Pass Dyatlova Group Lyudmila Korovina. Last hike: The mysterious death of Kazakhstanis near Baikal & NBSP

The most famous and mysterious occasion of the death of tourists is the tragedy that occurred with the Dyatlov group in early February 1959. Circumstances are not found out so far, and versions have been put forward to several dozen. This story is known all over the world and formed basically, several artistic and documentaries. However, few people know that a similar and no less mysterious and tragic story after thirty years happened on one of the passes in Buryatia.

In August 1993, a group of tourists from the seven people arrived in Irkutsk from Kazakhstan in the railway, in order to go on the Hamar-Daban Ridge. Weather forecasters promised suitable for climbing the weather, and the group went to the mountains. It was three young men, three girls and a 41-year-old manager Lyudmila Korovina, who had the title of Sports Master on Pedestrian Tourism.

The Hamar Daban Ridge does not amaze his height. The highest point is 2,396 meters. Located by ledge, with pointed peaks and crests, the ridge is one of the oldest mountains of our planet. These beautiful places attend thousands of tourists annually.

The group moved from the village of Murino to one of the highest mountains of the Range with the name Hanulu. Its height is 2371 meters. Having passed about 70 kilometers for 5 to 6 days, tourists stopped at the tall between the tops of the Yagel Halto (2204m) and Tritrans (2310m).

With weather forecasters, however, did not guess. For several days in a row it was snowing with rain and blew the wind. Approximately 11 hours of the day on August 5, when tourists were already going to leave a temporary parking, one of the guys was bad.

Sasha fell, blood from the ears went, from the mouth of foam. Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovin remained with him, senior appointed Denis, said to descend as low as possible, but not to enter the forest, here they began to fall and ride on the ground guys Vika, Tanya, Timur - Symptoms like a chicken man, Denis said - quickly take the most needed From the backpacks and run down, bent over the backpack, pulled out a sleeping bag, raised her head Denis fell and tears his clothes on himself, tried to drag with her hand, but he broke out and ran away. Ran running down without releasing sleeping bags from hand.

Passed under the boulder bodied with a sleeping bag, it was scary, trees fell on the edge of the forest from a hurricane, in the morning the wind was dated, less dawn climbed to the place of the tragedy, Lyudmila Ivanovna was still alive, but almost could not move, showed in which direction the Vale And it turned off, Valya closed the guys eyes, gathered things, found a compass and went ...

After some time, the girl stumbled upon an abandoned repeater tower at an altitude of 2310 meters, where he spent another night in full solitude. And in the morning the tourist noticed the pillars going down from the tower. Valentine realized that they had to bring her to people, but at home to which the wires were once abandoned were abandoned. But Valentine went to the Snezhny River and moved downstream, for the six days after the tragedy, she accidentally saw and picked up a water tourgroup. They already sailed past, but they decided to return, it seemed suspicious that the tourist did not answer their greetings. From shock for several days, the girl did not speak.

Interestingly, the daughter of Lyudmila Korovina with another tourgroup was walking along the neighboring route and it was agreed to meet with her mother on their intersection. But when a group of Lyudmila did not come to the collection point, the junior korovina thought that they were simply late because of bad weather and continued their journey, after the end, which went home, not suspecting that the mother was no longer alive.

According to the incomprehensible reason, the search was delayed, the bodies of tourists were found, only when the guys have passed since the death and their leader for about a month !!! The picture was terrible, recalled rescuers. The helicopter fell, and everyone who was on board was witnessing a terrible spectacle: "The bodies have already been swollen, the sockets have completely left. Almost all the dead were dressed in thin trico, with three barefoot. The manager lay on the top on Alexandra ... "What happened to the plateau? Why, frozen, participants of the campaign shot shoes from themselves? Why did a woman lay on the deceased guy? Why no one took advantage of the sleeping bags? All these questions remained without answers.

In Ulan-Ude, an autopsy was made, which showed that all six were killed from supercooling, and the investigation agreed that the cause of the tragedy was the mistakes and incompetence of the team leader. That's just the facts say the opposite!

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Comments on the article " Mystery of the death of the group Korovina: Hamar-Daban - Buryat Dyatlov Pass

  1. Zhenya

    at an altitude above 2000 meters, the pressure in the environment drops and coats about 70 kPa, which leads to the occurrence of mountain sickness Symptoms that describe eyewitnesses (blood pressure increases and the ears run the blood, the amount of O2 is reduced, the barometric pressure is reduced in the alveoli. Inland strength organs (heart, stomach, lungs, intestines, etc.) This change leads to bleeding, the decrease in O2 in the tissues leads to hypoxia, in turn hypoxia causes the state of euphoria, nonsense and hallucinations, there is a sense of fear of the unnecessary, in such a state a person arises Do not feel pain they can tear their hair on themselves, shoot clothes. I take into account the air temperature at a height above 2000 m, 0, -3 degree, hypothermia arises, the person is quietly dying in ecstasy from supercooling.
    I would like to warn alpenists that the adaptation period to the mining disease is 14 days, only after complete adaptation can be closed above. Considering that the Korovina group for 6 days climbed to a height of 2300 meters, the change in the weather leads to a drop in the pressure in the environment even lower. (i.e., the precipitates are moving from higher pressure into lower). The survival argued that the weather had worsened, which led to an even more sharp drop in atmospheric pressure (possibly 10-20 kPa, while at that time it was not 70 kPa, but about 60 kPa - such a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure accelerated the course of "mountain sickness" , the symptoms intensified. In such conditions, not trained tourists went to death, not knowing that one managed to survive, because she has been developed very strongly in sticks of self-preservation (took a sleeping bag and moved very quickly) it saved her life and the mountain disease did not led to ecstasy and overcooling, and saved the bedrooms from the cold).

