Weekend ski resort: Kavgolovo. Ski slopes Cheesecake rides in Kavgolovo

UTTS Kavgolovo is sports complex near the railway platform Kavgolovo, owned by the National state university physical culture, sports and health. PF Lesgaft. However, not only students train here. Now there are all the conditions for the successful year-round training of athletes of the highest level - including members of the Russian national team in winter sports: cross-country skiing, biathlon, mogul, ski acrobatics.
For more successful training, a system of artificial snowmaking of an asphalt roller ski track and an infrastructure for sportsmen's recreation were built, which includes a hotel, a dining room, changing rooms with showers, a sauna, ski preparation rooms and more. So far, any mortal can feel like an athlete who has a desire and 250 rubles in his pocket per day of skiing for 2016.
In general, the track consists of a circle, in which one part is at a height, and the other at a low, that is, half of the circle you climb a mountain, and the other half is off. The difference in height is significant, so the track is ideal for strength training. There is a ski and biathlon stadium.
The cost of the visit includes a dressing room and a shower, the key can be taken when paying from the hotel administrator. The parking is spacious enough.
In addition to the land ski-roller track, which turns into a ski-run track in winter, an indoor kilometer-long tunnel was built on the territory of the complex with year-round artificial snowmaking and maintaining the temperature in the range from -2 to -5, regardless of external conditions and temperature.

You can visit the tunnel at any time of the year and practice, adding the same amount to 250 rubles (prices in 2016). In the dining room, you can have a very inexpensive lunch with hot dishes, salads, fit into 250 rubles.

Kavgolovo is not just a hotel complex, but a countryside recreation center with good infrastructure. For lovers active rest there is something to do here all year round: in winter - boarding and downhill skiing, sledges and cheesecakes, in summer - mini golf, boats, tennis. At the same time, which is especially convenient, the complex is located just twenty kilometers north of St. Petersburg - at the foot of the Northern Slope.

Accommodation. The hotel room capacity consists of two, three and five-bed rooms with private facilities (shower and toilet). The furnishings, however, are not far from the Soviet one (simple single beds, a minimum of inexpensive furniture), and household appliances (TVs and refrigerators) are available only in rooms with additional conveniences. But on the other hand, prices are an order of magnitude lower than in more modern recreation centers and country hotels.

Restaurant complex. The hotel dining room has 150 seats. The prices are quite pleasant: complex (breakfast, lunch and dinner) - 400 rubles, breakfast - from 100 rubles, lunch - from 180 rubles, dinner - from 120 rubles. The meals are very satisfying, the menu is varied. In addition, the complex has a cafe-bar with snacks and alcohol.

Nature. The area around Toskovo is one of the most beautiful places in the Leningrad region (see photo): century-old pines, hills, lakes ... Nearby is the famous Toskovsky reserve of bison - the northernmost point of Europe, where these unique animals live.

Sports and outdoor activities. The possibilities for active recreation in Kavgolovo are practically unlimited. Let's start with winter species sports. For lovers of downhill skiing and boarding, the North Slope is equipped for skiing; there are four lifts, including a drag lift. If you don’t know how to ski downhill, but you still want adrenaline, the Wild Cheesecake track is for you: no less scary and fun, but you don’t need any special skills. For those who prefer active rest without extreme - cross-country skiing.

In the spring and summer in Kavgolovo they play mini-football, basketball and volleyball - for this, there are also equipped grounds on the territory of the complex. In addition, there are table tennis tables, a shooting range, bicycles and boats. Equipment for either winter or summer sports is often not necessary to carry with you - rental points are open (exceptions are boards and skiing).

Finally, there is a paintball court on the territory of the complex - you can use it at any time of the year.

Entertainment. If during the day in Kavgolovo everything is adapted for outdoor activities, then in the evening you want more quiet entertainment. In this case, in hotel complex there is a sauna with a relaxation room, billiards, barbecue areas (barbecues can be rented here).


Educational and training center Kavgolovo is the official training base of the Lesgaft University of Physical Education and Sports. After reconstruction and modernization, various services have become available for sportsmen and amateurs.

The hotel complex allows you to receive guests for training camps and competitions. Spa services, gym, games room and conference room. Anyone can take advantage of all this.

A ski roller track in summer and a ski track in winter with a length of 5 km allows athletes of any level to fully train. The track has lighting and is constantly looked after and prepared for training.

The complex is guarded and there is a payment for the rental of the track in the amount of 250 rubles for the whole day. This price includes the rental of a locker in the dressing room, where you can comfortably change clothes and take a shower. You can eat in the cafe at an attractive price.

The location of the complex is amazing. A step away from you, the magnificent Kavgolovskoye Lake will delight you, there is a forest nearby for running and simulation training on medium-rugged terrain.

You can get to the training center Kavgolovo by car or by train. Address: Toksovo village, Leningrad region, st. Lesgaft 35 k1. By eletkritichka: from the Finnish railway station to the station "Kavgolovo", from the carriage to the left, in the direction of the springboard. It is also possible to get by minibus from the Devyatkino metro station to Toksovo village (Shkolnaya street).


At the training center Kavgolovo, we conduct trainings both in winter and in summer. Our Ski Academy deals with amateurs from beginner to professional level.

We offer to master the skills of cross-country skiing and roller skiing for beginners, to improve the result for athletes thanks to our well-coordinated team.

The Academy includes coaches and methodologists of the highest category, Masters of Sports and certified specialists, graduates of sports universities and participants in seminars, trainings and training courses in various areas of sports and fitness.

Signing up for a workout is very simple, just leave your details and we will call you back. You can do it both in a group and individually. We have a children's school for children