Blue shark. Blue shark how to cook Blue shark

From Petr de Cril'on this may seem like a very simple recipe to you. But preparing blue shark steak has its own distinctive features. You can see this when you study our recipe and watch a video on how to cook blue shark.

Blue shark. Myths and reality about the blue shark from Petr de Cril’on

Shark meat has a specific smell and taste, and has a high moisture content. And the most difficult thing you will have to overcome when you start cooking blue shark steak is removing the smell and excess moisture from this very blue shark steak. The blue shark smells the least “shark” of all its urine-smelling relatives.

In our recipe, which we offer in this article, we will tell you in detail and show you how to fillet a blue shark steak, how to remove moisture from it and how to cook it deliciously!

The blue shark steak that we suggest you cook is considered by residents of the Asia-Pacific region to be a powerful aphrodisiac. And they regularly eat this shark dish. In addition, an extract from shark cartilage has long been successfully used in the treatment of cancer both abroad and in Russia. And it is constantly subject to criticism, perhaps not without reason.

Blue shark. How to cook Blue Shark Steak. Ingredients

  • Blue shark steak, frozen - 300 - 500 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Chicken eggs, raw, for batter – 2 pieces.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Fresh dill - 100 grams.
  • Refined vegetable oil for frying – 200 – 400 g..
  • Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Breadcrumbs, preferably from Ottogi, Republic of Korea - 5 - 8 tablespoons.
  • Flour for breading - 5 - 8 tablespoons.

Blue shark. How to fillet a blue shark video by Petr de Cril’on

Blue shark. How to cook blue shark steak, how to defrost it, cut it and process it

  1. We choose blue shark steak as usual. We check the integrity of the vacuum packaging.
  2. If the packaging is transparent, we carefully examine the meat - it should be a pleasant color and have a thin layer of ice glaze.
  3. If the packaging is opaque, pay attention to the date of catch and date of packaging.

  1. Before you cook blue shark steak, you need to defrost it properly.
  2. Open the package and take out the steak. We examine it carefully.
  3. The color should be pleasant, light, without rusty stains.
  4. You can smell it. The smell should be pleasant. Reminds me of the smell of scallops.
  5. The blue shark does not smell of ammonia (urine, in other words).
  6. To defrost, take a deep container with a lid, in which we install a mesh, as in the photo. When defrosting, moisture from the steak will drip down into the container.
  7. Place the blue shark steak on top of the mesh and cover with a lid.
  8. And place it in the refrigerator to gradually defrost for 10 - 12 hours.

  1. Carefully scrape off the remaining ice slush from the thawed shark fillet with a spatula.
  2. If necessary, change paper towels several times.

  1. Place the blue shark fillet on a paper towel or paper napkins to remove any residual moisture.

  1. Now we remove the skin from the fillet of our blue shark, cutting it off with kitchen scissors along with pieces of red meat.
  2. We cut red meat from the fillet because it contains histamine, which can cause an allergic reaction in allergy sufferers.

  1. We also cut off the cartilage with a serrated knife.

  1. Cut the blue shark fillet into pieces approximately 1.5 cm wide.
  2. For this procedure, it is best to use kitchen scissors, since shark meat is viscous and resembles beef in consistency.

  1. Place the blue shark fillet pieces on a paper towel, as they have again released moisture that needs to be removed.
  2. To speed up the process of draining shark meat, place all the fillet pieces on paper towels folded in several layers and squeeze out excess moisture.
  3. Place the drained pieces of shark fillet in a single layer in a shallow wide plate.

Blue shark, how to cook. Blue shark steak video by Petr de Cril’on

Blue shark. How to cook blue shark steak from Petr de Cril'on

  1. In order to improve the smell and taste of shark meat, you must first sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  2. Then cut the lemon into thin slices and place them in one layer on top of the shark meat.
  3. Cover our miracle fish with a lid and marinate for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

  1. Remove the lemon slices and place the fillet pieces in a colander to dry slightly.
  2. If necessary, the shark fillet can be blotted with a paper towel.

