Rest in Tunisia city of Djerba. Djerba - Sunny Island in Southeast Tunisia

If you are looking for a vacation country with clean beaches, a calm warm sea and a lot of attractions, then the best place to rest than the resorts of Tunisia, you just do not find. This country is rich in a large variety of places worth visiting. Next is present the best resorts of Tunisia.

One of the best resorts in North Africa is the resort of Hammamet, located in the east of Tunisia. Then there is a magnificent, pure sandy beach, on which you can boight, so and do any sport. In this city will love to relax not only tanning lovers and swimming in the warm sea. Here really have something to see. The historic sights of the resort include Medina Hammamet. She looks like an old town, discouraged by the walls. And all this magnificence is built more than 8 centuries ago. Here the vintage houses and mosque will appear before tourists. It is worth paying attention to the fortress of Ribat, which adjoins Medina Hammamet. In its appearance, it is a square with a tower in which you can enter. Here is the Mausoleum of the monk Sidi Buali.

Sousse is one of the most popular resorts of Tunisia, especially among young people. He is a real paradise for those who are bored lying on the beach all day. It is worth noting that most of the attractions are located in the city center. Here you can explore the ruins of the Carthage, and tourists with children are invited to visit the zoo. You will also have the opportunity to visit the famous monastery of Ribat. Rising to the 2nd floor of which you still can see the footprint in the stone plate. If you believe legend, then you can make a desire, coming to the imprint and it will certainly come true. Not far from the fortress there is a great mosque, having 2 dome-shaped towers. Another bright landmark of Sousse is the House-Museum "Dar Essid", which was built in 928.

Monastir is the hometown of the first president of Tunisia Habiba Burgibiba. Today it is a popular beach resort of Tunisia, especially among those who want to relax inexpensively. The beaches and the sea here are quite good, but demanding tourists are still better to choose another resort of the country.

But there are many interesting places in the monast. For example, the Mausoleum of Habiba Bourgid, who seek to visit all the tourists who come. Also nearby is the medina of the city, the fortress of Ribat, which preserved its splendor to the present day. On the first floor you will have the opportunity to visit the Islamic Museum. Not told from the view of tourists and the real Muslim cemetery Sidi El Mesry. It is popular as a place of healing hard sick children. A small mosque has been built on the cemetery territory, it often come to pray for recovery of children from different hands. It will be possible and look at traditional Arabic clothes, which is presented in the Museum of Traditional Costume. Here is a huge collection of wedding dresses, which are embroidered by precious stones.

Jerb Island is one of the best beach holidays in Tunisia. The resort boasts a pure turquoise sea, white sandy beaches and excellent hotels.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the sights of Jerba Island, the brightest of which is the fortress of Gazi Mustafa. It is built from sandstone coastal stone. In the walls of this fortress, the garrison of warriors was sometimes located. It offers a magnificent view of the Mediterranean Sea. At the very top there is an observation deck. On this island, the main synagogue of Tunisia "La Mushroom" is located. She is in a small village of Hera-Sigir. Also, tourists will have the opportunity to look into the favorite place of stay of the pink flamingos, Lagoon Jerba. It is worth visiting the entertainment and educational park "Djerba Explor", which is the most interesting attraction of the whole island.

5. Tunisia

Tunisia Resort is not only a stunning place in Tunisia for a beach holiday, because it has gathered a huge number of all kinds of attractions. The main one is the ancient city of Carthage. It was founded back in 814 to our era. Here you can see the remains of Roman sarcophagus and sculptures. In general, it will have to allocate a lot to its inspection. On its territory is still excavating. It is worth a visit and a mountain oasis in the Atlas Mountains - Shibika. It offers a stunningly beautiful view of the sugar. Also, tourists are invited to visit the famous Tunisian lake, where you can see huge flocks of pink flamingos. If you have time in stock, you can visit Frygia Park Safari. About 30 species of animals live in this nature reserve.

Madhia is one of the best resorts of Tunisia for a relaxed or family holiday on poor beaches with pure snow-white sand. For those who wish to fit in the resort are the best thalassotherapy centers in the region.

From the attractions of tourists is invited to visit the ancient fortress Bordji El Kbir, which was built back in 1595. Also worth paying attention to the Great Mosque of Mahidia, which was erected by the founder of the city Obaid Allah El Mahdi. Tourists and goal of Skifa El Cala deserve attention. They lead to the old part of the city - Medina. These gates were built in the 10th century, their goal was to protect residential neighborhoods and the Palace of the ruler. Also worth visiting the amphitheater el-jam, which are the business card of the whole area. His walls are posted magnificent mosaic with the image of hunters and riders. Until this day, the amphitheater was preserved in a dilapidated state, but still remained rather attractive to the gaze of tourists.

7. Nabul

This picturesque resort is located on the Cap-Bon Peninsula, in the northern part of Tunisia. Tourist infrastructure is not at the highest level. Decent sandy beaches, clean sea and budget hotels are the main advantage of this resort. The beaches in Nabul are not crowded, mostly public, there are also wild - perfectly suitable for a secluded rest.

