Croatia p. Report on a trip to Croatia

general description

It is the largest island of Croatia in the western part of the country. Doctors justifies recommend the resort for people with problems with the respiratory system, because the territory of Istria is completely downed with pine and deciduous trees. The island will be an oasis of calm and measured life, here you can relax from noisy urban streets.

In addition to the healing program, the island has prepared saturated excursion routes for tourists. In Istria, excellent opportunities for cognitive tourism. A lot of tracks for cycling and hiking are laid in the resort areas. It is believed that it is on these lands that the purest oil from olives is prepared, the best in the territory of all of Europe, and the wines are not bad competition with Italian drinks. With confidence it can be argued that the best tennis players of the world are training here.

Istria is famous for rocky shores, green hills, forests, vineyards. The attention of holidaymakers will attract the national environmental zone - Briun Park, consisting of more than 10 island formations. The smallest city of the globe is located here. Its population is only about 20 citizens and this fact is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The best cities and resorts of Istria

Attractions on Istria Island abound in order to learn the history of the edge. Mandatory visits deserves the most tiny city on the whole globe - Hum, population ...

Climate in Istria

The climate at the largest Peninsula of Croatia is sufficient enough, the rains are extremely rare, especially in the summer.

Hot temperatures are easily transferred thanks to strong winds, which carries the Adriatic Sea to the shores. The strongest wind blows from the northeastern side and is called boron, cold air masses, allowing to move hot weather. The opposite, warm wind - sirocco carries air from the southeast side. For a beach holiday, it is better to go to the island from July to September, and for cognitive tourism any other time of the year will suit.

Authors: Alexey Kovalenko

Video from Istria

Authors: Alexey Kovalenko

Istria is a worthy place for excursion routes. From here you can go to neighboring countries, for example, to Venice or Italy for one day to study neighboring attractions. For such purposes, a visa will be a prerequisite. If you have a Slovenian visa, the path to the Alps will be opened for tourists, which can be reached in a few hours by car.

Excursions are organized from Istria to several national Croatian parks, for example, on the lakes. Plitvice reservoirs are included in the World Heritage List. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reserved zone is approximately 200 square meters. More than 10 lakes are connected together with almost a hundred waterfalls. Through the lakes grow thick, virgin thickets of forests. All reservoirs are freely available for vacationers, which makes them even more attractive. All over the park you can move on a boat or a small train. The cost will be approximately 60 - 80 euros.

Adherents of outdoor activities will be offered a trip to the mountain. The city is an ideal place for climbers and climbers, both beginners and advanced. It is possible to study the surroundings and independently, both in a hiking and a rented car.

Authors: Alexey Kovalenko

History of Istria

The first settlements on the peninsula arise more than 7 thousand years ago, during the neolithic period. The land has long been attracted to its territory of tribes with his fertility and yield. Archaeologists during ...

Where is it better to stop, traveling in Istria?

Hotels on Peninsula Istria are represented by different categories. Most of them are focused on marine coasts, the cost of rooms in this case increases significantly. Most hotels ...

Activities in Istria

Lovers of an active lifestyle will be delighted with local resorts. Immediately it is worth noting that the best tennis players come on the peninsula, though not the whole world, but Europe is accurate. All because the courts are equipped in all modern requirements, differ in special comfort and quality.

There are no little shopping, entertainment, sports centers in Istria, where fun both children and adults. Beaches are a separate niche in plans for rest. Almost all of them are the owners of the Blue Flag, which gives the right to call the coastal zones is environmentally friendly. If we are tired of catamarans, water, sand, walking around the sea, it's time to go through the local restaurants, or as they are called "Konobam". Each establishment is represented by a separate family that invests recipes transmitted from generation to generation.

The abundance of vegetation and forests make it possible to walk, run or ride a bike on winding paths, among coniferous and hardwood trees. The presence of mountains and hills implies activity for lovers of mountaineering and climbing. The required inventory can be hire for a small cost. Istria is a unique protected zone offering worthy, and, most importantly, a variety of activities.

Authors: Alexey Kovalenko

The transport system of the peninsula is developed more than good. Many cities along the entire embankment run on a regular basis, small trains carrying passengers from the hotel to the beach.

It is best to move around the resorts on a bike, on landscaped areas, especially since the landscape is quite smooth about the shores. In the pool, the largest city of the peninsula there is a car and railway station. If the time in the edge, you should rent a personal car, which will be able to smoke the entire peninsula in a short period of time.

Authors: Alexey Kovalenko

Peninsula Istria: How to get?

