Boats. All you did not know about boats

The navigation was and remains one of the activities related to risk for human life. Statistical reports of international marine insurance companies and rescue services clearly suggest that the number of dying marine transport ships is preserved at a fairly high level. Every year about 1.5% of the total number of vessels of the World Fleet turns out to be involved in the catastrophe. And this is despite the ever-improving design of the courts, improving the reliability of their engines, equipping the fleet by the most perfect means of shipping and ensuring the permanent facsimile meteo information in the ocean.

According to the English insurance society of Lloyd, 1978 was a record for accidents in the entire history of navigation: then 473 vessel died (total gross capacity of 1,711,000 register tons) and they are about 2,000 people. The main causes of the death of ships were heavy weather conditions in the sea (169 accidents) and miscalculations in navigation - landing on melels, underwater cliffs, etc. (144 vessels). A large number of victims can be partly possible to explain the imperfection of rescue funds, which the crews of the victims of the crafts were possessed. Even if the rescued managed to be in boats, many of them did not wait for help - died from supercooling, hunger or thirst.

The history of navigation shows that shipbuilders were forced to seriously engage in intensive developments of ship rescue only only after the death of ships, which differ in a particularly large number of victims. The beginning was made by the adoption of a number of constructive requirements for rescue boats developed at the International Conference on the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of \u200b\u200b1914, held after the death from Titanic. " As a result of the experience of two world wars, when a huge number of transport ships and sailors died, inflatable rescue rafts appeared. With the development of transportation of petroleum products and increasing cases of accidents with tankers, which are often accompanied by fires spilled in a sea of \u200b\u200boil, special designs of fire retardant rescue boats were developed, etc.

Now, on the boats of modern sea ships, it is almost no longer found to find life-saving boats of the first generation - with a wooden hull, airbags made of thin metal, boats in which the saves were opened to the tropical sun and shifts that penetrate the northern winds to the bones. In the 50-70s, they were replaced by boats made from lightly non-corrosive aluminum alloys or fiberglass equipped with a manual mechanical drive on a propeller or a diesel engine and a folding awning of waterproof tissue, providing elementary protection of people from the external environment. The emergency buoyancy margin began to be placed in compartments constituting part of the structure of the case; A foam was used on plastic boats for this purpose. During these years, marine boats designers worked on increasing their stability, non-optimability and reliability in various floors - from the Arctic to the tropics, ensuring the possibility of their use in a semi-pumping position, improving engine launches in extreme conditions.

And yet the design of the boats of the 70s did not always ensure the survival of their lives to them. The tents of the fabric could not create sufficient thermal protection against the external environment, often they were damaged by waves and storm winds. There were cases of tipping boats wave when people turned out to be in cold water. And although the boats were supplied with adaptations to hide them into a normal position, to make it unusual people in most cases failed. It is not by chance that our shipbuilders have already begun to work on the creation of a closed type boats. - With a rigid superstructure and capable of returning to a normal position, being overturned, independently without the help of people.

Two such ZSA22 and "Atzo" boats were equipped with ballast tanks, located in the bottom of the case and the gravity fill in water when the boats are descending. In the tipped up the keel position of the water ballast turned out to be at the very top, the boat became unworthy and at a slight effect of the wave quickly returned to a normal position. However, due to the constant presence of a water ballast in a tank, the displacement of the boats turned out to be significant, which demanded an increase in the power of the diesel engine in order to achieve the regulated minimum speed rules 6 bonds. And this turned into an additional weight of the engine, an increase in the volume occupied by him. It was required to continue the search for a more efficient method of self-healing.

In the early 1970s, the maritime intergovernmental organization (IMO) appealed to the governments of IMO member countries with a urgent appeal to intensify the activities of scientific and production organizations in solving the problem of ensuring the safety of navigation. The IMO Subcommittee on Rescue Tools revised the content of Heads III "Rescue Tools" of the International Convention for the Protection of Human Life at the Sea of \u200b\u200b1974 (SOLAS-74). The work in which specialists of the Soviet Union were also completed in 1983 and new requirements for rescue funds will take effect from July 1, 1986. From this time, all convergent maritime transport ships will be supplied with rescue boats already The next, new generation, and by 1991, the old boats should be replaced on ships built earlier.

SOLAS-74 provides for the creation of rescue boats with the maximum possible development of modern technique to meet the requirements that ensure their effectiveness to save the sailors that found themselves. Briefly the essence of these requirements is as follows.

In case of tipping up, the boat must be returned to normal. The crew should not have difficulty in disabling the boat from the ship rescue device when it hangs on the nuts over the water or after the descent is towed at a speed of 5 tons. The boat design should provide affiliates in her stretchers, the rise of exhausting people from the water, the safe movement of people outside the boat and remove them from the side with the help of helicopters. The boat should develop the speed of at least 6 bonds when it is completely loaded by people and supply and comes with all working auxiliary mechanisms with a drive from the main engine. The engine must have the ability to start when the boat is still on the slopes, and work for at least 5 minutes before the water is touching it. In the event of water intake in the boat, the engine must work until the water reaches the level of the crankshaft. The propeller must have reliable protection against floating debris damage; The possibility of injured by people floating near the screw should be excluded.

These and many other SOLAS-74 requirements are not contrived, they follow from the generalization of many years of experience in using rescue and the possibilities of modern technology.

Since the beginning of the 1980s, work in our country has developed work on the creation of a new generation of rescue boats that meet the requirements of SOLAS-74 and intended for the replacement of serially produced aluminum and plastic boats who arrived at the supply of vessels in the previous 15-20 years. This required in designing the main dimensions in allowable (rather narrow) limits, the main dimensions, capacity, the mass of the boats, the distance between the gates of the lifting device in accordance with the data of the replaceable boats so that it does not have to be engaged in the modernization of vessels already operating. From the use of manual drives on the rowing screw, it was decided to refuse as ineffective in the rescue of people.

For relatively short time, prototypes of several sizes boats were designed and constructed, their extensive interdepartmental tests were carried out and technical documentation for serial release was prepared.

The first test was the test sample of the rescue flame retardant boat of the "00305" project for tankers. According to SOLAS-74, the design of such a boat should provide protection for people inside it, from smoke and fire when passing the burning oil zone for at least 8 minutes. The boat housing was made of aluminumagnetic alloy.

The boat can come down from the side of the emergency vessel right in the water-burning petroleum products. Its bottom, board, the crystal part, the closing walls and the cutting protects against the flame, a special mastic that can withstand high temperatures for 2 minutes so that the smoke does not penetrate into the boat, it creates an overpressure of 15-20 MB above the outdoor atmospheric. This is done with the help of a compressed air system supplied from cylinders, the capacity of which ensures the operation of the engine and the breath of people in the boat for at least 10 minutes.

As soon as the boat turns out to be launched, the water protection system begins to operate. The intake water enters through Kingston, located in the bottom of the boat, and is supplied by a centrifugal pump, activated from the main engine through a multiplier (an increase of the rotational speed of the engine crankshaft to the required speed of turnover) into onboard and deck pipelines. Water irrigates the surface of the boat installed on the pipelines installed on pipelines, a continuous water film is created, which protects the aluminum case from direct contact with the flame.

During testing, the boat took place through the zone of burning petroleum products with a temperature of 1000-1100 ° C; In this case, the temperature inside the boat did not exceed 47 ° C, and the content of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air did not exceed the permissible norms.

The boat was adopted in 1982 by the Interdepartmental Commission and became the first domestic boat that meets the requirements of SOLAS-74. The creators of it were noted in 1983. Medals VDNH.

With the main structural features of the new generation boats, you can get acquainted with the example of a plastic boat with a capacity of 66 people project "00036". Its experienced sample passed interdepartmental tests in 1985 (see color drawing).

The boat has a characteristic superstructure, the shape and dimensions of which play an important role in providing the boat ability to return to a direct position after tipping. The volume of the superstructure, or tough closure, as it is called specialists (inherited from old boats with plants!), Must be large enough, so that in the overturned state, the center of gravity of the boat rose quite high enough, and the cross-sectional shape of the part of the case, which turned out under water, was approaching There would be a bars in this deposit of successful self-healing. And so that in the overturned state, people do not fall on the closing inlet, for each of the saves there are binding belts for fastening to the seats.

In the aft part of the superstructure there is a small cutting for a steering with a separate hatch, allowing you to control the boat, leaning on the shoulders. For planting people, wide hatches are provided, and nasal hatches serve to lift people from water and taking stretcher with victims. In the same hatches, in the event of an engine failure, rowers with oars can be located. On the roof of the superstructure along its entire length, there is a leather fence for the safe movement of people; Here you can also set a removable folding mast for fastening the radial boat radioster radios, as well as a passive radar reflector. On both boards to the spell bruster, the rescue Leer is attached, for which people floating near the boat can be held. Rowing screw is protected by a ring fence.

We will now look inside the "hard closure", where 66 saving people can be located well-protected from splashes and cold. All of them can accommodate longitudinal and partially on transverse banks. Under the banks are stored food diet, canned drinking water and part of the boat supply.

In the fodder of the boat, the engine is installed - diesel "4CSP 8.5 / 11-5 Caspian-30m", which develops 34 hp At 1900 rpm of the crankshaft. It is equipped with a manual start and electric starter and works on a rowing shaft through a reversible gear transmission type PRP-15-2. The engine can be started manually at ambient temperature to -15 ° C. It is cooled by intricate water, but is able to work for 5 minutes, when the boat is still on the boat, retains performance and in the inverted boat position.

The speed of the boat in full displacement and with all working mechanisms hung on the engine is 6.3 tons. Fuel supply provides engine operation within 24 hours.

In case of overturning the boat of its hatches and all overlooking pipelines and devices are sealed. The required amount of air to ensure the operation of the engine and respiration of people enters the boat through two ventilation heads, equipped with a ball device, overlapping their holes in the overturned state. The same locking "automatic" device is equipped with exhaust pipeline and fuel tank ventilation tubes.

The generator hung on the engine and rechargeable batteries feed the two-wire DC network with a voltage of 24 V. Electricity consumers are lamps for the internal lighting of the boat and the spotlight. In the daytime, the lighting is carried out through the portholes installed on the hard closure and in the cutting of the steering.

The boat is equipped with a sissy-lifting device consisting of two folding nuts, the design of which satisfies SOLAS-74 requirements; The steering can give both nuts remotely, without leaving his post, or each gum can be released from the slut-tale separately. The nuts are fixed on steel racks, the passages of which through the deck are made waterproof.

The body of the described boat is made of fiberglass, source materials for which polyester resin, fiberglass and fiberglass are used. The housing has a three-layer design - the space between the inner and the outer cover is filled with polyurethane foam. The outer sheath is supported by the "inflatable" tubular splits, which are filled with polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam provides emergency buoyancy boats in the case of holes in its bottom. With such damage, the boat retains the self-healing property when tilting.

The strength of the case provides a safe boat on the water with a complete number of people and the supply. When testing a boat with a full load (people were replaced with the corresponding ballast) were discharged to water from a height of 3 m. The housing strength was also checked on the side of the wall, and the boat speed at the moment of the strike was 3.5 m / s.

To improve the detection in the sea, the entire outer surface of the boat is painted in an orange color.

Nautical quality boats are tested in full-scale conditions. It is recognized that its use is possible to save the team and passengers of emergency vessels in any area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean.

By the time of entry into force of the requirements of the new chapter III of the SOLAS-74 Convention, the domestic shipbuilding industry has prepared five new types of rescue boats for serial production, including special boats for tankers.

In port cities, a lot of boats can always be seen in the port cities, and then the yachts, refurbished from the shipboats served out. Most of them have sappored ten-fifteen years on the boats; Their boiled tropical sun, covered the ice crust in the northern seas, threw the wave about the shipboard, watering the shoes, and here is a stern inspector of the maritime register, with the next examination of rescue funds finds defects, the boat cannot be considered absolutely reliable.

But the crew of the ship at the accident will be forced to trust her his lives! And maybe this happen in the most difficult conditions - in the storm sea, away from the shores, or vice versa - on a brutal surf wave. There are doubts about reliability - it means that the maritime service is conchive! (and many boats and generally "write off" to the shore just because they are replaced by more perfect - plastic, motor.)

In a relaxed atmosphere - on the river or in the Gulf - the same old boat turned by an amateur in a pleasant ship can still serve for many years. The new owner of the boat can slowly make a repair that is not allowed or recognized as inexpedient for ship rescue. For example, eliminate the waters of the trimming trim, saving the casing of fiberglass; Change worn impositions; Install duplicate splints next to cracked.

Work stands! After all, repaired by a writtenboat, the amateur shipbuilder receives a deliberately seating and durable case with a large internal volume, which can be rationally used for the equipment of the comfortable cabin and all the necessary premises of the displacement of a tourist vessel.

Purchasing materials will need much less than when building a new ship. All work can be performed on the street - under any case or a canopy, and most importantly - work on the internal closer does not require such a high qualification of the Contractor as the construction of the hull itself. However, it would be a mistake to think that a person who reworks a boat in a boat on his own forces in a boat (or, even more so, the yacht) does not meet difficulties.

They are quite a few. They are explained by the specific purpose of the rescue boat, which should, first of all, to accommodate with the accident possible more people (here is not to amenities!) And give them the opportunity to hold out before the rescuer approach (it is not necessary to develop high speed!).

Now you have to shoot transverse and longitudinal banks, airboxes; close the nose to deck and mount the cut; take care of providing sufficient precipitation and glossing the propeller with a relatively low load that a pleasure boat will have; Often the amateur is forced to fit the purely rowing boat to install the engine and fuel tanks.

The number of constructive problems increases sharply if desired to get a motor-sailing ship: not just to ensure stability and good handling when the course under sails, achieve a decrease in drift at acute courses. How do these problems solve fans shipbuilders? This is devoted to our next review.

0 Re-equipment of old boats in the yachts was reported in the 30th issue of the collection ("Asmodener" from the 6.7-meter Boat and AU-RA from the 7,8 meter working boat), the 9th issue (yacht out of 10-meter Barcas), 3rd release (yacht from 6.1-meter yala- "six"). Two options for the alteration of "six" in the boat and the motor-sailing ship are considered in the 5th issue. Articles will also be useful: "The boat must be beautiful" (Issue No. 7), "Motor-sailing yachts" (Issue No. 9), "Landless boats" (Vol. No. 18) and others. Materials.

Former naval boats (Yala) are also quite often beginning to work the second life, hitting self-playing shipbuilders. In 1969, the Irkutsk Maritime Club DOSAAF transmitted M. A. 3ubovich to restore the Yal-6 release of 1955, the time had served his inappropriate effect on the boat body: many spangings were broken, the shelling boards were crackled.

Old rusty patches and remove a thick layer of putty and paint, accumulated over many years of operation (no crackbanks helped, the paint was annealed by a soldering lamp). The entire outer surface of the housing of the Okurili, and then wrapped the fiberglass into three layers.

In the area of \u200b\u200bcutting into the boat housing, there were additionally installed three splits with a cross section of 50 x 60 at a distance of one from the other. The upper ends of TopMibers protruded above the private bar at 450, 375 and 300 mm, thus forming the basis for the installation of longitudinal rutting coming.

Bims of cutting are cut into spikes on the protruding ends of the spangles and are fixed with rods from backelovenized plywood on galvanized screws. Bims and Swords under the Standers of the mast strengthened. The second and third banks, which were within the cabin, M. A. Zubovich removed.

In the cabin with dimensions of 1.8 × 2.0 m, it set two rundas-seats, between which there is a passage with a width in the nose 350 and in the stern part - 550 mm. The polic closing the hold in this passage is at night rises to the seat level and it turns out a solid bed, on which the entire carriage of four of the boat is freely fit.

A stationary engine "L-12" was installed on the foundation from wooden bars, the long-term exploitation of which on many low-speed boats created it a stable reputation as reliable and economical. The intake water is supplied to the cooling system by pressure from the pumping surfaces of the screw blades. Hot water before emissions overboard is passed through the radiator heating the cabin in the autumn period.

The engine is closed on top of two folding lids, which serve as a fodder deck. The motor shaft is connected to the rowing shaft through the kandan of the lift from the SIL-585 dump truck. The shaft is launched for a 275 mm traum above the keel line. The screw is protected from the bottom of the spur (skiing) from the Steel Schwell; It is also enshrined the rudder. Due to this, the rowing screw and the steering wheel when landing the ship's stranded remains intact.

The engine is brought to the engine with a relay-regulator from the Moskvich car, operating on the battery with a voltage of 12 V. The device allows powering the lighting system and navigation lights, a receiver and a tape recorder. (The installation of the generator was made according to the drawings and materials given in the collection No. 9.)

The nasal compartment is from the village to the first can, closed with a hermetic bulkhead and is used to store sails. The mast is placed on the metal strain on the roof of the cutting. The standard weapons of the yala are replaced by more efficient weapons from the wandfish class of the Flying Dutchman, however, when rail, the boat has a strong drift under the sail, since the side resistance area of \u200b\u200bthe underwater part is insufficient.

Since the "Rose of Winds" is a motor-sailing vessel, with such a disadvantage, according to M. A. Zubovich, it is quite possible to put up. In Butstag and Fordewind, the ship is not bad. Considering that the ship is used for swimming on Lake Baikal, where sometimes it is very difficult to find a fuel, the possibility of using sails and on some passing courses is already considerable dignity - it allows you to save gasoline, and sometimes just relax from the engine noise.

This is what M. A. Zutchnich tells about his first campaign on "Rose Winds":

"It was back in 1968. We went out into the lake in quiet weather, leading on the tug" Kazanka ", loaded by a fuel incent and other equipment. The crew consisted of four people. With all this, the average speed under the engine was about 7 nodes, which was quite satisfied.

In long-distance tourist campaigns, the main is reliability and safety! Two hours later, a light southeastern wind blew - Cool. The wind quickly scored power. Put sails and drowned the engine - the boat at a speed of about 5 nodes of the Fordewind course went north. In ten o'clock we ended up on the approach to sandy bay.

At the transition I had to use the patent reef, reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe grotto, since with the wind gusts we strongly crighted. The vessel even at the roll did not accept the water. We passed the next step to the Olkhon Gate under the engine: it was possible to afford such a "luxury", because there is a gas station in the village.

Strike there with gasoline, took the course to Nizhne-Angarsk. 600 km passed in six days. And in just one time of the first navigation, about 2,000 km was passed. In order to save fuel, the slightest possibility of movement under the sail was used. In the process of many years of operation, "Rose Winds" showed excellent nautical qualities.

The use of sailing weapons in combination with the motor allows you to perform very interesting swimming over long distances. " M. A. Zubovich applied high-efficient sailing weapons from the modern racing shutbrot, but on a vessel, not equipped with any devices to counteract the side demolition - drift, to realize the high qualities of Bermuda sails, of course, failed.

Moreover, high sailness with armament of this type led to the appearance of a large roll when the wind is strengthened. (It can be noted that as a result of the alteration, the coatability of the boat deteriorated: the deck in the nose, the design of the cutting, the gas tank of solid capacity - are highly located and accordingly increased the center of the ship's severity.)

Therefore, for such cases of the use of sails as an aid - mainly on associated winds - more convenient weapons with sails of Latin, Gafel type or Guari are strongly recommended. These sails, the wind pressure center is located lower than that of Bermuda equal area; Accordingly, the ship will be less cining in the fresh wind.

The advantages of the Gafel and Rake Weapons are also an easier mast and a smaller height of the mast; This not only simplifies the manufacture of mast, but also important when swimming in inland waterways, when you have to go under numerous bridges and power lines.

Generally speaking, on motor-sailing. Courts floating predominantly on rivers can be content with an even simpler weapon type - with direct sail briefs. All the same against the wind and the flow of the lava under the sails are tedious, and sometimes it is simply impossible; On the passing winds are good and briefs.

The direct sail device is quite well known. Rey climbs the palm, fixed for its middle with the help of rax-bohels, sliding on the mast. To install the sail under the desired angle to the diameter plane of the vessel, brass, conducted from the cockpit to the ends - Knocks - Reia, and Shkota, which for ease of sailing control, are best carried out, as shown on the sketch.

His middle shock is mounted to the bottom corner of the sail, one of his end (he, strictly speaking, is a galks) is passed through the guide or a block located in the board ahead (approximately 0.5-0.7 m) mast, the other end (actually Shkot) - through the same training behind the mast. From the winding side "Gals", it is tightened by the front side dish of the sail, and from the leeward - "shkot" is chosen in such a way that the sail does not rinse the wind.

The guys with this armament should be sufficiently attributed to the feed so that they do not interfere with the turn of Ray and more reliably fond the mast from behind. Along the way, several recommendations for choosing a brief size. Mast usually make a height (from the deck or roof of the cutting), approximately equal to half the boat length. The width of the sail along the bottom chain is taken equal to the width of the vessel, and the top (according to re) may be somewhat larger.

The "Machine Branch" is quite a lot of space on the "Rose of Winds" - the engine is installed far from Ahtersteve. It would be possible to move it a bit in the stern and win an additional cockpit area if the author had applied another design of the foundation.

The original decision offers E. K. Lichushin (from Kuibyshev), also used the housing of the old "six". Since in the stern itself very narrowly, install the engine on longitudinal submooling bars in the usual way it was impossible. E. K. Lichushin secured these bars to the splits not lower, as usual, and above the engine paws in the plane parallel to the waterline.

The horizontal angle between the bars was about 30 o, and the space between them was sufficient to place the engine. The paws of the engine are opesed on two welded trapezoid brackets (from steel squares) fixed on longitudinal bars.

The feed seat had to lengthen into a nose by 150 mm; To maintain the motor in it, the hatcher covered with a lid is cut; Here, under the seat, and benzobac. E. K. Lichushin retained the regular feather steering wheel. Cut it (like the ahterstevny bar) for the placement of the screw accounted for quite a bit. This was possible thanks to the displacement of the steering pins from the creek.

As a successful example of solving the issues of architecture and internal planning of yachts, equipped with rescue boats, a 5.5-meter yacht, built by Leningrad M. N. Bogdanov, can be called (general drawings were developed by A. B. Karpov). Boatboard boats are sustained with a wide belt of backelonized plywood: the Forestye is the width of this belt of 300 mm, in the feed - 360 mm. The upper part of the cabin is decorated in the form of a semi-branch - a superstructure extending from the side to the side across the entire width of the case.

The on-board walls of the superstructure are installed with an inclination inside by 8-10 °; In the tips, they are vertical and attached to the bars, which are increasing the dyed. It turned out spacious, wide cabin with a sufficient height of "in the light" (1.3 m) with a slim silhouette of the yacht. Aesthetic perception is subordinate to the color of the superstructure in a dark color, differing from the color of the side; Powerful oak bin also shares these surfaces, visually reducing the total height.

Another advantage of the option with a semi-biscuit is spacious, convenient for work and rest deck. The support of the mast stepper serves a semiderebob, separating the inner volume into two rooms - two cabins. In the nose cabin, a wide double sofa is arranged, and wardrobes are located on the right side of it. Lid lid (its size 500 × 400 mm) is made of a thick plexiglass.

In the layout of the feed cabin, the designer also moved away from the traditional symmetric location of the sofas. On many rescue boats, Kilson, stacked in the DP on top of the spangles, performs above them and above Piolas to a height of up to 100 mm and with symmetric layout it turns out under their feet; Usually the height of the cabin due to this has to be further increased.

In this case, Kilson does not create any inconvenience, as it turned out to be on the side of the main passage. The table on the left board can be lowered to the seats, to form a semi-gun place. Cockpit - self-denial (since its bottom is located only 200 mM.above Waterlinia, drain spys must be provided with non-return valves, for example, a float type).

The engine is installed in a hotpiece highlighted by waterproof, and is served through the hatch in the deck. An interesting option for re-equipment of a 7-meter rescue boat to a sailing and motor yacht was performed by Leningradets A. Tabachnik.

All airboxes and banks were removed from the housing, literal things and planksar were removed. After cleaning from the old paint, the trim defects were discovered from the backelon-plywood bands. Most of all suffered a tongue belt - the groove in Kiel hung hard. However, it did not replace this belt, and the grooves seal, putting a triangle rack on the sail and oil putty (see sketch) here.

Damaged sections of the creek on the shafts were covered with overlays from 1-2 millimeter brass. The water renovated in this way was absolutely not missed. On the future yacht, it was assumed to swim in Ladoga and Onega Lakes, known for their turbulent character, so the need to install heavy fabilic and equipment of a self-denial cockpit in the participants of the vessel of doubt did not cause.

To attach a 500-kilogram Falkille on the bottom, the bottom of the pine floors with a thickness of 60 mm was installed and a powerful cylinder bolts missed in five of them. Flora are cut on the keel and the trim, and the regular kilson is laid on top of them. Motor foundation is a welded structure consisting of two steel floors associated with longitudinal beams from the 45x45x5.

The height inside the cabins chose the minimum - 1450 mm from Piol. Due to this, the cutting turned out to be low, well-harmonive with the case and no negative impact on the nautical quality of the vessel. Arm the yacht decided by two-volume Bermuda schooner. This made it possible to obtain a significant total area of \u200b\u200bsails (about 30 m 2) with a relatively low position of the Sailing Center.

In addition, the distribution of sailboat on two masts allows the use of various carriages of the sails, depending on the specific conditions of swimming and improve the valid of the vessel: because the boat with their long keel "not very willingly" make turns, especially with strong wind.

However, in principle, the correct settlements of the builder in this case were not fulfilled. Under full sails, the ship is very given; Bermuda sails of small square work on it ineffectively (in particular - due to harmful mutual influence). In the future, it was decided to reoperack the yacht with a regular gateway with a large genuine.

In the first campaign in a hectic lady, the ship demonstrated high stability. It has a two-cylinder water-cooled gasoline engine, which develops 20 liters. with. at 3000 rpm. To do without a reversible coupling to ensure the rear and idle, the yacht builders made a three-bladed propeller of the adjustable step (the drawings of A. P. Shirshov, published in 10 collection of the collection).

The speed of the move under the engine was 7 knots. The dimensions of the engine room did not allow the handle to start the engine, so I had to put the starter from the Moskvich-408 car, and the flywheel was replaced with another - with a gear crown (from the "Zaporozhets" engines). Charging the battery is carried out from the 300-watt generator from the GAZ-21 engine.

Water is supplied to the cooling system with a two-section pump, in the design of which are used impeller from the "Moscow-25" suspended motor. From this samemotor applied and fuel pump. The stock of the fuel is stored in two standard boat airboxes with a total capacity of 80 liters.

Naturally, with an increase in the size of the boat, there is more opportunities to make a future boat or a yacht more comfortable, it is better to adapt them to long-scale voyage. For example, in the project of re-equipment of a 10-meter rowing boat into a motor-sailing yacht, made by D. A. Kurbatov, an increase in the height of the side up to 1.6 m and the equipment of two cabins with a height in rooms is 1.9 m and 1.7 m, with six beds.

Four-cylinder diesel "4Csp8.5 / 11" with a capacity of 23 liters. with. Reports the yacht speed of 6.5 knots. It is installed in the stern, under the cockpit, and closed with a hood. The post of steering is protected by opening with a stern with cutting, which serves simultaneously inlet tambour. The two fuel tanks located under the cockpit platform have a total capacity of 360 liters and provide a navigation range under an engine 450 miles.

Gamels are located directly at the entrance, so that with an open similar hatch, the room is well ventilated; The amplitude of killeep pitching in the middle part of the vessel is small - it contributes to the successful work of Coca to the sea. Forpike is used as a sailing storeroom and a bedroom kubrick for three crew members.

Look with an upgraded window is enlarged for convenience of working with sails. The cabin company, in addition to the portholes in the Rubbits coming, is illuminated (and ventilated) through the top light hatch. The yacht is designed for combined swimming with exit from the inland waters to the sea, therefore the armament of the vessel with a gaffle tender with a retractable stamorage is provided.

Due to the change of sails in the tender, you can easily "follow" behind the changes in the wind and vary the sail area in very wide limits. With the fresh wind, the yacht can only go under the work station and the grotto (total area of \u200b\u200b41.5 m 2), having a 600 mm sailing center position in the nose from the side of the side resistance.

The Cleaver increases the total sailboat by 12 m 2; At the same time, the ship can also go cool to the wind. With topsell, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe sails increases to 61.5 m, but this option, of course, is acceptable only with weak winds (it may be very useful in swimming in such conditions when it is important to use the riding wind).

The ship will not be a good lavinator: for this it would be required more efficient and deep keel, unsuitable for these swimming conditions (the precipitate is limited) and, moreover, much degrading due to the motor under the engine. A compromise option is proposed with a fabel-fin, 500 mm high, made, as usual, in the form of a welded steel box filled with metal scrap and cement; This falsecale is attached to reinforced flora through the keel bolts M18 - M20.

Its weight is 1,200 kg, and the total displacement of the yacht is about 5 tons with an overall sediment of 1.4 m. From the details of the project under consideration, it is worth noting the stylized clipper-high-handwill in the form of putting on a regular slave boat, and a bushprit, which is a wide sloping platform, which It will be convenient for example, when setting a cliver or mooring to a high wall.

General requirements for rescue boats

4.4.1 Rescue Boat Design All rescue boats must have a proper design and such a form and the ratio of main dimensions so that they have sufficient stability on the excitement and sufficient surface side when. They are loaded with their complete set of people and supply. All rescue boats must have a hard housing and maintain positive stability in a straight position on a quiet water, when they are loaded with their full set of people and supply and have a hole in any one place below the Waterlinia, assuming that there was no loss of floating material and missing Other damage. Each rescue boat must bear the information confirmed by the Administration, at least containing:

Name of the manufacturer and its address;

Boat model and its serial number;

- month and year of manufacture;

The number of people approved for accommodation in the boat; and

- Approved in accordance with subparagraph Information.

