Monaco's position. Ilya Melnikovpravik on Monaco

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MONACO,Monaco Principality, one of the smallest states of the world (area of \u200b\u200b1.95 square meters). Located in the south of Europe, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (the length of the coastline is 4.4 km.), Near the border of France and Italy. C Sushi is surrounded by the territory of the French Department of the Seaside Alps (the length of the border is 4.1 km.). Geographic coordinates: 43 ° 44 "S.Sh., 7 ° 24" V.D.

The territory of Monaco consists of a spontaneous city-district of Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fonvay. Monaco City - the capital of the country (1.5 thousand inhabitants) - picturesquely located on the aligned surface of the rocky protrusion of the seaside Alps, built up with old buildings. Its main attractions - the Princely Palace (rebuilt in the 16th century. Genoese fortress 13 century); Oceanographic museum (founded in 1899) with an existing institution with it; Exotic garden, located on almost sheer slopes of the rocks of the dog's head; Capella La Miserikord (17 century); Pseudorshansky Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (19th century); Anthropological prehistoric museum, etc. La Condamine (13 thousand inhabitants) is a port area, banks, shops, hotels, representative offices of firms and corporations, enterprises, hotels and beaches. It also has a national library and stadium. Monte Carlo (13 thousand inhabitants) is officially founded in 1866. The world-famous casino, hotels, branches of banks and concerns, pools and swimming pools, Opera House (1878-1879), Opera House (1878-1879), National Museum of Fine Arts with paintings by the Masters of the Renaunt Epoch , Philharmonic orchestra and others. Fonvaye - a new industrial center, officially created in 1981 on the land died in the sea.


Monaco is located on the elevated sea shore formed by limestone mountains, which are southern continuation of the seaside Alps. Cape Monaco rocky, stands far away in the sea, La Kondamin is a small open bay. The relief of the surface is hilly, rugged, rocky. The highest point is Mont-azhel (140 m.).

Climate climate

mediterranean: moderately warm winter (the average temperature of January + 8 ° C) and dry sunny summer (the average temperature of July + 24 ° C). The number of sunny days a year is about 300. Unstable weather and drizzling rains, which continue usually no more than 3 days, brings a strong oriental or southern wind from the sea "Marin". From the inland areas of France blows a pushing, dry and cold wind "Mistral", carrying a decrease in temperature. The seaside Alps protect Monaco from the cold northern winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Thanks to the mild climatic conditions, Monaco is a popular resort. Average annual precipitation 1300 mm. They fall mainly in autumn.

In the conditions of dry summer and autumn-spring rains in Monaco, brown soils were formed with severe xerophytic vegetation, as well as the red-color soil of Terra Ross. In the mountains there are brown forest soils.

Flora - Mediterranean Type: Kermes and Stone Oaks, Sugit, Juniper, Ponyan, Black and Aleptic Pine, Maswinkle, Fig, Bubble, Spanish Dream, Jasmine, Sassaparial, Warehouse Varieties and Asphodelin, Lily (Grape, Pearl, Yellow Onion, Thrinkler Poultry ), Montperells and sagestheliste vardanniki. From the plants of the Western-intentisor group typical dwarf palm trees, a landscape and a large-scale, Primorskaya pine, atlas cedar, cork, beechless and felt oaks, as well as numerous lubber. In the forests grow stone and round-hearted oak, noble laurel, strawberry, tree-like Eric. Mountain slopes are covered with evergreen shrub-McWisis, in which there are blooming autumn and winter strawberry book, Plotnaya Lanenik, Mirt, Evergreen Pistachios and Kalina, Red Juniper, Types of Ratchlet and Droka, less often - an anchirovid bobvik ..

Among cultivated trees, olive prevails, covering the slopes overlooking the Genoese bay. In fruit crops are common figs, pomegranate, sweet and bitter almonds, pistachios and grapes. Japanese Musmula and Camfar Lavra from Japan, Aloe, Cacti and Agaves from America, Eucalyptus from Australia are delivered. Persimmium, bananas, oranges, lemons and tangerines are grown.

Monaco has no large animals. From mammals there are small rodents, hedgehogs and earthons, bats, including a unique Mediterranean distinguctor. The birds are inhabited by mountain, glasses and white slats, garden oatmeal, Mediterranean squeeze, rowers, hazardous goat, larks, frozard, black and peg and black and black chains. There are reptiles - steppe gecko, a halcid, a sandy lizard, an ordinary and guaduzny dick, Eskulapov Snake. Wood frog and green toad are found. Diverse the world of insects (mantis, termites, butterflies, cicades, grasshoppers and sometimes mosquitoes appear). Marine mammals are small, not counting penguins. Poor and mollusk fauna (oysters, mussels, litophagus). Waters are pretty poor fish, but the coasts catch Sardin, Anchokov, Cambalu, Kefal, Macrel, Striped tolerats, Langustov.


In July 2004, 32,270 people lived in the country. Population density (16,777 people per quarter. Km.) One of the highest in the world. The growth of the population in 2004 was 0.44%.

The average age of the population is 45 years old. 15.5% of Monaco residents are under 15 years old, 62.1% have age from 15 to 64 years and 22.4% older than 65 years. The average life expectancy in 2004 - 75.53 for men and 83.5 years for women. The birth rate is 9.36 per 1000 people, the mortality rate is 12.74 per 1000 people, the influx of immigrants is 7.78 per 1000 people, infant mortality - 5.53 per 1000 newborns.

The indigenous inhabitants of Monaco - Montregski make up 16% of the population. 47% of the population of the country are French, 16% - Italians, 4% - the British, 2% - Belgians, 1% are Swiss, 14% - others. 90% of the Catholics population, 6% - Protestants.

Official language is French. Residents also speak on Minegas, Italian and English. 99% of the population competently.

State device.

In accordance with the Constitution 2002, Monaco - "Hereditary and Constitutional Monarchy". The legislature in the country is divided between the head of the state to whom the legislative initiative also owns, and the Parliament (National Council), which adopts laws on them.

The head of the state is the prince, which represents the principality in relations with other states, put forward bills, exercises a full or partial revision of the Constitution with the National Council, has the rights of pardon, amnesty, awarding and providing monk citizenship. Prince Monaco since May 9, 1949 - Rainier III (Louis Henri Maxance Bertrand) from the Grimalidi dynasty, was born in 1923, grandson of Prince Louis II. He graduated from Hasting University in the UK and the University of Montpellier (France), in 1944-1945 served in the French army in the rank of Colonel. He died on April 6, 2005.

At Prince, the Crown Council has been operating, which is designed to help the head of state in the implementation of a number of constitutional prerogatives and advise him on issues affecting the interests of the state. It gives conclusions on draft laws and decrees submitted to its consideration by the prince.

Monaco Parliament is the National Council, consisting of 24 members elected for 5 years by the general voting of Monaco's citizens of both sexes, which turned at least 18 years. 16 members of the National Council are elected by majority, 8 - on a proportional voting system. Members of Parliament take the laws and budget of the principality; For amending the Constitution requires at least 2/3 of the votes. The National Council may be dissolved by the head of state with the consent of the Government Council, but new elections must be appointed immediately. The government of the country is not responsible to the National Council.

Executive power comes from Prince. Management is carried out by the State Minister, representing the head of state and appointed them. The Government Council from the advisers responsible for the management of specialized departments leads to the State Minister. The Minister and Council members are responsible to Prince for the management of the principality. The responsibilities of the Government include: Development of draft laws and submission to their princes, ensuring compliance with laws, management of administrative and public services, the publication of ministerial acts and regulations relating to the execution of laws and princely decrees, command of order and police, maintaining foreign policy, etc.

By tradition, the post of public minister is occupied by a citizen of France, selected by Prince from among the three persons proposed by the French government. Since January 2000, the State Minister has been appointed for 5 years. Member of the Monactian Party National Democratic Union Patrick Leclerk.

Legislative power in Monaco belongs to the prince, but he fully delegates its judicial authorities acting on his behalf. The system of legal proceedings is based on the French Code of Laws. It consists of courts of first instance, world and appeal courts. There is also a Supreme Court, consisting of five members and two assessors appointed by the prince for a period of four years on the submission of the National Council.

Administratively, the principality consists of four quarters corresponding to the cities generators.

Monaco has a police, but there is no own army, except for the Royal Guard, consisting of 65 people. Defense issues are within the competence of France.

