Why do graves glow at night. The glow over the graves will be studied by scientists

What can glow at night? The cemetery is a mysterious place, the explanation for this phenomenon was entirely mystical. whether that these are not the calmed souls of suicides living between the worlds, or those who on earth did not have time to finish some business.

Not only the cemetery glows at night. Wandering lights are often found in the forest thicket or in swampy areas, and also terrify eyewitnesses. Although the swamp glow is easy to explain - the decay of organic matter is always accompanied by a glow.

So why does the cemetery glow at night, how is this phenomenon explained? And why do the lights come in different colors? After all, if we accept the hypothesis that this is phosphorus, which is released during the decomposition of organic remains, then the light should be constant, greenish, and fade as the burial site “ages”. And the lights in the cemetery tend to wander, appear either above the surface of the earth, or at the height of human growth. Their color can be white and green, red and blue. It can be assumed. That the multi-colored glow has a different origin.

Depending on the color of the lights, legends were formed. Small pure light or blue lights, as they believed in Ukraine, standing motionless above the ground - these are the souls of babies who died unbaptized. High lights rising up are the souls of girls who decided to commit suicide because of the perfect “sin”. If you go to this fire, succumb to temptation, you will destroy your soul and you will also lure travelers.

A bright fire that constantly stands over one place - white or the color of a flame - is evidence of the burial of a major sorcerer. Such lights are often found in desert areas or on the very outskirts of the cemetery, near abandoned sites. What can glow blue? The cemetery is not intended for the burial of suicides, so you can see similar lights on its outskirts.

The British preferred to avoid lights of any color. For them, such a phenomenon was considered a messenger of death.

You committed a sin, and the forces of hell sent the soul of the wicked after you.

What glows in the cemetery, if we consider what is happening not from the point of view of mysticism, but look for a scientific explanation? Surprisingly, scientists have not yet given a definitive answer to this question.

There are many theories. Phosphorus compounds that are released from graves as they decompose. But the experiment carried out - in a hole approximately the same depth as the grave, they put rotting organic matter and sprinkled it with a layer of earth - there was no glow.

Methane released again from decay. But then again, such a fire quickly vanished when the gas burned out.

Rotting is not bodies, but rotten ones, coffins are made of wood. Some studies of old burials confirmed this theory.

Other versions of the glow are also offered. Since they tried to avoid cemeteries at all times, animals went there to die. And it is not the buried organic matter that glows, but the one that is on top of the burials.

In old cemeteries, colonies of fireflies gather at night, and they emit such a glow. Therefore, when a person approaches, the lights change shape, move away, beckon.

The lights above the monuments are reflections from the clouds, which, in turn, glow due to distant lightning, moonlight.

Even the explanations concern the towers cellular communications, radioactive radiation and flying aircraft! Considering when people started seeing the lights in the cemetery, the explanation with the planes is "very credible."

It was interesting to explain that Jack Pettigrew, a scientist from England, is glowing in the cemetery. After analyzing many cases, he summed up - this is a mirage that occurs due to distant strong light sources. About the sources - where they came from - he did not say anything.

Experiments and experiments could not fully explain why the cemetery is glowing. Are the lights in the cemetery, which are seen by the brave souls who visit this sad place at night, really evidence that the souls of the dead make themselves known in this way?

There are many folk signs that have been known since ancient times. Many of them are related to the behavior of birds. The titmouse is considered a good and kind bird, and therefore the signs associated with it promise to be blessed ...

American Association for Exploration anomalous phenomena established a foundation that will study the phenomenon of glow over graves. Recently, such phenomena have been observed more and more often, and at different points. the globe.

So, mysterious phenomenon has been observed for many years near the town of Asheville (South Carolina). It was called "Brown Mountain Lights". The mysterious glow on the mountainside was seen by hundreds of people. David Mull, who lives a few miles away, has recorded his sightings since the 1980s and has also collected information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses.

