Nevsky Prospect or tel. 314-95-55.
    Autoinformer with up-to-date information - tel. 310-65-14.


    For the little ones

    • English from 7 years old
      (tuition is paid)
    • School-studio "Chudomir" 3-6 years
    • (tuition is paid)
    • "The world of nature" 6 years old, 1-3 cl.
    • "Secrets of human health" 3-4 cl.

    Puppet theater for preschoolers from 4 years old
    (tuition is paid)

    Piano and Music Theory Sector

    • "Piano" from 5 years old
      (tuition is paid)
    • General musical development program for preschoolers from 4 years old
      (tuition is paid)
    String sector
    • "Violin" from 5 years old
    • (tuition is paid)
    Russian folk orchestra from 7 years old

    Bayan orchestra since 7 years

    Song and Dance Ensemble AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky:

    • "Seven Merry Notes" - a preparatory program for choral groups of the Song and Dance Ensemble named after AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky since 4 years
      (tuition is paid)
    • Choir "Droplets" from 6 years old

    • (tuition is paid)
    Art studio:
    • "Visual activities for preschool children" from 5 years old
      (tuition is paid)
    • From play to health 5-6 years
      (tuition is paid)
    • From play to health. Before school 6 years old
      (tuition is paid)

    • (tuition is paid)
    • Chess from 5 years old
      (tuition is paid)
    • Complex program of the studio of dance and plastics "Metamorphoses"
      "Introduction to Dance Theater"
      from 7 years old (3 years of study)
    - The basics of classical dance
    - Basics of Dance Improvisation and Acting
    • Complex program of the folklore ensemble "Teremok" (junior staff)
      407-43-63 5-6 years (2 years of study)
    - Folklore vocal ensemble
    - Folk traditions and holidays
    - Musical and aesthetic education
    (tuition is paid)
    • (first stage)
      407-43-63 from 4 years old (1 year of study)
    Teaching the basics of acting and the skills of psycho-emotional self-regulation (training is paid)

    My tongue is my friend

    Regional Studies Club "Friendship" 314-98-51
    12-16 years old (6-9 grades)

    • In the world of the English language 12-13 years old (6th grade)
      One-year program (tuition is paid)
    • Country studies in a foreign language (English, German) 13-14 years old (7-8 grades)
      Biennial program (tuition is paid)
    • Spanish language Espanol en vivo 13-14 years old (7-8 grades)
      The program is two years, designed for beginners and advanced students
      (tuition is paid)
    • Guides in English 15 years old (9th grade)
      Biennial program
      (on a budget basis)
    • Guides in German 15 years old (9th grade)
      Biennial program
      (on a budget basis)
    • Educational tourism in St. Petersburg 15 years (9th grade)
      One-year program
      (on a budget basis)
      Reception based on monitoring results
    Literary club "Daring" 314-51-62
    9-16 years old (from 2 grade)
    • Poetry and prose
    • Prose

    ANICHKOV LYCEUM 407-43-57
    Science Sector:

    • Analysis of literary text 14-17 years old
    • Foreign languages:
      (tuition is paid)
      - English 7-17 years old
      - German 11-17 years old

    Artistic word studio program from 7-14 years old

    Do you like to perform? Do you think your opinion is important?
    Then we invite you to the debate.
    The educational program is aimed at the development of critical thinking, the development of public speaking, the constant practice of public speaking, the ability to defend one's point of view, argue it, broadening one's horizons in a variety of areas, the ability to work in a team, the ability to process a large amount of information in a short time, students take part in away tournaments.

    The program is designed for 1 academic year
    The program is designed for students wishing to play leading roles at public events, demonstrate their artistic and communication skills in public. We will teach you to speak beautifully, logically, intelligibly, engagingly, and also to confidently stand in front of the audience. Participants will be able to make better use of their latent powers by improving their speech.

    I love my city! I love my Fatherland!