  1. Now the pieces of shark fillet need to be salted and peppered.
  2. Instead of salt, fillet pieces can be coated with soy sauce using a silicone brush.
  3. Or you can add salt to the flour in which we will roll the shark pieces.

  1. Pour vegetable oil into a deep fryer or saucepan and let it boil.
  2. Dip each piece of fillet first in flour, then in beaten chicken eggs, then in breadcrumbs.
  3. And then we put it in the deep fryer.

  1. Place the fryer with the shark fillet in boiling oil.
  2. Fry our miracle fish, karakula shark, until golden brown, stirring gently.

  1. Place the finished fillet pieces on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  2. After all our magical culinary manipulations, we can finally taste the most powerful aphrodisiac - fried blue shark steak according to the Petr de Cril'on recipe.

Serving blue shark steak fries according to recipe and photo from Petr de Cril’on

  • Place pieces of the finished shark on a beautiful flat dinner plate.
  • As a side dish, add Korean carrot salad and crispy pickled cucumber.
  • Pour soy sauce into a deep small salad bowl or gravy boat. You can dip shark pieces into the sauce if they are not salty enough.
  • Decorate with a sprig of young dill.
  • Bon appetit from Petr de Cril'on, dear friends!

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Diet: Protein

Diet type: Complete with limited fat

Number of servings: 4

Cuisine: Russian seafood

Calories: 95

Fat: 10

Proteins: 17

Domain: Eukaryotes

Kingdom: Animals

Type: Chordata

Class: Cartilaginous fish

Squad: Carchariformes

Family: Gray sharks

Genus: Blue sharks (Prionace Cantor, 1849)

View: Blue shark


The distribution area of ​​this predator is very wide. The blue shark can be found in tropical, subtropical, temperate and even cold temperate latitudes. In the Pacific basin it is found south of New Zealand in the south and up to Japanese islands And south coast Alaska in the north.

In the Atlantic, mokoya can be seen from Norway to the southern tip of Africa and South America, V Indian Ocean– from southern shores Africa and to the southern coast of New Zealand. Conditionally geographical boundaries The range of the blue shark can be drawn through parallels of 50 degrees. in the north and south. In the waters Russian seas this fish is not found, unless you take into account unofficial information that fishermen have seen blue sharks in the southern waters of Primorye. There is no reason to deny this possibility, but in these cases there could have been an erroneous identification of the species.

It prefers the upper layers of water and rarely dives deeper than 300 m. This fish can be found near the coastal zone of continents, islands, and in open ocean waters. However, the blue shark is generally considered to be a pelagic fish, since it is more often found away from the coasts. It feels most comfortable in water with a temperature of +7 to +16 degrees. C, but does not bypass the warm tropical seas.


The blue shark (blue shark, great blue shark, mokoi) is a species of cartilaginous fish from the family of gray sharks. This is the most common shark on Earth. It lives both near the coast and in the open oceans.

The blue shark has a slender, even “thin” body with elongated pectoral fins. The eyes of a blue shark are round and large, they are protected by the third eyelid, that is, the nictitating membrane. Five pairs of small gill slits are located on the sides of the head. The blue shark has a white belly and bluer sides and back. The maximum weight of a great blue shark is almost 400 kilograms, and it reaches a length of almost 4 meters. The lower teeth are different from the upper ones; they are triangular, without side teeth and have a beveled shape. The blue shark is capable of holding and tearing slippery prey. The lower teeth of the fish hold the prey, and the upper teeth tear off pieces.


This species feeds near the sandy bottom, avoiding coral reefs and rocky bottoms. The usual depth for these fish is 20-60 meters. This species is characterized by seasonal migrations, which are directly related to water temperature. In summer, marine predators move north, and in winter they return to southern waters. It is noteworthy that males migrate in flocks, while females swim alone. In the waters that all year round warm, for example, Hawaiian Islands, blue-gray sharks are permanent residents.


The main food for blue sharks are schooling ocean fish: tuna, mackerel, herring, etc. A significant portion of the diet consists of squid. You can often see a picture where a predator caught in a dense school of squid fills its belly so tightly with the delicate bodies of mollusks that it can no longer swallow them. Then the shark regurgitates the excess food and continues to greedily grab the prey.

