Very interesting presentation "seven wonders of the world". Very interesting presentation "seven wonders of the world" Presentation on the theme of the first of the wonders of the world

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7 wonders

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The structure was named after the island. A large amount of fuel was required to maintain the flame. The tree was brought along a spiral ramp in carts drawn by horses or mules. Bronze plates stood behind the flames, directing the light out into the sea. The lighthouse fell into disrepair. The bronze plates, which served as mirrors, were probably melted down into coins. In the 14th century, the lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake. At the top of the tower stood a statue of Zeus the Savior. The total height of the lighthouse was 117 meters. In the 5th century BC. the citizens of Olympia decided to build a temple to Zeus. Several years later, the statue of Zeus was transported to Constantinople. - 7 wonders.pptx

Wonders of the World

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Wonders of the world. The Pyramid of Cheops. The great Wall of China. Figures in the Nazca desert. Terracotta Army. Timbuktu. Leaning Tower of Pisa. Shwedagon. Peter. Temple at Abu Simbel. CN Tower TV Tower. Tunnel under the English Channel. Teotihuacan. The island is a palm tree. Viaduct Millau. Trans-Siberian Railway. Part of miracles. Municipal educational institution. - Wonders of the World.ppt

7 Wonders of the World

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Seven wonders of the world. Plan. Temple of Artemis. Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The temple was burned to the ground. Several base blocks. The Colossus of Rhodes. A statue. Archaeologists. Both sides of the mouth of the bay of Rhodes. Mausoleum in Halicarnassus. Ashes of the royal couple. Earthquake. Alexandrian lighthouse... The lighthouse consisted of three marble towers. The lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake. Great Pyramid of Giza. Construction of the Great Pyramid. The top collapsed. Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Hanging gardens. The alleged ruins of the gardens. Zeus statue in Olympia. The Athenian sculptor Phidias. The Romans closed down the Greek temples. - 7 wonders of the world.ppt

All wonders of the world

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Wonders of the world. Colosseum (or Flavian amphitheater). Built in 72 AD er. to spread the bloody sport of gladiators. There were two special exits in the Colosseum: an exit for life and an exit for death. Pardoned gladiators went out into one, and through the other they carried the dead. The ancient Romans also loved fights between female gladiators and dwarf men. Water battles were especially popular when the arena was flooded with water. The Colosseum had 36 elevators operated by hand by slaves. Each elevator is able to lift up to 10 slaves. Machu Picchu. the city of ancient America, located on the territory of modern Peru. - All the wonders of the world.pptx

Seven wonders of the world

Slides: 18 Words: 1956 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Seven wonders of the world. Pyramid of Khafre and the Sphinx. Egyptian pyramids. Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Hanging Gardens of Babylon, gardens in the palace of the Babylonian king. Seven wonders of the world. Statue of Olympic Zeus. The illustrious statue of the king of gods and men. Seven wonders of the world. Mausoleum in Halicarnassus. Tomb of King Mavsolus of Caria. Artemis Temple of Ephesus. Pharos lighthouse. Alexandrian lighthouse. Seven wonders of the world. The Colossus of Rhodes. A giant statue of Helios by the sculptor Hares. I prepared the presentation. - Seven Wonders of the World .pptx

Seven ancient wonders of the world

Slides: 27 Words: 1907 Sounds: 22 Effects: 368

Content. Travel to the cultural monuments of the peoples of the world. Seven wonders of the world. Description of the interface. Egyptian pyramids. Seven ancient wonders of the world. Pyramids. The secret of the corridors. The Pyramid of Cheops. Alexandrian lighthouse. Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Mausoleum in Halicarnassus. Halicarnassus. Zeus statue in Olympia. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The Colossus of Rhodes. I worked on the project. Western Greece. Ancient Alexandria map. Hilt. Babylon. Lindos. Making a list. Pyramid of Khafre. The riddle of the sphinx. Helios. Hares. -

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Pyramid of Cheops Hanging Gardens of Seven Rads Statue of Zeus at Olympia Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes Alexandrinsky Lighthouse 7 wonders of the world

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Pyramid of Cheops The pyramid of Cheops is the second (after the Great Wall of China) in size, a structure created by human hands. The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the most ancient wonders of the world that has survived to this day. In Egypt, on the Giza plateau, the Cheops pyramid is one of the three most massive buildings. Scientists believe that the construction of this burial temple took about twenty years ..

