In the east, Africa is located in Highlands. South Africa

, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi). Heights 500-1500 m, in the west of the mountain Rovevenzori (peak Margherita , 5109 m), array Virunga . South Player Mountains Mitumba (3305 m). On sv. plateaus cones volcanoes Algon (4221 m), Kenya (5199 m), measure (4566 m), Kilimanjaro (5895 m); In the center of Crater Highlands with Caldera Ngoronoro. . A major raising an ancient African platform, broken by the system of faults, united by the East African Rift System. Fascinated by ancient crystal and young volcanic rocks. Characterized high seismicity and modern volcanism. M-coal, fluorite, polymetallic ores and rare metals; Moting gems, diamondic kimberlite tube Mwadui. The largest rivers of Africa originate on the plateau: Nile , Congo , Zambezi . A series of large lakes ( Victoria , Edward, Tanganyika , Rudolf and etc.); Modern glaciers on Kilimanjaro volcanoes, Kenya and in Rweedwori's array. Climate Equatorial and subequatorial, seasonal-wet, hot. Savannovye palparty and shrubs prevail. In the mountains, wet tropical forests, subalpine and alpine meadows. National Virung Parks, Serengeti. and a number of others. Investigated by Europeans in the second half of the XIX century. (D.-H. Speaker, R.-F. Burton, D.-o. Grant, D. Livingston, G.-M. Stanley, etc.).

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: y-factor. Under the general edited by Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

East African Plateau

on the territory of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi. The length of S. on Yu. OK. 1750 km, Shir. OK. 1400 km. Located between Ethiopian Highlands and Sev. Edge of Oz. Nyasa. At Z. and Yu. Limited by mountains and depadies, on V. - coastal plains of the Indian Ocean. Broken by the system of faults constituting part East Africanskogo Rift. Most of the planeau, the crystal and metamorphic rocks of the Damcambria are found, there are covers of quaternary lava and tuffs. Characterized high seismicity and modern volcanism. Coal deposits, polymetallic ores, precious and diverse stones, diamonds. High plains with Wed. High. From 500 to 1500 m, overlapped the remaining mountains. For Z. Rovevenzori Mountains with Pick of Margherita (5109 m), Virung with more than 400 small and 8 large volcanoes. Of these, the existing Nyamlagira (3058 m) and Niiragongo (3470 m). South - Mountain Mountain Mountains Mitumba (3305 m). On S.-V. The cones of extinct volcanoes Algon (4221 m) and Kenya (5199 m), and in the center - crater Highlands with the Giant Caldera Ngorongoro (Fauna and Flora Reserve). The largest volcanic array with a valid volcano mode (4566 m) and the main vertex of Africa - the extinct volcano Kilimanjaro (5895 m). A number of large and small lakes (Victoria, Eduard, Tanganyik, Rudolph, etc.). Modern glaciers on Kilimanjaro and Kenya volcanoes and in Rweedwori's array. Climate Equatorial and subequatorial, seasonal-wet, hot. Annual precipitation up to 2000-3000 mm and more, in deep valleys dry. The largest rivers of Africa - Neil, Congo, Zambezi begin on the planeau. Subcevering forests, savannate palpal and shrubs prevail. In the mountains subalpine and alpine meadows. Nat. Virung parks, Serengeti, many smaller; Numerous reserves.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

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    East African Plateau Plateau in Africa, located on the south-east of the mainland, in the eastern part of Central Africa. In the north of the plateau, the Volcano Mere, Kenya Mountain and Kilimanjaro Volcano, as well as the largest ... ... Wikipedia

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    1) Mainland. In antiquity, there was no general name for the whole mainland. Ancient Greeks since Homer's time (XII century BC) for the famous part of the mainland lying to 3. From Egypt, the name of Libya, formed from the name of the Luba tribe ... Geographic Encyclopedia

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    Africa. I. General information regarding the origin of the word "Africa" \u200b\u200bamong scientists there are big differences. Two hypotheses are deserved: one of them explains the origin of the word from the Phoenician root, which at a certain ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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Subcontinent South Africa takes the south of African mainland. In the north, the border with Central Africa passes through the watersheds of the pool r. Congo, in the northeast (c) - on the tectonic separation, occupied valley p. Zambezi. The remaining borders are marine. South Africa's subcontinent includes two mainland physico-geographic countries: South African plateau and plateau, Cape Mountains and Madagascar Island, which has some common features of nature.

