Plane Boeing 777 Malaysia. Missing Malaysian Boeing Someone turned sharply


Why Boeing Missing over the Indian Ocean first was looking for not in the place, and when the fragments were found, they were just looking for them, and then they refused to search for them? And no one confuses that they continue to find new fragments of the aircraft, but let's go about everything in order.

New information about the Boeing 777-200 airline Malaysia Airlines, which made MH370 flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board.

The plane disappeared on the night of March 8, 2014, but despite the development of modern search engines to find a 63-meter aircraft until today was failed.
Even after a year and a half, the search never gave special results, only mysterious white objects were periodically, which are supposed to be fragments of the missing aircraft.

The last hope for the continuation of the search was heated by the found radio signal of the black box, but he soon disappeared. Whether this signal of the missing aircraft is unknown so far.

On July 29, 2015, on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, it was possible to find a fragment of the wing and the door of the aircraft.

After confirming the Malaysian authorities, the belonging of the fragments of the missing Lainera found, relatives of passengers of missing Boeing arranged a real protest in Beijing. After all, the initial searches were conducted in the South China Sea and the Malacca Strait. The huge resources of 26 states who participated in the search were spent in vain, because according to relatives of the dead passengers, in Kuala Lumpur, they have long known, about rejecting the course of the aircraft, but continued to search for the areas mentioned above.

Why did the society disinformed?

The interesting version was put forward by the former head of the French Airlines Proteus Airlines Mark Dugen. In his opinion, the aircraft was deliberately shot down by American military. This was done because of the suspicion of US Security Service in the hijack airliner terrorists and, to prevent the attacks like attacks on September 11, the Americans were forced to knock the plane.

Ground dispatchers lost a connection with the plane when he was above the South China Sea and was part of China's airspace.
Representatives of the Malaysian authorities say that the airliner turned in the Western direction and, according to the military radar, was noticed for the last time over the Malaccian strait, heading back from its original route. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed the course after the connection was lost.

According to Dugen, in the US, they even know where to look for the wreckage of Boeing 777-200, so they officially conduct searches elsewhere distant from where the plane actually failed. He suggests that the airliner fell not far from the US military base located in the Indian Ocean in the territory of the Island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to make the search for missing Boeing in a dead end. And perhaps, we would never know the truth about this catastrophe if the plane wreckage did not transfer the rejunion to the seashore.
By the way, the search in this area is suspended, and they were only 10 days.
From here there is a completely logical question: if in the South China Sea the plane was looking for months, then why in this case the searches were completed so fast?
Don't you think it is strange? And maybe above the flow of something really?

The found fragments were sent for examination to Australia. The number on one of the detected fragments of the aircraft indicates its belonging to the missing Laineer of the Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything converges.
The wreckage of the aircraft was separated by the flow. Some of them were attributed to the Mozambic course.

To come to this conclusion, you do not need for several years. Just with time, the secret still becomes an explicit and intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

The FBI revealed the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian "Boeing".

The FBI US made public one of the versions of the Malaysian Boeing plane crash, which followed the route Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, in March 2014, reports TASS with reference to the American New York magazine.

Of all this we can conclude that someone decided to prevent the development of masking technologies to maintain a monopoly on their own or vice versa, to paint scientists with technologies. In any case, it can be seen that the investigation someone slows down and leads along the false trail.

06 01 18 The Government of Malaysia approved a new attempt to find fragments of the MH 370 flight. This will be done by the Ocean Infinity campaign. The cost of searching for the missing aircraft will be paid only if it is detected. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters on the territory of 25,000 km².

For comparison, the territory of the search for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean amounted to 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Security Bureau (ATSB), these were the largest aviation searches in history. In parallel, the study of satellite shots and the study of ocean drifts was conducted. The ATSB report says that now the chances of finding the plane is much higher. Let's see what happens.

British virtual tracker Yan Wilson is a video engineer for the main profession. A plane object is found with Google Maps resource. I saw Cambodia's hard-to-reach jungle.

