Concierge "Metropoli" Anna Endrykhovskaya about favorite outfits. Anna Endrykhovskaya: "The hearts of the guests I won the golden keys concierge the story of the appearance

Concierge biographies are similar to mixing: in sixteen they begin to work by boys on parcels in hotels next to the house, at eighteen, moving with his family to the district center, with a letter of recommendatory letter from the village hotel, they go to the position of the luggage feeder, in twenty work, twenty Four, already in the capital, command porters in one of the Grand hotels. Thirty turns out to be a concierge, in forty there are all for the same rack, but already in the entry business card and the state of boys, the receptionist and other concierges.

From the post of the main concierge against the will - of his own and customers - with honor in a deep retirement age, they are removed back to the province, closer to the restaurant or small hotel, most likely, the very, where career began. Their children and grandchildren have long been working in hotels. Of course, concierges.

You read about great concierge and amazed: thirty years in one place, forty, half a century; From the core to the chef, they grow over ten to fifteen seasons, further - improvement without formal growth.

Concierges never become directors of hotels, very rarely pass due to one desk for another, they do not seduce high salary. Concierges are people in their places, and even the change of owners, management companies and managers rarely affects concierge. In order to get rid of those who have accommodated the roots, stuck to his desk of concierge, it is necessary to close the hotel at all, destroy it, to challenge with the ground. If at least part of the hotel, at least the stone will remain in place, under this stone - raise it - a concierge will be discovered.

Concierges never become directors of hotels, very rarely pass due to one desk for another, they do not seduce high salary.

Why is that? Because the concierge is a hotel, his soul, his essence. Keys in the end. Actually, concierges were originally called keepers of keys from royal palaces. And from prison cameras. The principle of dividing space on the cameras with prisons crossed the palaces, and got hotels. Who went to the inheritance concierges. There must be someone to issue keys. That is why the back of any concierge is still, even if the doors are opened with plastic cards, cells or hooks for keys. So it was done.

However, over time, concierge began to play much more tools: others were added to the keys from the rooms - from restaurants, theaters, shops. Concierges began to open any doors, and the number of stars on the counter of concierge was directly dependent on the number of keys that he owns. Not real, understandable, and conditional.

Can a concierge get a table in best restaurant At any time - one key; has access to the beds in the opera - another one; I know how to delay the aircraft departure and deliver to the lamp in the limousine - as many as two. Live flowers, a rare vintage wine, the ability to open boutiques at night, lift with the bed of doctors, get bags from the new collection and deliver baggage - these are all points, pluses, test glasses - keys, in general. And when the number of such keys reaches a certain level, the concierge gets up to the ceiling post of the chef concierge and, reaching the limit, begins to develop only inside the cocoon of own competence. Well, rich, of course.

Go to another hotel - if this is not a hotel "on the area" - concierge, as a rule, can not. Yes, and does not want. All connections, all contacts, all phone numbers from a chubby notepad - all this is tied to a specific location, inscribed in a circle with a radius of kilometers in twenty.

Concierge After all, not a telephone, or rather, not just a telephone, reference book, and a communication tool, a master of solving problems, a wizard. Hotel Concierge Qualification is a specific thing. Many things he should be able to do without looking back to the laws and rules.

Here are tickets and invitations, for example. I want a client to get to the premiere. There are no official tickets for a long time on sale, invitations and not sold at all. So, it is necessary to use connections. And violate the written rules. Buy tickets from speculators, to extend them in colleagues-concierge on something equal, extort, corrupt. In general, overpay. And the client must understand that the ticket does not get to him at that price that it is indicated. And if not understand? If pretending to be ready to pay only at par? How to be in this case? Pretend that everything is in order and upload your own? It happens that so.

Mulk - valuable, if not the main quality of concierge, he should be kept brand. And face. Its hotel. Because if the hotel is not in order, the client answers again the concierge. Even if it is formally not responsible for not in order.

What should a concierge be able to? In fact, everything. Well, that is, it is not obliged to walk on the free wire, flying skiing, take the top and drink, not drunk. But he must know those who can walk, fly, take and drink. Better - paired to always have a replacement. About loose wire and top up to - it is serious. Requests are also not so.

For example, one of the guests of Badrutt's Palace in St. Moritz asked concierge to urgently find ... an elephant. In theory, the guest elephant was supposed to stand in the lobby of the hotel and meet his birthday wife. Well, I met.

The other guest suddenly departed in the evening before the day in the day off the girl's room with red roses. I had to send a helicopter to Milan for flowers, no closer was found.