The old part of the city is considered the main local attraction. Here in front of tourists will appear ancient cobbled streets, not large shops and shops with all sorts of souvenirs. In the city you can admire the two main monuments to ceramic vases. One is presented in the form of a ceramic bowl with oranges, and the second in the form of a ceramic tree - amphoras. Also worth visiting the lagoon of the cub, the flocks of pink flamingos arrive here.

8. Gammart.

Djerba is the largest island off the coast of North Africa. With the mainland, it is connected by the bridge in the south-east and ferry crossing in the south-west. For those 15 minutes, which goes steam, it is quite possible to feel yourself with the Odyssem, who met on Djerba lotuse - "Lotus Eaters." Those treated his satellites of the fruits of the flower, and the Greeks were completely forgotten that they were waiting at home. I had to drag onto the vessel to the vessel to the vessel and tied to the ship benches.

But without Lotus with Djerba, I do not want to leave. Here are wonderful beaches, clean sea, excellent hotels, thalassotherapy, east flavor and European level of service. Life on Djerba has always been connected with the sea - for three centuries, the island served as the Berber Pirates base, which was horrified on all Mediterranean. Today, their descendants, confused by the past, receive good income from tourism, are engaged in fishing, olives and best on the African coast of the dike are growing.

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How to get to Djerba

Most tourists get to the island through Jerba Garca International Airport. There is no direct regular flight between Russia and Djerby, but there can be reached with 1-2 transplants. The cheapest flight from Moscow to Jerba Airlines "Es Seven" and "Tunisiair" with a change in Munich. From St. Petersburg you will be delivered to "Aeroflot" and "Nueveir Tunisia" with a change in Paris.

In the tourist season from April to October from both capitals to Djerba, Royal Fleit, Nord Vinda, Nueveire Tunisia and other airlines take place from both capitals. Moscow flight duration is 4 hours 30 minutes.

Tickets for cheaper charter flights are usually sold as part of a tourist package, but if desired, they can be purchased in travel agency without binding to the hotel.

From the airport to the hotel

Djerba-Zacssis Airport is located in the north-west of Djerba, 8 km west of the administrative center of the island - Cities of Humt-Suk and 15-30 km from the hotel's main tourist area of \u200b\u200bMidong. If the transfer is not ordered in advance, the most convenient to get to a taxi place. The approximate cost of the trip is 7 TND to the center of Humt-bitch and 14-18 TND to resort hotels on the northeast coast. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

Search flights to Djerba


Almost any place, Djerba can be reached on a regular buses. True, they rarely go and usually clogged with local residents. Alternative - Luzzi Luzzi White Color by 6-8 people who are sent as filling. The cost of a bus trip for a short distance is 0,400-1 TND, traveling by bus or minibus between the cities of Midun and Humt-Suk (15 km) - 2 TND, by taxi - 8 TND.

Taxi is the most convenient type of transport that is easy to find in any settlement of the island. As a rule, 2-3 cars, painted in yellow, are constantly duty at the entrance to the hotel. Payment of travel on the meter: landing - 0,450 TND, 1 km of run - 0,500 TND, waiting hour - 15 TND. From 20:00 to 7:00 there is a night rate, which is 50% above the daytime.

The main limitation of Taxi trips is a ban on departure from the island. Go to Sousse Located on the mainland, Tunisia, Bizeta, Gabes, Sfax can be on a bus from a long-distance bus station in the center of Humt-bitch. The trip to the nearest mainland Medunina to him will cost 7 TND.

Bicycles for rent

Flat island relief is well suited for cycling. You can rent in large hotels in large hotels (12 TND half a day and 20 TND for a whole day) or in street rental points. The only thing that can spoil the impression of the trip is a strong wind and dogs, with special zeal pursuing two-wheeled transport.

Jerba cards

Rent a Car

At Jerba-Zacssis airport, the cities of Humt-Suk and Midong open offers representative offices of Avis, Europcar, Budget. The cost of renting a car economy class at international rollers - from 117 TND per day or from 507 TND per week.

In Humt-bitch and Midunows there are local office offices. Their credo is a minimum of formalities when issuing documents and a deposit of cash in the amount of 500-1000 TND. Prices - from 80 TND per day - quite reflect the lower technical condition of the machines.

The cost of gasoline - 1.630 TND / l. Penalty for speeding - up to 120 TND, drunk driving - from 120 to 6000 TND.

The maximum speed on the roads of the island is 70 km / h, in the settlements - 50 km / h. Movement on the jerbe does not differ in the intensity, there are no traffic jams, parking are free, road signs in Arabic and French. It should only be remembered that there are many cravy cyclists in cities, and local drivers tend to neglect the rules.

Communication and Wi-Fi

For calls to Russia, it is convenient to buy a SIM card of any of the local operators - Tunisie Telecom, Orange Tunisie or OODOO. SIM cards are sold at the airport, communication salons, special points and supermarkets.

The cheapest - Holiday SIM from OODEO - costs 10 TND, half of this amount is immediately credited to the balance. If you plan to often go to the network, there is a reason to connect the mobile Internet package. For example, 500 MB of Internet traffic within 24 hours per 1 TND or 4 GB for 30 days for 20 TND. It is even better to buy a TUNISIE TELECOM TUNIST SIM SIM card (20 TND, on a 10 TND account), which includes a week of unlimited Internet traffic. Account replenishment is made using Recharge GSM or Cartes GSM cards.

