Sky under the wing: the most expensive aircraft in the world. The most expensive aircraft in the world: photo, ranking top most expensive aircraft in the world

Obviously, airplanes cannot cost cheaply, but some of them are assessed and at all in the forensic amounts: the cause of this may be the luxurious decoration of the cabin or complex technologies, if it comes to military equipment. We list ten

10. "Boeing 747-8 VIP" at the price of 150 million dollars belongs to Joseph Lau from Hong Kong and is notable for the fact that it has a screw staircase.

9. The owner of Boeing-747-400, which costs $ 220 million, is the nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, Prince Al-Valid Ibn Talal. The aircraft purchased in the early 2000s is equipped with two large bedrooms, a dining table for 14 persons and a golden throne located in the center of the cabin.

8. E-2D Advanced Hawkey. This radar long-distance surveillance plane is used by US Navy. The aircraft is equipped with modern scanning technology, which allows you to use it for tactical operations.

7. Boeing-747-430 for $ 233 million. Another personalized aircraft in the list belongs to Sultan Brunei. Initially, the plane cost 100 million dollars - another 133 million owner of the aircraft invested in his improvement.

Sultan posted a living room in the cabin, a bedroom and a bathroom, using gold in the room. Sultan, whose condition exceeds 40 billion dollars, is known for a wasteful lifestyle: he owns another aircraft, Airbus 340, as well as 6000 cars.

6. P-8A Poseidon costs $ 290 million. This aircraft developed by Boeing Defense, Space & Security is designed for marine patrols.

5. The US Air Force typically use C-17A GlobeMaster to transport goods and troops, tactical missions and dropping goods from the aircraft.

4. F-22 Raptor, 350 million dollars. This multipurpose fifth generation fighter is considered the world's best combat aircraft.

3. Airbus A340-300 with a price of $ 350 million belongs to Alisur Usmanov, which is included in the top three rich people in Russia according to Forbes for 2016. This is the biggest plane in the country.

Usmanov spent not only for the interior, but also to put the name of his father - Burkhan on the liner.

2. Airbus A380, 500 million dollars. Another plane of Saudi Prince Al-Valid Ibn Talal - the most expensive private aircraft in the list.

This luxurious liner was called the "flying palace": there are several bedrooms with bathrooms, a dining room, a wellness room, a garage, a stable and hawk compartment. Also on the plane there are chapel rooms: so that during the movement it was possible to determine exactly in which the direction of Mecca, virtual mats for namaz receive information from the aircraft positioning systems.

1. A low-speed strategic bomber B-2 Spirit costs $ 2.1 billion. It is intended for a breakthrough of dense air defense and can be used to deliver nuclear weapons. These bombers were used in Afghanistan, and in Iraq. Initially, the US Air Force belonged to 21 such an aircraft (almost all of them are named after the US states), but one of them broke in 2008.

The plane is an expensive technique, production takes years, there are dozens of companies and thousands of specialists in various fields. Today, aviation firmly entered our life: every person can buy a ticket, come to the airport and go to any point of the planet. Check the price on the flight is very simple, but how much is the plane itself?

Consider the most expensive aviation models among private and military vessels, we learn why the cost of some of them is so great.

Top 10 most expensive aircraft

The development of the aircraft is a complex process that lasts for years. All previous construction processes are laid in the price. The newest military developments are considered the most expensive, which can be paid by units of states in the world. When designing passenger liners, the budget is strictly calculated. Invested money will have to pay off as early as possible.

1. Northrop B-2 Spirit

The first place in the list is a heavy American bomber, the cost of development of which exceeded $ 45 billion dollars. If we consider that 21 copy was produced, then the cost of one unit will be equal to 2.1 billion.

B-2 in the refueling process

It is a superheavy bomber who could remain unnoticed in the air and carry nuclear and stuffing armament. Aerodynamic scheme B-2 - flying wing. In addition to the radio absorbing coating of the housing, the jets of engines are shielded. The development began during the Cold War, the first board was represented by the public in 1988. In the modern period, modernization was held on the basis of Northrop Grumman Corp..

In 2008, near the NATO Pacific base, one of the most expensive aircraft in the world for 2018 was lost in a plane crash.

