Plane crashes on July 17. Malaysian Boeing flight MH17 was shot down by Ukraine on the orders of the CIA

A Malaysia Airlines passenger Boeing-777 on flight MH17 from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in eastern Ukraine. On board the liner were 298 people (including 15 crew members), including 85 children. Citizens of 10 countries were killed, including 43 nationals of Malaysia. Most of the dead - 193 people - were citizens of the Netherlands.

The plane, following the established international transit corridor, passed Donetsk, and further north for 14 kilometers and began a maneuver to return to the established air corridor. The crew did not have time to finish the maneuver, at 17.20 Moscow time at an altitude of 10 thousand meters the plane began to dramatically lose speed and disappeared from the radar screens at 17.23 Moscow time. The wreckage of the liner was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Grabovo near the town of Torez, Donetsk region, in the territory controlled by the militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

On the evening of July 17, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko "terrorist attack", adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko announced that the plane had been shot down from a Buk anti-aircraft missile system (SAM). Kiev in the wreck of a militia liner, which, according to the West, is supported by Russia. The militias said they did not have the means to shoot down the aircraft at such a height.

In mid-September 2015, the Prosecutor General's Office of the self-proclaimed DPR of the crashed Malaysian plane, which was found by local residents. She turned to the Attorney General of the Netherlands with a request to pick up the wreckage collected in the Donbass. On September 28, Dutch experts together with the OSCE mission visited the village of Grabovo, Donetsk region. They talked to the local authorities and also surveyed the area.

Netherlands Security Council October 13, 2015 plane crash. The report noted that the crash of the airliner was caused by an explosion at the left side of a 9N314M warhead mounted on a 9M38 missile launched from a Buk system. However, a document about the territory from which the aircraft was shot down and who is to blame. The chairman of the Dutch Security Council said that additional investigation would be required to establish the exact location of the missile launch on the Malaysian liner.

The Russian concern Almaz-Antey (manufacturer of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system), in turn, made a report on its study of the MH17 plane crash. According to his data, Boeing launched from the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Zaroshchenskoye, which was controlled by the Ukrainian security forces. It was this area that the Russian Defense Ministry mentioned a few days after the tragedy.

In January 2016, after Russian experts studied the final report of the Netherlands, the Deputy Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Oleg Storchevoy, sent a letter to the Netherlands Security Council, in which he indicated that the studies and field experiments conducted by Russian experts indicate that the conclusions of the Dutch side are unreliable.

In June 2016, a joint international group of investigators investigating the crash of a Malaysian liner in Ukraine, in which they recognized the difficulties associated with the lack of experience in investigating accidents of this magnitude and knowledge of special terms.

In the summer of 2016, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, together with the National Prosecutor's Office of the Netherlands, as part of the investigation of the crash, requested the competent Russian departments, including the Almaz-Antey concern, to provide materials that could contribute to the course of the investigation. In particular, the Netherlands also requested raw primary radar images of the Ukrainian airspace of the Luhansk-Donetsk region for the period when the liner crashed.

In July 2017, members of the international investigation team that the trial on the crash of the Malaysian Boeing will be held in the Netherlands. In the same month, Ukraine signed an agreement on international legal cooperation with the Netherlands, which gives the Dutch side the right to hold a trial in the plane crash case. The signed document provides that the Netherlands has the competence to prosecute persons for crimes related to the crash of the Malaysian Boeing, as well as

Chronicle of a diving corpse vehicle

Intelligence Community Cumulative Annual Budget USAwhich includes 17 organizations, the largest of which are the CIA, State Department and NSA, as well as their contractors, is about 100 billion... dollars. And this money needs to be mastered and clear results must be shown to those who call the tune.

The true customers of the dastardly staging with the Boeing MH17

Today we have witnessed another global staging (like the events of 9/11), which is designed to push the world towards global change in order to establish a "New World Order", and, as a result of the provocation, to eliminate the stubborn "competitor" in the form of Russia. As old Brzezinski used to say - Parkinson's friend - "A new world order with US hegemony is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia".

How this will be done and what other inhuman and blasphemous methods will be chosen by the dark power, we will probably still have to see. Now I want to cite some re-posts and my own thoughts, which testify to the obvious staging of this catastrophe for the further escalation of events, provocation of Russia and forcing against it mass world hysteria. At the very least, everything that you read below raises a lot of questions because, as in the events of 9/11, it is sewn with white thread.

So, the chronology of events

In March, a Malaysian Airlines plane was hijacked, which allegedly disappeared completely and without a trace. In fact, he was transferred to the American military base, Diego Garcia. Then, he was transported to the Netherlands. On Thursday 17 July 2014, he flew to Malaysia.

The plane was led by live pilots, with them radio traffic was conducted by Ukrainian dispatchers. Inside the cabin were not living people, but corpses. A little earlier in the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities, the so-called ATO, Ukrainian Armed Forces are overtaking complexes Beech in quantity 27 pieces. On the day of the plane's flight, they show great radar activity, tracking all the flying planes.

Ukrainian air traffic controllers deliberately change the course of the aircraft to fly over the battle zone

Then these same controllers lower the flight altitude so that missiles of either Ukrainian planes or Ukrainian Bucks can reach it. The action takes place 50 km from the Russian border. If the plane crashed into the territory of the rebellious Donbass - well, into the territory of the Russian Federation - even better.

The plane is shot down by the Ukrainian military, only Ukro-Junta and USA interested in this reenactment.

Two Ukrainian fighter jets were spotted near the plane before it disappeared from radar. In the sky are heard three explosions, the plane falls apart right in the air. They are separated from it immediately before the explosion. two points that later turned out parachutists.