Another one (this time was this time in Moscow, at the Balchug Kempinski Hotel) for Rosami Violet, from the Paris Boutique, whose names did not remember. The concierge found little with the help of his French colleagues exactly the shop that was required, but also flew to Paris, convinced two customs that one hundred and fifty flowers follow in Moscow not for sale, and slept for a deadline.

And Concierge Albergo Della Regina Isabella on the island of Ischia at five in the morning from Yacht Janni Anielei, the owner of the Fiat Concern and Good Half Italy, and asked to bring fresh bread. I had to look for a working bakery, a boat and send a messenger with loaf on board. They also say "not bread together."

And the client of the London The Dorchester asked him to put the apparatus for the preparation of popcorn in his room. Put, of course. Another, rock musician, asked concierge to prepare a stage costume to the speech - to sew pants to the shirt, so that she did not get out of the trousers during the concert. Sewed.

So the concierge can not only fly, walk and take, but also sew, train, oven, breed roses. All, in general. The list is infinite.

Concierge has something like a trade union - the organization "Golden Keys", Les Clefs d'OR, or UNION INTERNATIONALE DES Concierges d'Hôtels. In the germinal state, he arose in 1929, when eleven concierges of Parisian Grand hotels were united in "Society" (it would be more correct to be called a gang), deciding that together the joint efforts to fight with capricious clients. So, on October 6, 1929, concierges decided not only to exchange information and specific knowledge, but also made up the first black list of eternally displeased squeaks, giving impossible tasks and no leaves.

Twenty three years later in Cannes Concierge delegates from nine european countries Gathered for the Constituent Congress and founded the European Union of hotel receptionist. Ferdinand Gilles from Paris Scribe became the first president of the Concierge Trade Union. Over the next sixty years, another four dozen countries joined the organization, it turned into an international, "receptionist" in the title was changed to "concierge", and the number of members exceeded four thousand.

Concierge After all, not a telephone, or rather, not just a telephone, reference book, and a communication tool, a master of solving problems, a wizard.

Why Concierges International Trade Union? To fight for rights? To make milk and gifts for Christmas? Of course not for this. The trade union is needed for the joint struggle for the execution of idiotic customer requests.

Here is the same story with purple roses - a classic example of the task "Go there, I do not know where." Boutique, whose names client did not remember, had to be strictly defined, wrapped in flowers - just from this Parisian store. For execution was allocated twenty-four hours. And without colleagues of the Association of the Association of Pavel Nikolaev from the Moscow "Balchug" it would not be possible: the "letters of happiness" were sent to the Paris concierge, the "letters of happiness" were sent, those sent a SOS signal, and after a couple of hours, a shop selling a damn variety of purple roses was found, And another hour later Paul rushed to Sheremetyevo to the Paris flight. In Ruissy, he was greeted with flowers - one and a half hundred purple roses in paper with the desired logo. It is easy to calculate the cost of each rose. As well as the cost of crocodile "Birkin", behind which the concierge of another Moscow hotel had to fly to Santiago, the Chilean capital.

That is, in fact, the International Union of Concierge, it is like Soviet Glavov - to solve a bulky system of linear equations, each of which formulates the task of type "how much efforts to be attached to the Paris, New York and Madrid's receptionist, so that Budapest colleague managed to fulfill the request of Al- Atina Guest, who, being traveling to Prague, demanded to deliver to Vienna bought in Abu Dhabi and left in Buenos Aires Plush Australian Bear Coal. " Like that. Well, how is there without an association and strong nervous system?

But, by the way, since from the 1929th, in the technical sphere, some changes have occurred and the Internet and 3D printers appeared, concierges, also armed with some progress products. So, Roderick Levezhak, the current presets of the Parisian George V (and the current vice-president of the Union) had once invented a computer program that allows you to unite knowledge and contacts of hotel receptionist in a single dossier. Well, so that none of the customer requests remainsless. The program is successfully sold; I think that the mobile application has long been ready and installed several thousand concierge iPhones.

But why are concierges extend to the cake, delivering an elephant into the hotel lobby in time or the ascent floor of the apartments of some special roses to the hotel lobby?

First, as in the anecdote, it is beautiful. Indeed, doing something unimaginable is such a special chic: "No one could, I managed."

The same Levezhak once organized a journey to two American veterans at the places of their martial glory: made a map, found the Norman beach, for which the soldiers landed, people who remembered the falling allies - in general, worked as a historian, producer, travel agent, and all for two pensioners, Not at all similar to those who distribute generous tips.

