What is more homeland mother or statue of freedom. The most interesting facts about the sculpture "Motherland-Mother calls! Buddha statue in Japan

Large and high statues were built since ancient times. For example, the Great Sphinx, built by the ancient Egyptians, was 20 meters in height. However, in the last century, a number of statues were built, much higher than the height of the ancient wonders of the world. In this list, I will list the 7 highest statues of the world at the moment.

7. Sculpture of the motherland mother in Kiev

This is a monument in honor of the Great Patriotic War, calling for patriotism. The creation of the sculpture was completed in 1981, the statue itself towers 62 meters, and together with the general structure, the height is 102 meters. Statue weight - 560 tons. What is interesting is much more famous for the sculpture of the motherland mother in Volgograd, on Mamaev Kurgan, but its height is 54 meters

6. Sculpture of Emperors Yan and Huan

This sculpture was carved into a rock, for more than two decades. Finished her creation in 2007. The overall height of the sculpture is 106 meters. For those who do not know, the sculpture is devoted to the two most first emperors of China - Yan Di and Huan Di

5. Statue of Guan Yin in China

Huan Yin Bodhisattva Statue of 108 meters high is located on the southern coast of Hainan Island in China. The creation of a statue took 6 years, the work was completed in 2005

4. Statue Cristi Rei (110 meters)

This statue was built under inspiration from the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro in 1959. 10 years left for construction, and the statue size fully corresponds to the statue in Rio. The total height of the monument is 110 meters

3. Statue of the ears of Daibuts in Japan (120 meters)

The statue of the ears Daibuts is dedicated to the Buddha Amitabha and is located in the city of Ears in Japan. It was built in 1995. This is the third world statue of the world, the overall height of the monument is 120 meters. Inside the statue, an elevator is arranged, on which you can climb to the viewing platform at the top of the statue

2. Laykyun Setkyar in Myanmar (130 meters)

This statue is the second height in the world. It is built on Kaung Hill in Central Myanmar. His feet is also the biggest oblique statue of Buddha in the world. The inclined Buddha was built in 1991, and high Laykyun Setkyar in 2008

1. Buddha Spring Temple (153 meters)

This is the biggest and high statue in the world. The total height of the entire monument is 153 meters. The construction of this sculpture was started after the terrorists blew up the Bamiyang Buddhas in Afghanistan. The statue was completed in 2008

The graph below shows the dimensions of the spring Buddha relative to the statue of freedom, mother's homeland in Volgograd and Christ the Redeemer

Volgograd, May 8 - AIF-Volgograd. FIDIA, PRACTEL, Rodgen - these names know the whole world. Thanks to the masterful turtle on hearing the name of the sculptor Donatello. But in our history were their brownies, who received universal recognition. So, in Volgograd, for example, there are works of Faith Muchina (at the departure of the planetarium) and Evgenia Vuchetich (Mamaev Kurgan and the Lenin Statue (until 1960 - Stalin) on the Fadeev Embankment).

We are on the envy of all bourgeois ...

By the way, Vuchethich is the author of two statues of the Mother Motherland. The central figure of the Memorial at Mamaev Kurgan, perhaps, the peak (in all values) of the creativity of the famous sculptor. Here the giantism of thinking is fully presented.

"What did we want to tell people with this monument on the place of the bloody battles and immortal feats? - He spoke after the end of the construction of an architectural ensemble. - We are sought to convey, first of all, the disadvantageous moral spirit of Soviet soldiers, their selfless devotion to the Motherland. The monument to the heroes of the Stalingrad battle is a monument to the greatest historical event. And therefore we were looking for large-scale, especially monumental solutions and forms that, in our opinion, would allow the most fully transmitting the scope of mass heroism. "

However, the size of the complex is due not only to the author's vision, but also by direct indication of Khrushchev: Mother Mother must be higher than the American Statue of Freedom. Above, it means above. Business ...

Sisters in arms

Already after the death of Evgenia Vuchetich, the construction of the second Mother Motherland was completed: in Kiev. The statue itself is less than Volgograd, but it stands on a 40-meter pedestal, within which the museum is located. Therefore, the colossus is seen from afar.

Initially, the figure was planned to cover with gravestone gold, but then they refused from this idea. In general, the project of Vuchetich has undergone some changes, since after his death the Kiev Master Vasily Boroday, who had his own vision.

Constructed a metal statue using a crane specially made under this construction. To the object of the object, that crane did not have time to dismantle and simply cut the autogen. And the ends are in the water. Literally: Metallic cores drowned in the Dnieper, so as not to call the eyes of the party bosses.