In November 2000, a research team led by Joshua Warren managed to capture the phenomenon on video. The survey was conducted in the area of ​​Highway 181 north of Morganton. The shots taken with the infrared camera clearly show luminous spherical objects. Here they appear, here they arrange a "dance" around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an ordered chain, they move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to regular UFOs...

Meanwhile, David Mull and other observers believe that the spherical lights on the videotape have nothing to do with the descriptions of previous eyewitnesses. According to the testimony of the latter, the phenomenon was simply spots of flickering light at the foot of the mountain. There was even an assumption that Warren's video was nothing but a fake ...

By the way, the Fires of Brown Mountain are mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon has been seen here since time immemorial. The lights are the souls of the warriors who died on the mountain during the battle between the tribes of the natives, and now they are wandering, restless, and cannot find peace ... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls mourning for their murdered suitors …

Thanks to these legends, the Lights of the Brown Mountain have become an integral part of modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written that is called "The Legend of the Lights of Brown Mountain". In addition, one of the last films of the X-Files series is dedicated to the phenomenon.

At the Arlington Cemetery in Washington, during the month, greenish glows were recorded three times over military graves. At the grave of the Fiura family in Augusta (USA, Georgia), every night one of the tombstones emits a greenish light. It always happens at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Fiura family named Josephine, who died in 1899, poisoned her two brothers and sister and committed suicide ...

At the Radi cemetery in the city of Tartu (Estonia), a glow was repeatedly observed over the mass grave of Soviet soldiers. Janis Perkman, head of the local Club of Unknown Lovers, saw it with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not record anything - there was not enough sensitivity.

Similar phenomena take place in Russia. Thus, multiple facts of glow over the graves were recorded at the Malookkhtinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg, founded in the 17th century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason is the Sabbaths that Satanists regularly arrange here. Strange phenomena are also associated with the grave of actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. On the night before the ninth day after his death, a strange waving cloud was captured over the grave mound. And now a mysterious glow can be observed on frosty nights.

At the Igumensky cemetery (Valaam Island) on dark nights you can observe a radiant light green light that seems to be streaming from the ground, rising to a small height - up to a meter. Sometimes he wanders around the cemetery in the form of a light, shapeless spot. For a long time they tried to explain the phenomenon of glow over the graves by the fact that phosphorus compounds are released during the decomposition process.

However, scientists have proven that the phosphorescent light from the remains cannot penetrate the earth (generally, the depth of the graves is at least two meters). Many experiments were carried out, during which a wooden box with a large amount of phosphorus was buried underground. But there was no light above. So we still have to lean in favor of the irrational version - in this way, they say, the dead make themselves felt ...

The American Association for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena has established a foundation that will study the phenomenon of glow over graves. Recently, such phenomena have been observed more and more often, and in different parts of the globe. Until recently, they tried to explain them by natural causes, but experiments did not confirm this ...

From time immemorial, a strange light phenomenon has been associated with ghosts. So, a mysterious phenomenon has been observed near the town of Asheville (South Carolina) for many years now. It was named “Brown Mountain Lights.” Hundreds of people saw the mysterious glow on the mountainside.>>>

David Mull, who lives a few miles away, has recorded his sightings since the 1980s and has also collected information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses. In November 2000, a research team led by Joshua Warren managed to capture the phenomenon on video. The survey was conducted in the area of ​​Highway 181 north of Morganton. The shots taken with the infrared camera clearly show luminous spherical objects. Here they appear, here they arrange a “dance” around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an ordered chain, they move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to ordinary UFOs... Meanwhile, David Mull and other observers believe that the spherical lights on the videotape have nothing to do with the descriptions of previous eyewitnesses. According to the testimony of the latter, the phenomenon was simply spots of flickering light at the foot of the mountain. There was even an assumption that Warren's video was nothing more than a fake ... By the way, the Brown Mountain Lights are mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon has been seen here since time immemorial. The lights are the souls of the warriors who died on the mountain during the battle between the tribes of the natives, and now they are wandering, restless, and cannot find peace ... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls mourning for their murdered suitors …