The organization that produces a boat must issue an approval certificate in which in addition to the above information indicates:

Confirmation number of the boat approval by the administration;

The material from which the boat housing is made indicating parts for the problems of compatibility of materials in the case of repair;

The total mass of the fully equipped supply and staffed boats;

The fact of approval, according to, respectively, paragraphs 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 or 4.9. All rescue boats must have sufficient strength to:

1 They could be safe to descend into water when they are loaded with their complete set of people and supply; and

2 They could be lowered into water and tow on the front of the vessel at a speed of 5 knots on quiet water. Cases and rigid closures should be not conducive to burning or non-combustible. Planting places for people should be equipped with transverse and longitudinal banks or fixed seats and have such a design to withstand:

1 total static load, equivalent mass approved to accommodate the number of people, weighing 100kg every person, in places in a boat that meets the requirements of paragraph;

2 for a boat designed to descend on the waist - a load of 100 kg at any landing place when it is reset to water from a height of at least 3 m; and

3 For a boat designed to descend with a free drop - a load of 100 kg at any landing place, when it is reset from a height of at least 1.3 greater than approved in the certificate. Each rescue boat, besides those designed to descend with a free drop, must have sufficient strength to withstand the load indicated below without residual deformation after its removal:

1 for boats with a metal body loading of 1.25 times higher than the total mass of such a boat when it is loaded with its complete set of people and supply; or

2 For other boats - the load is 2 times higher than the total mass of such a boat when it is loaded with its complete set of people and supply. Each rescue boat, besides those designed to descend with a free fall, when it is loaded with its complete set of people and supply and equipped, in applicable cases, sleds or exterior privilege bars, should have sufficient strength to withstand a blow to the boat of the rescue boat. The direction is perpendicular to board the vessel at a speed of at least 3.5 m / s, as well as dropping into water from a height of at least 3 m. The vertical distance between the bottom of the bottom and the inner surface of the closure or awning extending over 50% of the bottom area must be:

1 at least 1.3 m-for rescue boats with a capacity of 9 people or less;

2 at least 1.7-for rescue boats with a capacity of 24 people or more;

3 no less distance calculated by linear interpolation, between 1.3 and 1.7 m-for rescue boats with a capacity of 9 to 24 people.

4.4.2 Rescue boats capacity No rescue boats are allowed with a capacity of more than 150 people. The number of people allowed to accommodate on the rescue boat descended on the waist should be lower from the following numbers:

1 numbers of people with an average weight of 75 kg, which can sit in a normal position in rescue vests, without interfering with the work of the rescue boat to drive both its equipment; or

2 points of seating that can be equipped with banks and seats in accordance with Fig. 1. Squares of seats can be overlapped, as shown in the figure, provided that there is a sufficient foot space and are equipped with supports for them, and the vertical distance between the upper and lower seat is at least 350 mm. Each seat for seating should be clearly designated in the rescue boat.

4.4.3 Access to lifeboats Each rescue boat of a passenger ship must be arranged and located in such a way that all people painted in the boat can make a quick landing into it. It should also be the ability to quickly disembark people from a rescue boat. Each rescue boat of a freight ship must be arranged and located in such a way that all people painted in the boat can land at it for no more than 3 minutes from the moment of submitting the team to landing. It should also be the ability to quickly disembark people from a rescue boat. Rescue boats must have a landing ladder that allows people who are in the water to climb into the boat, and which can be used for it any landing entrance. The lower step of this ladder should be located at least 0.4 m below the rescue boat in the empty state. Rescue boat must be arranged so that on board the boat, people can be lifted in the helpless state of both water and stretches. All surfaces on which people can walk should have a non-slip coating.

4.4.4 buoyancy of the rescue boat

All rescue boats must have their own buoyancy or be equipped with a resistant to sea water, oil or petroleum products floating material in an amount sufficient to maintain a rescue boat to support with all its supply when it is filled with water and is open. In addition, an additional floating material should be provided in an amount that ensures the power of buoyancy, equal to 280 N per person from the number of people permissible to accommodate on the rescue boat. Floating material should not be located outside the enclosure of the rescue boat, with the exception of the material covered in the desired above the quantity.

4.4.5 Opening boat and stability of the rescue boat All rescue boats must be stitching and have positive metuclear height (GM) positive values \u200b\u200bin the case when they are loaded with 50% of the number of people allowed to accommodate on a rescue boat, sitting in a normal position on one side from its diametrical plane. For the loading condition mentioned in paragraph

1 Each rescue boat having holes for the entrance near the private bar must have a surface board measured from waterline to the lowest hole through which the rescue boat can occur, equal to at least 1.5% of the lifeboat length or 100 mm, depending on that more;

2 Each rescue boat that does not have holes for entering near the private bar must not have a roll corner of more than 20 °, and the surface board measured from waterline to the lower hole through which the rescue flooding can occur

boats, should be equal to at least 1.5% boat length or 100 mm, depending on what is more.

4.4.6 Means of rescue boat Each rescue boat must be equipped with an internal combustion engine with compression ignition. It is not allowed to use engines running on fuel with a flash point of 43 ° C or lower (when tested in a closed crucible). The engine must be equipped with either a manual starting device or a trigger with a drive from two independent rechargeable energy sources. Any needed to start the engine device should also be provided. Starting devices and fixtures should ensure the start of the engine at ambient temperature - 15 ° C for 2 minutes from the start of the start, if the administration, given the specific flights that are permanently performed by the vessel on which the rescue boat is installed, it does not consider that the temperature should be different . Working devices work should not interfere with the engine casing, banks or others. Weight. The engine must be able to work at least 5 minutes from the moment of starting in the cold state, when the boat is outside the water. The engine must be able to work when the rescue boat is flooding along the crankshaft axis. The rowing screw shaft should be arranged so that the rowing screw can disagne with the engine. The ability to move the rescue boat to the front and reverse movement should be provided. The exhaust pipe must be arranged so as to prevent water from entering the engine during its normal operation. All rescue boats should be designed to ensure the safety of people in water and prevent the possibility of damage to the rowing screw by floating fragments. The speed of the forward stroke of the rescue boat on a quiet water, when it is loaded with its complete set of people and supply and when its auxiliary mechanisms are operating, which are powered by the engine, there must be at least 6 nodes and at least 2 nodes when towing the rescue fleet With a capacity of 25 people, loaded with a complete set of people and supply, or its equivalent. A sufficient amount of fuel suitable for use in the conditions of temperature provided in the area of \u200b\u200boperation of the vessel should be provided in order to ensure the movement of a fully loaded rescue boat at a speed of 6 nodes for at least 24 hours. The rescue boat engine, transmission and the device related to the engine must be protected by non-combustible casing or another appropriate method providing similar protection. It should also protect people from random touch to hot or moving parts and engine protection against weather impact and exposure to the sea. Appropriate means should be provided to reduce the engine noise so that you can hear a loudly given command. The starter batteries must be equipped with covers forming waterproof closure around the base and battery side. Cases of batteries should have a tightly fitted cover, providing the necessary gas removal. The rescue boat engine and the device related to it must be designed to limit the electromagnetic radiation so that the engine operation does not interfere with the operation of the radio equipment used on the rescue boat. Means should be provided to recharge all starter batteries, radio equipment and spotlights. Radio equipment batteries should not be used as an energy source for starting the engine. The means must be provided for recharging the batteries installed in the rescue boat or from the ship power grid no longer above 50 V *, disconnected from the place of landing in the rescue boats or by the solar battery. should be provided in the waterproof design instruction for starting and operating the engine, which should be located on a well-visible place near the engine start control authorities.

4.4.7 Rescue boats equipment All rescue boats, with the exception of a free drop descended, must be equipped with at least one trigger valve located near the lowest point of the body, which must automatically open to descend water from the rescue boat when it is outside the water, and automatically close , preventing the water in the rescue boat when it is afloat. Each shore valve must be equipped with a cap or cork for its closing, which must be attached to the Stergest rescue boat, a chain or another appropriate way. The trigger valves should be easily accessible from the inside of the boat, and their location should be clearly designated. All rescue boats must have a steering wheel and a toll. If there is also a steering wheel or another means of remote control of the steering wheel, then in case of failure of such a tool, it should be possible to control the steering wheel with a tapel. The steering wheel must be constantly attached to the rescue boat. The tapel must be constantly installed on the steering ballet or connected to it, however, if the rescue boat is equipped with a means of remote control of the steering wheel, the tape can be removable and stored close to the power baller. The steering wheel and the tape should be arranged so that they cannot be damaged when the separating mechanism or rowing screw is operational. From the outside of the rescue boat above the Waterlinia and within reach for the person being in the water, with the exception of the area near the location of the steering wheel and the rowing screw, it must be provided with a suitable handrail or fastened with a fusion loss rescue leather. Rescue boats that are not self-refining when tipping should be equipped with appropriate handrails at the bottom of the case so that people can hold on to the rescue boat. The fastening of these handrails to the rescue boat should be such that if under the influence of the impact of sufficient strength they will be divorced from the rescue boat, it did not lead to damage to the body of the rescue boat. All rescue boats must be equipped with a sufficient amount of waterproof boxes or compartments for storing small supplies, water and provisions required by clause 4.4.8. The rescue boat must have means for collecting rainwater and, if required by the administration, additionally manual cleaner. The effect of the desalizer should not depend on the solar energy, nor from other than in seawater, chemical elements. Means should be provided for the storage of assembled water. Each rescue boat, with the exception of descended by a free drop, designed to descend on a single-point suspension or with a tale, should be equipped with a disagreeable mechanism that meets the following requirements, taking into account the provisions of paragraph. 5 below:

1 The mechanism must be arranged so that all the nuts are given at the same time;

2 The mechanism must ensure the dissemination of the rescue boat with the waves next two ways:

1 is usual, in which the disassemble occurs after the rescue of the rescue boat into water or in the absence of loads on the sodes;

2 Under the load at which the disagreement occurs in the presence of loads on the nuts. This method should ensure the disassembly of the rescue boat with the waist under all the load conditions: from the complete absence of it, when the rescue boat is on the water, to the load, 1.1 times higher than the total mass of the rescue boat when it is loaded with its full set of people and supply. This method should provide reliable protection against accidental or premature disagreement. In addition to the signal

danger should provide for the appropriate protection, which includes a special mechanical device (blocking), usually not required for disagreement, when the boat is without load on the telly nuts or afloat after descent to water. To prevent a random disunity while lifting the boat, this mechanical device (blocking) must only work when the separating mechanism is properly and fully returned to its original position. In order to avoid premature triggering under load, the operator must be applied to the separating mechanism intentional and constant effort. The separating mechanism should be designed in such a way that people who are in the boat can clearly see when it is in the initial position and is ready for the rise. Clear operational instructions should be provided with the relevant wording formulation;

3 The controls of the disobedient mechanism must be clearly designated by the color contrasting with the color of the surrounding items;

4 The structural elements of the fastening of the dismantling mechanism to the rescue boat must be designed with the six-time margin of strength relative to the strength limit of the materials used, assuming that the mass of the rescue boat is evenly distributed between the waist;

5 The use of a single-point suspension system for the rescue or duty boat in combination with the corresponding Falin does not require the application of paragraph In this case, a sufficient option for discerning a rescue or duty boat is only disagreement when they are completely afloat. Each rescue boat must be equipped with a device for fastening the face in the nose body. This device should be such that the boat can safely and without disrupting the characteristics of its stability to be towed with a vessel with a speed of up to 5 knots on quiet water. With the exception of the rescue boats descended by a free drop, the fancy fastening device must include a mechanism that provides the disagreement of the pharyine from the inside of the boat when it is touched by a ship at a speed of up to 5 nodes on quiet water. Each rescue boat, equipped with a stationary installed VHF equipment of a two-sided radiotelephone connection with an antenna, which is installed separately, must be equipped with fixtures for installation and reliable attachment of the antenna in its operating position. Rescue boats, designed to descend on board the vessel, must have sludge and outdoor private bars required to facilitate the boat descent and prevent damage. The light bulb should be installed with a manual switch. The fire should be white with a duration of constant action of at least 12 hours and intensity of at least 4.3 kD in all directions of the upper hemisphere. In case the fire is flashing, it should give at least 50, but not more than 70 glimpses per minute for 12 hours equivalent to constant intensity fire. Inside the rescue boat, a bulb or other light source must be installed, providing lighting for at least 12 hours, sufficient to read the instructions for preserving life and operating instructions. However, the use of kerosene lamps for these purposes should not be allowed. Each boat must be arranged so that from the control of the control there is a sufficient overview of the nose, stern and both sides in order to ensure safe descent and maneuvering.

4.4.8 Rescue boats supply

All lesing boat supply items required by this item or anywhere in section 4.4 must be fixed inside the rescue boat by Nightov, stored in boxes or compartments, installed on brackets or similar fasteners

devices or should be fixed by another appropriate way. However, if the slunger of the boat is carried out on the waist, the dispute hooks should not be fixed so that they can be used to repulsion the boat from the vessel. Supply must be enshrined so that no interference has been created during the operations on the leaving of the vessel. All supplies of the rescue boat should be as possible, small in size and lungs, and they should be in a convenient and compact packaging. Except in cases where otherwise specified, the usual supply of each rescue boat should include:

1 With the exception of boats descended by a free fall, a sufficient number of floating fun to ensure the movement of the boat on quiet water. For each olarm, the type of "kooms" type should be provided, swivel float or other equivalent tool. Pointed should be attached to the boat with sterns or chains;

2 two spleen hooks;

3 floating scoop and two buckets;

4 Instructions for the preservation of life *;

5 Glowing or equipped with an appropriate compass lighting means. On fully closed life savory boats, the compass must be stationary in the steering control post; On all other rescue boats, the compass must be in the nozzles if it is necessary to protect against weather protection, and must have appropriate fasteners;

6 Floating anchor of sufficient size with a drake, capable of withdrawing jerks, which provides the possibility of strong capture with his hands during wetting. The strength of the floating anchor, teractov and niral, if provided, should be sufficient under any conditions of the sea;

* See instructions on actions in rescue boats and roofs adopted by resolution A.657 (17) of the Organization.

7 Two reliable phases long, not less than two times higher than the distance from the installation site of the rescue boat to Waterlinia with the smallest operational sediment of the vessel, or 15 m, depending on what is more. On rescue boats, descended by a free fall, both names should be in the boat's nose in the ready-to-use condition. On all other boats both nasal failies should be ready to use and at the same time, it is fixed to the separating device, according to paragraph, and the other is firmly to the Forest or near it;

8 two axes - one in each tip of the rescue boat;

9 Waterproof vessels containing a total amount of fresh water at the rate of 3 l per person from the number of people allowed to accommodate on a rescue boat, of which 1 l of this rate per person can be replaced by water obtained from the desalination apparatus capable of producing a total of fresh Waters for two days, or 2 l of this norm on a person can be replaced by water obtained from manual cleaner, as described in paragraph, which can produce a total amount of fresh water within two days;

10 Stainless Bucket with Sistert;

11 stainless graduated drink vessel;

12 The food diet described in clause, calorie content at least 10,000 kJ for each person from the number of people allowed to accommodate on the rescue boat; This food diet should be in air-permeable packaging and stored in a waterproof container;

13 Four parachute rockets that meet the requirements of section 3.1;

14 six falsefaers meeting the requirements of section 3.2;

15 Two floating smoke checkers that meet the requirements of section 3.3;

16 One waterproof electric lamp, suitable for signaling on the alphabet of Morse, with one spare kit of batteries and one spare light bulb in waterproof packaging;

17 One daylight signaling mirror with instructions for its use to feed signals by sea and aircraft;

18 One instance of the table of rescue signals mentioned in the R / 16 of the Convention, in the waterproof version or in waterproof packaging;

19 One whistle or other equivalent beep;

20 first aid kit of first aid in waterproof packaging, which, after opening, can be tightly closed again;

21 medicines from marine disease in an amount sufficient for at least 48 hours, and one hygienic package for each person;

22 folding knife attached to the Stergest boat;

23 three canvochetors;

24 Two floating rescue rings attached to a floating linen long at least 30 m;

25 manual pump with respect to performance if the boat is not self-healing type;

26 One set of fishing accessories;

27 A sufficient number of tools for carrying out minor engine controls and devices related to it;

28 portable fire extinguisher approved type suitable for extinguishing of burning oil *;

* See Revised "Guidelines for Sea Portable Fire Extinguishers", adopted by the organization resolution A.602 (15).

