All interesting facts about Mongolia. Interesting facts about Mongolia (3 photos)

Reading time: 2 minutes. Views 75 Published Oct 27, 2010

In general, Mongolia is a rather amazing country that has not yet been greatly explored by tourists. The beauty of the country is unusual and requires correct perception. Here we collect the most interesting facts about Mongolia that you probably haven’t heard of yet.

1. Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital in the world. It should be noted that the climate in Mongolia is indeed quite harsh. And precisely because of the temperature difference.

2. In Mongolia, an hour's drive from the capital, there is the world's tallest statue of a horseman. The horseman, of course, is the well-known Genghis Khan.

3. By the way, the real name of the great Genghis Khan is Temujin.

4. But it was Genghis Khan who managed to create the largest empire in the world. His possessions extended to 22% of the entire territory of our planet! The picture shows the empire in its best years)

5. Every year in Mongolia a sports festival is held at home (I will definitely write about it separately). It consists of 3 types of competitions - national Mongolian wrestling, horse racing and archery. This colorful holiday takes place in July.

6. If we are already talking about sports, then, as it turns out, the Mongols are one of the best sumo wrestlers in the world.

7. There is only one in Mongolia international Airport– Chinggis Khan Airport near Ulaanbaatar. It’s not just air traffic that’s bad in the country. The roads there are simply a disaster - most of them are unpaved.

By the way, funny note. In Mongolia, the territory can fit 37 Hollands! But the length of Dutch roads can fit 67 Mongolian ones))

8. Ulaanbaatar, translated from Mongolian, means “Red Hero”. The capital of Mongolia received this name in 1924.

9. Since Soviet times, Cyrillic characters have been used in writing in Mongolia.

10. Mongolia is home to 25% of all snow leopards living on Earth.

11. Mongolia is the country with the lowest population density.

Do you know other interesting facts about Mongolia? Then we are waiting for you in the comments!

Mongolia is a country that most people associate only with hordes of ferocious nomads from school history textbooks. Once upon a time everything was like that, but modern Mongolia has not changed that much over the past centuries. Where else can you see endless steppes stretching from horizon to horizon? Only here, and, perhaps, even in the Argentine pampa.

  1. The ancestors of modern people settled the territory of Mongolia approximately 85 thousand years BC.
  2. More than 200 years BC, the first empire consisting of nomads arose in Mongolia - the Hun Empire.
  3. The Mongol ruler Genghis Khan managed to create a huge empire in the 13th century, which has not yet been surpassed in terms of the size of its contiguous territory. The state collapsed precisely because of its scale - the empire, stretching from Kievan Rus to Korea, included too different peoples who had nothing in common with each other.
  4. Genghis Khan managed to conquer more lands and peoples in 25 years than the soldiers of the Roman Empire did in 400 years.
  5. Nobody knows where Genghis Khan was buried. There is a legend in Mongolia according to which eight hundred soldiers killed several thousand people attending the funeral of the greatest of the Mongolian rulers. Then the soldiers committed suicide so that there was no one to reveal the secret.
  6. Mongolia is home to the third largest hot desert in the world - the Gobi, which the Mongols divide into Black, Red and Yellow due to the different colors of the landscape (see).
  7. There are no usual addresses in Mongolia, because due to large quantity temporary settlements, cities and streets are constantly changing their shape. The country's authorities solved this problem by using the Universal Address System - it allows you to assign addresses as a whole settlements, and individual objects located in them. Instead of street names and house numbers, it uses sets of letters and numbers. The smaller the specified object, the longer its address will be - it will include city codes, street codes, and, finally, a specific building.
  8. Mongolia has special boarding schools for the children of nomads, thanks to which only 2% of the country's population remains illiterate. This is a very impressive indicator - in Africa, for example, no country can boast of a similar achievement (see).
  9. Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital in the world. The average annual temperature there is lower than anywhere else, and winters are frostier than in Moscow or Helsinki.
  10. Mongolia is the second largest country in the world after Kazakhstan, which does not have access to the sea or ocean (see).
  11. The main Mongolian holiday is Tsagan Sar - these are celebrations dedicated to both the farewell of the old year according to the lunisolar calendar and the welcoming of the coming spring.
  12. 54 kilometers from the capital there is the largest statue of a horseman in the world, depicting Genghis Khan on a war horse. The monument is so large that there is a Observation deck, with stunning views. The height of the statue of the great conqueror is 40 meters, excluding the ten-meter pedestal.
  13. Mongols believe that you must shake hands with the person whose foot you step on, otherwise he will become your enemy.
  14. From the Mongolian point of view, falling stars are a sign of someone's death, so they whisper prayers during starfalls.
  15. It is customary to approach horses from Mongolia only from the left; you should also not get off them from the right.
  16. In Mongolia, you cannot whistle indoors because, according to local beliefs, whistling invites evil spirits into your home.
  17. Mongolia ranks 19th in the world in terms of territory size, but only 2.8 million people live in the country.
  18. Mongols are always ready to treat travelers with warm tea with milk and a pinch of salt - these are the local customs of hospitality.
  19. One of the most popular sports in Mongolia is a local form of wrestling called beh. Wrestlers enter the arena in special suits that leave their chests exposed. They say that once the winner of the tournament was a woman, and such attire guarantees the male gender of the participants.
  20. Mongolia hosts the Thousand Camel Festival every year to protect the Bactrian camel variety. Now Bactrian camels are found only in Mongolia and one of the provinces of China.