Thanks to these legends, the Lights of the Brown Mountain have become an integral part of modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written that is called “The Legend of the Lights of Brown Mountain.” In addition, one of the last films of the X-Files series is dedicated to the phenomenon. Greenish glows over military graves were recorded three times in the Arlington Cemetery in Washington over the course of a month. At the grave of the Fiura family in Augusta (USA, Georgia), every night one of the tombstones emits a greenish light. It always happens at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Fiura family named Josephine, who died in 1899, poisoned her two brothers and sister and committed suicide ... At the Radi cemetery in the city of Tartu (Estonia), a glow was repeatedly observed over the mass grave of Soviet soldiers. Janis Perkman, head of the local Club of Unknown Lovers, saw it with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not record anything - there was not enough sensitivity.

Similar phenomena take place in Russia. Thus, multiple facts of glow over the graves were recorded at the Malookkhtinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg, founded in the 17th century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason is the Sabbaths that Satanists regularly arrange here. Strange phenomena are also associated with the grave of actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. On the night before the ninth day after his death, a strange waving cloud was captured over the grave mound. And now a mysterious glow can be observed on frosty nights. At the Igumen cemetery (Valaam Island), on dark nights, one can observe a radiant light green light that seems to be streaming from the ground, rising to a small - up to a meter - height. Sometimes he wanders around the cemetery in the form of a light, shapeless spot.

For a long time, they tried to explain the phenomenon of glow over the graves by the fact that phosphorus compounds are released during decomposition. However, scientists have proven that the phosphorescent light from the remains cannot penetrate the earth (generally, the depth of the graves is at least two meters). Many experiments were carried out, during which a wooden box with a large amount of phosphorus was buried underground. But there was no light above. So we still have to lean in favor of the irrational version - in this way, they say, the dead make themselves felt ...

The American Association for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena has established a foundation that will study the phenomenon of glow over graves. Recently, such phenomena have been observed more and more often, and in different parts of the globe.

Until recently, they tried to explain them by natural causes, but experiments did not confirm this ...

From time immemorial, a strange light phenomenon has been associated with ghosts. So, a mysterious phenomenon has been observed near the town of Asheville (South Carolina) for many years now. It was called "Brown Mountain Lights." Hundreds of people saw the mysterious glow on the side of the mountain. David Mull, who lives a few miles away, has recorded his observations since the 1980s, and also collected information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses. In November 2000, a research team led by Joshua Warren was able to capture this phenomenon on video footage from Highway 181 north of Morganton. here they arrange a “dance” around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an ordered chain, they move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to ordinary UFOs... Meanwhile, David Mull and other observers believe that the spherical lights on the videotape have nothing to do with the descriptions of previous eyewitnesses. According to the testimony of the latter, the phenomenon was simply spots of flickering light at the foot of the mountain. There was even an assumption that Warren's video was nothing more than a fake ... By the way, the Brown Mountain Lights are mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon has been seen here since time immemorial. The lights are the souls of warriors who died on the mountain during the battle between the tribes of the aborigines, and now they are wandering, restless, and cannot find peace ... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls mourning for their murdered suitors …

Thanks to these legends, the Lights of the Brown Mountain have become an integral part of modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written that is called “The Legend of the Lights of Brown Mountain.” In addition, one of the last films of the X-Files series is dedicated to the phenomenon. Greenish glows over the military were recorded three times in Arlington Cemetery in Washington for a month burials. At the grave of the Fiura family in Augusta (USA, Georgia), every night one of the tombstones emits a greenish light. It always happens at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Fiura family named Josephine, who died in 1899, poisoned her two brothers and sister and committed suicide ... At the Radi cemetery in the city of Tartu (Estonia), a glow was repeatedly observed over the mass grave of Soviet soldiers. Janis Perkman, head of the local Club of Unknown Lovers, saw it with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not record anything - there was not enough sensitivity.