The unity of the region is determined by the predominance of the sublime relief, higher in the outskirts and somewhat lowered in the central parts, as well as the provision in the narrowed southern part of the mainland, which, in combination with the features of the relief, determines the change of natural conditions rather from the west to the east than from the north to south. Such regularity is manifested in all three physico-geographical countries of the subcontinent. The main environmental problems of the region - land degradation in the context of the dissected relief and irrational nature management and desertification in the arid areas.

South African Plateau and Plateau

The physico-geographical country occupies most of South Africa. The southern border (with the Cape Mountains) goes along the foot of the Great Lessa in the north of the Big Carrh. Within the region there are South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and the southern parts of Angola, Zambia and Mozambique.

The outskirts of the region are raised, and in the center there is a chain of Kotlovin - Calahari, Makarikari, Ocavanga and the top Zambezi. Such a structure is associated with the latest stages of geological history: since the mesozoic, the territory rose to the outskirts with greater speed than the central parts.

This is a high region. Even the bottoms of Kotlovin lie at altitudes of 900-1000 meters, the outskirts are raised to 2000-2500 meters, and in places and above 3000 meters. On the protrusions of the ancient crystalline foundation, a plateau was formed with fragments of multi-aging leveling surfaces. Within extensive syneclide, carbo is distributed inversion relief: in a powerful thickness of sedimental deposits (the formation of Carr - up to 7 km) is formed by a plateau system - large, medium, low, shrub fade, upper carru, etc. These plateaus and plateaus are broken up to narrow coastal lowlands and To the plateau is a large carru, forming the so-called great ledge. It is dissected by tectonic cracks and erosion. The highest part of the Great Lessa - Dragons of the Mountains, which in the south - in Highlands Basuto reach the height of more than 3000 m, the vertex - Tabana-Ntlenyan (3482 meters). Highlands are made by sedimentary rocks, blocked basalt lava. From the outskirts of the plateau and the plateau, the steps are descended to the flat bottoms of kitelin, where alluvial and high-rise sediments lie from the surface.

The climate of the region is tropical. The amount of precipitation changes from the east to the west.

Eastern areas are influenced by the Passat flow from the Indian Ocean, which, climbing the slopes of the mountains and the Plane, gives abundant precipitation (1000-1500 mm per year). In winter, this stream weakens and is quite often replaced by winds running from the continent from the subtropical high pressure belt. The Indian Passat is descended to the basins, and the annual amount of precipitation has already been decreasing up to 500-600 mm, and in the top of the top zambezi and Kalahari - up to 300 mm and less. However, in the west of Calahari in the intrachetic zone of convergence, the front is formed between the tropical air masses, which comes with to the different properties. From the Indian Ocean, warm and wet, with the Atlantic - coolest, as it comes from high latitudes. On the west coast, a typical climate of the Western coast of the mainland of the tropical belt is formed.

South African Plateau and Plateau are drained by several large rivers - Zambezi, Limpopo, Orange, Ocavanango. All of them have an uneven flow mode with a summer maximum, thresholds.

On r. Zambezi is widely known one of the largest waterfalls - Victoria. The rivers are falling here from a height of 120 meters to a narrow tectonic crack. Okavango River and some other smaller rivers ends in the central parts of Kotlovin, lost in swamps or sands.

Soil-vegetation cover changes from the east to the West, respectively, change the conditions for moisture.

