Map of Calella. Map of Calella in Russian Calella Spain attractions on the map

Here is a detailed map of Calella showing street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In what country is the city of Calella located?

Calella is located in Spain. This is wonderful beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Calella coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

Interactive map Calella with attractions and other tourist sites - an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see the city plan, as well as detailed map highways with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Calel. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

Calella is a municipality in Spain, which is part of the community of Catalonia, located in the province of Barcelona. The city has a very small area - only 8.01 km 2. Despite this, it has a long and interesting history.

The first settlements that are related to the city lived here in the 1st century BC. The production of grapes, wheat and olive oil was carried out here, which was considered a traditional craft for the Roman Empire. In 1338, Viscount Bernat II of Cabrera gave instructions to build houses on the territory and organize trade. It was this event that marked the beginning of the history of Calella, which celebrated its 650th anniversary in 1988.

Residents of the city were successfully engaged in fishing and farming, and they also built fishing boats here. Then the textile industry began to develop. In 1857, the first train from Barcelona arrived in Calella. This led to greater development of the textile industry. The war of 1936-1939 led to the disappearance of large industry, which provoked the decline of the city.

A new period in the history of the resort began in the 60s of the 20th century. At this time, the city began to increase its attractiveness for tourists, receiving large income from this.

Climate and nature

The climate in Calella is subtropical Mediterranean. That is why there are hot summers and warm winters. During the summer months average temperature The air temperature is 28 degrees, but thanks to the cool sea breeze the heat is practically not felt.

IN winter time The average temperature fluctuates around 15 degrees, so the flow of tourists practically does not decrease. The official tourist season runs from April to October. During this period, the city is dry and warm weather, which allows you to fully enjoy your vacation.

The nature of Calella is very diverse and rich, which contributes to mild climate. The city's landscape consists of valleys with tropical vegetation, rocky slopes covered with juniper, tamarisk and prickly gorse bushes. You can also see beautiful bays surrounded by coral reefs.

If we talk about the resort's vegetation, it is mainly dwarf fan palms, garigue, rosemary and numerous flowering shrubs. Undersea world is also rich - the sea is home to octopuses, many species of fish and squid.

What to see in Calella

As for entertainment, there is quite a bit of it here. These are local cafes and restaurants, children's playgrounds and animations, as well as beach holiday– it is of high quality here.

Almost all of the city’s beaches have been awarded the blue flag, which indicates their cleanliness and improvement. The central beach is always crowded and noisy, the beach near Sant Polo is quieter.

You can also spend time in Calella walking, cycling, going on excursions and thermal springs. You can go to Barcelona to watch the traditional Spanish entertainment - bullfighting. Don't forget about shopping. Walking through local shops and souvenir shops, you can make successful and enjoyable purchases.

If you want a more varied holiday, it can be organized outside the city, in close proximity to it. Here everyone can choose an activity to suit their taste:

  • flamenco show in Santa Susanna - located just 7 kilometers from Calella. The price of a ticket with drinks is 35 euros; if dinner is included, you will need to pay 49 euros;
  • knightly tournaments in Medieval castle– just 15 km from the city. Price – 55 euros, dinner included. This action will appeal to both adults and children;
  • horseback riding – there is a small stable in Santa Susanna where exciting horseback riding tours are organized;
  • Dolphinarium and water park - 10 km, ticket price 8-25 euros.

Speaking about the sights of Calella, we can highlight the most significant ones:

  • Church of St. Mary - it was built on the site of a temple that was erected in the 14th century;
  • city ​​museum – you can see a lot here historical values and documentary evidence of the history of the city;
  • lighthouse from 1837 - it is the official symbol of the city;
  • Dalmau Park is ideal for walking. It is planted with perennial oaks, pine trees and Mediterranean shrubs;
  • watchtowers of Las Torretas - now they look like ruins, but their history goes back many centuries, thereby attracting the attention of tourists and local residents.

These are the main attractions of the city that you should definitely see while staying in it.

Events and holidays

In Calella, like any other spanish city, a huge number of events are celebrated. One of the most striking is the holiday, which is held on the first Saturday of July.

On the main beach of the city at night they sing songs about love for their homeland and the sea, and brew a hot drink to which they add rum. The many lit torches and their lights reflected in the sea surface add a special fabulousness to the celebration.