Secondly, even though Nobel for concierge, "gold keys" can constantly give anyone to someone. Here is the twenty-five-year-old Anna Endrykhovskaya from the Moscow "Metropol" this year was recognized as the best young concierge in the world. With the awards to them. Andy Pongo (there was such a concierge legendary). Not nobelka, but also nice.

Mulk - valuable, if not the main quality of concierge, he should be kept brand.

Thirdly, a concierge-core, who knows how to solve customer problems (like one known case, when concierge had to make a proposal of the bride instead of a bias), - a certain plus hotel. In general, without a skilled concierge today and the hotel is not a hotel. These are three stars without nanniki for customers can do, and four are already in any way. About five - speeches do not even. And than the hostep and the cutting concierge, the better the hotel.

It comes to the point that in some (not the greatest) hotels of Customers once again come precisely because of the concierge abilities (as because of the hero of the new film Ues Anderson Grand Budapest Hotel). Because even the stale raids for breakfast are forgiven if someone can get a ticket for the premiere, to hold the aircraft for the tail or deliver it unknown from the purple roses! Well, or just console, get rid of loneliness, pretend to be a son (or even husband).

Well, fourth, concierges are waiting for Tips. The guys are not always a salary (that is, never) high, but there are no good concierges unlaelable to sell good concierges during the season, not thousands, but tens of thousands of dollars, pounds, euro or francs. About concierge Cala di Volpe said that in his garage, a dozen Ferrari; About the porter Badrutt's Palace chatting that he himself owns three hotels; Rumors about a man from The Ritz are so unimaginable that they will not even reproduce them. Someone tried to calculate the income of the concierge of the Alpine Grand hotels, and it turned out that one hundred and fifty thousand Swiss francs in the season is at least below which the work of concierge becomes unprofitable.

In addition to tips, you should not forget about the Commissions received by concierge from almost every restaurant booking, air ticket, a helicopter order, boat or limousine.

However, some restaurants and shops are proud that they never pay commissions concierges. It is understandable - in Noma and so do not get, recording for three months ahead, and we must have time to reach the restaurant in the first half hour after opening the booking for the next quarter. So rather a concierge is ready to pay to plant a client in such a institution, but Noma and similar restaurants are an exception.

In the general case, the owner of the boutique or catering enterprises, of course, does not greading. We note, however, that for a good concierge commission - the moment is not determining: if the client wants a good Greek tavern, the concierge is unlikely to send a guest to a French restaurant with an average account of five hundred on the nose. Professional pride above the thirst for profit.

What tips leave a concierge? Depends on you and your further plans. A good concierge will never hint that his work would be good to pay (especially when commissions with interest cover its energy costs), so you ourselves should evaluate their own gratefulness.

Reservation of an ordinary restaurant is worth ten to fifteen euros; the table in the institution in which your own assistant failed to find anything - hundreds; Organization of a children's holiday or bachelor party - ten percent of the account. Elder smile or delivery of an elephant - priceless. Excessively large tips corrupt, too small leave the precipitate instead of gratitude. Do not bow, but also do not greed, it is better than a trifle, the coins are inserted for the doors.

Do you often check mail? Let something interesting from us.

Anna Endrykhovskaya knows everything about hospitality - she concierge the world-famous Association "Golden Keys". This means that Anna is a little wizard: can solve any problem, find the most rare things, organize a tour of anywhere and get an invitation to any closed event. For ten years, who Anna Endrykhovskaya works in best Hotels Moscow, her guests were many famous people: from Hollywood directors to the frontmen of the most popular groups of the world.

The editorial office of PratbrT asked Anna about the peculiarities of her profession, the most difficult guests and the fact that she gave her the "Best Young Concierge of Peace" award.

How did you start working with "golden keys"?

After receiving the profile education, I worked for two years with a Butler at the Aurora Hotel. It was a difficult period: a lot of work, including in the night shifts. About the organization "Golden Keys" (Les Clefs d'OR) found out during study in College "Tsaritsyno". For me as if the whole world opened! In order to join the Association, it is necessary to work for five years in the hotel, of which three years conciege. Then you are applying, and you are beginning to be considered as a candidate. You pass a lot of stages: exams, essays, mysterious checks and so on. You still make a project that should somehow display, for which you need "keys" and, on the contrary, that you can give "keys." And then the Executive Committee decides. I was taken to the "keys" and immediately nominated for the international award "Best Young Concierge". I went to London, but did not win, because on the day of the presentation lost a voice. Although I did not benefit, but it still gave me wings, and I began to more actively popularize this profession in Russia.

