Travel to China yourself: recommendations. Independent trip to China What is better independently or organized in China

Agree, we know about China so much. This is a fairly closed socialist country with its specificity. China is not similar to any country of the world, including asia. The Chinese are completely self-sufficient - they do not know English, they have their own rules of life, their own characteristic mentality, their own Internet, search engine, their social networks, their own payment system. The whole world uses things Made in China - from towels to phones, but no one knows what China is actually ..

To travel in China, the Chinese language is not necessary. Moreover, many live there for years without Knowledge of Chinese and feel great. Yes, English owns not all the Chinese and far from everywhere. Most often it is young people living in large cities. But - for travelers, this is not a problem, because you can always use such means of communication as:

Gestures in China

Mimic and gestures are a universal international language that the majority of the peoples of the world are understood. In fact, people perceive a huge part of information not verbally. To do this, do not even need a language. Where to find a place for overnight stay, where you can eat how much it is a product or service - all this can be explained, literally, on the fingers.

Translators and applications for communication in China

Mobile applications for online and offline translation. If there is no internet, you can use offline GoogleTranslate. And any other dictionaries and translators, such as Pleco Chinese Dictionary, Sino-Russian Dictionary and others. But the best option, if there is a mobile Internet - this Baidu Translate.. We substitute the microphone, you say in English the desired phrase, and it immediately translates into Chinese in writing. Best download this program, although all the Chinese, even in not very large cities, have such a translator in the phone and, if they do not understand that you are trying to convey to them in English, they will definitely take advantage, not even ask for this it is necessary.


If neither gestures, nor Google Translate and there are no Internet in the phone, and it does not reach your interlocutor that you can use Baidu Translate, that is, the best tool is a schematic drawing. If you need to find out, from where and what time the bus goes to the place you need, just draw it on paper. For example, when I needed to learn how to get to Huangshan National Park, I drew the mountains, a bus and a clock with a question. Everything became clear.

Billets on hieroglyphs

These are the magic papers that open all the doors, it is worth showing them only and poke your finger into the right word. All the words and names of the settlements that you can come in handy on the road are desirable to prepare in advance, print or save screenshots with them in the phone. All other words and names, the need for which appears in the course of the journey, is best to ask to write the first Chinese, which more or less own English and who meets you on the way.

I did it all the time, and it was very saved me. There are no long explanations, silently show a piece of paper, and you give you a ticket or show the road.

→ In this note you can see and download pictures with some hieroglyphs:

Communication. Internet and mobile communication

SIM card

So, the simplest is to buy a Chinese SIM card in Shina Mobail Back at the airport. If it did not turn him out there, then find a store in the city and buy there. For this you will need only passport and 70 yuanfor the simplest tariff with 2 GB of the Internet. Do not buy SIM cards in private shops - they cost there are 2-3 times more expensive.

Ask to call

If I could not buy SIM, I failed or regretted money - not trouble ( i, for example, could not buy, although I really wanted, and I do not regret). The Chinese are not Russian, and to call the request, they do not shake away from you, but, on the contrary, they always willingly respond to them, even the honor that you are a foreigner, addressed them with a request, and for them to help you in joy. Just on the street, approach anyone and ask him to call from his phone. Can be gestures. I did it all the time. And they will not only call you, but still all the necessary information will be found and money will be presented ( a couple of times was).

WiFi in cafe

In China, in fact, you will never stay truly without communication. Almost everywhere, even in the deaf province and in the god forgotten cafes there are Wi-Fi. Therefore, if you need to find out something, I urgently contact someone, chat with your parents on Skype, you go to almost any cafe and ask for a password from Wai-Faya, and even not necessarily order something there.

Ask to distribute wifi

If there are no cafes on the horizon, and you go on the train or on the bus, and you urgently need to get some information about the place where you go or write off with those who wait for you - the simplest solution is to ask for a neighbor distribute You internet from your mobile phone.

At first, the Chinese themselves often offered me their Internet and always uncoupled it to me without any problems. When I realized that for them it was in the order of things, I began to use it all the time. I need the Internet, I ask me, I distribute. Everything is very simple. And you do not need to be shy to ask. This is not Russia, no one will look at you in response to a harsh look, saying: "Dude, what are you okrenel? And you do not dance Lezginka? "

Blocked sites in China and VPN

As you probably know that in China, resources such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Wikipedia are blocked. But many Chinese, like people around the world, circle prohibitions using VPN. I used different programs (for example, Super VPN.) but the best for me in China was VPNrobot.. You download it, open the application and press the button at the bottom to connect, you're a little waiting for it until it connects and then you will calmly fed your photos in Instagram.



So, in large cities there are always currency exchange items, and there is with a very profitable course. They are found in the center and at the stations. My friends told me about it. I myself, honestly, did not find such, although I was very actively looking for. I found only one at the station, where I was offered such a robbing course that I refused. Until the end of my trip, I never changed a single dollar. Maybe you will be lucky.


ATMs in China are everywhere. And they all accept the usual bank cards Visa. In all cities where I was, and in all ATMs from different banks, I always removed the money without any problems, and at a good rate. Only once an ATM refused to read my card, but at the next store the sellers on the moped took me to another bank - it was faster and easier than explaining to me where he is. And another businessman I said that his platinum Visa card did not take ATMs, so it is better to use regular maps and do not shift.


Trains. How to travel by train in China

In China, there are several types of trains, they can be distinguished by the letter, which is facing the train number. So,

Main types of trains to China

Category "K". This is a long-distance train with seats. The ticket is written that this is a rigid sedentary place. In reality, this is pretty soft chairs that you can leak and calmly sleep if you go on the night ( in the photo below). The train rides a fairly simple and friendly people. And feed, and Wi-Fatch will share. A ticket for him is the most inexpensive. For example, for the way at 16 o'clock from Guangzhou in Zhangzzazz (about 1000 km) I gave 172 yuan (1548 p.). On this video, you can see how such a train looks from the inside.

Category "Z".The so-called "slyman". Practically a copy of our placentar. Only there are no sideways, and instead of them, 3 shelves in the coupe on each side, the most comfortable in the center. The corridor has small half-sided tables and seats. In the ticket it was written "hard sleeping car", and I was preparing for the worst, but it turned out that it was a new, clean, modern train with a soft mattress on the shelf, a snow-white pillow and a blanket, but -base of bed linen. It looked so clean that I didn't even go to bed, without bed.