    Historical and local history club "Petropol" 314-51-62
    9-16 years old (3-10 grades)

    • Entertaining local history 9-11 years old (3-4 grades)
    • The program of the historical and local history club "Petropol" 11-16 years old (5-9 grades)
    • Special course for senior schoolchildren of the historical and local history club "Petropol" 14-16 years old (8-10 grades)
      Studying the history of St. Petersburg, the heritage of world artistic culture, the basics of excursion and research work, management in the field of tourism. The guys make excursions and trips around the city and country, participate in city, regional and all-Russian local history competitions and Olympiads.

    "Leader" (military history games) 310-01-08
    11-13 years old

    The military affairs of different eras, various types of troops, military detachments are being studied. Game modeling of events in Russian and Western European military history from antiquity to the 20th century. Excursions to military museums and monuments of military history of the city and region, participation in reconstruction. There is a workshop for the manufacture of soldiers and other models from paper.

    from 15 years old (9-10 grades)

    • St. Petersburg Youth University Program

    - toponymy of St. Petersburg
    - military history and heraldry
    - the theatrical past of St. Petersburg
    - research activities in the field of Petersburg studies
    Students attend lectures by leading scientists, special courses on St. Petersburg studies, excursions.

    I wonder how society works?


    13-15 years old (8-9 grades)

      - right
      - sociology
      - economy
      - international relationships
      High school students are admitted for vocational guidance in the social sciences. The guys take part in Olympiads, conferences, competitions.
      Students in grades 8-9 who wish to receive vocational guidance in the social sciences are accepted. The guys take part in Olympiads, conferences, competitions.
    • Comprehensive educational program 13-16 years old (8-9 grades)
    • Journalism, first stage 12-13 years old (grade 7)
      (training on a paid basis)
      basics of journalism, stylistics, basics of layout and design, basics of television and radio journalism, world literature at the present stage of cultural development.

    Club "Trainee" 310-12-90
    14-17 years old

    • The basics of counseling skills:
    the basics of organizational work, the psychology of communication, techniques for carrying out creative activities, familiarity with the work of modern children's camps. Students undergo practical training on the basis of the ZC DYuT "Zerkalny".

    School of organizational skills 310-12-90
    14-17 years old
    Classes are held in the following areas: children's and youth public associations - concepts, essence, principles; collective creative affairs; rules of organizational activity; leadership trainings and exercises.


    Leadership school from 13 years old
    A program for those who wish to develop their leadership, communication and organizational skills.
    Volunteer school from 12 years old
    The program is designed for 1 academic year

    I get to know the world, I travel, I temper my character

    Tourist and local history club "TURI" 312-99-93
    10-16 years old

    • Classes in tourism, local history, topography. Formation of knowledge on the basics of ecology, human physiology, medicine, safety during a hike
    • Departures and hiking trips on the territory of the Leningrad region and Russia
    • Conducting collective creative activities in the club
    • Participation in the work of public children's organizations
    Students and alumni of the club confirm their high results at the All-Russian rally of tours, at the competitions of the city center of military-patriotic education

    Department of archeology, ethnography, art history and history of religion 312-99-93
    9-17 years old (from 2 grade)

    • Oriental studies
    • Archeology
    • Country geography
    • Subsidiary disciplines and archeology (military art in antiquity, numismatics, history of archeology)

    During the academic year, multi-day educational and excursion trips are organized for high school students. During the summer holidays, schoolchildren take part in the work of archaeological and ethnographic expeditions as part of expeditions of scientific institutions.
    • Stone alphabet 8 years old (2nd grade)
    • Dinosaur: the world of ancient organisms 9-10 years old (3-4 cl.)
    • In the world of stone 9-10 years (3-4 cl.)
    • Entertaining geology 11-12 years old (5-6 grades)
    • Basics of stone carving from the age of 14 (from the 8th grade)
    The training program includes theoretical and practical classes, excursions to geological museums, one-day geological excursions in the Leningrad Region, summer field practice in various regions of Russia, as well as individual educational and research work, participation in geological conferences and olympiads.