The cost of the call to Russia with the SIM card of the Tunisian operator is 0,150-0,600 TND / minute, from the international telephone - 1 TND / minute, from the room at the hotel - 3 TND / minute.

Most hotels, restaurants, cafes and other tourist places Djerba have a free Wi-Fi network. True, the connection speed and signal level often leave to desire the best, significantly inferior to the mobile Internet.

Beach Djerba

Djerba is not an endless beach at all, as it may seem, looking at the map. Most of the coast - or streams, clay or mixtures of stones and sand. Turquoise sea and small white sand is the northeast of the island - there really is all as on advertising prospects. Most local beaches occupy hotels. In Tunisian laws, the coastline on the width of 30 m belongs to the state. Therefore, on the beaches you can find local residents - mostly sellers of souvenirs and camel challenges, which for 15-20 TND offer horse riding on the "desert ship" along the surf line.

Each hotel is responsible for its beach plot - remove the garbage, sieved and level the sand, clean the sea from algae. In the hotels of 4 and 5 * sand will be similar to the snow-white powder, in cheap - under their feet can be plastic and algae thrown ashore. Each hotel has its own sun beds, chaise lounges and sun umbrellas from palm branches, they are free for guests.

There are no industrial productions on the coast, and settlements are very rare, so the sea is very clean. Because of the wind, in the afternoon there are waves, although in the morning, as a rule, the full calm reigns. The wide coastal strip and gently sloping at the sea make Jerba perfect place to relax with children.

Warm waters of Tunisia attract not only tourists, but also jellyfish. Most often it happens in August. But in different years they appear in different places or they may not be at all.

In addition to volleyball, riding camels and horses, on beaches you can enjoy water sports - rent a hydraulic system (from 40 TND in 10 minutes) or climb over the sea on the parasile (from 80 TND in 15 minutes). Hire of equipment for windsurfing or kitesurfing will cost 300 TND for three days and in 540 TND for a week.


The undoubted dignity of Djerba is modern centers of thalassotherapy with a large selection of wellness treatments and qualified medical personnel. All of them belong to hotels 4-5 *, but anyone can take advantage of their services.

Although the French broke up with their own protectorate, many Tunisian doctors and specialists in thalassotherapy traditions are educated in France.

According to standards, water for procedures is taken from a depth of 6 m at a distance of 450 meters from the coast, where it is cleaner and richer with mineral salts and oligolements, identical to human plasma. Also for thalassoprocessor use algae, sea muds, essential oils and medicinal clay "Gasseoul", which is brought from the previations of the Moroccan Atlas.

Since thalassotherapy is not only a pleasant view of recreation, but also rehabilitation, you should first take advice from the doctor to choose the optimal program. Some of the most sought-after - "Slender Silhouette", "Antistress", "Light Feet", "Anti-Bak", "Anti-cellulite", "Healthy Back". Most programs are calculated for at least 4 days and include 4-5 daily procedures: wraps, hydromassage, inhalation, etc.

The best Thalasso centers are located at hotels Hasdrubal Thalassa and Spa 5 *, Movenpick Ulysse Palace and Thalasso 5 *, Radisson Blu Palace Resort and Thalasso 5 *. Average prices for programs: 4/6/9/12 days (with 4 daily procedures) - 960/1420/2160/2700 TND, respectively. In centers at hotels 4 * prices below 25-30%.

Hotels Djerby

Most hotels are located on the northern and eastern coasts of the island. Similar to the eastern palaces of "five-star" - for people of respectable, accustomed to relax in silence. They attract high-quality services, well-groomed territory, expensive interiors and luxurious spa centers. In the low season there are many pensioners and French old women seeking to keep fading beauty.

The most popular and numerous on Jerbe are 4 * hotels with a less famous atmosphere and a more cheerful public. Their service and comfort are almost not inferior to the "fives", and prices are more than humans. Three star hotels in demand among young people and budget tourists, ready to sacrifice around the clock service, spa center, animators and other household trifles.

The cost of the double room in hotels 3/4/5 * on the "All Included" system - respectively, from 175/240/500 TND per day. Hotel room 3/4 * with breakfast - from 80/160 TND. The apartments will cost 53 TND.


Like hundreds of years ago, the most expensive souvenir with Djerba is Tunisian carpet. ONAT printing on the reverse side confirms its origin, the correct density and the desired number of nodules. Although the Ministry of Health warns, but the Hookah is not suitable for the eastern carpet. By buying it for the interior, you can choose the size smaller, if it is directly intended - with a mine at least 50 cm made of stainless steel. In the shops and stores of the island, there are a lot of leather products - bags of all sizes, purses, belts, puffs, slippers with bent, like a small flour, noses. However, when buying should be checked by their quality.

Fans of exotic will like wooden dolls in national costumes and traditional Darbuky drums, covered with goat skin. Among the massive silver jewelry in the Berber style are interesting products "SHAB" with pieces of amber, which, when contacting the skin, makes a light fragrance.