One of the corpses that fell from the sky in the fields of Donbass

Many corpses look very strange right at the moment of falling. Some of them, clearly not fresh, exude a cadaverous smell, as if they had been kept warm for several days. Someone who, and the militia know how fresh corpses look like. Others are as if made of plastic bled and formalized.

The fire just ended at the crash site

The fallen aircraft fragments are severely deformed and torn to pieces, a fire breaks out at the crash site, aviation fuel burns, and black smoke emanates.

The rocket exploded right in front of the cockpit

The cockpit of the plane was hit by striking elements that flew in from the outside and was flooded with human blood from the inside of the pilots; apparently, not everyone was able to leave the plane before the attack, and most likely, part of the crew was left to "slaughter".

In the cabin of the plane were hung blood bags, after the fall, empty shells were visible.

Immediately after the crash of the plane, Ukrainian artillery begins shelling the crash site in order to distort the entry holes of the means of destruction by multiple hits of shell fragments.

Transfer of black boxes of the downed Boeing by the militia to the Netherlands for an "objective" investigation

At the place of the crash of the plane, they throw in striking elements from the modern modification of Bukov, which are not in service with Ukraine.

During 4 days to the crash site does not leave neither the OSCE, nor international experts, nor pathologists. For four days, the corpses and their fragments lay on the ground in the heat, and in the rain, ripened and came in the form necessary for the customer of all this farce.

After the plane crash, in a plastic bag, in perfect condition to the crash site throwing up brand new passports citizens of Malaysia, the Netherlands and other states, allegedly wrecked Boeing passengers.

Passports are willingly shown to everyone, they are filmed by videographers of foreign companies.

Shining with novelty, leaky passports of "those killed in the crash"

Passports with three through holes of cancellation - this is how passports are extinguished in Holland, and with such passports they are not allowed out of the country.

Discovered and whole boarding passes... Wholes - that is, literally whole, with the passenger's spine not torn off. As you know, when boarding a plane, the boarding pass is torn into two parts - the spine remains with the passenger, and the main part with the passenger's passport data remains with the boarding team on the ground, just in order to accurately take into account who exactly boarded the plane and in what quantity.

Moreover - in some whole boarding passes the date was found July 18 - a day later than departure. This is generally fantastic.

The plane allegedly contained 280 passengers and 15 crew members, and 239 corpses were found.

When the journalists showed the passports in a spread, the passenger data were clearly visible. Users of foreign forums were not too lazy and conducted their own mini-investigation, during which it was discovered that the people whose passports were shown by the journalists "really exist" - there are their profiles on Facebook. But - attention! - the profiles of these seemingly completely independent people were registered at the same time: April 21, 2013... (Already in April 2013, they were preparing a provocation, bastards!).

All these profiles are similar in that there is nothing on these pages other than the photos uploaded on the day of registration. Also, these users have neither friends, nor any publications, nor marks about the pages they liked - absolutely nothing! Pages are blank.

In any plane crash, the first thing we see on our TV screens is not the crash site, but relatives of the victims... So - during the first day, no relatives were shown, with the exception of a couple of some strange people - a hysterically crying woman (as it later turned out, the mother of the flight attendant of this plane) and some man. And only then (apparently, the organizers realized the puncture) began fit extras from “relatives of passengers” who were accommodated in the same hotel and who did not give any interviews.

On Youtube the day before the disaster a "record of the separatists' talks" about the downed Boeing was posted. Then the record was removed and uploaded again a day later.

Then the "ripe" corpses are collected and sent by air to the Netherlands.

The whole world became the arena for the American show with the Boeing shot down over Ukraine

The meeting of the corpses of the untimely deceased "citizens of the country" is arranged with truly royal pomp. Laid out on the coffins, it is not known whose corpses, solemnly, stamping a step, are carried out by the military. At the plane's ladder, the royal couple and a large retinue stand, shedding tears.

However, for some reason completely no relatives of the victims, it is understandable, the ubiquitous journalists will immediately unearth that none of the relatives of the citizens of a small country died. Except, perhaps, the crew members.

Maybe the "relatives" were not allowed to the airfield? Nor are they at the airport, where a small crowd is laying flowers ...

By the way, all "relatives", and they, as you remember, from different countries, amicably and unanimously refused to give interviews, appear on television screens and seek help from psychologists. Those. behaved quite differently from the usual behavior of the relatives of the victims.

Immediately after the catastrophe, European and American tabloids massively and hysterically began to spin the news about the Boeing "shot down by the separatists". The news is served under a blood-curdling sauce.

The separatist takes off gold ring off the arm of a corpse

Numerous flaws and inconsistencies do not bother the Jewish owners of Western and North American media. Actually, why bother, because the media belongs to the Zionists, and will print whatever the owners say.

As the Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany Joseph Goebbels liked to repeat, "A lie told a hundred times becomes true." This is the truth the Jewish media feeds the whole world, including Russia.

And what is most surprising about this story is that the truth about the staging was not given in any major Russian national media. Basically, there are excuses that neither Russia nor the militias could shoot down this damned Boeing.

The best so-called "Sicilian Defense" in chess is the offensive defense. And in general, it is understandable why the Russian elite, so merged with the Western, was openly cowardly to declare the truth about this vile staging of their so-called partners from USA and The European Union.

Who and why needed this large-scale and impudent staging? The political situation in the world on the eve of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing-777:

1. The creation of the US-EU single trade zone has actually been thwarted.

2. EU countries refuse to introduce the so-called third package of sanctions and act as a united front together with the United States against Russia.

3. German Chancellor Angela Merkel actually opposed the United States, calling for trilateral consultations with the participation of representatives of Novorossiya.

