Climbing the peak of topographers in the Polar Urals. Peak topographs Most convenient routes

Peak of military topographers with ice. Yu. Inylchak (from the merger with ice. Torn). Lefte - Pogrebetsky's peak and its northern wall (passed only in 2006). Comb to the right on the background of the sky - to Chaconnene Pass, from which the route was passed on the peak 5a to Tr. A snowy saddle before the peak, against the background of the comb to Chontersen - the high pass. Yes, Chontern Pass is leading an astridist on the ice. Chonteren (China), and high - from the head of the glacier Y. Inylchak on the ice. Star.

Studying materials that managed to find on the Internet, I got the impression that the peak does not belong to the category of frequently visited objects. Judge for yourself: the first attempt to climb to the top was undertaken at the expedition of Igor Erokhin in 1958. With Chaconnene Pass. But then, in fact, they did not set the goal to climb, since the main thing they had a victory, but climbed into acclimatization. And if I rely on the book "Victory Igor Erokhina", as soon as the movement became more complicated - turned back. The place where Dooled, called the peak of military topographers Z., 6816 m. Actually, at this point there are combs from the Pozterna pass and high (although it seemed to me visually that they converge a little earlier). Finally, in 1965, an expedition appears here, which is planning to make a first trap on peak. The ascent of the pioneers is described, for example, here: They drove into the area at the beginning of July, already with acclimatization, by July 29 they got to the Verkhovyev Y. Inylchek. The ascent occurred, in fact, in the Himalayan style - with the installation of 3 intermediate camps (3rd - on the pass high). On August 5, after the rest, they started from the lower camp, the 8th - rose to the Pass High (5964 m), on August 14 they rose to the Western Top - removed the note by Igor Erokhin. August 15 were on top, descended for 3 days. The route is classified 5b K.Tr. And repeated, in any case, according to my information, no longer passed. Next, we read on the site at Kazbek Valiyev - they were removed (Valera Christe and Kazbek) in 1988, when the victory of the victory was made by the Soviet Union.

View of the topographers with Z.cedla Khan-Tengri. The icefall is one of the options. This is an icefall, which for for some reason is called the second. But below the icefall I did not notice there. Blue - so we passed it in 1993. Red - approximately the path of the values. Descriptions and other options came across. Well, this is visible the case of taste and state. These are all traveled routes on military topographs from the north (from Kyrgyzstan). I did not find the description of Korenev, but I suppose that they climbed exactly that way. But if I am mistaken - someone can fix it.

Next on top were Valera Christe with the team on the traverse victory-Khan Tengri in the 1990s. Whether someone went in the 90s - I just don't know, again, someone can add something. But there is a suspicion that we could be there next in 2001 - then planned the traverse with Chancen Pass. But, fortunately, nothing happened - that is, it turned out "Breakfast overlooking Elbrus." True, we had no breakfast and we didn't see anything - just heard ... In bad weather, I was laughed in an asterisk under Chonterren, hoping that I approached - the weather would just work out, there were two days with visibility ... In general, the shovel Before the tambour, the tent was visible bad ... Well, and listened to avalanches from all sides ... and sometimes they felt - when I got a shock wave. So in the end, then and crawled back. Why "Fortunately"? Well, I do not like to climb one vertex several times. And since 2002, a Chinese Tien Shan opened to us - and we saw him from there ... Yes, I immediately forgot about the traverse.

In general, our route from China is the fourth line to the top. Or the fifth, if you count the traverse. And the notes we removed from there just Korenev for 2003 and Kirikov (Tomsk) for 2005 (Kyriak not found Korenev's note - there were two rounds there). This is the easiest way from the south and the most difficult of those covered on this top.

Yes, still - picovered topographers 6873 - the third top of the top of Tien Shan.

At first we planned to start straight from the foot of our southern rib, i.e. From a height of 4000 m. There is a good "Crimean" Pyaterochka, a good "Crimean" Pyaterochka, and we even felt at the intelligence. But then they decided to still reduce a little length of the complex part, and this "five" bypass through the eastern side Circus. And thank God - after the "Pyaterochka" there was such a sophisticated comb, that she was only a couple of days to come only to the point of our exit.

And we descend into a rocky Kuluar, run into the shelter - under the cornice, and we go along the eaves to bypass the remaining discharges ...

And soon we go down to the Chontern glacier - to the native icefall, through which we went in 2002. And this means that we are downstairs.

For a couple more hours - and we are in the database. The process of completing our expedition begins - the preservation of the base. Until the next time ... Ahead is a simple (2a) pass and run by 40-50 km. Here we also waited for trouble. For the start of Kohl, she began on the Morane, so that ... well, the knee swollen, the face is slightly broken, but it seems like it turns out. And that is good ... it can be seen, with the total load of the loads we already have a bust.