Zone for washing with three sinks is located separately from the toilet, which is very convenient, because you do not need to wait for the turn to wash. True neither toilet paper nor soap. There are a couple of sockets, where you can safely leave the phone on charging, no one will steal it.

The train is inexpensive. A ticket from Shanghai to Guangzhou (16 hours on the way - 1200 km) I bought for 365 yuan (3285 p.). This is what "Slugper" is:

Category "G. "This is a speed train (2nd class). The fast comfortable superior train, which rides at a speed of about 350 km / h. Place Sitage, convenient, if you wish, you can leake the back and sleep. For 4 hours I overcame the path from Changshan to Huangshan (700 km). The price of a ticket 331 yuan (2979 p.). But on this video, again, you can feel like a passenger of such a train.

How to buy train tickets in China

Tickets for trains are better to take in advance, because good places at a convenient time quickly disassemble. And there is one magnificent site where you can buy tickets for Chinese trains from our country - Ctrip. -

Of course, for such a purchase will have to give a small commission, but you will already have tickets almost in your hands. It is most convenient to use the mobile application of the resource, you can immediately see how much places left, as well as for each purchase, you can get bonuses.

Electronic tickets before planting the train will need to be printed at the checkout.

At large stations, this is done at long-distance cashback, so before becoming in a queue, it is better to clarify whether this is the ticket office. Otherwise, you will stand in vain and you can be late for the train. When your queue is suitable, you can silently stretch the cashier into the window a mobile phone with a screenshot of an electronic ticket and a passport.

It is always better to come to the station in advance, because at the entrance you need to pass several checks, so there are usually huge queues there. It also happens that tickets are bought and printed in a separate building station, and it is not always easy to find it. Therefore, at the station it is better to be at least 1 hour, and even better 1.5 hours before departure.

Buses in China

With tickets on the bus are all easier. You can simply come to the bus station, call the destination or show a piece of paper with the name, and choose a convenient date and time when asked. Buses go to completely different directions and very often, so the nearest bus is most likely to wait long. Prices are tolerant, approximately as in Russia.

How much do you need to take money to China? What can I eat from Chinese cuisine, and what is not worth it? How not to get caught on the tourist divorce? As well as about the specifics of Chinese mentality and about the attitude towards foreigners, read here: What you need to know, going on a trip to China? Part 2

China is a very ancient state in East Asia with a huge population and the same huge territory, exciting 7 climatic zones. There are deserts, waterfalls, mountains, lakes, forests and even tropical islands in the south. At the same time, in one corner of China can be -40 ° C, and in another + 40 ° C. Pour the umbrella, as it is often rained here, take comfortable shoes for hiking and warm clothes if you leave deep into the continent, especially in the mountains. Main tips when traveling to China: Choose such clothes in which it will be "neither hot, nor cold", that is, it is convenient to move around the country.

Food and water

No less important tips in China are a choice of water and food in secure places for Europeans. To the question of the quality of water and Chinese food, it is necessary to come to the highest extent seriously. The kitchen is quite exotic, but at the same time sanitary conditions are not always at the proper level. It is better to choose a dinner in a cozy Chinese restaurant - on the recommendation of your guide or hotel employees. It is not less attentive to be with water, tourists are recommended to drink only purchased bottled water, as well as from special thermos installed in hotel rooms.


You need to think about what medicine to China. If these are not prohibited by law drugs (narcotic and psychotropic means), there are no special restrictions. You need to prepare the minimum necessary set of drugs for personal needs, including gastric, from headaches, heartfall, etc.

Common Tips for China: Learn this country from the inside, respect the local customs and political sympathies of the people, be polite and smile. You are a guest! And guests in China are always happy!

How much money to take to China - we expect the required minimum

How much money to take into China and what currency to take into China - these questions arise from those who are sent there for the first time. Let's start in order. How much money you need to take to China to have enough for the most average tourist requests, without special excesses. If you are traveling from the operator or travel agency, then accommodation and meals are already included in the cost of the ticket. The most minimal and not quite compulsory expenses remain: a taxi (from 3 to 10 yuan at a time), you liked street food, baking and sweets (10-20), beer (4-6) and wine (20), seafood delicacies ( Up to 60), excursions and souvenirs for friends. Everything can be spent on this away from 50 to 100 yuan a day or more. Based on this, you must decide how much money to take to China. If you are not constrained strongly in the means, take, with a margin - at the rate of up to $ 100 for one day of stay, in the case when the housing and flights are already paid.

In order not to worry about the search for exchange points in China, immediately decide which money to take in China. Tips for China regarding this convergence to one opinion: the whole amount that you will need is better to translate into Chinese currency or US dollars. Perfect option: 60% in yuan, 40% in dollars. You definitely do not change the rubles here, and you cannot buy dollars for rubles. In the PRC, the currency can be changed in state banks and in exchange offices, and advise checks on the exchange to maintain before the end of the trip. You can carry up to 3 thousand dollars without references and documents to 10 thousand dollars - with a declaration.

What you need to know about China - priority truths


The main thing is that you need to know about China is that it is strikingly different from Russia literally in everything. Here everything lives in their laws, not always understandable to people of other nationalities, especially Europeans. When communicating, remember that the Chinese English know badly, but about Russian and speech can not be (with the exception of international exhibitions, trade and purely tourist facilities and platforms). You must prepare well before traveling, explore the materials about local customs and culture, print, if necessary, maps and routes for independent travel, learn the main phrases of greetings and appeals, change the required amount of money at home.

Shopping Home

Decide in advance what souvenirs bring from China. It can be as porcelain, swords, fan, silk blankets, decorative boxes and sophisticated sweets, and ... anything - today's China, without exaggeration, the greatest "craft shop". Feel free to bargain, the Chinese themselves do it with pleasure and are waiting for the same from you. Sometimes the initial price for the tea set, equal to 300 yuan, falls in the end to 20 ...

What to take in China from home

It is necessary to take sunscreen and glasses on the road, the first-aid kit with a minimum set of drugs and hygiene objects; Clothing, not constraints movement, and comfortable shoes. It does not hurt the Russian-Chinese phrasebook at all, with its help you can express with the local population, showing the necessary hieroglyphs.

