Stats for falling aircraft in the world. How often passenger aircraft fall

Why do airplanes fall, what are the most dangerous? Each case is unique in its own way, it may be a technical malfunction, a pilot error or an accident, in addition, some airports are quite dangerous by themselves. News of catastrophes always attract the attention of people, even if they did not know anyone from the victims and affected. Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of plane crash. Today we will introduce you to the top of the biggest incidents of 2015.


The largest tragedy of 2015, in which 224 people died. The airbus flew from Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg, the plane belonged to Kogalymavia. Currently under investigation is underway.

March 2, South France, Airbus A320

The plane belonged to Germanwings. He followed the Bareslons in Dusseldorf. 142 passengers and 8 crew members were killed. According to deciphered black boxes, the tragedy occurred due to the deliberate actions of the second pilot of the Andreas Lubitz aircraft.

3 June 30, North Sumatra, Herculer C-130B

The military-transport aircraft fell on the residential quarter of the southwestern capital of the province 2 minutes after takeoff. Before falling, the pilot reported on the moves with the engine. The plane produced a turn to return to the base, but at that time it happened irreparable. 122 people died on board, on Earth the number of victims amounted to 19 people.

4 August 16, Papua Province, Indonesia, ATR-42-300

The passenger aircraft of the airline Trigana Air Service performed flight from the capital of the province to Oxybil Airport. The fall occurred after a collision with a mountain. 54 people died, of which 49 passengers of the side. The causes of the collision are still installed.

5 November 4, Sudan, An-12

Shortly after takeoff (800 meters from the strip), the transport aircraft fell. According to preliminary data, the tragedy entailed overload. 39 people were killed, including the crew of the aircraft. 3 passengers survived in the catastrophe.

January 6, January 6, Syria, Cargo Airplane

Because of the weather in the area of \u200b\u200bAbu-Az Zuhur Airport, an accident occurred. 35 soldiers who were on board were killed.

February 7, Taiwan, ATR-72 aircraft

The plane flew from Taipei Songshan Aieport airport and went to Jignman's archipelago. Shortly after the take-off, he burned the bridge and fell into the river. Because of the crash killed 43 people, 17 were injured. Among them, the passengers of a taxi launched on the bridge. In the data on the study of the tragedy, it is said that immediately before the fall, the Captain of the side filed the SOS signals to the dispatcher, reporting about the problems with the engine.

8 January 26, Spain, F-16

A catastrophe with the participation of the aircraft of the Greek BBCB aircraft was among the participants in the NATO program of tactical leadership. He fell at the airfield, where he made a rise. The pilot failed to gain a height, as a result of which the car collapsed in the zone where the other planes were, and rammed them. As a result of the tragedy, 11 people were killed, another 20 were injured.

November 9, Slovakia, Mi-2

As a result, 6 people died as a result of the fall of the Ukrainian helicopter. According to the initial data, the collapse occurred due to the guilt of the pilot, underestimated weather conditions.

10 November 4, Crimea, Cessna 336

The wreck of the light engine aircraft occurred not far from the airfield "Center for Planetary Sports" Koktebel ". 4 people were killed, including the pilot. In fact, the catastrophe is being investigated.

Investigation of aircraft crashes can only be successful if black boxes are found, according to data from which the events of the last minutes of the flight can be restored. In most cases, the causes of the aircraft are becoming faults, less often - bad weather and human factor.

IA "Amitel" recalls major aircraft crashs that occurred in 2015, as well as the largest catastrophes that happened in Russia in recent years.

Plane crashes continue to shake the world. On the night of December 25, disappeared with radar and, presumably, collapsed into the Black Sea the plane of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, flying from Sochi to Syria. On board there were 83 passengers and 8 crew members.

IA "Amitel" recalls major aircraft crashes that occurred in Russia and the world in recent years.

October 31, 2015 AIRBUS-321 liner crashed, flying from Egypt to Russia. The fragments of the aircraft were found on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. Died 224 people.

17 july 2014. In the Donetsk region failed the Boeing 777 airline Malaysia Airlines. The plane followed Amsterdam in Kuala Lumpur. On board were 283 passengers and 15 crew members. All died. According to Wikipedia, in the number of dead, this catastrophe became the largest in the history of aviation from September 11, 2001 and entered the top ten largest in history.

March 8, 2014 Boeing 777-200ER disappeared by Malaysia Airlines airline, which has routeed on the route from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) to Beijing (PRC). The plane disappeared in the sky over the South China Sea 40 minutes after departure. There were 239 people on board, of which 12 crew members. Until now, the space of the disaster and the causes of the disappearance of the aircraft. In January 2015, Malaysian authorities officially declared all passengers and crew members of the dead. The cause of the catastrophe is called an accident.

