Presentation of a journey through the old vyatka. Presentation for the lesson on local history "history of vyatka"

The coat of arms of the city of KirovThe first bow and arrow appeared on
Vyatka seal, which was introduced
for the State seal
Ivan the Terrible in 1557.
There are several hypotheses
the appearance of the Vyatka symbol. In one of
the most likely hypotheses,
the bow is believed to symbolize
the main occupation of the local
population - hunting.
Based on the Vyatka seal, the highest
approved on May 28 (June 8) 1781
Empress Catherine II

City flag

Kirov (formerly Khlynov, Vyatka) is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kirov region. Forms a municipality "

Kirov (former names - Khlynov, Vyatka) -
city \u200b\u200bin Russia, administrative center
Kirov region.
Forms the municipality "city
Kirov ". Located on the Vyatka River, 896 km from
The city has been known since 1374 under the name
Historical, cultural, industrial and
scientific center of the Kirov region. Homeland
Dymkovo toys. "Fur" and "peat"
capital of Russia

Kirov's history

The first settlements on the territory
current Kirov were
presumably formed 2.5
thousands of years ago. By the 7th century here
the first
peoples of the tribes of the Udmurts,
Mari and Komi. The main
settlements are located
the banks of the rivers Cheptsa, Moloma and

The city's attractions

Kirov is one of the oldest historical
cities of Russia with a rich
heritage in the form of historical monuments,
culture and architecture. City,
located on seven hills and having
amazing silhouette of buildings and iconic
architectural ensembles, preserved
historical layout and connection with
the surrounding natural landscape.

One of the oldest cultural monuments is the majestic architectural ensemble of the Uspensky Trifonov Monastery, paintings

One of the oldest
cultural monuments
is an
architectural ensemble
Uspensky Trifonov
male monastery,
located on
embankment of the Vyatka river.
The monastery was founded
Saint Tryphon
Vyatsky in 1580.
Architectural ensemble
the monastery has the status
federal monument

The building of the FSB in the Kirov region, formerly the mansion of the merchant T.F. Bulychev (architect I.A.Charushin)

Tikhon Filippovich Bulychev was
famous Vyatka merchant,
entrepreneur, owner
local shipping company,
the owner of many houses and
patron of the arts. His treasury
demonstrated by wealth and
luxury finishes being built
residential city streets
mansions. Beautiful castle with
griffins at the front door and
openwork cast-iron fence was
built in 1911. IN
mixing gothic style with
exotic of the east, the building has become
a unique structure,
which became a decoration of Vyatka

Vyatka Kunstkamera

Museum "Vyatka Kunstkamera"
located in a typical
town mansion of the 19th century,
built in 1860
The exposition is based on
collection principle presents collections
items used in
urban environment of the late 19th early 20th centuries: clocks, dishes
porcelain and faience,
household appliances, furniture and

House-Museum of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

The museum is located in
house, where from 1848 to 1855.
famous Russian lived
writer M.E. Saltykov Shchedrin, serving exile in

Examples of urban sculpture appearing in the city

"Horseshoe of happiness" with
paved alley
inscribed granite
"Wish tree"
the composition "Stork
bringing a child "

Monument to the Vyatka seal

The monument is
stone copy of the Vyatka seal XVI
century. In the picture of the front side
the monument depicts a fragment
state seal of Ivan
Grozny - an emblem in the form
drawn bow with superimposed on
him with a feathered arrow and an inscription
The first print monument in Russia
opened in 2007
Monument "Vyatka seal", in
based on historical
coat of arms of the region - unique in the semantic
expression of attraction
Kirov, which has no analogues in the world.

The city has a large number of parks and recreation areas

Among them:

Green embankment with the installed monument "Eternal Flame"

Park named after S. Kirov

Museum and Exhibition Center "Diorama" is located in the park named after S. Kirov

In the park named after S. Kirov there is
Museum and Exhibition Center "Diorama"

Kirov is one of those priceless Russian cities that cannot be called tourist, although there is something to see here. It is rich in cathedrals,

museums and many other cultural
heritage. This presentation gave you
the opportunity to walk through some of them.
Love your city!
Thanks for attention!

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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A journey through Vyatka antiquity with a book by Tamara Kopaneva VYATSKY DALYOKO Teacher of Russian language and literature KOGOBU CDOD Oksana Mikhailovna Lyanguzova Kirov, 2017

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Conversations go, wander: - Vyatka? What is this city? - In! We've seen the joker! It's not a city. That river. - Fill, brother, fill Not the river. Taiga region. - An edge is not an edge, a place under the sun. They come there, as foreigners call all Ivanovs Vanchi, and three millers were brought up in their Kotelnich: vodichu on water, veterinarian, parovich. - This is tsyo! They screwed up the locks on the botski, and it is incomprehensible to anyone to cling to the target. - And yet .. Rumor rushes, but slyly smiles over the former Wancho: - Duck and invent cho !. Welcome to old Vyatka!