Political parties.

National Democratic Soyuz(VAT) is a conservative party formed in 1962 as a result of the merger of the National Union of Independent and National Democratic Consent. He won in all elections until 2003 and for 40 years fully dominated Monaco's political scene.

The party declares the intention to protect the association of citizens of Monaco around "its sovereign", to defend the institutions of the principality as "the only guarantors" of its independence, as well as the traditional values \u200b\u200bof the country that make up its "specifics and identity". VAT opposed the establishment of a parliamentary regime and the creation of a government responsible for parliament, seeing a political destabilization factor. Currently, it focuses on the need to ensure priority for monk citizens upon receipt of work and purchase of housing. The party also promises to reduce the age of civil majority to 18 years. Enlarge housing construction, expand material and advisory assistance to old men, disabled people, families, children and mothers, develop the education system and create new opportunities for young people. In the field of labor relations, VAT is for the regulation of temporary and partial employment and ensuring equality of men and women in the field of labor. Calls to protect the existing system of medical care, but at the same time develop modern sanitary and hospital structures, as well as to improve the living conditions and labor of medical workers.

In the 2003 elections, VAT was for the first time defeated, receiving 41.5% of votes and only 3 out of 21 places in the National Council. The leader is Jean-Louis Korpora (Chairman of the National Council in 1993-2003).

"Union for Monaco"- The coalition of political associations, created before all of the elections of 2003. Included the National Union for the future of Monaco, uniting for the monk family and the Union for the Principality. The block of the block is mainly identical to the VAT program, but has a more liberal shade. The Union acts as defense of traditions, the "specifics and national identity" of Monaco in the field of culture, tax system, priority in the provision of employment and housing, for the preservation of features such as high employment and social achievements. At the same time, he objects to "retrograde conservatism", which encourages the country to economic and other isolation and harms its future.

The Union for Monaco promises to preserve the high quality of life, increase housing construction, ensure the priority of monk citizens in obtaining work and the acquisition of housing. He defends the model of a legal state, in which the overall interest above personal and corporate, supports the decline in the age of civil majority to 18 years and the provision of citizenship to children of naturalized women. In the field of economy, the Block addressed the elimination of administrative restrictions on the freedom of entrepreneurial activity, for the depoliticization of the "Society of Marine Bath" (joint-stock company controlling, in particular casinos and tourist objects) and the admission of partial employment for civil servants. In the social sphere, slogans expand the rights of women and ensure their equal rights with men in all areas, guarantees of universal access to qualified medical care, the expansion of the network of youth and cultural leisure, etc.

The "Union for Monaco" won on the general elections in 2003, having collected 58.5% of the vote and won 21 out of 24 seats in the National Council. Leader - Stefan Valerie (Chairman of the National Council since 2003).

Foreign policy.

Monaco is associated with special relations with France and exercises its sovereignty "in agreement" with French interests in the field of politics, economics, security and defense. At the same time, the country since 1993 is a UN member. Monaco is also included in a number of UN specialized agencies and supports diplomatic relations with a number of countries.


Monaco's GDP in 1999 was estimated at $ 870 million, which corresponded to 27 thousand dollars per capita. Tourism plays an important role in the country's economy. In 2001, a new pier for ships performing tourist cruises was built. The principality was able to diversify its economy through the development of the service sector (49% of GDP) and small enterprises producing expensive, high-quality and environmentally friendly products. There is no income tax in the country, very low income on business, which attracts rich people, numerous companies and banks. The state retains a monopoly in a number of sectors, such as selling tobacco products, telephone communication, postal services. The unemployment rate in 1998 was 3.1%.

Economic data is not published. It is known that in 1993, about 87% of the economically active population was employed in the service sector, 13% in industry, 0% - in agriculture. Developed electronic, electrical, chemical, pharmaceutical industry, precise instrument making, production of building materials, faience, ceramics and majolica. An important place is occupied by trade, tourist service and the manufacture of souvenirs. Electricity is imported from France. Monaco is fully integrated into the customs system of France, and through it is associated with the economy of the European Union. The monetary unit is euro.

The revenue budget article in 1995 was $ 518 million, expendable - $ 531 million. Main sources of government revenues: taxes from banks, hotels, resorts, casinos, receipts from tourism, sales of postage stamps, etc.

The Principality of Monaco is connected to France by the automotive road and a helicopter message. A constant shuttle bond is maintained between the airport in Nice (France) and the helicopter port. Entrance to the country from France is free. The length of the railway tracks in Monaco is 1.7 km., Highways - 50 km.

Society and culture.

The country has achieved a high standard of living. There are programs for assistance to various in need of population categories. Monaco has more than 31 thousand telephone subscribers (1995), 34 thousand radio and 25 thousand televisions (1998). There are at least 9 radio stations, including Radio Monte Carlo, one of the most powerful in the world. There are 5 television firms, including Tele Monte Carlo.

Traditional Monaco Accommodation - Mediterranean Type (two-storey small stone houses with a tiled roof). National clothing - pants, leggings, shirt, vest and jacket, cervical handkerchief in men, black wide skirt in assembly, white sweatshirt with long sleeves, lilac or blue corsage, color brazer and white cape in women. In everyday life, it is practically not worn and used only during the festivals and celebrations. Favorite meal of Monegaskov - Vegetables and root, cheeses, bipfstex with fried potatoes, stew under sauces, snails, fish dishes. Residents use a lot of wine and coffee.

Official holiday - the birthday of Prince Rainier III (May 31). Religious holidays are noted, as well as the traditional "king's holiday" (January 6). Theatrical spring carnivals are organized.

The sculptor-classicist Francois Joseph Bosio (18-19 centuries) became famous, which made a significant contribution to the structures of the sculptural ensembles in Paris, artists Louis and Francois Brea, L.Vidal-Molne, I.Vidal and Y. Klerisis.

In Monaco, international festivals are held annually - Circus and television, as well as auto racing "Formula 1". Concerts are held regularly. Fillarmonic orchestra function, Opera House, Numerous Museums, Theater. Princess Grace and others.

Ancient history.

Monaco's rock with deep antiquity served as a refuge for primitive people. Their traces found in one of the caves in the Saint-Martin garden. Archaeologists refer them to the Epoch of the Late Paleolithic (300 thousand years BC). Approximately in 2000 BC The Ligurian tribe is settled in this area. Ancient authors Diodor Sicilian and Strabo described them as harsh horses who are accustomed to heavy work and complete deprivation of life. Ancient statuettes and bas-reliefs found on site.

Legends are attributed to the base of Monaco Hercules, whom the Phoenicians were called Melkart, and Romans - Hercules. It was alleged that he landed on this shore, returning from Spain and built the first structures. According to his name, the city was allegedly called "Portus Hercules Monochika", that is, "Port of Lonely (Temple) Hercules." It is known that in antiquity in the city standing at the place of the present Monaco, there really existed a temple dedicated to Hercules.

Greek logice of Hekatey Miletsky mentions the city called "Monoyukos Polis Ligutik" - "Ligurian City of Monoyikos". It is assumed that in reality this is the name - Ligurian origin, since the city served as the seaport of the Ligurian tribe. Probably later the name was given in the Association with "Lonely Hercules".

About 10 V. BC. In the territory of Monaco there was a Phoenician fortification. It is believed that it was the Phoenicians who were taken to the azure coast of Middle Eastern palm trees. Later, the towns often visited the Carthaginian, and in 7-6 centuries. BC. It is mentioned among the Greek colonies. One way or another, he was an important strategic point between the genuine and massacre (modern Marseil).

In 2 c. BC. The area was captured by the Romans, who included him in the province of the Sea Alps. In the port burned to the ships Julius Caesar, going on the battle with Pompey. The road to Marseille, Via Julia, was kept through the city, which for 500 years was one of the main road arteries of the Roman powers.

In the era of the Board of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (3-4 centuries. AD), a boat with the body of the executed Corsican Christian girl nailed to the monk shore. Later was built by the Church of his name, and he himself was declared the holy patron of Monaco.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire at the end of the 5th century. He was part of various "barbaric" kingdoms arising on its ruins. From 9 c. The Ligurian Beach was subjected to continuous raids of Arab pirates from North Africa and deprote. Only in 975 Muslims were finally expelled by the Graph Provence by Gilome, after which the coast passed under the power of the Genoese Republic and began to settle. In place of Monaco there was a small fishing village. The German Emperors Friedrich Barbarossa (1152-1190) and Heinrich VI (1190-1197) recognized the sector to the modern Monaco of Genoa (finally in 1191).