  1. Rinat and Yuri (Moscow)
  2. Ilya (Krasnoyarsk)
  3. Diana and Peter (Irkutsk)
  4. I - Paul (Angarsk)
July 30.

From Angarsk to Slyudyanki, we drove on the evening train, came to the base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and settled down.

July 31

Our driver took with him two partners in the cabin, we plunged and drove. They went around an eagle around an hour with us, making some of their affairs. It was like a trip to the route taxi. Finally, we left and began ... Even a relatively smooth road passed sharp fluctuations on the body, and on real off-road we reminded the contents of a shaker in the hands of an experienced bartender. Small pillows for protecting heads were fixed on the body frame. There was not enough plates: "This is a place to hit your head." At about 15:00 we arrived at the swamp.

It is with a capital letter - it is a big meadow with a river current on it. In such a meadow, it is time to grow rice, if you do not pay attention to the permafrost at the depth. We were offered to leave the carriage and proceed to the end of the swamp in our own way. At first, everything was cheerfully proceeded in the specified direction, collecting blueberries, richly growing there. I came with Diana last. I thought: "To fog well, how they will overcome - the same show." When we came, they found the driver with a shovel, he built a dam for a stream running in a swamp. Then the car rushed and tied, without driving and 50 meters. Armed with a chainsaw and Russian mat, the driver's helpers began to drink a hole in the swamp for a log for which they wanted to secure the cable of the winch.

Patching the car through the swamp, they won't call it differently, it took two hours, which is considered a good result. Since the day before it took three hours. I got up with Ilya on a hillside next to a tree for a good review, because we are both photographers. We are standing, look into the viewfoots, the car unexpectedly turns right on us. We first thought about how cool angle and stagged with their shutters. But the driver's helpers for some reason began to wave our hands, we prevent them from them. I did not think to leave, because we were a meter two above them and we had to go around the logic. But the driver did not think to turn, and we had to attend the last moment, without disassembling the swamps, smoke somewhere. And ZIL-131 with a swing, swan slipped this slide and drove further! That's how our ideas about the possibilities of this car from reality are behind! Then we pereobulsya and drove.

At the entrance to the reversal, the hound-goal was noticeably cold, but in the pitch darkness and in this crazy boltanka was impossible. We began to throat all the songs that came to mind so as not to fall asleep and not to climb. Especially loud it turned out from me, I almost left without voice. When I fell asleep, without sprinkling hands, holding the seat, I woke up only from the heads of head about the carcass of the car. We arrived under Choigan Danaba after 2 o'clock in the morning.

Bustor, tea and snacks with sump and in love.

August 1

I woke up from the sound of the motor, the driver warmed the engine and moved back in the morning at 9:00. The morning was sunny, but with midges. Therefore, opened the door in the tent, and the grid was left. An hour was lying, listening to Y.Vizbar, and watched pictures from the phone. Calmly filed and gathered. At 12:30, they went and surprised to find a large paradise in 50 meters with riding and tents. There were several Angarsh among people, they exchanged greetings.

When we came to Joigan, there was no limit to joy. Hot baths, dressing up in pure lingerie, hot soup from Diana! True, the rain does not give to finish this opus. The rain was strong, but short. All sources and baths examined, discussed plans for tomorrow.

We decided to leave local tourists from the products and gas to local tourists, but to go light in the assault camp under the peak of the topographers.

The night was awesome. Buryats staged a concert of local amateur time at three hours with accompaniment from chainsaws and Vargan. Voices came good. We were invited to join, but we refused. From the entire repertoire, we only learned the song about Cheburashka.

August 2

The huge lake was still struck with the giant rocks on the edge. Then on the very five-year pass at an altitude of 2321 meters a large lake with floating in it Icebergs. On the shore grow frying and other bright colors.

The impression is awesome. At the pass, a note was raised by the note of the participants of the current tourism. They write that it rains, cloudy with ruptures, temperature +12. Put in place, went heavy rain. Found a suitable place for the camp, opposite the glacier leading to the peak of topographs. Put the tents right under the torrential rain. Changing into dry, began to warm in the sleeping bags. Diana came, drove sublimates and burner. After half an hour, the guys took turns brought me with Yuri first buckwheat porridge, then hot compote, we refused the vodka. The feeling of bliss, but the rain knock on the tent spoils all of the raspberry.

August 3rd

Stand up at 8:20, they began to collect cats, rope, thermoses and dry shoes in two backpacks.