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Children's writer, author of 6 books for children; - by profession - teacher, teacher of the Russian language and literature; - Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia; - worked for 30 years as an editor of children's programs at a television studio; - the winner of many regional and all-Russian literary competitions; - Diploma-recipient of the Feather of the Firebird Prize of the Fairytale Games on Vyatka (2013) - Laureate of the literary prize named after Alexander Green in 2017 “Her soul is young. There is a bright spark in this person, an unquenchable light that has lived in her since childhood. She managed to preserve this special state of mind, and now she fills her works with it. " Tamara Aleksandrovna Kopaneva (born in 1933)

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“My dad is an employee, my mom was the head of the district library. There were five of us: dad, mom, older sister Rita, me and younger brother Sasha. The book has always been considered the main value in our home. I read a lot, we had an old library. Childhood Dad often took me with him on trips around the area. We went to Vanka. That was the name of our swift horse in a light wicker tarantass. "

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“I started writing early - at the age of 7. She composed fairy tales. The war rocked. Hunger. I had an "island of loneliness" in the forest, I went there and wrote poetry, fairy tales. She wrote her first poem at the age of 9 ”. On the island of loneliness, Tamara Alexandrovna put her diary and her favorite bell in a forged chest and buried it all under an old spruce tree and vowed to get her precious treasure in 2000 ”.

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In 2016, the book "Vyatskoe Daleko" was awarded the "Golden Knight" prize in the "Literature for Children and Youth" nomination at the VII International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight", - in the same year it became the winner of the XIII International Competition of the CIS Member States " The Art of Book "in the nomination" Book for Children and Youth ". In 2017 - laureate of the literary prize named after Alexander Green ... "Vyatskoe far away": seven awards in six competitions

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Where it was, in which side of our Vyatka land is still a mystery, covered with gray fogs, blown by the northern winds, washed by autumn rains, bewitched by frosty nights, warmed by the gentle summer sun. Let's hit the road...

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“... And the villages there were different, the names were unusual; a well-known thing - the Vyatka people are mischievous, they live and seem to laugh at themselves: this, they say, only looks like we are from Verkhoglyadov and from Chatters, from Openkov and Objegorino, from Dryakhlovshchina and from Zavidenok, well, from Lepokhin and from Svistunov if you dig deeper, then there is water in a well, our soul glows with pure silver ”.

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“Every man had nicknames. They will sweep up someone's weakness or some sin and stick a mischievous word, so that later you won't wash yourself off: Sanka Rybnik - (?), Andrey Volk - (?); Thomas Nedotyopa - (?); Semyon Zherdilo - (?). And if they really respected someone, they called them by their patronymic: Ivanovich, Erofeich, Danilych, Kuzmich. The women did not have nicknames, they were called by their husbands: Vanikha, Kostiha, Stepikha, Mishikha.

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"Proverbs and sayings poured in after each word .." They did not say about the unfortunate Gavril: "What a difficult fate has gone to." Instead of these words, Vyatka residents will say, "For poor Zakhar, all wood chips are beating." Someone will advise something that is not painfully clever, they will say: "With your mind, toko to sit in peas" Try to explain the Vyatka proverbs: "You can't weave a bast tongue with your tongue" "You can't keep up with your tongue barefoot" "Mix things up with idleness - you will live a century with fun"

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And our Vyatka talk is special: funny, mischievous. In it words are unexpected, unlike others - capacious, precise in essence and in meaning. They will flash suddenly, as if a sunbeam reflected from a small mirror will immediately warm up in your soul - and you will involuntarily smile: “Liko, girl, what a vertigolova; the leshak poured her into the forest swamp, so she swept out with a fiery bullet; to see the tamotka in the sweep of the Water-weasel, his heel was hissed by the goal.

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“The guy was a total orphan, his mother died when he was only three years old. At first he lived with his father, who walked with the artels in the villages: they dug wells ... "He is a smart guy," said the men, "it looks like water!" At first, his name was Ivashka, and only after one incident ... an opportunity happened to him, it was then in the village that they called him Vanchey. It is known that in Vyatka they called all simpletons and fools ... Who is Vancho?

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And Vanche's neighbor, the stove-maker Erofeich, decided to marry his best friend. He dreamed that he was walking freely and widely at his wedding, he remembered that for nine years Wancho had been living alone “he had nailed to no one. How did you live? " As necessary. Wancho felt sorry for him: "You have to marry him, otherwise he lives - he chews bread and salt, he doesn't have anything good, he can't see any joys."

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Erofeich approached the Vanchina fence, quietly, without unnecessary creaking and knocking, opened the door ... on a wooden board ... in large letters with a chemical pencil it was written: "Do not slam the doors: Napolevon is frightened." “Everybody has a rooster - but there are not enough antiresu in entikh roosters! They walk around the courtyard, peck grains, trample chickens and crow. " Odvoritsa, a fence - ‘a manor or a manor, the whole place is under a courtyard or a building’ (Vyatka). Backdoor -?

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Under - a horizontal surface in the furnace, in the furnace firebox, on which fuel is placed. Bake the pie right on the hearth. Six, six, husband. The platform in front of the mouth of the Russian stove. "Every cricket know your six." (last) Samannaya - an adobe Russian stove, not made of bricks, but from adobe (a mixture of sand and clay). Yes, Vancho is not very accommodating, and Erofeich then came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing with him through the villages, taking orders - “whoever has a new stove to knock down or fix the old one. This is what we all girls look like. Take it - I don’t want to! ”. And Wancheo agreed.

