He who cleans after a plane crash. Body on trees, houses in kerosene

Here in the news it sounded that by a plane crash, for the relatives of the dead, today there is a very difficult procedure for identifying tel. We also thought so in that year.
Horror was preparing to meet people doctors and psychologists. Stood fast. We all thought that would have to save, pull off, there would be screams, tears and so on. And it turned out all at all.
I'll tell you how it was ...
it is carried out by two methods: live and on the computer. In order of a live queue. I participated in a computer identification.
Even before the first person was invited, shots showed us. It's horrible. Fragments of burnt bodies. Children's handles, legs. Peel the remaining pieces of color clothes. I still remember a piece of blue baby panties. Unknown, boy or girl. In these parts, nothing was clear at all.

In the morning, people began to suit the cabinets. Installation of computers and other preparation ...
People were very nervous. There was one question: "When and let's rather ..."
And now they began to run. Computers were five. Therefore, they launched five teams of relatives.
We were horrified with the horses in horror. And then there is nothing of it. Neither tears nor screams. Nothing. Monotonous work and only: "Stop, return the previous picture. That's something similar. No, not that. Further
Many were found on jewelry, chains, earrings. Adults on tattoo, who had them. In general, it was a very long procedure, walked all day. Some did not find their own and then went to the second identification ...

And now about identification by bodies. It took place in the morgue of Donetsk. All the bodies and fragments were laid out on the street and people, they were also launched by the parties, and were looking for similar to their own. And also there was no hysterical and tears.
I then saw my own eyes that serious employment removes emotions, and therefore suffering. Although it is, of course, for a while ...

The worst thing when the body is not located. Then it turns out that it burned down and there is nothing to bury.

There was one curiosity. May I write in vain about it. But probably, it is better to know about such stories than not to know. Although it is very sad.
One little boy identified two families. They began to quarrel and each to prove that he is him.
In general, everyone wanted to pick up the remains to be what to bury. It was a very important question.
And here they are looking for signs and those and others find. And on the first day of the arrival, all their relatives took the analysis on DNA. But the result will not be soon.
In general, the doctor saw this boy that he was cut. And so established truth ...
And the services of physicians and psychologists on the day of identification - it is good that they did not use it.

PS. Who did not read, I wrote about my participation in a similar event

Above the Torez in the Donetsk region has become a black page in the history of Ukraine and a world-scale tragedy. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the aircraft of the Malaysian Airlines, including near the village of Grabovo, specialists are cleaned by the territory in search of bodies of the dead, things and liner residues. White flags mark the remains of the passengers.

Frames are affected - charred bones, parts of bodies, torn clock, burnt composite parts of the aircraft.

A WARNING. The photo is not recommended to view children, women and people with mental problems.

Recall that the Boeing 777 crashed by the life of 298 people, including. Among the victims of the catastrophe near Torez - 154 citizen of the Netherlands, 27 citizens of Australia, 23 citizens of Malaysia, USA, six citizens of Great Britain, Australia, 11 citizens of Indonesia, four citizens of Germany, three citizens of the Philippines, four citizens of Belgium, one citizen of Canada. The civil affiliation of the remaining 47 dead is finding out.

President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko called the collapse of the terrorist act. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the liner was shot down from the "beech" SPC. The Internet appeared on the Internet, on which the Snowfield (Donetsk region) is shortly before the crash passing the anti-aircraft missile complex "Beech", presumably with militia.

To fall malaysian Boeing, although before information about the collapse of the passenger airliner, Russian media with reference to supporters self-proclaimed "Donetsk people's Republic"reported that

October 20, 1986 at 15 o'clock 58 minutes Moscow time at Kuibyshev Airport (and now it is Samara, the airport "Kurumoch") failed a catastrophe of the airport Tu-134 of the Grozny aircraft train of the North Caucasus civil aviationfollowing the route "Sverdlovsk-Grozny". Photos of this catastrophe are preserved, made by the head of the test fire laboratory V.V. Frygin. It should be understood that in Soviet times, all aircraft crashes were classified. At the site of the accident immediately appeared by the KGB officers who watched nobody photographed. One of the two films V.V. Frygin still managed to hide.

01. From the aircraft get the bodies of the dead

"Specialization. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Tov. Ryzhkov N.I. Top Secret.

On October 20, 1986, at 15 o'clock 58 minutes for Moscow time at the Kuibyshev airport, a catastrophe of the Tu-134 airport of the Grozny aircraft train of the North Caucasus Department of Civil Aviation, which followed the "Sverdlovsk-Grozny" route. At the time of the incident on board the aircraft there were 85 passengers, including 14 children, and 8 crew members.

