What is the Isy Island Hainan. What kind of sea in Sanier

Hainan Island is called "Eastern Hawaii", "Thailand in Miniature". But why glue other people's labels on what's worthy of your own name? This great place is a unique resting and entertainment palette.

Photos from Polosaty.ru

Hainan Island in the Far South of the country deserved the title of beach capital of China. In the country, the emphasis shifts from the central region on the province, where the air is cleaner and attractions not less than. Tourists are increasingly attracting trips who promise exciting adventures. Hainan Island can offer a lot of such pleasures.

The main sea resort of Sanya is surrounded by multi-kilometer beaches and virgin forests on the hills. The capital of the province of Khaikou is not lagging behind the development of tourism. The city is among the top ten environmentally friendly territories of the country. Thanks to the smooth tropical climate of the island, cozy bays, clean forests and thermal waters here is nice to live and you can relax well.

What time is it best to visit Hainan?

The island is located between 18 ° and 20 ° of the northern latitude in the South China Sea, the mainland is separated by a narrow and small strait. Here rules all year round wet tropical air. Low season On the island lasts from January to February and from July to August. When the mainland is cold, Hainan pleases with heat 16-21 ° C.

Hainan Island. Photos from china.org.cn

There is a rainy season in May-October, when 1-2 days rages Typhoon. His destructive power is more felt on the south-east coast. The average air temperature from March to June is very comfortable - 25 ° C. In July and August, when the air heats up to 29-38 ° C, more pleasant to be in the forest shadow, not in the thermal natural sources. High season On the island, except for spring and early summer, the autumn months are considered.

How to get?

Capital - Haikou is the northern gate of the island. Plan here to get faster. Traveling by train is an excellent opportunity to see provincial China. Passenger compounds from Beijing Stations, Shanghai and Guangzhou on Hainan are sent daily. The path from the railway station in Beijing to the station of Sanya will take 35 hours.

The travel time from the mainland Guangzhou to Sanya is about 15 hours, taking into account 30 km of the waterway on the ferry. In good condition there are carways of the island, it is convenient to travel on regular buses and rented bikes. You can take the model of the "two-wheeled horse" for rent in 20-50 yuan (115-285 rubles).

Haikou, the capital of the island. Photos from Viasun.ru

Where to stay?

On the island a quiet atmosphere and peace-loving population. Some tourists do not mind tall in the tent on the beach. But most prefer hotels and guesthouses. They are designed for tourists with different sufficiency. The capital of the province offers accommodation in 19 hotels and 4 hostels, including the first five-star hotel island Hainan - Huandao Tid Hotel (Hainan Huandao Tide Hotel), a 10-minute drive from Haikou International Airport

For accommodation in Sanya, you can choose one of 66 hotels. Prices from July to September in a 4 * hotel - from 45 to 105 dollars per night room, including breakfast. Also in the city offer their services for accommodation 14 hostels.

Hotel Sheraton Sanya Resort in Jalunvan Bay. Photo Dmitry Ornatsky

Holidays in Sanya and Dadonghai bays enjoys a special attractiveness from Russian touristsAnd the locals are already tolerable understand Russian.

What to do on the island?

If the time of staying on the fertile land of the island of Hainan is limited to several days, then you have to choose what to see and make first. Picturesque nature, rich culture and history, Buddhist shrines are all available for familiarization. What else do you need a traveler? Some "highlight" or "pearl", for which you can go on the edge of light.

12 main attractions and popular places in Hainan:

1. Yalunvan Bay, located southeast of Sanya, chose fans of soft beach sand, warm sea, diving, yachting and golf. You can get by bus. Fee for entrance to the beach: 54 yuan (about 300 rubles).

2. Beach and sea sports in the west of Haikou. The hotels offer guests to visit the pools with thermal water. Some pools are launching small fish, biting dead cages from human skin.

3. Nanshan - an attractive locality where the center of Buddhism and the statue of Guan-Yin (Goddess Mercy) in the sea is located. You can enjoy your bus ticket from the city of Sanya. Entrance fee: 150 yuan (about 850 rubles).