    Sports tourism
    from 10 years old

    • Training activities
    • Hiking trips
    • Tourism technique competition

    from 8 years old

    • Training activities
    • Participation in competitions by type: orienteering skiing, running and cycling

    Field Ecology Sector

  • Botany laboratory 3-8 class.
  • Laboratory of ecology and biomonitoring "EFA" from 4 to 10 class.
  • Laboratory of field zoology "Letyaga" 3-5 class.
  • All laboratories of the sector conduct field practices in the Leningrad region, research expeditions to Altai, Sayan, Ural, Baikal, Tien Shan, Curonian Spit, White and Black seas

    Marine club "Yunga" 310-50-96
    10-15 years old (4-9 grades)

    Educational programs:

    • Maritime training, Crew, Jung,
    • Mathematical foundations of nautical astronomy,
    • Geography of world maritime shipping,
    • Marine all-around, Starshinsky Corps.
    The programs include basic information on boat business, vessel design, main events in the development of navigation, the basics of navigation and elements of medical training, the basics of rigging and boatswains.
    To help teachers and students of the club:
    - Electronic shooting range, navigation and rowing simulators.
    - Compulsory boat practice on the basis of the Country Center for Children and Youth Creativity "Zerkalny" with the use of modern floating facilities: boats "Pella", dinghy: "Bag", "Seliger", YAL-6, catamaran, motor boat.
    Swimming practice on the training sailing vessels "Young Baltiets" and "Mir".
    All students of the club are trained in swimming and training under the program "Sea All-Around" in the educational and health department of the Palace on a budgetary basis.

    I dream of a theater stage

    • "Introduction to dance theater" from the age of 7
      (3 years of study)

    • - the basics of classical dance
      - the basics of dance improvisation and acting
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • Complex program of the studio of dance and plastics "Metamorphoses"
      "Dance theater" from 11 years old (3 years of study)

    • - classical dance
      - the basics of acting and modern dance styles
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • Additional set of children with primary choreographic training 8-12 years old
      (based on viewing results)

    • (1 year of study)

    • - the basics of choreography

    • (9 years of study)
    • - pop-choral vocals
      - pop-choral vocals
      - pop vocals
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)

    Theater of Youth Creativity 310-18-18, 310-44-68

    • Comprehensive general developmental program "City of Masters" 12 years
      (1 year of study)
    • - the basics of acting
      - art production complex
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • Complex program "Theater of Youth Creativity" 13 years
      (4 years of study)

    • - stage creativity
      - art complex
      technical complex
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • Comprehensive general developmental program "Theater steps" 14-15 years
      (1 year of study)

    • - acting skills
      - mastering the theatrical profession in one of the production workshops of the theater
      (based on the results of a competitive recruitment, tuition is paid)
    • The Little Wizard program
      (first stage)
      from 4 years old (1 year of study)

    • Teaching the basics of acting and psycho-emotional self-regulation skills
      (tuition is paid)

    Puppet Theater 314-87-61

    • "Acting skills" from 7 years old
    • Complex program "Theatrical mosaic" from 7 years
    • - "Basics of choreography, plastics and stage movement"
      - "Vocal and choral training in puppet theater"
      - "Theatrical artist: production of theatrical puppets, props and decorations"
    • "Acting in puppet theater" from the age of 14
    • Complex program "Theater Profi" from 14 years old:
    • - "Basics of choreography, plastics and stage movement in puppet theater"
      - "Theatrical artist in a puppet theater"

    I wonder how nature works? How does a person work?

    Field Ecology Sector:

    • Botany laboratory 3-8 class.
    • Laboratory of ecology of marine benthos (hydrobiology) 6-8 class.
    • Laboratory of ecology and biomonitoring "EFA"
      - fascinating chemistry around us 4-5 cells.
      (tuition is paid)
      - analytical chemistry: analysis of model and real objects 9-10 class.
    • Laboratory of field zoology "Letyaga" class 4-5
    • "Field ornithology" 6-8 class.