    1. Andrey

      I agree completely. I want to add the following. The group immediately fell into bad weather, the river on which they came out the brew, the trail was flooded, had to climb the fitness, it was a lot of extra time on it, the schedule was ripped. After got out to the ridge and his traverse began, the group almost always went above the forest zone at constant precipitation and height about 2000 m. This led to the fact that there was no such thing anyone, there was no full-fledged holiday (in diaries in the guys There were records that the rise at 6.00 and go almost to darkness, the dinner shave was trimmed as the manager tried to reduce the lag from the schedule, they had a check point of the meeting with the second group, here is the head and chala). It must be said that the food was also scarce, on the privals found only 1 bank of stew on a group of 7 people, and the guys were all young, the body is still growing, the calories require a lot. It is not wonderful that in such conditions almost all picked up the ORZ. Explain why Sasha fell first, and this was considering the strongest member of the group (it seemed to be 25 years old) can be simple. As we understood, he performed the hardest work, but he fed on an expensive with the others, we think that he helped everyone, took away from weak things and products to her backpack, to facilitate the backpacks of weak. This we understood when it was driving his backpack, which was very difficult compared to the backpacks of other participants. With the combination of all factors, the body of Sasha could not stand and broke. Everything else, these are already consequences. Primaryly, the group, the head and in this situation herself behaved inadequately, instead of keeping the deceased guy and save others, tritely lost her height, go down to the forest zone, divorce the fire, etc., she threw the guys and stayed at the top With dead Sasha. In such a situation, the actions of other guys are explained very simply, they are all morally and psychologically broken with a totality of a heap of factors described above. Denis in my opinion was not 16 years old. At Vali the only thing that worked differently and she went down to the forest zone in Prostration. She was saved by cedar, in any rain under a large cedar there is always a dry patch where the rain does not fall, under the cedar Valya and spent over. But with the psyche of Vali, too, was not all right, it was able to talk in my opinion only on the 3rd day after she came to rescuers, partly it explains why the group found only on August 25. Well, before getting to the rescuers Valya came out to the snowy, there were picked by Vyathers, until they passed the snowy, while Valya fell into Irkutsk, etc. A group of rescuers from Ulan-Ude (2 groups) and Irkutsk began to work immediately as learned about the death of Kazakhstanis, already in my opinion from August 18, I could be wrong, so many years have passed. Where died, no one knew, bad weather stood and could not break the helicopters, so one of the rescue groups went to the same route and they found the parking lots. Because The rescuers were not enough, caused our group from Chita to the profog. In the morning 25, we arrived at the train in Ulan-Ude, and already Valentina told that she descended from the place of death along the old telegraph pillars, i.e. The place of death was almost defined and at 10 am were given the weather and permission to depart the helicopter. The helicopter was at a low height and, at the adjustment to the spur, began to gain her walking on the arc and just gained her height and went upwards over the extent where the band died, we saw them immediately at the first round, passing them on 20-25 meters away. I will not tell about the spectacle, but as some fantasies write that the bodies were dominated by wild beasts, it is nonsense, Irkutsk rescuers when they were twisted, the bear saw that only rose, we saw the smell. And even for Nadin (her comments below) - Nadine, try not to live at such a height, and it is not necessary to fulfill the comments on what you do not understand.

    2. Georgy.

      Pitry at 2300? Is this such a thing?
      "For 6 days, 2300 meters rose to the height," they rose from 0 m? obviously not.
      There was no negative temperature there either, no need to invent.
      "Non-war tourists"? Where does this information come from? Also fantasy? Route 4th category.

  2. Nadin

    Here is a complete garbage!
    At an altitude of 2000 meters, nothing happens.
    Once I had to live in the mountains at 2400, despite the fact that I always lived on the plain.
    Yes, hypoxia (
    But this is no more than the pill with fast walking and run no too.

  3. Nadin

    Was on Hindukushe, I do not know how much there - but 3000 was exactly!
    Glohli machines without oxygen, and people remained adequate.

  4. ART Deco.

    Zhenya, - I live in 2000 m. No health changes are not felt at all. Tourists come, do not notice anything too. Morrow do not even know how highly located. One difference - use gasoline with high octanes. Number, otherwise you will not go. yes with low and do not sell

  5. K.

    I have a mountain sickness. Symptoms are completely different than those described above. Judging by the sharp change in state and non-weather 3 options:
    1) ball lightning
    2) Electric "Shoulders" - bounded area of \u200b\u200bzone arising after a lightning strike and existing a few minutes. When a person gets into it, the person has an electrical discharge.
    3) A very sharp change in the pressure in the mountains (I do not remember how this rare effect is called) occurs in case when air masses from the ridge down.

  6. Maksim

    There is clearly not a miner. At such heights, if symptoms manifested themselves, then the maximum headaches. We went through Tien Shan, the hike was 8 days, rose from 1500m to 4000m. The maximum that was one person is vomiting. The rest of the headache, and that is not long. And the fact that is described in the article by the ears, is suitable for heights from 7000m.

  7. Valery Dombrovsky

    What do we have as a picture of the incident? Exactly the same as with a group of Dyatlov:

    1. Describes either there are traces of panic, panic escape.
    2. People even in a strong cold undress.
    3. Self-damage is applied (in this case, in another source, it was described that young people beat their heads about stones). Traces of damage were also in the Dyatlov group. They are written off on the element or third parties, but it is unlikely.
    4. Events occur in the middle or end of the long route.
    5. No alcohol: drink or not taken.
    6. Wind.
    7. Something happens closer to the night or at its end.
    8. There are no traces of alcohol consumption in the last few hours.

    Alas, I have no good news guys. This is a classic clinical picture of alcoholic delirium - white hot, proteins in folk. It develops at a sober person for 2-5 days after a sharp cessation of alcohol consumption (when stock exhaustion, if alcohol was not taken to the route). It is no secret that even young people, especially after 20 years, especially amateur-athletes, regularly use alcohol "on earth", many have accustomed to walking in hiking from the settlement of 100 grams per person per day. This is full of tourist forums where the dose is condemned, and where to take alcohol, and how to store it.

    If such a person suddenly remains without alcoholic (overruns due to a sudden, unplanned cold, losses, etc.), then a few days later, hell begins to the night: monstrous, indifferent horror nightmares, constant fear of death, visual and auditory fear hallucinations; Monsters, snakes, spiders, worms, crap, terrible insects, fiction magic paintings of a Boschian scale, etc. Unhappy tries to escape, jump out the window, shake, shaking off the rolling populations, cuts a part of his own body, trying to get rid of monsters penetrating into the body, sometimes trying to commit suicide. In a wild medium, such a complete clinic is fatal.

    Especially seriously, delirium occurs during alcohol intoxication in young people and adolescents, first testing alcoholicization, followed by sharply cancellation.

    These terrible tragedies warn: or do not drink at all - nowhere, never anything, or if you are "on earth" and, even more so, you used to drink in the mountains, then do neither harsh stops, no sharp nobles on alcohol, drink evenly like is always.

    P.S. That up to the alleged inadequacy of the manager of the group after the death of Alexander, then you need to be absolutely inhuman to condemn. After all, he was actually a selection son. This is force majeure of force majeure.

    1. Vladislav.
  8. Victoria

The most famous and mysterious occasion of the death of tourists is the tragedy that occurred with the Dyatlov group in early February 1959. Circumstances are not found out so far, and versions have been put forward to several dozen.

This story is known all over the world and formed the basis of several artistic and documentaries. However, few people know that a similar and no less mysterious and tragic story after thirty years happened on one of the passes in Buryatia. In August 1993, a group of tourists from the seven people arrived in Irkutsk from Kazakhstan in the railway, in order to go on the Hamar-Daban Ridge.

Weather forecasters promised suitable for climbing the weather, and the group went to the mountains. It was three young men, three girls and a 41-year-old manager Lyudmila Korovina, who had the title of Sports Master on Pedestrian Tourism. The Hamar Daban Ridge does not amaze his height. The highest point is 2,396 meters. Located by ledge, with pointed peaks and crests, the ridge is one of the oldest mountains of our planet. These beautiful places attend thousands of tourists annually.

Valentina Skopenko Group has moved away from the village of Murino to one of the highest mountains of the ridge with the name Hanulu. Its height is 2371 meters. Having passed about 70 kilometers for 5 to 6 days, tourists stopped at the tall between the tops of the Yagel Halto (2204m) and Tritrans (2310m).

With weather forecasters, however, did not guess. For several days in a row it was snowing with rain and blew the wind. Approximately 11 hours of the day on August 5, when tourists were already going to leave a temporary parking, one of the guys was bad. Next, from the words of the only surviving Valentina clarified:

"Sasha fell, blood from the ears went, from the mouth of foam. Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovina remained with him, senior appointed Denis, said to descend as low as possible, but not to enter the forest, here they began to fall and ride on the ground the guys of Vika, Tanya, Timur - symptoms like a terrestrial person.

Denis said - quickly take the most essential from backpacks and run down. I buried over the backpack, pulled out a sleeping bag, raised my head: Denis fell and tears his clothes on himself. Tried to drag with her hand, but he broke out and ran away. Ran running down without releasing sleeping bags from hand. Having passed under the boulder under the sleeping bag, it was scary. The trees fell on the edge of the forest from the hurricane. Under the morning, the wind duck, less dawn. Rose to the place of the tragedy. "

Lyudmila Ivanovna was still alive, but already practically could not move, showed in which direction the shaft go out and turned off. Valya closed the guys eyes, gathered things, found a compass and went ...