Statue of the goddess of mercy. Photos from Yuanyetrip.com

4. A visit to the Youth Rynefest complex is a whole day in the jungle with richest Flora, fauna, waterfalls. You can independently get to the YOUND by bus. The fare is 30 yuan (170 rubles).

5. Nangian Monkey Island is a reserve to which the longest cable car road in China is leading. Entrance fee: 138 yuan (790 rubles).

6. Dunny is a picturesque place located 40 kilometers west of the city of Sanya with beautiful mountain caves. Entrance fee: 135 yuan (770 rubles).

7. Ma An is the crater of an extinct volcano, equipped with an observation platform, is located 15-20 km from Haikou.

8. Tropical Botanical Garden, located 120 km from Sanya, next to radon sources, has a collection of rare plants. Entrance fee: 28 yuan (about 160 rubles).

9. The Hospital Mountain on the middle south of the island is the highest point of Hainan (1867 m). For a trip, together with ascent, it will take less than one day.

10. The crocodile show in the National Reserve is 20 km from Sanya - safe and very fascinating, so they are sent to see even families with children.

11. Diagnosis and wellness treatments in the center of traditional Chinese medicine are just 5 km from the center of Sanya, in Dadonghai Bay.

12. Park with giant cliffs decorated with inscriptions "End of Heaven" and "Corner of the Sea" near the city of Sanya. Entrance fee: 65 yuan (about 370 rubles).

It should be noted that in great honor on the island Silk, pearls, tea and coconuts. Sanya City is one of the generics of silk production and trade in the country with this amazing cloth.

Hainan-Southern Tea cultivation region in China. Great varieties are grown here, some of them grow only in the warm tropical climate.

Photos from TravelTrungquoc.com

Journey to Hainan will give a unique chance to get acquainted with the island, culture and lifestyle of the wise people. For the Chinese, the word "Hainan" is a synonym for an elite beach holiday. Nature and temples of the island, thermal pools and spa resorts generously give all the harmony of the body and spirit, demanding instead only love and reverence of this paradise corner.

Useful information for tourists about Hainan Island in China - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Hainan - recognized pearl of the southern part of China, located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Residents of the subway and tourists from all over the world have long chosen this place and come here to relax regularly.

The diameter of the island is only 165 kilometers, and the total area is about 32,000 square kilometers. According to the standards of China, Hainan is considered a very miniature island. The local population is mainly from indigenous peoples and employs 8 million people, including the inhabitants of the small islands around.

Translated from the Chinese "Hainan" means "south of the sea". This name is justified enough, as the island extends along the coast. The main spheres that bring income are the tourist business and fishing industry. For tourists in Hainan, an ideal infrastructure was created, allowing to relax comfortably at any time of the year.

Initially, the island served as a refuge for runaway Chinese who went here in order to hide from justice. In the future, the representatives of the people lived in Hainan, and after colonization on the island, Han National appeared. Until now, these two nations manage to peacefully coexist, as well as share their traditions and culture.

In the first half of the 20th century, the Japanese won the territory of the island and in the period from 1940 to 1945 in Hainan destroyed most of the population. After these tragic events, China's communist troops returned the island, and peaceful life began on it. In the 1980s, local guidance decided to create a new economic zone, which was located on the island. Since then, in the development of Hainan, impressive means are investing, thanks to which the Chinese managed not only to preserve the historical atmosphere, but also to build many objects of modern infrastructure.

How to get

The most optimal way to get to Hainan is to purchase a plane ticket. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a transplant in one of the Chinese cities (Guangzhou, Urumqi, Beijing, Shanghai, Sushchou, Wuhan). On the territory of the island of two airports receiving flights from different countries. The airport is most in demand in Sanya, as it is not very far from the resort area. Airport in Haikou Tourists also enjoy regularly.

The cost of the flight depends on the type of aircraft, the number of transfers and the initial point of departure. Buying a ticket is better in advance, since the flight to Hainan is popular. If you get a ticket before for 2-3 months, you will be pleasantly surprised by discounts that regularly suit Chinese airlines.

Once at one of the airports of Hainan, you can easily get to the resort you need by bus, high-speed shuttle or taxi. In the way you spend from 20 to 50 minutes.

As for the railway communication, it is perfectly established only between Chinese provinces. From anywhere in the country you will reach Haikou or Guangzhou, and then reproach to the ferry, which in 2.5 hours will deliver you to the final destination.


On the island there are many natural objects, which are beautiful sights of Hainan. In addition, there are such visited places such as the center of Buddhism Nanshan, the museum, Phoenix Island, Lee Moho's ethnographic village.

As for the center of Buddhism, it should be included in his excursion program, as it is the largest Buddhist complex in Asia. On an area of \u200b\u200b49 square kilometers, a beautiful temple was built, the entrance to which adorns the majestic statue of the goddess of mercy. This monument is known far beyond China and annually attracts thousands of tourists.

Phoenix Island was designed specifically for tourists and today is considered one of the most beautiful islands of China. Luxury forks, futuristic skyscrapers, snow-white beaches, yacht club - all this creates a special atmosphere. On the island you can go as part of the tourist group for one day.

If you want to get acquainted with the indigenous people of Hainan and learn about his traditions, then go to the village of Miao. It is 28 kilometers from Sanya and combines the garden-park complex, ancient buildings and renovated streets. Actors dressed in national clothes are satisfied with the colorful ideas for guests of Lee Miao.

Also, do not forget to visit Halong Bay, Dadonghai Bay, Safari Park, Monkey Island, Butterfly Park and other interesting places.


Special attention should be paid to the medical tourism on Hainan, where there are more than 15 cosmetology centers and spas, on the basis of which unique recovery techniques are developed.

Chinese traditional medicine harmoniously combines the latest technology and age-old knowledge in the field of treating various diseases. Most of the procedures are aimed at:

  • treatment of diseases of the spine;
  • prevention of diseases of the joints and internal organs;
  • general health intake;
  • getting rid of stress and chronic fatigue;
  • improving the appearance of the skin of the face and body;
  • getting rid of excess weight.

Many tourists come to Hainan to experience the amazing power of Massage Gaja. This type of massage allows you to achieve stunning results in a short time. Massage is made by a special scraper made of genuine bones. In accordance with the postulates of traditional Chinese medicine, Gaja helps to fully restore the internal resources of the body and "update" the nervous system.

Hotel Base

Since millions of tourists come to the island annually, there are not only hotels in different levels on its territory, but also apartments, as well as bungalows. Choosing a hotel, tourists are focused on the proximity of the coastline, the availability of its own beach, the opportunity to use a number of services for free.

If you prefer silence and peace, it is better to stay in the central part of the island surrounded by high palm trees and a thick greenery. For those who love more active rest, it is worth looking at hotels that are near local villages.

Beach rest

Of course, the main goal of any tourist who came to Hainan is swimming and sunbathing. The beaches of the island are scattered from the picturesque bays, among which the most visited are considered: Heitan; Sanya Bay; Dadonghai; Shimaivan; Yalunvan.

Haitan equipped for tourists quite recently and today it attracts attention to itself thanks to 25 kilometer beach, fascinating landscapes and untouched nature. You can find the bay, focusing on the villages of Inzhou and Heitan. The development of Haitan continues so far, but now many travelers are going here.

Sanya Bay is located 7 kilometers from Sanya, which is famous for the extended coastline, a wide variety of restaurants, an amazing landscape. Of the minuses of the bay, you can mark a little muddy water during the tides and the need to move the road along the way to the beach.

Between the two mountains, 4 kilometers from Sanya is still located another famous bay of Dadonghai. It is the most busy on the island and meets tourists with noisy discos, musical ideas, well-groomed sandy beaches and thematic parties in local bars.

Jalunvan Bay and Shimaivan are the most "young" on the island and are actively built up with hotels, as well as recreation areas. A distinctive feature of the bays - plots with untouched nature and wide beaches. In combination with a developing infrastructure, natural beauty create ideal conditions for a full-fledged vacation.


Active tourism lovers come to Hainan to enjoy a variety of entertainment that local tour operators offer. One of the favorite classes is diving and snorkeling. At the same time, specialized centers are organized for beginners, where they can undergo a training program together with a professional coach. After training, tourists are awarded certificates confirming the level of qualifications.

In addition, visitors can try their strength in real marine fishing. For this, special zones have been created on Hainan. Unlike the European resorts, if you want to pick up a part of the catch with you, it is allowed to be done only after payment. The cost of caught fish depends on weight. At the request of the tourist, fresh fish will be prepared in any restaurant through a traditional recipe.

You can also organize a sea walk through Hainan Bays. This type of outdoor activity is not cheap, but your impressions will be unforgettable. During a four-hour trip on a snow-white two-candy boat, you are waiting for an interesting idea with the participation of local artists, refreshments and snacks.

What will bring

There are no large shopping centers on Hainan, but you can find many souvenir shops and pharmacies scattered in the island. If you want to bring something unusual and with Chinese topics, it is worth searching in stores:

  • products made of natural pearls;
  • bracelets performed in nodule knitting techniques;
  • caskets and decorations from sea seashells;
  • miniatures made by spraying by the mother of pearl;
  • tea of \u200b\u200bdifferent varieties;
  • sets of tea dishes;
  • cream, balsams, patches based on natural herbs.

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Hainan IslandLocated in the south, covered with thick forests and fruit plantations in the central and southern parts of the island, is a real tropical paradise. Despite well-developed tourism, the island managed to preserve the ecology, has many endemic species of flora and fauna, as well as the unique identity of indigenous peoples. The entire industry is concentrated in the north of the island, in the Khaikou area - the capital of the island, in addition, the recreation and entertainment industry is developed here, as well as the hotels of different levels are presented.


The island has long been known for its wonderful climate, beautiful landscapes, clean beaches and clean sea. In addition to all, Hainan Island thanks to hot springs is a great place to treat. The temperature and chemical composition of thermal sources are different as their location - there are mountainous, forest, sea directly on the coast, and located close to major cities. Also, those who are treated for treatment can learn what Chinese massage and acupuncture to achieve maximum effect. Radon sources are recommended for the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, gynecological diseases and respiratory organs. Kalievo-sodium sources - for the treatment of skin diseases, nervous system and respiratory organs. The temperature of the water in some sources can reach 78 degrees, and the most famous source of Guantan with the hottest water (up to 90 degrees) is close to Quunhai.

general information

Hainan is a pretty major island washed by the waters of the South China Sea, occupies a territory of 34.4 thousand square meters. km. The population is 8.6 million people.


Hainan is the only island in China with a tropical climate, clear weather stands here 300 days a year, which makes a pleasant stay in Hainan all year round. On the island, the average annual air temperature is +24, and the water is +26 degrees. The most favorable time to relax on the island of Hainan - the period from March to October. The coldest months are the winter - from December to February.

How to get

Transaero Airline carries out direct regular flights from Hainan Island, landing at Sanya Phoenix International Airport, IATA: SYX International Airport. Time in flight takes about 10 hours. Often tourists prefer flights through other Chinese cities, combining rest on Hainan Island with two or three daily stays in the cities:, or.


The most economical type of transport on the island for moving between cities is a bus service that is well developed. Motorikshi is the main type of transport in small cities and towns. When traveling on a taxi outside the city, you should negotiate with the driver about a fixed board. With the help of a marine message, from Sanya and Haikou, you can get to, or.

Attractions and entertainment

Our compatriots were chosen, mostly hotel complexes in Jalunvan and Dadonghai. On the seashore in Dadonghai Bay, good reviews have Hotel Intime Resort 5 *. The hotel has a snow-white sand beach, a beautiful garden with tropical plants, and attentive helpful staff is always ready to help, if any problems suddenly have any problems. There are all the conditions for sports. This hotel will definitely enjoy lovers of a relaxing stay.

In the bay Yalunwan Hotels also popular Cactus Resort 4 *, RESORT GOLDEN PALM 4 * And some others. Hotel Cactus Resort is located on the lake among the mountains. The territory of the hotel is a large and extraordinary beauty. Pools and ponds with goldfish and lotus, singing fountains, gardens, in the evenings Live music, sun loungers and hammocks - everything is thought out so that the rest delivered the hotel a lot of pleasure. The hotel is ideal for those who came to relax from the noise and bustle of cities. All those who visited here, invariably celebrate the purest beach and the sea, the reasonable ratio of "price - quality" and traditional friendliness of the staff.

If you have a desire to diversify your vacation, you can go to thermal sources Nyantianwhere in pools with water saturated with salts and minerals, there is a procedure for rejuvenating the body. Visit, in which the temples are located, visit and in Museum of butterflies. And you can come to the pearl factory, where, if you're lucky, in the sink you chose it will be a real pearl, which is inserted directly with you (for a small fee) into a ring or pendant.


In Yalunvan, it is possible to eat only in hotel restaurants, and since they are all exceptionally high, the lunch or dinner will cost an average of 30 dollars. In Dadunhai, more democratic prices, here are full of various cafes and restaurants, the average cost of lunch / dinner is 10 dollars.


On the island you can buy pearls, tea. Silk, rhinestone, porcelain, wood products, and souvenirs with symbolism "Feng Shui" use very popularity. Prestigious shops are focused on Hayceudunla Street in Haikou, and in Sanier, the main shops are located in the city center, on Liberation Street.

If you decide to spend your vacation in Hainan Island, you have a wonderful holiday in first-class hotels with impeccable service, a gastronomic variety of real Chinese cuisine, a friendliness of local residents, and the main thing is a warm sea with clean sandy beaches and positive impressions that will stay with you for a long time!

Hainan Island from all sides is washed by the South China Sea, which is known, is in the Pacific Ocean. The three of the largest Bay of the island is Sanya Bay, Dadonghai and Yalunvan. I will tell you about the beaches in these coves.

Immediately I note that all the beaches on the island of public, so there are no of their divisions on types or species here. That is, for example, the beach of Jalunvan Bay is one very long beach with a length of a few kilometers.

Beach Bay Sanya

Resting in this bay basic and Europeans, Russians are very small.

In Sanya Bay, the beach is the longest on the island, its length is about 11 kilometers. It starts from the "Edge of Light" Park, passes near the airport, along houses and hotels, ending near the artificial island of Phoenix.

Beach sandy, entrance to the sea too. Sands are light gray, almost white, very dense, which is especially pleased with children, because there are excellent locks from such sand! And even on it, you can ride on great and motorcycles, and the wheels will not even be knit. On the beach there are a lot of small grills that run in the sand, making minks in it.

The coastline is very wide. There is enough space on it and for lovers of active games, and for those who prefer to lie on the warm sand, and for those who wish to go along the sea at sunset.

There is a free shower and toilet on the beach. For umbrellas and sun beds, belonging to your "not your", the hotel can sometimes be asked to pay (the price of about 3-4 dollars or 20-30 yuan), sometimes allowed to relax them for free. Apparently, it depends on the mood of one who is on duty on the beach.

The rescuers always observe the vacationers.

It is impossible to say that the sea is transparent here, because the petty sand is always hanging in the water. The color of water is dark blue, even closer to gray. In this bay, water resembles the Black Sea.

Along the entire coast, palm trees and other trees grow. Under them are shops and tables so that the locals can relax, for example, during lunch, or just hide from the bright sun.

On the beach on the beach you can see those who do yoga, the old men are going to the afternoon and they are going through all sorts of dancing, wedding ceremonies and photo shoots are often held at sunset. In the evening, a lot of young people are going to numerous cafes located right on the sand. They look like our "summer cafes" in the parks, only much more and besides the "bar" there are also "kitchen". In the afternoon "Eino" is usually closed, but with a sunset literally in ten-twenty steps from water on the sand place plastic tables with chairs and a cafe starts their work. Food is only Chinese; Instead of the menu, a huge poster with pictures of a finished dish and its price. For example, a portion of a glass noodle with shrimps costs about 4 dollars (35 yuan).

All beaches in this bay are located across the road from hotels. But there is nothing terrible and dangerous in this, because about each hotel has a ground pedestrian crossing, that is, you can safely go the road. Some hotels have an underground transition, for example, in the Pullman Hotel.

From the bays of Yalunvan and Dadonghai on the beach you can arrive on buses number 25, 26. Travel from one bay to another costs about 1 dollar (from 5 to 10 yuan, depending on the distance). You can come by taxi, then the payment will be in the counter. From Dadonghai to Sanya Bay to go about 10-15 minutes, and about 40-50 minutes from Yalunvan. These buses ride along the sea, so you can go out anywhere where you like it. To be on the beach you only need to go through the road.

Beach Bay Dadunhai.

This bay loved to Russian tourists.

The beach in Dadunhae is only 4 kilometer long. It is located between the two mountains, so it seems to me that in winter the water here should be a little warmer than in the bays of Sanya and Yalunvan.

The sand is small, light, loose, and not tight, like in Sanya-Bay, on it on a motor, or bike no longer ride.

The entrance to the sea is sandy, almost everywhere is gentle. But in some places, the coastal bottom blocked by the waves, and quite deep pits were formed near the shore. Blue water, transparent, with sand slushing near the shore. Sometimes with strong waves from the sea brings a small pebbles and shells to the shore.

On the beach there are free sun beds, umbrellas, shower and toilets. Near the central entrance to the beach (next to the Intime Hotel) are rescuers.

But the palm trees are not on the shore, so it will not be possible to hide in their shadows. Near the beach a lot of cafes, mostly with Russian names: "Kievan Rus", "U Lena", "USSR" and others. The kitchen first is Russian and European, and only then Chinese. Prices are quite democratic: borsch (by the way, very similar to this) costs about $ 1.5-2 (10-12 yuan).

Day Beach in Dadunhai lively and noisy, there are traders in pearls, souvenirs and fruits, walk and rest crowds of noisy Chinese, who love to talk loudly, build castles from sand and take pictures.

On the beach near the Hotel Resort Intime plays a violinist, it is very pleasant to relax on his music and lie down on the warm sand. But in the evening on the beach quietly, because the cafe is not right on the sand, but a little further, so the noise of conversations of visitors is not heard, and you can walk along the shore in silence.

Hotels located on the first coastline have their own territory on the beach, but it is not fenced. Since all the beaches own the state, no one will ever be quenched with sun beds, even if they belong to the hotel in which you do not live. So you can freely move around the beach and located on any places you like.

Dadonghai Bay Beach from Sanya Bay Bay can be reached by bus number 2, 4, 8; Ride around 10-20 minutes. From Yalunvan - № 15, 25, 29, 24; The road will take 40-50 minutes. Travel will cost 1 dollar (5-10 yuan); If taxis, then payment on the meter. Stop Dadunhai Bay or Summer Mall. From any stop to the beach go 5-10 minutes, you can go through the territory of any hotel of the first line.

Beach Bay Jalunvan.

This is the most expensive and luxurious bay on the island. People who prefer a quiet and serene beach holiday are resting here.

The sea in the bay is very calm, so water is clean and transparent. In some places, the bottom is seen at a depth of 7-10 meters.

The length of the beach is about 7 kilometers, the width of the coastal strip - meters 50. Sand is light, soft and warm.

On the beach everything has a complete relaxation: there are no noisy merchants, cafes, fuss and screams. Locals are practically no local residents. For me here, just too quiet and deserted.

Slightly lively near the Hotel Lan Resort, because there you can rent equipment for diving, ride bananons and other beach attractions:

  1. immersion will cost $ 65 to $ 140 (450 to 900 yuan). Software programs: sunken ship, coral reefs, professional immersion;
  2. scooter riding (only with an instructor) - 23 dollars (150 yuan) in 15 minutes;
  3. ride a banana - 15 dollars or 150 yuan;
  4. fishing on a boat - 60 dollars or 400 yuan, on a specially equipped boat - 153 dollars (1000 yuan);
  5. sea walking on a boat with a transparent bottom (for watching the seabed) - 33 dollars (220 yuan).

On the first coastline - five-star network hotels with "their beach". It is equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers and necessarily has its own rescue point. But, as I said, it is only conventions, territorial division, of course not. Rest and bathe in the place where you want.

For sun beds will have to pay from 4 to 7 dollars (30 to 50 yuan); The cost depends on the proximity to the water: the closer to the sea, the more expensive. Souls and toilets are free.

If you live in another bay, then you can get to the beach Yalunvan for 5-10 yuan by bus number 15, 25, 29 (they go out of Sanya through) or by taxi - payment on the meter. The price of the bus and taxis depends on the distance of the trip. From Sanya Bay to go about 40-50 minutes, from Dadonghai 20-30. Get out better on the central square, hence the easiest way to get to the beach.

Share important information about the Chinese island Hainan. Let's talk about climate, attractions and the specifics of rest in the distant province. Read!

In the south of the People's Republic of China, the Paradise is located - Hainan Island. Earlier here referred notable specimens and nobles, and now here is a developed tourist center. Translated from the Chinese name indicates the "south of the sea".

Feedback on travel

"Initially, China, we did not even consider. For felting on the beach, we chose between Turkey and Tunisia. But the manager literally "Ulumal" to China, consolidating the effect of chic photos of hotels. As it turned out, our hotel was on the outskirts of Sanya Bay. Away from the city bustle and civilization ... "

On the map

The province is located in the very south of China and consists of one large and row of small islands.

  • Territory of the main island - 33,920 square meters. km.
  • It is washed by the South China Sea.
  • The coastline stretches on one and a half thousand kilometers.
  • 8.18 million people live on the island.

How to get

There are almost no direct flights from Russia. Exception - charters from Moscow. A popular path is to fly to Guangzhou, after which to transfer to the bus or train. The final stage will be a trip to the ferry to the capital of the province of Haikou.

  • Travelata, Level.Travel, OnLinetours - Looking here the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on buying tickets.
  • Cherehapa - Take reliable insurance.

Weather in Province

In this region, China prevails a tropical climate. There is solar clear weather here. The average annual temperature + 24 ° C. Water in the sea is warm, its average is + 26 ° C. The season begins in and continues until. In winter, cool weather is kept on the island, with a 19-25 ° C air temperature. Summer months are accompanied by a strong heat, up to 33 ° C, the abundance of precipitation is the time of seasonal rains.


For Russians there are three options:

  1. If this is an independent trip, then you need a Chinese visa type "L". You can get it at the PRC Consulate.
  2. If, after arriving at Hainan, you will need to go to the mainland part of China, then you can arrange a single visa on arrival. It is made for 15 days. Here you can read ,.
  3. When traveling over a batch tour, visa-free visits to the island may be possible. Travel agency will have to include you in a special list to pass the border.

Interesting fact

For a long time the island was a depressive place. Its tourist potential revealed only after the reforms of 1987-1988. Now the construction of factories is limited here in order not to worsen the quality of air and water.


The following locations are of interest to tourists:

  1. Khaikou is the capital of the province, although in development it is lagging behind other cities in China on the continent. This is a tropical city that dries in coconut trees. Interest is an old architecture in the center. But the main attractions are in the vicinity of the capital at a distance of 15-30 kilometers. Historical monuments have been preserved here since the Ming dynasty, among which the famous Temple of Voguang, the tomb of Hai Zhui and the Academy, which was elevated in honor of the scientist Tzin.
  2. Sanya - Popular Hainan Resort. Here are beautiful beaches, parks and antiquity. Of particular importance is the temple complex NANSHAN. Also Sanya is known to thermal sources. From Entertainment: Diving, Surfing, Paragliding.
  3. Bay Yalunvan - an elite place. Here are the most prestigious hotels of the island. The territory of the bay is surrounded by green parks (the valley of butterflies, the tropical forest of the Youth and others). Local hot springs are included in China's most useful thermal waters. Rest in Jalunvani will suit married couples who are looking for privacy.
  4. Dadonghai is a popular place, so the beaches are often crowded. For enfing lovers, this is an ideal place, thanks to the right direction of the wind. Attractions can be viewed on the pearl area, seafood area, tropical rain forests.
  5. Sanyan Bay - the resort area under development. Its infrastructure has not yet reached the level of other cities. But the local nature pleases the eye of the tourist and this fills with other spaces.


There are two international airports. It offers a train island, buses, taxi. Motoriks and bicycles use in demand. The main resort cities connect the high-speed ring road with 650 kilometers long.

Types of transport:

  1. Railway. High-speed trains go regularly. Each city Hainan has a railway station. The fare ranges from 50 to 99 CNY.
  2. Buses. Budget way to move. Calon cost 2 CNY.
  3. Taxi. The preferred type of transport. Each machine has cash registers. Travel is paid on the counter.
  4. Boorks and Rickshaw. Transport is suitable only for movement for short distances. The price of travel is repelled from the weight of the client, as well as from a kilometer.

It's important to know!

Hainan is one of the favorite places for the inner tourism of the Chinese themselves. So it is better to clarify in advance whether any national holidays are on the dates of your vacation. And then the influx of guests and the rise in prices will be colossal!

Mobile and Internet

Mobile communication on the island works fine. Reliable Chinese operator - China Mobile. Besides him there is China Union and China Telecom. Tourists can purchase a SIM card. To do this, you only need to present a passport. Choosing a tariff, it is worth carefully studying the conditions, because In all packages there is an international relationship and 3G.

Almost all hotels, restaurants and other public holidays are free Wi-Fi. True connection to it passes through the Chinese number.

Beaches of Islands

White sand, transparent water - these are the main advantages. All beaches municipal. That is free, but they are equipped with sun beds, umbrellas, for the use of which will have to pay.

Popular beaches:

  1. Sanya Bay Beach. It stretches for 11 kilometers. A wide strip of the shore, where you can soak on a white sand and play volleyball. There is a booth of rescuers. Palm trees blooming along the coast, in the shade of which are hiding from the Sun who too hot. In the evening, near the beach there are various bars.
  2. Bay Beach Dadonghai. His length is 4 kilometers. It is believed that here water is warmer than in other bays. A pleasant surprise for vacationers will be free sun beds and umbrellas. The territory is protected by rescuers. A row of cafes and restaurants stretch along the beach. Solders of pearls, souvenirs and fruits walk along the shore.
  3. Jalunvan Bay Beach. Like Tikhoniam. Silence and peace. 7 kilometers of semi-deserted beach. There are almost no merchants, eaters and fussy tourists.


On the island a lot of establishments, where they offer help for people with diseases of lungs, osteochondrosis, hypertension and urological illness. Popular Medical Centers "Taijse", "Yu Kang", "Ladvatia Garden". In some hotels, branches of traditional medicine clinics are open.

Detailed description

Read more about the main thermal sources of Hainan and basic SPA procedures that offer tourists.

Shopping and shops

Product number one - pearls. It all makes everything here! Among other branded souvenirs:

  • porcelain;
  • rhinestone;
  • chinese tea;
  • silk;
  • buddhist souvenirs;
  • symbols "Feng Shui";
  • spices (better to take them on the "first market").

Popular supermarkets in Sanya:

  1. "Wanhao";
  2. "Tiancheng";
  3. "Vanfulong";

Main shopping shops:

  1. "Mindju";
  2. "IFAN";
  3. "Tianhun".

Emergency phones in the PRC:

  • police Department - 110
  • ambulance - 120
  • fire assistance - 119
  • autospace - 122.

Local kitchen

  1. Noodles "Hynanski" and "Linshuyski" noodles use local dishes.
  2. Beans - chassis. Dishes from it are found in all establishments.
  3. Exotic fruits are growing on the island: lychee, papaya, guava, etc.
  4. Tourists praise Jiajing duck on a local recipe.

About Chinese cuisine

In a separate article, we looked at what you should try during.

What can I see

On the island there will be a chance to get acquainted with Buddhism. Value is a nanxhan temple complex. The sanctuary decorate the statues of the Buddha. It will be interesting to visit the Ethnic Park of Bethel-Nat, the valley of butterflies, the heavenly grottoes, the Portuguese street and the monkey island, where 2 thousand types of primates were collected.

Read more about attractions

Vacation with children

An animators work in hotels, there are playrooms, swimming pools. In Sanya there is a water park. Not far from Lake Dongshanhu is a natural zoo. Sea vacation is perfect for children. Strong entrance to the sea is safe. Water warm and clean, and on the beaches are attractions.


In general, the resort is safe. But there are several recommendations:

  • Remember the word "FUN". This means that you do not understand complaints. Often this is enough to solve the conflict.
  • Do not take pictures in the temples. Do not remove state objects. Especially the military.
  • Do not wear important things in the bag on the shoulder. Sometimes there are robbers on the bikes.
  • Carry a visit to the hotel in Chinese.
  • Do not drink water from under the tap, take care of the outdoor sun and go to the sea in bathing slippers.