Open ocean waters do not often contain so much food, so the predator instinctively tries to create reserves in the body. This usually relatively sedentary shark completely transforms at the sight of food. Often, a school of blue sharks experiences a well-known state of hunger frenzy, or food fever. At such moments it is especially dangerous to be close to predators. The blue shark is not picky when choosing food - it can consume any organic matter, including carrion. Sometimes blue sharks accompany slow-swimming sharks for a long time sea ​​vessels, eating ship waste.


This is a viviparous species of shark in which the yolk sac forms the placental connection between the mother and the embryo. In a litter there are from 4 to 135 newborns measuring about 40 cm. Pregnancy lasts 9-12 months. Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 5-6 years, and males 4-5. During the prelude to mating, the male bites the female, so the sex of sharks can be easily determined by the presence or absence of scars on the back. Females have skin on their backs that is 3 times thicker than males. Maximum life expectancy is estimated at 25 years.

Can you eat shark meat?

About twenty million blue sharks die every year in fishing nets. Despite the fact that this fish is not very popular as food, blue shark meat is used in cooking. Fish meat is sold on the market under names such as “conger eel”, “gray fish” or “stone salmon”.

Shark fins are used in soups, vitamins are made from liver oil, and fishmeal is also made from sharks.

Conservation status

This species has a status close to vulnerable. And the reason is that the gray-blue shark has high commercial value due to its tasty meat, skin, liver, and fins. In 2006, mass commercial fishing of these fish was banned in many countries around the world. Only a small number of vessels are allowed to catch these sea ​​predators mainly for research purposes.

Danger to humans

It is a dangerous predator species for humans, which is confirmed by statistical data. These sharks are not as shy as most species of reef sharks. They can safely approach swimmers and divers, especially when far from shore. Often such attempts at contact end in an exploratory bite. During the butchering of whales killed in the area where this species lives, sharks often approach the whaling ships and greedily devour the edible pieces.

In the old days, when the cutting of whales was carried out directly in the water, they tormented the carcasses of these animals, showing no fear of the cutting knives, and did not stop their work even after inflicting serious wounds on them. There are different opinions about the aggressiveness of blue sharks. Some believe that blue sharks are extremely ferocious and aggressive and are capable of attacking anything that swims near them.

However, others, on the contrary, believe that the blue shark is a lazy fish that attacks exclusively slow and not dangerous creatures, such as squid or sepia. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere between these opinions. What is known for certain is that longimanus, tiger and blue sharks most often take part in reprisals against people shipwrecked on the high seas.


Blue sharks are being carefully studied by staff at the Narragansett Marine Fisheries Laboratory in Rhode Island. government agency, which runs an extensive program of tagging fish to study their migrations and lifestyle. Judging by the tags returned to the laboratory, blue sharks roam all over the world.

One day a blue shark tagged Canary Islands, later discovered in South America; This is the first documented case of a shark crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It happened that blue sharks tagged in the waters of New England were then caught in the area of ​​Labrador, that is, 1800 miles to the north, and Guiana, that is, 2200 miles to the south.

According to the Narragansett Laboratory, a blue shark's routes depend on its age and gender. Juveniles and some adult male New England blue sharks winter in the Gulf Stream region, but most adult males make the 2,000-mile journey to spend the winter off the northeastern coast of South America. Females also leave New England waters in winter, migrating south about 700 miles from their summer hunting grounds.

  • Great blue sharks do not live long in captivity. They are rarely kept in aquariums and swimming pools, as they are not adapted to captivity and die quickly. They bump into aquarium walls and other obstacles;
  • The shark from the New Jersey Aquarium lived the longest in captivity. She managed to live there for only seven months, but a bacterial infection crippled her;
  • Unlike reef sharks, blue sharks are not shy and calmly swim towards divers. However, they can bite purely out of research interest. Fatalities have also been reported in attacks by blue sharks (blue sharks).