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It is interesting that for almost three thousand years the Cheops pyramid remained the tallest building in the world. This title was taken from her by the Cathedral in Lincoln, built in England in 1300.

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Hanging Gardens of the Seven Rada Hanging Gardens of Babylon is usually called one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which supposedly was located in Babylon and has not survived to this day. The architectural layout of the hanging gardens was a kind of pyramid, consisting, in turn, of four different platforms and tiers. All this was supported by massive columns, the height of which reached twenty-five meters.

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The first tier was made in the form of a quadrangle (irregular). All the plants that were planted in this garden were brought from the motherland of the queen - Media. The architects came up with a clever system that prevented water from seeping through the plants. First of all, a thick layer of reed was laid on the surface of each level, after which fertile soil was laid in a thick layer on the reed, where plants, flowers and shrubs were already planted.

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Statue of Zeus at Olympia Location Olympia (Athens). Built by an Athenian sculptor, one of the most famous of its time, Phidias. The statue was built in the temple of Zeus in his honor. At the most conservative estimate, the gold used for decoration alone was worth about $ 8 million.

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The statue of Zeus at Olympia was created by the Greek sculptor Phidias in 432 BC in what is now Greece. This place was not chosen by chance - it was in Olympia, in the temple of Zeus, that the Olympic Games were held annually. The statue is considered one of the seven wonders of the world, which is not surprising, because its history and scale are unique. It is about the history of construction that we will tell in more detail. 300 after the start of the annual Olympic Games, which are extremely popular among the Greeks, it was decided to build a magnificent temple in honor of the patron saint of Olympia - the god Zeus. As always in such cases, the fundraising for the construction was started

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Temple of Artemis in Ephesus Location Ephesus (Turkey). A huge temple built by the inhabitants of Ephesus in honor of Atemis (twin sister of Apollo). Artemis made the marriage happy and blessed the birth of children. The Temple of Artemis was 52 meters wide. 105 meters long and 18 meters high columns.

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Confusion has long arisen with the temple of Artemis of Ephesus, and therefore it is not entirely clear which of these temples to speak of: the last or the penultimate? For a long time, the authors writing about this wonder of the world have an inaccurate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Herostratus burned and what Hersifron built. Therefore, I think it is necessary to tell about two temples, two architects and one criminal. This story is dramatic, it is difficult to decide what triumphs here - good or evil. Ephesus was one of the largest cities in Ionia, perhaps the most developed and richest region of the Greek world, enriched here with the culture of the East. It was from the cities of Asia Minor that courageous navigators and colonists emerged, making their way to the Black Sea and to the African shores. Ionia's wealthy policies were worth a lot. In the ancient world, everyone knew about the temple of Hera at Samos, the temple of Apollo at Didyma, near Miletus, and the temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

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Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Location Halicarnassus. It was built in IV BC, it was a tombstone to the Carian ruler Mavsol. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is a monument built over the tomb of the Carian king Mavsol. It dates back to the 4th century BC and is located on the territory of modern Turkey.

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Mausolus decided to build the Halicarnassus mausoleum even before his death, on the advice of his wife Artemisia. The building was designed by the Greek architects Satyr and Pytheas, and many of the best sculptors of that time were also invited. The mausoleum was located on a hilltop near Halicarnassus. In the courtyard there was a stone platform on which the grave was located. A stone staircase led to the top of the platform, with sculptures of lions on the sides, as well as statues of gods and goddesses.

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Colossus of Rhodes Location Rhodes (Greece). A huge statue built in the city of Rhodes in honor of the ancient Greek god Helios (sun god). The height of the statue was 36 meters. It was located at the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes. According to legend, the island of Rhodesvoznik in the middle of the endless sea by the will of the sun god Helios. Helios raised this island from the bottom of the sea and became its patron.

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Strabo called Rhodes the most beautiful place he knew, and he knew almost the entire ancient world. We find the first mention of Rhodes in Homer's Iliad. He, listing the participants in the Trojan War, names Tlipomenus, the son of Hercules, who brought nine ships from Rhodes to Troy. Zeno, the author of The History of Rhodes, says that Rhodes existed in mythical times.