    Zoology Sector

    • Entomology 6-8 grades
    • Forest neighbors 3-5 cl.
    • Biology and veterinary medicine of domestic and exotic animals 7-10 cells.
    • Aquariums 6-10 cl.

    Department of Agrobiology

    • Plant resources of 5-9 class.
    • Indoor floriculture with design elements 4-6 cl.
    • Landscaping 6-8 cl.
    • Agroecology with the basics of design and research activities 8-10 class.

    Floordesign studio

    • Nature and creativity 3-5 cl.
    • Floristry basics 4-9 class.
    • Stages of creativity 2-5 class.
    • Flowers and elves 3-8 cl.
    • Preparation of the city's national team for participation in the All-Russian Olympiads in:
      - biology 8-10 cells.
      - ecology 8-10 cells.

    Small Medical Faculty

    • (1 year, tuition is paid)

    • (1 year, tuition is paid)

    • (1 year, tuition is paid)

    • (1 year, tuition is paid)
    In all laboratories of the EBC "Krestovsky Ostrov" scientific research expeditions are held, according to the results of their research, the guys write works with which they perform at Olympiads, competitions, conferences. The modern equipment of the Center allows a wide variety of experiments and experiments. EBC "Krestovsky Ostrov" includes a modern greenhouse, an arboretum, an aquarium economy, a mini-zoo, a computer class, a chemical analytical and other well-equipped research laboratories

    ANICHKOV LYCEUM 407-43-57

    Science Sector:

    • Biology:
      "Processes and forms of life" 15-17 years old
    • Effective self-determination 14-16 years old

    I want to be healthy and strong!


    • Artistic gymnastics (boys) from 6 years old
    • Fencing 8-9 years
    • Boxing 10-12 years old
    • Motor sports 9 years
    • Club of sports ballroom dance "Rhythm" from 3 years old


    • Chess from 7 years old
    • Checkers from 7 years old
    • Orienteering from 8 years old
    • Sports tourism from the age of 10
    • Snowboard from 8 years old
    • Deaf sport "Snowboard" from 10 years old
    • Tennis from 7 years old
    • Cheerleading since 7 years

    EDUCATIONAL AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT (sports complex with a swimming pool)
    570-23-02, 310-22-21

    • Health gymnastics 6-9 years old
    • Swimming lessons for children 5-14 years old
    • Swimming for teenagers 14-17 years old
    • Synchronized swimming 7-14 years old
    • Water aerobics, aerobics 13-16 years old
    • Athletic gymnastics 14-17 years old
      (including paid educational services)

    The computer is my tool, my assistant

    Invent, construct, experience


    • Car model 7-17 years old
    • Robotics 7-16 years old
    • Primary technical creativity 8-13 years old
    • Electromechanical toys 8-12 years old
    • Rocket and space modeling 9-16 years
    • Aircraft model 9-12 years old
    • Shipmodel 9-13 years old
    • Trace modeling 10-16 years
    • Radio electronics and microprocessor technology 10-16 years
    • Mechanical engineering 11-16 years old
    • Children's publishing center 13-17 years old
    • Engineering 3D modeling 14-16 years old
    • Unmanned aerial vehicles 14-16 years old

    I want to dance!

    Song and Dance Ensemble AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky 314-54-69

    • "Learning the basics of choreography" from the age of 5
      (tuition is paid)
    • "The Art of Dance" from 7 years old
      (for children with initial choreographic training)

    Dance and plastic studio "Metamorphoses" 310-48-55

    • A comprehensive program of the Metamorphoses dance and plastic studio "Introduction to dance theater" from the age of 7
      (3 years of study)

    • - The basics of classical dance
      - Basics of Dance Improvisation and Acting
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • The complex program of the Metamorphoses dance and plastic studio "Dance Theater" from the age of 11
      (3 years of study)
      (for children with basic skills and knowledge in the field of classical dance)

    • - Classical dance
      - Basics of acting and modern dance styles
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • Additional set of children with primary choreographic training 8-12 years old
      (based on viewing results)