On the Mozambique lowland, the eastern slopes and in the northern part of the region on the border with central (Equatorial) Africa grow evergreen seasonally wet rainforests with an abundance of palm trees. On the slopes of the Great Lesse above 800-1000 meters, shrub thickets and meadows are common. Felt (that translated from the Dutch language means "steppes") are occupied by xerophytic shrub formations (Aloe, Rochephyt, acacia) and mountain steppes with a predominance of the dwarf. Rare-resistant leafy forests on brown-red soils in combination with savannahs are growing on the Matabel plateau in combination with savannahs of predominantly anthropogenic origin. In the northern part of the central Kotlovin dominates savannah sparse forests from brachyshegia and isoborid with a thick undergrowth. Brown-red soil are formed under them. South of r. Zambezi on the bottoms of Kotlovin are formed by swamps and salt marsh, occupying, as a rule, the place of dried lakes. The southern part of Kalahari is a dry shrub savanna (bush) and gentlemen, the south-west of the region is a real desert with chronicle sands and limestone yields. Typically, sands are fixed with succulent and spiny shrubs. Large spaces are covered with fluttering wipes of wild watermelons. Many ephemers. An even more arid character is the vegetation of western edge plateates and a flatbed, which is a steep dismantled ledge (300-800 meters high) descend to the coastal desert of Namib - a typical "cold", or "wet" desert. Northern Northern Namib is a combination of gravelly and sandy areas with rare vegetation of prickly shrubs and succulents. Among them are sometimes found a wonderful plant - Velvichia with two long (up to 2 meters) leathery leaves capable of absorbing moisture from the air. In the south, the vegetation is thick.

The soils of the Eastern and Northern Plateau and the South Africa flatbed fertile, felt with their herbal vegetation - beautiful pastures. Lands are intensively used. A solid sprinkle and non-harmonious grazing of livestock lead to the strengthening of linear and plane erosion and to land degradation.

South Africa is rich in minerals. The formation of Carr contains large reserves of coal, the structure of platform foundation and ancient synclides - deposits of various ores and gold. In the tubes of the explosion filled with kimberlite, diamonds and grenades are extracted. Gold and diamonds are in placer deposits. Large gold reserves are contained in conglomerates formed from alluvia Paleozoic rivers. In the famous Withersland deposit in deep mines (up to 1500 depths) from such deposits in very difficult conditions, gold and uranium ores are mined.

The region is mastered in economic attitude mainly by Dutch (borals) and English migrants. The indigenous black population in the Republic of South Africa until recently was dispersed and mercilessly opposed. Now the dark-skinned residents of the region (mostly Gottantotes) received political rights, but the consequences of racial discrimination complicate the situation in South Africa and this.

A number of national parks and reserves have been created in the region to preserve unique fauna and landscapes. Namib-Desert, Church and Skeleton Kost ("Coil Skeletons") in Namibia, Royal Natal in South Africa and some others exist as protected areas from the beginning of the 20th century, and the Kruger Park and the Faunistic Reserve Saint Lucia (South Africa) function as reserves Since the 90s of the XIX century.

Cape Mountains

Physico-geographical country Capskie Mountains occupies the extreme south of the African continent in the field of subtropical climate. It is less than others in the area, but has very peculiar natural conditions. From the West, the region is washed by the water of the Atlantic Ocean with a cold Bengelege, and in the east and south - the water of the Indian Ocean with a warm Mozambique flow moving in Agullas (needle cape). In the north, the border with South African Plateau and Plogradsee takes place along the foot of the Great Lessa. The whole physico-geographical country is within South Africa.

Cape mountains arose as a result of the rejuvenation of the Gercinian folded structures. Parallel ridges in relation to each other - anticline raised by non-stocking movements are separated by interguric valleys - syncinal. The transverse gorges of tectonic and erosion origin divide the ridges for short segments. At the very south among the coastal plain, low insulated arrays and ridges are raised.

The region is located in the field of subtropical climate, in the west - Mediterranean type with winter cyclonal precipitation.

From a typical Mediterranean climate and North Africa, it is distinguished by low summer temperatures, which is associated with the domination in the summer season of air masses coming from the south. In the eastern part of the Caps, the sediments are distributed more evenly.

In winter, they are smaller here than in the West, since the western transfer of air of moderate latitudes is dominated, but the rains of orographic origin from the air masses running from the Indian Ocean, which also pass over the warm Mozambic course. The climate in the east of the region is more likely to a uniform distribution of moisture and small amplitudes of temperatures. In the inner valleys, the climate is arid with the features of continentality.

