The city of dead millionaires: what the most famous cemetery in the world looks like. What to buy in Poland, what is profitable to bring from Bialystok Will shopping centers and galleries be open?

Everyone knows that it is very profitable to go shopping to Poland. But what exactly makes sense to buy in this attractive country for tourists? What do enterprising guests from neighboring countries buy in Polish supermarkets?

TOP best buys

  • In first place are household appliances and electronics. In hypermarkets in Polish cities, prices for these goods are significantly lower, and the possibility of returning VAT makes them even more attractive.
  • In second place are repair products. In specialized stores, customers will find a huge selection of high-quality finishing materials, fittings, and tools. Windows, doors, floor coverings and much more are shipped from here.
  • Third place in the TOP list is occupied by auto parts and auto accessories.
  • The next group of popular products is clothing and shoes. Fashionistas and fashionistas know that in Polish stores you can dress fashionably and stylishly at very tempting prices.
  • Children's products are also on this list. This includes baby food, clothing, hygiene products, strollers, toys, furniture, school supplies.
  • Many tourists come to Poland to buy medicines, which can also be purchased here at attractive prices. It is noteworthy that pharmacies accept prescriptions issued in Belarusian clinics.
  • Household chemicals and cosmetics can always be found in the bags of tourists, even if they came for completely different goods.
  • Almost all foreign buyers also take food products home. It’s hard to resist buying delicious meat products and sweets in reserve. Tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks in local supermarkets are inexpensive, so visitors to the country rarely resist temptation.

Secrets of profitable shopping in Poland

Polish shopping experts recommend preparing for your trip in advance. Visit the websites of large shopping centers and hypermarkets, compare prices in various stores, get acquainted with profitable promotions, current discounts and motivational programs.

Our website contains addresses of shopping centers and hypermarkets, and other cities attractive to profitable purchases. Study their locations in advance, see how you can get to them, pay attention to the opening hours and weekends of hypermarkets.

Please note that no more than 50 kg of cargo can be transported across the border free of charge, while large goods must weigh no more than 35 kg. For everything else you will have to pay customs duty.

In addition, there are a number of other restrictions according to which it is not allowed to transport more than one unit of household appliances and other goods from a certain list, as well as to make no more than three large purchases during one visit to the country.

The property is full of architectural monuments, quiet streets lined with granite tiles, neighbors are millionaires, movie and sports stars, artists, sculptors and presidents. But this is not a place for the measured and peaceful life, but just the opposite - we are talking about “ city ​​of the dead"in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. Recoleta is one of the most beautiful and famous cemeteries in the world and an architectural monument protected by the state and UNESCO. This is both an active necropolis and a popular a tourist route simultaneously.

Maxim Lemos, professional cameraman and director, probably traveled to all countries Latin America and now works as a guide and travel organizer. On his website he posted detailed description Recoleta cemeteries and interesting stories associated with this place.

Recoleta does not look like a cemetery in the usual sense. Rather, it is a small town, with narrow and wide alleys, majestic crypt houses (there are more than 6,400 of them), incredibly beautiful chapels and sculptures. This is one of the most aristocratic and ancient cemeteries, which can be placed on a par with the famous Monumental de Staglieno in Genoa and Père Lachaise in Paris.

— Funeral traditions South America wild and creepy,” Maxim begins the “tour.” — The deceased is buried in a good coffin in a normal, beautiful crypt. But if these are not rich people, then they do not bury him there forever, since they have to pay to rent a beautiful crypt. Therefore, after 3-4 years the deceased is usually reburied. Why 3−4? So that the corpse has time to decompose enough so that it can be placed more compactly, now on a truly eternal refuge. It all looks like this. 3 years after the first funeral, the relatives of the deceased gather in the cemetery, near the crypt. Cemetery employees pull a coffin out of the crypt. Then they open it and, to the sobs of relatives “mama-mama...” or “grandmother-grandmother,” they transfer the half-decomposed corpse piece by piece from a beautiful coffin into a black plastic bag. The bag is carried solemnly to another part of the cemetery, and is stuffed into one of the small holes in the large wall. Then the hole is walled up and a sign is glued. When I found out about this, the hair on my head started to move.

The crypts are located quite close to each other, so the cemetery is quite small in area.

Here's Recoleta from a helicopter. It can be seen to be in the middle of a large residential area. Moreover, the square in front of the cemetery is the center of life in this area, there are many restaurants and bars.

The cemetery is active, so there are carts ready to transport coffins right at the entrance. At the top, above the main gate, is a bell. It is rung when a person is buried.

From 1910 to 1930, Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world. And during these times, there was an unspoken competition between the Argentine nobility to see who could build the most luxurious crypt for their family. Argentine capitalists did not spare money, they hired the best European architects, and the most expensive materials were brought from Europe. It was in those years that the cemetery acquired this appearance.