Socks, laid from the evening under the sleeping bag, did not dry. I had to wear a dry reserve, because Snowflakes are circling in the air. Let's go at 10:30. First, cross-renovation through the river, then the steep takes off the Kurumnik, which closes the whole view of the peak. Non-rigging first on the stones, then on the snowflash to a small screening of the stones on the left. After it, the coolness increases sharply, and we dressed cats. It was easily and pleasant to go in them, despite the lack of experience in some participants of ascent. Soon the angle of the lifting increased so much that it became quite difficult to go, as in the coolest place of the lift on Munka-Sardyk.

But while the steps had to chop simply, as the firms lying under cats. Soon he replaced with ice, barely sprinkled with snow, felling on the eve. Visibility deteriorated sharply, decided to go on the stones on the left, because My cats began to turn out under the feet (the shortcomings of the self-made design). They removed cats to climb on the stones, but they were too large, slippery and not adapted for our climbing. I had to go down.

So far, we decided to repeat the attempt tomorrow in the truncated composition. Yuri and Ilyoni decided to walk around the surroundings and picked up. We lay early, around 22:00.

August 4

Rose around 7:00.

Morning was promising, as the forecast said, the day should be clear. Rinat says that the bottom of the tents at dawn was slightly more and more free. Backpacks half assembled yesterday. It remains to roll up the sleeping bags, eat, pour thermoses and on the path to snow vertices. First to the incomplete top of 3089 meters, then the peak of topographs is 3044 meters. Peter from the evening drank a little tincture of the golden root. At night, I drove some devils and did not sleep. We had breakfast, and he went to sleep in a tent. Looks like we are losing it ... I want to express my gratitude to Yuri for cats and dark glasses, Diana for the cream to protect against sunburn, Peter for treeking sticks. Otherwise, I just would not go.

Released at 8:07, went fast. In 2 hours, 10 minutes reached the ridge, which overlooks another valley. There we caught up Peter with sticks again, Yuri. We together drowned coffee, resembling just sweet water, because Diana admitted that he did not remember how coffee was played in thermos. We laughed, music played in the soul. Woven cats, and went to our unparalleled traverse to a wide ice ridge, with which we were going to climb on the stones and finish climbing on them. Under the cats, we had a complex coating, consisting of ice, sidden to a decade-millimeter layer of fresh snow, which greatly made sure of him.

It was scary to shoot a backpack first to not disrupt the shaky equilibrium. Then it is not clear how to put eight sticks so that they do not roll with an awkward movement down the slope or did not fall deep into the crack, over which we stood ... I was not sure about the ability to safely climb the stones, so I did not shoot cats and Waited until Diana starts to rise. She admitted that he was very afraid to rise, but we cruelly drove her first! Seeing how cheerfully climbs my team, I, fasten my heart, took off the cat. But that this, all eight sticks are waiting for my participation in their lifting! I got, soon I realized that I could not safely climb on the stones, due to the large weight of the backpack and the steep slope. I had to leave a backpack with a camera in the nearest crack. Taking only the phone because of the fotika in it. The most fun in this was the lack of confidence in my return, but, despite all the fears, we climbed into a small plateau. I immediately rushed to the top and gladly discovered the topographic sign that was photographed on the map. I took out the phone and began to photograph my team with him next.

Then it was the turn of the video boom, the benefit of the clouds in the clouds allowed to do it.

But soon cloudy began to thicken, and the topographic cretinism was attacked on me - I did not know where to be a valley leading home. Very wanted to get out faster from here! What we did, having spent on top of 25 minutes. I will not describe our descent on the stones for a long time, I will only say that half of the stones that we got up or taken by our hands were alive. It was the feeling that all these stones are embanked from above right from the sky and expect their turn to fall further down! The descent and traverse is taken to relatively unknown slope 1 hour 45 minutes. After the same time interval, we already stood on the edge of Kurumnik.

In the camp we were at 16:00. They snapped, drank tea and at 17:10 went to the outlined lake in advance for the pass. The place was notable for excellent views around and the presence of a place for tents. The pass was laid on the tour, came to the camp at 19:00.

Putting the camp and starting there, they saw approaching tourists from Choigan. They came up, they said that they were from Kazan, they don't want to go to peak - just look. We decided to go to bed early again. It is necessary tomorrow to reach Choigan before anyone will lead our abandon.

5th of August

Stood at 6:30, at 8:17 pm went back. Sprinkled light rain.

I must say that the weather forecast from Foreca is fully justified: when we walked, the second time on the peak of the topographers was sunny, the rest of the days is railing. Before Choigan, they met a group of 5 people with whom we will go from the Hoyto-goal by car. There was V. Sheher, who knows all Angarsian tourists. He handed me hello from my mom, with whom he met on the road to the Valley of Volcanoes. In Choigan, Illyu and I left Kuli in the Tuvinian parking lot and immediately went for our throwing to Buryat. Although the flag stands there Russian. But in the place where we left her, there was nothing. It turns out that good people put it with their backpacks under rain polyethylene. Here I met the company of tourists who had a tent like my, only more. Word for the word, talked. It turns out that Angarshna was here. They then lent sugar to us, because it was over with us.