Since Istria is a fairly developed tourist resort, then the transport system is well developed. It will most conveniently reach the place through the aircraft. Air service connects Moscow airports and pools. Time in the flight will take about three hours.

On the island there are ports where the vessel is moored. Choosing the required resort you can use the ship. Despite a long journey, this type of transport has an indisputable plus - the ability to inspect unique natural landscapes. From other parts of Croatia on the peninsula regularly go bus flights. By the way, the bus is the most economical travel option.

Authors: Alexey Kovalenko

Souvenirs in Istria

Since the peninsula is famous for the high degree of environmental friendliness, then thinking about souvenirs, it is worth paying attention to edible gifts. For example, olive oil from these edges is famous for taste and ...

Istria is the largest Peninsula of Croatia and the western district of the country. Because of the abundance of pine and deciduous trees, doctors recommend this place to people suffering from respiratory diseases, and the calm atmosphere of the peninsula allows guests to thoroughly relax and eliminates the "major megalp syndrome". In addition, there is a rather extensive and interesting "excursion".

Istria has long been positioned as a wonderful place for eco-tourism, and this is true. A lot of cycling routes and a foot tourism trail are laid here (all maps and prospectuses can be found in the information desk at each resort). Moreover, it produces the cleanest olive oil in Europe here, and local wines have long been considered a worthy competition of neighbor-Italy. And, finally, it is here that professional tennis players train if not from all over the world, then from all over Europe. The quality of the coatings is above all praise, and the price that is asked for renting the court, just ridiculous.

Istria is famous for its picturesque (rocky) coast, amazing on the beauty of hills, pine forests and grapes, from which they produce excellent wine, the most famous brands of which are Pinot, Malvazija and Teran. On the peninsula is the smallest city of the world of Hum, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Here is the Briun National Park, which is the archipelago of two large and twelve small islands. Another of the attractions of Istria - the Limsky Bay next to Vrsar, stretching deep into the sushi a few kilometers.

From the peninsula, you can go on day trips to the Italian cities in Venice and Trieste (for this you need a visa), and if I have a Slovenian visa, you can go to the Alps (only two hours by car). From here you can visit two of the seven National Parks of Croatia - Plitvice Lakes (a trip for a whole day ~ 70 EUR) and brionic archipelago (half a day ~ 35 EUR).

A trip to Venice for all day will cost 65-75 EUR. Day excursion to the Italian city of Trieste will cost about 65 EUR (residents of Croatia never buy clothes in their homeland, and go to Trieste). Day in Zagreb will cost 55 EUR. Zagreb is called "Little Vienna" for its similarity with the capital of Austria).

On the peninsula is the smallest city of the world of Hum, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records

Marine Cruise Rovinj Fjord Lim for half a day: ~ 20 EUR, tour to Istra for all day: ~ 40 EUR, "Rustic party": ~ 30 EUR, including dinner with the tasting of Istrian Murlo and Malvasia. Cave of the Boutined, Porec, Limsky Canal: ~ 25 EUR, Fish Picnic (for all day): ~ 25 EUR, Rafting on the river on Kayak: ~ 60 EUR.

Sports-minded tourists should go to the town of Equal to the mountain - a real paradise for lovers of mountaineering and rock climbing, cycling and just nature.

Excursion to Plitvice Lakes. Plitvice lakes are declared by the National Park and are brought by UNESCO in the list of world monuments of nature. The territory of the park takes more than 200 square meters. km. This is a cascade of 16 lakes connected by 92 terraced waterfalls. The lakes are surrounded by a thick untouched forest, and the water in them has an amazing turquoise color (this is due to the increased content of copper salts). All lakes are open to visit: Tourists can make a tour around the entire fleet on a small train or motor boat. The program is designed for the whole day and includes a stop for lunch. The road in one direction takes more than four hours.

Prices on the page are shown in November 2018.

  • Where to stay: nudists, as well as connoisseurs of silence, peace and authentic atmosphere of the Middle Ages - in Vrsara; Romance - B.

Peninsula Istria covers an area of \u200b\u200b3160 square meters. km, almost the whole territory is under the control of Croatia, and only a small part belongs to neighboring Slovenia. The peninsula was named after the local residents of the ancient tribes "Histra", which did not stand the onslaught of the tribes of the Celts and disappeared forever. Sandalj's cave, located near the town of Pula, keeps unique samples of ancient art: historians believe that they are more than one million years!

Istria was a clearly tagged piece on the entire coast of the Adriatic Sea, because she was encroached for all its existence. She alternately belonged to the Venice Republic, then France, after that he was part of Austria-Hungary, Italy, Germany, Yugoslav Republic. After the decay of the latter, Istria went to Croatia.