Sometimes the Volgograds and Kiev residents argue, whose homeland is better. Residents of other cities of Russia and Ukraine are drawn in the controversy. Sculptures are broken into politics. But both facilities will have their own admirers. In addition, both Mothers have one father: Evgeny Vuchetich. Yes, and he designed his statues not in order to burst the peoples. After all, the Motherland at that time was for all alone. And both "daughters" of vuchetich, it seems, calmly and friendly look at each other. They are visible from above ...

Its height is 182 meters.

In India, on the island of Sadhu Beth in Gujarat, the highest high statue In the world - a statue of unity.

Its height is 182 m and it is higher than the statue of Christ in Brazil (38 m), a statue of freedom in the United States (93 m) and "Motherland" in Kiev (102 m).

See also:

The sculpture was established in honor of one of the creators of the modern Indian state of Valabhai Patel. After finding India independence in 1947, he served as Deputy Prime Minister of the country and the Minister of Internal Affairs. Patel is also the author of the Indian Constitution and has made great efforts to preserve India in its borders and prevent the country's collapse into smaller states.

For merits in front of India Walabhai, the Patel was assigned the honorable nickname of Sardar, which means the leader or leader in many languages \u200b\u200bof India.

See also:

The sculpture of Walabhai Patel consists of a 40-meter pedestal and a 142-meter statue. At the level of 153 meters the observation deck is installed, which can simultaneously accommodate up to 200 people. The cost of building a statue is $ 430 million.

Video From Rio with love. The statue of Christ the Savior was painted in Ukrainian colors

The statue of Christ-Savior - in Ukrainian colors. In Rio de Janeiro, the famous sculpture shine yellow-blue. In the colors of the Ukrainian flag, Brazilians highlighted it especially for the independence of our state. Do this for 5 years in a row. Especially, they say, in the Ukrainian diaspora holiday the other day double. After all, they also celebrate the day of the Ukrainian community.

P Amyatnik "Motherland-Mother calls!" Opened in 1967. As the monument became the highest in the world, whose face of the female figure and what kind of sculptural "relatives", I remember 10 facts about the motherland.

Volgograd. Memorial complex "Motherland-Mother calls!". Andrei Izhakovsky / Photobank Lori

Competition without borders. The victory in the Stalingrad battle has become a turning point in the history of the Great Patriotic War. The competition for the creation of a monument in Stalingrad was announced in September 1944. Well-known architects participated in it, and soldiers sent their sketches by military field mail. Architect George Marcinkevich offered to put a high column with a figure of Stalin at the top, and Andrei Burov is a 150-meter pyramid with a frame of composhable tanks.

Projects came even from abroad - from Morocco, Shanghai. Interestingly, the competition did not take the participation of the future creator of the Motherland Evgeny Vucheth. There were legends that he discussed his project directly with Stalin.

Construction of the monument "Motherland-Mother calls!". Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. 1962. Photo: zheleznov.pro

Construction of the monument "Motherland-Mother calls!". Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. 1965. Photo: Stalingrad-Battle.Ru

Construction of the monument "Motherland-Mother calls!". Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. 1965. Photo: Planet-Today.ru

Changes in the composition. The sculptural composition should have looked different. It was assumed that next to the female figure will be the statue of a cranked soldier, stretching his mother's mother's sword. However, the initial composition of the monument seemed to Evgeny to march too complicated. He changed the project after approval from above. The sculptor had an important ideological argument: the soldier could not convey his sword to anyone, because the war was not over yet.

Who was the prototype? Art historians agree that Eugene Vuchetich inspired the bas-relief "Marselyza" in the Parisian Arc and an antique sculpture of Samofraki. However, who concretely posted him, it is not known specifically. It is most likely that the shape of Mother's Mother's sculptor sculptor from the Soviet athlete-Discolki Nina Dumbadze, and face with his wife faith. Today the mock of the head of the statue is kept in the Museum-Manor of Vuchetich in Moscow.

First reinforced concrete monument. Mother Mother became the first monument in the USSR fully made from reinforced concrete. In the 1960s, after the war, many more cities were not rebuilt, including Volgograd, and reinforced concrete was one of the cheapest materials. However, this choice caused some difficulties. For example, one year after the opening of the monument, small cracks began to form on it. In order to preserve the monument, the head and the sculpture hands are covered annually with a water-repellent means.

Soviet attendant Nina Dumbadze at competitions. 1950s Photo: RussiaInphoto.ru.