Cape Flora in appearance resembles the Mediterranean. Xerophilic shrubs on brown soils (Finbosh) are similar to McVis in structure and environmental features, but in the specified composition he is much different from it. Protein, heather, legumes predominate, presented, as a rule, endemic species.

Many bulbous and rhizome bright flowering herbs. Many of them cultivate worldwide as decorative and indoor plants (gladiolus, daffodils, hyacinths, amaryllis, cycherress, geranium, etc.). On the slopes facing the oceans, small forest arrays of pine, gumcarpuses are preserved. Forests are bigger in the east.

In the Kapsky region, subtropical cultures are grown on all landscaped for processing: grapes, olives, figs, fruit trees and shrubs. Natural vegetation has not been preserved.

In the territory of the region, four national parks and three provincial reserves, where rare plants and animals are protected. Some of them are created in the 30s. XX century


This peculiar physico-geographical country lies at one of the largest islands of the Earth (596 thousand km 2). Until now, his nature keeps the memory of the ancient past of the planet - the rarest species of plants and animals have been preserved there, and so far scientists have new species. Significant endemic of flora and fauna is due to long-standing (from non-beam) the island island with the mainland. The Mozambique Strait has a width of up to 400 km. Madagascar is the left at the end of the Paleozoic from the African Block Platform, tilted to the Strait. The island is pulled out in the submeridional direction by 1600 km from 12 ° to 26 ° YU. sh. The nature of Madagascar has truly unique features.

On a small compared to the mainland physico-geographical countries of South Africa island, there is a significant variety of surface structure.

The main tectonic structures of Madagascar boulders are elongated, as well as the whole region, from the north to south and consistently replace each other. In the east, about 1/3 of the island territory occupies Madagascar (Malganasky) array - raising, within which the crystalline platform foundation goes on the surface. In the southern half, the magmatic breeds were subjected to significant metamorphism. Here are common gneisses with granite intrusions, quartzites, marbles. The second petrographic zone is a graphite, the most widely represented and printable on the composition: graphics, mica slates, Gneis and others. The third zone is found in small sections throughout the massif. These are sedimentary rocks, varying degrees of metamorphisses: granitoids, crystal slates, ferruginous quartzites. The array was subjected to significant fragmentation, accompanied by volcanic processes. It was formed a central highlands (high plateau) 800-1800 meters high, broken into separate arrays with flat-bottomed depressions and valleys between them. In the north, the basalt array of scratched with the highest point of the island (2876 meters), there are other extinct. The cropping process of the block was the most active at the beginning of the Cenozoa. Until now, earthquakes are often frequent, many thermal sources. The eastern foot of the high plateau stretches narrow (10-20 km) lowland accumulative plain, folded by marine sediments, including limestones with manifestations of tropical carst. From the west within the board of Mozambic tectonic deflection, lower reservoir plateau (up to 800 meters) is adjacent to the central height. On the west coast there are hilly lowlands.

Most of Madagascar is located in a tropical climatic belt with a trade in circulation. Only the North-West is under the influence of equatorial monsoon. On the plains the climate is hot.

The average monthly temperatures - from 13-20 ° in winter to 26-° ° C in the summer. The move isotherm in general submeridional. On a high plateau climate Cool (from 13 ° C to 20 ° C). Since almost all year is the island under the influence of the trade ship from the Indian Ocean, the annual precipitation decreases from the east to the west - from 2000-3000 mm to 500-600 mm and even 400 mm in the extreme south-west. The windward slopes of the Highlands are most evenly and abundantly. More precipitation happens in summer, and in the North-West in the winter, the dry season is well expressed, which is characteristic of the trade in circulation.

The climate and relief of Madagascar contribute to the development of a thick river network. The rivers of the oriental slopes are full, short, stormy, spoiled, western - longer, but less water. They endure a lot of solid material on the plains, forming numerous shales. On the flat bottoms of intergurged valleys have lakes and wetlands.

Vegetation is distributed depending on moisturizing conditions.