Also, widespread holidays are celebrated in Calella, these are:

  • Easter holidays;
  • St. Geordie's Day;
  • Feast of Corpus Christi;
  • feast in honor of Saint John;
  • New Year;
  • Christmas.

It is worth noting that there are holidays in almost every month, therefore, regardless of the time of travel, tourists manage to visit at least one of them, comprehending the features that distinguish local traditions and customs.

How to get to Calella

Considering the fact that the city does not have its own airport, you will need to get here from Barcelona airport. It's quite simple, you just need to take a comfortable train. For greater passenger comfort, it is equipped with air conditioning. Travel time is 1 hour, ticket price does not exceed 5 euros.

You can also rent a car to get to the city on your own. But the price of such pleasure will be approximately $30 for one day.

Where to stay

Despite the fact that the city is quite small, it will not be difficult to stay here. You can stay in Calella in an inexpensive hotel, for example, Hotel Haromar or Hotel Internacional, or you can choose more comfortable hotels, such as Medplaya Hotel Santa Monica or Hotel Neptuno. There are also four-star apartments in the city; they are offered to tourists: Hotel Bernat II, Hotel Volga and H Top Amaika.

All beaches on the coast of Calella are municipal. This means that even those beaches that are located near luxury hotels are open to other vacationers who do not live here.

You have to pay for sun loungers and parasols. Their prices vary depending on the season. During the maximum influx of tourists, the price can reach 4-6 euros per day.

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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In the 1st century BC. on the territory of modern Spain (province of Barcelona) on the shore Mediterranean Sea a settlement appeared, whose inhabitants were engaged in the cultivation of grapes, wheat and the production of olive oil.

Since the 14th century, at the behest of Viscount Bernat II of Cabrera, it acquired the status of a city.

Today's Calella is a modern resort town with developed infrastructure, with a port and a railway. 18.6 thousand local residents live here, mainly employed in the tourism business. 55 hotels in a small town welcome thousands of guests from different corners peace.

The mild maritime climate with temperatures above zero even on the winterest days confirms Spain's status as the sunniest country in Europe.

In summer high temperatures(up to 40ºС) smoothes out the humidity of the sea breeze. Evergreen palms here coexist with pine trees, maples and orchids.

How to get to Calella

Commuter trains depart from Barcelona four times a day to this small town. The travel time will be just over an hour.

Doors in Spanish commuter trains, as in the metro, passengers themselves open them by pressing the green button.

If a trip to Spain begins at Barcelona airport, then arriving guests will first have to get to the central airport. railway station city ​​(It is better to do this by train C2), and then, making a change at Estacio Sants station, go to Calella.

Those who love comfort can pre-book a transfer from Barcelona to Calella de la Costa. A comfortable minibus will pick up tourists from airport terminals 1 and 2 and deliver them directly to the hotel’s doorstep.

Cuisine and restaurants

Almost all hotels in Calella provide meals for vacationers, unlike Barcelona. For lovers of independent food, there are many cafes and restaurants in the city. Here are some of the most interesting catering points:

  1. La Quadra - evening tavern with dancing and a delicious dinner for 10 euros;
  2. El Hogar Gallego - a restaurant with a seafood menu for the average budget;
  3. Sant Pau is a pretentious establishment for dear guests who don’t mind shelling out 150 euros for dinner. Tables must be reserved in advance.

Many small shops throughout the city sell food and wine. Two supermarkets in the center will be able to replace all the other small shops: Mercandona at Calle Joan Fuster i Ortell, 450 and Dia at Carrer de Sant Jaume, 54.

Sights of Calella

- The house is a museum in which the Spanish architect Luis Dominic Muntaner lived and worked.
- The famous ancient lighthouse.
- Air-raid shelter Parque Dalmau, built during the Civil War.


The city itself offers only wonderful entertainment sandy beaches. It is worth remembering that three meters from the water's edge the seabed ends abruptly, so small children should not be left in the water unattended.

7 km from the city there is the Flamenco Show entertainment club, where nightly gatherings cost approximately 50 euros. 15 km from Calella you can attend the knight's tournament in the Medieval Castle for only 55 euros (including dinner). Also within a 10-minute drive are a water park, a dolphinarium, a water zoo, and dressage stables.

Calella is a city and municipality in Spain, part of the province of Barcelona as part of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia.