Interesting places of Poland on the map. The main attractions of Poland: list, photo and description

Poland is an amazing country with a richest history and unique natural beauties. The Polish government is very careful about its cultural heritage, and therefore all historical monuments here are restored in a timely manner and are under the protection of the state.

The sights of Poland are so diverse that sometimes it becomes incomprehensible how all this magnificence could fit on such a small territory. We present you 15 best Polish attractions with photos and descriptions that need to be viewed when visiting this original country.

National Park "Sea Oko" is located in a picturesque mountainous location near the lake of the same name. The territory of the reserve is well maintained and landscaped. There is a cafe, toilets, asphalt tracks and other infrastructure facilities that make rest more comfortable and convenient for tourists.

Despite the landscaping, the Poles managed to preserve the pristine nature here. Mountain streams, picturesque glads, the purest coast and diversity of the animal world create an impression of a journey along the lands not touched by a person. Here fishermen love to relax, in secluded, rich in fish bays, families with young children and merry youth companies. If you go deep into the reserve, you can find interesting places that you will no longer meet anywhere.

The Mountains of Beszad are recognized as the national property and the most picturesque attraction of Poland. The National Reserve is part of the Carpathian Mountains and is represented by unique natural wealth, not touched by a man's hand. The reserve can be rest at any time of the year. In winter, ski slopes are equipped here, and in summer, walking routes.

Arriving on a tour of the bezen, you will probably meet strange people who seemed to come out of the ancient centuries. This is a kind of community. Her members voluntarily left to live in the mountains and refused all the benefits of civilization. Zapayra, how they themselves are called, very good-natured and sociable. They live with handicrafts and hunting. Natural attractions will be interesting to tourists who prefer active rest.

- This is a unique city. Only he was able to avoid total destruction in the years. Thanks to this, here you can see real medieval buildings that have survived to the present day in pristine. Starting a tour guide advise from the old city.

Krakow for more than 10 centuries and most of its history he was the capital of the country. Here you can visit the Wawel hill, the market square, the Basilica of the Virgin Mary, Kazimierzh, numerous museums, monuments and parks. According to official data in Krakow, 125 vintage churches, 60 of which are in the old part.

Krakow water park is recognized as the most interesting in all of Eastern Europe. It has 8 American slides, the total length of which is more than 720 m. If you like to ripped your nerves and experience the strength of the Spirit, you are on a black tube. The height of this slide is more than 18 m, and its length is more than 200 m.

For recreation with family, all conditions have been created here. Children entertain animators, there are children's and adult pools. If you want to relax, you can get a session of hydromassage, visit the sauna or swim in Geyser. For lovers of outdoor activities, fitness clubs, sports halls and even beauty salons are provided.

Krakow along with considered a significant historical city. Here are the most interesting places of the country. In a number of brightest and impressive, the Wawel Castle, spread on the banks of the Vistula River. This residence was built in the XI century and served as the house of monarchs until the XVI century.

The historical complex includes not only the central house, but also the Cathedral where the royal people were crowned. Today in the Palace there is a museum of man-made art. It contains a unique collection of exhibits, which are no analogues in the world. Excursion includes a visit to the castle, the cathedral, the mysterious cave and the museum complex.

Traveling in Poland, be sure to look at. Here, near the center, the temple of the Fatimo Mother of God is located. The temple was built in the gratitude of God's Mother of Fatimis in 1992 after the happy salvation of Pope John II in 1981.

Fatimis This church was named after the phenomenon of the faith of the Lob's Three girls in the small village of Fatima in Portugal. Then the Virgin told girls about three incidents that invariably affect the history of mankind. Two of these prophecies have already happened. The temple is famous for rich decoration, beautiful stained glass windows and a magnificent unique altar.

7. Majestic Warsaw

Warsaw is a unique city, here for everyone there is something to see. He is the personification of the love of Poles to his homeland and her heritage. In the years, most of the world's unique buildings were simply erased from the face of the Earth, but the proud people of this small country painstakingly restored all the historical sights of Poland in the smallest detail.

Majestic Warsaw - so this city is called by Poles, and tourists are called it. The historical value here is not separate objects, but all neighborhoods, walks for which will give a lot of impressions and different emotions. Start a trip with the old part, and you can see all the most interesting and memorable in the capital.

It will be about an incredibly colorful, amazing country - Poland, in which old structures are harmoniously combined, pristine nature and a wide variety of achievements of science and technology. From the view of a bird's eye view, the country strikes its diversity - dense forests, mountain peaks, fields, blue rivers and lakes, majestic locks - and all this borders with modern infrastructure.

Poles deeply respect the history of their country and carefully treat it - as to the huge part of the world heritage - after all, it is Poland according to historians to the expressions of the Slavic civilization.

The country has a huge number of attractions, among which it is worth highlighting the most impressive and interesting.

The remainder of the primitive forest, which remained in the border of Poland with Belarus. This is one of the largest concentrations of the ancient forest massif remaining intact to our time. The age of some trees reaches 600 years. The reserve is characterized by rich flora and fauna.

Among the narrow streets of the Tumsky Island in Poznan is the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, who went to be the first temple in the country. His story has more than 10 centuries. The old building has grown 6 architectural style transformations:

  • Domanian - some of its elements are still found in the cellary of the temple.
  • Romanesque (fragments from this historic milestone are also preserved - but only in the southern tower). Perestroika occurred after the destruction caused by uprisings.
  • Gothic style. "Fashion" on Gothic was popular during the period of the Middle Ages, which served as the cause of new reconstructions.
  • Baroque - the temple was rebuilt after a major fire, who had an irreparable damage. This passionate, inertial style was inherent in the epoch.
  • Neoclassical style - the penultimate reincarnation of the temple (with a subtle taste and elegant forms) - also occurred due to a fire;
  • Gothic - this style had to restore after irretrievable destruction during World War II. From the old building there was nothing left, except for the foundation that has been treated for gothic forms.

Location: Ostrów Tumski - 17.

Gdansky is famous for the largest zoo in the country. It looks very picturesque and surprises visitors with a huge variety of animals. It is impossible to enjoy the kind of zoo in a short time - you need to highlight at least 4 hours. On the territory there is even a mini-zoo, in which the smallest visitors can feed and even stroke animals - goats, guinea pigs, rabbits.

Location: Karwieńska - 3.

The trees are unusual for Polish landscapes, cascades of waterfalls, winding alleys - everything is permeated with the spirit of Japan. The unusual park is located in a huge city - Wroclaw. The garden has the most close to Japanese tradition appearance. Its small sizes with such a variety of landscapes, which, despite this, time to see all the beauties is unlikely enough for one visit.

Location: UL. Wystawowa - 1.

This is a high building that will open the amazing view of the beautiful city of Wroclaw, with his red roofs of distant small houses with his red roofs. The building was built in the 13th century and to this day admires its magnificent gothic decoration, massiveness and height.

Location: Grabiszyńska - 103.

Being in the city of Karpach, it will be very usual to visit the Krkonosh National Park. This is a system of protected areas located on the border of Poland and the Czech Republic. The park has a huge territory ( 36 thousand hectares) And surprises with its untouched nature. Mountains, forests, waterfalls, huge granite vaults that constitute the pristine beauty of this place, attract thousands of tourists at any time of the year.

The first thing worth to visit, being in Krakow is the Royal Castle on Wawel's Hill - the former residence of the rulers of the Polish state, which retained a respected status despite the fact that Krakow ceased to be the capital.

The castle is huge and majestic. It is concentrated in a lot of sarcophagus and crypts in which the kings and saints rest, and, of course, there is a museum. It should be noted that a particularly unique type of castle acquires in the dark: the walls are highlighted by giving the building true fabulousness.

Location: Wawel - 5.

This is the most infamous attraction of the country. No more than a couple of clock ride from Krakow is the city of Auschwitz - the place of the largest mass murder in the history of mankind.

The concentration camp was converted to the museum in 1947. An interesting fact is that one of the initiators of its creation was the former prisoner, who later became the director of the museum.

Location: Więźniów Oświęcimia - 20.

The city of ski resorts Zakopane is located in the south of the country, and, nevertheless, is snow-covered than attracts fans of skiing. The city is at the foot of the picturesque Tatra Mountains.