Creating a monk state.

June 10, 1215 Genoese adherents of the emperor (deathbed) headed by Fulko del Casello, appreciating the strategic importance of the Monaco cliff and port, began to build a fortress with four tower on the site of the current Princely Palace. The castle came to replace the Muslim strengthening in ruins. Monaco's transfer Genoa was confirmed in 1220 and 1241 by the German Emperor Friedrich II (1212-1250) and in 1262 Count Provence.

To attract new settlers, the founders provided them with significant land and tax breaks. Over the next 300 years, Monaco served as the object of a fierce struggle between Doria and Spinola's death (supporters of the German emperors) and Helf families of Fiese and Grimaldi (pat), moving from hand to hand.

The founder of the genus Grimaldi was considered Otto Kannel, former in 1133 Consul Genoa; His son received the name of Grimaldi. In 1296, during one of the civil wars in the Genoese Republic, the Guelphs were expelled from Genoa and hid in Provence. Having collected a small army, they headed by Francesco Grimaldi, on January 2, 1297 seized the fortress of Monaco. According to the chronicles, the leader of the Guelphs changed clothes in the Franciscan monk and was missed into the fortress by any suspected guards, after which he opened the gate to the armed soldiers.

Posted in Monaco this time Grimaldi failed. In 1301, they lost the fortress and managed to return it only on September 12, 1331, when Karl Grimaldi convinced the rock. In 1341, Karl I (1330-1363) dismantled Monaco at the genus Spinola. He enjoyed the support of the French kings and also acquired Menton and Rokbryun. Father Carl and a cousin Francesco, Rainier I was appointed the great admiral of France and commanded the French fleet in the battle against Flemis in 1304. Carl himself led to the French King Philip VI (1328-1350), a detachment of crossbars who took part in the famous Crescent Battle (1346 ), and his fleet participated in the siege of Kale. However, he later died when capturing Monaco Genoese Lie Simon Bokkanto. The son of Charles, Rainier II (1363-1407), also consisting on the French royal service, managed to keep only Menton (1346) and Rokbryun (1355), but in 1357 Grimaldi lost their possessions. In 1395 they walked them, but in 1401 they lost again.

Children Rainier II - Ambruz, Antoine and Jean in 1419 returned to Monaco, and then divided possession among themselves. So Jean I (1427-1454) became the sole senir of Monaco and Kondamin. Sumy free from the captivity of the Milan Duke, he ruled his possessions to death in 1454.

Conflicts with Genoa, Milan and Savoy, forced Grimaldi, without giving up their independence, to seek patronage from neighboring states. They managed to receive such patronage from Florence (1424), Savoy (1428) and Milan (1477). In addition, in 1448, Jean I lost to the duke of Savoy, half of Menton and Rokbryun in exchange for recognition for hyphenatic rights to these territories.

The son of Jean I, Catalan (1454-1457) entered into an alliance with the French king and issued a daughter for his relatives of Lamember, who became the king chamber. In 1489, Lamberu managed to achieve recognition of Monaco's independence from the French king and the Duke of Savoy. The latter support was bought by the price of the recognition of Savoy's superenitis over 11/12 of Menton in exchange for recognition for Grimaldi Rights (this feudal oath acted to 1507).

The policy of Lambere continued the sons of Jean II and Lucien I (1505-1523). The latter reflected in 1506-1507 the Genoese siege. The French king confirmed in 1498 and 1507 the sovereignty of Monaco, promising his rulers to the rulers. The patent of King Louis XII (1498-1515) from 1512 recognized Monaco to independent possession, whose Senier cannot be "in no way smalleled or feel alert in his rights, jurisdiction, sovereignty, prerogatives" and enjoys a "special patronage" of the monarch of France. In 1515, this provision was confirmed by the new King of Francis I (1515-1547). However, in 1523 the ruler was killed by adherents of the Genoese Admiral Andrea Doria, who was supported by France. The Brother Lucien, Bishop of Otysthen, broke with the King of Francis I, and entered into an alliance with his main enemy in Europe - the German emperor and the Spanish King Karl L (1519-1556). In accordance with the Burgos Treaty (1524), Monaco passed under the patronage of Spain. It became the Imperial Lenom, whose ruler was supposed to bring a feudal oath. At the request of the Monaclian Sener, this agreement was later changed: a new agreement in Tordesillias (November 1524) no longer contained the mention of the Imperial Lena.

Under the auspices of Spain.

Union with Spain will be a heavy burden on Monaco Finance. The Spanish garrison posted in Monaco by agreement 1605 was exclusively at the expense of the inhabitants of this state.

After the death of Augusten in 1532, due to the youngsters of children, Lucien, I temporarily managed Etienge Grimaldi from Genoa. He scrupulously observed the contract with Spain, but at the same time he tried to strengthen the autonomy of Monaco. The Board of the Son of Lucien, Onor I (1523-1581), was relatively calm. His children of Karl II (1581-1589) and Hercules I (1589-1604) continued the same policy. They focused on the management of possessions, who took them to Karl V in southern Italy, especially the campaign marquis. In 1604, Hercules was killed by conspirators.

Up to 1616, the regency for the son of the dead ruler of ONORE I carried out his uncle, Prince Frederick de Valdetar. In 1612, he convinced the nephew to take a new title - "Sener and Prince Monaco". From 1619, the Monaco Monarch was named Prince. This title was recognized by the Spanish courtyard and became hereditary.

Taking power into their own hands, the young prince gradually reoriented his policies to France. Negotiations started in 1630 continued for more than 10 years, and the prince received support from the first Minister of France Richelieu. In 1635, the next French-Spanish war began; In 1640, a rebellion of Spain flashed in Catalonia, whose participants called for help from France. In this situation, on September 14, 1641, the agreement was signed in Peronna, a contract of the monk rule with the French king Louis XIII (1610-1643) was signed. Monaco was recognized as a free and sovereign principality under the Protectorator of France, and the Prince was packed by the command of the French military garrison.

Under the protectory of the French king.

A few months after the conclusion of the contract, the prince armed his adherents and, relying on them, forced the Spanish garrison of the fortress to surrender. In 1642 ONORE II was solemnly adopted at the French court. Instead of their possessions lost in Naples, Early donated by Monaco Seners Charles V, the prince received others, in French land: Duchy Valentinau, Karl's viscousness in Overnie and Markizat Bo along with Senieria Saint-Remy in Provence. At the court, he patronized the first Minister of Cardinal Mazarini, and King Louis XIV (1643-1715) became the godfather of his grandson, the future of Prince Louis I.

According to the Pyrenean Agreement, 1659, Prince of Monaco was supposed to get back his possessions in Naples and Milan, but he refused them in favor of the French king, who, in turn, handed them to the Duke of Lanti.

Onor II minted his coin. He made a lot to decorate the city and especially the Princely Palace, where he collected a huge collection of paintings, furniture, values, etc. In Monaco, luxurious festivals were arranged, ballet performances, balls and magnificent religious ceremonies.

After the death of Onor II, his grandson of Louis I (1662-1701) climbed on the princely throne, with the name of which is also connected by the construction of a number of monumental structures. He issued a collection of laws, which was characterized by comparative liberalism. The monk cavalry headed by Prince fought on the side of France and Holland in Flanders and Franch-Contal during the war against the British. When the problem of the Spanish Prestiplotia, Louis XIV was appointed in 1698 Louis I my ambassador under the papal courtyard, entrusted to him to achieve the Pope of support for the French candidate for the Spanish throne. Being in Rome, he missed many of the wealth collected by his grandfather. In 1701, the prince died in Rome.

His son, Prince Antoine (1701-1731) turned in the circles of the Higher French Aristocracy, supported ties with the future regent - the Duke of Orleans. He did a brilliant career in the French army, participating in many battles. Antoine restored and strengthened the Princely Palace, where the magnificent festivities arranged. The prince was fond of music, conducted by his own orchestor and rewritten with the prominent French composers of Francois Kuveth, Andre Deweshe and others. Tight connections of Monaco with France were forced in 1707, despite the neutrality of the principality, the invasion of the Duke of Savoi's troops, and the prince began to build new fortifications. Military threat was eliminated only after the conclusion of the Utrecht world in 1713.