Such a turbulent story imposed a very tangible imprint on the cultural heritage of Istria, and today in the museums of numerous resorts of the peninsula you can find samples of architecture, art and literature. Istria can be called a unique place where the west with the East harmoniously united.

The highest point of Istria is a buckle, towering above sea level at a height of 1396 meters. At her green slopes, small towns with old buildings of the Middle Ages are comfortably located. The most famous among them are Grogun and Motovun, from each point of which the wonderful Panoramas of Istria are opening. Local landscapes can be compared unless with the species that are opening up with tourists in the most attractive places of Provence and Tuscany.

Binds the similarity of the abundance of wines and dishes that can easily argue with the famous French cuisine. Each tourist should certainly try local seafood, gentle sheep cheese and pass the dish, whose taste cannot be described or compared with something, it only needs to try it yourself. A good lunch will cost vacationers at $ 10-15, but many dishes are truly unique.

In Istria, there are quite a lot of natural attractions: a chain of small islands at the western coast of the peninsula, karst caves near the city of Pazin, and the beautiful Limsky Fjord is a narrow bay, which cuts through the peninsula on a lot of kilometers, glad the eye with picturesque shores.

Tours in Istria are very popular thanks to the developed infrastructure, a large number of hotels of various classes, luxury restaurants and a variety of attractions. In addition, it was the resorts of Istria that people who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system are visited, because the warm sea air is filled here with aromas of coniferous plants. In Istria, there are two Croatian national park of Brioni Archipelago and Plitvice Lakes.

Rest in Istria is needed to people who are tired of the rabid rhythm of large cities and want to enjoy a slowness and a dimension that Croats are used to live. At the same time, the developed infrastructure of all local resorts allows you to find entertainment for every taste, and hotels on the coast of the sea will delight with excellent service. Summer season in the resorts of Istria begins at the end of April and lasts until October.

Russian tourists rightly note that the week spent in one of the resorts of Istria is remembered more than a month anywhere else. By the way, with Istria, you can go on a tour of Venice, if you have a Schengen visa in your passport. In general, if you appreciate natural beauty, history and love to soak under the warm rays of the Sun on the pebble beach of the Istria peninsula will be exactly the place where it is all in abundance.

Peninsula Istria is one of the most popular resort regions of Croatia. Tourists call Istria by the paradise, where the measured and relaxing atmosphere reigns.

Nature is surprisingly beautiful here: the purest sea, the rocky coast, pine forests and deciduous parks - and in this beauty so well fit the vintage cities and modern hotels. It remains, perhaps, add only that Istria is listed on the list of best places for family holidays Europe "S Best Destinations.

All the most important about the resorts, beaches, attractions and the choice of time to relax with children in Istria - in the review of Kidpassage.

Istria on the map of Croatia

Istria - Peninsula in the north-west of Croatia, washed by the water of the Adriatic Sea. Almost all of the territory of the island is of Eastrian catering (district) with the administrative center in the city of Pazin.

The distance from Zagreb to the main resort cities of Istria: to Pula - 267 km, to Rovinj - 249 km, to Porec - 248 km, to Umaga - 259 km, to Rabassa - 226 km, to Opatiya - 174 km.

It is worth looking at the map where Istria is located, and immediately can be assumed, on what pages of the story there will be mention of this peninsula: Roman Empire and the subsequent merger of Romance and Slavic culture, the Venetian Republic and an unprecedented cultural flowerflower, Austria-Hungary and the emergence of the first resorts.

After World War I, Istria was included in Italy, and after the Second World War it turned out to be part of Yugoslavia. Now most of the peninsula belongs to Croatia, less - Slovenia and completely tiny - Italy.

What does all this mean for travelers? Holidays on wonderful beaches of Adriatic, excursions for beautiful old cities and acquaintance with the kitchenwhere the Italian and Croatian traditions intertwined, that is, all that leaves the most pleasant impressions.

Vacation with children

Rest in Istria often plan families with children. The main advantages of the region are obvious: a convenient location, a soft climate, a prosperous ecological situation, a variety of resorts. If you look at the peninsula of the closeries, other positive sides will be noticeable.

Let's start with the fact that a third of the territory of Istria occupy pine forests and parks.

Pines grow straight along the coast, creating natural protection against sunlight. Air here is a healing, suitable for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Many come to Istria with children to forget about protracted bronchitis, tonsillitis and even asthma.

Next plus - lack of large cities. The resorts of Istria are deprived of bustle and sweat even in a high season, so if you want to relax with the child in a quiet, but not a sleepy town, boldly choose Rovinj, Porec, Rabac or other resorts of the peninsula.