Guests of the city have the opportunity to observe the amazing panorama created by a variety of mountain landscapes - here and rocks, and snow, and meadows. In the fall, you can visit the popular holiday - the largest international festival of the folklore of mountainous lands.

Royal Tract and Royal Castle in Warsaw

Warsaw's walking is to start with the "Royal Tract" - the road on which the largest number of historical places is concentrated. The path begins from the Royal Castle - not such a notable outside, but exclusively richly removed from the inside. The Museum Palace is striking visitors with gold paintings, stucco, genuine paintings.

Location: Plac Zamkowy - 4.

Wires "Royal Tract" to the Lazenkaya Park. This is a picturesque complex, notable not only by its nature, but also a palace located above the artificial lake, the Roman theater, as well as the "white house" - famous as the cozy refuge of King Stanislav and his mistresses.

The statue of the siren in Warsaw on a market square is a monument that has been in time to draw the most diverse legends, because it has been installed for quite a long time - in the late 19th century. It is noteworthy that the image of this statue is also the coat of arms of the city.

Location: Bulwar Bohdana Grzymały-Siedleckiego.

A little incomplete at first glance building - the center of Science "Copernicus" - a unique museum containing exhibits that allow visitors to feel like an experimental in various scientific fields - astronomy, physics, chemistry, robotics, biology, and many other things (total in the scientific center more than 450 exhibits).

Location: Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie - 20, Warsaw.

Beautiful constructions of the capital, weathered in thin styles of Rococo. It is surprising that in the walls of the temple still sounds music coming from a two-year body, which once played Frederick Chopin himself.

Location: Krakowskie Przedmieście - 34.

Zalipier village is an amazing little village in the south of the country, which is famous for decorative painting. The appearance of the village will hit the arrival, because the ornaments are here everywhere: on the walls of houses, sidewalks, wells, bridges, sheds, troughs, jugs. Even the booths for dogs are degraded with flowers.

An elegant construction of fine architectural work has 99 turrets, thanks to which the building seems fabulous. The castle deeply affects the grace of its forms, a special approach to each small part. Its decoration remains as fantastic and luxurious, as in the beginning (presumably, in the 17th century).

The salt mine in the city of Village became a tourist object in the 15th century, when privileged paintings, having the resolution of the king, began to descend into it in order to see the huge caves resembling an underground city.

Location: Daniłowicza - 10.

The Order of Marienburg Castle (Mary's Castle) is the defensive castle of the Knights of the Teutonic Order, built in the 13th century. The castle is very rich in exhibits that resemble visitors about the distant glory of Knight's campaigns, as well as, especially a major assembly of amber products.

Location: Starościńska - 1.

Poland is a stunning country in which there is still a lot of interesting things: lavender fields, music benches with buttons by pressing which you can listen to the works of Chopin; Street, named after Winnie Pooh, the amazing beauty of the lake, and countless places for outdoor activities - diving in the underwater career, horse riding, hiking, bicycle expensive. Each corner in the country is permeated by the spirit of beauty, inspiration and respect for the rich heritage of the Polish people.

1. On the area of \u200b\u200bPoland ranks 69th in the world and the 9th place in Europe.

2. The word "Poland" comes from the name of the Polanie tribe, which means "people living in the open field."

3. About 35% of 60 million Poles live abroad. Large Polish-speaking communities live in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Brazil and Argentina.

4. Poland boasts 17 Nobel Prize laureates (this is more than in Japan, China, India or Australia), including four prizes of the world and five in the literature. Maria Curie Born in Poland (Maria Sklodovskaya) was the first and only Nobel laureate in two different sciences and the first woman-professor in Sorbonne.

5. Polish astronomer Nikolai Copernicus was the first to suggest that the Earth is not the center of the Universe.

6. Poland ethnically homogeneous, only small national minorities live on the territory of the country: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Slovaks, Lithuanians and Germans.

7. Among Slavic languages, Polish is the second one by the number of media, after Russian.

8. Poland - the world's largest exporter amber. Since ancient times, the country was famous for his amber, which for more than 1000 years was transported over the amber path from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic coast. Gdansk, the city in the north of Poland is a great place for Amber Shopping.