A snapshot on which the virtual tracker noted the aircraft.

Yang does not doubt: the object is and there is a plane - most likely the same - Malaysian Boeing 777-200, which on March 8, 2014, following Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared into the most mysterious way along with 239 passengers.

On the outlines, the detected liner is what it is necessary. Only almost 6 meters is longer - not 63, 7 meters, and 70.

The tail fell off, "the tracker explains," lies a little away from the fuselage. Hence the "elongation".

The main objection of skeptics: to a photo from space, used by Google-Carts, could accidentally get a plane flying over the jungle. In addition, four years have passed since the loss, it is enough to ensure that the rainy tropical vegetation will completely hide a liner. Yes, and it's strange that the car in the photo is almostcashe. Even if the plane had collapsed from a high height, and tried to sit in the jungle, he would most likely fall apart for several large fragments.

No, - Wilson's doubts noted. They say, checked with one of the resource options - "Escape Ground View". The plane lies.

Could the virtual tracker "write" not on MH370, but on some other Boeing 777-200?. Excluded - others in this area of \u200b\u200bCambodia have not fallen. At least aviation experts are not known about such catastrophes.

Wilson said that I would like to get to the crash site discovered by him. After all, the Malaysian and Australian specialists who alone be unsuccessful, but are officially engaged in the search for the liner remains, as a rule, do not respond to "signals" of virtual traps. Or dishwar away from them.

By the way

And here's another Boeing

The Australian Peter McMahon (Peter McMahon) competes with Wilson (Peter McMahon), long-leaning aviation catastrophe investigations. Taking advantage of Google Maps, he also saw a silhouette of a smashed Malaysian Boeing. But elsewhere - under water. If it gets to him, then dive will have to dive.

In March 2018, McMahon indicated: Boeing lies in shallow water about 16 kilometers south of Round Island (Round Island) - one of the Seychelles. On the photo from the satellite are visible and wings and fluuses.

Australian Transport and Safety Bureau (Australian Transport and Safety Bureau) was answered that the aircraft detected by them may well be thereby being desirable. But no action was taken. The Malaysian authorities responded. But more rigidly: asked not to mislead people.

McMahon somehow considered that the fuselage of the liner is all in samples. Specifying machine-gun burst.

And one more

In 2016, Malaysian Boeing found Scott Waring (Scott Waring) - a famous ufologist and a virtual archaeologist from those who are looking for anomalies in the pictures transmitted from other planets, for example, from Mars.

Scott assures that the missing liner did not work. I was looking for traces UFOwhich were seen in the Cape of Good Hope (Cape of Good Hope) in 2013. And for this purpose, examined the pictures of the area laid out on Google Earth. Saw the contours of the aircraft. He lies under water. Almost whole.

Ilya Ochandzhanov

The authorities of Australia, China and Malaysia announced the cessation of the search by the Boeing 777-200 airline Malaysia Airlines. The plane made MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and disappeared from radar screens on the night of March 8, 2014. On board were 227 passengers and 12 crew members. The mystery of the crash tried to solve 26 states. The total cost of the investigation of the catastrophe approached $ 200 million. Found fragments did not help shed light on the cause of the disappearance of the aircraft. About the main versions of the tragedy, including mystical, and why none of them did not receive confirmation - in the RT material.

  • Reuters.

Chronicle tragedy

March 8, 2014 at 00:42 by Malaysian time Boeing MN370 flew out of Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The flight took place in normal mode. The last time the crew came into contact at 01:19 - when moving from the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of Malaysian dispatchers to Vietnamese. Pilots wished the Malaysian colleagues "good night". At 01:21, there was a disconnection of transponders that transmit information about the location of the aircraft and its identification data. At 01:22 Boeing disappeared from the screens of radar dispatch services. After that, he was in the air for about seven hours, but radically deviated from the planned route. At 08:11 from the plane entered the last signal to the Inmarsat satellite, through which Boeing 777 passed the technical information about the operation of its Rolls-Royce engines. At 09:15, the airliner no longer responded to the communication request from Inmarsat.