2. Airbus A380 Super Jumbo

Talk about how much the most expensive private airliner is. He belongs to the nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, Prince Al Valida. The company "Airbus" built this model A380 on a special order. The interior layout was made according to the requirements of the royal family. The cost of the order amounted to $ 488 million without taking into account the installed equipment that is not included in the package.

Characteristics of a private liner according to information of one of the publications

It is noteworthy that such a model for the airline "Emirites" with the conditions of increased comfort was sold for almost the same cost. Two-candy liner, inside there are stables for transportation of horses, dining room, parking for cars, bedrooms and bathrooms. Interior decoration in gold color is more like the design of the palace. This is the largest private board in the world.

3. Airbus A340-300

The wide-body "A340-300" is produced for passenger traffic, but sometimes the manufacturer makes exceptions. Private liner belongs to the Russian businessman and the Petsenate Alisher Usmanov. It is not known for sure how much such purchase cost him, but the amount exactly exceeds 350 million.

Personal plane Alisher Usmanova

Usmanov is a rich man, he owns one of the biggest yachts in the world, a private aircraft for 100 friends and relatives does not surprise anyone. On board is equipped with a working office, a recreation area, a bedroom. The board wears the name of the father of the businessman - "Burkhan" and painted in the colors of chocolate.

4. F-22 Raptor

The US Fighter Military Fighter is produced simultaneously by two large companies: "Boeing" and "Lockheed Martin Corp.". It is considered one of the expensive in the world. When taking into account all the costs of development and release, one "F-22" is estimated at $ 300-350 million. The newspaper "The Washington Post" called the development of unjustified, indicating that the flight of the fighter would cost a military department of $ 44,000. Later, these data were confirmed.

American military equipment is the most expensive in the world.

It can cover troops and apply opponent's aviation strikes in all weather conditions. The maximum speed is 2400 km / h.


It was originally developed by the McDonnell Douglas Corporation, but after a merger with "Boeing" the latter officially became the manufacturer. Dear military transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 256,350 kg. Supplied both on its own market and on the external. Among buyers military departments of the following countries:

  • Australia;
  • India;
  • Canada;
  • United Kingdom.

C-17 in Antarctica

The minimum price is $ 218000000.

6. P-8A Poseidon

Sea plane designed on the basis of P-3 for tracking submarines and their destruction. The design repeats the form of Boeing 737-800ERX. This model is delivered only to the internal market of America, the "Neptune" model is sold abroad, differing from the "Poseidon" form and characteristics.

Patrol Anti-Range Squadron Squadron VP-16

Equipped with ground radar, internal and external pendants of rocket pendants. The cost of one unit of the aircraft equals $ 200 million.

7. Boeing 747-430 CUSTOM

Seventh place in Top-10 occupies a private liner of Sultan Brunei, Hassanal Bolki. Officially registered to the government of the country. The owner feeds a passion for luxurious techniques, has a collection of 600 cars of the Rolls-Royce brand.

It is this liner belongs to Sultan Brunei

How much was the plane in a special configuration, not disclosed. According to preliminary data, it is estimated at $ 2,000,000,000. One of the most expensive private aircraft inside is divided into separate rooms, there is a room, a meeting room.

8. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

American aircraft equipment is one of the most successful in the world and exactly the most expensive. The E-2D aircraft of a long-range radar detection was supplied for all of his own country and other states: in Japan, France, Israel, Egypt and China. Currently, an upgrade of technology was produced, a modern model in the amount of 24 pieces will be delivered for US military needs.

Unique plane

Military board can easily detect targets within 540 kilometers radius. In 1/2 radius is able to detect the winged rockets of the enemy. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of one aircraft exceeds 150 million.

9. Boeing 747-400 Custom

The personal aircraft of the King of Saudi Arabia Family is striking luxury. Dining room for 14 places, two bedrooms. For the owner equipped a special comfortable chair. The whole interior is made in gold. Shells in toilets from expensive stone, plasma screens and expensive flooring. The price of the aircraft is estimated at $ 156000000.

King Saudi Arabia during a visit to Indonesia

10. Boeing 747- 8 VIP

The exclusive version of the two-candy "Boeing" was produced 11 times for various persons. The most expensive model belongs to an anonymous client. Journalists are confident that this is one of the leaders of the Middle East State.