Credit cards do not like credit cards in Tunisia. Even in the presence of a terminal in shopping centers, sellers with all truths and inconsistencies are requested by cash.

It is worth attention to the wonderful ceramics from the town of Gellala - inexpensive vases, plates, jugs, pots, aromatic lamps. Among the popular gastronomic souvenirs are local dates, olive oil and spices that are better to buy for weight.

Kitchen and restaurants Jerba

In the menu of any self-respecting catering establishment, there is a sharp meat "Shorby", spicy sausages "Mercéz", stuffed with lamb sweet pepper "Felfel Makhshi", roast with lamb "Tazhin" and, of course, local cuisine - "Couscous" with Stew meat and vegetables. Another indispensable participant of any feast - "Harisa", a sharp thick pepper sauce, garlic and olive oil.

It is necessary to pay tribute to dishes from freshly angled fish and seafood. It is best to do this in the Humt-bitch harbor, known for his fish restaurants.

Dear restaurants with international cuisine should be sought in the fashionable resort hotels. But local desserts - cakes with almonds and dates or "samsa" from a thin dough with sesame are good in establishments of any category. Especially with mint tea or strong coffee with cardamom. The cost of lunch in pizzeria - 10-12 TND per person, in a simple restaurant - 25-30 TND, dinner with wine on the hotel's expensive restaurant - from 50 TND.

Despite religious canons, in Tunisia produce good wine, a liquor from dates and vodka from figs. Price of beer banks in a store from 1 TND, wine bottles - from 7 TND. In restaurants, prices for alcohol are 2-4 times higher.

Entertainment and attractions

Gustave Flaubert, visiting the island in the 19th century, found it "covered with gold dust, greens and birds." On Djerba, in addition to other sights, there are really many olive groves, dovest palms, and from October to March in local shallow lagoons, pink flamingos. The landscape feature - the reinforced manors "Menzeli" Berberov-Ibadites with high global walls, because of which the minarets of small mosques sometimes look like.

In the 6th century BC e. Jerbe appeared on Jews who fled here from the Babylonian captivity. In the town of Er-Riyadzh, they built a synagogue of El Mushroom - the oldest on the African continent. True, its current building - with a beautiful hall, lined with blue patterned tiles, refers to the 19th century, but the Torah scroll stored here is really very ancient.

Those who wish to plunge into Eastern exotic will find it in the Humt-Suk - the main thing and, perhaps, the only city of the island. In essence, Humt Suc is one large bazaar with a whole labyrinth of close streets, alleys, retail space and arched passes impregnated with spices and smoke hookahs. From the sea, the city protects the powerful fortress Borj El Kebib with guns from a massive gate. In 1557, the Spaniards tried to take a fortress, but Tunisian pirate Dragut the attack beat off, and from the skulls defeated the tower. In 1848, the European tower was disassembled, 5,000 skulls buried in Christian, and at the site of the tower put 10-meter obelisk in memory of cruel and bloody wars.

5 Things to do with Jerbe

  1. Testing the lifeless power of thalassotherapy.
  2. Buying souvenirs, bargain to the last Millima, which in every Dinar exactly a thousand.
  3. Fans of "Star Wars" find in the port Agima Eyegalovka, where sand attack aircraft stopped hatch and Obi-Van.
  4. Make a henna tattoo on the palm.
  5. Go with fishermen for night fishing of octopus.

Djerba for children

The most popular family entertainment on Djerbe is a cruise on a stylized pirate ship to Flamingo Island. Daily at 9:00 from the Humt-bitch harbor, a whole flotilla of sailing ships with the "Pirates" team goes there. After 20-30 minutes, the ships throws an anchors on a beautiful beach where you can swim and sunbathe. At 12:00, everyone is feeding dinner, and in a couple of hours - loading on ships and the opposite way, during which Pirates treat all tea with local sweets. The cost of sea excursion with a transfer from the hotel is from 50 TND for adults and from 20 TND for children. But if you come to the pier before sailing, you can buy a ticket for just 15 TND.

This island in the African Bay of Gabes attracts numerous tourists from around the world. Direct air travel to Jerba Steel in the last ten years is available to Russians not only from Moscow, but also from many other cities of our country. Here is the amazing sea, clean beaches with the smallest sand, magnificent service, interesting sights and the hospitable local population. The cost of tours to the island of Djerba (Tunisia) is pleasantly surprising, and hotels are offered a variety of categories. In the article, we will discuss in detail on the features of rest in this corner of Africa, consider the placement places on the basis of tourists' reviews over the past two years.

Beautiful Island Djerba (Tunisia): Location and climate

The island is famous for magnificent beaches and comfortable hotels with huge territories where you can play golf. Even on Djerba, the best thalassotherapy in the world, and the East flavor here perfectly harmonizes with French sophistication. This place is called "Mediterranean Tahiti". Why? Just look at the photo of Jerb Island in Tunisia, presented below and you will understand everything.

The island is very conveniently located: it has a steam with the mainland, walking on which travelers are described in the most enthusiastic expressions. Judging by the reviews of tourists about the island of Djerba (Tunisia), it is offered here as a fairly chic vacation and very economical placement.

This is the largest land plot on the North African coast of more than 500 km 2. His shore is gentle by the Mediterranean Sea, and the sun fills the life of Jerba every day a year. The climate is very soft here, on a tropical island it is good even in winter. The temperature differences are minor, precipitation is little and falls out most often in the fall and spring. The beach season lasts from May to early October, then the water temperature in the Mediterranean is reduced to + 17 + 19 º C.

The official language on Djerba, as in the whole country, Arabic, but most of the population speaks French. In the hotels of guests are also found in English, and in some even in Russian.

Types of tourism on the island of Djerba (Tunisia)

What rest can be popular in the most southern resort of the country? Of course, the beach. Here always for several degrees warmer than in the continental part of the country. Tourists come here a little earlier, and leaving a little later.

On the territory of many hotels (from 4 stars) on the island of Djerba in Tunisia there are excellent centers of thalassotherapy. Wellness and rejuvenating procedures choose not only the representatives of the beautiful floor, but also many men.

Rest here is very calm and measured. Everything is very bright and pacifying. Even the sea on the island of light blue color gently framed snow-white beaches. Houses with neat layout, square with white dome-shaped roofs.

Active entertainment is still there are horseback riding, golf, water sports, hiking and cycling. Club life on the island is almost no developed, but several places where you can dance well.

Island resort areas

Capital about. Djerba - Humt-bit. The city is a fishing port. It is not surprising that the best seafood dishes are served in its restaurants.

The zacssis area is called a paradise. Here, the most beautiful gardens on the island, olive and dates, among the lotuses and other exotic colors sing small multicolored birds. Nearby are very secluded islands that love to visit the couples in love. Cote d'Azur, clean, fine sands are torn away from reality and carry into the world of dreams.

The main tourist area is called Medun, it is located near the international airport in the north-west of the island. The city is the second largest on Djerba. The terrain here is very fertile, and therefore picturesque. Many tourists ride bicycles or just stroll. In the center of the city there is a beautiful mosque and a large cafe, popular visits. Nearby you can find markets on which tourists usually acquire fruits, souvenirs and other local goods, not forgetting about bargaining. In addition, guests of the city have the opportunity to look at the process of cooking olive oil.

What are the distinguished beaches?

Let's start with free municipal beaches. These are the lengthy and small shores with a small white sand, along which numerous dotnical palms and olive trees grow. On some calm and quiet beaches you can see the most beautiful sight - flocks of unusual pink flamingos, gracefully taking off over turquoise waves.

The best beaches are located in the north-east of the island. In this place is Laguna Djerba, it is reliably protected from the northern winds and greatly heated with a bright sun. The beach stripe is very long and wide. In this place are also the most popular, judging by the reviews, Jerba Island hotels (Tunisia).

Western shores are more uninhabited, only occasionally can be found in love with couples or groups of tourists. There are completely different, indescribable feelings of unity and harmony with this beautiful world. Accordingly, there is practically no infrastructure. Travelers come here on rented cars, and the provincial takes with me.

Accommodation options and "plug" prices

It should be noted immediately that comfortable accommodation is the main thing that is offered to tourists in hotels. However, you can feel quite well even in the most simple and inexpensive hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia. "All Inclusive", so loved by Russian tourists the concept is acting almost everywhere.

On the island there are guest houses and villas, as well as hotels of categories 1 *, 3 *, 4 * and 5 *. The location can be in the center of the city or not far from it, on the first or second coastline. The level of comfort and service in them, of course, differ, as well as the cost of the room per day.

The minimum price of accommodation is a little more than 1,300 rubles in a fairly cute hotel Djerba Erriadh 1 *. Room cost per day in categories 3 * with the best rating will be from 2000 to 5000 rubles. In prestigious and respectable categories (for example, Park Inn Ulysse Resort & Thalasso 5 *) prices can reach up to 20,000-30,000 rubles per day at the most expensive number.

Rating of the best hotels in Djerba Island (Tunisis) on tourist reviews

Resa Dar Sema Djerba 3 * - ranked 9.8 points from 10 tourists. The aparthotel is located in the capital of the island. Here you can find the perfect price and quality ratio. This is a small complex in which only four rooms. If you want the staff to pay you a lot of attention, literally "blown with you dust", come to this hotel. An individual approach to each client, excellent service and delicious breakfasts are guaranteed here.

Among the holidaymakers are very popular with Hotel Palm Asur 4 *, it is selected more often than the other accommodation options, thanks to an acceptable cost and excellent location on the first line. During the Civil Revolution in Tunisia (2011), many hotels in the tourist zone Midong were empty. "Palm Azur" opened before others, its territory and the number of rooms were updated. Today it is a very calm and quiet place with excellent service and comfortable rooms of the category "Lux".

Not inferior in demand among Russian holidaymakers Kzar Djerba 4 *. This is also the Midong district. The minimum cost per room starts from 2300 rubles, which is considered sufficiently acceptable for the hotel such a category. Tourists are very praised restaurant, beautiful territory with open and indoor pools, a magnificent conference room, equipped with everything necessary for business events, a fairly spacious tennis court. The staff welcomes guests in Russian, which can not not please our compatriots.