4. In Europe and the world began to hear massive calls for an end to the bloodshed in the South-East of Ukraine.

5. In Ukraine itself, the process of awareness of the impending catastrophe in the economy and housing and communal services has begun.

The situation on the fronts of the South-East of Ukraine:

1. The troops of the Kiev authorities failed to sever ties between Donetsk and Lugansk.

2. The troops of the Kiev authorities failed to release the garrisons at the Donetsk and Lugansk airports.

3. In the southern direction, three "cauldrons" were formed, into which about 5 thousand people from the armed forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and the so-called "volunteer battalions" fell.

4. The death of the personnel of the troops of the Kiev junta and the destruction of equipment became widespread.

5. In the center and in the West of Ukraine, the population's protests against the continuation of the war began to acquire a dangerous scale for Kiev.

Thus, instead of the expected victories and successes, USAapart from inciting the conflict in Ukraine, they have achieved nothing. And after the US plans began to collapse, there was an even more urgent need to further escalate the military conflict in order to involve Russia in it.

However, despite numerous provocations on the border, which entailed, among other things, the death of Russian citizens, attempts to tighten sanctions, the desired result, was not achieved. And then, just as opportunely, in the territory controlled by the rebels of Novorossiya, the Malaysian Boeing falls ...

Dutch experts gathered from the wreckage what was left of the Boeing. But this did not add clarity to them. And it shouldn't have!

Information department

Donetsk, Torez. Downed Boeing-777, with my own eyes. Autumn 2014

Malaysian Boeing shot down fighters - eyewitnesses

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free... We invite everyone interested ...

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption According to Dutch investigators, a Buk missile exploded to the left of the Boeing's cockpit

More than two years have passed since the crash of the Malaysian Boeing in the skies over Ukraine. During this time, the Russian media have repeatedly questioned the results of the official investigation into the causes of the tragedy that killed 298 people. The BBC monitoring service tracked how the versions of the disaster in the interpretation of the pro-Kremlin media changed.

Spanish dispatcher

July 17, 2014 at 19:00 Moscow time news TV channel LifeNews reported about "a new victory of the Donetsk militias" who allegedly managed to knock out another An-26 transport aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force. This time - near the town of Torez.

"It all happened at about 5 pm Moscow time. An-26 flew over the city, suddenly a rocket hit it, there was an explosion, the plane began to fall," the presenter said, commenting on an amateur video from the scene. The news was immediately picked up by many news sites and the Russia 24 TV channel.

However, less than an hour later, it turned out that the footage shown on the air of Russian TV channels was not An-26 at all, but a Malaysian Boeing flying to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam.

In the first hours after the confirmation of the information about the downed passenger liner in the skies over Ukraine, the Russian media rejected the possibility of Donetsk separatists' involvement in the catastrophe.

"Experts assure that it is impossible to shoot down the liner with the means at the disposal of the rebels," the Vremya correspondent said on Channel One.

"The plane crashed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Grabovo, which is not far from the village of Snezhnoe, which was bombed the day before yesterday, and was heavily bombed by the Ukrainian Air Force," said the journalist of the Rossiya TV channel.

In parallel with this, alternative theories, including conspiracy theories, began to actively spread in the media. Late in the evening of July 17, the Russian-language website of the RT channel published a tweet from a "Spanish dispatcher" in Kiev that a few minutes before the crash of the Boeing, Ukrainian military aircraft were seen next to it.

The message was soon picked up by the Russia-24 TV channel, as well as by a number of Internet publications. Soon, the “dispatcher's” Twitter account was declared fake and blocked.

Image copyright AFP Image caption The Russian media even published a version that the target was not the Malaysian Boeing, but the plane of the Russian president

Putin's plane

Another version, which was widely disseminated in the Russian media on the evening of the same day, was the theory that the probable target of the downed Boeing was probably the number one plane of the Russian president, returning from a Latin American tour.

"The contours of the aircraft are generally similar, the linear dimensions are also very similar, and as for the coloring, at a fairly distant distance it is almost identical," an Interfax agency quoted a source in Rosaviation.

The next day, as the headlines of the world press were full of accusations against the Kremlin, Russian state television channels continued to blame Ukraine for what happened.

"Formally, the Malaysian airliner was shot down in a peaceful sky. Despite the fact that the Ukrainian authorities declared the area over the southeast to be no-fly on July 8, the transit trains continued to operate," the Vesti correspondent noted.

At the same time, a new conspiracy theory appeared on the Internet: the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets reported, citing eyewitnesses and one of the then separatist leaders Igor Strelkov, that perhaps some of the Boeing passengers were dead before the fall.

Nevertheless, a few days later, this version, as well as rumors of an attempt to shoot down "plane number one", faded into the background, giving way to the official statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Disappearing "Beech"

On July 20, US Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking on CNN, accused Russia of supplying large consignments of weapons to separatists in eastern Ukraine.

On July 21, Russian state television channels announced that, according to the Russian military, a group of Ukrainian Buk anti-aircraft complexes appeared in the Donetsk region on the eve of the tragedy and disappeared shortly thereafter.

“In addition, at the time of the crash, there was another object on the same echelon with the airliner - the Ukrainian Su-25,” the Vesti presenter noted, referring to the data of the Ministry of Defense.

At the end of May 2015, Bellingcat, an international independent group, stated that the images of the Ukrainian Buk complex, which allegedly recorded its movement on July 14 and 17, 2014, were fake.

On July 25, 2014, the version about the Ukrainian "Buk" sounded again from TV screens. This time, the NTV channel, referring to the expert's opinion, said that the Boeing-777 could be shot down during the exercises of the Ukrainian air defense forces.