Information for tourists

It is now difficult to believe, but such modern items we are familiar to us as paper, the compass and the printing machine were invented not somewhere, but in China, and in the time immemorial times. By the way, they say that the wheel and calendar also appeared in somewhere nearby, but these two facts are regularly disputed by many scientists. Be that as it may, China is rightfully considered a cradle of civilization, culture and science. And also is a very attractive country for tourists from around the world.

By the size of the territory, the People's Republic of China is in third place in the world, leaving the palm of championship only Russia and Canada. In the north, China stretches to Mongolia, in the west to the Himalayan and Tibetan mountains, from the east the country is washed by two Chinese seas. In political terms, China consists of 22 regions, 5 autonomous regions, special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, as well as the islands of Taiwan, who claim all the bordering States, including China himself.

The capital of the State - Beijing is the administrative and cultural center of the region, while superior to its number and density of the population of Shanghai and Chongqing share the main economic spheres of the state. To indulge in the rest and local population, and visitors are preferred on the island of Hainan, who for his eyes are called "Eastern Hawaii", and where the best resorts of China are located: Dadonghai (Big East Sea), Yalunvan (Dragon Asia) and Sanyavan. But the trip to China should not be limited to a visit to the beach areas of the beach, this ancient country deserves more attention.

The best places to stay in China for beginners of independent travelers and those who have obeyed, but passed by the Great Wall of China.
Throughout the history of China's existence, which has more than 5000 years, one of the richest and mysterious cultures on our planet formed in the country, with magnificent monuments, the grand emperor, amazing testimonies of religious worship and works of culture and art, which to this day remain among Of the most remarkable evidence of the flight of creative thoughts of mankind.
The empire replaced each other, the borders of China expanded, but the traditional Chinese lands remained unchanged in the heart of China - Beijing and Xian; The greatness of the Yangtze River and the Guilin Region, like modern miracles of Shanghai and Hong Kong. In these lands, great philosophers - Confucius, Lao Tzu and Zhuang Zhou set out their teachings about the life and laws of the universe, forming not only Chinese society, but also society of the entire South Asian region as a whole. Many traditional travels in China that are available to travelers are associated with these places and with the world's most famous attractions in China, for example, the Great Chinese Wall, Terracotta Army and the Forbidden City. There is also an opportunity to see the giant Panda in the Chengdu Reserve, go to a cruise on the Great Yangtze River or relax among the Karsh Landscapes of the Guilin region.

8 reasons to go on an independent trip to China

A visit to the Forbidden City gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe limitless power and wealth of generations of Chinese emperors.
For many, the Great Wall of China is a symbol of China and one of the most outstanding evidence of the design thought of antiquity.
It is believed that the terracotta army, consisting of 8099 figures of warriors, servants and horses made in full growth, defended the Chinese emperor Qin Shihuandi in the afterlife. The man-made necropolis was accidentally discovered by a farmer in 1974 near the city of Xi'an.
Shanghai, striking with its scales and speed of technical progress - one of the most amazing cities in the world in which you need to visit.
River Yangtze
Cruise on the Yangtze River promises to become a calm and very spectacular event.
Chengdu Reserve
Chengdu is a sacred place of reading Panda. It is almost impossible to see Panda in the wild in the wild, but in Chengdu, they can be calmly observed in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat.
Cosmopolitan Hong Kong is a great place to start or end the trip - see yourself with our.
Chinese cuisine is just as diverse as life itself; It has countless national dishes, and they are prepared in each region in different ways.

How to get to China

There are more than 50 airports of international and local destination in the country. From Russia to China, it is possible to fly on direct flights from AIR China or Aeroflot, Taki with transfer to Dubai (Emirates), Almaty (Air Astana) and other airlines, depending on which city is the first travel route in China. By the way, the most good ideas will land in Hong Kong, and from there to start your journey, for example, on Hainan or Chengdu.

From Shanghai, it is convenient to get to Hangzhou to the yellow mountains, Guilin and Longzi.

When to go. Best time to visit china

With the weather in China, options are possible - the country is large. Depending on where you plan to go, to the region and focus. In the north and south of the country, summer is roast and wet, with frequent rains. At the same time, winter in the northern regions of China (with a stalking-hot summer) is very cold and often the thermometer column falls below the mark -40 degree Celsius. In the north-west summer less wet, but drier, air temperature in this season can reach +47 degrees Celsius. In Central China, located in the Basin of the Yangtze River in the summer is hot, and in winter it is quite cool.
Therefore, the best time for the visit to China will be spring - from March to April or autumn - in September and OctoberWhen, despite the cool nights, the day is quite comfortable and the weather is great for excursions across the country. But still, just in case, it is worth capturing a umbrella with it, so as not to be caught off the surprise in the rain. Beach holiday season on the island of Hainan begins in Octoberand lasts i'm at home.
In winter, China is worth come, despite the cold in most areas, for the sake of spectacular celebrations on the occasion of the Chinese New Year and the holiday of Spring, which falls on end of January - February.

Visa to China

For traveling to China, the citizens of Russia requires a visa.
1. Passport, the validity period of which is at least 6 months from the end of the trip, there must be at least one free page in the passport;
2. Filled in Russian, English or Chinese Questionnaire V.1011a.signed by the applicant. The profile is filled with printed letters (on a computer or hand) without corrections and blots;
3. Photo 3 × 4 or 3.5 × 4.5 cm on a light background. The photo must be glued to the questionnaire;
4. Invitation from Chinese travel agency or hotel with red seal. If an inviting party is a private person - an invitation in free form, certified by the seal in the local police station, and a copy of the ID of the inviting person.
5. Hotel reservation for the entire period of stay;
6. Original and a copy of the medical insurance policy for the entire trip, insurance coverage - at least $ 15,000;
7 Flights;
IMPORTANT! If you visit China for the first time, you need to provide a certificate from work. When applying for a visa at the Consulate of the PRC in Irkutsk, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the bank about the availability of funds in the account. A visa-free transit A visa-free transit is allowed in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. In this case, tourists need to have permission to enter the third country and a booked ticket from the date of departure within the next 72 hours.
AT Hong Kong without a visa You can be 14 days. Visa in Macau is put on arrival and allows you to be on the territory of Macau not more than 30 days.
Visa on arrival You can also get on the island of HainanIf you arrive at the direct international flight (Moscow - Sanya), or follow the transfer in Hong Kong (Moscow - Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Sanya). The visa gives the right to stay on the island no more than 15 days. In all other cases, it is necessary to get a visa in advance at the Consulate of the PRC.