In the past, the ongoing oriental slopes of mountains and the coastal lowland were covered by evergreen forests, under which red-yellow ferrally soils were formed. Forests are preserved only by individual arrays. In a high plateau, secondary cereal savannas are dominated with spiny shrubs on mountain red and red-brown soils that have formed on the ferralite weathering crust. Dark red and black fertile soils are developed within the lava cover. On Western plains under dry shrub thumbs of the soil brown and red-brown. The most arid south-west is engaged in semi-desert and deserted vegetation with candelabrowed milk and spiny shrubs. On the lowland west coast are ordinary mangers. The vegetation cover island is strongly changed by man.

Unique Flora and Fauna Madagascar.

In his forests, there are general species with Asian (some ferns, comprehensive, legumes), but from those known here 6765 types of coated plants 89% endemic. Starting with Miocene Island is completely isolated from neighboring sushi. Madagascar's most famous endemics: Ravenala - "Tree of travelers" from banana (another type of this kind in southern America), Orchid Angrecum with flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, Piycian Royal - "Flame Flame" with fire-red flowers, etc. Animal world is less unique. Madagascar is sometimes called Lemuria. Indeed, only the types of lemures from primates live here: Indri with big eyes and a five-palist paw, cat, brown, dwarf and other lemurs. Only within Madagascar and nearby Comoros were preserved representatives of about 20 species of the relict family of tenrers ("bristly hedgehogs") from insectivores. Pries are represented by viverse. Many reptiles (only chameleons are 50 species), birds, almost half of which are endemics. On the island a large number of insects, including bright butterflies. And on the flora, and in the fauna, Madagascar is distinguished into separate subsequent areas of the relevant areas - they differ in such original features.

On the territory of the island within the city of the Malagasy Republic lives about 9 million people, the overwhelming majority of which are indigenous inhabitants, closest in anthropological type, language and culture to the peoples of Southeast Asia, than to the population of Africa. 3/4 of Madagascar has a climate, very favorable for people's lives and for agriculture. Good moisturizing in many areas of the island, the abundance of heat, the presence of fertile soils creates excellent conditions for growing many valuable tropical crops. Significant areas occupy rice crops. A cattle breeding is also developed (main livestock - zebu, but other breeds are bred). On the island there is no fly Tsetz, which is important for this branch of the economy.

The island is well provided with other types of natural resources: water, including hydropower in the east of the region, minerals (there are large deposits of mica, graphite, uranium, chromite, nickel, lead ores, gold, precious and semi-precious stones, etc.). The first place in the world of Madagascar occupies the reserves of amethyst from the gentle-lilac to the dense-violet shades. Amethyst's dubs often find breeds in dumps after ore mining. Forest wealth has suffered a large extent as a result of irrational economic. Now the forests are employed only 10% of the island area. Exterminated forests that have reserves of valuable wood and other resources.

Natural complexes are strongly changed by people's activities. Many unique plants and animals have disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. The habitats of many of them are destroyed. Some animals were simply exterminated by a man: large lemurs, giant turtles, lacking birds - related ostriches and Moa epiornis, voruparatra and others. The colorful butterflies disappear. For the protection of the remaining unique flora and fauna, a number of reserves were created (mainly in the 20th of the 20th century), there are 2 national parks, several reserves.

Geographical position

Note 1.

The East African Plateau is the territory located on both sides of the Equator between the Somalia Peninsula, Ethiopian Highlands, East Sudan in the North and the Lower Mortuary of Zambezi in the south and between the Indian Ocean in the East and the Bore Congo in the West. Plateore lies from 5 ° C. sh. up to 17 ° sh.

East African Plateau is a tectonically active, moving part of the African platform. It is here that the highest points of the continent of Africa and the largest rift system. The platform consists of Precambrian crystalline rocks, mainly from granite. The foundation is covered with mesozoic and paleozoic continental sediments.

Figure 1. East African Plateau. Author24 - Student Internet Exchange

Plateore has long been raised. Rifts and tectonic faults have arisen in Cenozoa. They are a continuation of Ethiopian Highlands, the Graben of the Red Sea, south of the lake Rudolf branch and form three fault systems: Central, Western and Eastern.