On September 9, Dutch security services released a preliminary report on the causes of the MH17 crash. Its main conclusion is that the Boeing fell apart in the air as a result of outside influence.

On the same day the correspondent of the TV channel "Russia" criticized the opinion of experts, reminding again that the Ukrainian military allegedly had "Buki" at its disposal. "This photo shows a missile system with a rotated launcher. On July 17, it suddenly disappeared somewhere," he said.

“Experts are confident that the experts missed the time when a full and objective investigation could be carried out. The Ukrainian side seemed to deliberately did everything possible to make it impossible to find out the real cause of the disaster,” the correspondent concluded.

Image copyright AFP Image caption Russian authorities consistently deny that the Malaysian Boeing could have been shot down by the Russian Buk

Sensational shot

Nevertheless, in November of the same year, the version about the Ukrainian "Buk" was unexpectedly replaced by a new one - about an "air-to-air" missile.

The host of the program "However," Mikhail Leontyev said that "at the disposal of the First Channel was a sensational picture, allegedly taken by a foreign spy satellite in the last seconds of the flight of the Malaysian Boeing over Ukraine." In the photo, the presenter noted, "the launch of a rocket from under the left wing of the" MiG-29 fighter "is clearly visible right into the cockpit."

“In short, there was most likely no Buk,” he concluded.

The release of the program "However" went on the air on Channel One on November 14 - a few days before the G20 summit in Australia. According to Leontyev himself, "on the eve of the most important meeting of world leaders ... the topic of the investigation into the death of passengers on that flight is more than relevant," and the sensational frame "speaks in favor of the version that was almost never heard in the West."

In the evening of the same day, a similar story with "photographic evidence" of the destruction of the plane by a fighter appeared on the air of the Rossiya TV channel. On the same day, the popular Russian photoblogger Ilya Varlamov discovered signs of falsification of satellite frames.

Secret witness

After the loud exposure of the fake photo, the version of the fighter began to be actively discussed in the Russian media at the end of 2014.

This time the occasion was the publication in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" on December 22. As the newspaper reported, the journalists "found a witness who claims that the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft.

"In the Malaysian Boeing case, a secret witness has appeared, whose testimony clears all charges against the militia and Russia," the authors of the article concluded. Soon this story was picked up by network publications, large television channels and even the Investigative Committee of Russia. However, the story did not end there.

In early June 2015, the "secret witness" reappeared in the headlines of the state media. "The investigation into the Boeing crash in the Donetsk region is making significant headway. And today the Investigative Committee of Russia named the name of the main witness," Channel One said on June 3. According to journalists, it turned out to be a former Ukrainian serviceman Yevgeny Agapov.

In parallel, the Russian media reported on the results of an investigation carried out by the developer of the Buk anti-aircraft systems, the Almaz-Antey concern. According to the company's experts, the Malaysian Boeing was shot down over Donbass by a 9M38M1 missile fired from a Buk-M1 complex. At the same time, representatives of the concern at a press conference did not rule out that the missile could be fired by the Ukrainian air defense.

In response, Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins said that Almaz-Antey "used incorrect and edited images in his report on the disaster of flight MH17.

Special operation

According to this version, on July 17, 2014, a bomb exploded on board the Boeing. "I am practically sure that the plane was destroyed from the inside, and it was a special operation," Sergei Sokolov, an expert at the federal information center "Analytics and Security", said on the air of the TV channel at the time.

Obsolete "Buk"

On October 13, the Dutch Security Council issued a final report on its investigation into the causes of the crash, which stated that the airliner had been shot down by a missile launched from a Russian-made Buk.

A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 on flight MH-17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed on July 17 in the Donetsk region. All 298 people on board the liner, including 85 children and 15 crew members, were killed. Most of the victims of the plane crash were Dutch nationals. Investigative measures into the Boeing crash were entrusted to the Dutch Security Council. In addition to the Netherlands, experts from the UK, Malaysia, USA, Germany, Australia, Ukraine and Russia are taking part in the investigation of the causes of the disaster.

Versions of the tragedy and preliminary report of investigators

An expert preliminary report on the causes of the crash of the airliner says the plane collapsed in flight due to "structural damage from the external effects of numerous high-energy objects," but the source of these objects has not yet been identified.

Chen: opinions about Boeing crash in Ukraine are based on lack of factsUniversity of Sydney international relations specialist Peter John Chen doubts Boeing was shot down by the Russian military. Using air defense would be criminal recklessness and not in Russia's interests, he added.

As soon as it became known about the accident, the Kiev authorities blamed Donbass militias for the Boeing crash, suggesting that the plane was from a Buk anti-aircraft missile system from the territory controlled by the militias. In turn, representatives of the militia said that they had no weapons at their disposal that could shoot down an aircraft at such a height. In addition, almost immediately after the incident, materials appeared on the pages of the Western media claiming that Russia was allegedly involved in the MH-17 plane crash.

Later, as part of a briefing by the Russian Defense Ministry, images from their satellites. According to the defense department, the means of objective control recorded in the afternoon of July 17 the increased activity of the Ukrainian 9S18 Kupol radar of the Buk air defense missile system - nine stations were operating. A few days before the disaster, 7 and 8 radars 9S18 worked, and since July 18, 2-3 stations have worked, the department said.

Dutch experts at the crash site of the Malaysian BoeingA group of Dutch experts arrived at the crash site of the Malaysian Boeing cabin in the village of Rasypnoe in the Shakhtyorsky district of the Donetsk region, RIA Novosti reports from the scene.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation offered the United States to publish data from American satellites in order to compare the results, but this has not been done so far.

In addition, in December, the Sunday edition of the British newspaper Times with reference to a representative of the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) reported that the Ukrainian authorities had airspace for civil aviation, despite the recommendations of experts.