Travel planning features in China

Immediately warn you, we are talking about the independent journey to China - the country is not for the faint of heart-spoiled by the ollinkvulus of tourists. If one day on the beach of Egypt, Turkey or Montenegro, do not essence, the thought came to mind, and not wait for the week for two weeks for two, to see everything? We answer: do not wave! Do not spoil your vacation and do not waste money in vain. What if you really want? Or contact the travel agency, but better listen to our advice.
First, the study of China needs to be performed. First go to, for example, passing on or where else to Southwer. Then purposefully in - to try good luck and see the Chinese Las Vegas, it is possible to compare with its original in the USA. For the third time, heading for rest, again in Southwer, book tickets with a long parking lot. Relax on Hainan beaches. And then, when the most "loyal" tourists of the city of China will be segged along and across, you can think about a long journey, two weeks - three weeks, and even visit the country with a romantic visit, driving from Harbel to Sanya - by.
Secondly, why, in fact, we warn you so much and almost dissolve from China: be prepared for the fact that English in China is not all who is more honest, almost no one, of course, if not counting schoolchildren and expat. Explained to be on your fingers.
Third, food, hotels, transport ... If you have already managed to visit India, at least in Goa and, then this quest should go easily and easily. To order something in a cafe - poke your finger to the picture, if there are no pictures, then in the Chinese plate, sitting at the next table. You can ask the waiter to hold you a tour of the stranger plates - go along the tables and again stick your finger at what I liked it.
Hotels must be booked strong in advance. The Chinese love to travel always and everywhere, and they love their homeland too.
Transport in China is very specific. The buses will smoke. Drins can smoke. In airplanes do not smoke. And thanks to the convenience, it is better to always choose exactly the aircraft. This is fast. Just and cheap. Airports receiving international and domestic flights, in China there are almost every major city. Transport connection in China is well developed, and there, where the plane does not fly, the train always goes, if there are no railway tracks, then there is a bus, there are no flights - there is some taxi driver or a private driver, ready for acceptable amounts to deliver you to the destination . Take care of the patience, the philosophical attitude towards everything that is happening around and then the independent trip to China will be the best.

Cities and sights of China, which should see each


The modern capital of China, the city of Beijing is a real microcosm in this amazing country with its intriguing inconsistency and a great place to begin acquaintance with the rich history of China, its landscapes and attractions. The majestic Tian-An-An-Soap Square with monolithic monuments of the era of the magnifies of communism is facing one of the most impressive sights of China - the forbidden city, and the crowds of people in urban bustle are dissolved in serene expanses of the church of the sky and the summer palace. Traditional "Hatonggi" - narrow versions of the city's streets rapidly disappearing from a modern city map - illustrate a more traditional side of Chinese life, while the Olympic Park, city restaurants and hotels are illustrated by China's other side of China's life. In both cases, travelers seem to be a chance to dissolve in this multi-cable and complex community - to feel his flavor on themselves, it is worth holding at least three days.
One day of stay in Beijing is worth spending on a tour of the Forbidden City. This place served as a residence of several dynasties of Chinese emperors. The palace, known for us, called the "Forbidden City," was named this, since this territory was forbidden to enter anyone, except for the emperor himself, his family and Kurtyzanok. Anyone who violated this rule and entered there without the emperor's permit, was supposed to execute immediately. Nowadays, the Forbidden City is one of the main attractions of the capital, allowing visitors to look into the world of boundless power and wealth of rulers of the Middle Empire. This architectural ensemble, which includes about 1000 buildings, is the largest and best of all preserved in China.
Two more sights of Beijing, which should be seen at least once in their lives, as far as the "tourist attraction" they did not seem to be the temple of the sky and the Summer Palace.
Built in strict confucian style, the church of the sky, fully restored to the opening of the 2008 Olympic Games, served as a huge arena for solemn rites designed to provide a rich harvest. The exquisite decoration of his halls and altars permeated with symbolism. Summer Palace, - a wonderful oasis from palaces, temples, lakes and decorative bridges served as a place to rest for the emperor and his family during the dry and dusty summer season. Its a huge park of culture and recreation and classic gardens, so popular both among the guests of the country and among the indigenous people, was named UNESCO "masterpiece of Chinese landscape design". The temple was built for a number of years; At the same time, more than 100,000 workers worked to dig a huge artificial lake, which today you can cross the boat.
And of course, being in Beijing, do not miss the opportunity to appreciate one of the "new" wonders of the world - the Great Wall of China. Stretching along the borders of North China, the Great Wall of the Wall remains the most powerful symbol of the country and one of the most impressive attractions in the world. The construction of its first sites began in the IV century BC, and continued, along with constant reconstruction, up to the XVI century.
The wall was built to keep the onslaught of militant tribes and prevent them from penetrating China; It is estimated that more than two million people died during its construction.
Nowadays, everyone can safely walk along the wall, enjoying the fabulous species that open the traveler's eyes. The closest to Beijing is the section of the Great Wall of China - Badalin, which served as a kind of "goal to the capital." If you want to see one of the most relaxing and spectacular places, you need to go to Ginshanlin. Due to the fact that this segment of the wall is located far from Beijing, there are no large tourist groups that are filled with other segments of the wall.

WHERE TO LIVE. Best hotels in Beijing
Located next to the eastern gate of the Imperial Summer Palace, offers holidays in one of the most luxurious and impressive Beijing places. Most rooms are furnished in the style of old status. There is a private entrance to the territory of the Summer Palace, so this is the first thing that can visit the hotel guests right in the morning.
More fiscal option The Haoyuan Guesthouse.. The cozy, surrounded by two pretty courtyards Haoyuan is located in the former residence of the rich Beijing Banker. It is located away from the noisy urban crowd; However, Tien An-Bean Square is just 15-20 minutes walk from the hotel. 16 hotel rooms are decorated in traditional Chinese style, and in the backyard of the hotel you can easily immerse yourself in peace and peace, really feel like in this China.

  • Discounts and special offers for accommodation in Beijing hotels


The calm city of Chengdu is the capital of the "fiery" province of Sichuan, reliably isolated from the rest of the country by mountain peaks that surround him in a peculiar ring. Sharp dishes of national cuisine, friendliness of local residents, as well as many temples and tea will provide you among the best opportunities in all China to watch the local life. In the West, foggy mountains stretch hundreds of miles to the Tibetan plateau, and in the north, covered with thick bamboo forests, one of the most famous national symbols of China lives, is a giant panda, leading almost a lental lifestyle. In the wild, they are extremely rare, but visiting the Panda Reserve or the Research Center, located near the city of Chengdu, guarantees the possibility of more close acquaintance with these magnificent animals.


The Chinese call the sunny island with magnificent beaches and hotels in their Hawaii. The island is located on the same latitude as North Vietnam. Therefore, the climate on Hainan most of the year is very warm, and the days are solar and clear. There are clean sandy beaches and a number of hotels and resorts of the highest class, many of which have their own private beaches.
In the distance from the coast here you can spend the day in a tropical trees, or visit the monkeys reserve, although most people come here in order to just relax on the sea. Hainan is easily accessible from most major cities in China. It develops with dizzying speed, as a result of which he lost part of his charm; But, nevertheless, it is a wonderful place for those who dream of relaxing and combining excursions with a beach holiday while traveling in China.

  • Discounts and special offers for accommodation in Hotels Hainan


Shanghai is a bright illustration of the famous phrase about the city of contrasts. He is the embodiment of self-confident China XXI century. The local atmosphere of cosmopolitanism is very far from the one that reigns in most other cities of the country. Surrounded by colonial buildings in the architecture style of the 30s of the 20th century, walk along the promenade - this sparkling pearl in the pre-warror of East Asia with views of the towering skyscrapers Pudong.
New Shanghai is created from glass and metal. Futuristic buildings can be found here literally everywhere, and they grow like mushrooms after the rain. Further on the river there is a French concession - with streets, dyed with shady alleys, with an excellent choice of bars and restaurants; This part of the city is more calm than others. In this area, as if the history of the city of those times come to life when Shanghai was unremarkable fishing villages, even before the development of the vigorous trade of West with China in the XIX century. Due to the infamous "opium wars" weakened China allowed a number of foreign governments, including French, to open concessions with the possibility of free trade. At the beginning of the 20th century, Concession became one of the first residential areas of the city with luxurious villas and green boulevards. These times have long passed, but this area still emits calm, and this is a great place for evening walks.
Also the attention of travelers deserves crossed by canals and exquisite blooming gardens SuzhouThe beautiful place is located just an hour's travel ride from Shanghai. Water channels and destroyed area trees are framed by this territory, which is famous for its traditions of weaving, with technicians who led to the opening of the famous Silk Museum. In the vicinity of Suzhou there are picturesque villages on water such as Tongli., Zhouzhuang and Zhu Jia Jiao.where the ancient stone bridges crossed the winding canals and the old merchant houses lined up along narrow paved streets. The best of what these little villages can offer a rare chance of dating with the era of the past China; However, in the peak of the season here can be quite crowded; Therefore, if you are going to visit the area of \u200b\u200bSuzhou, it is better to plan departure from the hotel in the early morning to avoid the collision.

WHERE TO LIVE. Best hotels in Shanghai
Located in the heart of Shanghai French concession, Villa Anting. Offers accommodation of excellent quality at a great price. The hotel is located in the building, which is well combined with the surrounding buildings of the colonial era; Rooms B. Anting. Located very convenient and comfortably furnished. There is both a traditional Chinese restaurant and a restaurant in which we serve our usual dishes of Western cuisine. But one of the best features of this hotel is the magnificent green gardens, who will ensure the travelers wicked, away from the infinite fuss of Shanghai.
For those who like to live in the heart of the city, it is better to choose a conveniently located hotel located in the area Peninsula- One of the largest and most luxurious Shanghai Hotel. Peninsula Located in the Art Deco style building. Rooms at the hotel are among the most spacious in the city, some of them have a beautiful view of the river and sparkling Pudong District buildings.

  • Discounts and special offers for accommodation in Shanghai hotels


The Chinese consider their former Capital of Hangzhou with one of the best places in the country and most of the population prefers to relax exactly here. The love of millions of Hangzhou earned mostly thanks to the picturesque species of Western lake - the scenery, immortalized for centuries in an innumerable number of Chinese artists. Although today the landscape of Water Hangzhou has become less attractive than anywhere else, the calm atmosphere and the greens of the city favorably distinguishes it from other more famous places. After the insane fuss of Shanghai and Beijing, it is a great place to rent a bike and go for a walk by the river to the neighboring hills. You can also visit the local tea plantation, where tea is made of such a high quality that it is regularly present during the visits of the heads of various states, including the Queen of Great Britain Elizabody II. All this, in combination with the newly emerging opportunity to choose from very authentic and comfortable hotels, makes Hangzhou perfect place in order to stay here towards the end of the trip.
In addition to walking around the city and studying local attractions from Hangzhou, you can go on a trip to one of the most sacred mountains in China - Huangshan - Yellow Mountain, located three hours from Hangzhou; So a visit to this place is well combined with a visit to this part of China, and which tourists are often underestimated or simply missed out of sight.
Mountain is very popular among China's population, but if you conduct an experiment and tumble in one of the local hotels, it can be found that its top is in your disposal. Dawns are amazing here: the sun slowly rises, opening the eye a number of gear vertices, melting in the sea of \u200b\u200bclouds. So if you wish something burly and delightful, where you can make hundreds of photos "without filter", be sure to get to Huangshan and take it on her.

WHERE TO LIVE. Best hotels in Hangzhou Hangzhou
Surrounded by tea plantations and tiny villages, not affected by unnecessary blessings of civilization, Amanfayun - An ideal place to relax and pamper yourself. Created in traditional rustic style, each of the 47 rooms of this hotel are located in typical village houses, some of which are more than 100 years old. There are tea, several restaurants and SPA salon. Temples, lakes and other charming Hangzhou are just 20 minutes away from here.