Best of the Best: Hotels 5 * Jerb Islands in Tunisia

Hasdrubal Thalassa and SPA 5 * has a rating of 10 out of 10 possible points. This is the first coastline, and the hotel's territory is just a huge. On the beach, sun beds and umbrellas are a friend from each other at a decent distance so that the guest's personal space is not disturbed. Food is exquisite. Guests are offered fresh seafood dishes and the best fruits, elite drinks, gentle eastern desserts.

Another hotel from this chain is Hasdrubal Prestige 5 * (10 out of 10). Tourists compare this huge and chic complex with a palace of a thousand and one night fairy tale. It feels eastern refinement and knowledge of measures. European service at the highest level.

Golden Mid: Hotels 4 * on Djerba Island in Tunisia

Above the most popular complexes of this category were described above. "Fours" choose more often than other hotels because they combine not only an affordable cost of living, but also high-class service, comfort, a large range of services. Tourists argue that some of the category 4 * hotels in Tunisia are not inferior to expensive respectable apartments 5 *, and something can even exceed them.

Such hotels on the island of Djerba (Tunisia) as Seabel Rym Beach 4 * are very popular for family holidays with young children. Tourists usually choose the end of August or early September for a visit to the country, as the climate is the most soft. The hotel "Sibel" has a huge territory, an excellent beach with a gentle sunset in the sea and children's playgrounds. For young guests, you can choose full nutrition, such as cereal and lightweight soups, dairy products. The local population is very warmly related to the guys, they prepare interesting entertainment activities for them. Animation teams are trying to go for children and adults. The crocodile farm is just 10 minutes from the hotel.

Djerba Plaza Hotel & Spa 4 * is located in the heart of the Miduna Tourist district. A distinctive feature of this Hotel Jerba island (Tunisia) is the presence of five restaurants and several bars. It will satisfy their exquisite taste even gourmet, there will be a kushan for vegetarians, lovers of Eastern and European cuisine. The hotel has the opportunity to take a car or bike to explore beautiful scenery surroundings.

Large and very comfortable family rooms with excellent repairs attract families at the Vincci Helios Beach 4 * Hotel. The territory of the hotel extends almost ten hectares. There are thalassotherapy centers, pools, children's mini club, nanny even for the little ones. According to the reviews of tourists, they are simply perfectly fed. In the evenings there are wonderful entertainment programs, later lovers dance can go to the nightclub complex.

Carribean World Djerba 4 * is a real paradise for water entertainment lovers! In addition to the magnificent wide and comfortable beach, the hotel has a large number of swimming pools with slides and a small children's water park.

What do tourists feed?

Judging by the reviews about the island of Djerba, it is worth trying Tunisian National Tea, which is served in cold or hot. Honey, mint and cedar nuts are added to it. It is said that it turns out some kind of unique combination. By the way, you can try to make such a drink at home. From local alcohol, tourists distinguish the dates and a variety of fruit wines.

In restaurants (on the concept of "all inclusive"), the best hotels of Jerb Island in Tunisia are served as local dishes (beef or veal stew with vegetables, seafood dishes) and international. French ours are very popular here, which are preparing with special skill.

Tourists should understand that they come to the Muslim country, it is necessary to relate to its religion and traditions. For example, in Tunisia, it is not taken abuse of alcoholic beverages, to connect them in public places and appear in a drunken state in public premises. Negative attitude here and smoking, although in some hotels you can find different types of rooms.

Crocodile Farm, Pirates Ship and other attractions

On the island there is no such large number of interesting places related to the rich history of Tunisia, as, for example, in Carthage. But here there is something to scraper leisure. Lovers of cultural and educational tourism need to go with a sightseeing tour of the city, which covers all the significant architectural structures of the island. For example, you can see the Roman Road, a big and very ancient synagogue of El Mushroom, the powerful fortress Burgej El Kubir, and next to her a fairly informative local history museum.

More entertaining than a cognitive event is invited to make a pirate ship. Many today's residents of Tunisia are distant descendants of Berber pirates who once chose Jerba as their base. In the XXI century, you can penetrate the atmosphere and the spirit of those distant times. To do this, visit the pirate ship recreated to the smallest details and go to suits of daring sailors.

In addition, many tourists swim along the coast of the Mediterranean with excursions to some small and picturesque islands. The price usually includes an interesting and delicious dinner in a pirated style with fresh red fish and other delicacies.

Many people are heard about Djerba Explore Entertainment Park, it is necessary to come here. Let's enjoy both children and adults. The crocodile farm on which the huge Nile crocodiles live is mostly inhabited. It is noteworthy that here they do not grow reptiles in order to show the entertaining tricks with their participation or manufacture of elegant handbags and straps from their skin, as in Pattaya. Crocodiles live in conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat, and tourists can observe them from specially equipped bridges. Often, vacationers are trying to calculate that the time of visiting the park coincided with the feeding time of these green giants (usually around 16:00).

After such emotional spectacles, you can safely walk around the park of the park, to see the Tunisian Village in all its national flavor. Here are real houses from clay and lime, and camels help swing water for watering fields, with their assistance, the peasants cultivate the soil. In the Lalaland Hadri Museum, you can see unique exhibits of Arab culture, some of them belong to the VII century.