Due to the features of the rules in such a competition, you can participate only once in life. A year later, the President of our Association wrote a huge and very touching letter to the "Golden Keys", where he said that "Gentlemen, I am absolutely sure that you have to give Anna the second chance, because then something has played a dick joke, but I never I met such a young concierge. " And I again took part in this competition. But this time I was much calmer. When I flew in New Zealand, I was sure that the trip myself was already a reward. And when I met all the rest of the participants, it was simply stupid from their coolness. I was confident that I would win a concierge or from the Netherlands or from Australia. But in the end I won. By the way, this is the first international premium for hospitality that went to Russia - it was, of course, strongly.

reference: Association Concierge "Golden Keys" (Association Des Concierges d'Hôtels "Les Clefs d'or") - a world-famous organization, which includes about four thousand concierge worldwide. Five-star hotels are very pleased to get into their staff of this concierge - this not only makes the hotel more prestigious, but also raises the level of service for guests. You can contact the Concierges "Golden Keys" with almost any request - the main thing is that it does not go beyond the scope of morality and ethics. The Association "Golden Keys" is surrounded by a halo of romance and secrets, which is reflected in many films and books. She received special fame after the film Ues Anderson "Hotel Grand Budapest". On the concierge "Golden Keys" is almost impossible to learn - there is no such profile education in the world. In addition to education in the field of hospitality, the concierge "Golden Keys" should be perfectly able to deal with the set of spheres from gastronomy and fashion and ending with the history of its city.

What has changed after you won this award?

I have many subscribers, everyone began to read my hotel stories. I remember me with Andrei Korystov ( president of the Association. - approx. ed.) They gave an interview on one radio. Everything was very cool, the first 40 minutes we told some stories, and the remaining 40 minutes people called and asked questions. I remember one question very well: "Hello, it was very nice to listen to your stories, very interesting, but tell me, you are not confused by the fact that you are service personnel, servant?" What I asked: "Sorry, and who are you by profession?" He: "I am an engineer." I say: "Well, fine, imagine, no one will know about you from those who come to our city. And how I will answer them, how I smith them, then in which English I will talk to them, then I will send them, the fact that I will recommend them, - they will take it back and tell all their friends. Therefore, perhaps I am the face of the whole country. "

When I went to work in Aurora, I told about your choice of Father: "Oh, you will work in Aurora. I have a meeting there constantly, what will you serve us there? " And now he is proud of me. And not just proud. My younger sister arrived at the hospitality, and he took her hand: you go there. I experienced a lot of misunderstandings with society, with the city, with my parents. But all that cost. Now I am exactly where you need.

Publication from @ Mosshotel.Moscow May 4 2017 at 9:15 pdt

What qualities to you, as a person with a Russian mentality, help in work, and what, on the contrary, prevent?

Russian cansoise helps, because I have won a lot of hearts after they ran to me in the last one minute and said: "Ah-ah, my dress broke out." I stuck with scotch, glue, something else. Nowhere, except for Russia, I did not meet such a thresholdism, when you say: "I need right now."
And it is hard that the answer is not perceived in Russia in a completely different way. We are all trouble-free. That is, the Europeans, if they can't do something, calmly about it can say. They have an objective reason for this: the place is closed, something else. We do not roll it. People are not ready to hear "no", and you go about these people - they still try to arrange something. Make it impossible.

How do you think that exactly made you a professional? Maybe work with some complex guest?

Each story affected me. But most of all, of course, influenced mistakes. And the most funny thing is to be mistakenly easier in very simple things. For example, in the morning you could quickly not only find the latest model of the chanel backpack in Dubai, for example, for the famous politics, but also to think through the logistics. But the next guest approached you to book a transfer, and for some reason wrote "Domodedovo" because of the overload instead of Sheremetyevo. And how you save the situation at such a moment, and there is professionalism - you start to count on every second and have time to take the right decision and save everyone.

Publication from Anna Endrihovskaia (@aendrihovskaia) Jul 19 2016 at 1:03 pdt

What a very difficult query came to you?

I was asked to get tickets to the concert Roger Waters, who will be in a year and a half. I tried to explain that the concert will be in a year and a half and the next year you can simply relax. And the guest said: "I need now so that you bought the entire VIP sector. Now". It was impossible to do - I tried all the options. And so, when I already buried all the hopes, my dad called me and asked: "Why are you so upset?" I: "Dad, you imagine, I don't know what to do." He is: "Well, what, so I have Misha's deputy" Olympic "." And all, we bought the whole sector for some incredible money, the guest himself was surprised that we did it. In the work of the concierge generally often happens magic. It may easily be that a person will come to you and says: I need such a bottle of selective perfumery, everywhere I already searched and found nothing. You have 24 hours, and you start digging the whole world, write-call all colleagues. And all, you already think that you can't do anything, but suddenly, at the very last moment everything happens, and you just think, as it should only be enough for these three hours to deliver everything to. And then you find people who are ready to help. This is incredible!