During the five months of the investigation, many expert and journalistic versions of the tragedy appeared. However, representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency say that many of them "have nothing to do with reality", and the commission will determine "real and fake".

Investigation for 36 million euros

According to the latest data, the Netherlands for investigative measures to establish the causes of the plane crash MH-17 36 million euros.

Since the versions of the cause of the accident, referred to in the preliminary conclusion of the experts, have not yet been confirmed, the commission decided to extend the investigative measures until August 2015.

Investigation progress

Experts from Great Britain, Malaysia, USA, Germany, Australia, Ukraine and Russia are taking part in clarifying the causes of the tragedy.

Currently, the Netherlands Safety Council arrives from Ukraine the remaining containers with the wreckage of the airliner. All details will be photographed, studied and classified, and their research will be carried out in a special hangar.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on the international community to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the disaster so that it "is not" let on the brakes, "as has already happened with the investigations of many other Ukrainian tragedies, including the shooting of civilians by snipers in Kiev in February, the bloody massacres in Odessa and Mariupol in May ".

According to media reports, some relatives of the victims are going to sue Ukraine for violating international law by not protecting its airspace during the hostilities. The mother of one of the victims is already in the ECHR, demanding from the Ukrainian government compensation of 800 thousand euros for manslaughter.

The family also said that Holland "failed the investigation" and accuse the investigators of failing to collect evidence and coordinate the process.

The CIA wrote the scenario for the crash of Flight MH17. Part 1

Today is two years since the tragic crash of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 in the skies over Ukraine. There are still more questions than answers.

I. The plane was shot down according to the scenario of Operation Northwoods

Few people paid attention: the scenario of the catastrophe and further events fully corresponds to the American operation "Northwood" (Northwoods). The operation was planned in 1962 by the US Department of Defense and was intended to prepare American public opinion for an armed invasion of Cuba with the aim of overthrowing the government of Fidel Castro. The operation involved the implementation of terrorist acts with imaginary or real victims in the United States, Cuba and other countries, including hijacking planes, imitation of hostile actions under a false flag, acts of terror organized by the state.

Regarding the downed civilian aircraft, the declassified primary source literally says the following:

“You can create an incident that convincingly demonstrates how a Cuban plane attacked and shot down a civilian charter liner from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela. The direction is chosen to cross Cuba. Passengers can be students or any other group of people with a common interest to justify using charter flight out of schedule. "

If we assume that in Ukraine we are dealing with such a special operation-provocation, it becomes clear why a civilian Boeing seemed to be deliberately sent through the ATO combat zone, where navigation actually did not work anymore. Moreover, the plane was released from the transport corridor.

“At Eglin Air Force Base, an aircraft will be prepared, painted and numbered as an exact duplicate of a civilian registered aircraft belonging to an organization under the patronage of the CIA in Miami. At the appointed time, the backup aircraft, filled with specially selected passengers under carefully prepared fictitious names, will be replaced by a remotely controlled civil aircraft. "

And again, remember: on March 8, 2014 and July 17, 2014, two aircraft of exactly the same modification were lost. 777-200ER the same airline. Such a coincidence, you see, can hardly be an accident. The meaning of this situation lies in saving on operations: the aircraft does not need to be repainted, it is only necessary to replace a very similar number ( MO on MD). Greed and got caught.

“The takeoffs of the RC and the actual liner will be coordinated to ensure that they cross routes south of Florida. After that, the aircraft with passengers will descend to the minimum height and land on the additional field of the Eglin airbase, where passengers will be evacuated, and the aircraft will be returned to its original status.

The radio-controlled aircraft, meanwhile, will continue flying along the planned route. Over Cuba, he will begin to transmit on the international distress frequency SOS that he was attacked by a Cuban MiG. The transmission of this message will be interrupted by the destruction of the aircraft via the radio signal. This will allow the radio stations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the Western Hemisphere to inform the United States about what happened to their aircraft, thereby eliminating the need for the United States to 'sell' the incident. "

Now let's contrast this plan with several key events of 2014:

1. On February 23-27, 2014, the leadership of the executive branch of Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was changed. The new Crimean authorities declared the illegitimacy of the new leadership of Ukraine and appealed for assistance and assistance to the leadership of Russia, which provided the Crimean authorities with all possible support.

2. On March 7, 2014, a delegation of the Supreme Council of Crimea met in Moscow with the Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin and Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. Naryshkin said that Russia will support the free and democratic choice of the population of Crimea and Sevastopol. Matviyenko assured that the senators will support the decision on the entry of Crimea into Russia, if it is adopted.

3. On March 8, 2014 the Boeing-777 flight disappears MH370 Malaysian Airlines. The wreckage of the plane was never found. In the future, a version runs and even testimonies of Maldives residents appear, which give reason to believe that the plane was hijacked and landed on the territory of a military base. Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean... These facts are not commented on by the West in any way.

4. Mid-July 2014 - units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (about 5,000 soldiers and dozens of pieces of equipment) fall into the Izvarinsky boiler. On July 16, the boiler was closed, hundreds of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed in the "Izvarinsky boiler".

Again, such coincidences are not accidental: expecting such a random coincidence is like waiting for a coin tossed into the air to stand on its edge. Therefore, we have no doubts: the operation was planned by the US special services and implemented by the armed forces of Ukraine in order to accuse Russia. Moreover. blame immediately for the events in eastern Ukraine and for the allegedly shot down Boeing. The very next morning after the tragedy, in the West, the media came out with such accusations, with portraits of Russian President Putin and the image of the Buk air defense system.

However, a lot went wrong - a year later, the West cannot figure out how to "hang" a plane on us. The problems started from the very first day.