Instead of imprisonment

As you can see, Djerb Island is a place that is suitable for any comfortable stay. The main distinguishing feature of all placement options on the island is excellent service and high-class staff. Residents are very loved by the sun and water, so the numbers in hotels often have pleasant golden shades. There are several pools in the territories among palm trees and olive trees, and the wonderful snow-white beaches of the island will be remembered for life.

In the Middle Ages, Djerba is the main base of the pirates of the Western Mediterranean. In some years, the power of pirated captains was even official, that is, there was a "pirate republic." For example, in 1503, Pirate Captain Aruzh and his brother Hayreddin Barbarossa were able to capture the island completely, setting a certain semblance of the state. It was very disturbed by the Spaniards, who in a few years began to arrange raids in order to oust pirates.

All these events imposed a serious imprint on the traditional culture of the inhabitants of Jerba. Jerbians never settle down by the sea, because for them the sea always meant the risk of a raid.

On the island of Djerba, a huge number of mosques - more than 600, as the mosque has always been not only a religious structure, but also the center of defense from raiders, and high minarets were used as observation towers. On the jerbe traditionally do not build houses above one floor, and the Jerbian House "Hauche" resembles a fortress than the accustom to us. In tourists show traditional Menzel and Hauch.

Jerbians are very proud of their tolerance and identity. On the island from 6th century D.N.E. The Jewish diaspora lives. These are Jews who fled from Jerusalem when he was captured by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, when the Church of Solomon was destroyed before the base (the first temple) was destroyed.

They took the stone from the temple of Solomon and built on Djerba, which is the place of pilgrimage of Jews. However, now most of the Jews left Jerba to Israel and France, a small community of about 1,000 people remained on the island.

On the island of Djerba lives a lot of ethnic Berbers (the people of deserted nomads), which retained their tongue and customs. Arabs, Jews and Berbers live on the island together without any conflicts for hundreds of years. This is exactly what Djerba gives some advantages in the development of tourism.

Tourism on the island of Djerba

Tourism development began in the 60s, and in 1970 it accelerated with the opening on the island of own airport - "Djerba-Zarzis International Airport" 5 kilometers west from the city of Humt-Suk. Now it is a modern airport with a runway with a length of 3200 meters, capable of taking even large wide-body liners. For example, in 2016, Boeing 777 aircraft were used for Nord Wind charter flights.

Initially, Djerba attracted tourists with his beaches, but then night clubs, discos and one casino was also opened. It is the only one in South Tunisia and is called "Grand Pasino Djerba". Recall that in Tunisia there is only 4 casinos - 1 V, 2 V and 1 on the island of Djerba. As jerbits managed to get permission, it is difficult to submit, because gambling is strictly prohibited by Islam.

Djerb Island as a tourist destination received fame thanks to birds Flamingo and nightclubs, gained the status of a "part of the party resort". At the beginning of zero year, several new attractions opened - and a park consisting of, and.

Everything was wonderful, until the world financial crisis hit the tourist industry, and rather in 2011, he "sank" to Europe with all his power, and Jasmine revolution added "oils to the fire". If in 2009 and 2010 tourist statistics of Tunisia "stormed" a figure of 7,000,000 tourists a year, then in 2011 visitors to Tunisian resorts turned out to be only 4,700,000.

It was a monstrous decline, and Djerba island suffered one of the first - according to the results of the 2011 season, half of the hotels closed here because of unprofitability. Rather, to say that they were not closed, but mothballed to better times. The part is empty until now (approx. The article is written in 2016).

Many regular flights were canceled, and the situation has not yet been normal. If you decide not to buy a batch tour, and relax on Djerba yourself, then we will have to disappoint. Regular flights to Djerba-Zarzis Airport are now carried out now from France, you will have to fly with a transfer, very long and most likely with the change of airport in Paris. In the case of a batch tour, share a direct charter flight.

However, we hope for the best, because in many ways Djerba is superior to the remaining resorts of Tunisia due to some of its own features.

The article on items tells about the main nuances who should know the traveler, planning holidays on the island of Djerba. Read and remember!

For travelers, Djerb Island is really a fabulous place. Just imagine, you have pink sand under your feet, ahead of the stunning view of the sea, and the olive and dative trees grow behind. Having visited this island in Tunisia, you can get acquainted with the culture and life of the local population, see the attractions, visit the spa centers and, of course, swim in the sea.

Where is the island of Djerba on the map of Tunisia

Planning a trip? That way!

We gave up a few useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the journey preparation stage.

Climate on the island of Djerba

Climate on the island of Djerba Continental, with warm winter and hot summer. In winter, the average air temperature is +12 C ° - +15 c °. This time is perfect for sightseeing holidays and for those who want to do a thalassotherapy. These are such wellness treatments using the products of the sea. Algae of all sorts of water and dirt.

In the summer, the air temperature rises to + 30 c ° - +33 C ° day, and +20 c ° - + 25 C ° at night. The average temperature of the water during this period is +26 C ° - +28 C °. Autumn is very comfortable. For example, the temperature is kept in the region of 27 c °.