    Music and variety theater-studio "Razigrysh" 312-05-93

    • The program "I want to" Draw! " from 8 years old
      1 year of study

    • - the basics of choreography
      (based on viewing results, training is paid)
    • Comprehensive general developmental program from 9 years old
      9 years of study
    • - modern choreography and art of plastic movement
      - the basics of acting
      - pop-choral vocals
      - pop vocals
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • Additional admission to the studio of boys and young men with preliminary training 11-15 years old

    Club of sports ballroom dance "Rhythm" 314-99-91

    • Musical and rhythmic development and the basics of choreography 4-5 years
      (tuition is paid)
    • Dance school from 7 years old
      (based on viewing results)
    • Musical movement and the basics of choreography from the age of 3
      (tuition is paid)

    Behind the pages of textbooks

    ANICHKOV LYCEUM 407-43-57

    • Mathematics 10-13 years old (4-7 grades)
    • Physics from grade 7
    • Physics in problems 14-16 years old (9-11 grades)
    • Chemistry 15-17 years old (from 9th grade)
    • Biology 15-17 years old (9-11 grades)
    • Analysis of a literary text 14-17 years old (8-11 grades)
    • English 7-17 years old (1-10 grades)
    • German 11-17 years old (5-10 grades)
    • History 14-17 years old (grades 8-11)
    • Economy 15-17 years old (grades 9-11)
    • Jurisprudence 15-17 years old (9-11 grades)
    • Russian language 13-15 years old (7-9 grades)
      (on a paid basis)
    • Physics 9, 11 cl.
      (on a paid basis)
    • Mathematics 4, 5, 7, 8-9 grades
      (on a paid basis)
    • Young applicants grade 8
      (on a paid basis)
    • Young applicants 10th grade
      (on a paid basis)
    • Advanced courses for participants in subject Olympiads 9-11 grades.
      Russian language, Spanish language, history, geography, art, preparation for olympiads in life safety, literature, social studies


    • Entertaining mathematics 6-9 years old (1-3 grades)
      (including paid educational services)
    • 11-13 years old in the world of mathematics
      (tuition is paid)
    • Labyrinths of mathematics 12-16 years old

    If the soul sings

    Song and Dance Ensemble AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky 310-98-22

    • Choir "Droplets" from 6 years old
    • Choir "Smena" from 9-10 years old
    • Concert choir 13 17 years old (from 13 years old)
    • "Solfeggio in choral groups" from 6-8 years old
    • "Solo singing for students of choral groups" from 6 years old
    • "Vocal Ensemble" from 10 years old

    Music and variety theater-studio "Razigrysh" 312-05-93

    • The program "I want to" Draw! " from 8 years old

    • (1 year of study)
      - the basics of pop and choral vocals
      - the basics of choreography
      (based on viewing results, training is paid)
    • Comprehensive general developmental program from 9 years old

    • (9 years of study)
      - modern choreography and art of plastic movement
      - the basics of acting
      - pop-choral vocals
      - pop vocals
      (based on the results of the competitive recruitment)
    • Additional admission to the studio of boys and young men with preliminary training 11-15 years old

    Folklore ensemble "Teremok" 407-43-63

    • Complex program of the folklore ensemble "Teremok" (junior): 5-6 years

    • (2 years of study) - Folklore vocal ensemble
      - Musical and aesthetic education
      (tuition is paid)
    • Complex program of the folklore ensemble "Teremok" (senior staff) 7-10 years

    • (3 years of study)
      - Folklore vocal ensemble
      - Acting skills
      - Folk traditions and holidays
      - Solfeggio
      (based on the results of individual listening)

    Consonance (learning to play the guitar) 310-01-06
    This program is intended for children aged 13-15 years (grades 7-9) boys and girls who want to improve their skills in playing the six-string acoustic guitar and plunge into songwriting.
    The program is designed for 2 years of study. Classes are held once a week

    For those who choose a profession

    ANICHKOV LYCEUM 407-43-57
    Science Sector:

    • Effective self-determination 14-16 years old (grades 8-10)
    • IT School Samsung 15-16 years old (10-11 grades)
    The educational program includes:
    - study of the main structures of mobile platforms and Android OS;
    - learning the basics of working with databases;
    - study of current development tools

    Young Geologists Club Academician V.A. Obrucheva 314-94-51

    • General geology 13-15 years old (7-9 grades)
    • Basics of stone carving from the age of 14 (grade 8)

    Department of Archeology, Ethnography and History of Religion 312-99-93
    9-17 years old (2-11 grades)

    • Oriental studies with the study of cuneiform
    • Ancient archeology
    • Archeology of Northern Europe
    • Country geography
    Subsidiary disciplines and archeology (military art in antiquity, numismatics, history of archeology)

    Youth Cosmonautics Club. G.S. Titova 407-43-55
    7-10 cl.
    Scientific and technical club on a modern resource base.

    • The comprehensive educational program includes:
    - aerospace technologies: rocket and space technology, satellite navigation and earth remote sensing, aerodynamics and aircraft navigation
    - flight training on aviation simulators
    - computer technologies based on free software: office, audiovisual, Internet technologies, microcontroller programming, 3D modeling and prototyping
    - research activities
    - classes in the pool

    Department of General Biology and Subject Olympiads

    • Introduction to general biology 8-10 cells.
    • Introduction to molecular biology of cells and human biochemistry 10-11 cells.
    • Preparation for the All-Russian Olympiads in Biology and Ecology 8-10 grades.
    • Fundamentals of General Biology 8-10 class.
      (tuition is paid)

    Small Medical Faculty

    • Man and his health 8-11 grades.
    • For the first year of study, students of grades 8 and 9 are accepted.
    • Medical biology 10-11 grades
    • For the first year of study, students of grade 10 are accepted.
    • Anatomy and medicine 8, 9, 10 cl.
      (1 year, tuition is paid)
    • Physiology and biochemistry 9, 10, 11 classes.
      (1 year, tuition is paid)
    • Biology for students entering universities 10, 11 grades
      (1 year, tuition is paid)
    • Chemistry for applicants to universities 10, 11 classes.
      (1 year, tuition is paid)

    Press center "Generation" 314-99-91
    13-15 years old (8-9 grades)

    • Fundamentals of Journalism
    • Stylistics
    • Layout and design basics
    • Fundamentals of Television and Radio Journalism
    • A modern look at world fiction
    Young journalists independently publish the Generation newspaper.
    (training on a paid and budgetary basis)
    Reception is carried out on the basis of monitoring

    Youth University of St. Petersburg 310-12-90
    from 15 years old (9-10 grades)

    • Additional general educational program of the Youth University of St. Petersburg:
    - guided tours
    - toponymy of St. Petersburg
    - military history and heraldry
    - the theatrical past of St. Petersburg
    - research activities in the field of Petersburg studies
    Students attend lectures by leading scientists, special courses on St. Petersburg studies, excursions

    Youth Club of Social Sciences (YUKON) 310-01-06
    13-15 years old (8-9 grades)

    • "Comprehensive program of the Youth Club of Social Sciences"
    - Right
    - Sociology
    - Economy
    - International relationships
  • "Special courses of the Youth Club of Social Sciences" for special preparation for participation in subject Olympiads for students in grades 9-10
  • Students in grades 8-9 who wish to receive vocational guidance in the social sciences are accepted. Guys participate in olympiads, conferences, contests

    Club "Trainee" 310-12-90
    14-17 years old

    • The basics of counseling skills:
    the basics of organizational work, the psychology of communication, techniques for carrying out creative activities, familiarity with the work of modern children's camps. Students undergo summer teaching practice in the city health camp on the basis of the SPB GDTYU


    Leadership school from 13 years old
    The program is designed for 2 academic years
    A program for those who wish to develop their leadership, communication and organizational skills.

    Volunteer school from 12 years old
    The program is designed for 1 academic year
    The history of the volunteer movement in Russia and the world, the personality of the volunteer, the psychology of communication, trainings and team building games. Students get acquainted with grant policy and create their own social project.