II. Strange video recording with Ukrainian Buks

Immediately after the disaster on the leading Ukrainian portal An article was published with the headline: "Poroshenko on the Boeing 777: The Army Has No Targets in the Air." Samantha Power in the UN Security Council, in her lies, she went even further and said: "The Ukrainian military had the SA-11 (Buk) systems in their warehouses, but there were no such weapons near this area."

Samantha Power

However, we know what happens when the right hand does not know what the left is doing. In this case, all attempts to justify the downed plane are refuted by the following video from the Ukrainian media the day before the crash:

The video shows: SAM "Buk" and SOC "Kupol" (target detection system) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are in full combat readiness in the ATO zone as of July 16, 2014. It turns out: they have targets in the air. Follows: Poroshenko and Power are lying?

III. Fakes

Immediately after the disaster, many fakes are born in Ukraine. This strategy was also part of Operation Northwoods: Create a lot of rumors.

Fake 1... A photograph of the "contrail" in the Snezhnoye area, capturing an absolutely clear sky! The real sky at the time of the disaster was cloudy enough.

Fake demonstrating contrail from Snezhnoye

The actual situation at the time of the aircraft explosion.

Actual situation according to meteorological data from the Commission's report. The green point indicates the last position of the aircraft, followed by the maximum cloud cover - 8 out of 8. It doesn't look like a completely clear sky, does it ?!

Fake 2... "Telephone conversation" by Igor Bezler (Bes), who reported the downed plane to his "curator" in Russia. But everyone knows that Bezler was defending Gorlovka at that moment, so he could not have first-hand information about the situation in the Grabovo area. Moreover, the entry says about the plane that fell behind Yenakiyevo (32 km from the site of the tragedy), that is, about a completely different plane. This information was then relayed in the Western media as clear evidence of Russia's guilt. Hackers discovered - the recording was made before the plane crash .

Fake 3... The recording of another conversation asserted that the militia, according to them, according to the fake, had already "felt better after the arrival of Buk" - they (Buk) had already "managed to knock down two dryings yesterday and already the second today." At the same time, judging by the chronology of events in the Ukrainian media, Buk arrived at the place of combat duty only a few minutes before the downed plane!

Moreover, not a single aircraft before Boeing contained traces of the Buk air defense missile system, all were shot down from portable air defense systems. The recording ends with an intriguing horror story - a statement about an imminent attack by Russian troops in Ukraine.

There were many provocations - a photograph of the "Russian soldier" in the Buka of Sani Sotkin (with identification marks!) With studio-quality processing and theatrical expression on his face depicting an idiot. Or the movement of a clean "shooting" Buk in an urgent manner "back to his homeland", and, as you know, to such a state, it only takes two or three days to wash it after the shot. Or the version that Russia wanted to shoot down an Aeroflot flight (which actually flew 140 km from the war zone), and then blame Ukraine. Missed.

It is reasonable to ask the following question to Pan Poroshenko and the Ukrainian media: if you are so sure that you are right, why do you lie so much? The word "right" and the word "truth" are similar, aren't they?

IV. Inconsistencies

Mismatch 1... Few bother to compare last video from an airplane with real fragments. But in vain. The video clearly shows: the marking of the places is to the left of the handle, and at a considerable distance. The markings on the fragments of the aircraft are strictly above the handle, and on the right, not on the left.

Photo of the salon on the video - the seat numbers are located on the edge of the shelf, to the left of the handle.

Close-up detail of interior with shelf number 31 HGFED.

The CIA wrote the scenario for the crash of Flight MH-17. Part 2.

V. Mathematical calculations

Place of defeat

Mathematical calculations show that the plane was struck at a distance of over 34 km from the town of Snezhnoe. The plane began to lose speed no later than 16.20 and disappeared from radar at 16: 21.35 at a speed 200 km / h (presumably at an altitude 5000 meters). Real cases and mathematical models of such disasters show that the time of debris falling is unlikely to be less than 2 minutes, and the distance traveled to the point of impact is unlikely to be less than 20 km.

Radar data indicate that up to 16:20.43 the plane was still flying at a speed of about 900 km / h. 40 seconds of flight at such a speed is already 10 km. It is interesting that the aircraft, after the alleged defeat, first increased rather than decreased speed. The distance from Snezhnoye to Rasypnoye is 18 km. After its separation from the aircraft, the cockpit flew 6.5 km to Loose. Only after the cab was separated (not earlier) did the speed begin to drop. It is obvious that the separation of the cockpit did not take place immediately, but some time after the explosion. According to radar data, the cockpit separation time was about 40 seconds.

We get:

From Snezhnoye to Rassypnoye: 18 km;

From Rassypnoye to the cockpit separation point: 6.5 km;

From the place of the alleged defeat at 16: 20.03 to the separation of the cockpit and the beginning of a catastrophic drop in speed at 16: 20.43 - 10 km.

Total: 34.5 km.

These facts, however, do not coincide with the data of the preliminary report of the International Commission, according to which the estimated coordinates of the point of destruction of the aircraft - 48º07 '37.7 ”N; 38º31 '34.7 ”E, closer to the crash site. Probably, it was beneficial for the commission to present a report in which the place of the plane's destruction would be as close as possible to the town of Snezhnoye. However, this conclusion contradicts the laws of physics and mathematics.

The nature of the damage to the aircraft, severe damage is highlighted in red.

According to the preliminary report of the International Commission, the most severe damage can be attributed to the destruction of the power frame of the airplane nose. It was this damage that led to the further destruction of the aircraft. At the same time, it is obvious that these destruction did not lead to an immediate stall of the aircraft at its peak.