Similar phenomena take place in Russia. Thus, multiple facts of glow over the graves were recorded at the Malookkhtinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg, founded in the 17th century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason is the Sabbaths that Satanists regularly arrange here. Strange phenomena are also associated with the grave of actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. On the night before the ninth day after his death, a strange waving cloud was captured over the grave mound. And now a mysterious glow can be observed on frosty nights. At the Igumen cemetery (Valaam Island), on dark nights, one can observe a radiant light green light that seems to be streaming from the ground, rising to a small - up to a meter - height. Sometimes he wanders around the cemetery in the form of a light, shapeless spot.

For a long time, they tried to explain the phenomenon of glow over the graves by the fact that phosphorus compounds are released during decomposition. However, scientists have proven that the phosphorescent light from the remains cannot penetrate the earth (generally, the depth of the graves is at least two meters). Many experiments were carried out, during which a wooden box with a large amount of phosphorus was buried underground. But there was no light above. So we still have to lean in favor of the irrational version - thus, they say, the dead make themselves felt ...

Can fresh burials glow?! Numerous stories about glowing graves- not an invention. There is a very real explanation for this. Grave lights appear over fresh graves with loose earth. The glow causes phosphorus, which is released during the decay of the body. At the same time, the lights of yellow, green, blue shades can both “spread” above the ground itself, and rise up to the level of the eyes of a passerby. In addition to cemeteries, mysterious lights can be observed over swamps, in fields and in forests. Despite the seemingly logical explanation of scientists - what kind of lights they are, what their nature is - people continue to believe in the otherworldly origin of the glow. So, in Europe, many believe that the lights in the cemeteries are the souls of those unfortunate people who did not die by their own death. To see such a radiance is an unkind sign. In Russia and Ukraine, villagers believed that the souls of children shone in cemeteries and swamps. And these lights will not bring any harm.

However, how dangerous or safe these lights are is a moot point. Scientists who are guided only by the physics of the origin of the nature of this phenomenon in every possible way reject all mystical stories associated with wandering lights. However, history knows many cases when wandering lights preceded trouble. So, the story about the Scottish priest, who lived in the 15th century, has acquired many speculations. Allegedly, the man left the house (and his house was near the cemetery) and saw a bright light on the churchyard. Deciding that someone was lost, the priest went there with a desire to help the person. But what was the surprise of the clergyman when he did not see anyone at the cemetery - a bright light just hung over the old crypt. After waiting for the priest to come closer, the light slowly floated towards the village. The end point of the mysterious phenomenon was the house of a local farmer - from there a light flew out "in company" with another, less bright one. After the night "walk" both lights disappeared into the crypt on the churchyard. Imagine the priest's surprise when in the morning he was invited to a funeral service at the farmer's house - a child had died in the family. Needless to say, the baby was buried in the family crypt - in the one over which a wandering light hovered. And such stories with a sad ending - darkness. However, it is worth noting that wandering fires do not always lead to death. In 1977 the world savored interesting story, which was told by a husband and wife from Czechoslovakia. According to them, they traveled and, in search of pristine nature, climbed high mountain- the highest in Czechoslovakia. Already there, at the top, the young people realized that they were lost. But a mysterious ball of small size did not let them panic - it calmed the spouses with its soft light and ... "persuaded" them to follow him. Thus, the light brought the newlyweds to the lower slopes. In fact, he saved them from certain death. Wandering lights are of interest (and for some, grave fear) in people so far. Great scientists (List, Knorre, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel) investigated the mysterious anomaly. Many writers and poets have given more mystery to their works "due to" this radiance. And today, both ordinary people and specialists in various fields are trying to understand the nature of this phenomenon. And therefore, there are more and more hypotheses as to why fresh graves glow and what kind of lights “wander” in the swamps every year. Have you ever come across a similar phenomenon?