Tourist infrastructure Istria pleases, there is a good selection of hotels, apartments, villas - and all this at relatively low prices. You can prefer a family-run hotel with all amenities for recreation with an infant child or inexpensive apartments, if you are going to spend the maximum time on the beach and travel.

Fair for the sake of the sake of the shortcomings. In Istria for children not so much entertainment, but platform beaches are not always comfortable. For swimming kids. The resorts seek to correct the situation, equipping the playgrounds and drawing up small beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea.

But on the peninsula, much attention is paid to sports. Here you can see tennis courts, numerous bicycle paths, a variety of water sports entertainment.

When it is better to go

The duration of the tourist season in Istria is determined by the weather and the presence of flights. The weather favorable for beach rest and excursions is installed in mid-May and keeps until mid-September, respectively, before and after these dates, the number of flights to Istria is negligible.

The peak of the workload of the resorts of the peninsula falls on July-August. For a relaxing holiday, it is better to come to the opening of the season in Istria, that is, at the end of May - June.

True, it will have to do without swimming in the sea: In order not to deprive the pleasure of refreshing in the heat, look at the hotel with pools for adults and children. Many interesting events on the peninsula also takes place in the summer.

In Umag and Rovinim, those who want to look at the sailing regatta. Rabats in June suits the colorful carnival. In July, fans of folk music collects Porec. In different cities, a Croatian kitchen fairs are organized several times over the summer with compulsory entertainment for children.

Well, in if you go, you can see something interesting, from the tag of bikers to jazz concerts, which is hardly every day. It seems the question when it is better to go to Istria, I decided myself.

Weather and climate

The Istria climate is very soft, so even on the hottest days at this resort and adults, and children feel fine. It would be logical to assume that in the very northernmost resort region of Croatia is slightly colder than in the middle or southern Dalmatia, but in fact, the difference in temperatures is almost imperceptible.

On vacation with a child in Istria you can come already at the end of May. The sea is still cold, but the air has time to warm up to + 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. Sometimes May is extruded very hot, although there are cool days.

By June, the weather stabilizes: the thermometers columns confidently overcome the mark + 25 ° C, and occasionally get to + 30 ° C. While the heat did not become the norm, you can relax well with the baby in Istria.

Knowing comes to the peninsula in July. The average air temperature in the second half of the summer is + 28 ° C, but the sun does not bother and + 35 ° C. The situation saves sea breeze, but still do not need to abuse sunny baths.

Meanwhile, the best rest in Istria with children is rest in July-August, because only by this time the sea becomes truly warm.

With the arrival of autumn, the weather is usually spoiled. They often come rain, and the air quickly cools. The average temperature of September is about + 24 ° C, but cooling up to + 16-20 ° C is not uncommon. It happens that September gives a week or two wonderful summer weather, but the autumn vacation in Istria is more likely to be called unpredictable.

Note that the rains on the peninsula go all year round. In May-June, precipitation is quite frequent, clear weather prevails in July-August. The most rainy month is September.

Another feature of some resorts of Istria - cold night. If in Porec, Rovini or Rabana in the evening the temperature drops to + 19-22 ° C, then in opates, it is cold to + 15-16 ° C, and in June and September can only be + 13 ° C.

Sea water temperature

Istria is the northernmost resort, and the swimming season ends a little earlier than, say, in the central and southern part of the coast. But after all, almost three months you can swim here, for a long time without getting out of the water.

Sea temperature on the East and West Bank of Istria differs almost on degrees. When the vacationers are careful in Rabatz, whether the water is good, tourists in Porec and Rovinine already boldly bathe.

Suitable for swimming time comes from mid-June, when the sea warms up to + 22 ° C. By early July, the water temperature in Istria rises to + 24 ° C, and in two weeks it reaches + 25-26 ° C. Until the end of August, the sea remains as warm. If hot weather is held for a long time, the sea can warm up to + 28-30 ° C.

With the arrival of autumn, water becomes invigorating. Even in early September, the sea retains the temperature + 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, but by the end of the month cools up to + 20-21 ° C.


Croatia hotels are not too trying to seduce tourists with a full board or "all inclusive" concept. Usually, only breakfasts are offered in hotels, and at lunch or evening travelers rest in Kondobah - National Kitchen restaurants, where portions are huge, and the prices are moderate.

Kitchen Istria is rich in seafood, vegetables, but also here in honor of meat. Most dishes in the menu are suitable for a child who does not need special nutrition.


Public transport in Istria is focused most on the maintenance of tourists, because in small cities you can easily move on foot or bicycles.

But in Porec and Umage, tourist trains connect hotels with the city center. Travel in such a train costs 10-20 kun, the same price acts on tickets for children.