9. Until World War II, Poland was the European Center for Jewry, 3.3 million Jews lived in the country. 450 thousand Poles saved the Jews from death during the Holocaust. 6135 Poles The state of Israel assigned the title of the righteous of the peoples of the world (Righteous Among the Nations), this is the largest number among all nationalities.

10. The Poland occupied by the Nazis was the only territory, where officially any kind of help to Jews was punished with death. Up to 50 thousand Poles were executed by the Nazis for the salvation of Jews.

11. Polish "Pies" (analogue of Ukrainian dumplings. - Approx.)- The most famous Polish dish outside Poland.

12. In Poland, beer is often served with raspberry or black currant juice (PIWO Z Sokiem), which should be drunk through the straw. In the cold time, it is customary to drink hot beer with cloves and cinnamon sweeten with honey (Piwo Grzane).

13. Poland is included in the vodka belt of Europe. The history of the production of vodka in the country has more than 500 years. The first Polish vodka appeared in the XI century. It was called Gorzalks and was used as a medicine.

14. Pope John Paul II (Karol Putyla) was the only Phack Pope. His stay on the papal throne was the second longest in history. He is credited with assistance in accelerating the end of communism in Poland and in all Central and Eastern Europe. His father's house in Wadowice (Wadowice), not far from Krakow, is currently a place of pilgrimage.

15. Catholicism is so popular in Poland that the country broadcasts the television channel dedicated to the dad.

16. Poles more often than representatives of other nationalities won the title "The strongest man of the world" (World's Strongest Man). Pole Mariusch Pudzyanovsky is the five-time winner of this competition.

17. In Poland there is one of the most well-preserved neolithic flint production (3500-1200 BC) in the world. This is one of the most valuable archaeological monuments in Europe.

18. One of the oldest in the world of salt mines is a salt mine in Vietelzka (Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka) - was built in the XIII century. It is corridors and galleries on seven underground levels at a depth of 57 m to 198 meters with a total length of more than 200 km. It is also called the "Underground Salt Cathedral" thanks to the three chapels and a whole cathedral that were carved by miners in Salt Mountain. Since 1978, a salt mine is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

19. Poles are well educated: 90% of young people have an extremely secondary education. 50% of Poles have a scientific degree.

20. Piwnica świdnicka restaurant in Wroclaw is the oldest in Europe. He works since 1275.

21. In Poland, it is still customary to kiss women with her hand at a meeting.

22. One of the most popular songs in Poland is the żeby Polska Była Polską, which was written in 1976 and became anthem of protesters against the communist regime. Speaking in 1982, Ronald Reagan called his speech Let Poland Be Poland, and Queen Elizabeth II quoted this song, speaking in the Polish parliament.

23. In Warsaw, there is a street called in honor of Winnie Pooh - Kubusia Puchatka Street. Street has a length of 149 m.

24. Many Poles consider their birthdays more important holiday than birthday.

25. One of the Christmas traditions in Poland is to watch the movie "One House".

Poland is an amazing country with a rich history and an invaluable cultural heritage. Vintage Polish sights, such as city blocks, powerful defensive structures, original architectural monuments and art make incredibly attractive for tourists. And the famous medieval castles, which Poland is famous for, give her a unique romantic charm. We offer you to get acquainted with the most interesting attractions in Poland, which we will tell in our article.

1. Palace Square Warsaw

Opens our list of sights of Poland Palace Square Warsaw. Since ancient times, this place was the public and cultural center of the Polish capital, it is from here by tradition begins to familiarize with the old town. The main symbol of the area is the monument to King Sigismund, erected in the XVII century. The monument is a massive granite column, on which the bronze sculpture of the Polish king and the Grand Lithuanian Prince Sigismund III, holding a saber in one hand, and in the other - the cross. The entire eastern side of the Palace Square is the Royal Castle, which has served as the official residence of Polish monarchs for a long time. Today, the Palace Square, as before, is the main attraction of the city and a mandatory point for visiting Poland.