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Alexandrinsky Lighthouse And the last "miracle" of 7 is the location of Alexandria (Egypt). The first lighthouse in the world, it helped ships navigate the reefs for almost a thousand years. Its height was about 30 meters. The Macedonian chose the site for the founding of Egyptian Alexandria very carefully. He did not like the idea of \u200b\u200ba location in the Nile Delta and so the decision was made to set up the first construction sites 20 miles south, near the marshy Lake Mareotis.

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Alexandria was supposed to have two large harbors - one was intended for merchant ships coming from Mediterranean Sea, and the second is for ships sailing along the Nile. After the death of Alexander the Great in 332 BC. the city came under the rule of Ptolemy I Soter - the new ruler of Egypt. During this period, Alexandria developed into a thriving commercial port. In 290 BC. Ptolemy ordered the construction of a huge lighthouse on the island of Pharos, which would illuminate the path of ships sailing in the harbor of the city at night and in bad weather. The Pharos Lighthouse has illuminated the way for mariners for over 1,500 years. But strong tremors in 365, 956 and 1303 AD. severely damaged the building, and the most powerful earthquake of 1326 finally destroyed one of the greatest architectural structures in the world.

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  1. The Pyramid of Cheops
  2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  3. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  4. Zeus statue in Olympia
  5. mausoleum in Halicarnassus
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes
  7. Alexandrian lighthouse
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    The Pyramid of Cheops

    The Pyramid of Cheops was built in 2650 BC. The Pyramid of Cheops stands at the edge of the desert west of the Nile. It was built by Pharaoh Khufu. His name in Greek sounded: Cheops.

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    • The pyramid was originally faced with white sandstone that is harder than the main blocks. The top of the pyramid was crowned with a gilded stone - the pyramidion. The veneer shone peach in the sun. In 1168 A.D. e. the Arabs plundered and burned Cairo. Residents of Cairo removed the cladding from the pyramid in order to build new houses.
    • There are no inscriptions or decorations inside the Cheops pyramid. Yet her visit leaves an indelible impression. The currently existing entrance to the pyramid leads to a tunnel made by robbers, which is 17 m from the surface of the earth. Inside the Cheops pyramid, there are two burial chambers, one above the other. "Queen's Chamber" and Pharaoh's Chamber.
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    Hanging Gardens of Babylon

    • One of the seven wonders of the world is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They were located on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.
    • The cruel despot ruler of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, built these gardens for his wife Semiramis.
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    The gardens created by the builders of Babylon were four-tiered. The vaults of the tiers rested on columns twenty-five meters high. The platforms of the tiers, built of flat stone slabs, were covered with a layer of reeds, covered with asphalt and covered with lead leaves to prevent water from seeping into the lower tier. On top of this, a layer of earth was poured, sufficient for large trees to grow here. The tiers, rising with ledges, were connected by wide, gentle staircases lined with colored tiles. The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by floods on the Euphrates.

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    Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

    This magnificent temple was built in honor of Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt and wildlife. The temple was located in Ephesus. On the night of July 21, 356 BC. BC, a man named Herostratus set fire to the temple. After the temple was restored in 550 BC. e .. the architect was Harsefron.

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    Zeus statue in Olympia

    The seated Zeus statue was erected by the great Greek sculptor Phidias in the Temple of Olympia. Zeus sat on a throne inlaid with ebony and precious stones. The completed statue reached 13 meters in height and almost touched the ceiling of the temple. The impression was that if Zeus stood up, he would blow off the roof. After its completion in 435 BC. the statue has remained one of the greatest wonders of the world for 800 years.

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    Around 40 AD the Roman emperor Caligula wanted to move the statue to Rome. Workers were sent for it, but, according to legend, the statue burst into laughter and the workers fled. Then, in 391 AD, after the adoption of Christianity, the Romans banned the Olympics and closed the Greek temples. Several years later, the statue of Zeus was transported to Constantinople. In 462 A.D. the palace in which the statue stood was destroyed by fire.

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    mausoleum in Halicarnassus

    Mavsol married his sister Artemisia. Gaining more and more power, he began to think about a tomb for himself and his queen. It was supposed to be an extraordinary tomb. Mavsol dreamed of a majestic monument that would remind the world of his wealth and power long after his death.

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    Mausol died before the work on the tomb was completed, but his widow continued to lead the construction until its complete completion, around 350 BC. The tomb was named the Mausoleum, after the name of the king, and this word began to mean any imposing and majestic tomb.