Whoever tried his best. For example, here is a crypt in the form of a Roman column.

And this one is in the form of a sea grotto.

Of course, the question naturally arises: what about the smell? After all, if you look closely, in every crypt there are coffins, the doors of the crypts - forged grilles with or without glass... There must be a smell! In fact, of course, there is no corpse smell in the cemetery. The secret is in the design of the coffin - it is made of metal and hermetically sealed. And it is simply lined with wood on the outside.

Those coffins that are visible in the crypts are just the tip of the iceberg. The main one is in the basement. There is usually a small staircase leading into it. Let's take a look into one of the basements under this crypt. Only one basement floor is visible here, there is another one below it, and sometimes there are three floors down. Thus, entire generations lie in these crypts. And there is still a lot of space there.

Each crypt belongs to a specific family. And usually it is not customary to write on the crypt the names of those who are buried there. Write only the name of the head of the family, for example: Julian Garcia and family. They usually don’t write any dates, and it’s not customary to post photographs of the deceased.

This is how you can come and in one fell swoop visit not only grandparents, but also great- and even great-great-grandfathers... But Argentines VERY rarely visit cemeteries. The entire mission of installing flowers, caring for, cleaning and maintaining the crypts is given to the cemetery servants. The owners simply pay them money for it.

There are crypts without any information at all. Ida, that's all! What kind of Ida, what kind of Ida? I walked under Ida for a couple of years and did not know about its existence until one tourist noticed it by accidentally looking up.

Skull and crossbones are quite common in crypts. This does not mean that a pirate is buried here, and this is not someone's inappropriate joke. This is Catholicism. Religion dictates that they decorate the crypts this way.

By the way, here is another secret of this cemetery: there are a huge number of cobwebs and, accordingly, spiders here (just look at the photographs). But there are no flies! What do spiders eat?

Special tours of this cemetery are offered in Spanish. And the guides tell stories that match this cemetery: not boring and scientific, but exciting and fascinating - like Latin American TV series. For example: “...this rich gentleman quarreled with his wife and they did not speak for 30 years. Therefore, the tombstone was erected for them with humor. In the most gorgeous sculptural composition they sit with their backs to each other..."

Maxim Lemos also has it true stories about some of the guests of this cemetery.

For example, one 19-year-old girl was buried in the family crypt. But after a while, it seemed to visitors that indistinct sounds were coming from the depths of the crypt. It was not clear whether the sounds were coming from the crypt or somewhere else. Just in case, the fireman notified the relatives, and it was decided to open the coffin with the girl.

They opened her up and found her dead, but in an unnatural position, and the coffin lid was scratched, and there was wood under her nails. It turned out that the girl was buried alive. And then the girl’s parents ordered to erect a monument to the girl in the form of her emerging from the crypt. And since then, at the cemetery they began to use a method that was fashionable in Europe at that time for such cases. A rope was tied to the corpse's hand, which led out and was attached to a bell. So that he could notify everyone that he is alive.

But this crypt is also remarkable. A young Argentinean woman, the daughter of very rich parents, is buried here. Italian origin. She died during her honeymoon. The hotel in Austria where she was staying with her husband was covered in an avalanche. She was 26 years old, and this happened in 1970. And Liliana’s parents (that was the girl’s name) ordered this luxurious crypt in the Gothic style. In those days, it was still possible to buy land and build new crypts. At the foot, in Italian, is a verse from a father dedicated to the death of his daughter. It keeps repeating “why?” A few years later, when the monument was ready, the girl’s beloved dog died. And she was also buried in this crypt, and the sculptor added a dog to the girl.

The guides, who needed to keep their audience occupied with something, began to say that if you rub the dog’s nose, good luck will surely overtake you. People believe and tinder...

The husband's body was never found in that Austrian hotel. And since then, the same man appears at the cemetery, who regularly, for many years, brings flowers to Liliana’s grave...

And this is the highest crypt in the cemetery. And its owners managed to impress everyone not only in height, but also in their sense of humor, combining two incompatible religious symbols on this crypt: the Jewish seven-branched candlestick and the Christian cross.

But this is the second largest and first most expensive crypt. It is made from the most expensive materials. Suffice it to say that the inside of the dome roof is lined with real gold. The crypt is huge, and its underground rooms are even larger.

And Federico Leloir, the Argentine Nobel laureate in biochemistry, is buried here. He died in 1987. But such a luxurious crypt was not built for the Nobel Prize (the scientist spent it on research), and it was built much earlier. And in general he lived extremely modestly. This crypt is a family one; Federico had wealthy relatives who were involved in the insurance business.

Several Argentine presidents are buried here. Here is President Quintana, depicted lying down.