2. Royal Castle in Warsaw

One of the most visited attractions of Poland is the Royal Castle, built by King Sigismund III at the beginning of the XVII century. For a long time, the castle served as a residence of kings and a place of seimations. According to the old tradition from the main tower of the castle, the 60-meter Tower of Sigismund, a trumpeter signal is distributed daily at 11:15. Nowadays the museum is located in the Royal Castle building. Largely popular among its visitors enjoy a large hall, marble room, palace chapel, royal fever, knightly hall and throne room. In the Museum Gallery, you will see a rich collection of painting, which includes the canvases of Rembrandt and Canaletto, and official techniques and state meetings are held in the spacious castle halls.

3. Market Square Warsaw

The market square, which was considered the main place Warsaw from the XIII to the XVIII century, was located in the heart of the Old Town. At one time, large fairs were held on the market square, thanks to which the landmark was obtained. Special charm this place is attached to colorful stone houses with multi-colored facades, a cozy cafe with summer tables on the street and a variety of souvenir shops. Here you can buy pictures of local artists and listen to pleasant music performed by street musicians. In the center of the square there is a monument to the legendary Warsaw Malka, guarding the city with his shield and sword. And, of course, the Warsaw Historical Museum cannot be bypass, the exposition of which will help you get to know the rich history of the Polish capital.

4. Vilantavsky Palace

The magnificent Vistanow Palace, located on the outskirts of Warsaw, rightfully belongs to the number of the most luxurious palace and park attractions of Poland. It was built at the end of the XVII century for Yana Sobykoye - an outstanding commander and the king of the Commonwealth. The Vilantive Royal Palace is made in the style of Italian baroque and is surrounded by a huge park, which includes English, Italian, Chinese gardens and a wonderful greenhouse. The best Polish masters worked on the interior design, and the valuable works of art adorning the palace were entered here from different countries of Europe. Present admiration for visitors cause picturesque frescoes, elegant sculptures, rare portraits and antique furniture. Artistic exhibitions, musical concerts and performances of the Royal Theater are traditionally held in the halls of the Visant Palace.

5. Wovel Royal Castle in Krakow

The old town of Krakow is not accidentally called the historical heart of Poland - from the XI century to the XVI century, Krakow was the capital of the Polish state. The official residence of Polish rulers, starting from the XI century, served as the Royal Castle on the Wawel Hill on the banks of the Vistula River. In addition to the royal chambers, the architectural ensemble of the castle includes the Cathedral of Saintslava and Waclav, where the corporations of Polish monarchs took place. A separate attention is paid to the Rotunda of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sigismund's chapel, a mysterious cave called the Dragon Lair, as well as the sculptural image of the legendary Wawel Dragon, spewing the real flame every 5 minutes. A richest collection of painting and tapestries is placed in the Wawel Castle, and in one of the halls there are concerts of old music. Royal Castle in Krakow is a real treasury of Polish history and culture. Visit in Poland this attraction will be interested in every tourist.

6. Market Square Krakow

Market Square is not only Krakow's business card, but also one of the largest medieval areas of Europe. Starting from the XIII century, the market square was the main place of trade in the entire Polish state, and today it is a real cultural and tourist center of Poland. Among the main attractions of the Market Square - the Vintage Church of St. Wojca, the majestic Mariatsky Church and the trading house by Sukennice in the heart of the square. On the ground floor of the commercial house, Sukennice contains numerous shop windows with national Polish souvenirs, and on the second floor - the Museum of Polish painting. No less interesting for tourists and the Mariatsky Church, from the tower of which every hour comes the sound of the pipe, as a tribute to an ancient tradition, when the trumpeter notified the inhabitants of the fire or the occurrence of enemies. And, of course, on the market square you will meet street artists and musicians, sellers of souvenirs and living colors, cabbage with horse-rods, creating an atmosphere of urban romance.

7. Auschwitz

The Museum Complex Auschwitz serves as a reminder of one of the most gloomy pages in the history of mankind: during World War II, there were three Nazi concentration camps, which are also called "death factories". From 1941 to 1945, more than a million prisoners of war - Jews, Gypsies, Russians and Poles were tortured in the crematoriums and gas chambers of Auschwitz. Before the death of prisoners, the camp tormented their hunger, exhausting work and used them for medical experiments. In the museum you can see the premises in which the prisoners contained, see the collection of their personal belongings, more to get acquainted with the history of the concentration camp and honor the memory of the dead prisoners of Auschwitz.