Until the moment when the plane began to crumble, it moved horizontally, and did not dive. Usually, one missile hit is not enough to immediately destroy an aircraft with a mass of about 250 tons (the missile's warhead is 70 km, the mass of the striking elements is about 2 times less, while most of them do not hit the target). The kinetic energy of the striking elements that have reached the target is too small (much less than 0.1% of the corresponding indicator of the aircraft) to lead to a significant change in the characteristics of the aircraft movement, or to the immediate destruction of its structure. It can be concluded that the plane gradually dropped to 5000 meters, where it crumbled.

At the same time, we are not inclined to judge that the defeat took place much to the west of Kirovskoe (see below). The destruction of the bow resulted in a relatively rapid loss of speed than would be the case with standard gliding.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the Buk air defense missile system could shoot down an aircraft from Snezhnoye (the main version of the Ukrainian media), since 35 km is the performance limit. And at the limit of performance characteristics, the Beech works with a low probability of defeat. It is also necessary to take into account the flight time of the rocket, during which the rendezvous took place. At the moment of launch, the aircraft would be even further, not to mention the fact that having only a Buk air defense missile launcher available, without a target detection system and a command post for processing information, it becomes impossible to hit a target at the considered distance. In this case, the beech will turn into a blind weapon that will fire "from a cannon at sparrows."

Rocket launch site

We covered in detail the cases of aerial terror in the article “History of aerial terror. Who is to blame for the destruction of aircraft in the air. " We have only one question left to ask: how many more years and how many more victims will it take for the "world community" to pay attention to the US "Aerotherror", stop indulging and broadcasting everything that is beneficial to the United States? Perhaps the existence of an operation Northwoods can also be attributed to the invention of Russian propaganda? It is time for the world to say a resolute "no" to US provocations.

Questions to be resolved:

3. If another plane crashed - who are the people who flew in it?

These questions were asked by us on the Russia-1 TV channel in a program dedicated to the loss of a Boeing-777 in March 2014. To put it bluntly, the fate of the passengers on this flight is unknown. If we proceed from the scenario of Operation Northwoods, these are specially selected people, that is, they have connections with the special services. It is not difficult to change documents and legends for them.

Nevertheless, we understand that this is a sensitive issue, people may have relatives, therefore, if the assumption about their recruitment is incorrect, then we would not want to hurt the feelings of relatives. Perhaps time will reveal more information regarding these terrible events.

There has already been a lot of speculation about the fate of the passengers on this flight. However, as of March 27, 2015, 296 dead bodies (all but two passengers) had been identified. Thus, if you follow the official version, the list of people who flew out corresponds to the list of those found in the Donetsk region.

Nevertheless, there are also an endless number of questions here - the identification process dragged on for several months and we did not see the indignation of their relatives. In general, we saw them unprecedentedly little. On April 9, 2015, the Dutch authorities published 569 documents related to the disaster. Personal Information the killed passengers of the plane and their relatives were retouched.

However, we are not ready to make statements on this topic. So far, there is too much evidence in favor of the scenario of a pre-planned provocation.

4. Why come up with such a complex scenario?

In our opinion, for maximum effect. If special people do not participate in a special operation, the probability of failure will increase dramatically. Relatives will do their best to get to the bottom of the truth, in case something goes wrong, the truth will immediately be revealed. The consequences of such a failure can hardly be overestimated. In complex intricacies, it's always easy to hide the ends in the water! The main thing is not to get lost in them ourselves.

However, all details of the operation are unknown. There is no complete picture of the provocation. It is unlikely that we will find out the truth in the next 30-40 years. All the information that we can count on today is hypotheses.

5. Could the Buk air defense missile system quickly destroy the plane?

Here the experts disagree:

The Russian Union of Engineers claims that the striking elements “can penetrate the aircraft fuselage, but given the dimensions of the Boeing 777 (63.7 meters long, with a large wingspan of more than 60 meters), they cannot lead to the destruction of the aircraft into separate small parts, like this happens to airplanes seven to ten times smaller. " In addition, "no plume was recorded in the form of thick white condensation from the combustion products of rocket fuel, as well as a contrail that appears and persists for several minutes after launch and is visible within a radius of at least 10 km from the launch point of the rocket."

The experts of the Buk air defense system manufacturer insist that the plane was destroyed by the Buk. Corresponding traces of destruction by various fractions of the striking elements, the striking elements of the "I-beam" type, were found. The form of a “heavy” fragment in the form of an “I-beam” is used only in 9M38M1 anti-aircraft guided missiles equipped with a 9N314M high-explosive fragmentation warhead, which allows us to unambiguously determine the type of warhead - 9N314M. Only 9M38M1 missiles are equipped with the indicated warhead.

However, we cannot be satisfied with this answer, since no striking elements have been presented so far. The warhead contains 32 kg of striking elements: about 4500 I-beams weighing 8 g and about 1500 cubes of 4 g. Of course, no more than a few percent of this number got into the plane, but the world saw the first sample of the striking element only on March 19, 2015, after 8 months after the disaster. Why was it impossible to do this before?

6. Maybe Boeing shot down the plane after all?

An air strike is likely. At least, this can be at least some explanation for the changes in the parameters of the aircraft at around 16: 21.43. A heavy rocket flying at great speed can significantly change speed characteristics.

In addition, this version was announced in December in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" to an employee of a military air base in Dnepropetrovsk, who did not want to give his last name then for security reasons. On July 17, 2014, after lunch, an airplane took off for a combat mission SU-25 Ukrainian Air Force, piloted by a captain Voloshin... On board were R-60 air-to-air missiles with a thermal guidance principle. They can fly up to 10 kilometers in search of a target.