Further, as usual: bath, baths and soup with mushrooms from Diana. Bored on the kamplates, the weather spoiled. Let's go with Yura to recognize the upper road to the Hoiso-goal at Vodnov from the goose crystal. Then, like everyone else, to the tent, to lose rain. Then the baths and stratum in the bath, the feeling of bliss - clean body and clothing. After a dairy source, I wake all in medicinal dirt. In order not to pack clothes run into thermal springs in the hut Nagishche, only in a T-shirt. As specially, interested people come across, they are trying to start a conversation. Having underwhelmed clothes, inhabitantly, I shake in the distance. In short, the day ended with a bang - tea with currant and sguch from the abandon, as well as ear of canned food. Loild at 23:20.

August 6.

I got up late in the tenth hour. Thought today with Yura day, it turns out that today at night the second half of the hike began. That's how we celebrated this equator. For breakfast, Manka from Diana is my favorite porridge! Today after dinner let's go to our first parking under the pass. Came, the weather is excellent. Diana prepared us a surprise - Cake with Sgucho!

Then, we traditionally went to the milk bath. I dare before and after him and plunged into the ice source of youth. We are going at 12:20, at 13:30 went. Towards there were vodries walking on Bii-Hem and tourists from Chelyabinsk. Not far from interrupted us, a hail took to heavy rain. At 17:48 came to our first parking lot. Here our opinions were divided. I and Petya want to go to the Khoito-goal through the pass and the valley of the Khoito-goal River, Diana with Yura did not want to risk and offer to go along the lower trail and brownes. Until 22:30 was sitting in a big tent, where it rained us. Cooked and drank Kuril tea. At the request of Yura Diana threw the third glooming of tea in the bowler. It turned out to be not bad, but at night everything (except Yura) could not sleep until the morning. Like this.

August 7

Stood at 8:00. All night went rain. Yesterday at about 23:00 past us a truck drove us. Today, we and Yura, we went to the driver to negotiate our abandon to the Hoiso-goal. Buryat us asked for someone Andrei from Angarsk, and we said: "Well, go." In short refused. Released at 10:20. On the way, nothing remarkable was seen, there was one dirty cargo road. After hacking on the Hojito-goal, we had to wander the river on three people immediately, so as not to demolish. Until they were transported, I was shot by Yuri on the video camera, and we were planted: "Because of the island on Strazhen, on the spacious wave ..."

Came at 17:10, very tired. The rain lilts all day and the road was drained. All small houses were busy. Found a free half of the porch without a stove in a blue barbell near the sources. The owner of this penthouse called Jargal Nikolayevich. He allowed to break the camp in a free place, and we disturbed and wrinkled to him for it.

They resembled the baths, it turned out all hydrogen sulfide. The general opinion about them is below average, especially after Choigan. Angarsn Group descended from the mountains, they said that in the valley of volcanoes, the snow was all day and very cold. We decided to leave there a throwing with cats, ropes and products. Tomorrow I'm lighting out. Lay at 21:30, because very tired.

8 August

Stood at 7:00. They left a throwing in the attic, went out at 8:45. After the pass, they met three schoolchildren, very easily dressed. They said that it was left 2 hours 30 minutes. After a swamp with a river, we were overtaken by the Kievans with a swing on the horses, it turned out - vodries. We stayed at 16:45 on the nearest parking lot at the foot of the Volcano Perenotchin, and they climbed through the experiencing to the next parking lot. On the way, we overtook the guy with a small backpack from their team, so he was in Nepal. As long as the tents were put, the Kazan citizens came again on the five-year pass. One of them proudly found somewhere overwhelming horns. Diana wanted the same, why are they her? Weather sustained us today - the sun shone all day, just now I froze. Suspended and climbed onto the volcano Perenault, it opens a breathtaking view of the entire valley of volcanoes.

Descended to the lake in the crater, everything is very unusual. In the camera, the battery charge indicator showed half, although the frame meter winds the fifth hundred - not bad. Tomorrow is dedicated to the study of the valley, lay early - at 22:00.

August 9.

Came upst, waited until the sun lights the entire volcano, started shooting. They turned out both volcanoes, all from above - admire.

Gathered, went out at 10:15. Let's go through a pair of a large camp - a man twenty. They did not see the lapse, on which they stood next. They walked until the road began to leave in another collapsions, I noticed and deployed the group in the desired side. The lamp has long been passed, therefore they went towards, dying through thickets. They noticed an unusual stream with the yield of gas bubbles from the bottom.

Released on the path. Of which the cities did not come across the people we meet. Snezhinsk, Magnitogorsk, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Goose crystal, Kiev, Angarsk, Izhevsk. On the last large lake met three people with small backpacks and without horses. One girl was dressed in Schwin bicycle. They were surprised to find out that the valley was still quite a long time. Looks like they were going to shift there and back in one day. The next morning I saw near a small house in the Hoyto-goy of three Bountnaya: Weller, Marin and Schwin. My reverence of brave people who traveled here.

On the last pass, we arranged a common photo walls on all the windows that are at hand. I made removed pictures of the peak of topographers, unexpectedly emerging from all the clouds.

Just started the descent, I froze the rain, periodically stopped. On the descent, we gained honeysuckle and mushrooms, especially the mushrooms distinguished themselves Peter, he comes from Erbogachechnaya and understands them better than the rest. Before the quiet-goal, the rain was more stronger and we ran. I have a thought about the slack, for which you need to climb on the wet roof. Here she, as I left it, under the slate. I took and lowered it from the roof with the help of Rinat and Ilya. Our body turned out to be absolutely empty, everyone dispersed and diverged. We began to get settled, having fun. When it went raining, it became dark, Ilya rushed me: "Where is the switch?" I got acquainted with Alexey, he is a featherfront, as himself calls himself. Came here 2 hours before us from the valley. The desperate guy walks and swims on the tease on the inflatable Bida one. Was on Elbrus and in Karelia on the White Sea.

They went to the top bath in the open-air, in which they were not yet. Water there the very warm, but you won't call it hot. I went raining - water from all sides, and even with bubbles. I darkened a silver cross from the hydrogen sulfide, and I hurried to leave the bath. It is not clear how to wipe in the rain? Only Yuri sat down there, I thought what happened? Already poked and went to wash a plate and save him, and he comes to meet me satisfied! Diana arranged a festive dinner before leaving. Lay at 22:00.

11th August

Today is the day of departure. We need to sit on the arrow into the passing car at 9:00. At 7:35 came out. Until 11:00 was waiting for the "punctual" driver in the winter, next to the meeting place. I gave rise to Viktor Sher, hello from the couple of Drozodov from Novosibirsk, who came to me near the Hoyto-goal. When they plunged into the car, it turned out 17 people with us. The driver took four more Kazan. Something this summer their most of all other tourists. Thanks to such a large company, the car was shaking less, but we were sitting along the side, next to the exit. And there rocks stronger. On the way I successfully bought fresh milk on the farm, bread and sour cream! We drove up to the Eagle at 20:35, as specially charged such heavy rain, which we have not seen yet! But the Gazelle to Slyudyanka was already standing in the yard of the house where we jumped out. We went to the guest house, snapped there and booted to the Gazelle. The driver had no film and tarpaulin, so we were forced to squeeze all 13 people with kiles right in the minibus salon! In short, in flavored, but not in disadvantage. The main progressive movement towards the house is so calm. We drove all night, drove up just for a six-hour train to Irkutsk. Control in the wagons does not sleep even now, go well with pre-purchased tickets.

The next day, all participants in the campaign, except for the left Ilya, met in the Seventh Sky Restaurant. We exchanged photos and decided where let's go next time, but this is a completely different story. I express my personal gratitude to all participants of the campaign: Diana, Rinat, Peter, Yuri and Ilya, as well as drivers Boris and Zharkha, who gave us where to! Special thanks to my deer, for creating a climate that promotes productive work on the collection and correction of this story!

port Oka - s. Handyto (non-residential), 8 km, pure running time 1 hour 50 min. Clear, temperature +18 degrees.

The path passes along a good dirt road.

from. Handyoto - Summer Khute 16 km, pure running time 4 hours 30 minutes. Overcast, temperature +12 degrees, wind, rain.

senther hute - Mineral Source Halong, 14 km, pure running time 4 hours 35 min. Overcast, t +10 degrees, rain.

From the spring of the hute, our way lay up the p. Senza to the mouth of the Burun-Kadyr-Osa, and then along this river to the Valley of Volcanoes. From the seal, the road goes along lowland and very dirty (cattle chasing), and the horse trail stretches from the seal of the bush.

The road passes through the Sen. When crossing through the Burun-Kadyr-OS had to be applied for insurance the main rope. Further path is going through the horse trail, then by road.

mineral Source Halong - Mineral Source Hootyo-Gol 14 km, pure running time 3 hours 20 minutes. Clear, t +20 degrees.