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An hour later, our stove-makers, dressed, shod, with knapsacks over their shoulders, walked briskly along the side of the road, knocking down light dewdrops from the green grass with their new bast shoes. Erofeich pulled out a pestle from under his head and, smiling slyly, took out a slice of black bread, salted it thickly with a pinch of coarse salt and handed half of it to Vancho. Knapsack, knapsacks, wives. - travel bag; a bag carried over the shoulders. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. Pester - ya, m. Region - bast (birch bark) basket, which is usually worn on the back.

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They saw my grandfather on the blockade, decrepit as a hundred-year-old stump, asked him who lived where, and knocked on the outskirts of the extreme hut, about which the grandfather said that they say the bride lives here. Zavalinka - an embankment structure along the outer walls at the base along the perimeter of a wooden house (bath), serves to protect the building from freezing in winter. Wooden flooring on top of the embankment protects the backfill from moisture penetration and turns the embankment into a long and wide bench. Okolnitsa - window frame, window frame

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The name of the bride from Emelino is Malanya. "Okay ... fat brains, vociferous, gibberish ... knows how to conduct conversations ... it hurts smart." Malanya told everything about herself, about her parents, about all the village brides. “It was painfully well-organized, she expounded everything, well, straight, as if written!” “… Mother told her. It’s necessary, they say, to knead the dough, and slide it into the underground, but Malanya didn’t blow her mustache, no matter how she was told. So I think: if she doesn't listen to her mother's words, you won't be able to understand her and badog afterwards. " "Not the mistress who says ..."

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“If she’s doing this all her life, my tongue will dry out unnecessarily. After all, in a conversation, it’s not a word, there’s nowhere to stick a needle! You can be foolish on the second day ... There is no nicho in your life worse than a buttery cow and a chatty woman! No wonder they say: "The crow is small, but the mouth is wide!". … And the one that cooks the shti. ”Kvashnya - 1. Wooden tub for dough. 2. Fermented dough.

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The village of Three huts Pelageyushka is a bride from this village. She is "a craftsman and a modest woman." “She doesn’t want to walk around the village, catch suitors, or while away time with the girls at get-togethers. Suddenly, at her ishsho, someone's dog will screech, or a stranger's cow will be gloomy, then she can be scared to death ... She is humble with us, she is not ruined. " "In any trouble ..."

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“... Pelageyushka is dumb, like a voiceless fish. She gives the word to the word crutch. It means that I too will have to slam my mouth shut. Commercials and we will play with her all our lives in silence ... "" ... antiresu with her will not live any. With her, do you really go for mushrooms or berries? She will squat from every rustle. What if, God forbid, what happens? She can die here. " ... fear will not be enough "

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“… The village is all on fire. In dialect, in noise, in songs, in the overflow of an accordion. " And here lives a dashing girl Nastya, cheerful, lively, mischievous. “Her voice is bright, her cheeks are ruddy, the curls around her forehead are curling, her legs are shaking in a dance.” About Nastya Vancho I thought: "She is a good girl, but I feel sorry for myself." Why did he feel sorry for himself? Shumilovka "A man should smell like the wind, but a woman ..."

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“To marry her is not to settle down yourself! You will write every day at the pretzel holidays for your feet, with might and main out of the way. What a life I can't afford! " “… I will not live with horns! Take this one, she will cheat on you, run to the woods, where two paths converge. He will change it once, twice, and for the third one, you will stick your head in a noose. After all, a woman, if she goes to the side at least once, you can't keep her on the reins ... She has at least seven on the benches, but she will find all the same time for partying. " "A man should smell like wind, and a woman should smell like smoke"

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Is there anyone at home? - Yes, yes! - someone cheerfully responded, and a man of about fifty deftly jumped off the hayloft. - Why doesn't the door at the hut have badog support? - inquired Erofeich - But who will covet our good? The hayloft is a place intended for storing hay and protecting it from precipitation during storage. Badog - a stick, a club, a cane. Region: 1. Kirov region; Status: regional conversational. "Happiness is not a chicken .."

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Agrafena scurried back and forth: now she was in a hurry to milk the cow with a milk box, then she pounded the potatoes in a piglet, then she drove the escaped dough back into the sauerkraut. The Vyatka woman's mouth is full in the morning. She, they say, when she sometimes flies from the beds, seventy-seven thoughts change her mind - and everything about the economy and the economy. Milk box is a vessel, a bucket into which people are milked. Polati - unit. no. Wide bunks for sleeping, arranged in huts under the ceiling between the stove and the wall opposite to it. Kvashnya - 1. Wooden tub for dough. 2. Fermented dough.

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And Katerinka lives here, a hard-working girl, her heart is kind, she tries everything for others: she washes the floor, bakes pancakes, rinses the linen on the river. To Wancheo's question: "You see, you don't have any business in your house?" Katerina's mother replied: “We have a lot of work in our house. Liko, half of the second week, unwashed, there are no people in the hut to clean up, there is no swamp in the garden. Duck is it all right for her home ?. " Why is such a hard-working bride also not to Wancheo's liking?

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“And what if she is accustomed to running around the village and weeding other people's gardeners, helping her neighbors, and not looking into her little shed? They say about such people that she has a hole in her hand. " “Mati is at her place, bent over in three arcs, running around the hut and around the yard, she’s all out of her head, but she doesn’t notice it. Here it is something evil. It is good to help others, but you also need to take care of those who are straining in a row ”.

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Slide 2

Coat of arms of the city of Kirov

For the first time, a bow and arrow appeared on the Vyatka seal, which was entered on the State seal of Ivan the Terrible in 1557. There are several hypotheses for the appearance of the Vyatka symbol. In one of the most probable hypotheses, it is believed that the bow symbolizes the main occupation of the local population - hunting. On the basis of the Vyatka seal, the highest approved on May 28 (June 8) 1781 by Empress Catherine II

Slide 3

City flag

  • Slide 4

    Kirov (formerly Khlynov, Vyatka) is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kirov region. It forms the municipal formation "City of Kirov". Located on the Vyatka River, 896 km from Moscow. The city has been known since 1374 under the name Khlynov. Historical, cultural, industrial and scientific center of the Kirov region. Homeland of Dymkovo toys. "Fur" and "peat" capital of Russia

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    Kirov's history

    The first settlements on the territory of present-day Kirov were formed presumably 2.5 thousand years ago. By the 7th century, the first nationalities of the tribes of the Udmurts, Mari and Komi were formed here. The main settlements are located along the banks of the Cheptsa, Moloma and Vyatka rivers.

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    The city's attractions

    Kirov is one of the oldest historical cities in Russia with a rich heritage in the form of historical, cultural and architectural monuments. The city, located on seven hills and with an amazing silhouette of buildings and iconic architectural ensembles, has retained its historical layout and connection with the surrounding natural landscape.

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    One of the oldest cultural monuments is the majestic architectural ensemble of the Uspensky Trifonov Monastery, picturesquely located on the embankment of the Vyatka River. The monastery was founded by Saint Tryphon of Vyatka in 1580. The architectural ensemble of the monastery has the status of a federal architectural monument.

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    The building of the FSB in the Kirov region, formerly the mansion of the merchant T.F. Bulychev (architect I.A.Charushin)

    Tikhon Filippovich Bulychev was a famous Vyatka merchant, entrepreneur, owner of a local shipping company, owner of many houses and a philanthropist. His treasury was demonstrated by the wealth and luxury of decoration of residential mansions erected on the streets of the city. A beautiful castle with griffins at the main entrance and an openwork cast-iron fence was built in 1911. Mixing the Gothic style with the exotic of the East, the building has become a unique structure that has become a decoration of Vyatka

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    Vyatka Kunstkamera

    The Vyatskaya Kunstkamera Museum is located in a typical urban mansion of the 19th century, built in 1860. The exposition is built on a collectible principle - it presents collections of objects that existed in the urban environment of the late 19th - early 20th centuries: clocks, porcelain and faience dishes, household appliances , furniture, etc.

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    House-Museum of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

    The museum is located in a house where from 1848 to 1855. the famous Russian writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, serving exile in Vyatka

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    Examples of urban sculpture appearing in the city

    "Horseshoe of Happiness" with an alley paved with personalized granite slabs, "Tree of Desires" Sculptural composition "A stork bringing a baby"

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    Monument to the Vyatka seal

    The monument is a stone copy of the Vyatka seal of the 16th century. The figure on the front side of the monument shows a fragment of the state seal of Ivan the Terrible - an emblem in the form of a stretched bow with a feathered arrow superimposed on it and the inscription around "THE SEAL OF VYATTSKAYA". The first stamp monument in Russia was opened in 2007. The Vyatka stamp monument, which is based on the historical coat of arms of the region, is a unique landmark of Kirov in semantic terms, which has no analogues in the world.

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    The city has a large number of parks and recreation areas

    Among them.

    • At that time different tribes lived on the Vyatka River. Our native country Vyatka was rich. There are many gifts of nature in Vyatka, the abundance of animals was simply surprising. And Novgorodians settled on this land. And they gave the town the name Nikulitsyn. In honor of the memory of Saints Boris and Gleb, the first church was built on the Vyatka land.

    • A lot of people poured into our land. They built a new fortress with towers near the Khlynovitsy river. The city was named - the city of Khlynov. Here is the first Khlynov Kremlin.

    • Neighbors - pagans, we did not calm down, they were going to attack Khlynov. They called the Vyatichi Ustyuzhan to help, and they came into the night. Dark. The guards are in the dark and angry! All night we fought with ours. In the morning we realized the mistake, wept. In memory of the fallen, a chapel stands above the ravine. And the ravine is called Razderikhinsky.

    • The wisdom of the people says: "The earth is not worth it without a righteous man." Reverend Tryphon, the Vyatka miracle worker, saves the earth. Father Trifon became the first monk on Vyatka, built the first monastery here. This temple is called the Assumption, because it was built by monk brothers in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin .. The Monk Tryphon in heaven is responsible for the Vyatka land and helps in all matters.

    • Later, the city became like this: the Kremlin, around the moat, posad behind it. In the Kremlin - the main temple of the Vyatka Land - Holy Trinity and Nicholas Cathedral. The Vyatka shrine, the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, was preserved in it. To the left of the cathedral is the bell tower. The bishop lived nearby. Here is his courtyard in front of the cathedral.