    Foundations of the theory and practice of conducting a discussion. Debate since age 14
    The program is designed for 1 academic year
    Do you like to perform? Do you think your opinion is important? Then we invite you to the debate.
    Children will learn to speak confidently and convincingly in any life situation, be it a speech in front of a large audience, an oral exam or a regular conversation.

    Oratory since 12 years
    The program is designed for 1 academic year
    The program is designed for students wishing to play leading roles at public events, demonstrate their artistic and communication skills in public. We will teach you to speak beautifully, logically, intelligibly, engagingly, and also to confidently stand in front of the audience.

    See the world in your own way


    • "Our child draws" from 7 years old
    • "I create my own world" from the age of 13
    • "Graphics: Your Own View" from the age of 10
    • "I want to become an artist": composition as a method of creative development of gifted children from 12 years old
      Recruitment is made based on the results of viewing home creative works
    Arts and crafts from 7 years old
    • "Folk embroidery" from 7 years old
    • "Textile plastic and soft toys" from 7 years old
    • "Living threads: hand weaving" from 7 years
    • "Volumetric plastic: modeling, ceramics" from 7 years

    • Recruitment is made based on the results of viewing home creative works

    Children's design center 310-40-39

    from 8 years old (2nd grade)
    The complex of educational programs of the Children's Design Center is designed for 9 years of continuous education and includes disciplines reflecting various aspects of design practice and project culture: compositional, graphic, volumetric plastic, painting, arts and crafts, computer technology.
    Training takes place in three stages:

    • Preparatory 8-11 years
    • Primary 11-14 years old
    • Specialized 14-18 years old
    Basic enrollment: 2nd grade students are admitted to the 1st year groups of the preparatory course (including paid educational services).
    (including paid educational services)
    For pupils of grades 3-11, a limited recruitment is possible in additional paid groups or for vacated places in budgetary groups of the main composition. You will receive up-to-date information about this by coming to the Children's Design Center during the admission campaign.
    Admission is carried out on a competitive basis (viewing home creative works and an introductory assignment).

    13-17 years old (from 7 grade)
    Training is carried out in three programs:

    • The basics of classic black and white photography 13-17 years old
      1 year of study
    • Fundamentals of technology and compositional analysis of photography "14-17 years old
      1 year of study
    • "Ensemble class" from 8-9 years old Piano
    Wind instruments from 7 years old
    • "Learning to play the flute" from 7-10 years old
    • "Learning to play the trombone" from 8-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the trumpet" from 9-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the tuba" from 10-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the French horn" from 7-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the oboe" from 8-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the clarinet" from 8-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the saxophone" from 8-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the viola, tenor, baritone" from 7-11 years old
    • "Learning to play the bass guitar" from 10-13 years old
    • "Learning to play the block flute" from the age of 7
    • "Learning to play percussion instruments" from 8-11 years old
    • Brass band program from 9-12 years old
    Percussion instruments 10-11 years old Symphony Orchestra
    • Program of the Symphony Orchestra of the Ensemble of Song and Dance I.O.Dunaevsky from 12-13 years old
    Folk instruments from 7 years old
    • "Learning to play the balalaika" from 7-9 years old
    • "Learning to play domra" from 7-9 years old
    • "Learning to play the button accordion in the Russian Folk Orchestra" from 7-9 years old
    • "Orchestral class (development of orchestral music-making skills in the Russian Folk Orchestra" from 9-12 years old
    • "Learning to play the instrument (button accordion) orchestra of accordion players" from 7-11 years old
    • "Program of ensemble classes of the accordion orchestra" from the age of 18
    • The brass band, the Russian folk orchestra, the accordion orchestra, and the symphony orchestra also host students who have previously studied music.
    • Piano training program "Into music with joy" from 7-9 years old
    • "General piano course" from 9-10 years old
    • "Solfeggio" from 7 years old
    • "Learning to play the piano" (tuition fee) from 7-13 years old