Scientific electronic library. Mari chodra national park and its attractions mari chodra national park map

At the junction of three zones - forest-steppe, mixed and coniferous forests - the Mari Chodra National Park is located. Its very name translates as "Mari forest".

Pearls of Mari Chodra

The main treasure of the complex is the most beautiful lakes, many of which are declared natural monuments: Morskoy Eye, Yalchik, Glukhoye, Shungaldan. Not only residents of Mari-El come to admire them, but also guests from more distant regions.

The most famous of all bodies of water, the Sea Eye is so named because of the amazing turquoise hue of the water. From the high bank, a view of a huge bowl filled with clear cold water opens, to which a narrow path descends. Tall fir trees grow around, the aroma of pine needles flows in the air.

The crescent-shaped Wilderness Lake is very popular with divers. Having reached a depth where the light of the sun almost does not penetrate, you can see the "growing" pines that have sunk there many centuries ago.

Yalchik fascinates at first sight with its grandeur and beauty. Underwater springs are constantly expanding the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir.

Shungaldan Lake is a little apart. It seems that the forest surrounding it, as if coming straight out of the water. Shungaldan is located near Maple Mountain.

The lakes are of karst origin, which explains the bizarre forms.

Enchanted Land of Maplemountain

Maple Mountain is the highest point of the Mari Chodra Park. From its top, a beautiful view of the forest stretching around opens up. A wonderful land, Klenovogorie, is located in the center of the complex. The ecological route passing along the mountain amazes with the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Pugachevsky oak

Slightly less than a thousand plant species grow on the territory of the national complex, but the huge oak remains its most famous inhabitant. Proudly towering on the top of the mountain, a dumpy tall warrior, according to legend, protected Emelyan Pugachev from the sun. To this day, the tree is a decoration of the park.

Horseshoe trail

On the route you can see rare plants listed in the Red Book. Ferns, which grow only in the park, will be a real boon for naturalists. The Horseshoe educational trail will lead you through the most interesting corners of Mari Chodra.

Many birds and mammals live here all year round. Moose often come here, a lynx is a frequent guest. The taiga species such as brown bear and ermine are also found in Mari Chodra. However, the most numerous inhabitants are representatives of the order of rodents. Otters and muskrats live in the rivers. The park is home to over 150 bird species. Among them are capercaillies, hazel grouses, and birds of prey: tawny owl, white owl, osprey, buzzard, white-tailed eagle. Numerous families of waterfowl have become old residents of the complex.

Ilet river

Sung in songs, Mari legends and legends, the beautiful river proudly carries its clear cold waters. On the territory of the park Ilet is the largest. Thanks to the underground springs feeding it, the largest of which is the Green Key, the river does not freeze even in severe frosts. The spring water is considered to be healing. The shores of Ileta now soar up with steep slopes, then go down to wonderful beaches with clean sand. There are almost no settlements, but many paths and trails approach the river. A kayak trip will be an unforgettable experience for the park's guests.

The purest water, aromas of flowering lilies of the valley, fresh air - all this allows you to forget about the city bustle and monotony. That is why the inhabitants of the republic call the Mari Chodra complex the most favorite vacation spot.

    MARIY CHODRA, national park in the Republic of Mari El. Founded in 1985. Pl. 36.6 thousand hectares. Located in the river basin. Ilet (left tributary of the Volga) in the southern part of the Vyatka Uval. Karst. Coniferous deciduous forests. The fauna includes elk, squirrel, chipmunk, hare ... ... Russian history

    Nat. park in the Republic of Mari El. Established in 1985 on pl. 36.6 thousand hectares for the protection of coniferous deciduous forests of the Volga region (pine, linden, alder, oak, birch) in the valley of the river. Ilet. 1155 plant species, of which about 10% are rare and ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Coordinates: 56 ° 42 ′ s. sh. 47 ° 52 ′ E d. / 56.7 ° N sh. 47.866667 ° E etc ... Wikipedia

    Republic of Mari El Mari El Republics of Mary El Republics ... Wikipedia

    Republic in the Volgo Vyatka econ. area. Pl. 23.2 thousand km², the capital city of Yoshkar Ola; other large cities: Volzhsk, Kozmodemyansk. Formed in 1920 as the Mari Auth. region, since 1936 - the Mari ASSR, since 1990 - the Republic of Mari El. Located… … Geographical encyclopedia

    Main article: Mari El As of January 1, 2011, the nature reserve fund of the Mari El Republic includes 49 specially protected natural objects (SPNA), including: State nature reserve "Bolshaya Kokshaga"; National ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Volzhsky region. Volzhsky district Yulser Kundem Coat of arms ... Wikipedia

Mari Chodra is a state natural national park in the Republic of Mari El.