From the mineral source of Halun to the Hojito-goal again there is a highway, but it is better to move along the horse trail, since it is more dense and there is no dirt even during the rain. In the area of \u200b\u200bfailure r. Bushtyg in Senza often has to go. The depth is small, but depends on the water level in these rivers. The road has been laid bypassing this area at the top. When approaching the source of the hooito-goal there are also two fodes through p. Arshan.

mineral Source Hojito-Gol - Valley Volcanoes - R. Burun-Kadyr OS, 30 km, pure running time 7 hours 10 min. Clearly, T + 20 degrees.

From the source for the pass is a clearly pronounced trail, it's easy to navigate. On the pass itself (flat shoulder of the nearest vertex), the trail is lost, and you need to move, focusing on the tours, and if the weather is sunny, then go straight into the sun (first half of the day). For the pass - a small descent on the snowfield to the lake. The trail of the lake is there, but it is not visible in places, and you need to focus on tours. Burun-Kadyr-Osa trail loops among the thickets of dwarf birches, then along the stream. It is necessary to be careful, since it is not visible between thick thickets, water filled with water.

Before the volcano, the passage path goes along the edge of the left field. Volcano himself is the right truncated cone, overgrown with grass and larch. In the crater of the volcano in the center of a small lake, a tour is folded.

From the volcano, there is a trail to the Kropotkin volcano, which crosses the lava field, and then goes along its edge. With both volcanoes, the entire lava field is clearly visible, and the surrounding mountains give the terrain scenic appearance.

The parking lot is better to organize the Volcano Perenotchin, since there is a firewood and water nearby.

r. Burun-Kadyr-OS - Mineral Source Hoyto-Gol 31 km, pure running time 9 hours 20 min. Clearly, T +25 degrees.

The trail in the Burun-Kadyr-Ospa first is clearly pronounced, but then 4 km disappears in the birch stabel, it is very difficult to move along. Sometimes there are animal trails, but very short. It is necessary to go on one shore, then differently, sometimes even on the river itself.

In the upper course of the River Valley is wide, there is a land (ice thickness up to 1.5 m). Then the side of the valley is narrowed, the trail is distinguished from the meter river for 300-500. Where Burun-Kadyr-OS turns to the East (the Senza Valley is already flowing), there is a lot of trail. The further path to the mineral source of the Hojito-goal passes along the already famous road.

mineral Source Hoyto-Goal - Lake Zagan Nur, 13 km, pure running time 3 hours 15 minutes. Clear T +25 degrees.

Before the three-strand, from where he starts his beginning, the path is famous. Next you need to climb up the dundy-goal. The trail is very good. The only obstacle on this trail is Brody: Three through the Dunda-goal and one through the Cooker-goal. Before the lake, the trail is looping along the old sea ridges past the small lakes.

On the shore there are permanent places for parking. In the lake there are a lot of smoke.

lake Zagan-Nur - Per. Choigan Daban - Mineral Source Choigan, 12 km, pure running time 4 hours 15 minutes. Weather cloudy, sometimes rain with snow, strong wind, T +4 - +6 degrees.

Before the source, the trail is very good. A small difficulty in orienting when approaching the pass. It is impossible to go left and right. It is necessary to adhere to the middle direction, focusing on the right slope of the mountain (along the movement). Then the path goes to the waterprooper plateau. In the raw season it is a swampy. Having passed two lakes, go down to the valley to Choigan, famous for their hot rodon sources. The descent is steep, and you need to be careful not to stumble about the protruding roots.

In total, in Choigan 33 sources with different water temperatures.

Dae. Clearly, T +15 degrees. Radial access to waterfalls. Passed 18 km in 6 hours.

mineral source Choigan - Per. Halgin - Right source r. Halgin, 12 km, pure running time 3 hours 50 min. Clear, T + 15-18 degrees.

Today we begin approaches to the peak of topographs. Initially, the trail is looping through the forest among the burver, then the rise on the first terrace begins. Upstairs a small lake. Further - on the hand of Argen-Hem, and again take off. From stone on a stone, we go to a small plateau, go around the first large lake (it remains right), and again the cascade of the takeoffs. The second large lake. Partially it is still under the ice. There are many snowfish around it. We overcome them and go out to the transfer point - Tour. Descent on a rather steep snowflake. Roll down as skiing and get into the kingdom of hot. A little pass through the swampy plain to a huge boulder. At the bottom, Dade-Huhhe-Nur lake can be seen, a little left and closer to us from under Mountain, the old man flows left Halgin, depighted down with a small waterfall.

The parking lot is better to get up from this boulder. It begins the most convenient way of lifting to the top, and the place is even, dry. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe peak of topographs there are no firewood.

climbing the peak of topograms - Lake Doda-Huha-Nur, 17 km, pure running time 7 hours. Cloudy, but cloudy high, about 3500 m, T +5 degrees. From the second half of the day, it is clear, T +15 degrees.