Bas-relief "Departure of volunteers to the front in 1792" ("Marsellise"). Triumphal Arch. Sculptor Francois Rud. Paris, France. 1836.

Sculpture "Nika Samofarakaya". Pyphocrit from Lindos. About 190 BC Louvre, Paris

Strengthening design. All engineering calculations were performed under the leadership of Nikolai Nikitin, which was built by the Ostankino television bash. The monument "Motherland-Mother calls!" When erected, it was not fixed: it stands on Earth due to its own weight. Metal ropes are stretched inside the statue, which make it more stable and maintain the rigidity of the metal frame. Today, sensors are installed on the cables, experts follow the structure of the design.

Monument of the era of three secrets. Although the contest of architectural projects was held in the 1940s, work on the monument began after Stalin's death. The construction order signed Nikita Khrushchev in January 1958. The monument was erected for almost ten years - it was opened in October 1967. At the opening, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU was also present - at the time already Leonid Brezhnev.

The highest statue of the world. It was planned that the height of the mother's motherland would be 36 meters. However, Khrushchev ordered a "rest" a female figure. The statue at Mamaev Kurgan was to "overtake" a statue of freedom - its height without a pedestal was 46 meters.

After the end of the construction of the motherland, the mother was the highest statue in the world. The female figure towers over the pedestal of 52 meters, and taking into account the length of her hands and the sword, the height of the monument was 85 meters. Weight monument 8 thousand tons excluding a sword. Today, the mother-mother-mother stays in the top ten of the highest statues of the world.

Steel Sword. The statue sword was made on aviation technology. It was made of stainless steel and were trimmed with titanium sheets. But such a decision was not suitable for the monument - the sword was swinging and creaked in the wind. In 1972, weapons were replaced with steel with holes to reduce sailing. Because of the "problematic" sword, the designers of the monument did not receive the Leninist Prize. Monument "Motherland-Mother calls!". Sculptor Evgeny Vuchetich, architect Nikolai Nikitin. Volgograd. 1959-1967.

Monument "Warrior Liberator". Sculptor Evgeny Vuchetich, Architect Jacob Belopolsky. Berlin, Germany. 1949.

The image of the "Mother Motherland". The collective image of the mother's motherland appeared on campaign posters back in 1941. They were created by the Soviet painter Irakli Tidze. The artist recalled that his wife became the prototype of a woman on a poster. Hearing a message about the attack on the USSR, she ran into the artist's workshop with a cry of "War!". Irakli Tidze was shocked by her expression and immediately made the first sketches.

"15 years of search and doubts, sadness and joy, rejected and found solutions. What did we want to tell people by this monument on the historic Mamaev Kurgan, on the site of bloody battles and immortal feats? We sought to convey, first of all, the disadvantageous moral spirit of Soviet warriors, from the selfless devotion of the Motherland, "said the Great Soviet sculptor at the opening of the memorial Evgeny Vuctech.

Before building a memorial, the peak of Kurgan was the terrain located 200 meters from the current vertex. Now it is located the temple of all saints. The current vertex formed artificially to build a monument.

At the design stage, Vuchetich constantly made changes. Initially, the project assumed the presence of two figures (a woman and a cranked soldier), and in the hand of the mother-mother-mother should not keep a sword, but a red banner. But they refused him, as from the magnificent decorated pedestal. The monumental stairs, which have already been built, were replaced by a carriage-serpentine, which like a tape is looking for a statue. The dimensions changed and the size of the mother rose from 36 meters to 52. Although the plan of the sculptor is not here, just Nikita Khrushchev said in an ultimative form that it should certainly be higher than the Statue of Freedom.

Mamaev Kurgan, on which the monument is located, has always been a strategic object, a panorama of the city has opened. Of the 200 days of the Stalingrad battle, the struggle for Mamaev Kurgan lasted 135 days. He and in the snowy course remained black: the snow here quickly melted from breaking bombs. Every square meter accounted for 500 to 1250 bullets and fragments. In the first post-war spring, Mamaev Kurgan was not conceded, even her grass has not grown in the burnt ground.

According to the most modest calculations, about 35 thousand people were buried at Mamaev Kurgan. In place of this huge fraternal grave and built the main monument of Russia.

Mother's motherland is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest sculpture of the statue in the world. Its total height is 85 meters, weight - 8 thousand tons. The most complex calculations of the stability of this design did the Doctor of Technical Sciences Nikolai Nikitin (he also participated in the design of Moscow State University and the Ostankino Tower). At the moment, the statue ranks 11th in the list of the highest statues of the world. The highest sculpture was built in 2008. This is the statue of Buddha in the Chinese province Henan, her height together with the pedestal - 153 meters.