With the death of Antoine, the men's line of the Grimaldi dynasty was stopped. Daughter of Prince Louise-Ippolite Rules for just a few months, and then the authorities went to her husband, Jacques-Francois de Matignon, proclaimed Jacques I (1731-1733). In 1733 he handed over the throne to his son Oneor III (1733-1793). The new prince, like his predecessors, served in the French army, taking participation in hostilities in Flanders, on the Rhine and in the Netherlands, having received the title of Marshal in 1748.

During the war for the Austrian legacy in 1746-1747, Monaco was blocked by the Austrian and Sardinian troops. They were pushed out French forces under the command of Marshal de Bel-Ile. The subsequent Board of Onor III passed calmly. Principality's economy flourished, and the standard of living of the population grew, despite the scarce natural resources of the state. The main source of welfare of Monaco was maritime trade and charging duties from ships sent to Italy. Prince, who possessed extensive land possessions in Valentinau, Ovens, Provence and Normandy, acquired more land in Alsace.

In the period of the Great French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

All possessions of the Monk Prince in France were lost after the French constituent meeting on the night of August 4, 1789 abolished feudal rights. Initially, the meeting left in force perona agreement and even intended to compensate for the prince of the loss of his property, estimated at 273,786 francs. However, after the overthrow of the French king in 1792, this project was left. The references of Oneor III to the Perona Agreement did not succeed, and by the time of the death of the prince in 1795 the financial well-being of the dynasty was already undermined.

In Monaco itself, the struggle between the two parties was launched. One of them advocated the preservation of the sovereignty of the principality. Another, folk society, demanded, first of all, the creation of a representative government system. The second one managed to win. In January 1793, a national convention was elected, which soon announced the overthrow of the Grimalidi dynasty.

The introduction of French troops in the county of Nice accelerated the formation of a new regime. February 15, 1793 French Convention decided to combine the principality with France. Monaco, renamed Fort Erkul, formed Canton as part of the French Republic, and then became the administrative center of the district (later the center was postponed to San Remo). All wealth collected in the princely palace were withdrawn, paintings and works of art are sold out, and the palace himself turned into a barracks, and then to the hospital and shelter for beggars. Most members of the Princely Family (including Onor III) were arrested, then released, but were forced to sell almost all their property. Some of them served in the French army.

The situation has changed after the renunciation of the French emperor Napoleon. The first Paris world on May 30, 1814 restored the principality within the boundaries that existed before January 1, 1792, under the French Protectorate.

Prince became Honore IV, Son Onor III, but because of the bad state of health, he gave the throne to his brother Joseph. The son of the reinforced prince, Onor-Gabriel rebelled against this decision and convinced his father to pass the power to him. In March 1815 ONORE IV (1815-1819) went to Monaco, but, arriving in Cannes, he was arrested by landing Napoleon troops and delivered to Napoleon.

After the final collapse of the Empire, according to the Second Paris Agreement on November 20, 1815, the principality was put under the Protectorator of the Sardinian Kingdom.

Sardinian Protectorate.

The agreement between Monaco and the Sardinian king Viktor-Emmanuel I was signed in Stupinji on November 8, 1817. It was much less favorable for the principality than the contract with France acting to the French revolution. The finance of the principality was in miserable condition, the resources of the country decreased, and the communes, parishes and hospital owed large amounts of money.

After the death of Hingerie IV, the government passed to his son Hanor V (1819-1841), to whom Napoleon in 1810 assigned the title of Baron, and the restoration regime is the title of Par France. The new prince took measures to overcome the crisis. However, his tough policy met the discontent of the population and demonstration of protest, especially in 1833 in Menton. After the death of Onor V, the power passed to his brother, Florestan I (1841-1856), a large fan of the literature and theater, absolutely not ready for public administration. Most questions solved his wife Carolina, who originated from the bourgeois family. She managed to mitigate discontent caused by the decrees of the onor V. But the discharge of tension lasted for a long time, and soon Florestan and Carolina tightened the policy again, hoping to return the well-being of the principality.

Meanwhile, in Menton, the requirements of independence were solved louder. Residents of the city achieved the adoption of the liberal constitution, like the one in the Sardinian kingdom King Karl-Albert. They rejected the Constitution proposed by Florestan. After the revolution, 1848 in France the situation was aggravated. Florestan and Carolina passed the power to Karl's son.

But it was too late. The uprisings began, Prince Florestan was overthrown, arrested and imprisoned, and the Princely Board was abolished. However, in 1849, Florestan was restored to the throne.

March 20, 1848 Menton and Roccurun, officially remained by Lena Savoy and Sardinia, proclaimed themselves with free and independent cities "under Sardinian patron". On May 1, 1849, the authorities of the Sardinian kingdom published a decree on their accession to the Nice County. Monk Princes Florestan and Karl III (1856-1889) never managed to return these territories.

In March 1860, in gratitude for military assistance provided by the French Emperor Napoleon III, the case of the Union of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom lost to France by Savoi and County Nice, including Menton and Rockbrun. On July 18, 1860, Sardinia brought his troops from Monaco, thereby putting the end of the protectorate.

Under Agreement on February 2, 1861 between Prince Carl III and Napoleon III, Monaco refused all rights to Menton and Rockbrun in favor of France, for which he received compensation in the amount of 4 million francs. The contract officially recognized the independence of the Principality of Monaco, but it decreased to 1/20 of its former square. In accordance with unpublished additional articles of the Agreement, Monaco promised not to transmit any part of its territory another power except France.

Principality to World War II.

The principality has decreased in size and deprived of resources was in an extremely difficult financial and economic situation. Increase further taxes it was impossible. Even in the 1850s, the authorities decided to correct the case with the help of the opening of the casino, but the gambling house of the French entrepreneur Duren soon closed due to the lack of transport links and non-competitiveness. Bought a firm Kommersant Lefevre also failed to establish a matter.

After several attempts, revitalize Charles III and his mother Carolina decided to organize a firm that called the Society for Marine Baying. The concession for the creation of a gambling house was for 1.7 million francs sold by the banker Francois, who was early headed the gambling house in Hamburg. The term of its license was 50 years. Blanc managed to organize a casino and expand operations whose volume soon exceeded the most optimistic expectations. Hotels, theater and casino, built by the "sea bathing society", from the very beginning began to attract many tourists in the principality.

In 1865, Monaco signed the Convention on the establishment of the Customs Union with France. At the same time, the prince retained the right to conclude international treaties and agreements. The parties agreed on the construction of the railway branch in the monk territory. From 1868, when the railway line between Nice and the Ventilion was commissioned, the number of tourists even more increased. In 1870, 140 thousand people visited the country, and in 1907 more than 1 million (at that time, 52 hotels worked in the principality).

Monaco's economic progress was accompanied by an expansion of urban construction. The Spileng Quarter surrounding the casino was quickly built up with luxurious hotels and prestigious buildings. In 1866, he received a new name named Prince - Monte Carlo. In 1869, opened Opera in Monte Carlo, which under the guidance of the famous conductor Raul Gensbura acquired world fame.

At the board of Charles III, stations in Monaco and Monte Carlo were built, the post office was organized, the first postage stamps of the principality were released and gold coins were minted. In Monaco, a separate bishopinge was created. In 1881, the Civil Code was put into effect.

The population grew rapidly. In 1870, only 1,500 people lived in the principality; In 1888, this number increased to 10 thousand, and in 1907 - up to 16 thousand.

The foreign policy activity of the principality has developed. In 1866-1905 Monaco entered into agreements on the extradition of criminals with Italy, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Denmark, as well as the Convention on Cooperation in the Legal Area with Italy, Belgium and France. The principality signed multilateral agreements: Paris (1883) and Bern (1886) Convention and Madrid Agreement (1891). It was appointed ambassadors and diplomatic representatives to France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, as well as to the Papal Dvor.

Prince Albert I (1889-1922) became famous for scientific research in the field of oceanography, paleontology, anthropology and botany. He founded the Institute of Oceanography in Paris with the famous Oceanographic Museum in Monaco (open in 1910), International Institute of Peace (1903) and Exotic Garden, contributed to the development of the Museum of prehistoric anthropology in Monaco and other research institutions.

In 1911, the Prince approved the Constitution of the Principality of Monaco. In accordance with it, the monarch kept very broad powers, but shared the legislative power with the National Council, who was elected by the general voting. In October 1914, the Constitution has been suspended.