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    The Colossus of Rhodes

    From the appearance to the destruction of the colossus of Rhodes, only 56 years passed. The idea to create it was born in the spring of 304 BC, when the inhabitants of a small island lying on the very coast of Asia Minor, standing on the walls torn apart by a long siege, watched the ships of one of the heirs of the state of Alexander the Great, the son of the ruler of Asia Minor and Syria, hide in the sea. Demetria Poliorketa. This monument was located at the entrance to the Mediterranean harbor in Greece.

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    Alexandrian lighthouse

    In the III century BC. a lighthouse was built so that ships could safely pass the reefs on their way to the bay of Alexandria. It was the first lighthouse in the world, and it stood for 1500 years.

    The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Alexandria. This bustling port was founded by Alexander the Great while visiting Egypt. The building was named after the island. It must have taken 20 years to build, and was completed around 280 BC.

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    Pyramid of Cheops Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) - the largest of egyptian pyramids, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that has survived to this day. The Pyramid of Cheops is part of the complex of the largest Egyptian pyramids located on the Giza plateau. These are the pyramids of Cheops (Khufu), Khafren (Khafre) and Mikerin (Menkaura). The architect of the Great Pyramid is Hemiun, the vizier and nephew of Cheops. It is estimated that construction, which lasted twenty years, ended around 2540 BC. e. Egypt officially established and celebrates the date of the beginning of the construction of the pyramid of Cheops - August 23, 2480 BC. e.

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    Hanging Gardens of Babylon This is one of the "seven wonders of the world." A more correct name for this structure is the Hanging Gardens of Amitis. That was the name of the wife of the Babylonian king Nebuchadonossoro II, for whose sake the gardens were made. They were located in the ancient state of Babylon. Near the modern town of Hill. They were built at the beginning of the 7th BC.

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    Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus - one of the "seven wonders of the world", was located in the Greek city of Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor. The first large temple was built in the middle of the 6th century BC. e., burned by Herostratus in 356 BC. e., soon restored in a rebuilt form, in the III century, plundered by the Goths. In the IV century it was closed by Christians due to the prohibition of pagan cults and destroyed. The church built in its place was also destroyed.

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    Statue of Zeus in Olympia The statue of Olympian Zeus is the only wonder of the world that was located in the European part of the continent. The statue of Zeus at Olympia is the second wonder of the world the ancient world... It was erected in the 5th century BC. Magnificent, built of marble, Zeus surpassed in size all temples existing at that time. The massive roof of the building, which measures 27 m by 64 m, was supported by as many as 34 columns made of shell rock. Each column was approximately 10.6 meters high. The feats of Zeus were depicted on the marble pediments of the temple. The statue of Zeus was erected by Phidias.

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    Mausoleum in Halicarnassus Mausoleum of Halicarnassus is a tombstone of the Carian ruler Mavsol (Greek Μαύσωλος), built in the middle of the 4th century BC. e. by order of his wife Artemisia III in Halicarnassus (present-day Bodrum, Turkey), one of the ancient wonders of the world. The construction of the Mausoleum began even before the death of Mavsol in 359 BC. and, according to the reports of ancient authors, was ruled by his wife Artemisia. To design the Mausoleum, she invited the Greek architects Satyr and Pythias, and the most famous sculptors of that time - Leochares, Skopas (whose work is also the second Temple of Artemis in Ephesus), Briaxis and Timothy.