The largest in the history of mankind are planers of September 11, 2001.

11 september 2001. Boeing 767-223ER Flight 11 American Airlines is a passenger aircraft that was captured by terrorists. He became the first aircraft involved in the terrorist attack. The criminals sent a plane to the Northern Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. In the catastrophe killed 92 passengers of the aircraft and about one and a half thousand people as a result of the fall of the tower.

September 11, 2001 Boeing 767-222 Airlines United Airlines is the second passenger aircraft who captured the terrorists on this day. The plane crashed into the Southern Tower of the World Trade Center. 65 people who were on board the aircraft were killed, and about 900 people who were in the tower and next to her.

Russian catastrophes

November 17, 2013.Boeing 737 Tatarstan Airlines, flying from Domodedovo, failed during the landing at the airport of Kazan. Then killing 50 people. Among the dead - the son of President of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov and the head of the FSB office in the region Alexander Antonov.

April 2, 2012. The ATR-72 aircraft Utair crashed at take-off in Tyumen Roschino Airport. Killed 33 people. The cause of the catastrophe is a crew error.

September 7, 2011 At 16:05 MSK under Yaroslavl crashed the Yak-42 aircraft. On board were players of the Yaroslavl Hockey Club "Lokomotiv". The team flew to the capital of Belarus to the game with Minsk "Dynamo". The plane crash killed 44 people. Among them, players, coaches and serving staff of the club, as well as a flight crew. The only alive catastrophe remained an engineer of aviation and radio engineering services Alexander Sizov.

June 20, 2011. The Airline of the Tu-134 airline "Rusare" failed under Petrozavodsky. 47 people died, among them eight crew members.

September 14, 2008. Boeing-737 suffered in Perm. In case of falling, the board exploded, the burning wreckage fell on an unrohalled area, damaging the transmiba section. On board the aircraft there were 82 passengers, including 7 children, 6 crew members.

August 22, 2006 Tu-154 aircraft company Pulkovo Airlines, who followed the Anapa - St. Petersburg, crashed near Donetsk. Died 170 people. The cause of the accident was complex meteo conditions - there was a strong thunderstorm.

July 9, 2006. of the year Airbus A310-324 airlines S7. Airlines B. Irkutsk left beyond the runway and crashed into a garage complex. Died 152 man is 203 we were on board. The official cause of the tragedy is a mistake crew.

And we could not help but recall the 2004 catastrophe, in which Barnaulians died.

August 24, 2004 With a difference of one minute, two passenger aircraft were blown up: the Tu-154 of Siberia Airlines and the Tu-134 Volga Aviaxpress airline. Explosive devices on airplanes carried suicide terrorists. 90 people died. Among them, the team of Barnaul flight attendants: Olga Bykovskaya, Sergey Ivanov, Yana Tarsukova and Marina Huedeev.

In the honor of the dead flight attendants in 2005, a memorial complex was opened in Barnaul at Vlasihinsky cemetery.

Today, November 4, 2015, after only 5 days from the moment of a terrible air crash on the Sinai Peninsula, 224 people who had no longer life, and the other, by no means a smaller tragedy - in South Sudan suffered a cargo aircraft An-12. As a result of the incident, 41 people died, while two more people, according to initial data, which were on board a unfortunate aircraft, were delivered to the local hospital in critical condition.

The official investigation of the plane crash in South Sudan was still not officially started, and the rescuers did not even manage to detect the "Black boxes" air crash at the site, however, experts already express some versions of what happened. What happened to the An-12 aircraft in South Sudan, and under what circumstances a few dozen people died?

Technical malfunction of the An-12

The initial cause of the crash of the An-12 aircraft was called the technical malfunction of the aircraft. As noted by the direct witnesses of the aircraft crash, the aircraft, almost immediately after trying to make rise, began to smoothly lose the height, which came across the version of the failure of the aircraft. Nevertheless, the opinions of witnesses in the future were separated - some of them argued that the engines An-12 worked at least as ordinary citizens could see.

In addition, it is worth clarifying that the An-12 model has 4 aircraft engines, and even if two power facilities failed, then with a large probability of the aircraft could continue to fly, or at least return to the airport Juba.

Overloading of the aircraft

A few hours after the aircraft crash, Juba International Airport, made a statement that the An-12 aircraft could be overloaded. This version can be proved by the fact that in fact, the pilots of the aircraft carried out takeoff almost at the very border of the runway, and in addition, the aircraft immediately after a set of height, it became smoothly to lose it, and, overcoming the distance of 800 meters, fell next to the river.