After some time, the girl stumbled upon an abandoned repeater tower at an altitude of 2310 meters, where he spent another night in full solitude. And in the morning the tourist noticed the pillars going down from the tower. Valentine realized that they had to bring her to people, but at home, to which the wires were held, turned out to be abandoned.

But Valentine entered the snowy river and moved downstream. For the sixth days after the tragedy, she accidentally saw and picked up a water tourgroup. They already sailed past, but they decided to return, it seemed suspicious that the tourist did not answer their greetings. From shock for several days, the girl did not speak. Interestingly, the daughter of Lyudmila Korovina with another tourgroup was walking along the neighboring route and it was agreed to meet with her mother on their intersection.

But when a group of Lyudmila did not come to the point of collection, Korovina Junior thought that they were simply late because of bad weather and continued their way, after which he went home, without suspecting that the mother was not alive.

According to the incomprehensible reason, the search was delayed, the body of tourists were found only when the guys and their leader had passed for about a month from the moment of death !!!

The picture was terrible, recalled rescuers. The helicopter fell, and everyone who was on board was witnessing a terrible spectacle: "The bodies have already been swollen, the sockets have completely left. Almost all the dead were dressed in thin trico, with three barefoot. The manager lay on top of Alexandra ... "

What happened to the plateau? Why, frozen, participants of the campaign shot shoes from themselves? Why did a woman lay on the deceased guy? Why no one took advantage of the sleeping bags? All these questions remained without answers.

In Ulan-Ude, an autopsy was made, which showed that all six were killed from supercooling, and the investigation agreed that the cause of the tragedy was the mistakes and incompetence of the team leader. That's just the facts say the opposite!

1. The death of the Dyatlov group. Perhaps the most famous, but, closing ahead, not the most mysterious case of the death of tourists.

In the winter of 1959, a group of Sverdlovsk skier students is sent to the Northern Urals - treasured to the mountain ruined.
The group did not come out from the route on a checkline. were organized savage. Work.
February 26 was discovered with snow tent.
The outer slut of the tent was strongly broken, there was no one inside. Later, they found out: three incision of the roofs are made by a knife from the inside, and the pieces of fabric are torn off. One jacket was pulled by force from the inside into the tent tent and in a snowy slope. 15 m below went down to the forest 8 pairs of traces. They were visible for 60 m, then they were frozen snow.

In the tent, and then in Labaz found products, things, shoes, equipment and documents of the Dyatlov group. On the evening of February 26, Slobtsov, whose camp, the radio student E. Nevolin came to the day, reported discover from the headquarters. Day February 27, the helicopters landed the main forces of rescuers and the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel Tempalov in the mountain of Mountain 1096.

On the morning of February 27, Sharevin and Kopelov in the forest 1.5 km from the tent were found near a major cedar next to the remains of the bonfire of the frozen Doroshenko and Krivonischenko. The dead, spread to the underwear, had burns on their hands and legs. On the same day, under the layer of snow (10-50 cm) on the line of the tent - cedar found the body of Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, and later (March 5) and Slobodina.

They also died from freezing in ski costumes and sweaters - "what they slept." All five were without shoes, in socks. Only on the leg of Slobodin was one boots. (Later, Slobodina, the doctors found a hidden fracture of the dammer of the skull of 1 x 60 mm.) The investigation collected evidence. From March 3 to March 8, touristamaster from Moscow Bardin, Baskin and Shuleshko worked at the place of the tragedy.

Next, the search went for a long time unsuccessfully. On the night of March 31 at 4.00 more than 30 search engines from the camps on Auspians, 20 minutes watched the flight "Fiery Ball" in the southeastern part of the sky, which was reported to the headquarters. The phenomenon spawned a lot of rumors. The investigation collected a number of evidence and flight of the "Fiery Ball" on February 17, supplementing the description of the Karelin group.

Another fourth dead found on May 5 under a 3-meter pration of snow in the bed of the stream on the flooring of the stems of the FIKHT, 70 meters from the cedar. And they, and in the forest found some objects and scraps of clothing. Doctors stated in three dead heavy lifetime injuries - blood in the heart wall and fractures 10 Röbebers in a double (6 on the left and 4 double on the right) and 5 double fractures of Ryoeber at Zolotarev.

The Tibo-Brignol has discovered the temporal fracture and a 17-centimeter crack base of the skull. The mystery was the lack of external body damage over injuries, their causes. All four died of freezing and injuries. The investigation revealed a strange fact: three objects of clothing had traces of weak betaradiation. But in the tissues of the dead traces of radiation and poisoning were not found.

Why did you cut and teased the tent, why did the group urgently went to the forest? How did they make inside these injuries? Where does the radiation spots come from? All these questions and investigators, and researchers could not give a response for many years. The official investigation was closed on May 28, 1959 with fiscal conclusion on the impact of the "irresistibleness of the natural force", and the case was classified.

2. Despite the presence of surviving participants, no less mysterious has become the death of a group of tourists
under the leadership of Lyudmila Korovina, in 1993 at the Khamar Daban.