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    Colossus of Rhodes The Colossus of Rhodes (Greek Κολοσσός της Ρόδου, Latin Colossus Rhodi) is a giant statue of the ancient Greek god of the Sun Helios, which stood in the port city of Rhodes, located on the island of the same name in the Aegean Sea, Greece. One of the "Seven Wonders of the World". At first, the Rhodians ordered the sculptor Hares, a student of Lysippastatus, ten times taller than human height, that is, 18 meters. But then the residents of the city demanded to double the height of the statue, adding the same amount to the amount paid. But this amount was not enough, since when the height doubles, the volume of the material increases eightfold. Hares had to borrow colossal amounts of money from relatives, relatives and friends.
    • Seven Wonders of the World - such a name in antiquity was given to the amazing creations of human genius with their magnificence, size, beauty, technique of execution:
    • The Pyramid of Cheops
    • Hanging Gardens of Babylon
    • Zeus statue in Olympia
    • Temple of Artemis of Ephesus
    • Halicarnassus mausoleum
    • The Colossus of Rhodes
    • Alexandrian lighthouse
    • All pyramids are precisely oriented to the cardinal points, which testifies to the high level of astronomical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, the calculation of the angles of inclination of the faces is absolutely irreproachable.
    • EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS - the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. The largest of them are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafren and Mikerin in El Giza.
    • The Pyramid of Cheops
    • The height of the pyramid was originally 147 m, and the length of the base side was 232 m. For its construction, it took 2 million 300 thousand huge stone blocks, the average weight of which is 2.5 tons.
    • The slabs were not bonded with mortar, only an extremely precise fit holds them. In ancient times, the pyramids were faced with polished slabs of white limestone, their tops were covered with copper sheets, sparkling in the sun.
    • Not far from the pyramid there is a stone sculpture - the sphinx.
    • The largest is the Cheops pyramid.
    • The Great Sphinx is a mysterious creature with the body of a lion and a human head, carved out of a solid stone. The length of the Sphinx from the tip of the paws to the tail is 57.3 meters, the height is 20 meters. His face, which conveys the features of Pharaoh Khafre, is badly damaged.
    • The huge paws of the Sphinx have a small temple, now completely destroyed.
    • The Great Sphinx at Giza is the oldest of the Egyptian sphinxes.
    • Throughout the ages, there have been many hunters for treasures stored in the bowels of the pyramids. Indeed, after all, the sarcophagi of the pharaohs were of pure gold, not counting the mass of jewelry and ornaments stored nearby. And although there is a legend that the pyramids severely punish the one who dared to desecrate them, but over the past centuries, all the pyramids have been plundered clean ...
    • There are many passages inside the pyramid, the largest one leads to the burial chamber of the pharaoh, where there is a granite sarcophagus.
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    • Hanging Gardens of Babylon
    • The famous "Hanging Gardens" of Babylon are also one of the wonders. They were located on terraces royal palace and, as it were, "hung" one above the other, for which they received the nickname "hanging".
    • The gardens were built by order of King Nebuchadnezzar in the 6th century BC.
    • The royal gardens were also zoological. and a botanical garden. It contained rare species of plants, animals and birds brought from all over the world.
    • The gardens were four-tiered. The vaults of the tiers rested on columns 25 meters high.
    • Several tens of tons of water were spent daily on their watering. Thousands of slaves carried the necessary water by hand, and also performed all other work to maintain the gardens.
    • Today, the terraces of the ancient gardens are still preserved among the ruins of ancient Babylon. Only now tourists are walking here instead of the nobility.
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    • mausoleum in Halicarnassus
    • Mausol was the ruler of Kariy, which was part of the Persian Empire, from 377 to 353. BC. The capital of the region was Halicarnassus.
    • Mavsol married his sister Artemisia.
    • He dreamed of a magnificent monument that would remind the world of his wealth and power long after his death. Mausol died before the work on the tomb was completed, but his widow continued to lead the construction until its complete completion, around 350 BC.
    • The friezes and bas-reliefs were created by famous sculptors.
    • The mausoleum stood for almost 2,000 years, and an earthquake in the 12th century AD. Destroyed most of the tomb. The rest was used as building material.
    • Until now, only the statues of Mavsol and his wife Artemisia, some frescoes, have survived.
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    • They depicted chariot racing scenes, gods and some mythical heroes, and these marble figures were modeled after the finest examples of ancient architecture. Fragments of the frieze of the tomb of Mavsol have survived to this day. They depict Greeks fighting the Amazons (a work of this type is called "Amazonomachy").
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    • AMAZONOMACHY, the battle of Greek heroes (Hercules, Theseus, Achilles, etc.) and the Amazons. A popular subject in Greek art.
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    • Today, only a few base blocks and one restored column have survived from the temple in Ephesus.
    • Temple of Artemis of Ephesus
    • The temple was built in 450 BC. It took 120 years to build, and none of those who laid the foundation saw its final appearance.
    • In the center of the temple was a statue of Artemis.
    • The temple stood for about 200 years. In 356 BC. for the sake of immortality and glory, Herostratus burns the temple.
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    • The statue of Artemis was faced with silver and gold.
    • Visitors admired the temple and brought donations to maintain the order, wealth and beauty of the beautiful sight.