A sword is 33 meters long and a weight of 14 tons was originally made of stainless steel, covered with titanium sheets. But the wind of the sheets of titanium shells thundered, and additionally loaded the hand. As a result, the blade was replaced by another - entirely consisting of fluorinated steel.

During the construction of the monument, a stable supply of concrete was needed, otherwise the seams between the layers could not be durable. Trucks that carried out the delivery of concrete for the construction of the monument were marked with ribbons of a certain color. Drivers were allowed to pass "on red", the traffic police were forbidden to stop them.

From the foot to the top platform leads 200 degrees, by the number of days of the Stalingrad battle. Inside the statue itself, it also had to be 200 degrees. But at the expense of the spans, their number increased to 203.

The entrance to the outsiders is strictly prohibited, which is why it covered with rumors and riddles. Many people think that in the mouth there is an observation deck, and closer to the ear restaurant for VIP persons. However, it is not. According to another legend, soon after the creation in the sculpture, a person was lost, after that no one had seen him.

At the monument on Mamaev Kurgan - a fighter with a machine gun and a grenade and the inscription on the pedestal "stand to death!" Marshal's face of the Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov. He was the main military consultant of the Memorial. According to the will of the commander of the 62nd Army buried on Mamaev Kurgan.

According to the memories of the Soviet physics, Academician Andrei Sakharov, Evgeny Vuchetich, the author of the memorial ensemble heroes of the Stalingrad battle at Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, shared with him in a private conversation: "I am asked the authorities, why did she open with her mouth, because it is ugly. I answer: And she screams - for the homeland ... Your mother! "

The monument is the second part of the triptych, which also consists of the "Rear-Front" monuments in Magnitogorsk and the "Warrior-Liberator" in the Berlin Trept-Park. It is understood that the sword, stitched on the shore of the Urals, then raised his mother's mother in Stalingrad and lowered after the victory in Berlin.

The silhouette of the sculpture "Motherland" was taken as a basis for developing the coat of arms and the flag of the Volgograd region.

On May 9, 2045, a capsule was opened in Volgograd to the 100th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Mamaev Kurgan with the appeal of the participants of the war to descendants.

There is another motherland-mother - in Kiev, it is also the creation of a voutis. Stands on the right bank of the Dnieper. She is 23 meters less than his companion, however, standing on a huge pedestal, within which the museum is located. Due to this, the total height of it above.

In Moscow, there is a copy of the head of the Volgograd Motherland's Motherland. She hides behind the fence of the workshop of a verticious street on the street.

Perhaps the biggest riddle - from whom they left the motherland mother, challengers are enough. 79-year-old resident of Barnaul Anastasia Peshkov on the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory near Stalingrad announced that she became a prototype of the famous sculpture of Vuchetich. In 2003, Valentina Isotova made the same statement. She worked as a waitress in the "Volgograd" restaurant and argued that she was invited to work in a simulator himself. "I paid 3 rubles per hour. There is a lot of me from me - the neck, sons of hands, legs, hips - all my! " - said Isota. Another contender - Ekaterina Grebneva, a sports gymnast, and now a well-deserved teacher in pensions. She also posed for anybody, but does not claim uniqueness: "This collective image. I think that I did not have one posing for sculptors. "

However, the former deputy director of the monument of the ensemble "Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle" Valentina Koshenda of all the contender calls the impostors: "Figure Yevgeny Viktorovich did with Nina Dumbadze, a famous discolkie. She posed him in Moscow, in his workshop. But behind the face of the sculpture of Evgeny Viktorovich is not going to go far Became. He created him with a spouse - faith of Nikolaevna. And sometimes she called the sculpture with the name of his wife - Verochka. "

Made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete - 5,500 tons of concrete and 2400 tons of metal structures (without base on which it stands).

The overall height of the monument is 87 meters. It is installed on a stove with a height of only 2 meters, which rests on the main foundation of 16 meters high, most of which is hidden under the ground.

The height of a female figure is 52 meters (mass - over 8 thousand tons). Statue stands statue standing freely on the plate, like a chess piece on the board. Inside, the whole statue consists of individual cell cells. The rigidity of the frame is supported by 99 metal cables constantly in tension.

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The sculpture "Motherland-Mother calls!" Was 45 years old.Andrei Mireyko