8. Malbork

The magnificent medieval castle of Malbork, located in the northern part of Poland, is known as the largest gothic architectural complex in the world. From the XIII century, the castle served as the residence of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. In the XV century, Malbork turned into a powerful defensive structure of the crusaders, and then became one of the residences of the Polish kings. In a huge castle complex, there were rooms for receiving guests, monastic cells, premises for officials, stables, workshops, bakeries and other buildings. Nowadays, the museum is open for tourists dedicated to the history of the Malbork Castle. Great impression produces concerts of old music and knightly feasts, which, according to tradition, are organized in the front halls of the castle. Every year in the middle of summer, a grand historical reconstruction called "Siege Malbork" is held at the castle walls. This is one of the mandatory places to visit Poland.

9. Yard Artus

Artus courtyard in the center of Gdansk is a complex of old stone buildings used for secular events. The history of the courtyard originates from the times of the early Middle Ages and is associated with the legend of the King of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. From the XIV century, the courtyard of Artus served as the center of public and cultural life of Poland: there were representatives of the authorities and noble citizens in his walls, there were meetings of merchant unions and the grandee celebrations were arranged. In the main court of the courtyard Artus, interesting objects of antiques and art are collected: the armor of the knights, the model of sailboats, sophisticated decorations and rare paintings. Special attention deserves the oldest tin bar Stand of the Poland of the XVI century, and a huge pythylastic oven with a height of more than 10 meters, decorated with painted tiles. The courtyard of Artus is rightfully among the main attractions of Poland, his visit will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated travelers.

10. Zhurav

Perhaps the most original architectural landmark of Gdansk is the cheering - an old port lifting crane, with the help of which the masts on the ships were raised in the Middle Ages, they were unloaded and loaded commercial vessels. The mechanism of the crane was activated with the help of workers moving huge wheels to which the rope was attached. In addition, Zhurav performed the function of the city gate, as well as a defensive structure: the brick towers on the sides of the crane were equipped with combat guns. A copper crane is installed on the roof of the structure - a vigilance symbol. Inside Jurava has an exhibition dedicated to the history of the legendary lifting crane and life of port workers. The crane crane is the most recognizable symbol of Gdansk, its image invariably decorates magnets and postcards with views of the city.

11. Castle Xeng.

The magnificent castle of Xeng, located 80 km from Wroclaw, is the real pride of Poland and one of the largest castles in Europe. The Ksenzh Castle was erected at the end of the XIII century as a princely fortress. For many centuries, the castle belonged to Polish, Czech, Hungarian rulers, and each of the owners sought to rebuild him to his taste. This explains the extraordinary diversity of styles that can be seen in the architecture of the building: the compound of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque makes the castle's appearance truly unique and unique. The impressive size of the building produces a strong impression: about 400 rooms and halls decorated with a special luxury are expecting within visitors. In the summer, designer exhibitions of flowers are organized in the halls of the castle of Ksenzh, and shortly before the New Year, festive balls are arranged in the Baln Hall of Maximilian.

12. Warsaw Historical Museum

The Warsaw Historical Museum has a rich collection of exhibits that demonstrate the development of the history and culture of the Polish capital since its foundation to the present day. The museum is located in the center of the Old Town, on the Market Square, and occupies eight buildings with facades of different colors standing close to each other. The Museum Meeting includes paintings, graphics, sculptures, bed coins and valuable archaeological finds. Most of the exposition is devoted to the history of the city during the Second World War. The story of Warsaw has been reflected in the documentary films that can be found in the cinema hall located in the museum.

13. Museum of the Polish troops

The Museum of the Polish troops belongs to the number of interesting Museums of Poland. His rich exposition is fully devoted to the history of the Polish army. The most ancient exhibits of the museum - helmets, swords and armor - belong to the Epoch of the Middle Ages and belong to the first rulers of the Polish state. The trophies of Prince Yagaylo deserve separate attention from the times of the Grunwald battle, the banners of Polish legions of the era of Poland sections, a hat and saddle of Napoleon and the personal belongings of the famous military and politician Poland - Tadeusus Kostyshko. In the art department, a beautiful collection of battle painting, drawings and posters is collected. But the most impressive exposition of the museum is an open-air military equipment exhibition: there are guns, tanks, airplanes and other samples of heavy artillery.