Are there any things that are terribly annoyed in hotels?

I hate modern hotelsin which transparent bathrooms and toilets. I worked in "Intercontinentale", and it was one of the factors, why I didn't like it there - just because I was ashamed of the guests for the fact that we have such toilets.

I also do not like very much when, in five star hotels, the staff often behaves in a reptile manner. For my career, I met different guests, especially I got a lot of difficult to go to the Russian reed years. But I never allowed them to communicate with me in a derogatory manner. It was this subsequently helped me - with many I still work and friends, we know each other for a dozen years. Although the first acquaintance could be very sharp.

Does any problems arise with guests? Is it often difficult with them?

What can I say? Many guests have a really complicated life, and they can be understood and forgive. I was very influenced by the history of the drummer of a very famous foreign rock band. I worked with them a lot, and the vocalist was the most difficult guest in my life. But the drummer is the most pretty and calm, sat all the time in the lobby, drank black coffee (they lived in our hotel for a whole month) and did not go anywhere without need. And once he resorts to me and says: "I was denied coffee, they said that they could not bring it to me in the thermos." For some reason he drank coffee only. I go there, I ask what happened. To me: "Well, we told him that this order Room Service, we had no such coffee in the bar. This coffee is in Room Service, and such an order wait at least 20 minutes by standards. " I look at this person: "What happened to you, what kind of fly was bitten?" I return to this drummer, I begin to apologize, and he is almost crying: "Lord, do you really think that I want to sit in this lobby and drink this terrible coffee? Yes, I just can not get out to the street. As soon as I do a step from the hotel, they are attacked by me, they all want something from me: take a picture, the autograph so that I gave my t-shirt or something else. I can't do more, you understand? I want to walk around the city so that no one touches me, but I can't get out of this Fucking Hotel. " And I understood how difficult it is. He himself almost dispelled.

Publication from Anna Endrihovskaia (@aendrihovskaia) May 18 2017 at 6:54 pdt

Tell me, whether foreigners ask you difficult questions? About politics, about life in Russia?

I am always honestly talking to these topics. But I always remind guests that this is just my opinion. It is very important for me to divide where I say as a professional, and where as a simple person who expresses his opinion. My guests always understand it and appreciate.

Tell me where you work now?

We are expiry agency. We are those who meet very important guests. We carefully preparing to each, make special programs. We ourselves are very interesting, because thanks to this, I can tell about the many interesting things. For example, I recently learned all about Freemasonry and Black Magic. We became acquainted with the founder of the Olya project when she was the leading and producer of the discovery of the Garage. She was responsible for all this event. And she attracted me as a concierge. Therefore, all their VIP-guests have called me around the clock for a month, and I organized everything in the world for them.

It was a very difficult job: guests were from Peter Jackson to the directors best museums Peace and close friends Abramovich. It was a difficult experience, I did not sleep at all. But we worked very well and then just with Olya and became friends. Nargiza from a big business - she worked at Rostelecom, concluded contracts between countries on technical unit. She is very tired of complex corporate work, despite the fact that she had a cool life with travel and endless business trips. But she knew what he wanted to do next, and when I met me and Olya, I realized that these two talent were one of the best producers and a better concierge - you need to combine. And she, as a person who possesses financial knowledge and other things, was able to organize everything.

You do not think about developing further? Leave work at the hotel and, for example, to deal with events?

Girls would like this, but I'm not yet ready to part with hotels. I still have so many plans! You see, before I won a prize in New Zealand, I wanted to leave the country. He considered several cities for themselves, even picked up hotels, connected with colleagues. Chose between Berlin, London, Paris and Amsterdam. But when I won the award, I realized that now I just can't leave. Conscience will not let me do it! Well, what am I winner, if I just take and use this award just to get better in Europe. I understood that I should leave something here in Russia. Do something cool here. That's how it happened, I am glad that it is here and now I work in Moscow.

The International Association of Professional Concierge "Golden Keys" (Les Clefs d'OR) was founded in 1929 in Paris and today there are more than four thousand employees of five-star hotels around the world who passed the exams and those who have passed the interview with members of the Executive Committee. But many of them learned about her power only after the film Ues Anderson "Hotel Grand Budapest". You can contact a person with golden keys on Lartskan asking for help in any business, a city or country - to help him will always come comrades for the Association.