Description of the national park

In 1985, the Mari Chodra reserve was formed on the territory of the Republic of Mari El. Its name can be translated as "Mari forest". A nature reserve has been created to protect mineral springs and karst lakes.

The territory of the park is crossed by a railway and a highway. Therefore, getting to the reserve is quite easy. On the territory of the park itself there is a recreation center, a sanatorium and a tourist town. In addition, there are equipped parking lots on the shores of the lakes where you can pitch tents.

There are many lakes on the territory of Mari Chodra, which are surrounded by a dense forest. Moreover, all the lakes are of karst origin. The depth of local lakes reaches 40 m. The Ilet River, which is a tributary of the Volga, also flows through the park. The banks of the river are covered with mixed forest.

As for the flora, most of the Mari Chodra is covered with pine trees. And oak groves can be found in the floodplain of the river and on the hills. In addition, here you can see a number of plants that are listed in the Red Book. And in the forests you can find brown bear, elk, wood grouse and mink. Beavers and muskrats are found in reservoirs. There are 56 species of mammals in the park.

But the main attraction of the park is the lakes. So near the village of Yalchiksky there is Lake Glukhoe, which amazes tourists with its brownish water. Although the bottom of the lake is sandy, its shores are too steep for swimming.

But the shores of Lake Kichier are more gentle and sandy. But the bottom is very muddy and the water is dark. In addition, the smell of hydrogen sulfide is sometimes felt. The lake is located in the Yalchenskoye forestry. In addition to it, this forestry also has a lake Yalchik with sandy shores. Its bottom is sandy, and the water is clear. But this lake is surrounded by a mixed, not pine forest.

All other lakes are located in the Kerebeliak forestry. In this forestry there is both the Round Lake with clear and clean water and the Black Lake with dark water and high banks. But the greatest interest among tourists is caused by Lake Shungaldan, the water of which can be used to take healing baths.

Near this lake, at the base of the Maple Mountain, there is a Green Spring with sulphate-calcium water. As you understand, the water from this source can be used for medicinal purposes. It is worth noting here that on the Maple Mountain itself there is an oak, from the top of which Pugachev watched the burning Kazan. The tsar's troops forced him to leave Kazan. It is believed that it was on Klenovaya Gora that Pugachev's detachment made a halt. In total, there are about 30 historical monuments on the territory of Mari Chodra, among which the cult places of the Neolithic era can be distinguished.

Please note that it is forbidden to fish and hunt in the reserve. There are several routes of various lengths for tourists. These are mainly hiking routes. But there are also cycling, horse and car routes. In addition, those who wish can go down in kayaks along fairly fast rivers.


The following functional zoning is currently adopted:

  • The protected area is 7.6 thousand hectares (20.7% of the total area).
  • The area of \u200b\u200bextensive recreational use is 14.1 thousand hectares (38.6%).
  • The zone of intensive recreational use - 13.9 thousand hectares (38.1%).
  • Other territories - 1.0 thousand hectares (2.6%).
  • Protected zone of the national park - 93.4 thousand hectares.

How to get there?

The park is located in the southeastern part of the Republic of Mari El, in the basin of the Ilet River - the left tributary of the Volga, and is part of the mixed forest zone of the forest zone.

A295 Yoshkar-Ola - Zelenodolsk - the M-7 Volga motorway and the Zeleny Dol - Yaransk railway pass through the park.

National park "Mari Chodra" was organized on September 13, 1985 by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR "On the establishment of the State Natural National Park" Mari Chodra "in the Mari ASSR. The history of "Mariy Chodra" is not limited to 1985.