The blue shark has an elongated, slender body with long pectoral fins. The body color is blue on top, becoming lighter on the sides, and the belly is white. Blue sharks reach 3.8 meters in length and weigh 204 kilograms. The maximum recorded weight was 391 kg. The first dorsal fin begins at the caudal edge of the pectoral fins. There is no ridge between the dorsal fins. There are small growths at the base of the tail.

The teeth are triangular, beveled, serrated, but without lateral denticles. The lower ones differ significantly from the upper ones: they are less massive and not always jagged.


The blue shark typically preys on bony fish, shellfish such as squid, cuttlefish and octopus, and crustaceans. Its diet also includes small sharks, mammal carcasses and sometimes seabirds. The remains of whales and porpoises have been found in the stomachs of captured blue sharks. Blue sharks are known to eat cod caught in trawl nets. They rarely hunt tuna. Adult blue sharks have no natural predators other than humans. Juveniles may be preyed upon by large sharks such as the great white shark and tiger shark.


It is a viviparous species of shark in which the placental connection between mother and embryo is formed from the yolk sac. In a litter there are from 4 to 135 newborns measuring about 40 cm. Pregnancy lasts 9-12 months. Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 5-6 years, and males 4-5. During the prelude to mating, the male bites the female, so the sex of sharks can be easily determined by the presence or absence of scars on the back. Females have skin on their backs that is 3 times thicker than that of males. Maximum lifespan is estimated at 25 years.

Human interaction

It is believed that between 10 and 20 million blue sharks are killed in fishing nets each year. Its meat is used for food, but it is not very popular. The meat of this shark is supplied to the world market in fresh, dried or frozen form, sometimes under the names: “gray fish”, “rock salmon”, “conger eel”. High levels of heavy metals (lead) have been reported in blue shark meat. In addition, fishmeal is made from blue sharks, fins are used in soup, and vitamins are produced from liver oil. The blue shark is a coveted trophy among sport fishermen for its beauty and speed. Potentially hazardous to humans. In the 2011 list, 34 attacks of this species were recorded. Of these, 8 unprovoked attacks resulted in the death of the victim. The blue shark, like most pelagic sharks, does not do well in captivity. Attempts to keep them in large-diameter round aquariums and 3-meter-deep pools have shown that, at best, the fish live less than 30 days. Like other pelagic sharks, they have difficulty avoiding aquarium walls and other obstacles. In one case, at an aquarium, a blue shark was doing quite well until bull sharks were introduced to it and killed it. A specimen placed in 2008 in a New Jersey aquarium lived for about 7 months before dying from a bacterial infection.

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  1. Life of animals. Volume 4. Lancelets. Cyclostomes. Cartilaginous fish. Bony fishes / ed. T. S. Rassa, ch. ed. V. E. Sokolov. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1983. - P. 39. - 575 p.
  2. Gubanov E. P., Kondyurin V. V., Myagkov N. A. Sharks of the World Ocean: A Guide. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1986. - P. 144. - 272 p.
  3. Lindberg, G.W., Gerd, A.S., Russ, T.S. Dictionary of names of marine commercial fish of the world fauna. - Leningrad: Science, 1980. - P. 42. - 562 p.
  4. Reshetnikov Yu. S., Kotlyar A. N., Rass T. S., Shatunovsky M. I. Five-language dictionary of animal names. Fish. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. / under the general editorship of academician. V. E. Sokolova. - M.: Rus. lang., 1989. - P. 32. - 12,500 copies. - ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  5. Moiseev R. S., Tokranov A. M. et al. Catalog of vertebrates of Kamchatka and adjacent marine areas. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Kamchatka Printing Yard, 2000. - P. 16. - ISBN 5-85857-003-8.
  6. in the FishBase catalog database
  7. Compagno, Leonard J.V. 2. Carcharhiniformes // . - Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 1984. - Vol. 4. Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalog of Shark Species Known to Date. - P. 455–457. - ISBN 92-5-101383-7.
  8. FishBase (English)
  9. Geoffrey Cox & Malcolm Francis. Sharks and Rays of New Zealand. - Canterbury University Press, 1997. - 64 p. - ISBN 0-908812-60-4.
  10. Scholz, Tomas; Euzet, Louis; Moravec, František (1998). "Taxonomic status of Pelichnibothrium speciosum Monticelli, 1889 (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea), a mysterious parasite of Alepisaurus ferox Lowe (Teleostei: Alepisauridae) and Prionace glauca(L.) (Euselachii: Carcharinidae)". Systematic Parasitology 41 (1): 1-8. DOI:10.1023/A:1006091102174.
  11. Lopez, S., Abarca, N., Meléndez, R. (2013). "". Tropical Conservation Science 6 (1): 126–137. ()
  12. (English) (Retrieved April 20, 2012)