Immediately after an emergency landing on board the aircraft, a fire broke out. Emergency rescue service of the airport and fire units of Kuibyshev Fire was eliminated, 16 people were saved from the number of passengers and the crew, the rest were saved left the burning plane on their own or were taken out by the crew. Immediately at the time of the catastrophe, 53 passengers and 5 crew members were killed, 28 people were hospitalized. Subsequently, 11 more people died in hospitals. To investigate the causes of the catastrophe at the Kuibyshev Airport, the Government Commission arrived.

Chairman of the Kuibyshev Regional Executive Committee V.A. Pogodin. "


October 20, 1986 The weather in Samara is excellent, wind 2-3 meters per second. The landing is the aircraft Tu-134. But something is wrong ... the plane comes to landing too quickly and under a too sharp angle. The plane is literally crashed by the "belly" about the concrete strip, the chassis rack break, it drags through the strip, then it brings to the right, it turns out the soil and the plane turns over. The right wing was broken, and the left was twice. The housing was broken into two parts and kerosene rushed into the late turbines of the engines from the fuel tanks. The fire started. Three stewardess burned alive. Next to their cabin was kept oxygen cylinder, who had a fitting and a split oxygen jet hit them right into them. Only fragments of skulls and bertov bones remained from the flight attendants.


Remembers Sergey Churilov, in 1986, the company is departed by a regiment of patrol and width of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Samara: "On the evening of October 20, I was on duty in the village of Bereza. Suddenly, from the airport, a strong cotton rang out, and after half a minute, the walkie-talkie On the runway. When we entered the airport to the airport, we saw the plane worried about two parts, his torn and burning wing. It also remembered that the woman stretched out of the fault in the building, and a pilot got out of her cabin, a pilot got enough It was closed on the plane. pulled someone into the air - and again inside, behind passengers. In total, he saved a few people. In the meantime, the firefighters put all that burned. And we arrived on the alarm of the police, dispersed meters a hundred fifty from the broken aircraft and They warned: for the neck, not to let anyone, except for members of the government commission. "

04. Loading corpses

From the plane ran out a man in handcuffs and taking off the aircraft stopped. It turned out that the relapse was taken from Grozny. And, although the conditions for escape were perfect, he did not run away, and waited when policemen notice him.

Five or six people saved through the hatch in the tailing compartment, which opened one of the passengers. But this hatch, as the commission was installed, caused the death of several more passengers, as there was a spill through which air went. The effect of "oven traction" was created. The flame and smoke went through the entire salon, and since the sheathing of the cabin highlights with the burning of any rubbish, then the passengers breathe it and received poisoning

05. Inverted interior of the aircraft

At 16.59, the Kuybyshev Krasnoglinsky District remote control from the fire department of the airport "Kurumoch" received a message: "You need your help, a plane is burning at the airport." They arrived in 20 minutes, but the fire was no longer. 18 units of rescue equipment arrived from Kuibyshev. The fact is that the flame was suppressed by the fighters of the airport fire and rescue services. They arrived to him literally after a minute and a half after the receipt of the signal, collecting and passing the kilometer distance, which is better than the standards. Then the government commission 18 times in a row raised the alarm units, forcing me to rush to the point of fire and all the time the result was one and a half minutes. The Commission recognized that in 69 deaths there were no fault of firefighters. They acted promptly and professionally, just completely flashed the entire aircraft.

The fire was awesome at 17.44. The head of the Fire Protection Department Colonel A.K. Karpov and fire extinguishing headquarters, as part of which was the engineer of this laboratory, and now the head of the test fire laboratory V.V. Frygin, whose photos we see. That's what he remembers: "It was not possible to contemplate such a terrible picture without a shrogness. Many of the type of corpses and nauseous smell of burned meat immediately turned out. At the same time, there was such a suffocating smell from the burnt overproof that it was possible only in a gas mask. When I I dived into a walked body of the corps, immediately saw the dead people hanging over my heads, fastened with belts. After all, the plane turned over in the course of the fall, and all the chairs with passengers as a result were upside down and as if on the ceiling. Many corpses were completely without Clothes, and others - only without shoes. All this is with them or threw the air flow or burned in the flame.


I see, the girl hangs on the belts and it seems to be moving - it means that she can still be alive. I took her in my arms and began to wade back to the exit. Here I saw another child in a blue jumpsuit lying on the floor - that is, on the ceiling, at that moment became floors. There was still air, and therefore, there was a chance that the kid will survive. I have already bent to the child when the dead people began to fall on me right on me. Two collapsed right on the kid - healthy such men. Apparently, the restraints of their belts melted, and the bodies one after another fell on rescuers. I still pulled out children, but I could not save them.