At the end of the 19th century, in the Kazan province, which included the Mari Territory, the Lushmarskoye forestry was formed.

From October 1, 1927, the Lushmarskoye forestry became known as the "Mushmari" forestry enterprise, and in 1929 the forestry became the timber industry enterprise.

Since 1963, the Mushmarinsky forestry enterprise has become a mechanized forestry, the material and technical base is expanding, its staff is increasing, thinning has been carried out in a mechanized way, and reforestation is mainly artificial, but, as before, the main factor of production was man.

1966 became the year of foundation of the permanent forest nursery. With modern technology and advanced labor organization, the nursery was one of the best in Russia and was repeatedly awarded the title "Nursery of High Culture".

A significant contribution to the development of the Mushmarinsky fur forestry was made by its director A.N. Nemtsev. Having justified the organization of a permanent forest nursery, he laid the foundation for the concept of the emergence of the future national park "Mari Chodra". “Do not cut wood, but take care of it, restore and use it for recreational purposes” - this principle was discussed back in the mid-60s and 70s, but was legally established only in 1985.

National Park "Mari Chodra" today is 36.8 thousand hectares of forests, 4 forestry: Lushmarskoe, Klenovogorskoe, Yalchinskoe, Kerebeliakskoe, and since 2000 also the Mushmarinsky forest nursery (now the nursery of the NP "Mari Chodra").

Purposes of creation:

Preservation of natural complexes, unique and reference natural sites and objects, preservation of historical, cultural and other cultural heritage sites, environmental education of the population, creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreation of the population, acquaintance with nature, cultural and historical sights, development and implementation of scientific methods nature protection, educational activities, implementation of measures for the protection and reproduction of flora and fauna. The regime of the national park allows preserving natural complexes and objects of flora and fauna, cultural and historical objects.

Especially valuable natural objects

There are more than 30 archeological and historical monuments in the park, which date back to the Neolithic era: settlements, places of worship (burial grounds, prayer grounds, altars).

Archaeological sites:


a brief description of

1.Oshutyalskoe VIII settlement

Discovered in 1995. There are 6 deep depressions. Presumably they belong to the remains of ancient semi-dwellings.

2.Oshut'yal IV site

Discovered in 1994. No material remains have been identified, cultural affiliation has not been determined.

3.Oshut'yal I site

Opened in 1975. The width of the site is 7 - 9 m. The surface is soddy, overgrown with mixed forest. Approximate area 200 m 2. On examination, it will find a sub-thrombotic arrowhead.

4. Oshut'yal III settlement

Discovered in 1991. The surface of the site is well soddy and covered with mixed forest. A total of 14 depressions were identified. The collection of excavations numbers 3320 items. The monument is attributed to the Late Bronze Age of the Zimishchensky and Atabaevsky stages of the Prikazan culture (last quarter of the 2nd millennium BC). The monument is of interest for the study of the Late Bronze Age in the basin of the river. Volga.

5.The Settlement of Ozerki III

Discovered in 2002. The surface of the monument is well sodded, covered pine forest... Area 900 m 2. Revealed 3 depressions. The cultural affiliation of the monument and the time of its existence have not been determined.

6. The complex of monuments near the village of Ozerki (Oshutyalskaya II site)

Opened in 1975. The site of the monument is crossed by an old dirt road. In 1974, forest planting was carried out on the site of the monument. Defined as an Eneolithic site (Volosovo culture). Excavations have been carried out. The monument is of interest for studying the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Late Bronze Age and early Middle Ages in the left bank of the river. Volga.

7. Parking lot Ozerki V

Opened in 1994. The site of the monument is well turfed, overgrown with mixed forest, area 2000 m 2. Excavations have been carried out.

8. Parking Ozerki IV (Oshutyalskaya VI)

Opened in 1994. The monument is attributed to the Kama culture of the Neolithic era. Excavations have been carried out.

9. Burial ground near the village of Polevaya

Opened in 1956, the burial ground is dated to the XVII - XVIII centuries. and is identified as Mari pagan. Excavations have been carried out.

10. Prayer near the village of Yanash-Belyak "Aga Payrem Arch"

Opened in 1956.