29 spotlight with a horizontal and vertical beam sector of at least 6 ° and measured intensity of light 2500 cd, which is capable of continuously shine at least 3 hours;

30 Effective radar reflector if a radar respondent is installed in the rescue boat;

31 heat shields that meet the requirements of section 2.5, in an amount sufficient for a 10% number of people allowed to accommodate on a rescue boat or two, depending on what is more; and

32 For vessels flying such a character and duration, which, according to the administration, the presence of objects listed in paragraphs and, optionally, the administration may not require their presence.

4.4.9 Marking of lifeboats The number of people according to the rescue boat of the capacity should be applied on it with a clear font of the indelible paint. The name of the vessel and the port of the registry must be applied on each board in the nose in the printed letters of the Latin alphabet. Identification tools - what ship belongs to the boat and its number - should be applied in such a way that they are visible from above.

This can happen suddenly. When you sleep in your cabin, or walk with someone on the deck. You can feel a strong blow, an explosion that shakes the vessel or the smell of gary, or a light roll, which gradually increases with time. Shipwreck!!! People refuse to believe in what is happening, panic begins if the crew does not accept any action. Light can turn off, howling the sirens, take off in the air alarm rockets ...
The topic I want to affect very extensive. This is trained in special courses in nautical schools and training centers and raising the skill. I can not physically write everything about survival on the sea. I just want to provide a review of rescue tools so that people understand what it is.
Rescue raft (Boat Water Liferaft).

In the manufacture of an inflatable rescue fleet is guided by the International Convention Solas, so that they are all very similar. Made inflatable rafts from multilayer rubberized orange fabric; They have two buoyancy chambers, two inflatable arcs and an inflatable jar in the middle, inflated through non-refundable valves from the cylinder with carbon dioxide. Each of the two bonding compartments is able to maintain a raft with a full saving. Double bottom, inflounted by manual fur, provides heat insulation from water. The rafts have awning (or even two), protecting people from the exposure to the external environment. Outside of the fleet on buoyancy chambers, a rescue leder is fixed, designed to maintain water saving on the water.
The inflatable raft is stored on the deck in the container and is fixed with a hydrostatic device. To bring the flesh to action, it is necessary to check the fastening end of the starting line to the ship, dismiss the hydrostatic device by clicking on its pedal, reset the raft overboard, select the launch of the starting line, the length of which is equal to the double distance from the installation site to the water, but not less than 15 m , and lean jerk open the starting valve of the cylinder. In the inflated state of the raft, attached to the hull of the vessel using a start line, performing the role of Falin's role after actuating the gas-filler system.

Fully inflated raft in 60 seconds. If the raft was not rebelled to the death of the vessel, then at a depth of 2 to 4 m, the hydrostatic device will release a container having a positive buoyancy.

The unexpassed container left to the surface remains attached to the sunken ship. If the depth of the flooding of the vessel exceeds the length of the starting line, then after it etching the raft will automatically open and after the lines are ruptured (it is cut from the place of attachment on the vessel) will freely drift.
Rafts are divided into coastal Boat Coastal Liferaft., and distant swimming-oceanic Boat Blue Water Liferaft. Plots capacity is different, from 1 to 50 or more people.

The main advantage of rescue rafts is their compactness when laid storage and the absence of complex and bulky devices for descent. As a result, they first found the use of small vessels. Landing in the rafts on low-pass vessels is carried out mainly in the following ways: on the stormtrape, jumping from the side of the root, jump into the water, followed by the entrance to the raft from the water. It should be noted that the last method is most unfavorable due to the wetting of clothing, which is due to the subsequent possible hypoint, as well as the possibility of attacking the shark.
At high-pass courts, the specified ways of landing in the raft are applied with difficulty. Therefore, large-tonnage ships of the world fleet began to equip inflatable gutters with inflatable platforms, allowing to carry out a quick and safe landing in the raft.

Inflatable gutters allow evacuation of 10-12 people. In just 1 min., And some systems are more than 500 people in 30 minutes.

On cargo ships, the total capacity of inflatable rafts should be 50% of the crew. On passenger ships - 25% of the total number of people being aboard.
In addition to discharged, there may be inflatable rafts, descended by a special crane-beam. In this case, one crane-beam serves several rafts "that bring to it, inflated on the deck and here they make a landing of people. Run the raft along with people.

The design of the descent fleet provides landing of all people assigned to him on a cargo ship during no more than 3 minutes. The number of rescue rafts on the vessel is determined by the number of people on board. On the cargo vessel they must accommodate 100% of people.
The supply of the rescue fleet includes:

Planting ring with a length of at least 30 m;

Floating safe forcing the starting line, stored in your pocket from the outside of the awning near the place of fastening of the name (knife models are different, but necessarily with a blunt tip);

Two floating anchors to reduce the drift speed with drametov and nirals;

Folding floating paddles;
scope of rubberized fabric and two sponges to remove water from the fleet;

manual fur for air swap in buoyancy chambers and inflatable bottom;
Hisa (Chemical Sources of Light)

A set of repair devices (rubber screwing plugs, metal plugs, pieces of rubberized tissue and tubes with glue);
Signal kit:
- four parachute rockets (different colors, but most often green, white, red),

- six falsefaers (different colors),

- two floating smoke checkers,

- radar reflector (a very useful thing, made of light metallized fabric, which the radars of ships are easily trapped),

- electric hermetic lantern,
- signaling mirror-heliograph with a hole in the middle for the best "aiming",

- signal whistle;

- Color / fluorescent marker (paints water in bright well noticeable color from the air)

first aid kit,

Tablets from the marine disease,

hygienic packages (for natural needs and 1000 other applications);
Food diet at the rate of 2 500 kcal per 1 person;

Canned drinking water at the rate of 1.5 liters per person,

Three canned vehicles,
The graduated vessel for distribution of water (a very important thing! disciplines and does not allow to spend not economically water);

Fishing accessories set;
Individual heat shielding agents (at least two). It is a bag or suit from a waterproof material with a low thermal conductivity, designed to restore the temperature of the human body that visited cold water. The heat shield is closed, with the exception of the face, the whole body of a person with a lifeline vest. Its design allows you to unpack, put on without assistance or remove in water if it interferes with sailing, not more than 2 minutes. Each rescue boat and a rescue raft must have individual heat shielding agents in the amount of 10% of people admitted to placement, but at least two.;

The illustrated table of rescue signals and the instruction on the preservation of life on a rescue raft and for its maintenance. All this is part of the so-called emergency bags that need to be kept on the ships of coastal and long-range sailing, and of course on rescue rafts and boats.

They can be additionally included in their composition:
- Defibrillator, with a detailed application scheme

- Ranker (but recently it is replaced by signal parachute rockets as more convenient in use)

- Manual distiller

- Sunny distiller

- And even an oxygen cylinder!

The main disadvantages of the existing rescue raft are their insufficient stability, a significant wind drift, the complexity of the removal from the side of the dying ship.
Rescue boats

The rescue boat is the main active collective rescue tool intended for the salvation of the crew and passengers. On newly built courts, as a rule, rescue boats must be self-adjustable type, completely closed and motor. Their engines must provide for mechanical and manual start, work or automatically disconnect (and then easy to start) in an inverted state. The speed of the boat on a quiet water with a complete set of people and supply should be at least 6 bonds. For those who are in the operation of ships, temporary use of non-promotional, open and semi-closed life boats is allowed. Lifeboat boats of the cargo ship must provide a landing of a full number of people not more than 3 minutes from the moment of submission of the team for landing, as well as a quick landing of people from the boat.