A group of seven people of three young men, three girls and head of the group -41 Summer Lyudmila Korovina - Master of Sports of Pedestrian Tourism made a campaign

The group moved from the village of Murino to one of the highest mountains of the Range with the name Hanulu. Its height is 2371 meters. Having passed about 70 kilometers for 5 to 6 days, tourists stopped at the tall between the tops of the Yagel Halto (2204m) and Tritrans (2310m). With weather forecasters, however, did not guess. For several days in a row it was snowing with rain and blew the wind. Approximately 11 hours of the day on August 5, when tourists were already going to leave a temporary parking, one of the guys was bad. Next, from the words of the only surviving Valentina claro

Sasha fell, blood from the ears went, from the mouth of foam. Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovin remained with him, senior appointed Denis, said to descend as low as possible, but not to enter the forest, here they began to fall and ride on the ground guys Vika, Tanya, Timur - Symptoms like a chicken man, Denis said - quickly take the most needed From the backpacks and run down, bent over the backpack, pulled out a sleeping bag, raised her head Denis fell and tears his clothes on himself, tried to drag with her hand, but he broke out and ran away. Ran running down without releasing sleeping bags from hand. Passed under the boulder bodied with a sleeping bag, it was scary, trees fell on the edge of the forest from a hurricane, in the morning the wind was dated, less dawn climbed to the place of the tragedy, Lyudmila Ivanovna was still alive, but almost could not move, showed in which direction the Vale And turned off, Valya closed the guys eyes, gathered things, found a compass and went ... a relay tower after some time the girl came across an abandoned repeater tower at an altitude of 2310 meters, where he spent one night in full alone. And in the morning the tourist noticed the pillars going down from the tower. Valentine realized that they had to bring her to people, but at home to which the wires were once abandoned were abandoned. But Valentine went to the Snezhny River and moved downstream, for the six days after the tragedy, she accidentally saw and picked up a water tourgroup. They already sailed past, but they decided to return, it seemed suspicious that the tourist did not answer their greetings. From shock for several days, the girl did not speak. Interestingly, the daughter of Lyudmila Korovina with another tourgroup was walking along the neighboring route and it was agreed to meet with her mother on their intersection. But when a group of Lyudmila did not come to the collection point, the junior korovina thought that they were simply late because of bad weather and continued their journey, after the end, which went home, not suspecting that the mother was no longer alive. According to the incomprehensible reason, the search was delayed, the bodies of tourists were found, only when the guys have passed since the death and their leader for about a month !!! The picture was terrible, recalled rescuers. The helicopter fell, and everyone who was on board was witnessing a terrible spectacle: "The bodies have already been swollen, the sockets have completely left. Almost all the dead were dressed in thin trico, with three barefoot. The manager lay on the top on Alexandra ... "What happened to the plateau? Why, frozen, participants of the campaign shot shoes from themselves? Why did a woman lay on the deceased guy? Why no one took advantage of the sleeping bags? All these questions remained without answers. In Ulan-Ude, an autopsy was made, which showed that all six were killed from supercooling, and the investigation agreed that the cause of the tragedy was the mistakes and incompetence of the team leader. That's just the facts say the opposite!

3. Lovmery Tundra Mount Angvundasschorr. Sederozero. Cute.

In the late 50s, the first climbing and tourist groups appeared in Hibinz, the routes of which were traveled and on the balancing tundra. The climbers attracted the Peak Angvundchorr, but it could not conquer him. Moreover, one of the ascents ended in the death of two experienced climbers. Comrades of the victims fled from the valley, throwing the corpses there and all their gear. They could not clearly explain the meaning of the act. They talked about suddenly engulfed their feelings of wild horror, about the silhouette of some creature in the crevice of the rocks ...

In the summer of 1965, the first inexplicable case of the death of tourists occurred in the Lovozzra Tundra. The Valley left and did not return to the appointed term a group of four people. The search for missing were long and ended with autumn frosts. Initially, it was possible to detect the last parking lot of tourists, where the tent was lying on, backpacks and eight pairs of torn boots. Then there were also the remains of owners of things, ablosted by foxes. The cause of death remained unexplained.
Another tragedy occurred a few years later. This time killed 11 people. The official investigation came to the conclusion of mass poisoning mushrooms.

Summer 2017.
In the excursorsky district, near Seydizer in a couple of days, tourists discovered two abandoned tents. Things were scattered around: clothes, shoes, bowlers, bowls. There were no people.

A broken tent found in the village of Siduiai's stream from Seidozer. Meters 50 from the main trail. Inside a sleeping bag, some clothes in the form of a jacket, pants, also dishes and shoes.

The second tent was a little earlier found in the same area: things, food, about two people and no signs of people.

In August, it turned 24 years from the day of the mysterious death in the mountains of the Irkutsk region of six tourists from Petropavlovsk - Victoria, Denis, Alexander, Timura, Tatiana and their experienced leader Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovina. According to Sputnik, the tragedy occurred in the Hamar-Daban mountains - the oldest on the planet array, looking from the south of Lake Baikal. Alive then, only one participant of the campaign was left - 18-year-old Valentina Speechenko, who could not shed light on the mystery of the death of his comrades.