    • And ordinary people lived outside the walls of the Kremlin. The children loved to ride down the hill and throw snowballs in winter.

    • On the high steep bank of Vyatka: churches, houses, gardens. Most recently, the city was decorated with 3 monasteries, 5 cathedrals and 39 churches.

    • Pushkin's wife, scientist Tsiolkovsky, architect Vitberg came to this church to pray.

    • What were they not selling there! Berries, mushrooms, felt boots, little shoes, whistle toys ... This is how the fair was making noise in the trading square near the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

    • In ancient times, churches were built of wood. In the old days they began to build from stone. The stone is stronger. The temple will stand longer and not burn down.

    • Before us is the Alexander Garden. On the right is the rotunda, on the left is the Transfiguration Church.

    • Tsar-Emperor Alexander 1 stopped in Vyatka. In memory of this event, the city arranged the Alexander Garden and built the Alexander Nevsky Church.

    • There have been bad times in history. To stop the troubled time, the Russian people chose Tsar Mikhail from the Romanov family. In praise of the royal family, the Feodorovskaya church rose in Vyatka.

    • In order for Vyatka to stand and look prettier, one must not only look at the pictures!. We must cherish and love every little grass, hut, little toy, so that future children would like to live in our city!

    Thanks for attention!


    N.V. Demidova OLD VYATKA

    Drawings by T.P. Dedova

    The topic of the lesson "Along the streets of Staraya Vyatka"

    (Slide number 1)

    The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the layout, architectural monuments of the provincial town of Vyatka of the XIX century.

    Lesson type - the study of new material (the lesson can be conducted as a final one at the end of the study of the topic; then students can participate in the preparation of the presentation, you can also listen to various options for excursions prepared in advance by students)

    Lesson form - a practical lesson.

    Lesson material can be calculated for 40 or 80 minutes (depending on how much time the teacher has on this topic)

    Expected results: as a result of the lesson, students will be able to

    • name the architectural monuments of our city of the XIX century.
    • list the names of famous residents of Vyatka;
    • expand your understanding of the life of provincial residents;
    • correlate historical street names with modern names;

    Basic concepts: architectural monument, regular city plan, classicism

    Key dates: 1780, 1784, 1917,

    Equipment: table with street names ( appendix 2), city plan ( attachment 1), presentation .

    During the classes

    1. Introductory part of the lesson:

    a) Motivational block and actualization of the proposed topic (the teacher's task is to interest in the proposed topic)

    b) Organizational part (expected results are formulated, work rules are determined, instructions are given)

    2. The main part of the lesson:

    Information block of the lesson (consideration of information during the conversation, work with a regular city plan, comments on illustrations from the presentation, search for answers to questions; it is important that the result of the activity is a certain product - a city tour scheme)

    3. The final part of the lesson


    (Substantive and organizational results are summed up, reflection is carried out, students' activities are assessed, homework is given).

    The expected results should correspond to three main components - knowledge, skills and abilities, values \u200b\u200band attitudes.

    (Slide # 1 of the presentation)

    Historical maps are different. How many of you have seen a map of a city as high as a five-story building? Who knows which card we are talking about? This is the implementation of the project of the youth local history club "Mir" for the 635th anniversary of the city: at the end of the house number 89 on the street. Derendyaeva. There is a plan of the old city with a historical landscape (Moskovskaya Street with the Catherine Church). A recreation area has been created near the house, pedestrian paths are laid out with tiles with inscriptions of street names. According to the project, it is planned to install a sculpture of a Vyatka citizen here. After the completion of the improvement of the territory, the site will become a venue for excursions and exhibitions for young photographers and artists.

    (Slide number 3)

    Our map is very similar to this large map, but much smaller. Everyone has a copy of one of the first plans for the regular development of Vyatka on their tables. In order to make it easier for us to find the necessary streets and buildings, we will use a token (button) and, as in a child's game, we will move it as we move along the streets of the city.

    (Slide number 2)

    Today in the lesson, I suggest you take a short trip through the streets of the old provincial Vyatka. Let's take a leisurely walk along the main streets of the old city, see the architectural monuments of the 19th century. We will see temples and churches, noble estates and merchant mansions, trade shops and wooden houses of ordinary townspeople.

    Expected results: at the end of the lesson, students will be able to: name the architectural monuments of the city of the XIX century; list the names of famous residents of Vyatka; correlate historical street names with modern names;

    (Slide number 3)

    The very first regular plan of Vyatka was drawn up by the Vyatka architect Filimon Merkurievich Roslyakov in 1784. He worked in this position for 20 years, made 128 projects of churches and bell towers, 816 projects of residential buildings, schools, pharmacies, shops, barns. Buildings built according to his design still stand on the streets of Vyatka. The city's layout used to be radial, as in Moscow, where the streets - rays went from the Kremlin. On the new plan of Vyatka, the city looked like a chessboard: the streets ran in straight lines from north to south, from west to east, intersected at right angles and divided the city into squares (quarters). In the foreground of F. Roslyakov there were 16 streets and 6 squares. It was planned to build bridges through ditches and ravines inside the city. According to the new rules, only stone houses could be built in the city center. The first to build two large stone houses for the provincial institutions (offices), then began to build up Moscow, Spasskaya, Preobrazhenskaya streets. The first bridge, which connected the oldest part of the city with the Monastyrskaya and Kikimorskaya Sloboda, was built across the Zasora ravine.

    (Slide number 4)

    The city grew rapidly. In 1820 there were 23 streets, the number of stone buildings increased to 30. In the middle of the 19th century there were already about 100 stone houses in the city. In the muddy roads, Vyatka streets and squares were completely impassable, and pedestrians from the mud were saved by sidewalks made of boards, raised so high that the feet of passers-by could be seen from the windows of the first floor. At the beginning of the 19th century, each house had its own vegetable garden, and the cows could graze freely on the outskirts of the city. In 1880, there were already 28 streets and 8 squares that divided the city into 130 quarters. There were 1,080 wooden houses and 172 stone ones. 160 lanterns were installed on the main streets of the city of Spasskaya, Moskovskaya, Preobrazhenskaya, Vladimirskaya, Nikolaevskaya, Tsarevskaya.

    (Slide number 5)

    Find the Vyatka River in the eastern part of the plan. “The city (Krutogorsk) is very picturesque. When you drive up to it on a summer evening, from the side of the river, your eyes from afar on the steep bank of the city garden, public places and this beautiful group of churches that dominate the whole neighborhood. You will not take your eyes off this picture, ”wrote the Russian satirist M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin about our city.

    In 1848, a 22-year-old young man, Saltykov, arrived in Vyatka, accompanied by a gendarme, to serve his political exile and stayed here until 1855. He was appointed an official for special assignments in the office of the Vyatka governor. The writer constantly traveled around the province, sorting out the lawsuits between landowners and peasants. Heroes of Saltykov's books, everyday and landscape sketches are associated with Vyatka, and in his “Provincial Essays” the city of Krutogorsk is our Vyatka: “In one of the distant corners of Russia there is a city that somehow speaks to my heart. It is not that it is distinguished by magnificent buildings, there are no seven-floor gardens in it, you will not find a single three-story house in a long row of streets, and the streets are not all cobbled; but there is something peaceful, patriarchal in his entire physiognomy ... "

    (Slide number 6)

    Find a large circle in the plan south of the river with the number 1 in it. This is the Novo-Khlebnaya square of Staraya Vyatka. Now she is not, but then, in the middle of the XIX century. the largest and most beautiful temple of Vyatka was built on it, it is also called the “Pearl of Vyatka architecture”. What was the name of this temple?

    (Slide number 7)

    This is Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. With a huge dome, as if hovering over the city, it was visible from afar, it was especially clearly visible in the perspective of Semenovskaya Street (modern Vorovskogo Street). The temple became the main attraction of the city, it was considered a folk one, because it was built with voluntary donations collected throughout the province. Now it is the territory of the modern park. Gagarin, almost at the same place where the building of the Kirov Philharmonic is located. The cathedral was built from 1839 to 1864 according to the project of the exiled architect Alexander Vitberg, a student of the Academy of Arts. A young unknown architect Vitberg won the competition for the construction of the main cathedral of Russia - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. But during this construction a number of violations were committed, and as a result, the innocent Vitberg was exiled to Vyatka into exile under police supervision. Thus, instead of the main temple of the country, Vitberg built a temple in Vyatka. On October 8, 1824, Emperor Alexander I returned from the Urals to St. Petersburg through Vyatka and Orlov. In honor of his stay in Vyatka, the temple of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky was laid. Art historians talk about a mixture of architectural styles (eclecticism): elements of romanticized Gothic are combined with Byzantine traditions. Therefore, the cathedral is a unique architectural monument. What can you say about the further fate of the cathedral?

    (Slide number 8)

    After the revolution, the authorities tried to adapt the temple first as a theater, then - as a physical education palace. In the 1930s, during the period of the Bolsheviks' struggle with religion, about 20 churches were blown up in the Vyatka province, including the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral on March 26, 1937. In total, 277 churches were destroyed on the Vyatka land in the 20th century.

    (Slide number 9)

    Look at the plan: from the cathedral we will walk along Nikolaevskaya street. This is one of the main streets of our city. Throughout its history, Lenin Street had several names: first Voznesenskaya, then Voskresenskaya, the third name is Pokrovskaya, before the revolution it began to be called Nikolaevskaya, and now it is Lenin Street. This is already her fifth title.

    (Slide number 10)

    Find the number 40 on the plan of Nikolaevskaya Street. There is a unique monument of Vyatka architecture, which looks more like a Western European castle. This mansion belonged to the ship owner, merchant and philanthropist Tikhon Bulychev and was built according to the project of the Vyatka architect I.A. Charushin in 1909-1911. in the style of English Gothic with elements of Assyrian-Babylonian and Moorish architecture. The castle was made with fantastic ingenuity: on all floors there were bathtubs with showers, hot water heating with heat regulators on batteries. Mosaic floors and a wide staircase were amazing. Electricity, telephone, elevator - another unheard of thing for the provincial Vyatka of that time. Due to family troubles, the house was almost not used and T.Bulychev gave the mansion to the ownership of the city. In 1915, the House of Invalids and Orphans was opened in the building, under the patronage of His Majesty the Emperor Nicholas II. During the Civil War, the Headquarters of the 3rd Army of the Eastern Front moved into luxurious apartments, as evidenced by a memorial plaque installed on the building. Since 1919 it has been protected by the state as a monument of history and culture. In 2000, the building was restored, sculptures of chimeras and double-headed eagles with crowns were installed on the facade. Now it houses the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Kirov region.