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Rifts are narrow depressions having steep step slopes. According to their periphery, there are high mountain systems: Massif Ruvenzori, Volcanoes of Kenya, Kilimanjaro, Algon, etc. Currently, volcanic activities continue along the fault.

Plots not affected by faults have the appearance of Penenlen with island mountains.

On East African Plateau there are extensive basins, in one of which is Lake Victoria.

East African Plateau Fault Systems

In East African plateau, the following fault systems are distinguished:

  1. The western fault system stretches along the western areas of the plateau. She was deep robes engaged in Lakes Edward, Albert (Mobutu-Seish Sece), Tanganyika, Kivu, Albert Neil River Valley. From Tanganic, this fault system stretches through the tectonic brand about. Nyasa, Wpadin with the River Lake, the Valley of the River is wider, the lower course of Zambezi. This territory is one of the most seismically active zones of the continent. Rabena Lake Eduard and Albert share the Ruvenzori array. The array includes crystalline slates, gneisses, intrusion of major breeds. Ruvenzori has glacial forms of quaternary and modern glaciation (circus, punishment, finite moraine, housing valleys). Between the rakes, Lake Kivu and Edward is located the volcanic area of \u200b\u200bthe Virung, in which are seven volcanoes. Currently, new volcanic cones continue to form. Between the depressions of Lake Tanganyik and Kivu is a tectonic deflection covered with ancient lavami. At the bottom of the lakes of Nyas and Kiva, constant eruption of volcanoes occur. Between the lakes of Victoria, Albert, Edward and the White Nile, is a lake plateau (1000-1500 m), folded mainly by crystalline rocks. In the central part of the plateau there is a Kyoga lake and a wetland valley.
  2. The central fault system is the continuation of Ethiopian Grabena, which stretches from the north to south from Lake Rudolf to Lake Nyas, where it is connected to the western fault system. In the northern regions within the borders of the volcanic plateau Kenya, the volcanic relief is pronounced. Along the tectonic cracks covered with tuffs and basalts, the extinct volcanoes of Algon, Kenya, Kilimanjaro, a group of giant crater (NGoronoro Volcano) rise.
  3. The eastern fault system is characterized mainly by one-sided discharges, which limit the narrow seaside lowland from the West by the ledge. The lowland is composed mainly by limestones and tertiary sandstones.

Between the central and Western system of faults, between the lakes of Nyas and Victoria there is a Plateau Ulyamweise. The plateau is very wetrated and composed of granites. Eastern are the plateau of Masai and Nyas.

Climatic conditions

The climate of the East African Plateau Sub Escavatorial. It is variable-wet, hot, with a clearly pronounced exemplary on high mountain arrays. At the lake plateau and in the vicinity of Lake Victoria Climate approaches the equatorial, which proves the mode of precipitation, their number, smooth temperature.

Equatorial monsoons and trade winds are dominated on the territory of the plateau. In winter (in the northern hemisphere), the Northeast Passat is blowing, which over Calahari is delayed in a baric depression. Passing from Southeast Asia to Africa over the ocean, it highlights a small amount of precipitation. In the summer, the southeastern wind is enhanced, the South Passat, which turning through the equator, acquires the nature of the south-west monsoon.

High temperatures are observed on the coast of the Indian Ocean and at small heights. The average temperature of January (the warmest month) is +28 ° C, August (the coldest) - +23 ° C. With a height, the temperature decreases, and the annual indicators remain uniform. At an altitude of more than 2000 m, the temperature may fall below 0 ° C, and the snow falls above 3500 m. In the highest mountain arrays - Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Rovevenzori there are small glaciers.

The precipitation on the territory of East African Plateau falls unevenly:

  • 2000-3000 mm - high-mountainous areas;
  • from 1000 to 1500 mm - the coast of the Indian Ocean, the North-West and the South West of the Plateau;
  • 750-1000 mm - Central areas of the plateau;
  • 500 mm and less - closed depressions and the territory of the extreme northeast.

The most dry area of \u200b\u200bEast African Plateau - Kenya. Here, periods without precipitation can continue until 7-9 months.