... Around these places there are legends, the degree of mysticality of which shook. From a reliable one to note - it was here for almost half a century a large pulp and paper plant smoked, closed after a series of ecologists stretched out for decades. Here, according to the meteorological station, up to 800 earthquakes per year are recorded. Around the fires here are told legends about a snowy man walking around the local forests. In television transmissions from the discharge of incredible facts, the alien aliens, landing somewhere nearby. It seems that the more conversations, the less chances to disassemble - how much in all the truth, and how much fiction.

The story of the death of a group of Petropavlovsk tourists who ended up local vertices in August 1993 - Absolute Traul. People who knew them closely, still in itself from the memories of this tragedy. After a couple of years a hundred meters from the ill-fated place, friends of the victims will be installed here a memorable obelisk with the names that did not return from the mountains. Well, the reason for their mysterious death turns out so far ...

Hello from Dyatlov

In conversations about this story, analogies with another, more well-known occasion of the death of tourists in the mountains - Dyatlov groups are very often flashed.

It happened 34 years earlier - in 1959, in the Ural slopes, at a height is not too translated (just over a thousand meters), but the site was classified as elevated complexity. The number of the group "Dyatlovtsev" was 10 people, Togd remained alive - one (because of the illness, he was forced to interrupt climbing and go back).

Then only three and a half weeks of the body skiers began to be found in the snow, with injuries of internal and external organs. There were no outerwear on many. The tent was cut from the inside, personal belongings were abandoned. It was created that tourists were very frightened and left the tent in a hurry. The official version of the death is a natural force, to overcome people who were unable. Death has come due to mass frostbite.

However, after decades, this story covered a variety of legends, mysteries, versions - where the elements and human factor and anthropogenic, and even foreign spies and mysterious aliens from space were to blame. This case was written a book, a film and a number of TV shows were shot.

The tragedy, which happened on August 5, 1993, does not indulge in such increased attention, even in the homeland of the dead - in Petropavlovsk - few people heard about her, although mystics in this story are no less.

There were a real family ...

... Then the so-called "tourist" was held in the country - mass trips to the forests and mountains. The Group of Lyudmila Korovina - the 41-year-old Rule Petropavlovsky Tourist Club "Azimuth" acting at the Pedagogical School also participated in them. In the early 90s in Petropavlovsk there were several groups of people who were fond of tourism. But Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovin remained the brightest leader.

Head of the Tourist Club "Azimut" Lyudmila Korovina / PHOTO: RU.SPUTNIKNEWS.KZ

One of her students at that time was Evgeny Olkhovsky - a researcher of those events whose efforts of which this story is not forgotten. He recalls how from them - young and idle of hooligans - stay in the club made real people.

She knew how to rally everyone, make a team. Believed people, believed in people. Could make a person become the one who he really is. Under her mentoring, each of us was able to reveal their abilities as much as possible, grow in all spheres of life. How many people thanks to her became excellent teachers, athletes, created families, learned to play guitar, draw, became stronger, bolder, more correct! We all were her like adoptive children, for everyone worried, the guys sent and met from the army, "recalls Eugene.

Lyudmila Ivanovna was a master of sports of an international class on pedestrian tourism. The geography of the campaigns have grown every year - Western Tian-Shan, West Sayan, Northern Urals, Porching Urals, Mountain Borea, Karakuma, Altai. Not for the first time in August 93 went to Hamar-Dabah ...

In August 93, Eugene also had to go on a campaign with a group of Hamar-Daban. There was a third category of complexity route. But the circumstances were different: "Hiking," he recalls, "I prepared it then in detail - I wanted to get a discharge. But for a month and a half before the departure I learned that I had to go to construction worker. When it was already there - I was also" buried ", my mother called me Constantly. Maybe fate. But rather I think - there would be there, everything would have happened differently ... "

Deadly Ball

So, at the beginning of August, the 93rd group of seven people (quite experienced tourists aged 17 to 20 from a small years) under the leadership of Lyudmila Korovina went to the mountains from the source point - the village of Murino. By the way, at the same time, another group of our tourists in the same areas was in the same edges, which was 17-year-old daughter Lyudmila Ivanovna. Even before the trip, the mother and daughter agreed to meet in an agreed place at the intersection of two routes in the mountains.

Following 5-6 days after the start, the Korovina group managed to overcome a significant part of its path - about 70 km. On August 4, the Group suits the hat at the top of 2300 m. His last habit ... It is noted that the place is a completely naked part of the mountains, it is even compared with Martian landscapes - there is not almost no vegetation and livestock here, only stones, grass and wind. At this place the group spent. Weather day and night stubbornly prevented a group of travelers. Contrary to quite optimistic forecasts, Mongolian cyclone came to the Irkutsk region - from August 3, the clocks lily rained here with snow.

Why did a group of tourists stopped at such an open, blown place? From this point on, the story begins to grow by legends and speculation. On the one hand, the group could go down 400 m below, to the forest zone - for this it was necessary to overcome 4 km of pure distance. In such conditions, it was already possible to dream of a saving fire. It was, according to local rescuers, and another option - climb to the top where the special platform was located. There were firewood, a place to relax. It was just 30 minutes to go to this point.