  • in the FishBase database (English)
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt characterizing Blue Shark

A week later, the prince left and began his old life again, being especially active in buildings and gardens and ending all previous relations with m lle Bourienne. His appearance and cold tone with Princess Marya seemed to say to her: “You see, you made it up about me, lied to Prince Andrei about my relationship with this Frenchwoman and quarreled me with him; and you see that I don’t need either you or the Frenchwoman.”
Princess Marya spent one half of the day with Nikolushka, watching his lessons, herself giving him lessons in the Russian language and music, and talking with Desalles; she spent the other part of the day in her quarters with books, the old woman’s nanny, and with God’s people, who sometimes came to her from the back porch.
Princess Marya thought about the war the way women think about war. She was afraid for her brother, who was there, horrified, without understanding her, by human cruelty, which forced them to kill each other; but she did not understand the significance of this war, which seemed to her the same as all previous wars. She did not understand the significance of this war, despite the fact that Desalles, her constant interlocutor, who was passionately interested in the progress of the war, tried to explain his thoughts to her, and despite the fact that the people of God who came to her all spoke with horror in their own way about popular rumors about the invasion of the Antichrist, and despite the fact that Julie, now Princess Drubetskaya, who again entered into correspondence with her, wrote patriotic letters to her from Moscow.
“I am writing to you in Russian, my good friend,” wrote Julie, “because I have hatred for all the French, as well as for their language, which I cannot hear spoken... We in Moscow are all delighted through enthusiasm for our beloved emperor.
My poor husband endures labor and hunger in Jewish taverns; but the news I have makes me even more excited.
You probably heard about the heroic feat of Raevsky, who hugged his two sons and said: “I will die with them, but we will not waver!” And indeed, although the enemy was twice as strong as us, we did not waver. We spend our time as best we can; but in war, as in war. Princess Alina and Sophie sit with me all day long, and we, unfortunate widows of living husbands, have wonderful conversations over lint; only you, my friend, are missing... etc.
Mostly Princess Marya did not understand the full significance of this war because the old prince never talked about it, did not acknowledge it and laughed at Desalles at dinner when he talked about this war. The prince's tone was so calm and confident that Princess Marya, without reasoning, believed him.
Throughout the month of July, the old prince was extremely active and even animated. He also laid out a new garden and a new building, a building for the courtyard workers. One thing that bothered Princess Marya was that he slept little and, having changed his habit of sleeping in the study, changed the place of his overnight stays every day. Then he ordered to break his camp bed in the gallery, he remained on the sofa or in the Voltaire chair in the living room and dozed without undressing, while not M lle Bourienne, but the boy Petrusha read to him; then he spent the night in the dining room.
On August 1, a second letter was received from Prince Andrei. In the first letter, received shortly after his departure, Prince Andrei humbly asked his father for forgiveness for what he had allowed himself to say to him, and asked him to return his favor to him. The old prince responded to this letter with an affectionate letter and after this letter he alienated the Frenchwoman from himself. The second letter from Prince Andrei, written from near Vitebsk, after the French occupied it, consisted of brief description the entire campaign with the plan outlined in the letter, and with considerations for the further course of the campaign. In this letter, Prince Andrei presented his father with the inconvenience of his position close to the theater of war, on the very line of troop movement, and advised him to go to Moscow.
At dinner that day, in response to the words of Desalles, who said that, as heard, the French had already entered Vitebsk, the old prince remembered Prince Andrei’s letter.