And this is another president, Julio Argentino Roca. Just 50 years before Hitler, without unnecessary sentimentality, he announced that the southern lands needed to be liberated and annexed to Argentina. “Liberate” meant destroying all the local Indians. This was done. The Indians were destroyed, some of them were transported to central Argentina as slaves, and their lands, Patagonia, were annexed to Argentina. Since then, Roca has become a national hero and is considered one to this day. There are streets named after him, his portraits are printed on the most popular 100-peso bill. Those were the times, and what is now called genocide, racism and Nazism was the norm of life 100 years ago.

Some crypts are in a very abandoned state. For example, if all relatives died. But you still can’t take the crypt: it’s private property. Destroying or touching is also prohibited. But when it becomes clear that the owners of the crypt will no longer show up (for example, if it has been abandoned for 15 years), the cemetery administration takes a fancy to such crypts as warehouses for building materials and other equipment.

In one of the places of the cemetery, the caretakers set up a small household plot.

Among the crypts there was a toilet modestly hidden.

The cemetery is famous for its cats.

In our culture, it is customary to bring plastic wreaths with the inscriptions “from friends” and “from colleagues” at funerals. Then, after a few days, these wreaths are taken to a landfill. This is impractical! Therefore, in Argentina, wreaths are made of iron and welded to the crypt forever. Anyone can mark a friend's grave. And if the person was important, then there are many iron wreaths and memorial tablets on his crypt.

All crypts in the cemetery are private. And the owners can dispose of it as they please. They can also bury friends there. They can rent it out or even sell it. Prices for crypts in this cemetery start from 50 thousand dollars for the most modest one and can reach 300-500 thousand for a more respectable one. That is, prices are comparable to prices for apartments in Buenos Aires: here a 2-3-room apartment costs from 50-200 thousand dollars and up to 500 thousand in the most prestigious area. For example, here - the crypt is for sale.

Until 2003, it was still possible to purchase land on Recoleta and build a new crypt. Since 2003, the cemetery has become an architectural monument of not only Argentine but also world significance. Not only are any buildings prohibited here, it is also prohibited to modify or rebuild ready-made crypts. You can only restore old ones, and even then after a lot of permissions and solely for the purpose of giving them their original appearance.

Some crypts and tombstones are being restored. For example, this one. True, this is being done with the Argentine working rhythm, there is a canopy, the restorers have not been seen for 2 months.

The Recoleta area itself is very prestigious. And the residents of these houses (across the road from the cemetery) are not at all bothered by the fact that their windows overlook the cemetery. On the contrary, people consider themselves chosen by fate - well, how can they live in Recoleta!

However, Maxim Lemox himself believes that Recoleta is “a monument to wild, unusual funeral traditions for us and a competition of inappropriate show-offs: “who is cooler and richer” and “who has more marble, the tombstone is higher, and the monument is more exclusive and larger.”

There is one fairly good online store in Bialystok that sells everything you need for bathrooms. The price and quality of the products offered here combine quite well. The store has all the necessary certificates and can present them to the buyer if necessary.

By making a purchase at the KATI store, you can receive your product within a week (sometimes there are cases when the shipment of purchased products is delayed due to their lack of stock). Delivery is completely free and is carried out using a courier service.

The company was founded in 2004 and is actively developing to this day, quite a large number of customers respond positively to the online store. Here they pay great attention to the quality of the products offered, while the pricing policy remains very low.

What can you buy at the Sklep Kati store in Bialystok

To a greater extent, the store sells plumbing products; this product policy was originally conceived, but over time the product has expanded and now you can purchase kitchen and heating equipment. In the KATI online store you can buy:

  • large household appliances;
  • batteries;
  • heating system radiators;
  • bathroom furniture;
  • kitchen and ventilation hoods;
  • water heaters;
  • pumps;
  • traps and connections;
  • baths and sinks.

The range is constantly updated, and new models of household appliances appear.

Promotions, discounts, bonuses


The store is located in Bialystok at the address:

  • ul. Piaskowa 46 lok. 1.

Since ancient times, people have used majestic architectural structures to honor the memory of their departed loved ones. Those forms that sculptors have developed over centuries are still actively used today. In the photo in the ArtMarbleStudio catalog you can see samples of similar products.


A monumental architectural structure in which famous, outstanding people are usually buried. The most famous is the Roman pantheon, where famous Italians are buried, including the great Raphael. But for ordinary burials, more modest products are suitable; the main characteristic in them is the temple construction (we are talking about Roman temples) and columns. Now you can buy a pantheon for the grave of anyone, even a simple, but very beloved person.


Initially, this term referred to a closed room underground where coffins with the bodies of members of the same family were placed. Nowadays, this word usually refers to a small building with an internal room for a coffin, and one person can be accommodated there. Usually, before ordering a crypt for a cemetery, they prepare a solemn and magnificent design for its facade and entrance.


A natural stone mausoleum is a large architectural monument placed above the grave, or has a special hall for the deceased, as well as a room where his loved ones can pray and remember their loved one.