Interior of an airplane inside

The aircraft salon is trimmed so that the passenger feels comfort in everything: a spacious bedroom, a relaxing room, a working room, a dining area. The plane itself without interior decoration is estimated at $ 150 million. For furniture, the technical capabilities of the client paid clearance separately.

Planes of football players

Highly paid athletes are increasingly acquiring private aircraft and move around them without restrictions. Consider several air liners and tell me how much they cost football players with a world name.

Cristiano Ronaldo (Gulfstream G650)

In 2016, the name of the football player was named Madeira International Airport, but few people know that the most expensive plane created for an athlete also belongs to him. This is "Gulfstream G650". In total, over 300 models of business jets for individuals were produced in the world. They are widely used and have proven themselves well. This is a relatively new model, on sale since 2010.

Cristiano sits on board his plane

Order price Cristiano - 66 million dollars.

Wayne Rooney (Dassault Falcon 900LX)

Almost 26 million euros paid a football player from England for the average business jet of French production. The wing span of 19 meters, the length of the aircraft is 20 meters. Comfortable interior, compact, allows you to comfortably spend time on short distances.

Dassault Falcon 900lx

Dassault Falcon is able to take up to 19 passengers and 2 crew members.

Neymar (Embraer Legacy 450)

Embraer sells aircraft this class since 2008. The Brazilian Star, Neymar, could not pass by and acquired a plane for 20 million euros. Fans perceived news with enthusiasm, because the athlete has invested money in the product made in his homeland.

Interior Embraer Legacy 450

Over 40 copies, business jet is certified for flights in day and night. Equipped with two turbofer engines located at the back.

The most expensive places among airlines

When choosing an airline, the passenger thinks not only about cost and security, but also about comfort. Flights to long distance duration 6-11 hours are tedious for sitting position. A number of citizens are ready to overpay, but fly comfortable.

First Class Salon in "Qatari Airlines"

The most comfortable placement conditions are offered today:

  • "Singapore Airlines", where every first class is fenced from the passage, the chair is very broad, the local chef prepares dishes under the order, and the passenger can sleep in the way or enjoy the individual entertainment system. The price of a flight from Singapore to Sydney to both sides will cost $ 6550.
  • "Emir'eats", about the first class of legends. Bar with expensive wines on board, individual cabins, meals from the first-class chef and the multimedia system of entertainment "ICE". The passenger will be able to take on board 50 kilograms of baggage. For a flight from Dubai to Sydney to both ends, the first class will have to pay $ 8600.
  • "Qatari Airlines" is one of the most reliable and convenient. Qsuite - suites in flight, they are fenced, have atmospheric illumination, here you can work, watch TV, and sit at night to sleep. The cost of the flight of Doha Sydney to both end will cost $ 10,000.


  1. The most expensive aircraft in the world and in the history of aviation is the United States Military Development "Northrop B-2 Spirit". According to journalists, one instance of a heavy bombarder is estimated at $ 2.1 billion. The most expensive private airliner is AIRBUS A380 Super Jumbo, belonging to Prince Saudi Arabia.
  2. To find out how much the most expensive private plane ever acquired a star of football should carefully look at what Cristiano Ronaldo flies. Flights on the personal "Gulfstream G650" can afford only millionaires.
  3. The most expensive first-class flights offers Katari Airlines.

The richest person in the Russian Federation, the leader in the Russian list of Forbes, flies on the Airbus 340-300 aircraft worth $ 350 million. Thus, he becomes the owner of the most expensive aircraft among the participants of the Forbes rating and Russian businessmen.

Usmanov managed to overtake the Roman Abramovich himself, who also has the same A340 in the park, but, according to experts, this is a budget version of $ 300 million.

Alisher Usmanova Airbus 340-300 was created in 2008 and was intended for the global jet concept airline (Switzerland), which used it for four years.

According to some information, the Alisher Usmanova plane has a side number M-IABU. It is easy to guess how it decrypts: "I am Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov", and the letter "M" means the Abbreviation of O-Va Maine, where he, in fact, was registered.

The plane was called in honor of the father of the oligarch, which is talking about the inscription on the Bourkhan fuselage (so calling his father). It is impossible not to note the fact that the car from the first of his days performed flights with such an inscription. Therefore, it is possible that the company "Global Jet Concept" at the very beginning decided to make a bet on the fact that Alisher Usmanov will be the future owner of the aircraft. For all four years, when the plane was exploited for different purposes, the billionaire looked after him, periodically ordering the company's services.