  • Discounts and special offers for accommodation in Hangzhou hotels


Guilin - the town located in the south of China causes a sense of peace and acts on travelers relaxingly than the more developed cities of the North of the country. Written limestone peaks located behind the flat plain around the city form a stunning landscape, which from time immemorial served as one of the main motives of Chinese art and literature. Guilin himself is a pretty cute town, but it serves mostly in the "entrance gate" to the region. Yangsuo and Luchen - places that you can easily get to admire the views. A little further, there are several adorable untouched civilization of villages where you can see interesting festivals of local small nations.


Cruise on the river from Guilin to a small shopping town Yanchelo - a popular and very affordable way to see gear mountain peaks from limestone. Blowing downstream, you can observe the classic paintings of the provincial China: grazing herds of buffaloes, farmers, cultivating fields, and fishermen unloading their daily catch. Despite the fact that in recent years, Yangshio is increasingly conquering popularity among travelers, he still remains as calm and friendly. A trip to Yangscho is also a stunning reason to explore the countryside by bike, by car or more modest - on foot. Many river tributaries have the opportunity to play rafting.
Evening in Yangscho is best done with fishermen, which are used for fishing not fishing, but specially trained cormorants, or for dinner in one of the many local restaurants in the city. It also has the opportunity to see the exciting audio and light show Yangshou Impressions managed by Zhang Imouva, who was the director of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.


Located in two hours from the city of Guilin, the ancient rice terraces of Longji - the Dragon Ridge, offer a delightful opportunity for a closer acquaintance with the traditions of National representatives of Zhuang living in this area. Overnight in the hotel Among the terraces is an excellent opportunity to escape from the fuss of modern China and get acquainted with the traditional rural way of life. You can walk around the villages, scattered through the surrounding slopes, both independently and accompanied by a guide. Although local peasants have already become accustomed to travelers from the West - this is still a great way to see the other side of China's life, other than the mad rhythms of modern cities of this country.
Outside of Longji, the terrain becomes more mountainous, and the roads are bumpy. This part of China is considered one of the least industrialized in the country. Those who are able to accept with modest living conditions and uneven roads awaits remuneration in the form of fantastic landscapes, the diversity of various cultures of national minorities and visits to modest, almost not touched by civilization of villages, such as Chengyang. The same, who is fond of culture and traditions of China, in the vicinity of Longji is provided with a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with local festivals that pass here during the year. One of these interesting celebrations is the festival is considered a festival in honor of the brass musical instrument made from the cane, which is held in early October. The festival program includes performances of musicians, as well as various ideas, dancing, bull fight and horse racing.

The planned personnel of the journey abroad may be much more interesting than the suggestions of the tour. The main problem becomes ignorance of language, so at the stage of preparation it is worth considering all the nuances of the trip.

An independent tourist visa trip to China is issued in advance so that the traveler has confidence that his rest will be as comfortable as possible.

Officially, Russian citizens in order to go to China independently, a visa is required. Registration of the cheapest - one-time visa will cost a traveler at 1,500 rubles for 2020. At the same time, he gets the opportunity to remain in the territory of the Criminal Total for 30 days from the corridor in 90. Such conditions are valid when issuing documents at the consulate.

To obtain a visa will have to provide:

  • passport with a reserve of 6 months before the expiration;
  • a copy of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • questionnaire with color photo;
  • insurance;
  • confirmation of financial consistency for citizens who do not work;
  • tickets in both directions;
  • invitation.

Invitation can be issued by a citizen of the host country or a travel company. In the case of a personal invitation, you will need to provide the receiving parties (copy of the passport and ID). The invitation from travel agency is confirmed by Armune at the hotel for the entire stay in the country.

An exception to the official rules for registration of a visa are made for residents of border areas that can arrange the necessary documents directly in the grounding point of transition. Other conditions are also provided when making a visa at the airport at the location of the arrival, but it is necessary to clarify whether there is such an opportunity at all. Without a visa, you can visit only Suifenhe and the border trade zone for a period of up to 15 days, not to leave the city limits with the obligation. It is there that many entrepreneurs go beyond the goods.

For those who have previously visited the Middle Kingdom, it is additionally required to provide a copy of the old passport with the corresponding marks. And the confirmation of financial consistency is to state output. Regardless of the estimated spending, the account should be at no less than 100 dollars per day of stay in a foreign state.

Transport to the destination and within the country

Most travelers prefer to China from Russia to get with the help of airlines, although you can cross the border with any transport. From Vladivostok, as well as border areas often go buses that provide a fairly fast crossing of the border for residents of the respective areas.

Before buying a ticket, it is necessary to roughly schedule a travel plan if you need to visit several cities. However, entry and exit is best made from one airport.

Inside the country can be traveled with any convenient transportation: aircraft, trains, ferries, buses and even a taxi. In major cities, moving best on buses or subways. To do this, it is enough to buy a passage, which at the end of the visit you can pass and get back for it a cash pledge. The passage is a plastic card that must be replenished periodically. The cost of one visit to public transport will be about 30-50 cents.

The advice of an experienced traveler! The PRC is a rather cheap taxi, and tourists who first come here, prefer to use this particular type of transport. However, in about a month of life, Russia's residents often understand that there is always too much to spend on transport. Many cities are more convenient to move on foot or on a rented bike.

How to choose accommodation?

When applying for a visa through a travel agency requires a hotel reservation for the entire period of stay in the PRC. But often hotels do not match the expectations of the traveler, so long-term reservation has unpredictable consequences. It is much more convenient to design only 1-2 nights. This will provide accommodation in the hotel, but it can be changed if the conditions do not like.

Most often, travelers are faced with the same problems during the hotel selection:

Bad soundproofing

In some buildings, it is easily possible to hear the conversation of people from the next room, even if they do not raise the voice.

Poor location. Often it is not about the fact that the hotel is located not in the center or it is difficult to find. The problem is that it is in close proximity, for example, you can find a hotel opposite the landfill.

Conditions in the room

Foreigners choose a place of residence on the description of the room and photographs, but they often do not correspond to the real state of affairs. Rooms can be much smaller than indicated, and only the bed is sometimes located in indoors.

Those who do not want to face such inconvenience, it is recommended to pay attention to the reputation of the institution before armor. The best service is provided by network companies that work in several cities. However, their housing costs will be an order of magnitude higher, so it is necessary to place priorities: price or quality.

For most citizens, the hotel reservation is the only available accommodation option, if you plan to independent trip to China. If there are no restrictions in this direction, you can search for an alternative. Short-term rental of apartments in Asian countries is not practiced, since the standard contract is issued for a year. But if you wish, you can find specialized sites with intermediaries through which you can rent an apartment for a shorter period.