Albert I patronized the development of art and culture: magnificent performances were arranged in the Monk Opera, the famous Russian ballet seasons were held in Monaco. Monaco led active diplomatic activity. According to the 1912 Convention, the French troops could be administered to the territory of the principality only at the printed request of the prince. In 1914, Albert I was unsuccessfully tried to persuade the German emperor to abandon the start of hostilities in the First World War. His son Louis served in the French army, and during the First World War I was reached by China General.

Officially, Monaco maintained neutrality in the First World War, but France was afraid that the principality could get to the German influence, since the heir Louis was not married, and Knyazy's cousin, Duke Wilhelm von Urakh was subject to Germany. On July 17, 1918 Monaco was forced to sign an agreement with France, entered into force on June 23, 1919. The French Republic recognized and guaranteed independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the principality. In turn, the principality government was obliged to act "in accordance with the political, military, maritime and economic interests of France" and coordinate their foreign policy with it. Only Monaco or French citizens approved by the French government could become the thrones or resents of Monaco. In the event that the princely dynasty stops, Monaco had to form an autonomous state under the protectorate of France. The French army and fleet received the right to occupy Monaco, even without the consent of the prince.

The political crisis broke out in the country in 1918, when the National Council refused to recognize the legality of the daughter born by the Louis Louis overlook outside of marriage. The authorities issued on October 30, 1918 Ordonance, allowing the heir to adopt or adopt children in the absence of his own legal descendants.

Louis II (1922-1949) tried to preserve the independence of the principality in a complex international situation and in the context of the 1930th economic crisis. During the Second World War, the troops of the speakers were joined in the territory of the principality. The grandson of Prince during the war served in the French army.

Modern Monaco.

Grandson Louis II, Prince Rainier III, who took the throne in 1949, contributed to the development of the principality economy (tourism, industrialism), scientific research, sports and culture. Saving the traditional image of a luxurious tourist center and paradise for gambling (in 1973 casinos gave only 5% of budget revenues), the country also turned into a business, industrial and cultural center. Due to the drainage of the seaside, the area of \u200b\u200bthe state during its board increased by 1/5. In 1981, the city of Fononia was laid on the territory of the Town of the West from the Monk Rock near the sea. Currently, it is planned to extend far into the sea of \u200b\u200bland at which the Monk Rock is located, and significantly expand the territory of Monte Carlo. The mastered areas will be built up, they are going to build an underground railway and railway station.

In the field of the economy, measures were taken to develop the hotel business, modernization of the infrastructure of tourism and facilities of premises suitable for international meetings and congresses. The modern industry and trade, which became the basis of income in the budget of the principality. In the country, large works on the construction of port structures, underground railways, administrative buildings, reconstruction and expansion of the hospital, urban infrastructure, tunnels and parking places were produced. New stadium and water stadium, airport for helicopters.

In 1966, the Monk State decided to strengthen its control over such an essential source of income as the "Society of Marine Bathing". Threatening to nationalize the casino, it bought most shares of this company.

New laws on education have improved compulsory schooling. New schools were built, measures were taken to develop sports and culture. The prince established award for composers and writers, opened the palace for concerts of the Monte Carlo philharmonic orchestra. Princely family patronized the organization of art festivals and ballet ideas. In 1954, the television station Monte Carlo began work, and from 1961 an international television festival was held. Scientific research has developed: a scientific center, a laboratory for marine radioactivity, the center of the underwater resources of the sea, and so on were opened in the Principality

In foreign policy, focused on maintaining close relations with France. French presidents and Prince Monaco have repeatedly exchanged official visits. In 1951, both countries signed a convention on good neighborliness and mutual assistance in the field of customs fees, taxes, postal communications, television, etc. However, the tax problem caused friction in relations between states. France sought to return taxes from capital to the Monaco to his budget. May 18, 1963, after the refusal of Monaco to make changes in the field of taxation and the establishment of French customs cordons on the border with the principality, a new Franco Monk Convention was signed in Paris. She envisaged the introduction of income tax in the principles of French taxation in the principality. However, citizens of Monaco were liberated from the tax, the French living in the country for more than 5 years, and companies in the capital of which the proportion of monk capital exceeded 25%.

Monaco supported official relations with various countries, opened the embassy in Spain. In 1993, the country became a member of the UN.

In the late 1990s, Monaco increasingly began to accuse that it turned into an international offshore center for "money laundering". In 2000, the Commission of the French National Assembly presented the relevant report and recommended to extend French bank control to the Principality. Parliamentarians argued that the number of fake firms registered in Monaco in 1998 about 6 thousand, in 49 banks there were 340 thousand bills, and the owners of 2/3 of them lived abroad. It was alleged that the justice of the principality, depending on the princely house, does not take any measures in order to stop the current situation.

On October 24, 2002, after three years of negotiations, a new treaty was signed between Monaco and France, replacing the contract 1918. He confirmed the "traditional friendship" of the two countries, the French guarantees of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the principality and the obligations of Monaco to implement their sovereignty in accordance with the fundamental In the interests of the French Republic in the areas of politics, economics, security and defense, "as well as coordinate their foreign policy with France. Monaco has the right to discover diplomatic representations abroad or transfer the representation of its interests of France. The provisions on the possibility of changing the order of the throne and input of the French troops were formulated significantly softer than in 1918. The text of the contract indicated only that the territory of Monaco "Nezalvest" that France must be informed about the change in the Preconsession and that French troops can enter the territory Monaco is only with the consent of Prince or at his request (except in cases where independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity are under threat, but the normal functioning of power is interrupted).

Rainier III held the political life of the principality under tight control. In 1950, the authorities banned the activities of the Communist Party. In the elections to the National Council, until 1958, the Block "National Democratic Consent" was defeated - the coalition of the Radical Socialist Party and the Monk Democratic Party, and in 1958 it was ahead of the National Union of independent. In January 1959, the National Council was dissolved, and the Constitution 1911 was suspended. In January 1961, the prince appointed a new composition of the parliament. And on December 17, 1962 the country received a new constitution, confirming the broad authority of the monarch. The legislature belonged to the prince and the electional national council, and the executive to the Government Council as part of the State Minister and three advisers. At the same time, the State Minister (the head of the Government Council) was supposed to be a French citizen and was appointed by Prince from among the three candidates recommended by the President of France. Parliament did not have the right to control the activities of the government and to speak with legislative initiatives.

In 1963, women in Monaco received voting rights. In the elections to the National Council in 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993 and 1998, the victory was invariably defeated the National Democratic Union (VAT), formed as a result of the merger of the National Union of Independent and National Democratic Consent. So, during the elections, 1998 VAT collected more than 67% of the vote and received all 18 seats in the National Council. Opposition parties The National Union for the future of Monaco and the unification for the monk family got 23% and 9% of the vote respectively.

In 1981, in the principality, for the first time in his history, there was a general strike of workers who demanded the expansion of trade union rights, guarantees to preserve jobs and combat inflation. There are trade unions in Monaco.

The post of government ministers replaced each other Jean-Emil Reimon (1963-1966), Paul Demanzh (1966-1969), Francois-Didier Greg (1969-1972), Andre Saint-Mie (1972-1981), Jean Earli (1981- 1985), Jean Ossee (1985-1991), Jacques Dujn (1991-1994), Paul Dijud (1994-1997) and Michel Levek (1997-2000). In January 2000, the chief minister was appointed a member of VAT Patrick Leclerk.

Monaco in the 21st century

In 2002, the Constitution of the Principality of Monaco was revised. This was preceded by discussions in the Council of Europe and the requirements to introduce parliamentary regime in the country, including government responsibility to parliament. Members of the National Council unanimously rejected similar changes, consider them by leading to political destabilization. Nevertheless, the powers of the legislature were expanded. According to the new Constitution, the National Council received the right of legislative initiative and nomination of bills to which the government is obliged to give an official and motivated response within 6 months. It can amend government projects, approve the introduction of direct and indirect taxes, as well as extrabudgetary costs and ratify all international treaties that change the existing legislation.