Rescue boats for oil ships are made by flame retardant. With the operating system of irrigation with water, they withstand the effect of the flame of continuously burning oil for at least 8 minutes when the boat of the fire zone on the water is passed. These boats are equipped with a compressed air system that ensures the safety of people and the uninterrupted operation of the engine at least 10 minutes.

Rescue boats are painted outside in orange. In the nasal part with both boats, latin letters are inscriptions indicating the name of the vessel, the port of the attribution, the size of the boat and the amount allowed for the placement of the number of people. Outside the boat is fixed with the velocity loss leather. On the perimeter of the boat under a fitted timber and on the closing deck strips of a retroreflective material are pasted. In nasal and stern
The parts of the boat on the top of the closure are laid crosses from a retroreflective material.

To search for people and alarms, the searchlight is used, deploying 360 ° in the horizontal plane and tilting up to 90 and down to 30 ° from the horizontal plane. To collect people from water and their heating, floating rescue rings and individual heat shielding agents (at least two) are used. For communication, a radio station of a motor rescue boat and a wearable radiotelephone station are used.

The number of rescue boats on board the vessel is determined by the diving area, the type of vessel and the number of people on the vessel. Cargo ships unlimited diving area have rescue boats, providing a 200% ship crew (100% from each side). Passenger vessels have rescue boats at the calculation of 100% of passengers and crew (50% of each side).

A discarded boat has a more durable body of a special form. After returning the attachment, the boat squeaks from the platform, water drops with acceleration, and entering the water, briefly immersed at an angle to the vertical, while departs from the ship and pops up from it. Since when you hit a discharged boat about water there are significant overloads, all people in boats occupy space in specially designed chairs with shock absorbing pads and fasten the belt belts. Experiments conducted in Norway showed that such a boat can be reset from a height of up to 40 m with a differential to 15 and roll to 30 °.

Ships rescue boats divided:

According to the material of the hull - metal (steel or aluminum-magnesium alloys), wooden (set or glued) and plastic;

By type of propulsion - more fun, sailing and screw (driven by motor or with manual mechanical drive);

In the form of a case - a telly type, with transom feed, open and hermetically closed;

In size.

The size of the boats (Fig.269) is regulated in accordance with the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). A typical series of rescue boats is based on the minimum ratio of their gross volume to the work of the main dimensions. LXBXHnot less than 0.64. For a wooden boat, this ratio may be at least 0.6 with a decrease in the number of people placed in it.

Size of the rescue boats of domestic production is mounted depending on the capacity, the case material and the type of propulsion.

For example, USA-48 boats, SSHAR-48, SSHPM-48 and SSHP-48 are calculated on 48 people each, have a length of 7.5 m, the width of 2.7 m, the height of the side on the face of 1.1 m, the mass with people and people and supply 5.5 tons (letters mean: WITH - rescue, Sh - Boat, BUT - from aluminum-magnesium alloy, P- plastic from fiberglass, R - with manual drive, M.- Motor, T.- tanker).

The rescue boat tanker domestic production of the USAB-30 type (Fig.270, 271) has a capacity of 30 people, a length is 8.6 m, a width of 2.6 m, the height of the side is 2.3 m, a mass with a supply of 2.9 tons, speed 6 , 2 tons. It is made of light alloy, sealed, has hatches for planting the crew and another one hatch in the tips to access lifting gamps. High surface board, water-impermeable closure ensure the stability of the boat and protection of the crew from water, fire and gas.

Requirements for the design of rescue boats are set out in SOLAS-74 and the rules of the Russian register. The rescue boat in which there is a complete number of people to which it is designed and having the necessary supply must maintain positive stability and sufficient height of the surface side.

The length of the rescue boat should not be less than 7.3 m., eliminating cases when due to the size of the vessel or for other reasons, the installation of such boats is impossible. In such cases, the boat length can be reduced to 4.9 m.. The mass of the rescue boat with people and the supply should not exceed 20 t.And the capacity is not more than 150 people.

Rescue boats with a capacity of 60 to 100 people must be either motor or mechanically driven on the propeller. Boats with a capacity of more than 100 people should only be motor.

The buoyancy should be sufficient to maintain a boat with its supply when it is filled with water and is open by sea. In addition, weaving stock should be provided by an additional volume of waterproof aircraft. The volume of airboxes should be at least 0.1 gross volume of the boat. The volume of domestic means of the buoyancy of the rescue boat with a mechanical drive or a motor lifeboat should be increased to compensate for the weight of a mechanical drive or motor.

The number of people that can be allowed to accommodate on a rescue boat is the greatest integer obtained from the division of the boat volume (in m. 3) by number 0.283.

Register regulations establish additional requirements for the design of fiberglass boats, motor boats and mechanically driven boats on the rowing screw.

The housing of the rescue boat from the stiltlastic (Fig.272), as well as the housing of the light alloy boat (Fig.273) must withstand the load, without damaging and not undergoing residual deformations when it is impaired about a rigid vertical wall with a scope of 3 m., or when resetting it on the water with a full load from a height of 2.5 m.

Motor rescue boats must be equipped with a reversing engine, allowing reverse. The engine power should be such in order to provide speed at the forefoot on a quiet water of at least 6 bonds - for boats of passenger, oil and fishing vessels and at least 4 tons - for rescue boats of vessels of other types. The fuel supply must ensure the operation of the engine at least 24 hours in the running mode. The engine must be powered by manually for 1 min in any conditions possible during the operation of the vessel.

The rescue boats with a mechanical drive (Fig.271) with a full supply and a regular number of people should have a drive that develops power sufficient to in order for calm water from the position "Stop" the boat could pass in the first two min, a distance of at least 150 m in the first two min, And on the steady move - for 4 min, a distance of at least 450 m (have a speed of about 3.5 tons).

Rescue boats of oil courts should be made with such a calculation so that they can withstand the effect of a flame with a temperature of at least 1200 ° C for at least 10 minutes. During the passage of the boat of the heat zone on the water, the temperature inside the boat for at least 5 minutes should not exceed 60 ° C. Boats must be designed so that they come from any position to normal. Managing the tanker boat must be from the inside of the boat. The boat must be equipped with a compressed air system that ensures the safety of people and the uninterrupted operation of the engine at least 10 minutes.

The coloring and labeling of the rescue boat is performed by bright indelible paints. Outside the boat is usually painted in white, an inner surface, a plank and supply objects - in orange or light red. All lettering on the boat makes clear letters and signs. In the nasal part with both sides, inscriptions are made, indicating the name of the vessel, the port of the registry, the size of the boat and the number of people that is allowed to place in it. If the vessel of the unlimited diving area, the name of the vessel is written in Latin letters in the stern part of the boat. The boat number (odd numbers - for boats placed on the right side, counting from the vessel's nose, and even - for boats on the left side of the vessel) are applied in the nose of the boat below other inscriptions.

Boat workers (fig. They have a small length - up to 5.5 m. On cargo ships, workers boats can be without the inner stock of buoyancy, i.e. without airboxes. The supply of workers boats includes paddles, sturdy, steering wheel with a rubrel, reference hook, lantern, fail, scope for water, flag and cover on the boat.

Training boats(Fig.275) used training vessels and in maritime educational institutions for training cadets. These are usually small geced fluorescence with the inner reserve of buoyancy and sailing weapons consisting of two sails.

In accordance with the size and number of fun, training boats are divided into the following main types:

Rowing boats by 10 -14 cheerful with two-dimensional rail sailing arms;

Yalah sixae with single-line rail-split sailing arms (the most common type of boats used for initial maritime and physical preparation and conducting sporting events);

Yals four-dimensional with rated-split sailing arms.

Punches on the boat rollers. On yalas, regular oars are also valves or swinging. Sailing boats and Jalov provides them with good lavaling qualities, which allows you to successfully use these boats for long-range treasures and cadet regulations.