I not only dragged the corpses from the aircraft, but I tried to still do as many photographs of the scene of the accident as much as possible. I understood that they would then be very useful when investigating the causes of the tragedy. However, this unique photographic film was almost destroyed. The fact is that almost simultaneously with us at the place of the catastrophe arrived by KGB staff. And in the darkness, the form of firefighters and Kagabeshnikov looked quite similar, and, apparently, therefore, without any special obstacles from the state security officers, I managed to decline almost a whole film without any special obstacles. I removed the burnt plane, and hanging on the belts of the passenger body, and loading the corpses into the car.

But soon Kagabeshniki was unwound. By making the next frame, I heard the conversation in my back: "What kind of photographer goes here? On our something is not like something. We must find out." I immediately understood: the film must be reset. Not a bag of a minute, I ran for the car, quickly rewound to the beginning almost completely captured the cassette and took it out of the device. Here passed by just one of the fighters of fire protection fighters. I gave him a cassette and ordered to hide a dealer in the inner pocket, and I just asked me only personally and only on arrival in Kuibyshev.


As soon as I put a new film into the apparatus and made several frames, as the KGB staff approached me. They checked my documents, listened to my words that the pictures would be needed for the investigation, but then it was still forced to open the camera and lit a film. They explained that only the employee of their departments was issued for photography, and in connection with which I warned me with my device near the aircraft. Because if I didn't refer to the film on time and would not hide the film, then the snapshots broken in 1986 the liner now could hardly see who saw. "


Passengers and extinguishing participants recall that the second pilot Tu-134 Evgeny Zhirnov pulled several people from the aircraft. And when he pulled a woman through the pilot cabin, he sank to the ground, he said that he was hard to breathe and lost consciousness. Three days later he died in Berezovskaya medical school.

10. Valery Frygin

So what caused the catastrophe? The "black box" recorded all the negotiations and revealed incredible. The crew commander of the first class pilot Alexander Klyuyev argued with other crew members that he will plant the film blindly, only according to the instruments. He closed all windows with metal curtains and went landing. But I went under a too steep angle of inclination and with exceeded speed. Calculations showed that the chassis hit the concrete strip with a load of one and a half times higher than the strength limit. At first, at the interrogation by the investigator, Klyuev was fully confessed in the dispute, but then he changed the testimony at the court, saying that fuel leakage occurred before planting and refused one of the engines. But these testimony was not confirmed by the materials of the case and the technical expertise. The court gave it in 15 years in prison. But after the petition, Klyuev changed him to 6 years of imprisonment.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia reported that search engines and investigators all night from 11 to February 12 worked at the site of the An-148 aircraft in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. As a result of the search operation, more than 400 fragments of bodies were detected.


Obviously, relatives of the dead passengers will have to take biomaterials to identify the remains of the victims of the DNA tragedy. This standard procedure is always carried out after similar disasters. On board were 65 passengers and six crew members.

In the crash area, a sufficient grouping of forces and means has been formed. On the site of the disaster in the round-the-clock replacement mode, 900 people operate and more than 100 units of equipment.

Meanwhile, more and more experts are inclined to the fact that the liner collapsed in the air. The reason could be an explosion on board, metal fatigue, destruction of one of the engines and entering parts into the fuselage, a collision with a bird or an instantaneous depressurization of the aircraft.

Factor bad weather Experts exclude by 99% - aircraft of this type can fly in more complex conditions. On the eve of the Moscow region there was a heavy snow and a wind blew at a speed of 12-15 meters per second. According to TASS, in the investigative committee, they said that the destruction on board an-148 was not in the air, the explosion occurred at the strike of the liner about the Earth.

Recall, the passenger An-148, who followed Moscow to Orsk, failed immediately after departure from the capital of Domodedovo airport. The reasons for the occurrence are not yet known.

On board the liner were 160 passengers, 45 of them were minor children - they all returned home after rest at the sea. However, due to the crew error and the weather, the control over the aircraft was lost - as a result, he collapsed to the ground and caught fire. Survive anyone failed.

13 years ago, in the morning of August 22, 2006, the crew of the Tu-154 aircraft was preparing to make a regular flight from Vityazevo Airport in Anapa to St. Petersburg Pulkovo. 160 passengers rose on board liner: 115 adults and 45 children, six of which were infants, and the age of the rest barely reached 12 years.

Augusta stood very hot, but a few days before the departure of the flight to the south came cold air, which provoked strong thunderstorms with rains. According to the forecast, there were two foci of thunderstorms, in which strong shower and even hail were observed. However, the aircraft commander - 49-year-old Ivan Korogodin - did not give much the prevention of weather forecasters and decided to fly.

At 11:04, the plane flew out of Vityazevo and took the estate of 5.7 thousand meters prescribed to him. Eight minutes after the start of the flight, the control manager from Rostov-on-Don contacted the flight and warned about powerful thunderstorms with a strong hail. At the same time, he forgot to designate the height of the thunderstorm front, which reached unusually high values \u200b\u200b- 12-13 km.