According to the Journalist's famous journalist and traveler, Vladimir Zharova, the reason could be the inaccuracy of the card, which was not uncommon at that time. The scatter between data on the map and what was in reality was 100 meters. In the mountains, this is not such a small distance as it may seem. Finally, it is worth considering the factors that tourists were so tired and frozen that they decided to stop for a while.

By the way, this place had a bad glory - here on August 3, 1914, a famous researcher A. P. Kids killed ...

What I wanted to forget

About what happened the next day, August 5, became known to local rescuers only after almost two weeks - from the words of the only surviving girl. Her stories later did not twisted the large number of details. Once Valentine's short and clearly noticed: "Do you think I want to remember this nightmare? I had to leave, change the whole life. I don't want to remember it."

If you collect memories of different people who had the opportunity to hear the narrative of a girl about what happened, the next picture is obtained.

... On the night of 4 to August 5, there was bad weather - thunder thundered, the hurricane hurricane was at the bottom that the trees were pushing ... in the morning, at 11 o'clock, Alexander, the most senior and strong of the guys, was bad. He fell. The nose, mouth and ears came blood. It is worth noting here that the leader of the group brought up a guy from childhood and therefore practically considered her son. She decides to stay with him, and to other guys gives instruction - try to descend lower to the edge of the forest zone. Seniors appointed Denis. But - after a while two girls fall at once. They begin to ride, tear up clothes, grab the throat. Timur fell behind them with similar symptoms. Valentine stayed together with Denis. He offers - grab the most necessary of the backpacks and run down. Valentina bent over a backpack to pull out a sleeping bag from there. When the girl raised his head - Denis was already lying on the ground. Grabbing sleeping bag, Valentine ran down. She spent the night under a stone on the edge of the forest area. Trees piled up as matches. The next morning the girl rose back - Lyudmila Ivanovna was still alive, but - on the last sick. She showed - how and where to go. "

This is how the events that came out from the words of the surviving girl in the report on search and rescue and transportation works are described: "What happened in the mountains is difficult to give an explanation - in front of the preserved composure of V.U. (Valentina Speechenko - Ed.) The real madness . Denis began to hide behind the stones and run away, Tatiana beat his head about stones, Victoria and Timur, probably chuckled. Lyudmila Ivanovna died from a heart attack. "

Estimated place of leav of tourists / photo:


Having collected food and taking a map in the strata things, on August 6, Valentine went to search for salvation. Stretched searches for three days.

The girl went down to the Anigte River, where he spent the night of August 7th. The next day, she came across an abandoned repeater tower at an altitude of 2,310 meters, where he spent another night in full solitude. The next morning, noticing down the pillars, the tourist in the hope that they would lead her to people, moved on the road. However, the houses to which the wires were conducted were abandoned.

But soon the girl went to the Snezhny River and went downstream. Here she had to spend the night in order to continue the search for people the next day. Having passed 7-8 kilometers, exhausted, she stopped and stretched her sleeping bag on the bushes in the water. So denote your presence of lost tourists. At this time, a group of tourists from Kiev made an alloy along the river, who picked up a girl. Even in this case, Valentine is extremely lucky - they say, there are rarely people in those places ...

At first, the girl did not talk to those who saved her tourists - was in a strong shock, it was exhausted. As a result, or as it returns "to life", or because of the reluctance (or prohibition) rescuers to engage in the victim of the dead tourists ... they were found only on August 26.

True, which no one will tell ...

The picture on arrival at the place of the tragedy appeared depressing: mummified bodies, horror grimaces on their faces ... Almost all the dead were dressed in thin tribone, with three - barefoot. The manager lay on the top on Alexandra.

What happened to the plateau? Why, frozen, participants of the campaign shot shoes from themselves? Why did a woman lay on the deceased guy? Why no one took advantage of the sleeping bags? All these questions remained without answers.

The dead were buried only a month later - our delegates more than two weeks have sought the right to take the departed to their native land ...

... Bodies exported helicopter. Head of the search detachment "Search", lawyer Nikolai Fedorov, who at that time was in the rescue expedition group, recalls that when information about the tragedy came, he was sent by the aircraft to the scene.

We all collected and in a team of six people sent to the scene. There was a task - to find the bodies of the dead. When we arrived, the bodies were already prepared. One feature that we told those who removed the dead from the mountain, the bodies lay in pairs, and at a decent distance from each other (40-50 meters), "Nikolai Fedorov said. - Opening the bodies were produced in Ulan-Ude. According to the conclusion of experts, all died from hypothermia ....

Versions of the circumstances that led to what happened - a lot. And the fact that in many Russian sources as if some inaccuracies or disagreements in the testimony are allowed, suggests - someone wanted to "lean".

So, in the notes of the traveler Leonid Izmailov, the Korovina group seems hardly a bunch of teenage schoolchildren with a pioneer, while the category of complexity of the route is indicated higher. And to death, allegedly, unpredictable weather and non-professionalism of the head. However, the average age of the participants in the campaign, even without taking into account the "leader", was 20 years. Each shoulders have already had a certain amount of solid sealing, a thorough monitoring of the physical condition, nutrition, has been envisaged. Strict taboo in terms of alcohol. All this eliminates the opportunity to dump on frivolity, physical outdoor.