Interesting Facts about Mongolia– this is a brilliant opportunity to get acquainted with the history, climate and traditions East Asia. For many, Mongolia is associated primarily with the Golden Horde, which managed to conquer vast territories.

So, here are the most interesting facts about Mongolia.

  1. The capital of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar, literally translated as “red hero”.
  2. The Great Khan managed to found the Mongol Empire through large-scale military campaigns, as a result of which he captured vast territories of many states. It was the largest empire in the world, including the largest contiguous territory in world history.
  3. An interesting fact is that Genghis Khan was able to conquer more lands and peoples in a quarter of a century than the warriors of the Roman Empire in 4 centuries.
  4. The exact location of Genghis Khan's grave (see) is still unknown. According to legend, 800 soldiers killed several thousand people who came to say goodbye to the deceased khan. After this, the warriors committed suicide so that no one would know where their commander was buried.
  5. Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital on the planet.
  6. Special schools have been opened in Mongolia to educate children of nomads. Thanks to this, the number of illiterate people in the country does not exceed 2%.
  7. The Mongolian Gobi ranks third in the world in terms of area.
  8. Did you know that Mongolia is the most big state surrounded by other countries? In addition, Mongolia is landlocked.
  9. Mongolia is a huge plateau - an elevated plain, rising 900-1500 m above sea level.
  10. Not far from the capital, there is the largest statue of a horseman on the planet, depicting Genghis Khan on a horse. The monument is so large that an observation deck was built on the horse’s head from where you can see magnificent landscapes. The height of the monument is 50 m, including the pedestal.
  11. Mongols are quite superstitious people. They believe that if you don't shake hands with someone whose foot you step on, they will become your enemy.
  12. In addition, the Mongols believe that falling stars symbolize someone's death. For this reason, at such moments they begin to say prayers to themselves.
  13. Local residents approach horses only from the left side, as well as dismount from them. This is another echo of superstitions.
  14. In Mongolia, it is not customary to whistle indoors. But if for us it brings “lack of money,” then among the Mongols, whistling represents the call of evil spirits.
  15. An interesting fact is that Mongolia has a very low population density. There are less than 2 people per square kilometer.
  16. Mongols are distinguished by their kindness and hospitality. They are ready to serve any traveler hot water with a pinch of salt, as customs require.
  17. In Mongolia, local wrestling called bekh is very popular. It is curious that the wrestlers come out on the mat in special suits with an open chest. This unusual outfit is due to the fact that once the winner of the tournament was a woman. To prevent the situation from repeating itself, we decided to use such original clothes.
  18. Mongolia hosts the Thousand Thousand Festival every year.

1 . Genghis Khan is considered the founder of Mongolia. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia and created the world's largest empire, second in territory only to the 19th century British Empire.

2. In 25 years, Genghis Khan’s horsemen conquered large area and more people than the Romans in four centuries.

3. The birthplace of Genghis Khan is known, but the place of his burial is kept secret. According to legend, to protect this secret, 2,000 people who attended Genghis Khan's funeral were killed by 800 soldiers. And to finally close this secret, the soldiers killed themselves.

4. The statue of Genghis Khan near Ulaanbaatar is the tallest equestrian statue in the world (40 m without pedestal).

5. Long before China invaded and conquered Mongolia, Mongolia conquered China. In the 13th century, the giant nation fell into the hands of Genghis Khan's grandson, Kublai Khan, who became the first emperor of the Chinese Yuan dynasty.

6. A Mongolian superstition says that you must shake hands with the person whose foot you step on, otherwise you will become enemies. So don't be surprised if the person who was just stomping on your foot starts shaking your hand.

7. Mongols believe that a falling star means someone's death. Therefore, when they see a falling star, they do not make a wish, but whisper a prayer.

8. Mongolian horses are accustomed to being approached and dismounted only from the left side. Don't try to test how a horse will behave if you approach it from the right.

9. Whistling indoors is taboo in Mongolia. It is believed that this calls evil spirits into the house.

10. Mongolia has a lot of land (1,566,000 km²) and few people (2.8 million people). In southern Mongolia, the population density is 1 person per 10–15 km², and large areas are completely deserted.

11. People living in deserted places always have a bowl of warm, salted tea with milk ready for possible travelers.

12. The favorite sport in Mongolia is. The wrestlers wear a special costume, part of which is an open shirt. They say that this style appeared after one of the champion wrestlers turned out to be a woman.

13. Every year, Mongolia hosts the Golden Eagle Festival, where hunters wearing elaborate hunting costumes and accessories demonstrate their courage and horsemanship, as well as their fast and agile eagles.