Suit, vest, Brunello Cucinelli.
shirt, Van Laack
tie, Windsor.
boots BOSS.

Ilya written,
concierge hotel Four. SEASONS MOSCOW:

"About a year ago, a couple from America turned to me with a request to organize an unforgettable birthday for their daughter - she was 30 years old. She is fond of ballet and loves a large theater. I arranged a closed tour of the historic scene, and after she changed into a trico and pointes and took part in the rehearsal with the Big Truck. "

Troika costume Brooks Brothers.
turtleneck Corneliani.
boots Fabi.

Pavel Nikolaev, President of the Russian Section "Gold Keys",
Concierge Hotel "Balchug Kempinski":

"In 2004, the Arabic Sheikh lived, and his assistant handed over to me: Sheikh, I certainly wanted to buy the antique edition of the Quran, which, according to his information, was in Russia. None of the Moscow Bukinists did not hear about this edition, but we found it in St. Petersburg, agreed about the price, and the assistant Sheikh with the guard went there a night train - a diplomat with dollars was chained to one of the guards handcuffs. Having bought the Quran, they put it in the package of the safe in the Grand Hotel Europe, and in front of the trail train. Sheikh's joy was not borders, and I got some of the biggest tips for life. "

Shirt, vest,
Dior Homme.
pants, Van Laack
Christian Dior.

Costume, Joop.
shirt, BOSS.
tie, Brioni.
vest, Brunello Cucinelli.
vest, Fabi.

Anna EndrykhovskayaBest Young Concierge Association "Golden Keys" in 2013, Concierge Hotels "Metropol"

Igor Lantsev, Chef Concierge hotel The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya.

Shirt, jacket, Van Laack
pants, Brunello Cucinelli.
butterfly, Brooks Brothers.
boots Rocco P.

Anna Endrykhovskaya:

"Recently, I was called in the second hour of the night from Paris: a woman - a very famous Russian designer - forgot his cosmetics in Moscow, and tomorrow she had a show at Fashion Week. It was necessary either to send cosmetics from here, or collect similar means there. Three hours went to telephone talks, but as a result, with the help of the night concierge Hotel Le Bristol, where the designer stopped, I agreed with consultants of all stores in which the necessary brands are sold, that they will open an hour earlier, and the cosmetics was recreated to the desired date. " .

Costume, Louis Vuitton.
shirt, Van Laack
vest, Corneliani.
tie, Windsor.
boots Baldinini.

Troika costume Brioni.
shirt, Van Laack
tie, Corneliani.
Losphere Santoni.
suitcases Louis Vuitton.

Andrei Koraystov, Vice-President of the Russian Section "Golden Keys",
Head of the Concierge Service of the Metropol Hotels:

"Somehow I saw a very sad guest at the bar and asked what happened. He told: "Tomorrow I return home, and my wife thinks that I was on a business trip in the capital of another state, just called and asked to bring local candies, a bottle of liqueur and some kind of casket." The next morning I knocked into his room with a box, a bottle and sweets from this country and is an important detail - he handed him a few billing of the local currency so that he put them in a wallet for the completeness of the picture. "

The International Association of Professional Concierge "Golden Keys" (Les Clefs d'OR) was founded in 1929 in Paris and today there are more than four thousand employees of five-star hotels around the world who passed the exams and those who have passed the interview with members of the Executive Committee. But many of them learned about her power only after the film Ues Anderson "Hotel Grand Budapest". You can contact a person with golden keys on Lartskan asking for help in any business, a city or country - to help him will always come comrades for the Association.

Suit, vest, Brunello Cucinelli.
shirt, Van Laack
tie, Windsor.
boots BOSS.

Ilya written,
Concierge hotel Four Seasons. MOSCOW:

"About a year ago, a couple from America turned to me with a request to organize an unforgettable birthday for their daughter - she was 30 years old. She is fond of ballet and loves a large theater. I arranged a closed tour of the historic scene, and after she changed into a trico and pointes and took part in the rehearsal with the Big Truck. "

Troika costume Brooks Brothers.
turtleneck Corneliani.
boots Fabi.

