Relaxation. Natural attractions in Dominican Animal Mir of Dominican Republic

Animal world Dominicans

Enjoy the beauty of natural nature manifests travelers in Dominican Republic. And pay for positive emotions from a meeting with unique animals in their habitats.

Park Haraguo.

In the south of the country, Haragua Park is located with the famous salted lake. Laguna de Oviedo with emerald water is surrounded by mangrove forests in which rare species of birds live. Pink flamingos feel the masters, they are not afraid of cameras of the cameras. Here, proudly stroke white herons, ibis and hoods.

If we are patient, you can meet with major iguani-rhosses. May - October - the time of observation of the marine turtles. Green, Turtle Louds, Kaguamo and other species sometimes reach almost two meters long.

Ester Hondo Park

The landmark of Dominican Republic is a sea cow. The huge reserve of Lamaninov is located in Estero Hondo, the territory of which is spread in the province of Puerto Plata. Animals live in a special pond. Park employees tell about this amazing endangered form of animals. You can watch the young laminanins in the natural conditions for them. Here they also acquire souvenirs in the form of these unusual animals.

Bay of Samana

January - March is the time of arrival of humpback whales in the Bay of Samana. Boat excursions spend sailors. They swim to mammals as close as possible. The marriage games of the sea giants and their incredible jumps are clearly visible from the shore.

Los Iites Reserve

A fascinating tour of the boat will have to people traveling on the Los Iites Reserve. Morked bamboo groves and mangrove thickets have become a shelter for beautiful pelicans, amazing frigates and other feathered. Here they also remained in the original form of the cave of the ancient Indians Taino with the weak pictures.

Enimal Edveche Park

A huge piece of tropical paradise on the ocean - this is the Park Empweed Emp. Lovers of acute sensations are invited to swim next to sharks and skates, which are separated from people with a transparent partition, cute marine cats and smart dolphins. The show with the participation of sea cats and lions is often held, and the performances of trained birds become a real holiday for their lovers.

Here live bright striped Bengal tigers and their special fellow with blue eyes and white fur. Exotic iguanas of different sizes, tucanis with huge heavy beaks, reptiles and monkeys - all this can be seen for 70 cu.

Manati Park

Manati Park - perfect placewhich can be visited with children. Here on the schedule are held various shows with animals. Schedule is better studied at the entrance. The demonstration performances of dancing horses, the show dolphins and choral singing of the parrots can be completely covered in one day visits. Walking through the park and admire the predatory crocodiles, iguan and crabs, turtles of all the textures and featheres of various colors and sizes are recommended in breaks between the show.

The cost of visiting the fleet for adults 35 USD, for adolescents 20. You can spend a child for up to 2 years old.

The animal world of Dominican Republic is a bright journey and medicine from stress.

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Vegetable world

The tropical country of the Dominican Republic is distinguished by unique landscapes and landscapes, as well as wealth of flora and fauna. Not one year will have to spend to explore the extraordinary flora and fauna of the Dominican Republic. From official data it is clear that there are about 8,000 species of plants, of which 1800 are unique plants that are no longer found anywhere on the planet. The total number of plant species in the dominicine exceeds three times the number of plant species throughout Europe.

Haiti Island, where Dominican is located, the stable fortune of late spring throughout the year, because of this, flowers are constantly blooming here, and trees are covered with greens all the time. In the coastal islands, it is mostly cacti and spiny shrubs, as drought prevails in most of the time. But on the rest of the territory of the republic, the plant is fully rushed with each other, characteristic of moderate latitudes and tropical trees, which is a very rare phenomenon and is not repeated anywhere else in the world. On the flat surface, shrubs, dwarf trees grow, flowers, and along each beach - coconut palms and mangrove trees, thanks to which the coast is protected from hurricanes.

There are about 3000 species of exotic flowers growing in Dominican Republic. Among this variety of paints and odors, the main stage is occupied by orchid. There are a huge number of orchids, including a special kind that is equal to national value, to export it outside the country is prohibited.

From agricultural plants, bananas, coffee, cocoa, sugar cane are grown here, chocolate and coffee trees, coconut palms, pineapple and orange groves, many diverse tropical fruits. The cutting of trees in the Dominican Republic is legally prohibited.