“I received it from Prince Andrei today,” he said to Princess Marya, “didn’t you read it?”
“No, mon pere, [father],” the princess answered fearfully. She could not read a letter that she had never even heard of.
“He writes about this war,” said the prince with that familiar, contemptuous smile with which he always spoke about the real war.
“It must be very interesting,” said Desalles. - The prince is able to know...
- Oh, very interesting! - said Mlle Bourienne.
“Go and bring it to me,” the old prince turned to Mlle Bourienne. – You know, on a small table under a paperweight.
M lle Bourienne jumped up joyfully.
“Oh no,” he shouted, frowning. - Come on, Mikhail Ivanovich.
Mikhail Ivanovich got up and went into the office. But as soon as he left, the old prince, looking around restlessly, threw down his napkin and went off on his own.
“They don’t know how to do anything, they’ll confuse everything.”
While he walked, Princess Marya, Desalles, m lle Bourienne and even Nikolushka silently looked at each other. The old prince returned with a hasty step, accompanied by Mikhail Ivanovich, with a letter and a plan, which he, not allowing anyone to read during dinner, placed next to him.
Going into the living room, he handed the letter to Princess Marya and, laying out the plan of the new building in front of him, which he fixed his eyes on, ordered her to read it aloud. After reading the letter, Princess Marya looked questioningly at her father.
He looked at the plan, obviously lost in thought.
- What do you think about this, prince? – Desalles allowed himself to ask a question.
- I! I!.. - the prince said, as if awakening unpleasantly, without taking his eyes off the construction plan.
- It is quite possible that the theater of war will come so close to us...
- Ha ha ha! Theater of War! - said the prince. “I said and say that the theater of war is Poland, and the enemy will never penetrate further than the Neman.
Desalles looked with surprise at the prince, who was talking about the Neman, when the enemy was already at the Dnieper; but Princess Marya, who forgot geographical position Nemana thought that what her father was saying was true.
- When the snow melts, they will drown in the swamps of Poland. “They just can’t see,” the prince said, apparently thinking about the campaign of 1807, which seemed so recent. - Bennigsen should have entered Prussia earlier, things would have taken a different turn...
“But, prince,” Desalles said timidly, “the letter talks about Vitebsk...
“Ah, in the letter, yes...” the prince said dissatisfied, “yes... yes...” His face suddenly took on a gloomy expression. He paused. - Yes, he writes, the French are defeated, which river is this?
Desalles lowered his eyes.
“The prince doesn’t write anything about this,” he said quietly.
- Doesn’t he write? Well, I didn’t make it up myself. - Everyone was silent for a long time.
“Yes... yes... Well, Mikhaila Ivanovich,” he suddenly said, raising his head and pointing to the construction plan, “tell me how you want to remake it...”
Mikhail Ivanovich approached the plan, and the prince, after talking with him about the plan for the new building, looked angrily at Princess Marya and Desalles, and went home.
Princess Marya saw Desalles' embarrassed and surprised gaze fixed on her father, noticed his silence and was amazed that the father had forgotten his son's letter on the table in the living room; but she was afraid not only to speak and ask Desalles about the reason for his embarrassment and silence, but she was afraid to even think about it.
In the evening, Mikhail Ivanovich, sent from the prince, came to Princess Marya for a letter from Prince Andrei, which was forgotten in the living room. Princess Marya submitted the letter. Although it was unpleasant for her, she allowed herself to ask Mikhail Ivanovich what her father was doing.

Blue shark Blue sharks have quite large sizes. Their body is slender and graceful. Relatively long fins are located on the chest. These sharks have an elongated muzzle with wide eyes.

The fin located on the back is located immediately after the end of the fins located on the chest. They do not have an interdorsal ridge.
Note that they also have small growths at the beginning of the tail.

The coloring of blue sharks fully justifies their name. Their body has a blue tint. As for the belly, it is white.