Pavel Nikolaev, President of the Russian Section "Gold Keys",
Concierge Hotel "Balchug Kempinski":

"In 2004, the Arabic Sheikh lived, and his assistant handed over to me: Sheikh, I certainly wanted to buy the antique edition of the Quran, which, according to his information, was in Russia. None of the Moscow Bukinists did not hear about this edition, but we found it in St. Petersburg, agreed about the price, and the assistant Sheikh with the guard went there a night train - a diplomat with dollars was chained to one of the guards handcuffs. Having bought the Quran, they put it in the package of the safe in the Grand Hotel Europe, and in front of the trail train. Sheikh's joy was not borders, and I got some of the biggest tips for life. "

Shirt, vest,
Dior Homme.
pants, Van Laack
Christian Dior.

Costume, Joop.
shirt, BOSS.
tie, Brioni.
vest, Brunello Cucinelli.
vest, Fabi.

Anna EndrykhovskayaBest Young Concierge Association "Golden Keys" in 2013, Concierge Hotels "Metropol"

Igor Lantsev, Concierge Hotel The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya.

Shirt, jacket, Van Laack
pants, Brunello Cucinelli.
butterfly, Brooks Brothers.
boots Rocco P.

Anna Endrykhovskaya:

"Recently, I was called in the second hour of the night from Paris: a woman - a very famous Russian designer - forgot his cosmetics in Moscow, and tomorrow she had a show at Fashion Week. It was necessary either to send cosmetics from here, or collect similar means there. Three hours went to telephone talks, but as a result, with the help of the night concierge Hotel Le Bristol, where the designer stopped, I agreed with consultants of all stores in which the necessary brands are sold, that they will open an hour earlier, and the cosmetics was recreated to the desired date. " .

Costume, Louis Vuitton.
shirt, Van Laack
vest, Corneliani.
tie, Windsor.
boots Baldinini.

Troika costume Brioni.
shirt, Van Laack
tie, Corneliani.
Losphere Santoni.
suitcases Louis Vuitton.

Andrei Koraystov, Vice-President of the Russian Section "Golden Keys",
Head of the Concierge Service of the Metropol Hotels:

"Somehow I saw a very sad guest at the bar and asked what happened. He told: "Tomorrow I return home, and my wife thinks that I was on a business trip in the capital of another state, just called and asked to bring local candies, a bottle of liqueur and some kind of casket." The next morning I knocked into his room with a box, a bottle and sweets from this country and is an important detail - he handed him a few billing of the local currency so that he put them in a wallet for the completeness of the picture. "

In 1929, the Association "Golden Keys of Concierge" was created in Paris (Association Des Concierges d'Hôtels "Les Clefs d'Or"), and so far the most hardworking and attentive concierges are awarded by a real golden key. "Golden keys" is a symbol of not only high-quality service, but also responsibility: to become a member of the Association, the concierge should work at the hotel at least two years, then apply for a request that will be considered in mandatory. Further, the work of the concierge will be under the closer supervision of the representative of the Association for another three years, and then, in the event of a successful passage of the "trial period", the concierge will be able to receive a higher award.

Concierges with "golden keys" - always one of the leading members of the hotel team, the main organizers, advisers and ideological inspirations. Always prudent, very diplomatic, they are open to the world and people and carry the side of the hotel's soul. And most importantly - they never forget to smile to everyone.

Concierge acts as a trusted person, he is very closely communicating with the guest. Concierge knows every street and a corner of his city better than anyone. He is an experienced psychologist, can instantly determine the type of personality of the client and knows how exactly satisfy his requests.

In Paris, Plaza Athenee has a team of 12 people, all 12 are "golden keys" owners. "If you calculate the entire luggage for the year, which bring guests with you, he will be one fifth weight of the Eiffel Tower! Our concierges are not afraid of any work, and the guests appreciate it, "the head concierge plaza athene is proudly with pride. The porter not only tolerate more than 1560 tons of baggage per year, but at the request of customers transmit important parcels and seek gifts around the world. When royal families come to the hotel, it happens not only the receptionist, but the concierges unload literally whole trucks.

Best friend guests

"Most often, the guests turn to us with tourist issues: they ask about excursions, restaurants, and other things," says Bastoni, Crannian Majestic Barriere's chef. - Requests are very different: guests are suitable for the newspaper or postage stamp, and in a couple of minutes they can ask for tickets to the world championship or concert of a popular star. May ask about the possibility to rent a personal aircraft or luxury yacht. I'm not surprised anything. "

"All our guests enjoy the concierge services," says Laurent Koppi, head concierge Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris. - Particular visitors to the hotel, or those who arrived in Paris for the first time, or family couples who came to rest with children are addressed.

The most frequent requests are private limousine for trips around the city, tickets to the theater or a concert. On request, the concierge will find you a temporary nanny, the charger will add to the smartphone, rare perfumes, or a rare plate - you can contact any request, the concierges themselves call.