The Moscow office of Global Jet Concept company refused to respond to all questions regarding the Airbus 340-300 Bourkhan aircraft. Recall that this company is one of the largest in Europe specializing in business aviation, as well as one of the largest business aviation operators in the Russian market. It specializes in commercial transportation and is engaged in the management of private aircraft. The airframe consists of aircraft owners of private aircraft. Airbus 340-300 aircraft has no more than 30 worldwide.

In the aircraft of the oligarch, in addition to purchased Airbus, there are other aircraft, among which and Boeing Business Jet. All its liners are based at Vnukovo airport. But the new aircraft was an exception, performing flights from Sheremetyevo. In size, it is inferior only to a new model A380.

Unfortunately, the exact characteristics of the Alisher Usmanova aircraft are not yet known as the components of its interior. Although there is information about its some characteristics.

Flight characteristics

Height - 16.8 m

Empty weight - 130.9 thousand kg

Length of running - 3 thousand m

Length - 63.7 m

Maximum take-off - 271-275 thousand kg

Maximum cruising speed 890 km per hour

Wing Square - 361.6 m 2

Maximum landing - 192 thousand kg

Maximum load flight range - 13.5 km

Wingspan - 60.3 m

Maximum boarding weight - 192 thousand kg

Maximum flight height - 12.5 m

Mileage Length - 1926 m

Volume of fuel tanks - 141.5 l

Engines: 4 x 15400 kgf, CFMI CFM56-5C4

According to experts, such a purchase cannot be considered an empty disbuting of funds. In a liner, thanks to his "multi-dimensions" there are explicit advantages - it is able to lay various airways and not pay any attention to the technical problems during the flight with one of the engines. There were cases when liners on three running motors crossed the Atlantic Ocean without much effort.

As for regular passenger traffic, the demand for Airbus 340 today has almost ceased due to a high fuel consumption, which causes the company to use A330.

Everyone knows that the plane is the thing is not cheap, but the specimens presented in today's top have simply expedient value. Only some countries can afford such aircraft, not to mention ordinary people. So, what are the most expensive aircraft in the world today?

B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER - 2 100 000 000 dollars

This strategic bomber was developed and first released in the United States in 1946. All his appearance says - the future came. The "flying wing", as it is called in the people, is distinguished by unsurpassed aerodynamic characteristics and the ability to effectively hide from terrestrial radars.

Airplane service is also a state in considerable amounts. B-2 Spirit requires a special room - hangar with an ideal climate for him. The device reacts negatively to the solar rays that violate the radio absorbing layer on the housing. Worldwide, only a few aviation bases can provide appropriate conditions for this aircraft.

Airbus A380 - 500,000,000 dollars

This aircraft has the title of the largest passenger aircraft and was created as a competitor to the Boeing global giant devices. The liner was developed and improved over 10 years. For today, the plane accommodates more than 850 passengers, there are departments for business and economy class, and there are places intended for shower, libraries, bars - all this is organized at the request of the customer company.

To save on training pilots, their cabin made almost identical to others placed in similar aircraft. The cabin is equipped with nine LCD monitors, in detail displaying all the information necessary for a successful flight. The crew includes 27 people, along with pilots and stewards, but a couple more pilots add to long flights.

Airbus A340 - from 350,000,000 dollars

The aircraft of this family, in addition to the price, have several other general features. They have four engines, wide fuselage, length is 63 meters. Innovation in the field of aircraft industry is actively used - so that the fuel consumption is minimal, aerodynamic properties are worked up to the smallest detail. A digital control system has been implemented, and modern composite materials are used for the housing.

In turn, at the expense of a small fuel consumption, airplanes are very environmentally friendly, as well as there are very few noise and harmful exhausts. Despite the presence of four engines, in the cabin of each aircraft quietly, this factor is important for long flights. The number of passenger seats can reach up to 440, there is a spacious cargo compartment.

F-22 Raptor - 350,000,000 dollars

This ship confidently proved the leadership of the United States in the development of military aircraft. It is not found in the "aircraft of the 21st century" - the newest developments are used in technology. The Raptor F-22 is characterized by low visibility for radar, speed exceeding the speed of sound, excellent maneuverability.