The liner was searched in the South China and Andaman Seas, in the Malakki Strait and in the Indian Ocean. The area of \u200b\u200bthe studied territories is 7.7 million km². There were also deep-water searches on the square of 60,000 km².

  • RIA News

Restore in fragments

The first fragment of the airliner was found only a year after the disappearance of MH370 - in July 2015 on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, a detail of the wing and the door were found. The rest of the finds fell for 2016: in March, the fragments of the aircraft were found on the shore of the strait between Madagascar and Mozambique, in May, the wing fragment was found on the island of Mauritius, and in June the other part of the wing was off the coast of Tanzania. However, all this did not help narrow the search zone of the airliner and determine its location.

Unmanaged fall

One of the versions that experts put forward is the fall of the aircraft. According to this hypothesis, the liner in the fatal moment was not controlled by the pilot. This, according to the representative of the Australian Security Office, Greg Hud, indicates the analysis of the Boeing signals. Presumably liner fell on March 9, 2014 at 08:19. At that moment he ended with fuel and two engines lit up. According to experts, the aircraft collapsed into the Indian Ocean at a huge speed - up to 20 thousand feet (6096 m) per minute. The board, most likely, collided with the surface of the ocean almost at right angles. This explains its without a trace disappearance.

Human factor

Many culprits are called the crew commander Zahari Ahmad Shaha. The FBI conducted a search at his home and found a simulator simulating the airliner's cab. Deciphering hard drives showed that about a month before the pilot's air crash was done by the route, following which would lead to a fall of the vessel in the Indian Ocean. That is, according to investigators, Ahmad Shah did in reality. The estimated reason for such a deed is depression due to the upcoming divorce with his wife.

  • The crew commander "Boeing" Zakhari Ahmad Shah (right) with another Peter Chong (left).
  • Reuters.

Information or Life

Among the scripts of the disappearance of Boeing is and truly detective - the aircraft was hijacked and planted on one of the military airfields. The goal of the hijacking - on board 20 leading scientists (12 Chinese and 8 Malaysians) of Freescale Semiconductor, which were engaged in the development of super-modern technologies for aircraft making them invisible for radar and camouflage devices.

This version is confirmed by the fact that at home air simulator Zahari Ahmad Shah worked as landing at five airfields in the Indian Ocean area, including the runway of the US military base airfield "Diego Garcia". Shortly before the fateful flight, he for some reason, this data, as well as all its workers and social plans in the diary.

An even more twisted version of the hijacking for the sake of obtaining invaluable information on Stelc technology belongs to the former pilot of the airline Delta Field McConnela. He argues that the aircraft crew was eliminated, after which MH370 was intercepted by the American military and remote way to plan on the island of Diego Garcia on the secretary of the US Air Force. Then the liner was allegedly raised in the air in the same remote way and flooded in the Indian Ocean.

  • The alleged debris of the aircraft was discovered from the Eastern Coast of Africa.

Mysterious cargo

This conspiracy theories do not end. The cause of the disappearance of Boeing is also called a certain mysterious cargo that was on board. In addition to the baggage, the aircraft allegedly transported about 4 tons of exotic Mongucene fruit, 220 kg of lithium batteries for phones and computers, as well as 2 tons of some radio electronic equipment, whose sender is "classified by agreement with the airline."

Antiterror operation

Another version suggests that Boeing was captured by terrorists and shot down. According to the former head of the French Airlines, Proteus Airlines Mark Dugen, the aircraft was destroyed by American military, suspected that the airliner was hijacked by terrorists. So the Americans reinforced to prevent the repetition of events on September 11, 2001. In favor of this option, there are two passengers on board on false passports - Iranians of Puricia Nur Mohammad Mrdad and Makewar Seed-Mohammadca.

Just fantastic

There are also completely fantastic versions of the disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing. For two years, there were a lot of them: the plane became invisible, got into a black hole or in a new Bermuda triangle. However, to check these nor more realistic hypothesis have so far.