    (Slide number 11)

    Find on the plan to the west of the river the Zasora ravine, st. Kikimorskaya (modern Vodoprovodnaya), it runs almost parallel to the river. Here, in the quarter of modern streets Gorbachev, Uritsky, M. Gvardiya, Vodoprovodnaya there is a whole architectural complex. In terms of this number 6

    Who can say what this architectural ensemble is called? This is the first male Trifonov monastery in Vyatka, which was founded in 1580 by the Monk Tryphon on the basis of a letter of gratitude from Ivan IV the Terrible.

    (Slide number 12)

    The most ancient building of the monastery is the Five-domed Holy Dormition Cathedral, it was built in 1689 and has survived to this day. This temple was erected according to the canons of ancient Russian architecture, modeled on the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In the 17th century, the Slavic-Greek-Latin school of Vyatka was located in the Assumption Cathedral. After the 1917 revolution, the building housed the book depository of the provincial archive. Now the Assumption Cathedral of the Trifonov Monastery has again become the center of the spiritual development of the Vyatka land.

    (Slide number 13)

    If we go up through the Zasora ravine along a high wooden staircase, we will find ourselves on observation deck at the modern Eternal Flame. The Khlynov Kremlin and the Holy Trinity Cathedral were located on this territory in the XVI-XVII centuries / number 12 / ... It was considered one of the first Khlynov stone buildings of the 18th century, and was built by the design of the chief architect of Moscow D. Ukhtomsky in the Baroque style. There was a pulpit in the cathedral, from which the bishop (the chief priest of Vyatka) conducted the service, that is why the cathedral was called Cathedral, the main one. The cathedral was the architectural center of the city of Vyatka. The main street of Vyatka - Moskovskaya - went directly to this cathedral Cathedral Square . On the plan, Moskovskaya Street is marked in red. The Kremlin in our city has not survived, because it was built of wood, it burned several times, then the walls of the Kremlin lost their defensive significance, and the new stone Kremlin was no longer built. Now Kirov local historians name 8 places in the city center, where the remains of the Kremlin rampart are still preserved. And the further fate of the Trinity Cathedral is as follows: in 1931. The Vyatgorsovet decided to dismantle the temple, a monument to I. Stalin was erected on this place. After the next “war with the past” on May 9, 1967, an obelisk “To the soldiers - residents of Kirov”, who fell during the Great Patriotic War, was opened there.

    (Slide number 14)

    Let's continue our tour. We will go further along the high bank of the river. Another picturesque monument about the stay of Emperor Alexander I in Vyatka has been preserved in our city. This is the Alexander Garden. On the city plan, it is shown under number 15. In Soviet times, it was called the Stepan Khalturin Park of Culture and Leisure. The garden was founded in 1824: birch, linden, poplar, bird cherry, mountain ash were planted there. According to the project of the architect A. Vitberg, a cast-iron lattice and a stone portal were made - the entrance to the park, built in the monumental Doric style. Cast iron gratings were cast at the local Kholunitsk factories and belong to the best examples of the late Russian classics. The grand opening of the Alexander Garden took place on August 30, 1835. The Summer Club, the Progress electro-theater, the chess pavilion, the Summer Theater, and mechanical attractions worked in the park.

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    The decoration of the modern park is the coastal rotunda-gazebo. Architect A. Timofeev.

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    Further on the plan, find the number 7. This is another square of Staraya Vyatka, located near the Spassky Cathedral. The Savior Cathedral was built on the money of the parishioners for 57 years. At this place in the XVII century. there was the Trinity Church. It contained an icon of the ancient painting of the Face of the Savior Not Made by Hands. At the request of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who heard about the miracles of the icon, it was brought to Moscow. The tsar himself met the icon, carried it through the Frolov gate of the Kremlin and put it in the Assumption Cathedral. Since then, the Frolovskie Gates of the Moscow Kremlin are called Spasskie. The tsar did not keep his promise to return the icon. An exact copy, richly decorated, was sent to Khlynov. After the revolution of 1917, the domes of the Spassky Cathedral were removed, in 1931 the bell tower of the cathedral was dismantled. At the beginning of the XXI century. the cathedral was closed for restoration. Who knows what streets were called before? That's right, by the name of the church located on it. This means that Spasskaya Street begins from the Spassky Cathedral. Until recently, it was called st. Drelevsky. It is marked in yellow on the plan.

    (Slide number 17)

    But this building is located almost opposite the Spassky Cathedral. Find the number 7a in the plan.

    Who knows when it was built? What was it called before? What's in this building now? The building was built in the 1st half of the 18th century. This is the earliest surviving civilian stone structure. In the 19th century it was called "Drinking House", and on the regular plan of F. Roslyakov the building is indicated as Stone drinking house with basement ... Since 1977, there is a museum of folk arts and crafts, of which there were more than 70 in Vyatka of the 19th century; in terms of their number, our Vyatka in the 19th century ranked 2nd after Moscow. Now the building is better known as the "Prikaznaya hut".

