Archipelago in the Indian Ocean Possession of Great Britain. School encyclopedia

Published Fly Hunting in the BTR, 01/10/2013 - 03:51


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Attractions of the British Territory in the Indian Ocean

Here there are all the conditions for the beach holiday - the magnificent sandy beaches with small sand and palm trees that create a pleasant coolness. If such " lazy"Holidays you do not like it, you can always diversify it and enjoy a variety of water sports: diving, rowing on kayaks, yachting, windsurfing and fishing. At the same time, you will enjoy charming landscapes everywhere, feeling like in a fairy tale!

Nature richly bestowed these islands with beautiful places, which today are reserved territories, for which it is customary to move on foot or bicycles. Diego Garcia Island can be compared with a green carpet - it is so magnificently covered with tropical vegetation. Walking through the islands, you will see many marine animals and exotic birds. Elephant turtles are found here, and lives the largest population of coconut crabs.

Fishing lovers can get on the islands a lot of pleasures from their beloved classes. For this, they only need to purchase a special license for fishing in the highlighted zone. Clap will be wonderful, because coastal waters in these parts are extremely rich in fish. On the islands, the temperature is rarely below 30 ° C, so there can be almost at any time of year. The most important thing is not to go here in the season of powerful tropical cyclones.


British Territory in the Indian Ocean (Eng. British Indian Ocean Territory) - the overseas Territory of Great Britain, located in the Indian Ocean south of Maldives.

The British Territory in the Indian Ocean consists of the Chagos Archipelago, which includes 55 islands. The largest is the island of Diego Garcia (44 km²). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 60 km².

1. History

Once the phrase on Sanskrit "Lakshavipa" ("Thousand One hundred Islands") denoted the islands of Lakshavip, Maldives, Suwadiv and the Chagos Archipelago. Initially, they were managed from India, but they did not have a permanent population.

Maldives Sailors knew the Chagos Archipelago well. According to oral legends, they sometimes threw them into these islands, but the archipelago was considered too remote to settle it.

For the first time, Chagos Archipelago mapped Vasco Da Gama, sailing past in the XVI century.

In the XVIII century, France declared Chagos to their possession as part of the Mauritius colony. Since 1815, in the Parisian peace treaty, Chagos (as part of Mauritius) passed into the possession of Great Britain.

In the XIX century, the coconut palm trees began to be redeemed on the island of Diego Garcia for the production of copra, for this, workers were delivered from India (there were no residents on the archipelago).

On November 8, 1965, Great Britain separated the Chagos Archipelago from the island of Mauritius, and founded the British Ocean Territory on It in Indian Ocean to establish a military base to Diego Garcia. Due to the construction of a military base from 1967, Chagos residents (about 1,200 people) were resettled by the British authorities to Mauritius and Seychelles.

2. Population

Now the population of the territory is military and civilian personnel (about 4 thousand people) of the British-American military base located on the island of Diego Garcia. Among civilian personnel, in addition to the British and Americans, the Mauritius and the Philipps.

3. Management

The territory is managed by the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Britain, constantly located in London. In place, his officer, commander of British forces on Diego Garcia.

4. Economy

No industrial and agricultural activities are maintained (except for maintenance of the base), but in London, fishing licenses in the 200-mile zone and commercial release of postage stamps are carried out.

5. International disputes

In the 1980s, Mauritius island announced his rights to own these territories, stating that the 1965 branch was illegal. The fact is that Article 6 of the UN Declaration No. 1514 "On Providing Independence to Colonial Countries and Nations" definitely determines the territorial integrity of the colonies, and since this declaration was adopted 5 years before the branch of the archipelago, then Mauritius theoretically have grounds for presenting claims to its territory. The UK did not recognize the rights of Mauritius, but agreed to convey to him the Chagos Archipelago when military necessity disappears in it.

Seychelles also declare their claims for the Chagos Archipelago, including Diego Garcia Island.

List of references:

    British Indian Overseas Territory (British Overseas Territory), Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

    UN Declaration No. 1514


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Located a little south of the Republic of Maldives and consists of the archipelago Chagos.which includes more than 60 islands of different shapes and sizes. It is located between Africa and Indonesia, representing one of the most remote land sites located among the exploits of the Indian Ocean.


To date, this British Territory is an exclusively military facility, where civilian personnel of the British and American military bases live. Among this personnel there are also Mauritius and Filipinos, working on a contract basis and maintained by the base. There are no industrial and manufacturing plants or factories here. Historically, several states claimed for these lands, but now the territory is subject to the Commissioner of the UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the actual representative of which is the commander of the British Armed Forces, located on the largest island of the archipelago - Diego Garcia.

Of course, in the British territory in the Indian Ocean there are no publicly available benefits of civilization, but there are several radio stations, there is a television channel and satellite communications, allowing military personnel to contact their families in their homeland by phone and with the help of other means of communication. The main article of income in the region is to sell licenses for fishing, in the British territory of the British territory. These licenses are sold in London and enjoy great demand from fishing lovers.

general information

The Square of the British Island Territory is only 60 square meters. km. The population that does not live here on a permanent basis, about 3,500 people. The main language on the islands is English. National currency - US dollar and British pounds. Time Zone UTC + 6. Time is ahead of Moscow for 3 hours. Country code of +246.