11. Prayer near the village of Pekoza

Some birches reach 1.5 m. On all birches of this grove there are signs (generic tamgas), cut with an ax at a height of 1 - 1.5 m. It is an ancient Mari pagan supplication.

12.Prayer near the village of Tashnur

Opened in 1956.

13. Location I near the village of Pekoza

Discovered in 1956. No cultural layer or other finds were found. A local resident found an ax dated to the Bronze Age (Balanovo culture).

14. Location II near the village of Pekoza

Discovered in 1956. A local resident found an iron scythe-pink salmon, a coulter and a copper stirrup. No other finds were found. According to the clothing complex, the location is dated to the first half of the 2nd millennium AD. e.

15. Location I near the village of Toshnur

Discovered in 1956. Found flakes. No cultural layer has been identified.

16. Location near the village of Yanash-Belyak

In 1956, granite and flint flakes of indefinite shape were found. No cultural layer has been identified.

17. Parking at the village of Alekseevskoe

In 1956, fragments of molded ceramics with textile imprints and flint flakes were found. The parking area is 250 m 2.

18. Burial ground near the village Alekseevskoe

Discovered while digging a foundation pit in 1970. Found human bones, silver and bronze decorations, beads, iron tools. Burial pits with the remains of coffins are fixed in the walls of the pit. The graves were not opened.


The territory of the national park "Mari Chodra" is located in the eastern part of the Russian Plain, on the southern spurs of the Mari-Vyatka uval, in the basin of the river. Ilet is the left tributary of the Volga River. There is an alternation of plain (Mari lowland) and upland sections of the Mari-Vyatka ridge, complicated by uplands, cut by ravines, sides, hollows, relief drops. The park is located in a natural zone of coniferous-deciduous forests with boreal and forest-steppe elements. Floristically, the national park "Mari Chodra" is located at the junction of the European and West Siberian provinces of the Euro-Siberian floristic region of A. A. Fedorov (1979). The capital of the Republic of Mari El is 70 km away, the city of Cheboksary is 80 km away, and the city of Kazan is 80 km away. The Yoshkar-Ola-Kazan railway runs through the park from north to south highway - Yoshkar-Ola - Green Dol.

national park

Location and history of the Mari Chodra National Park

National Park "Mari Chodra" in 1985 in the Republic of Mari El. The national park is located in the southeast of the Republic of Mari El, in its most economically developed part, on the territory of three administrative regions: Morkinsky, Zvenigovsky, Volzhsky. There are 5 settlements on the territory of the park, where about 15 thousand people live.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe national park is 36.6 thousand hectares, all land is provided to the national park. Forest lands occupy 34.0 thousand hectares (92.9% of the park's territory), incl. covered with forest - 33.5 thousand hectares (91.5%). Non-forest lands occupy only 7.1% of the park's territory, among them: hayfields, pastures, arable lands - 1%, water - 2%, swamps - 1%, roads and glades - 2%, the rest are farmsteads and other lands. The national park is located at a distance of 60 km from the city of Yoshkar-Ola and 30 km from the city of Volzhsk. Its territory is crossed by the Yoshkar-Ola-Moscow railway and the Yoshkar-Ola-Kazan highway of republican significance.

Nature of the national park "Mari Chodra"

The flora and vegetation of the park are diverse. Its territory is located on the southern boundary of the coniferous-deciduous forests of the subtaiga zone, and in floristic terms - at the junction of the European and West Siberian provinces of the Euro-Siberian floristic region. The flora of this limited area includes 774 species and subspecies from 363 genera of 93 families, which is more than 67%. A number of taiga species, both European (European spruce) and Siberian (Siberian fir), are found here with elements of forest-steppe (summer oak) and steppes (feather grass). Pine forests grow mainly on sandy and sandy loam soils and account for 27.7% of forests. Pure green moss pine forests prevail among them, often with the participation of aspen, birch, and sometimes spruce. A special place belongs to sphagnum pine forests. Although their area is only about 600 hectares, they are an important component natural complex parka. Spruce forests are represented in a mosaic pattern and occupy only 3.3% of the forest area. They may include pine, birch, aspen.