In February 2003, the next elections were held in Monaco to the National Council, the composition of which was expanded from 18 to 24 members. The innovation was also the introduction of elements of a proportional voting system and a decrease in the age of voters from 21 to 18 years. The election campaign was stubborn. The main struggle turned between VAT headed by Jean-Louis Kampora, chairman of the National Council since 1993, and the opposition list of three parties "Union for Monaco", headed by the former member of VAT Stephen Valerie. Both groups did the emphasis on the provision of monaco citizens priority in the device to work and acquire housing and to protect the traditional values \u200b\u200bof the principality. For the first time in 40 years, the elections put an end to the political dominance of VAT, which managed to win only 3 places in the National Council. Won the "Union for Monaco", received 21st place; His leader S.Valery was elected new chairman of the National Council.


People K.A. Figures on the map are indicated... M., 1986

From 1297 by the Principality of Monaco rules the family of Grimaldi. During this time, Monaco survived many historical events, becoming, in the end, one of the popular tourist centers of Europe. Hundreds of millions of euros are invested annually in the local tourism industry, and this brings noticeable results. Now Monaco is famous for its casino in Monte Carlo, holding the forumal-1 series races, as well as beaches.

Geography of Monaco

Monaco Principality is located in Western Europe on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. On three sides, Monaco borders on France (to Nice 13 km). The territory of this country is only 2.02 square meters. km. The land border is 4.4 km. The authorities of Monaco are planning to expand their territory in the future due to the drainage of the Mediterranean seats.


The capital of the Principality of Monaco is the city of Monaco, in which more than 1.3 thousand people live. Monaco city was founded in 1215 by Italians from the Genoese Republic.

Official language

Official language in Monaco - French. On the traditional Monegasy language (this is a dialect of the Ligurian language on which they speak Genoa) now speaks the minority of the residents of Monaco. Italian language is widespread in this principal.


More than 83% of the population of Monaco - Catholics belonging to the Roman Catholic Church.

State Device Monaco

Since 1911, the Principality of Monaco is a constitutional monarchy. Head of State - Prince of Monaco.

Legislative power belongs to the Unopalaptrate Parliament - the National Council, consisting of 24 deputies elected for 5 years.

According to the Constitution of 1911, the Principality of Monaco was divided into three municipalities:

  • Monaco-Ville - Old Town;
  • Monte-Carlo in the East and Northeast;
  • Condamine in the southwest, including the port of Hercules.

Now the Principality has already 5 municipalities (for example, the Fountain area is a territory drained from the Mediterranean Sea).

Climate and weather

The climate in Monaco Mediterranean with elements of the oceanic and subtropical climate. Summer warm, dry, and winter is soft and rainy. The average annual air temperature in Monaco - + 16.4c.

Sea in Monaco

The coastline in Monaco is 4.1 km away. Due to the fast-growing population, Monaco's power dries part of the territory of the Mediterranean Sea, then building the houses and resorts on these places.

The average temperature of the Mediterranean near Monte Carlo:

  • january - + 13c
  • february - + 13c
  • march - + 13c
  • april - + 14C
  • may - + 17c
  • june - + 20c
  • july - + 23c
  • august - + 23c
  • september - + 22c
  • october - + 20c
  • november - + 17c
  • december - + 15c


The first settlements on the territory of the Contemporary Principality of Monaco founded the Phoenicians around the X century BC. The name "Monaco" occurred from the ancient Greek word "Monoikos" (people living separately from their fellow tribesmen).

According to the ancient Greek myth, the legendary Hercules (Hercules) once visited the territory of modern Monaco. That is why the church of Hercules monoikos was formed there, around which several settlements were formed. Monaco's city itself founded in 1215 people from the Genoese Republic.

Since 1297, Monaco is under the control of the Grimaldi family (the current Prince of Monaco is also from this family).

In the XVII century, the princes of Monaco fall under French influence - they live in Paris, and not in their generic victor.

In 1797, the troops of the revolutionary France capture Monaco, and the family of Grimaldi temporarily loses power over this principality. However, in 1814, after the defeat of Napoleon's troops, Bonaparte, Grimaldi restore Monaco's bank control, but are located under the Protectorator of the Sardinian Kingdom.

In 1860, Monaco again falls under the French Protector. In the mid-1860s, the first casino appeared in Monaco.

In 1911, the first constitution was adopted in Monaco, which somewhat limited the power of Prince Grimaldi. In 1918, the Monaco-French Agreement was concluded, according to which the interests of the Principality of Monaco in the International Arena represents France.

In 1962, the Constitution of Monaco amended, and women received the voting law.

In 1993, the Principality of Monaco was accepted in the UN. In 2002, a new agreement was concluded between France and Monaco. According to this Agreement, if the Grimaldi dynasty is heirs, the principality will still remain an independent state.


In the Principality of Monaco, for many centuries, religious and cultural traditions have been successfully supported, which are often intertwined among themselves.

Every year, the inhabitants of Monaco celebrate the holiday of Holy Giving, which is considered a patronage of this principality. Every year on January 27, street festivities, religious ceremonies and flare processions are held throughout the principality. In the evening over the harbor of Monaco in the sky flashes a grandiose firework.

June 23-24 in Monaco celebrate the Day of St. Jean. On this day, there are many young people dressed in the national costumes of Melegas. In Monte Carlo on June 24, folk festivities are held on the open air until late evening.

Each year in Monaco hosts numerous carnivals. The tradition of carnavals in the principality began in the XV century.

Kitchen Monaco

Monaco kitchen formed under Italian and French influence. This one already guarantees that the food in Monaco is very tasty. Tourists in Monaco We advise you to try:

  • "Barbagiuan" - pies with rice, pumpkin, spinach and cheese;
  • "Fougasse" - bread pellet with cheese and onions;
  • "STOCAFI" - dried cod in thick tomato sauce;
  • "Socca" - pancakes from pea flour with chicken.

Sights Monaco

Tourists come to Monaco in order to relax on the beautiful local resorts. However, sunbathing on the beach is also annoying, and therefore tourists in Monaco we recommend seeing the following sights:

Cities and resorts

The biggest proud in Monaco - Monaco-Vil (Actually the city of Monaco), Monte Carlo, La Kondamine and Fonvaye. True, "big" they are only by local standards. So, in the city of Monaco, more than 1.3 thousand people now live.

Monaco refers to the dwarf states and takes 2nd place in the area among the small countries of the world. Since the XIV century, the grimalidi dynasty is controlled by the principality. The country has a bright past, but today is famous for both "abode for noble and rich," where wealthy people enjoy favorable tax conditions.

Map of Monaco. Geographic characteristic

The State of Monaco is on the shores of the Ligurian Sea in the southern part of Europe. Its area is only 2.02 square meters. km. The same number includes 40 hectares of sea coast, dried over the past 20 years. A detailed map of Monaco shows the country in a single urban space with the French Community Bosoles. The border between the two states are conditional.

The principality is famous for the fact that there is one of the best casino in the world. Also in Monaco on the city highway Monte Carlo, one of the stages of the Formula 1 race under the name "Monaco Grand Prix" are held.

Another feature of the dwarf state is the privileges of the indigenous population, called Mega region. They make up the fifth of all residents, have their own conversational language (a mixture of French with Italian) and traditions. Mongeo is considered a title nation, they are exempt from all taxes and, unlike foreigners, have the right to accommodate in the historic part of the country.

Monaco on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Usually the state is marked by a small point somewhere in France, so finding Monaco on the world map is very difficult. There is the principality on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, the land of France surrounds from the sushi side. The nearest major city to Monaco is Nice. The distance between the two resorts is 18 km away.

Monaco is located on the steep hills Seaside Alps, Therefore, the country relief rocky and cut. Mountain slopes protect the coast from the northern winds. The highest point of the relief of the country is 163 meters. Peak is located on the southern slope of the vertex Mont-azhel And speaks straight into the sea. Southern location and mountainous areas give rise to subtropical climate in these parts. For Monaco, it is characteristic:

  • dry and non-fit summer with an average air temperature + 22-25 degrees;
  • rainy and soft winter, over the course of the air, the air does not fall below +9 degrees;
  • in the offseason, unstable weather and the decrease in temperature bring strong winds, which are from both the sea and the commercially commercial regions of France.

The warm climate and the successful geographical location of the country are attractive factors forcing Russian tourists to search for Monaco on the map in Russian.

The princess prevails Mediterranean type flora: dwarf palm trees, samsite, olives, jasmine, oaks, coniferous trees, etc., mountainous terrain is covered with evergreen shrubs.

  • large animals;
  • small rodents dominate from mammals;
  • from birds - Slavs, Larks, Mockingbirds;
  • there are small reptiles;
  • marine inhabitants are small (fish, mollusks, mammals).