Voloshin returned to the airfield with an empty ammunition load. Flight Director Dyakiv asked the captain: "What's wrong with the plane?" Voloshin replied: "The plane was in the wrong time and in the wrong place"... The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, immediately after publication in our newspaper, provided state protection to an important witness. In June, the RF IC decided to declassify it: citizen of Ukraine Agapov Evgeny Vladimirovich, who served as an aircraft armament mechanic of the first squadron of the tactical aviation brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force in military unit No. А4465.

When the investigation lasts so long, and neither journalists, nor experts of the interested parties, nor the public are allowed access to any information, such an investigation, in our opinion, cannot be considered independent. Any conclusions and evidence of the commission for such a period of time may be falsified. It should be noted that at the request of the Ukrainian side, information may be removed from the disclosure of the data of the expert commission.

Hence, various versions still have the right to exist. Moreover, the commission of inquiry has not yet rejected the version of the air attack. In theory, this could mean the presence of both a ground attack and an air attack. This version is very unlikely, but it could explain such a rapid destruction of the aircraft.

By the way, we would not at all take on faith any statements of the commission of inquiry. So, for example, immediately after the disaster, the information was different: the last reliable data was transmitted by the plane's transponder at 16:18 local time over Gorlovka, after which reliable information ceased to flow and was finally lost at 16:20.

This means that our version of the plane crash receives additional confirmation for a longer time. But this is too inconvenient for the Ukrainian side, because the whole version with Snow is crumbling! If, however, these data are correct, then the likely picture of the incident should be changed: over Gorlovka, the Boeing was fired at from a cannon in the cockpit by a military aircraft, and then was finished off from the Buk air defense missile system near Zaroshchenskoye.

Traces of an attack by a military aircraft.

However, the version of the rocket launched by a military aircraft is still not excluded. For example, like this:

The famous collage in which a military plane shot down a Boeing at 4:19 p.m. local time is most likely fake.

In particular, the collage claims to be a snapshot from space, but uses Google maps from 2012, and the time is incorrect (UTC 1:19 instead of UTC 13:19). However, many perceived it as a deliberate stuffing in order to hint to the States that we know everything.

7. Was the Boeing shot down at all?

There are versions that there was no disaster at all, and the previously prepared debris was dropped from transport aircraft... This version was presented by Yuri Mukhin. The author convincingly, using photographic material, proves: on the wreckage we see traces of the work of the tool - the hydraulic shears. Some of the wreckage actually contains cuts that could not have occurred in a disaster of this kind. In addition, all the wreckage of the aircraft is approximately the same size, as if pre-cut into pieces that are convenient for transportation by transport aircraft. In accidents of this kind, large pieces are always contained, this is ensured by sufficiently strong materials from which the aircraft is made.

However, the edition New Straits Times tried to explain the presence of many pieces of approximately the same size by constructing a model of the destruction of the aircraft:

Nevertheless, since contradictions in the official version of the incident are visible to the naked eye, one can believe in any version, even the most fantastic, since it provides at least some explanation of the events - something that is not in the official conclusion of the commission.

8. The Commission has not provided information to the public for too long.

There is too little meaningful information in the Commission's Report.

There is no exact flight route - even a year after the accident, it was not made public. Still would! It is not difficult to guess how many questions there will be about this "exact route".

There is no protocol for conversations in the cockpit. At first there was so much talk about the fact that the last voice on the recording did not belong to the pilots. Everyone was intrigued. Today we have only radio and telephone communications with dispatchers. The Report states that the Commission has 30 minutes of perfectly clear recordings, which abruptly end at 16: 20.03. There is nothing interesting, the Commission says. What about the intrigue? There is a hypothesis - the recordings are interrupted earlier, and the last voice on the air on behalf of MH17 may be from another device. But they promised to provide the records a year ago. Was it really that difficult?

There is no information about what traces of damaging elements were found on the plane, in the bodies. Chemical analyzes of the debris in the affected area were not made.

9. Why did the Commission refuse to deliver all the aircraft wreckage to the investigation site?

This fact is very strange. In conditions of complete confusion of the case, do not use the opportunity to obtain all possible information - it's criminal... This fact indicates that the commission is not interested in the investigation.

10. The plane was flying very strange.

The maximum cruising speed of the Boeing-777 is 905 km / h, and it should be taken into account that the aircraft flew with almost a full supply of fuel, which increased its mass. Why exceed cruising speed, because it is very uneconomical? There is clearly no talk about the airline's impressive financial results, the economy mode is very tough. Boeings 777s usually fly much slower.

The plane left the transport corridor, and the dispatchers decided to ask him to return there. If you think about a conversation with dispatchers, then it gives a lot of ground for doubts about the adequacy of the situation. The conversation between Dnepropetrovsk and MH17 begins with an exchange of pleasantries at 16:08 local time. After that, for 12 minutes, Dnepropetrovsk does not communicate with the plane at all.

All this time, flight MH17 does not pass in the transport corridor, it goes to a dangerous rapprochement with the other two aircraft. Additional tension is provided by flight altitude restrictions, which greatly narrow the air corridor. Why didn't the Dnepropetrovsk dispatchers themselves send the plane back to the corridor? We see only two reasons - they did not need it, or the plane had already been attacked by that time.

Protocol of conversations with dispatchers.

The transport corridor was very heavily loaded, and the maneuver to the north looks highly unjustified.

In our opinion, the information presented in this article confirms: the whole picture of the disaster from beginning to end is deliberate spectacle Western provocateurs, like all events of the "color revolution" called "Euromaidan".

Witness: Malaysian Boeing 777 was shot down by a Ukrainian attack aircraft

Donetsk, Torez. Downed Boeing-777, with my own eyes. Autumn 2014

MH17: rejected flight

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