    (Slides number 18,19)

    From the Museum of Folk Crafts we will walk along the street. Spasskaya, on which the architect F. Roslyakov indicated a place for wooden small shops. And when the shops burned down in a fire, at the beginning of the 19th century, merchants began to build stone trading shops with 1-2 floors. On the plan, this historical object is indicated by the number 36 . Now a number of retail stalls have been transferred to the Regional Museum of Local Lore, which is reconstructing premises for exhibition halls.

    (Slide number 20)

    Do not forget to move the button-token around the city plan. At the intersection of Voznesenskaya or Nikolaevskaya and Spasskaya, the following interesting object is located; on the plan, indicated by the number 35 . At the intersection of modern Lenin (former Nikolaevskaya) and Spasskaya (former Drelevsky) streets in 1817, by order of the merchant Repin, a house with hotel rooms, a tavern, a shop, and a confectionery was built. At the end of the 19th century, this house was restored, the third floor was completed, and the new owner of the house, Chuchalov, opened the Evropeyskaya hotel in it, and rented the first floor for shops. The most famous guests of our city once stayed in this hotel, including Natalia Goncharova, the wife of Alexander Pushkin, the great poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

    (Slide number 21)

    Another unique architectural monument, a monument of republican significance, is located on Spasskaya Street. It is called the Vitberg House or the House with Columns or Zhmakina's Mansion. On the plan - number 39 . The building was built as a noble estate in 1815. It is the only wooden building in the classicism style in Vyatka. It was rebuilt many times; in Soviet times, it housed an institute of culture. Several years ago it burned down, then it was completely demolished. The Department of Culture promised to restore the building. The preliminary cost of the project is 12 million rubles. After the restoration in the mansion, it is planned to create a memorial room dedicated to the famous exiled architect A. Vitberg (he lived in this house in 1836-1837). Another part of the building will be occupied by the Kirov branch of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation and the Public Chamber.

    Along the streets of Moskovskaya and Vladimirskaya (modern K. Marks street) we go to the main square of the modern city - Teatralnaya. On the plan these are numbers 21, 22, 23. According to the first regular plan, approved by Empress Catherine II, the square was intended for the trade in bread, therefore its first name was Khlebnaya. By the end of the XVIII century. it was built up with wooden merchant shops and grain barns.

    (Slide number 22)

    In 1877, according to the project of the architect Nefediev, a wooden log theater “in the style of Russian antiquity” was built on this square. Plays by Ostrovsky, Griboyedov, Gogol, Chekhov, Shakespeare, Schiller were staged here. The Vyatka audience had a special love for opera. Every time an opera troupe came to the theater, the auditorium was full. In the plan, the theater is designated by number 22. Therefore, the second name of the Teatralnaya square. It received the third name - Constitution Square in 1977, when the new Soviet Constitution was adopted. Now the square is called Teatralnaya again.

    (Slide number 23)

    Where the number 23 is located on our plan, in 1799, the architects F. Roslyakov at the corner of Khlebnaya Square and Moskovskaya Street began the construction of the mansion of the merchants Mashkovtsevs. In 1867 the house was acquired by the board of trustees of the Mariinsky women's gymnasium . In 1897 - 1899. the building was reconstructed by the architect A. Charushin: an assembly hall, three classrooms and the House of Catherine Church were added. Now there is a secondary school number 22 and the Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium.

    Now it is Herzen Street. In Vyatka from 1835 to 1837 in exile there was a Russian writer, thinker, founder of Russian socialism, revolutionary - democrat A.I. Herzen.

    (Slide number 25)

    With his active participation, on December 6, 1837, the first public library was opened in Vyatka, which since 1917 has been named after Herzen. On the plan it is number 19 . Now "Gertsenka" is one of the largest libraries modern Russia... A memorial plaque is installed on the facade of the building (this is already the second building of the library). In 194 8g. a monument to Herzen (sculptor Ryazantsev) was erected near the library building. Last year, an additional building was added to the library building, which harmoniously blended into the library complex.

    (Slide number 26)

    Our journey through the streets of old Vyatka ends. We saw ancient buildings that not only adorn our city, but also give descendants an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat our city was like before. Let's find the place where our school is located on the plan of the architect F. Roslyakov. This is number 37 . Find a wide, unsigned strip on the left side of the plan. This is the modern Oktyabrsky Avenue. Previously, the avenue was called st. Glasisnaya (glasis - embankment, rampart, city limitation), from 1918 to 1927 Krasnopitersky Boulevard, from 1927 - Oktyabrsky Avenue.

    Now let's let's summarize our lesson.

    1. We made a tour of the old Vyatka of the XIX century. and got acquainted with the most famous architectural monuments. Name any of them.
    2. Which of these monuments would you tell the guests of our city first of all?
    3. Now in your notebooks there is a short outline - a plan for an independent excursion. At home you can supplement it or create your own tour of our city. it homework can be done in a notebook, on sheets A-4 or electronically as a presentation.
    4. The names and surnames of which residents of Vyatka will you name in your story?
    5. Each of you have already written in the last quarter creative work on the history of their street. I think that now you will be able to correlate the historical names of the city streets with the modern names. And those who wish will be able to participate in various local history competitions. I wish all of you further success in studying the history of your native land and the history of our city!