Map of Monaco with cities. Administrative division of the country

In the past, according to the Constitution adopted in 1911, the Principality of Monaco in administratively was divided into 3 communes:

  • La-candy;
  • Monte Carlo;
  • Monaco Will.

Those, in turn, were divided into separate areas. After 6 years, amendments were made to the Constitution, as a result, the principality became one single municipal, And the former communes received the status of districts. In the early 1970s, the state was expanded due to the drainage of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. As a result, new lands of Fonzia and Le-Porter appeared.

Today in the principality there are 4 cities, the boundaries of which because of the denotoms of the attacks merged. On the map of Monaco with cities in Russian this is:

  1. Monaco-Ville - An old city, which preserved a medieval appearance, until 2007 was the capital of the Principality. It is located on a flat platform of a high rocky rock (60 m), leaving at sea.
  2. Monte Carlo - Cultural and entertainment center, resort area. In this rich and prestigious area among the Mediterranean rocks, one of the world's oldest casinos and the Grand Primary Route.
  3. La Condamin - Modern business, industrial, port center. Located on the shore of the comfortable bay of Hercules.
  4. Fonvay - The modern industrial and width district in the southwest of the country is located on artificial land. It was erected as a result of creating a submarine embankment from stone blocks and a concrete dam. Here is the Multivissal Stadium Louis II and the University's only in the principality.

A little more than 35 thousand people live in the dwarf prince. Such a population density takes Monaco to the first place in the ranking of the most populated states in the world.

Principality of Monaco (PrinciPauté de Monaco) - a dwarf state associated with France, located in the south of Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea; On land borders with France. It is one of the smallest and most populous countries of the world. The country is a member of such international organizations as: the UN, OSCE, the Council of Europe, Interpol, UNESCO, WHO. Monaco is the main office of the international hydrographic organization. The country has 12 diplomatic missions in Western Europe and permanent representatives in the UN and the Council of Europe.

The country area is only 2 km², which is almost three times less Sokolniki Park in Moscow, and the population is only 38 thousand people. The length of the coastline here is 4.1 km, the length of the land borders is 4.4 km. Over the past 20 years, the country's territory increased by almost 40 hectares due to the drainage of marine areas. Let's start familiarizing with Monaco with his easiest part, the name Kotrating is known throughout the world. This is Monte Carlo (in French sounds very funny: "Monte-Carló" (with an emphasis, as it should be on the last syllable). It is here that the only in the country of J.-D. Station, built inside the rock.

Right in front of the station is the church of St. Girls (Sainte Dévote Chapel), existing with the XI century. and repeatedly rebuilt in later times.

Every year since 1929, Monaco hosts one of the most prestigious competitions in Motorsport - "Grand Prix of Monaco", which since 1950 enters the World Cup "Formula 1". The track at the same time runs through the streets of the city.

The view from Monte Carlo to the central part of Monaco - La Condamin, built up with modern buildings.

Buildings on Ostand Avenue (Avenue D Ostender) in Monte Carlo.

Port Hercule. In the background - the Princely Palace.

One of the viewing sites of Monte Carlo.

Trees on the roof of the building.

The most famous building in Monte Carlo - the Coney Casino, which was open in 1863 to save the princely house of Grimaldi from bankruptcy. The same building was built on the project of the architect Sh. The City (builder of the Paris Opera) in 1878 in the complex with the hall of Garnier (Salle Garnier ) in which the Monta Carlo opera is located and the philharmonic assist.

This is a magnificent building - a real architectural masterpiece (by the way, Monaco citizens are forbidden to play for money and visit the casino).

Before entering the casino there is a huge mirror lens.

Several types of casino buildings from different sides.

Monument to the composer Julia Massenet ) near casino .

Monument to Hector Berlioz (Louis-Hector Berlioz ).

View of the new buildings Monte Carlo.

Before the casino on the platform over the rocky steep coast of the sea is broken by a magnificent Park of Monte Carlo with tropical plants and a variety of sculptures. Here, for example, naked and fat aunt and uncle. Such a sculptor saw Adam and Eve.

The studio of the medieval lady.

Another view of the princely palace, where we will soon go.

Transparent ballerina sculpture on the sea background.

Bust of the Great Russian Antrepleren S.P. Dyagileva. It is here that his company "Russian ballet" was based in the Monte Carlo opera.

The vertices and the slopes of the mountains are already France.

One of the most luxury hotels in Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo.

Central Street of the La Condamine district is the name of the princes of Grimaldi (Rue Grimaldi).

It is extremely clean and cozy.

Many balconies on the street are drowning in colors.

On the rock, which resumes the street, the wall of the Prince Castle is visible.

High-rise buildings in the background are already in France.

Begins to rise to the Old Town of Monaco (Monaco-Ville).

Monument to the prince Rainier III (Rainier III) is the father of the already he healthy monarch Alber II (Albert II) before entering the old town.

Buildings on Palace Square (Place de Palais).

Statue of Francesco (Francois) Grimaldi - Khitrets (Ital. Francesco Grimaldi La Malizia, Fr. François Grimaldi Le Rusé) - the founder of the ruling dynasty in Monaco. According to the legend in 1297, he, together with a group of supporters, disguised with monks, knocked into the gate of the fortress. After they were allowed, the "monks" snatched the swords from under Ryas and captured the fortress. This event is displayed on the coat of arms of Monaco, in which two monks with swords are depicted as the shield holders.

The Prince of Monaco Palace, founded as the Genoese Fortress in 1191, then expanded many times and was rebuilt. From the end of the XIII century. Palace belongs to Grimaldi.

One of the two palace guards.

View from the palace on the palace square.

In the front side of the palace (when there are no official events) let all those who want. True, it is forbidden to photograph there.

View of the new district of Monaco, located on the land-mounted land - Fontvielle (Fontvielle).

Park near the palace. View of the sea.

France located behind him.

Sv.Nikolay Cathedral (La Cathédrale de Monaco), erected from white stone in 1875 in the Romanesque style on the site of the old (XIII century) of the Church of St. Nicholas. The cathedral is a cathedral temple of the monaco archo sparkle and serves as the tomb of Monaco's princes.

Palace of Justice (Palais de Justice).

Another famous building of Monaco - Oceanographic Museum (Muséan Océanographique de Monaco), uniting the actual museum and oceanographic institute. The museum was founded in 1889 by Prince Albert I, and the oceanographic institute opened in 1906. From 1957 to his death director of the museum was the famous French explorer Jacques Yves Kusto.

The museum has a wonderful collection of various types of marine fauna in the form of stuffed and skeletons and a large number of diverse objects related to the sea and the marine case (models of ships, marine instruments, weapons, etc.

Terrace on the roof of the museum.


The Cote d'Azur France is a sample of a real fashionable resort. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, members of the Russian Tsarist family, members of the British Queen family rested here. A little later, the azure coast was a favorite place of recreation of writers, artists, Russian aristocrats. The name of the coast got with the light hand of the writer Stephen Liezhara, who called one of his novels "Cote d'Azur", after he saw a magnificent and unsurpassed in his beauty bay Yer. Many years later, only the reference to the Cote d'Azur coast causes our unearthly associations.

The sun shines on the azure coast of 300 days a year. It is here that the French Riviera and the State Fairy Tale of Monaco. Nice, Cannes, Saint-Tropez, Riviera - all this city Resorts of the Côte d'Azur.

Hotels on the Cote d'Azur are distinguished by a high level of service and well-thought-out infrastructure.

More than a third of the territory of the azure coast occupy the beaches - both pebble and sandy.

Each month in large cities of the coast are fairs and festivals, there are many national holidays.

No place in the world can compare with the azure coast on the abundance and variety of colors. On the azure shore there is a small independent state of Monaco. Land paints are decorated with riviera scenery, and the flavors fill the local markets. Flowers are a symbol of a country that is immelled in the sunlight.


The Principality of Monaco is a dwarf state located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders with the France Department - seaside alps. Located 15 kilometers from Nice. It is considered one of the most densely populated countries of the world. Monaco's population of 30000 people, indigenous mongearses are only 5000. It covers about two square kilometers. The average person needs only one hour to go through the whole country.

Monaco is a country that includes the spontaneous cities: Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine (business center) and Fonvaye (industrial area).