Animal world

The extraordinary and exceptional nature of Dominican was almost completely destroyed due to wars and civilization, which spread very quickly in the island, thanks to colonization. On the island destroyed all major mammals. Many species of animals are under the protection of the state. However, Dominican is able to surprise any tourist with a variety of marine inhabitants in the lagoons. There is no shark here, because they are protected by coral reefs, so that maritime residents are provided with nutrition and the ability to multiply. Here you can meet the extraordinary beauty of bright fish, shrimps, lobs, crabs. An incredible spectacle is humpback whales in their natural environment. Here they produce offspring, here for this favorable conditions, a lot of food and warm water of the Bay of Samana. Also in the coastal of Dominicans live marine cows, dolphins.

There are several types of skulls on land, including a rare species - leathery turtle, which is an extinct view. Turtles appear to postpone in the sand eggs. Eggs peeled with leather turtles are carefully protected by the state in law.

In the Dominican Republic there are approximately 250 varieties of birds. Unique views of Albatrosov, Flamingo, Herons, Cranes, Amazon Parrots, Hummingbirds, Palm Chackan and others.

In Dominican, there are no poisonous snakes. Among the reptiles, here you can see the six-meter boa boys, unique instances of lizards, crocodiles, iguan rhinos. And this is not a complete list of animals living in the Dominican Republic.

Entrances and Terms

The company "Two Banana" offers tourist services, including excursions, tours, trips, visits, recreational and cultural .. Any individual, which comes to the site and the receiving rules and conditions is a "buyer". Then "Two Bananas" and the buyer will jointly be called "Parties".

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"Two Banan" accepts an application and checks the availability of the date of interest to the buyer;

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The Buyer undertakes to confirm the reservation by carrying out 100% of the cost of the cost of services, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

1.3. Reservations are considered completed at the time of sending "two banana" confirmation of booking by e-mail or other ways to communicate to the buyer.

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3.1. "Two Banan" undertakes:

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3.2. "Two Banana" is entitled:

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5.1.5. "Two Banana" may terminate the provision of services without paying compensation to the Buyer, if the buyer makes it impossible to provide services to its rude and inappropriate behavior. In addition, in this case, the buyer is obliged to compensate for "two banana" damage in the amount of the full cost of services and other losses.

5.2. Canceling booking and providing services by the Buyer:

5.2.1. The buyer has the right to cancel booked services. Cancellation is made by sending an email or other methods of communication specified in the Contacts section. The excursion unpaid earlier must be canceled for at least two days before it. If the excursion or service was paid in advance (as required by the company's internal rules and the cooperation agreement with the contractor "Two Banan"), a 100% refund of the amount is possible with a good reason for the cancellation of a tour or service, as well as advance (minimum 4 days) Informing "Two Bananas "

5.2.2 If at the date of the beginning of the tour / trip, the buyer did not appear at the appointed time at the meeting place, then "two bananas" reserves the right to keep the full cost of services.

6. Responsibility of the parties and dispute resolution

6.1. For all issues not resolved by these Rules and Conditions, the Parties agree to be guided by the legislation of the Dominican Republic.

6.2. Any complaints from the buyer should be announced to managers, guides or managers "two banana" immediately and should include arguments regarding the inconsistency of the services described on the site and services provided to the buyer. The buyer undertakes to cooperate with "Two Banana" and expect while its substantiated complaint will be settled in place, as well as to make proposed decisions that continue the provision of services. If the buyer's complaint cannot be solved immediately and in place, the buyer has the right to send it together with documents confirming its right, by email or other communication methods. "Two Banan" will consider the complaint within a reasonable time and in accordance with these Rules and Conditions. Return of funds, after consideration of the complaint, can be carried out in the amount of the amount equal to the unwordified part of the services, according to the calculations of "two bananas", but cannot exceed the full value of all services rendered.

6.3. "Two Banana" is not responsible for services / products provided by third parties.

6.4. "Two Banan" is not responsible for injuries, damage, loss, accidents, delays or deviations from the schedule, the emergence of expenses or other problems with the buyer in connection with the violation of liabilities from hotels, transport companies or other companies and services providing services, included in the buyer purchased services.

6.5. If it is established that any provision of these rules and conditions is illegal, invalid or impracticable in accordance with the legislation of the Dominican Republic, it will be removed from the rules and conditions, and the remaining provisions of the rules and conditions will remain in full force and continue to be mandatory for execution.