The ascent of the peak of the topographers is most convenient to start from boulder, immediately behind the stream. Rise cool, but short. Further to the peak itself - Snezhnik, which is two steps. Car in which he lies big, wide. To the left rises a beautiful peak, on the right - the wall, turning into the peak, straight - the trapezoid top of the peak of the topographers.

At the very base of the peak turn to the left and climb on the edges on the edges. Next - fir. We rise on it under stones, some more climbing, and we are on top. When climbing you need to have a pair of ropes of 30-40 m, ice axes and cats for the first participant. Snow visors hang on the top of the top, so you need to be attentive in case of avalanche. Peak itself is a truncated cone with a flat vertex, on which there are two rounds. The descent began from the left tour of the stones, and then - on the snowfield. Descended as skiing. The path to the doda-huhhe-nur lake is pretty heavy - Kurumniki along the lake, the lack of a trail, a swampy area - all this creates those inconvenience, without which we cannot live. Mim to Lake Dade is more convenient to go on the right side. The lake itself was formed as a result of the destruction of the cliffs. The water is clean in it, but there are no fish.

lake Doda-Huha-Nur - r. Ball treater, 15 km, pure running time 4 hours 45 minutes. Clearly, T +29 degrees.

The trail appears a kilometer for 2 in front of the lake, and along the lake itself it is necessary to go again in Kurumnik. The history of the formation of a dive is similar to Dade, but only it is smaller.

Before Halgin's sign, the trail is clearly expressed in the tear, there are no special obstacles to it. There are often parking of shepherds and tourists. Parking is particularly popular at the mercy and over the waterfall - a large harius is caught. Further way - down the teaset to the mouth of the river. Shara-Tyrendites - passes on a lowland among the thickets of shrubs. Immediately behind the river is a good parking lot.

r. Shara-Tuprendit - Lake Alec Nur, 23 km, pure running time 7 hours. Overcast, rain times, T +5 degrees. From the second half of the day, light cloudiness, T + 10-15 degrees.

From parking to first clips - 1.5 km. The clamp is composed for overcoming only in large water. Further, the trail moves away from the river, places more than a kilometer, hides in the forest, which makes it difficult to determine the location of the group. A serious obstacle on the way rises r. Sufflei. Especially he is dangerous in rainy weather. The river is rapidly carrying his waters in Tissu, breaking before the shift on three sleeves. Even in small water, crossing the main sleeve is complex and requires insurance. Its width is about 50 m. The trail goes onto the terrace overgrown with some small shrubs.

At the approaches to the lake, the Laja-Nur trail gradually begins to climb up, going to the Muhai-Hood-Aaban pass. In this way, shepherds enjoy, chasing their herds on summer pastures in the head of the teas.

lake Alec-Nur - r. Dabata 28 km, pure running time 6 hours 40 min. Clear, t +18 degrees. In the evening, a small thunderstorm.

From the lake begins the road to Balakto. Pods in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of the Data in small water goes, and it is better to get around it.

r. Dabata - pos. Balakta, 14 km, pure running time 3 hours 15 minutes.

From the mouth of the path of the trail again equestrian, since the machines are transferred to the other shore of the tissue above the clutch. The road begins only from the Zhebtete Zimnik. Before the village. Orlica from here can be reached by the way.

South Siberia can rightfully be considered pride of Russia's tourism. It was here that the mountain peaks, forests, glaciers, taiga, meadows were uniquely combined. One of the most significant attractions of the region are the mountains of Eastern Sayans and the peak of topograms - the highest glacier of the mountain system.

Geographical features of Eastern Sayan

The peak of topographers is a glacier with a height of 3089 m, which is part of the charm-taiga massif and located among the East Sayan Mountains in southern Siberia. The length of the mountain peaks is more than a kilometer in length, from Yenisei to Baikal. Their structure includes volcanic plateau, Belogori, flat peaks, alpine arrays. The ridges with a variety of relief and minerals crashed on a huge territory, which occupies the plots:

  • Buryatia;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • Irkutsk region;
  • Mongolia;
  • Tuva.

Among the natural objects of the mountains around the peak of topographs can be found canyons, basins, glaciers, lava flows, waterfalls, lakes of glacial origin. Forests are dominated from vegetation - cedar, spruce, fir, deciduous -, as well as tundra and meadow shrubs.

INTERESTING ! On the territory of Sayan posted a pillary reserve and the Tunkin National Park, where mineral springs can be visited.

Coordinates: 52 ° 29 "32" N 98 ° 49 "6" E

Climbing on the peak of topographs and main points

Climbing to the topographic topographs is a complex but exciting occupation. Almost 3.1 km in a height of a snowy surface will not be able to each. Peak itself is two vertices on one plateau - left and right, or north and southern. All possible benefits of civilization are located on the southern part - there are tours, pointers, water, recreation facilities.