EL Mushroom Synagogue in Er Riad - It is considered one of the ancient synagogues of the world, its age is over 2000. Each year, pilgrims come to the synagogue to worship the shrine and see one of the ancient Scroves of the Torah. Also in the synagogue are the relics of Shimon Bar Yashai, he was one of the authors of the Talmud.

Village Gellala Famous pottery masters. Walking through the streets of the village, you might think that you got into the art gallery, since from all sides you are "watching" beautifully painted plates, jugs, handmade cups. The most liked product can be purchased as a gift.

Every year in the village passes pottery festivalwhere you can see the work of the best masters.

Crocodile farm - This is a farm reserve where crocodiles are bred. The first crocodiles were brought to the island from Madagascar, gradually they are accustomed to the local climate and began to multiply. Today, the farm has about 400 crocodiles. Everyone can feed it an ancient animal. You can watch the life of crocodiles from special bridges.

Museum of Folk Traditions in Gellal - Museum visitors will be able to see small stories from the life of the inhabitants of the island and come in touch with their life. In one of the halls you can see how baked bread, or prepare food, tkut national robes, or get ready to taste tea. In another hall, various wedding robes of brides are presented, from the poorest dresses to the most expensive and luxurious and many other exhibits.

Next to the museum is a workshop where you can see the process of obtaining olive oil from beginning to end.

Laguna Djerby Noteworthy in that in this beautiful place where the dates and olive trees grow nearby, large flocks of amazing birds, pink flamingos are going. Most of these "beauties" flies on the island to wait for the winter and enjoy molluscs, crustaceans and other food.

Laguna is famous for the fact that surf lovers gather here. Since the island in the northeast is a pretty strong wind blowing, forming a wave-friendly sulfur.

Fortress Gazi Mustafy. It was built in order to protect the surrounding area from pirates. And perfectly performed its function while she did not attack the cruel pirate of Draguta Reis, which carved the entire garrison of the fortress. And from the heads of those killed, he folded the big pyramid. This terrible pyramid stood until 1848 until the French were dismantled. Today, there is a monument at this place, which reminds of terrible atrocity of the pirate.

Also from the island you can go on a tour of the majestic desert of Sahara, of course, accompanied by an experienced guide guide.

Where to stay on the island of Djerba

Most of the hotels are located in the northern and western parts of the island, as well as in the city of Humt-Suk and Midun.

The most popular hotels:

  2. Sensimar Palm Beach Palace 5 *.

More economical hotels include:

  1. Les Jardins de Tumana 4 *;
  2. SunConnect Djerba Aqua Resort 4 *;
  3. Sentido Djerba Beach 4 *;
  4. Club Magic Life Penelope Beach Imperial 4 *;
  5. Miramar Petit Palais 3 *.

Hotels with thalassotherapy in Midong resort:

  1. Radisson Blu Palace Resort & Thalasso 5 *;
  2. Yadis Djerba Golf Thalasso & Spa 5 *;
  3. Radisson Blu Ulysse Resort & Thalasso Djerba 5 *.
  4. Hasdrubal Prestige Thalassa & Spa 5 * - in the city of Humt-Suc.

Customs restrictions

Citizens of the Russian Federation may not make a visa to enter the Arab State of Tunisia, if there are no more than 90 days in the country.

At the entrance to Tunisia there are customs restrictions:
1. It is impossible to import and export from the country:

  • It is forbidden to export a local currency.
  • It is forbidden to import narcotic substances.

2. It is allowed to import:

  • One bottle of alcohol.
  • Perfumes and personal items.
  • Foreign currency.

Council, if you export valuable things from gold or silver, carpets, etc., you need to have a check or certificate confirming the authenticity of products.

Souvenirs and gifts in Tunisia

Rest on the island of Djerba is impossible without, for sure, many will want to take a piece with them, which will remind you of a pleasant journey.

An excellent gift and souvenir will be a bottle of olive oil. The oil of the new crop is best to buy at the end of autumn. The best oil is considered EXTRA VIRGIN, COLD FIRST PRESS. One of these inscriptions should be on the olive oil label.

The bottle of Tunisian wine, from the French vineyards, which were planted in colonial times. Most Popular Magon, Muscat De Kelibia, Chateau Mornag Rose.

Many hostesses will be happy to acquire spices and National Harrice Sauce, which is made from pepper, garlic, spices and olive oil.

Tip, spices best buy for weight, so you can see their quality and feel a wonderful flavor.

Jewelry made of gold and silver handmade in the Oldsizanis or Arabic style.

The original gift will be a desert rose flower. This amazing flower "grows" in the Sahara desert. It is formed by sand and rain. Sometimes locals paint roses in different colors, blue, red, etc.

Manual ceramics, it can be beautifully decorated plates, jugs, cups and more.

Council, when transporting these beautiful things, it is important to know that they are very fragile. Therefore, all ceramic products are best wrapped and put in manual sting.

Also from the island of Djerba can be brought, dates, cactus fruits and grenades, olives and dried vegetables. From sweets, delicious halva, and this fragrant drink can be coffee. Many women will be glad to pink water and spirits.

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