At that time, the crew had already seen an impending threat, which became clear from the recording of the conversation in the cockpit between the navigator and the commander. On it heard the words of the FAC: "Oh, right in the cloud of climb. Ugly as ".

Nevertheless, frightening cloud of the aircraft managed to safely bypass - the crew calmly exhaled, not knowing that the worst of them is waiting ahead.

The second thunderstorm focus waited the aircraft in the sky over the Donetsk region. At this time, the plane was already transferred to the dispatchers of the Kharkov district center, who did not report the flight information about the elements. As a result, the St. Petersburg crew followed the course right on the thunderstorm, without having any data on its size.

At 15:30, Tu-154 went to the cloud zone, through which hail broke through. In order to bypass the dangerous locality, the flight commander 612 Corogodin decided to raise the liner above: literally for 5-6 seconds, the 85-ton machine flew up almost 400 meters away. Continuing to recruit the height with a vertical speed of about 68.6 m / s, the plane flies out the nose to the angle of lifting 45.7 °, after which it fell to the right and began to enter a flat corkscrew. The crew stopped controlling the plane, which moved to an unmanaged fall.

For some time, the commander was still trying to stabilize the rapidly falling car, rejecting the steering wheel "on himself", then "from himself", thereby raising and lowering his nose.

The disaster signal "SOS" was submitted to the instrument of Corogodine at an altitude of 7.2 thousand meters. About two and a half minutes after that, the aircraft ran into the ground 35 km from Donetsk.

The first blow fell on the right wing and the right engine of the aircraft, then the left wing was entered into the soil through the fraction of a second in the soil, and the tail was taken away. When you hit the aircraft, fuel tanks exploded, after which the fuselage ripped into parts.

One of the witnesses of the fall Tu-154 was Gennady Urasov - at the time of the tragedy he was at his apiary near the village of dry beam. The liner collapsed just 300 meters from her.

"Suddenly I heard a scary hum. Raised my head and Obomlel: a plane fell on me. It twisted in the air, like a millstone mill, but I did not see him burning. Then he heard cotton and blow to the Earth. Already ogllow. Our who saw the plane fell, fled to the place of the tragedy to try to save someone. But even close to him could not be approached, so hot burned, "said the man's" KP "newspaper.

According to eyewitnesses, a specialist of the Donetsk airport arrived at the crash site after 20 minutes and immediately informed the rescuers the exact coordinates of the Tu-154 fall. However, the firefighters did not even be able to get to the aircraft, as a strong shower began. The streams of water blocked the hillside, so the fire had to be extinguished through the sleeve, which stretched from the nearby lake. For this, 10 fire trucks were involved.

By the evening of the next day, the fragments of the bodies of 150 dead were removed from the debris, which were delivered to Donetsk in black polyethylene bags.

"I work for eight years in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but this never seen, he recalled one of the rescuers in a conversation with" KP ". - Children and their mothers literally walked into one. Bodies terribly burned. On the faces - horror. "

Among the passengers a crashing liner that day was Andrei Frolov. Initially, a man should not fly by this plane - he even acquired a train ticket. However, on the last day, I decided to stay in Anapa for a day and planned flight flight 612. His mother went on the train with his grandson, without suspecting that a few days later they would go on the identification procedure.

The tragedy near Donetsk became one of the three largest aircraft crash with the participation of Tu-154. The final results of the investigation of the catastrophe were published on February 17, 2007. They were presented by the Government Commission chaired by the head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin.

"The cause of the Tu-154M RA-85185 aircraft is the airline" Pulkovo "was the conclusion of the aircraft during the flight in the screw mode on the core corners of the attack and the dumping mode, followed by the transition to a flat corkscrew and a collision with a large vertical speed," the document reported.

After a plane crash near Donetsk, Levitin also promised that the Tu-154 and Tu-134 will be replaced by other ships for 5 years. For the prohibition of flights on these aircraft, then relatives of those killed in a plane crash, and experts in the field of aviation.

"In our case, the investigation appointed the guilty commander. They referred to the inadequacy of his actions, pulled the steering wheel to the side, and this led to the dumping of the aircraft, if we speak in a simple language. Plus bad weather. But all this is the consequence, not the reasons for the catastrophe, "the co-founder of a public regional organization of victims of the Witali Yusko stated to journalists.

A year after the tragedy at the site of the fall of the fuselage in a half kilometers from the village of Dry Beach, a monument to the dead was installed. It is made of white concrete and is part of the airplane wing. There are marble plates around it, which engrave the types of St. Petersburg and the names of PLK-612 flights.

Initially, the monument composition was also supposed to enter the engine of a broken aircraft. For this, the Investigation Commission even gave permission to use the Tu-154 fragment. However, later the authors of the monument from this idea refused, since the non-disconnected monument could attack non-ferrous metal hunters.