Equatorial precipitation mode can be observed between 5 ° C. sh. and 5 ° sh. For these territories, two season rains are distinguished (November-December, March-May) and two periods of precipitation. In the southern regions you can watch one rainy season, lasting from October to April, to shift the long dry weather comes.

East African Plateau shares the pools of the Mediterranean and Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

In the north-west of the Plateau, the Nil River originates, whose system includes Kyoga Lakes, Victoria, Eduard and Albert. Lake Kivu and Tanganyik are related to the Congo system, and the lake of Nyas has stock in Zambezi. In the central part, there are a lot of faceless lakes: arms, Rudolph, Baringo, and others. According to its size, depth, the influence of the climate and the flow of the Lake Plateau can be compared with the Great Lakes of North America.

The variety and variety of landscapes determine: a variety of relief, tectonic fragmentation, manifold of climatic conditions. In the inner areas, a lot of typical savannes having large arrays of shrubs and edging, dropping foliage in the dry season. Vegetation is represented by cereals, mistresses, acacias, tamaris, baobabs, etc.

Geographical position

Note 1.

The East African Plateau is the territory located on both sides of the Equator between the Somalia Peninsula, Ethiopian Highlands, East Sudan in the North and the Lower Mortuary of Zambezi in the south and between the Indian Ocean in the East and the Bore Congo in the West. Plateore lies from 5 ° C. sh. up to 17 ° sh.

East African Plateau is a tectonically active, moving part of the African platform. It is here that the highest points of the continent of Africa and the largest rift system. The platform consists of Precambrian crystalline rocks, mainly from granite. The foundation is covered with mesozoic and paleozoic continental sediments.

Figure 1. East African Plateau. Author24 - Student Internet Exchange

Plateore has long been raised. Rifts and tectonic faults have arisen in Cenozoa. They are a continuation of Ethiopian Highlands, the Graben of the Red Sea, south of the lake Rudolf branch and form three fault systems: Central, Western and Eastern.

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  • Course work 450 rubles.
  • abstract East African Plateau 270 rub.
  • Test East African Plateau 250 rubles.

Rifts are narrow depressions having steep step slopes. According to their periphery, there are high mountain systems: Massif Ruvenzori, Volcanoes of Kenya, Kilimanjaro, Algon, etc. Currently, volcanic activities continue along the fault.

Plots not affected by faults have the appearance of Penenlen with island mountains.

On East African Plateau there are extensive basins, in one of which is Lake Victoria.

East African Plateau Fault Systems

In East African plateau, the following fault systems are distinguished:

  1. The western fault system stretches along the western areas of the plateau. She was deep robes engaged in Lakes Edward, Albert (Mobutu-Seish Sece), Tanganyika, Kivu, Albert Neil River Valley. From Tanganic, this fault system stretches through the tectonic brand about. Nyasa, Wpadin with the River Lake, the Valley of the River is wider, the lower course of Zambezi. This territory is one of the most seismically active zones of the continent. Rabena Lake Eduard and Albert share the Ruvenzori array. The array includes crystalline slates, gneisses, intrusion of major breeds. Ruvenzori has glacial forms of quaternary and modern glaciation (circus, punishment, finite moraine, housing valleys). Between the rakes, Lake Kivu and Edward is located the volcanic area of \u200b\u200bthe Virung, in which are seven volcanoes. Currently, new volcanic cones continue to form. Between the depressions of Lake Tanganyik and Kivu is a tectonic deflection covered with ancient lavami. At the bottom of the lakes of Nyas and Kiva, constant eruption of volcanoes occur. Between the lakes of Victoria, Albert, Edward and the White Nile, is a lake plateau (1000-1500 m), folded mainly by crystalline rocks. In the central part of the plateau there is a Kyoga lake and a wetland valley.
  2. The central fault system is the continuation of Ethiopian Grabena, which stretches from the north to south from Lake Rudolf to Lake Nyas, where it is connected to the western fault system. In the northern regions within the borders of the volcanic plateau Kenya, the volcanic relief is pronounced. Along the tectonic cracks covered with tuffs and basalts, the extinct volcanoes of Algon, Kenya, Kilimanjaro, a group of giant crater (NGoronoro Volcano) rise.
  3. The eastern fault system is characterized mainly by one-sided discharges, which limit the narrow seaside lowland from the West by the ledge. The lowland is composed mainly by limestones and tertiary sandstones.