14. Today the Bactrian camel is in wildlife can only be found in two places in the world - Mongolia and Xinjiang in China. Mongolia hosts the Thousand Camel Festival every year to protect and preserve Bactrian camels, whose numbers are steadily declining.

15. In the 1920s, fossilized remains of dinosaurs and the first dinosaur eggs were found in the Gobi Desert. If you're lucky, you might find dinosaur remains too.

Many people consider Mongolia to be a nomadic country without cultural values and economic potential. People think that the country is 300 years behind civilization and is unlikely to be able to assert itself soon. However, this is not the case. Mongolia is a very beautiful and developed country that has already begun to show itself to the world.

It is worth noting that for recent years, the number of tourists in the country has increased several times. Mongolia contains many interesting facts and it is far from being what it was decades ago. It can pleasantly surprise every tourist.

Genghis Khan

Perhaps the main attraction in the history of the state is the great and well-known commander Genghis Khan. He managed to conquer the largest territory in history. In the 13th century, a state of the greatest scale was created, which began on the lands of Korea, and ended in the possessions of the commander all the way to Kievan Rus. The commander created the greatest army that no one could stop. Under his wise leadership, she conquered everyone who stood in their way.

The huge power collapsed precisely because of its colossal size. After all, different peoples and civilizations lived inside the country who wanted independence and did not support the Mongol invader.

In addition, several tens of kilometers from the capital of Mongolia, there is a monument to the great commander, who is the most tall statue in the world. It is noteworthy that the commander’s real name is not Genghis Khan, but Temujin.

Ancestors of modern Mongols

The land of the Mongols was inhabited for a very long time. Scientists have suggested that the first people appeared on the territory of the state 90 thousand years BC. This assumption suggests that Mongolia is indeed the oldest state.


There are no addresses in the country that are familiar to the whole world. Despite the rapid development of the country, its inhabitants are still prone to nomadism and relocation. Due to temporary settlements, cities and streets are constantly changing and it is impossible to determine where any settlement will move next. The authorities solved this problem and assigned addresses not only to houses and tents, but to all objects in general. Instead of street names and numbers, a set of numbers and letters are allocated to various objects, which is the addressee.

Schools for nomads

The new policy of the state is the education of the people. Due to the fact that people constantly move from place to place, it is not possible to provide education to all children. Therefore, it was decided to create schools for nomads, who are also constantly on the move and move to places where they can find children. That is why, in the country, only 2% of children remain without education. It is noteworthy that no other African country can boast of such an amazing indicator.

Many people think that Mongolia is a very hot country with tropical and desert climates. However, the capital Ulaanbaatar says otherwise. The city's average annual temperature is the lowest in the world among capitals. And the winters there are colder than in Moscow or even Helsinki. So when traveling to the capital in winter, you should definitely take a lot of warm clothes with you.


If you step on a Mongol’s foot, you should definitely shake his hand. Mongols believe that if you don't do this, you will remain bitter enemies with that person. So there is no need to be surprised if the person who has just trampled on your feet comes to shake hands with honors and bows.


Contrary to stereotypes, Mongolia is a very sporting country with many sports organizations. Every year a lot of funds are allocated for sporting events and the development of this type of activity. The most popular sport among the Mongols is the local form of wrestling. Every Mongolian loves this wrestling and he is proud if some of his relatives do this professionally.

It is worth noting that wrestlers enter the ring in a special robe that exposes their chests. This is done to ensure that under no circumstances does a woman get into the ring.

In addition to this type of wrestling, Mongols also love Sumo. As the results of recent competitions show, Mongolian athletes are some of the best sumo wrestlers in the world.


Mongols are one of the most hospitable people in the world. A traveler can enter any house or settlement and be treated to warm tea. Every guest is welcome and the owners will do everything possible for their comfort.


Be that as it may, in terms of transport and movement, Mongolia still needs to develop very much. They have very bad roads (mostly dirt) and very few of them. For example, in terms of territory, 37 Netherlands can be placed in Mongolia. However, the roads themselves in the Netherlands are 67 times longer than in Mongolia.

Things are also bad with air broadcasting. There is only one airport in the country, which is named after the great commander - Genghis Khan. And this airport is not in the best condition.

Horse behavior

Mongols love to ride horses. In many tourist centers every tourist can also book a trip. However, under no circumstances approach the horses from the right side. Mongolian horses are accustomed to being saddled and dismounted only on the right side. You shouldn’t check this fact, otherwise it might hit you with a hoof on your forehead.


The Gobi Desert in Mongolia is practically unexplored and few people risk going there on an expedition. However, in 1920 it was discovered that this desert contained many dinosaur remains and eggs. Every person who is not afraid of the harsh desert can find the remains of dinosaurs with his own hands.

Falling stars as a sign of death

In most countries of the world, a shooting star is something good and at this moment you need to make a wish. However, Mongols believe that when a star falls, some very good and kind person dies. At such moments they are ready to cry and pray for this person. If you smile, rejoice and make a wish, then the Mongols may completely misunderstand you.