The cost of the double room at the middle or low quality hotel will be about 10-15 dollars per night. In network hotels, the minimum price tag is set to about 30 dollars. Apartment rent for a month will cost about $ 400-500.

This graph costs the most affects how much cost to go to the PRC. The final amount of vacation will vary from $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 per two adults for 10 days. At the same time, the difference is mostly precisely in charge of housing.


It's important to know! Chinese food is very different from what in Russia is ordered with delivery to the house. Be prepared for a bright and very unusual taste, which will lead the stomach disorder. The aroma from most street cafes is quite unpleasant without habit.

Be prepared for the fact that the Chinese food is largely different from usual to us

There are several power options:

  • in institutions under a well-known brand;
  • in local cafes;
  • independent cooking from products purchased in a supermarket.

In the subwayless without problems, you can find places with a world name. For example, McDonalds. Many tourists accustomed to food in such restaurants, as the staff carefully follow the sanitary standards, and the menu is identical almost everywhere. The disadvantage of this method is quite high prices.

You can eat tight in the eaters in just 1.5 dollars. However, unlike nutrition networks, you need to mention the language barrier. Not all cafes have a menu with names recorded by Latin, or photographs, so the food order occurs at your own risk. In addition, small restaurants with local cuisine almost do not adhere to the norms of hygiene, which is poorly reflected on the health of the consecration.

In all Chinese cities, many street cafes. But it is almost impossible to find an English-speaking waiter.

However, try the local cuisine is worth it, as it is an integral attribute of the subnet. Surprisingly beautiful and interesting snacks can be bought even at street merchants. And if there are concerns for your health, it is worth learn about the restaurants who hold Chinese Muslims. These are the most pure institutions. Deciding to go to China alone, it is first necessary to find out the address and reviews about them on the Internet.

The eaters sometimes provide an interesting form of feeding of dishes: like a buffet or churraco. However, even in a simple portion cafe is very large. Some dishes are served only for two.

Tourists who do not fit these ways, you need to independently take care of nutrition. Buying products in Chinese supermarkets without knowledge of the language will be a difficult quest, so it is recommended to go for food with a dictionary loaded to the phone. Without tips, only some kind of fruits can be defined. By the way, vegetables and fruits may differ depending on the terrain, because the territory is very large. Tourists are worth trying exotic fruits, especially from the southern part of the state. Some of them are impossible to try in Russia, as they do not tolerate transportation. It is not advisable to buy sausages or sausages, as they are made of soybeans and do not look at the usual food at all.

Externally, Chinese supermarkets differ little from ours. But it is difficult to buy something without a dictionary.

The ability to prepare hot dishes yourself is not all travelers. Not even all apartments are equipped with a kitchen. Most ordinary residents use portable plates that work on gas or from the power grid.

By the way, the price of traveling to China from travel companies is not always included in the hotel. Because of this, an independent trip may be much more profitable than the transcendental prices in the agencies.

Additional costs: Mentality of local residents

All the Chinese are very emotional and noisy, so on the streets of large and small cities, the rumble does not subside for a minute. This is quite quickly used to get used to it, especially since the visitors are often connected to universal cries.

On Chinese streets is always very crowded and noisy by our standards

Most of all the Chinese are noisy in the markets, where even an inexperienced tourist can bargain. Locals are in a hurry to catch up on foreigners, so do not hesitate to knock down the price several times. Such actions are the norm for all Chinese stores. The Chinese on the fingers show the numbers not as in the rest of the countries, and therefore it is worth familiar with the rules of the account before trade.

Pay best for all with cash, as Visa or Maestro cards are not accepted in all stores and cafes. Here is another system that simply will not be able to make a transaction with a foreign card. You can rent money in ATMs. For cash and valuable things, it is necessary to constantly look after, as small stealing is very common here.

Yuan - National Currency

In the Middle Kingdom, the Chinese are often found, which speak English well, so you must take a phrasebook with you and download multiple programs for translation. Even without basic knowledge of the language, these tricks will help communicate with other people. In addition to the phrasebooks, it is worth uploading several applications with maps of those cities that are planning to visit.

Internet visitors use only Wi-Fi. It can be found everywhere. Mobile Internet and communication when traveling in a few days will be too expensive both with native SIM cards and local. Buying a foreign SIM card will cost more than $ 40 and at the same time will need knowledge of the language in order to deal with its terms. If you wish to buy SIM, you can only in specialized communication salons.

Handbook trained in China with children or a loved one will be an interesting experience. Only in this way you can truly see the country from the inside, so it does not need to be afraid of experiments!

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How to organize an independent trip to China in 2020! Visa, tickets, hotels, food, transport, safety. How much is worth going to China? Calculation of value, tips and observation.

The material was prepared on the basis of personal experience of an independent travel to China author of the text: three months of life in Schuckhenka, as well as trips to Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

China is huge and very diverse, so clearly to say where what prices and conditions are impossible. I will be repelled from Shenychya - the center of all electronics, a young and fast growing city in the very south of China, which borders with Hong Kong. I will tell you how to use the tourist when planning a self-trip to China in 2020, and also give your own observations about the country and tips of travelers.

How to make a visa to China yourself

Visa to China for Russians is needed, with the exception of rare cases. The usual one-time costs 1500 rubles, double - 3000, multiple - 4500 rubles. Plus, the banking commission is charged 2.5% per person.

The urgent one-time - 2400, urgent double - 3900, urgent multiple - 5400. There is still an express consideration, it is more expensive.

It is better to stop in network hotels, as they care about their reputation. The day in this hotel is worth from $ 30-40 per double room. Network hotels in Shenzhena: GreenRee Inn, Sheraton, Novotel, etc.


  • Look for a hotel with good sound insulation - the Chinese are noisy.
  • Hotel photos are not always true.
  • Sometimes the number may be clean and cozy, but have extraneous smells, for example, dampness. Or windows go to the courtyard, where the dump or the Chinese street cafes (which produces odors no better).

Rent. If you want personal comfortable housing, look for a room, an apartment or a house on the Airbnb. The choice of housing is huge. For rent apartments in Beijing costs about $ 30-50 per day, in Shenzhena - from $ 27. For a month on Airbnb, you can rent an apartment for $ 600-1500 (rooms - $ 500-900). The price depends on the city, the area and state of the house. For example, in Shenzhenya near the beach in the resort area, a great apartment was handed over $ 600. With long lease there are discounts.