The peak of the topographers is perfectly visible from many places, they are the main points of the glacier:

  • pass of Sherpov, Halgin, Cubie, invisible, five-member, hanging, suffer;
  • rippers of the rivers of the Tissy, Kokray, Uzun-Uzu, Burun-Sala, Argen-Hem;
  • mouth of the river Zombolok;
  • northeast Side Paddi Chi-goal;
  • plateau between the senzia and the tease;
  • dargyl River, past the source of the Hoyto-Gol.

The peak of topographers can be seen even from the peak of Choigan, the Range of Big Sayan, as well as from the Valley of Volcanoes.

Most tourists climb the peak towards the right upper edge, through the left saddle or the central part of the glacier. According to the international classification, the ascent of the peak of the topographers has the category of complexity of UIAA 2+ - 1+ is considered as heavy as a heavy and dangerous level.

What to take with you hike

No hike in the mountainous area costs without appropriate equipment, inventory, provisions. Among food should be drinking water, as well as canned food and other long-term storage. Do not forget about the first aid kit.

Personal equipment includes:

  • Hygienic accessories;
  • Warm things, thermal underwear;
  • Warrant upper clothes;
  • Comfortable warm shoes;
  • Backpack, tent, sleeping bag, rug;
  • Climbing equipment.

Additionally, it is necessary to have a campfire awning, an ax, a 50-60 m rope, a flashlight, steel or aluminum canows, cards, GPS navigator. It is advisable to take the trekking sticks, a burner for cooking. You can capture the camera or camcorder.

Most convenient routes

The trip route can be chosen by using maps, or choose verified. There are many routes on the network for both experienced travelers and novice tourists. We offer a selection of the safest and most exciting routes to the peak of topographs:

  1. hutor Hood - r. Dudund-goal - per. Choigan Dubal - r. Argen-Hem - Oz. Dodo Huha-Nur - Per. SHORKULY - PER. Darlyg - Arshan - Senza - Sources of Halong-Wuhan;
  2. river Khadarar - Per. Choigan Dubal - the source of Choigan - Halgin River - Burun-Sala - R. Daba-Pupil - Oz. Boxed-Nur - Hojito-Gol - Per. Amazing - ARSHAN - Hutel Farm;
  3. handyto village - East. Halun - Hojito-goal - Valley of volcanoes - r. Burun-Kadyr-OS - Zagan-Nur Lake - Dodo Huha-Nur - Oz. Alec Nur - Village of Balakta;
  4. Hojito-goal - Dargyl River - Per. Koznyny - Peak Topographers - Halgin Pass - Peak Choigan - Argen-Hem - Dunda-Gol.

Weather and climate

A variety of climatic conditions of the mountain massif is due to the location in different latitudes. Here are the features of the climate of Buryatia, Mongolia, Siberia, Tuva. Eastern Sayan has in the west of permafrost, in the southwest - solar meadows and valleys, in the east - stable weather with minimal precipitation, except the peak of the topographers.

Weather for seasons:

  • Spring is cold, snowy, the average air temperature is 0 ... + 3 ° C;
  • Summer - fresh, cool, rainy, air temperature holds at +19 ... + 23 ° C;
  • Autumn - warm, clear, virtually no precipitation, air temperature ranges within +10 ... + 3 ° C;
  • Winter is cold, dry, windless, frosty, temperature reaches -40 ...- 44 ° C.

CAUTION ! A sharp continental climate contributes to temperatures within 50-54 degrees.

When it is better to go to the peak of topographers

The hottest months in Buryatia - July and August, but in July, thanks to the rains, the weather is more fresh. In August, the season and crowds of tourists begins to attack the terrain. The coldest months is December, January and February, the average temperature here is -22 ...- 26 ° C. At the same time, February proceeds much softer due to the accumulated snow layer.

It is best to go to Eastern Sayan to the peak of topographs in summer or in winter, when the weather is finally formed for his season. Spring is very dangerous to melting water and snow collar due to warming.

Tips tourist before traveling:

  1. In order not to spend time in search of the carrier in the surrounding area, you can find the contacts in advance of transport companies or private traders of Irkutsk, orlya;
  2. Newcomers are better to avoid visiting the Hadarar River - there is a ferrod, but also gets across a great depth;
  3. If the purpose of the trip is an overview of the landscapes, you can exclude from the River Khara-Saldyk and Ara-Shahulay river.

Mountain hikes were in demand for several decades ago, after which they were supplied by sea resorts. Now tourists renew the old good tradition of climbing. The peak of topographers is a great place that can provide impressions, adrenaline and bright pictures.