According to representatives of the airport of Juba, there was a large amount of cargo on board the aircraft, and in addition, there was also an unclean number of passengers - according to some data on board An-12 there were 12 people (including crew members), however, information about That in the aircraft could be up to 20 people.

Nevertheless, according to the official fleet-technical characteristics of the aircraft, up to 21 tons of commercial burden may take up to 21 tons of commercial burden, and it is necessary to doubt that there was more cargo on board the aircraft, although at the moment these data need careful verification.

Error crew members

Specialists do not exclude the version that the An-12 aircraft could have crashes and because of the error of any of the aircraft crew members. This version is currently one of the most weeds due to the fact that it was possible to establish that at the time of departure from the airport, the plane was in good technical condition.

The first shots from the crash of An-12 in South Sudan

What could exactly go wrong, at the moment it turns out specialists, however, it is necessary to clarify that about 30% of the An-12 aircraft crashed over the entire time, they suffered raising precisely because of the human factor, and we are talking about more than 230 catastrophes with the participation of the model An-12.

Who exactly is to blame in the An-12 plane crash in South Sudan, the technique, or a person, will be to find out to those skilled in the art, however, even this will not allow to return to life dozens of ruined human lives.

Over the past two years, more than 10 large plane crash in civil aviation occurred in the world. Tragic wrecks occurred literally one after another, a total of more than 1 thousand people died in them.

Assemmed the top 5 largest plane crash, which occurred in 2015-2016.

Top 5 largest plane crash in the world over the past two years

the site collected the top 5 largest plane crash, which occurred in 2015-2016

May 19, 2016 Egyptair airlines, who followed Paris to Cairo. On board were 56 passengers from 12 states and 10 crew members. Ukrainians were not on board the aircraft. The plane was supposed to land at Cairo Airport at 03:05, but it disappeared from radar screens. Previously, the plane fell into the Mediterranean Sea. According to another information, the liner crashed from the Greek Island Carpathos (Island in the Aegean Sea). Egyptian authorities note that the causes of the disappearance are not yet established, the version of the terrorist attack is also not excluded. In the search operation, Greece and France are also involved.

Exactly 2 months ago March 19, 2016, In Rostov-on-Don when landing, flying from Dubai. On board the aircraft were 62 people (55 passengers and 7 crew members). All of them died. The plane landed in difficult weather conditions, there were several attempts to land. Liner collapsed on the airport runway.

October 31, 2015on the Sinai Peninsula, he broke the charter flight 7K-9268 along the route Sharm-Eshech - St. Petersburg. The plane disappeared with radars after 23 minutes after takeoff, and later his wreckage found near the city of Nekhel. This is the largest catastrophe in the history of Russian and Soviet aviation. On board were 224 people - 217 passengers and 7 crew members. Investigation of the causes of the aircraft crash continues. In the FSB of the Russian Federation, they said that on board worked a self-made explosive device with a capacity of up to 1 kg in TNT equivalent.

March 24, 2015 In the Olive Alps of the German Airlines Germanwings. Liner served as 4U9525 from Barcelona to Dusseldorf, there were 144 passengers and 6 crew members on board. The plane began a sharp decline and after crashed into the slope of the mountain. The investigation believes that the second pilot Andreas lovers deliberately sent a plane to the mountains, while he blocked the door to the cabin and did not let the crew commander. In addition, the investigation reported that he had suicidal inclinations.

Tskhinval, Jan 16 - Sputnik. The Turkish cargo plane Boeing 747 suffered a wreck in the morning of January 16 near the capital of Kyrgyzstan, performing the flight of Hong Kong Bishkek. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan, the aircraft collapsed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country village in the vicinity of the airport. According to preliminary data, about 15 residential houses of the village were destroyed, 20 people died in them.

Below is reference information RIA Novosti about major plane crash in the world from 2015

On December 25, the Tu-154 plane of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, who was heading to Syria, crashed a few minutes after departure from Sochi Airport. On board were 92 people - eight crew members and 84 passengers, including the eight military, 64 artists of the Aleksandrov ensemble, nine representatives of Russian TV channels, head of the Charitable Foundation "Fair Help" Elizabeth Glinka, known as Dr. Lisa, two federal civil servants. The first channel, NTV and Star reported about finding his employees on board.

On December 7, the plane, on board which was 47 people (42 passengers and five crew members), failed near the city of Javelian in Pakistan. The liner flew out of the city of Chitral in the north of the country and was to land in Islamabad. The pilot of the aircraft filed a disaster signal shortly before the liner disappeared with aircraft operators. Everything was killed in the catastrophe. The list of passengers of the aircraft published in the media includes 31 men, nine women and two children.