Impressive functionality of the aircraft. The plane owns an overseas defeat of the goals, equipped with an improved electronics and a circular information system. In the creation of the housing, aluminum and titanium alloys were used - composite materials allow to significantly reduce the mass, and therefore make an aircraft more maneuverable and less noticeable for radar devices.

C-17A Globemaster III - 328,000,000 dollars

This American aircraft took off in 1991 for the first time. But, even despite the age of more than two decades, the development is still in demand and included in the military aviation fleet of many countries - the United States, Canada, Australia, Arab Emirates, etc. One of the important advantages of the model is excellent carrying capacity and capacity, so that it And enters the list of the most expensive aircraft in the world.

One C-17 can be transported, for example, the three Apache or One Chinook helicopter, as well as any land transport, including tanks and jeeps. In addition, more than 100 people can accommodate on board. Another advantage of the model is a short enough (less than a kilometer) of the take-off strip, which allows you to rise in the air as quickly as possible.

P-8A Poseidon - 290,000,000 dollars

This aircraft from Boeing has onboard radar and intelligence system. It is able to make a cartographic assessment of the area, independently recognize even fixed objects, and also look for submarines under water. As for the power component, the P-8a has two reliable engines - the likelihood of their refusal is nearing zero.

The aircraft develops a huge speed - up to 930 km / h, and in a state of patroling over the sea - 330 km / h with a height of 60 meters. Its inner department is placed both ordinary bombs and deep or torpedoes. And the cercel pylons are necessary for anti-ferrous missiles. Poseidon protection is well organized - there is an EWSP, the so-called electronic response system, as well as interference management systems.

Boeing 747-430 Custom - 233,000,000 dollars

This passenger aircraft is the most successful out of the entire 747 series. Compared with the previous version, 747-300, it has a more rounded ending of the wings, a glass cabin and advanced motors. In 1989, an airplane without passengers installed a record in his category - flew 18 thousand kilometers in 20 hours.

Boeing 747-430 exceeds analogues in the following parameters: speed, load capacity, boot level. However, loses to fuel consumption, the cost of maintenance and the cost of the flight. In the entire history of the release of models of this series there was about 20 plane crash (in some cases a human factor took place). In 2007, the model officially stopped producing.

E-2D Advanced Hawkeye - 232 000 000 dollars

This aircraft was developed in the United States from the intelligence aim to 1960. It provides the best detection of objects at a distance up to 540 kilometers (for the winged missiles - twice as smaller). Also, the aircraft can monitor targets on water, after which it is rapidly transmitting information to the operational center at the main aircraft carrier, and the patrol means will receive it at the same time.

E-2 performs the function of the command item, designed to control the process of guiding to the object of fighters, to warn in advance about the appearance of enemy aviation in the visibility zone, as well as manage the accompanying fighters. At the moment, the United States has about 140 such aircraft.

Boeing 747-400 CUSTOM - 200,000,000 dollars

This passenger liner released in 1969 and accommodates about 580 passengers. On the upper deck is a business class, designed for 44 people. Chairs in it can turn into comfortable beds. The menu includes a wide range of food and beverages, and to fly was not boring, multimedia entertainment system is provided.

As for the economy class located on the bottom deck, it is also quite convenient for the flight - soft chairs are located at an impressive distance from each other. In general, the liner is very popular among passengers and provides them with all the necessary conditions for a comfortable flight. In the people, it is also called "eggplant" due to the characteristic humpback shape of the upper deck.

Boeing 747- 8 VIP - 153,000,000 dollars

Justifying your name, this aircraft is intended for VIP persons - it is most comfortable as possible and is distinguished by luxury even in detail. Four powerful engines allow a non-transplant to overcome up to 14 thousand kilometers. Inside there is a recreation area, dining room, and each detail of the interior is designed by professional designers and is made of expensive materials.

On board you can find even a chic bedroom with a big soft bed. For people who can not disappear from work even on the road, there is a conference room and a working office. And you can communicate with friends and colleagues in a bright spacious living room.

The listed aircraft are affected not only by their price, but also a rich history enveloping them. It is difficult to imagine that mankind could be invented, to make and lift these giants into the air. However, this is so. For whatever goals, one or another aircraft was intended, their names today will threaten to the whole world.