Temples and drama add to Valentina's stories in the description of what happened by mass psychosis. The death time of Lyudmila Korovina is clearly interpreted - was she still alive on the morning of August 6? According to Valentina - was. According to some Irkutsk sources, it would be no longer. It is believed that the rescuers knew about the death that had happened on August 10-12, and began to search for a week later - someone says that allegedly hindered the bad weather, someone - about solving financial issues ... And maybe the rescuers waited when ended Action of certain poisoning substances?

Finally, why did the rescue service released the groups when reaching their routes, if it was known about the approaching strongest hurricane? Subjected to doubts and criticism of forensic examination over the dead (and what an expertise may be there three weeks of finding bodies outdoors). However, the details of the investigation are none of the "simple mortals", apparently, and did not see. However, now, after since since many years, it seems to be confused and appreciate more fog is much easier than putting all the points.

Obviously, on the basis of the described symptoms, the supercooling was only a concomitant factor, and not the root cause of the death of tourists.

Evgeny Olkhovsky does not believe in the version of supercooling. From his words, such a professional, like Lyudmila Ivanovna, strictly followed this so that the guys would be provided with nutrition and did not move.

The Korovina people did not freeze in minus 50, and here you ... .. I can rather believe in aliens, but so that the covina people have frozen, I have passed with her with a dozen trips, and I know what I'm talking about ... Maybe occurred ozone . There was a strong thunderstorm front, maybe the guys got into the high concentration of ozone, so the body could not stand, - it is divided by His version Eugene.

It is known that when ozone poisoning occurs mass swelling of the lungs and the breaks of the vessels. How was it lucky to stay alive Valentina and Lyudmila Ivanovna (until next morning)? According to the researcher, the characteristics of the body in the first case, its trafficking is in the second.

We held in those places (only for 1000 m below) they write that they hit the same rain as the deceased group, and after that rain all the wool clothes near tourists simply crawled in her hands, and everyone began the strongest allergy ...

Moreover, there are even assumptions that still several more groups died in those days. Alexey Livinsky is one of the local rescuers who participated in the search for those who died, such a version denies. True, according to him, it is relifically known that the guy who died with similar symptoms was found nearby - this is both blood from the ears, and clouding reason with foam from mouth ...

Livinsky argues that when their rescuer group was near the scene of the incident, there was no special forestworked. And since Valentina, the hurricane drops trees like matches. And the question arises again - why did the rescuers read their searches so long, since they are exaggerated about non-judgment? Also, according to Livinsky, the corpses of tourists were not filled with grains at all, and in general the rare beast appears on the Martian Plateau. And, accordingly, the examination was more than complete and reliable. As for the main ecological disaster of the region - the Baikal PCB, he was inactive in those years.

At the parking lots of the group of us, to put it mildly, discouraged the diet of the group. For dinner and breakfast was consumed by one bank of canned meat 338 g and one fish 250 g. What a garnish was and how much, I don't know, but the proteins in the diet on seven healthy tired people were clearly too little. The place of overnight stays were on the ridge much higher than the forest zone, and with the preparation of food, drying clothes, for sure the group had problems, "the Livsky rescuer notes. "And then a pathologist who conducts an examination in Ulan-Ude, the open text said that in the tissues of the dead, in the liver, and somewhere else there is no glucose. Those syndromes, which were observed in the group, fully correspond to the hypoint plus to completely exhaust the body.

There was another version of the happening, which was voiced in Petropavlovsk: allegedly caused death ... Banal poisoning by Chinese stew. However, there were no signs of poisoning from the group, and the pathologists of poisoning substances did not find in the tissues.

If people have something like that can lead to poisoning, each body will respond in their own way. Poisoning at all can not affect the equality. This then needs to eat something to such an extent poisoned so that everything died, especially for half an hour. At the expense account, it is also unclear, the air temperature could not dramatically drop to 5 or 10 degrees of frost. Our assumption was an anticyclone and there was a strong wind. Magnetic oscillations began, there were huge air flows that have created infrase, and he could act on the psyche. Separate cliffs under strong wind can become an infrasound generator of huge power, which causes a man's state of panic, scotable horror. According to the girl who survived, her friends behaved restlessly, the speech was confused, "Nikolay Fedorov said a member of the search group.

Most often mentioned that tourists could develop a vegan dystonia (VDC). It is almost directly indicated by the fact that they tried to undress - in the case of attacks, VDs may seem to see that clothes are fragile. However, it was too late to cope with the symptoms - as a result, numerous hemorrhages.

A tragedy could happen on man-made reasons, given a large number of closed zones on Baikal. And the rescuers got to the rescue, already waiting when emissions hang out ...

In general, version, secrets, riddles and - issues are much more than answers ...

By the way, I existed the club "Azimut" after the tragedy for a long time - 3-4 years old, his old-timers say - a worthy change to Lyudmila Ivanovna never found ...