This small independent state has tax breaks, this country is the picturesque harbors, unrealistic castles and resorts, as well as confusing, almost fabulous stories of the royal family, this is the state of road racing.

The country is east of the zero meridian and south of the equator in the northern tropics. The Franco-Italian border is only ten kilometers. On the one hand, the state is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, with the sushi - the territory of France, from the northern side to the borders of the principality, the French city of Bosoles is closely adjacent.

The capital of the state is the city of Monaco. The population of the capital is 3000 inhabitants. The city retained its medieval appearance. Located a city on a flat area of \u200b\u200bthe rock.

The main attractions of the capital are the Princely Palace Complex, built in the XIII-XIX century, where tourists see the change of honor guard. Here is the famous oceanographic museum, which visits a huge number of tourists, as well as the Museum of primitive anthropology and the Cathedral, built at the end of the nineteenth century in the Pseudoromanian style.

Most of the population lives in the business center of La Kondamin, the National Library and Stadium, as well as the Sea Port, is also located.

Of the 30000 people permanently residing in Monaco, only 6000 are subjects of states - this is a mega. Mongeo - Indigenous inhabitants of Monaco, proud of their origin from ancient Ligriors and preserved almost medieval political system.

True, this system has undergone significant changes under the influence of the principles of freedom, fraternity and equality progressive in neighboring France, under the auspices of which is the state since 1918. France supports neutrality regarding the internal affairs of the state, taking obligations only on its protection.

The name of the country translated from the ancient Greek - "Hermit". The country is known for its casino in Monte Carlo and the championship races of the Formula 1 - Grand Prix of Monaco.

Monaco's country is small and therefore transport is mainly automotive. However, there is a boat taxi, intended for those who want to enjoy beautiful species and do not stand in traffic jams.

With the help of water taxis you can reach almost any famous Hotel Principality:

Monte Carlo Bay, Monte Carlo Beach, Meridien Beach Plaza and others. Boat taxis in just 15 euros and half an hour of time can deliver you to Nice.

The country is a member of many international organizations: UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, Interpol, UNESCO, WHO.

Monaco has permanent representatives under the Council of Europe and the UN, 10 diplomatic missions in Western Europe. Monaco's consulates are in 106 cities and 45 countries. 66 countries have general consulates, consulates or honorary consulates in Monaco.

Stroy Monaco is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is a prince or princess (the name "Principal"). Monaco is the only state in Europe in which the monarch has a real and almost absolute power. Legislative power in the country belongs to the prince and parliament. According to the 1962 Constitution, only the prince has the right to ratify international treaties.

In addition, the Government appoints the prince, and it must report to him, and not before Parliament, so it is possible to call the state of the monarchy with full responsibility.

The chapter of the ruling Dynasty of Grimaldi is currently the Prince Albert II. The dynasty has Italian and French roots.

The history of the state of Monaco

Ancient history

Monaco is an antiquity rocky cliff on the coast (or just a rock). It has long served as a refuge for primitive people. The traces of their accommodation were found in the cave in the garden Saint-Martin. Finds in the grottoes of the observatory, in the rock near the current oceanographic museum, as well as in other places, belong to the era of the late Paleolithic (300 thousand years before our era) and Neolith. It is believed that the first settled inhabitants of Monaco are mountainous mountains (liguras), settled along the shore of the Ligurian Sea for about 2000 BC, accustomed to heavy work and leaning. Ancient authors described the tribe of Ligurians as harsh horses who are accustomed to life, complete deprivities. Ancient figurines and bas-reliefs are found on the territory of Monaco archaeologists. For better access to the sea, the ligurians began to use the port.

Ligurians subsequently displaced the Phoenicians. It is historically proven that during the period of the X-XI centuries to our era, in the territory of the modern Monaco there was a Phoenician fortification. The Phoenicians were detained in this small state for a long time. They also brought various plants in Monaco, including palm trees from distant Levant, who were well made on the rocky rock.

In the period of Phoenician colonization in Monaco (from the tenth century, the church dedicated to the mythological hero - Hercules (in Greek mythology), Hercules (in the ancient Roman mythology) and Melkuch, as the Phoenicians called him, was built. Ancient legends attribute the foundation of the city to this mythological hero.

The origin of the name "Monaco" goes into deep old days, in ancient Greece and chief.

Now no one knows where the word "Monaco" came from. There are several hypotheses, and one of them - the name happened from the Monoikos Ligurian tribe, which lived on a rock in the sixth century BC.

The port of Monaco in antiquity was associated with the cult of the Roman hero Hercules, which was called "Monk" and "Melkart." The name "Hercules" was often used in phrases with the expression "Hercules Monoikos", which means "Hercules - Single Warrior". Modern port name - Port of Hercules.

Another hypothesis - the name "Monaco" comes from the Greek word "Monoyakos", which the ancient Hellenes called Ligurians. Translated from the language of the ancient Ellinov, this meant "those that live separately, hermits."

There is one more legend, which says that Hercules is owned by Hercules, which, returning from the wanderings in Spain, to relax in the paradise corner of the Cote d'Azur. Hercules admitted to the view from the rock and founded the city with which the name "Portus Herkulis Monsheki". The last word means "secluded", it has both formed the basis of the name of the modern city and the principality.

In the ancient manuscripts of historians, Diodor Sicilian and Strabo mention the existence of an ancient tribe called "Monoyikos" on the "Monaco" Rock. This colony existed in the fourth century to our era and was founded by people who came from the massaly. In the VII-VI centuries BC, the name of Monaco is mentioned in the list of Greek colonies on the Mediterranean Sea. Convenient location, as well as inaccessibility from land, the presence of a convenient bay and good fortifications make Monaco one of the most important strategic points between Genoa and Massily. It was well understood and the Romans who came to conquer the territory in the second century BC. In the port of Monaco, Juli Caesar, going on the battle with Pompey.

reference. Massily - this ancient name of the city of Marseille. Greek colony, founded in the fourth century BC, Fokesers, who formed the aristocratic republic and spread their influence throughout the Spanish and Gull coast. The city became one of the most important cities of the Roman province, although he did not obey the Roman ruler. The city was a favorite venue of the formed Romans who lived in exile.

Massals have provided their patronage of Pompey and Caesar, so, as the city did not try to preserve neutrality, he had to take part in the battle.

Massulia during Caesar's battle with Pompey began on the side of the latter and in 49 was defeated. Since then, the Republic of Massily lost its political influence and made one of the most important centers for Roman education and science in South Galia. From the preserved monuments of this era, it is worth mentioning the Temple of Diana Ephesus and the Apollo Temple.

In the first century, our era, the territory of modern Monaco fell under the domination of the Roman Empire, and was under her power to 476 years. The Romans built the famous road "Via Julia", which began in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current city of Ventiments and through La Turbi and Monaco went to Nice, and then to Marseille. Five centuries, the Via Julia road was faithfully served by the Roman Empire and was one of its main road highways connecting Rome with Gallia, Germany, Spain and England.

The Monk Port was also actively used by the Romans. In particular, it was in this bay Caesar gathered his fleet for a decisive battle with Pompey.

With the fall of the Roman Empire of the Earth, owned by Monaco, were attacked by various peoples and tribes, called barbarians who robbed and destroyed all the achievements of the Empire, mandeously for the former humiliation and slavery. The Romans crowded the Arabs, the last - Genoese. On the site of the current city of Monaco was a small fishing village - the suburbs of the town of La Turby. Several hundred years have continued such raids in which the Arab tribes took part. Many years later, in 975, the French Graph, which ruled Province Provence and claimed Monaco's throne, was able to drive Saracinov from the territory of Monaco. However, all his efforts were gone in vain - in 1419, Monaco finally gave the genus Grimaldi. Thus, Monaco became a feudal state under the Genoa Protectorator.

Reference. According to Wikipedia, Saracins (Greek. Σαρακηνός - "Eastern people") - the people mentioned by the Ancient Roman historian of the IV century ammonian Marcellin and the Greek scientist I-II centuries. n. e. Ptolem. The nominal robbery tribe, Bedouins who lived along the borders of Syria.

Since the crusades, European authors began to call the Saratiqins of all Muslims, often using the term "Maur" as a synonym.

Currently, the term is used by historians in relation to the population of the Arab Caliphate during the period before the conquest of the Khaliphate Abbasid Hulagu, as a result of the Middle Eastern campaign of the Mongols (VII century - XIII century).