14. Kursnitsky Castle

In the list of the most visited attractions of Poland, Kursnitsky Castle is occupied by Kursary Castle, located half an hour from Poznan. Kursnitsky castle was built in the XV century and belonged to the family of Polish magnates Gurkov. Unlike most vintage Polish castles, Kursnitsky Castle is not a harsh knight's fortress, but a romantic country residence in a neo-neutic style. The interiors of the castle are perfectly preserved since the XIX century: the Mauritan hall with a collection of knight armor and decorative porcelain, a hunting corner, a large interior and a dining room with a portrait of a white lady, whose ghost, according to legend, still lives in the castle, are great for visitors. Special attention deserves a Kursnitskaya library, which stores a lot of old-line books, cards and manuscripts. In addition, Kursnitsky Castle is surrounded by a picturesque park - one of the largest dendrological parks of Poland, which gives the castle even greater charm.

15. Wroclaw Cathedral

The Cathedral of John the Baptist in the city of Wroclaw is completing our list of the most interesting sights of Poland. The majestic Cathedral building with two high towers perfectly complements the city architectural ensemble. The Wroclaw Catholic Cathedral is considered the oldest Gothic temple on the territory of Poland: his story began in the distant XIII century. At the beginning of the 20th century, an organ was installed in the cathedral, which is still the largest body in Poland. The cathedral suffered greatly during the Second World War, but after the reconstruction, he again acquired his original appearance. The main shrine of the cathedral is the statue of the Virgin Mary with a baby, which miraculously survived during the bombing and fire in the forties. The Cathedral of John the Baptist on the right belongs to the number of the most recognizable Wroclaw characters, it will be interesting to every tourist.

Experts offer to get acquainted with the ten most popular tourist facilities of Poland. The rating was created by the TripAdvisor service on the basis of tourist reviews.

In the tenth place, the Warsaw Old Town. By the way, he only looks like, because in fact the central part of it was completely destroyed during the Second World War. And the fact that tourists see now, it is a detailed and detailed reconstruction that ended only in the early 1980s!

Olivsky Cathedral is the main temple of the Gdansk archo Parts of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland. It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bOliva, Gdansk. The official name is the Basilica of the Holy Trinity, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Bernard. This building leads its history since 1186.

At the eighth place is no longer crap, and the West Polish Wroclaw and its old town is one of the most beautiful in the country. Moreover, German influences in architecture are noticed here, because during the centuries Wroclaw was a city as part of Germany and was once called Breslau.

The seventh line was taken by famous cloth rows - in Polish Sukiennice. This is a building that is located in the old town of Krakow. His name went because she used to be traded here.

Well, the sixth place among the most popular tourist destinations was taken by Wawel himself - a castle complex, which began to be erected in 1290. Wawel is a famous museum center in Poland. It contains famous collections of weapons, tapestries and historical documents.

It is difficult to believe, but the fifth place also got Krakow: this is the Cathedral of Saints Stanislav and Waclav, opened in 1384 in the presence of King Casimir the Great. It is located on the territory of the architectural complex Wawel - the ancient residence of the Polish kings, when Krakow was the capital of the country.

On the fourth place also Krakow and the Mariatsky Catholic church, built in the Gothic style in the XIV and XV centuries. This is one of the most famous temples of Poland.

The third place in the ranking is the Salt Mine of the Great, where from the XIII to the 20th century, salt was mined. Now it is one of your favorite places for tourists. To visit the mine was opened in 1976, two years later entered the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is corridors and galleries on seven underground levels at a depth of 57 m to 198 meters with a total length of more than 200 km.

In second place, the former factory of the German Industrialist Oscar Schindler, also located in Krakow. Here from 1939 to 1945, Jews were worked in the so-called "Schindler list". Stephen Spielberg removed the famous film dock under the same name. Now in the factory building is a museum, which was opened in 2010.

So, the first place was taken by the old town of Krakow, which, in theory, is not a surprise, because the former capital of Poland is generally recognized by one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. In a word, in Poland there is something to see and what to see, the main thing is to choose, and the choice, you will agree, considerable.