In the concierge service, Le Royal Monceau has a separate service - service of art concierge. Professionals will not only advise what exhibition to visit or at what museum it is better to go with children, but also a tour with the show of our own exhibits of the hotel (more than 350 works of art), organize a private tour of the night Louvre or will be held in closed artistic studios.

The guests of Le Royal Monceau, which occupy the luxurious rooms (for example, one of the three presidential suites with an area of \u200b\u200b350 m2), the services of the Personal Butler are popular. The service allows them to use the best services of the Palace Hotel, combining it with privacy and comfort of a private residence.

Quite logically the question arises: what are the advantages of hotel concierges in front of international concierge services? And those and others promise to perform any of your whims, but the first act locally, the second is globally. The set of services is the same, and often these services jointly solve certain tasks. However, if you were lucky to stay at the Palace Hotel, the level of service and the degree of his personalization will be higher: because the hotel concierges act faster, as local features and partners know better. In addition, if you are a permanent guest guest, they are aware of your personal habits, preferences and antipathies, and relationships with them are more personal. In Raffles Hotels & Resorts, their services have come up with definition: Emotional Luxury. "The hotel's concierge is a very customized service, we carefully treat each guest, we do everything so that customers will return to our hotel again," says Basteoni.

Louis Vuitton, Macaron and Tigs in the Bedroom

The work of concierge is difficult to call calm and measured. But they assure them, the more difficult and not primitive the task, the more interesting it is to decide. Any of them there is a dozen favorite success stories.

"From July 12 to July 16, 1998, I remember now, at the very last moment I was asked to buy 8 tickets for the match France - Brazil World Cup in Paris, 8 seats on the speech of famous opera tenors, 8 tickets for the closure" Tour de France "And the most difficult part is 8 rooms at the Luxury Hotel in Paris," remembers Bastoni. - The guest's desire to celebrate his birthday in the medieval style also added to this list to make her birthday in the medieval style to make horses. Of course, it was troublesome, but everything was ready in time! "

"I can call the desire of one client as the most unusual, which I wanted to give a famous group in his suit and performed a couple of songs," says Zher. - And last year, one of the guests asked to be delivered to the Two Tigritus to his little daughter's birthday, so that it would remember this holiday for life. As they say, there is nothing impossible, and our concierge was able to satisfy such an unusual request. "

Curishes happen. Guest from Brazil, who stopped at Plaza Athenee, asked the Concierge Sunday morning, in which restaurant his family could try white truffles. Concierge, Young Italian, answered him, smiling widely: "You know, Monsieur, the best truffles can be tried only in Italy. I know a wonderful restaurant in Alba, "he was clearly very satisfied with the joke. A few minutes later, Mr. Brazil came to concierge and asked if it was possible to rent a private aircraft in Le Bourget to fly to Italy and had breakfast in Alba. Concierge fulfilled his request. At the limousine, the family was taken to the airport, where they were on the plane and flew to Italy, to the six evenings of the Brazilian and his family returned to Plaza Athenee and looked very happy.

Some time ago, Guest Le Royal Monceau came to Paris to mark his birthday. "Knowing that she is a big fan of our patsier Pierre Erm (" Picasso of the World of Baking ", according to Vogue. - Approx. Ed.), Alone with her husband organized a completely unique celebration for her: she met with Ermome himself, and he Presented her pasta pasta, created specifically for her - taking into account its taste preferences. This recipe took its place in the Ermome collection, and the guest can order the box of "their" cakes at any time, "recalls Laurent. He tells another, rather dramatic story with a good end: A young man flew to Paris from the USA to make a favorite offer in the most romantic city. He planted everything in the smallest details (months left for it) - and in the night of a great event with horror realized that I forgot the main thing: the wedding ring. Concierges managed to convince the flagship store Louis Vuitton to open at night-time time specifically for this guest so that he can buy a decent replacement ring. So he was able to fulfill his plan for this night, and by the way, "yes" said.

French magicians

The first references to concierge are found in the XII century: so called people who supported the burning of candles in the castle. Then they began to trust the keys to the entire castle, that is, in essence, the concierge was responsible for the well-being of all his inhabitants.

It was in France with its traditions of hospitality and love for luxury a hotel concierge service in his modern sense. It originated - and quickly became an integral part of the charm of the best French hotels, a kind of attraction, more precisely, the key to all the rest of the sights.

Concierges - soul and heart of any luxury hotel. They are the first to whom you meet in the lobby, they know the city as their five fingers, are always ready to give a valuable council and help you feel in the city like at home - even if you are here for the first time.