These sharks move rather leisurely. They often swim close to the surface of the water, so that the fin located on the back protrudes from the water. Males and females usually live separately. The blue shark is one of the most common sharks on earth. Scientists note that these sharks make Migrations very often. This was noticed as a result of studies conducted in the Atlantic Ocean. These sharks have papillae inside their gills.

Blue sharks often use small fish and invertebrates as food. Among other things, these sharks feed on the carcasses of whales. Blue sharks also feed on anchovies, herring and squid.

Blue sharks measure about 3.8 meters. Note that there are also larger individuals. Scientists have even developed a formula for calculating the mass of a blue shark depending on its size. So, the weight of a shark more than one meter long can be calculated using the formula:
shark mass = 0.45*(-5.396 + 3.134gal in centimeters)

Blue sharks are usually found in fairly cool regions, where the water temperature is around 7-16 degrees.
The average individual weighs about 30-80 kilograms. As for the length of the body, it is about 1.1-2.4 meters. The heaviest weight recorded was 205 kilograms.

Commercial significance
Blue shark meat is very valuable all over the world. There have been cases when blue shark meat was sold under the guise of other meat. Cargoes with sturgeon, which actually turned out to be a shark, were transported to Russia from Turkey. There have also been cases when the meat of this shark was covered with food coloring and passed off as salmon, cod or other fish.

Blue sharks are one of the most commonly seen sharks. They live in both the tropics and subtropics.

Often the meat of this shark is marketed under the name “sea eel” or “rock salmon”.

Note that the meat of these sharks is quite tasty. Besides everything else, it is also very tender. Although this meat has a number of features.

Due to the fact that blue shark meat contains a fairly large amount of water, before cooking it, you need to first completely defrost it and then drain the water.

Shark meat can be prepared in various ways. There are many recipes, from cooking shark fillet in batter and breadcrumbs, to simply frying the meat in a frying pan.

Blue shark is not just an exotic delicacy; the meat of this dangerous predator is extremely healthy and tasty. The variety of dishes that can be prepared from blue shark is amazing: the famous Asian fin soups, quick grilled steaks, complex salads, and much more. Shark meat is tender and lean, it contains a lot of microelements and amino acids, as well as vitamins A and B.

Blue shark dishes

Photo by Shutterstock

Buying a blue shark today is not as difficult as it used to be; it can now be found in almost any large supermarket. It should be remembered that sometimes blue shark meat is sold under the sign of “rock salmon” or “conger eel”, and sometimes as “Folkestone beef”. Regardless of what dish you are going to cook, first of all, completely defrost the meat, then drain all the water.

First course: shark fin soup

Shark fin soup is rightfully considered a masterpiece of Asian cuisine (the most valuable of the fins is the dorsal one). There is no single correct recipe for this soup; each chef prepares this dish in his own way. However, the general principle is simple: the fins are divided into thin threads, which give the soup an exquisite taste.

You will need: - 4 fins (sold dried); - 300 g pork tenderloin; - 200 g chicken; - 200 g crab meat; - 2 onions; - dried barberry; - 1 large ginger root; - green onions, salt, pepper - to taste.

Before you start cooking, you need to soak the fins in water acidified with lemon for 24 hours. The water needs to be changed frequently. Immediately before cooking the shark, you should cook chicken and pork broth with the addition of onions and barberries. When the broth is ready, remove all ingredients, including onions.

While the broth is infusing, in the cold clean water Fins and ginger should be placed. The fins are boiled for at least 10 hours, after which they need to be removed and disassembled into thin threads. These strings must be placed in the meat broth and cooked for another 15 minutes. 2-4 minutes before the end, add crab meat to the soup. Before serving, the dish can be garnished with green onions.

Gourmets claim that fin soup is most delicious on the second day, when it hardens and turns into a kind of jelly.

Main course: blue shark steak

No less common is the recipe for blue shark steak. Cooking steak is less energy intensive and takes much less time compared to fin soup. You will need: - 1 blue fillet sharks - white dry wine, - juice of 1 lemon, - 1 tbsp. honey, salt, white and black pepper to taste.