Brief excursion in history

For the first time, for the rest of the world, these shores opened the famous Portuguese navocanner Vasco da Gama, and in the XVIII century they were officially announced by the French, as part of the Mauritius colony. However, already in 1814, the territory was transferred to Great Britain, after which, up to the present day, Mauritius constantly presents his rights to island lands. Until the 60s of the last century, the locals, calling themselves with Chagossians lived here. They were engaged in agriculture and fisheries, but before the accommodation of the US-British military base, all the islanders were evaluated to obtain minimal benefits. The Island of Diego Garcia British was leased to the United States, which ends in a few years. For recently, the military base was applied to the appointment during the war in the Persian Gulf in the early 90s, the Afghan war of 2001 and the war in Iraq in 2003. Many indigenous people, a few decades ago forced to leave the archipelago, for a long time presented claim to the British government about the ban on return and even were heard. Now the indigenous islanders have the opportunity to visit their homeland, naturally, while still without the right to residence.


In the region reigns maritime tropical climate. Throughout the year, winds are blowing here, and the average air temperature from January to December ranges around +26 - +28 degrees. The precipitation falls quite a lot, but their main share falls for the period from November to February. Natural cataclysms are often in the form of storms and strong winds that blow up the unprotected island coast of the archipelago.

Geography . Chagos Archipelago, along with many reefs and small sites of the sushi surrounding, forms the appearance of the British territory in the Indian Ocean. It consists of 7 atolls, where Diego Garcia is in the role of Central, in turn, formed from 4 islands and occupying the area not many more than 27 square meters. km. Since 1973, there is a US military base. The military forces of Great Britain are only a small garrison. The remaining 6 atolls, including Egmont, Posos Banos, Salomon, Bank Big Chagos, Reef Blenheim and the Bank Speakers are not populated and represent a part of the tropical natural oasis of this archipelago.

Visa and customs regulations

To get to the British territory in the Indian Ocean is possible only at a special invitation of the British government or being a fundamental chagosz, which has documentary evidence confirming the fact of the place of birth.

How to get

On the island of Diego Garcia, which is part of the Chagos Archipelago, there is a military airport, consisting of one strip of 3 km long. He takes heavy bombers and other air transport related to the United States and UK aerial aviation. Also, you can get to the islands in water spaces of the Indian Ocean.


In essence, the aircraft binary motorway is the only inner road on the archipelago. Otherwise, there are no suitable for driving roads within sushi, and in the role of the only type of "public" transport is a bicycle.

While the majority goes out to sunbathe to the Seychelles, who know in holidays are already justified in hotels on the atolls of the British territory in the Indian Ocean.

Successful location and untouched by the civilization of nature in the blink of an eye made these islands are popular among the sophisticated tourists.

On the archipelago, the hot and humid climate, softened by the winds, and the temperature rarely falls below +30 ° C, which gives tourists the opportunity to relax here almost at any time of the year.

The main thing is not to come here in the season of strong tropical cyclones.


Dazzling beaches with small sand and creating the desired freshness of coconut palms - here all the conditions for the beach holiday of your dreams. And if the serene pastime will be bored with you, you can always diversify it with sea sports: diving, windsurfing, diving with a tube and walks on yachts.

Coastal waters will give fans fishing a lot of pleasure, because in these parts there are many fish.

Nature generously endowed these islands with picturesque places, many of which are today the territories of the reserves. During the Archipelago walks, you will meet a lot of marine animals and savory birds. There are many elephant turtles here, and this place is the house of the largest population of coconut crabs in the world.

The capital of the region, the island of Diego Garcia, is no coincidentally compared with the green carpet - it is so abounding with tropical vegetation.


Chinese and Creole Culinary Traditions were mixed in the local island kitchen. The fish is especially popular here, which is always seasoned by an impressive amount of sauces and spices.

Many sites in the local cookery are occupied by traditional oriental dishes: beans with vegetables, fried chicken, rice cakes and other goodies.

Visa How to get there?

The archipelago belonging to Great Britain consists of dozens of small coral islands, of which only one - Diego Garcia is inhabited. There are large air bases of the United States and the seaport for military vessels and submarines, which is used in jointly in Kingdom and America. Free to visit the island ... Read more

Border Nuances Customs

To get to the archipelago, it is necessary to prevent an invitation from the British government, well, or ...

British Territory in the Indian Ocean (British Indian Ocean Territory) is the overseas Territory of Great Britain, located in the Indian Ocean south of Maldives.

The British Territory in the Indian Ocean consists of the Chagos Archipelago, which includes 55 islands. The largest is the island of Diego Garcia (44 km²). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 60 km².

International disputes

In the XIX century, the coconut palm trees began to be redeemed on the island of Diego Garcia for the production of copra, for this, workers were delivered from India (there were no residents on the archipelago).

On November 8, 1965, Great Britain separated the Chagos Archipelago from the island of Mauritius, and founded the British Ocean Territory on It in Indian Ocean to establish a military base to Diego Garcia. Due to the construction of a military base from 1967, Chagos residents (about 1,200 people) were resettled by the British authorities to Mauritius and Seychelles.


The territory is managed by the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Britain, constantly located in London. In place, his officer, commander of British forces on Diego Garcia.


Now the population of the territory is military and civilian personnel (about 4 thousand people) of the British-American military base located on the island of Diego Garcia. Among civilian personnel, in addition to the British and Americans, the Mauritius and the Philipps.