Entrance to Shenzhen Novotel Watergate (photo: / Shenzhen Novotel Watergate)

Chinese food and kitchen

Another difficulty you will come across during an independent trip to China in 2020 is the food. It is very specific here, so problems arise with a campaign in the cafe, especially if you do not know the language. But the McDonald "S and KFC will come to the rescue. There are also many European well-known networks, in which you can book food in pictures. However, prices are significantly higher in them - for example, a garnish with meat costs from $ 6. Sometimes tea is included. In McDonald "S Big Mac (Potato, Cola, Double Cheeseburger) will cost about $ 5.

In general, the cafe can be eaten by $ 5 and more, in restaurants a simple dish costs from $ 10.

Where you can cheap and delicious food in China:

  • Cafe for local. They can eat for $ 1.5 to eat, but no one guarantees the quality of products and compliance with sanitary standards. Minus - it is difficult to order dishes, as there are no more pictures or few them, and if there is, it is not clear that it is.
  • "Muslims" - These are local cafes that keep the Chinese Muslims. Food is prepared in compliance with all the rules and really very tasty. I love their noodles and advise you to try. They prepare it with you, and after this process it is interesting to observe. Cost from $ 1.5 for a huge portion.
  • Supermarket. Banana kilograms costs $ 1-2, 2-3 $ apples, 1-2 $ tangerines. I do not advise you to buy sausages. This is not at all what we expect: Chinese sausages are made of soybeans with a bunch of spices and additives. They taste sweet and with a specific smell, but for the sake of curiosity you can try.

(Photo: [Email Protected] / / License CC BY 2.0)

Internet and cellular communication in China

All SIM cards are sold only on a passport in specialized places. The cost of mobile communication is high enough - from $ 20 per month, plus for buying a card and the choice of the tariff plan takes the same. To acquire a normal tariff and understand everything, you need to know Chinese. If you need the Internet in China, it is easier to use Wi-Fi on a trip - in big cities it can be found everywhere.

There is another trouble with which many faced is blocking all Google services, YouTube, Instagram. To access them, you need to establish a special VPN program.

China Mobile is the largest mobile operator in the world (PHOTO: Open Grid Scheduler Grid Engine /

Transport in China

With transport in China, everything is fine. The infrastructure is very developed. Airplanes, ferries, trains (including speed), buses, metro and taxis. You can get anywhere without problems. Freshes in buses - from $ 0.3, in the subway - from $ 0.5.

If you are going to go to China for a month, buy travel. Plastic card can be replenished and used in the subway and buses, and then return and get money back. Cost $ 4. It is very convenient: no need to learn the cost of tickets, buy tokens, stand in queues. Accordingly, the problem of language disappears. On a trip within one city enough 10-30 $ a month.

Very common type of movement - electromopy. In essence, this taxi, only less comfortable, more extreme and cheap - from $ 2. The main advantage is the lack of traffic jams, as mopeds are driving where they want. The only minus is a language. It is necessary to agree on price and destination.

(Photo: Lαin / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

ATMs and maps

Be prepared that in many stores your Visa or MasterCard card may not accept, as in China another payment system - UnianPay. This card can be issued in any bank for free. If you need to remove money with your, that is, a lot of ATMs for this.

Mentality Chinese

Do not be surprised if in China you will feel like a monkey, with which everyone wants to take a picture. For the Chinese, having a photo with a Europeans is a sharpness, status, so that you will always be in the spotlight. You will always be turned on and, not embarrassed, look at the focus. In addition to increased interest, the Chinese will try to make money on the "white man." For them we are walking money, so trap in all stores. For example, once we shot down the price of a shirt from $ 35 to $ 5.

You can talk about the culture and upbringing of most Chinese people long. Save the place to the girl, skip it forward, skip out of transport, rubbed the garbage into the urn - it's not about them. Also, they have no feeling of tact. Do not be surprised if at the first meeting you will ask about personal life, salary and health. The Chinese themselves are very cunning and enterprising, but at the same time good-natured.

Useful words on Chinese for traveler:

Safety in China

You know, where did the tradition go from a backpack in front? From China. Small stealing is very common there. In big cities, you can meet a policeman everywhere who will gladly help in any situation. Also in all buses, metro, shopping centers, and just on the street hang cameras, so in big cities there are nothing fear, walking in the evening. From personal experience: I walked with phototechnics, and never once tried to stick.

Also in China there is a checked rule that animals, children and lasyom (Foreigners) can be all.

(Photo: Today IS A Good Day / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

How much is an independent trip to China from Russia

Let's consider how much a trip to China for two for 10 days when departing from Moscow:

  • One-time visa - $ 52.
  • Tickets from Moscow to Beijing and back - from $ 586. Find a ticket \u003e\u003e
  • Hotel in the center of Beijing to the low season is $ 130. Find hotel \u003e\u003e
  • Powered in eaters for local - $ 120.
  • Insurance - $ 23.
  • Transport and attractions - approximately $ 200.

So, how much does it cost to go to China yourself? Minimum trip cost if you are ready to save - about in 1111$ For two for 10 days.

If you are accustomed to living with comfort, the journey will cost approximately 1711$ For two (accommodation in the hotel 3 * - $ 250 and cafes and restaurants - $ 600). We per month for two spent $ 1,500.

Fragment of bills in 100 yuan (photo: super.heavy /

Take advantage of our useful tips on a self-trip to China in 2020:

  • Look before the journey as the Chinese consider on the fingers. The coincidence with our account is only up to 4, then everything is different.
  • Be sure to download the translator into the phone.
  • Take the right medicines, as in Chinese pharmacies you can hardly find something familiar. Rather, meet the dried toad, rather than activated carbon.
  • Download the Baidu and Card Cards on the phone, where you are going to live. This program will help you choose the route, time and type of transport, determine the best way path. Will not be lost with her. Very advise!

I hope the overall idea of \u200b\u200bprices and conditions have been compiled. And the problem of the language, as you can see, not so terrible. Travel, because in the world so much interesting!

(Photo: MonkeyLikemind / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The first photo: Mandylovefly / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.