But in Rovini there are river trams connecting the city with Brioni Islands. Ticket for this type of transport costs 15 kun.

A bus service with the city of Labin has been established in Rabac. In high season, buses depart every hour (there is an accurate schedule on the tourist site of the community). The trip costs 20 kun.

Opatii has three bus routes. Tickets for the bus are best bought in tobacco kiosks, then the cost of two trips will be 15-30 kun. Tickets for 10-20 kun, which are sold on the bus, give the right to one trip.

Most of all bus routes in the pool, and buses and bus goes to the nearest suburbs. Ticket ticket costs 8 to 25 kun.

Intercity transport in Istria is quite convenient for trips to excursions. Buses go through all resort towns and allow you to get even to remote attractions.

Due to the convenience of bus routes, Istria on Taxi is less popular. Taxi in Croatia is a relatively expensive type of transport, and a short trip will cost at least 40-50 kun.

A taxi from the airport will cost 35-200 euros, while tickets for a direct bus Shattl from the airport to the resorts, depending on the distance, cost 3-40 euros when buying online and 4-50 euros when buying from the driver.

Peninsula Istria or in Croatian Istra (Istra) - One of the most popular tourist regions of Croatia, thanks to its rich history, a variety of architectural monuments, the purest sea, excellent opportunities for recremities and proximity to Western European countries.

Istria is the most environmentally friendly region of Croatia, more than 40 Istria beaches are assigned blue flags - an international sign of recognizing the preservation of natural wealth, developed infrastructure, as well as a well-developed and well-thought-out system for the coastal territory and the attention of the authorities to the development of the tourism industry in the region.

Location Istria

Istria is the largest Peninsula of the Adriatic Sea, it is located in the northwestern part of the country (this is the most Western Material point of Croatia).

From the north-west of the Istria peninsula lies Trytyst Bay (named so on the Italian city of Trieste), from the east - Quince Bay (Kvarner).

The surface of Istria is a hill, descending by a bias from the north to the south, filled with the sorts of mountain range Karst. Highest peak - Study ( Ucka., 1396 m). From the Kvarentian Bay, where the fathers are suitable for the very sea, they form the rocks and rocks. The largest rivers - Mirna on the West Bank and Rasha on the east and the only small Chepitsky lake.

The rugged bank of the peninsula creates an extremely large number of bays and harbors - the largest bay is narrow Limsky Fjord (Limsky Canal).

A small part of the peninsula in the north belongs to Slovenia.

How to get to Istria

In Poole is an international airport (IATA code: PUY.ICAO code: LDPL).

Automotive highway connects Istria with croatia and neighboring countries:

  • Zagreb / \u200b\u200bPula - 240 km
  • Rijeka / Pula 90 - km
  • Trieste (Italy) / Pula - 115 km
  • Border with Slovenia / Pula - 80 km

By water, you can reach Istria on the ferry, next of Venice and other Italian cities.

History of Istria

Istria got its name on the mysterious tribe of unclear origin - istramwho lived on the peninsula at least from the Bronze Age. Istra were familiar to the ancient Greeks, they are mentioned in the myths about argonauts. Greeks gradually colonized the peninsula, after it was captured by the Romans. After the fall of Rome, the German tribes and the peninsula were invited to Istria, was attached to the Frank Kingdom. From VII century Slavic peoples appear in Istria, but no displacement, no assimilation of the Romanesque population occurred, the ethnic groups coexisted for a long time, experiencing mutual influence, but not merging.

The Golden Institute of Istria was the period of joining Venice, the peninsula survived the cultural and economic flourishing, many historical sights of Istriya belong to the Venetian period.

After the fall of Venice, Istria was included in Austria, and according to the results of the First World War, Italy walked. Under the rule of Mussolini Istria was tough italianization. After the Second World Istria was included in Yugoslavia and the reverse process began - rigid deitenation. With the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the peninsula was mostly in Croatia and a small plot in Slovenia.

Sights of Istria

In Istria, you need to see the ancient Roman amphitheater in the pool, medieval Basilica of Porec and Venetian fortresses.

Popular Truffle plantations near Motovna and dinosaur bones in the sea depths near Rovini.

The main resorts of Istria: Umag, Novigrad, Porec, Vrsar, Rovinj, Pula, Medulin, Rabats, Opatia, Lovera, Brioni Islands.

Beaches in Istria are quite varied: stony, pebble, natural beaches platforms and artificial concrete slabs.

From the peninsula you can go on day trips to the Italian cities of Venice and Trieste (for this you need a visa).

Hotels in Istria

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