Between the central and Western system of faults, between the lakes of Nyas and Victoria there is a Plateau Ulyamweise. The plateau is very wetrated and composed of granites. Eastern are the plateau of Masai and Nyas.

Climatic conditions

The climate of the East African Plateau Sub Escavatorial. It is variable-wet, hot, with a clearly pronounced exemplary on high mountain arrays. At the lake plateau and in the vicinity of Lake Victoria Climate approaches the equatorial, which proves the mode of precipitation, their number, smooth temperature.

Equatorial monsoons and trade winds are dominated on the territory of the plateau. In winter (in the northern hemisphere), the Northeast Passat is blowing, which over Calahari is delayed in a baric depression. Passing from Southeast Asia to Africa over the ocean, it highlights a small amount of precipitation. In the summer, the southeastern wind is enhanced, the South Passat, which turning through the equator, acquires the nature of the south-west monsoon.

High temperatures are observed on the coast of the Indian Ocean and at small heights. The average temperature of January (the warmest month) is +28 ° C, August (the coldest) - +23 ° C. With a height, the temperature decreases, and the annual indicators remain uniform. At an altitude of more than 2000 m, the temperature may fall below 0 ° C, and the snow falls above 3500 m. In the highest mountain arrays - Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Rovevenzori there are small glaciers.

The precipitation on the territory of East African Plateau falls unevenly:

  • 2000-3000 mm - high-mountainous areas;
  • from 1000 to 1500 mm - the coast of the Indian Ocean, the North-West and the South West of the Plateau;
  • 750-1000 mm - Central areas of the plateau;
  • 500 mm and less - closed depressions and the territory of the extreme northeast.

The most dry area of \u200b\u200bEast African Plateau - Kenya. Here, periods without precipitation can continue until 7-9 months.

Equatorial precipitation mode can be observed between 5 ° C. sh. and 5 ° sh. For these territories, two season rains are distinguished (November-December, March-May) and two periods of precipitation. In the southern regions you can watch one rainy season, lasting from October to April, to shift the long dry weather comes.

East African Plateau shares the pools of the Mediterranean and Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

In the north-west of the Plateau, the Nil River originates, whose system includes Kyoga Lakes, Victoria, Eduard and Albert. Lake Kivu and Tanganyik are related to the Congo system, and the lake of Nyas has stock in Zambezi. In the central part, there are a lot of faceless lakes: arms, Rudolph, Baringo, and others. According to its size, depth, the influence of the climate and the flow of the Lake Plateau can be compared with the Great Lakes of North America.

The variety and variety of landscapes determine: a variety of relief, tectonic fragmentation, manifold of climatic conditions. In the inner areas, a lot of typical savannes having large arrays of shrubs and edging, dropping foliage in the dry season. Vegetation is represented by cereals, mistresses, acacias, tamaris, baobabs, etc.

see also nature Photos of South African Plateau (with geographic and biological signatures for photographs) from the section Natural world landscapes:

On the gentle slopes of the Oriental Plateau, addressed inside the continent, the precipitation falls quite quite a lot, there is a brazed terrain with a thick cover of high herbs (). Such a landscape in South Africa is called "Veld".

As we move to the West, the amount of precipitation decreases and vegetation takes an increasing xerophytic appearance. It consists of various bully, which are green and flourished only during a short period of rain, low-spirited barbed acacias, numerous types of aloe. In Kalahari, there are completely fruitless stony areas, where the plants do not form solid cover (). Wild watermelons are very characteristic of Calahari, whose vacuums cover large areas. From here occur, obviously, all the well-known cultural types of watermelons. With a large lack of moisture, watermelons with their water reserves save from the thirst for people and animals.

Another poorer the vegetation of the desert Namib, where there are only individual velvecia copies, fixing in the sands with powerful roots, and low-spirited spiky shrubs ().

The shores of the drying lakes and the swamps in the calahari collar and the top flow of zambezi are covered with more moisture vegetative vegetation (), which serves as a refuge for wild animals.