November 29 in Colombia 50 kilometers from Medellin crashed a plane. On board the aircraft were 77 people - nine crew members and 68 passengers, including players and staff of the Brazilian Football Club "Shapetevents", flying to the first meeting of the final of the South American Cup. The cause of the air crash has become an insufficient fuel supply in the liner. As a result of the accident, six people survived, of which three are players "Shapetevents", 71 people died.

On December 3, in Indonesia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ling Archipelago, located near the southern exit from the Malacca Strait, a police plane crashed out of the city of Pankalpinang on the bank of the bank. There were 13 people on board, they all died. According to the head of the Naval Base, Tanjungpinang, an explosion was heard before falling the aircraft.

On July 1, in the Irkutsk region, the IL-76 aircraft, which was engaged in extinguishing large-scale natural fires, did not communicate. A ground group of rescuers discovered the broken IL-76 south of the village of Fish Uyan on the slope of one of the hills. All ten crew members were killed.

On May 19, the Airbus A320 passenger aircraft Airlines Egyptair, who followed Paris to Cairo flight MS804, disappeared with radar. The aircraft disappeared 20 minutes after entering the space of Greece. On board were 66 passengers and crew members. A day later, the flew of the aircraft and the things of the passengers were found in the sea 290 kilometers north of the city of Alexandria.

On March 19, the passenger Boeing 737-800, flying from Dubai, failed in Rostov-on-Don. The plane fell to the left of the runway when landing under poor visibility conditions. On board were 55 passengers and seven crew members, they all died.

On February 24, the airline Airline Tara Airlines disappeared with radars in the mountains of Nepal. The plane flew out of the town of Pokhara and went to the city of Jomsom. On board the aircraft there were 23 people: 20 passengers, including two children, and three crew members. There are no survivors.

On October 31, the airbus-321 airline AirBus-321 Airlines "Kogalymavia", which was filled with 9268 Sharm-Eshech - St. Petersburg, flew from Egypt to 6.21 MSK and disappeared from radar screens after 23 minutes. On board were 217 passengers and seven crew members. The fragments of the Russian civil aircraft were found in the center of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. In the catastrophe nobody survived.

On August 16, the Indonesian passenger aircraft ATR Airline Trigana Air Service, who made the flight from the capital of the province of Jayapura to Oxybil Airport, broke in the Indonesian Province of Papua in the Indonesian Province. On board the aircraft were 49 passengers and five crew members, they all died.

On June 30, the Hercules C-130B Military Transport Plane, produced by the American airline Lockheed, fell on a residential quarter in the southwestern part of the capital of the Indonesian province North Sumatra about two minutes after takeoff from the Medan Base of the Suvondo Air Force (SOEWONDO) Flying only about five kilometers. Immediately before the catastrophe, the pilot told the dispatchers about the moves with the engine, the C-130 was crashed at the time when he unfolded to return to the base. On board a broken aircraft were 122 people, they died. Another 19 people died on Earth.

On March 24, in the south of France, the Alps of the Alps of the Upper Provence suffered a crash Airbus A320 aircraft owned by Germanwings and followed from Barcelona (Spain) to Dusseldorf (Germany). On board the airliner there were 142 passengers and eight crew members. All of them died. The record with the detached "black boxes" indicates that the catastrophe has become the result of the second pilot's intentional actions - the German citizen of Andreas Lubitz.

On March 10, there were two helicopters at an altitude of Villa Castellia in Argentina at an altitude of about 100 meters, on board who were parties to shoot a reality show about survival in difficult conditions - Dropped. As a result, the plane crash died all ten people (eight French and two Argentines-Pilot), among whom were the 2012 Olympic Games champion in swimming Camille Muffa, Bronze Prize-winning Games 2008 Boxer Alexis Wasteten, as well as the famous Yachtsman Florans Arto.

On February 4, in Taiwan, the ATR 72 aircraft flew out from Taipei Songshan Airport from Taipei Songshan Airport in the direction of Jinmen Archipelago, Zing Bridge and fell to the Jilun River. On board were 53 passengers, including 31 tourists from the PRC and five crew members. As a result of the incident killed 43 people.

On January 26, in Spain, the Greek Air Force plane, which participated in the NATO Tactical Guide Program (Tactical Leadership Program), could not gain height at the time of takeoff and fell to the land in the zone where other aircraft were. He rammed a few of them. As a result of the catastrophe killed 11 people, another 20 were injured.

On January 18, in Syria, the army cargo plane crashed in the area of \u200b\u200bAbu-Az-Zuhur Airport in the province of Idlib because of bad weather. At least 35 soldiers died.