The flora of the park includes about 50 rare species, which is 1/4 of the list of rare and endangered species of local flora. Of the species listed in the Red Book of the USSR (1984), there is a real slipper and a red pollen head. Relict plants can be seen in sphagnum bogs: marsh hamarbia, magellanic and string-root sedges, white wildcat, multifilament cotton grass, sundew. Some plant species have become extinct as a result of the disappearance of plant communities. For example, from marsh - marsh dremlik, single-leaved pulp, compressed stream, Lapland willow, and from field - common cockle. As a result of increased exploitation, the endangered species include the sandy cmin, the pure white water lily, the curly lily, the Siberian iris, etc.

Animals of the National Park "Mari Chodra"

The park is inhabited by many animal strips of mixed forests of the European part of Russia. This is due to the ecological and trophic diversity of habitat conditions, as well as to geographic location park at the junction of natural zones. Animal world republic is well studied. However, a systematic study of the fauna of the national park has not yet been carried out. But if we exclude the species inhabiting ecotopes that are unusual for the park (the forest-steppe part of the republic, the Volga valley, the Cheboksary reservoir), then it should be assumed that about 50 species of mammals, about 100 - birds and 29 species of fish live in its lands.

Among mammals, the most numerous order of rodents. In the forests of the park, from the family of squirrels, there are squirrels and chipmunks - a recent eastern alien; from the mouse family - wood mouse, bank vole, yellow-throated mouse, etc. From the order of hares, the hare is not uncommon, and along the borders with fields, the hare is rarely found. The order of carnivores is represented by the weasel family: weasel, ermine, polecat, pine marten, European and, possibly, American mink - all are relatively small in number. The otter, noted according to Yushut, is especially rare. It is interesting that mink sometimes hunts birds, in particular hazel grouse, by voice. Of the felines, the lynx appears to come in. Elk are common in forests. Another representative of the artiodactyl order, the wild boar, is less common. In the lands of Mari-Chodra, especially in the Ileta floodplain, in overmature forests in hollows there are many bats. Specially protected species include the otter and beaver, which were brought from the Voronezh nature reserve and released into the republic's lands in 1947. It is interesting that beavers were previously found on the Irovka, a tributary of the Ileta, but were exterminated.

The most common birds of the passerine order, whose life is associated with forests: jay, magpie, oriole, crossbills, pika, nuthatch, titmouse, etc. This should also include birds from the order of woodpeckers: great and small variegated woodpeckers, woodpeckers. In mixed forests with a varied and dense undergrowth, representatives of the thrush family are common: the field thrush, the mistletoe, and the blackbird. Among the forest birds that lead nocturnal and twilight life, although less common, should be named the long-eared owl, the hawk owl, the ruffled owl and the largest of the owl family - the owl. The common nightjar is common. Of the grouse birds, taiga species live in the park: wood grouse (unfortunately, sharply reduced its numbers) and hazel grouse. A resident of the forest-steppe and deciduous forests - the black grouse - keeps on cutting down and young stands. Of the family of snipe, the woodcock is common, less common due to the limited meadow-marsh spaces of the snipe and great snipe. The family of pigeons is represented by wood pigeon, klintukh and turtle dove. The first two live in old oak forests on Maple Mountain and feed on acorns. Of the daytime birds of prey, the most common are the buzzard, the goshawk, and the black kite. No nesting eagles found. But flights of the golden eagle - the largest eagle - are possible. Another rare feathered predator - the osprey - was recorded along the river. Ilet, a little south of the park. Until recently, gray herons lived in the park: two pairs of herons nested on huge pines on the banks of the Ileta. Currently they are not. Of waterfowl nesting birds in floodplain lakes and swampy channels, the mallard duck and the teal-whistle are common; they are less common on reservoirs of failed origin. It is possible that the gogol, a typical forest duck, makes nests in hollows. Seasonal concentrations of birds are small. In autumn, diving ducks stop temporarily on the lakes, and in spring the passage over the flooded rivers is more lively. In autumn and winter, bullfinches, waxwings, sometimes nutcrackers, etc. migrate.

Background information on national park kindly provided by the administration of the resource