Ski slopes in Orekhovo. Ski resort "Orekhovo"

ski resort"Zvyozdochka" is located on the territory of Tsaritsyno Park not far from the Orekhovo metro station (you can walk). The slope has been known to Muscovites for a very long time: the first skiers appeared here back in the sixties of the last century. Its origin is artificial, it is a bulk peak above the slope of the ravine. But you practically don’t notice this, everything fits very harmoniously into the surrounding landscape, and with highest point offers a magnificent view of the park and the surrounding area. There are only three tracks here, not very long - about 110-240 meters - and quite calm, the height difference does not exceed 45 meters. Width of tracks from 10 to 30 meters.

GK "Zvyozdochka" is a slide well suited for beginners and children. It's just that you need to bring your own equipment. Luggage storage, however, works here only for members of the ski club, however, the slope is located near the Orekhovo metro station, so you are unlikely to have to take a large number of things - except for sports equipment, of course. The ski complex in Orekhovo pleases with the fact that there is a wonderful opportunity to ski not only on mountain skis, but also on cross-country skis in the nearby Tsaritsyno arboretum with laid trails for flat skiing.

overview video

Distinctive features

Working hours:

Monday - Friday: 12:00 - 22:00;

Saturday - Sunday: 12:00 - 00:00.

Tsaritsyno park

Tsaritsyno is one of the most extraordinary estates in Moscow, yes, one might say, in all of Russia. Surprising and attractive is its strange fate, the still unsolved mystery associated with its construction, the very appearance of the huge Tsaritsyno estate, romantic and somewhat mysterious, similar to a museum of stupid and unrestrained undertakings of the 18th century, rich in inventions, fantasies and whims, repeated attempts to complete it, slow, over two hundred years, fading. And, finally, a fabulous, as if by magic, revival. More recently on the walls Grand Palace climbers trained, and today this is the most popular place all over Moscow: “Have you seen the “singing fountains” in Tsaritsyno? No? Haven't you visited Tsaritsyno Park yet? The flow of people does not dry up neither in summer, nor in winter, neither in the afternoon, nor in the evening.

The sun is shining brighter.
We still ride in Oselki, but the last few times are left.

I want to sum up winter knowledge.
So, brief characteristics ski slopes north of Saint Petersburg railway line on Sosnovo.
We take the train to Devyatkino and go, go north. What we see:

Toksovo. Raspberry hill.

Length- 5, 10 km.
Pros. Beautiful ski track through the forest. Five kilometers cross country. The slides are pleasant. Wow :)). Getting there is 15 minutes from the city.
Ice. With our weather - sometimes the slides freeze after a thaw or rain. And then the sliding is not quite controllable.
Goats. Ski tracks are laid by enthusiasts. There are signs everywhere that this is a ski track, that snowmobiles are not allowed to enter.
However, from time to time there are amateurs who pass along the ski track. They ride once, and then the track is leveled for weeks ...
You can read about the condition of the track (and just about the track) before leaving here:
How to get there. Without crossing the path, we go 400 meters forward, along railway before the transition. After the crossing, we go out onto the road, on the left there will be cottages, on the right - Kavgolovskoye Lake.
We go 300 meters along the road, turn right, skirting the lake. After a few meters there will be signs for the exit to the ski track.

Kavgolovo, track base "Dynamo".

Length- 5 km.
Pros. There is a rental! The place is popular, there are a lot of people, but there are enough skis for everyone.
The ski track is beautiful - it goes along the natural monument "Toksovskie Heights". These are the hills of the relic ancient sea. In summer, a "health path" passes along them, and in winter - a ski track.
Accordingly, the entire ski track is in the age-old forest and along the hills.
Minuses. There are a lot of people, on weekends you have to push. The slides are very rolled out.
How to get there. We keep the direction perpendicular to the railway line, bypassing steep hills. The route is on the map at the end of the list.

Kavgolovo lake

Length- 10 km around the perimeter. This, of course, is not a track, but it's nice to ride! Along the entire perimeter of the lake there is a ski track.
Pros. Very close to the train. 50 meters - and you are already "in work". For skiing on the lake, you can use the rental ski base "Dynamo".
There is access to the lake through a tunnel under the railway, and it is located 200 meters from the base.
If the forest is good for slides, then here is the expanse, skating, song :))
Minuses. The wind is colder than in the forest.
How to get there. When we leave the train, then on the left, behind the railway, there is a lake. The ski track runs along the entire lake, so we leave at any convenient place.

Kavgolovo, UTC

Length- 3 km.
Was not. But he exists. And the ski track there is the steepest - it is supported by compactors, snow cannons. Paid. In summer it is a roller ski track.
How to get there. We pass forward on the movement of the train. Road next to train station. It is on the map at the end of the list.

Kavgolovo. Ski track of the institute of physical culture VIFK

Length- 5, 10 km.
Pros. A beautiful track that is well looked after. Wide, and under the skate and under the classics. Free - not crowded on a square kilometer, but in wide arcs, there are branches where you can turn off and open new places. Diverse - there are long flat sections, there are also pleasant slides.
A huge plus is that there is evening lighting, which means that you can ride in the winter in the afternoon.
Minuses. Not very convenient to get to. It takes about half an hour to go from the train, it is more convenient to take minibuses from Devyatkino.
How to get there. Minibuses go 205, 691 to the stop "Educational Center VIFK". From the stop, the ski track is on the right, it starts almost immediately from the stop. The route is on the map at the end of the list.


Length- 5 km.
Pros. Smooth, calm ski track along the old Finnish road. The snow lasts for a very long time - thanks to the person who cares for the ski track. The ditches on the sides of the road help prevent puddles from forming even at +10. The shade from the trees and the absence of slopes make the snow persistent and even. Holds up to the first butterflies :)). There is already a coltsfoot on the roadsides, the forest around is without snow, and you can still ride on the ski track.
Minuses. Well, too flat, just like riding in a stadium.
How to get there. From the train we go back 100 meters to the intersection with the highway. We turn right onto the highway. On the road we go 600 meters, almost to the end of all buildings. In front of the last house on the left side of the road there will be a turn to the left perpendicular to the highway, blocked from cars by concrete blocks. here you can already get on skis, this path leads to the ski track.

Skiing on Raspberry Hill, in Oselki and on the ice of Kavgolovsky Lake can be combined. They are interconnected by paths, located nearby. And they complement each other, giving completely different skating.


Length- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 km.
Pros. There are places to ride. This is a ski track from the Ski Arrow. Well-groomed, with indexes. varied, beautiful.
If you go skiing with children, then with the "Ski Arrow" it will be comfortable. A lot of people, tea in the clearing from the organizers, games. Arrows are free (there are more in southbound train), but you need to book a ticket, call.
Minuses. Too far. Get from Devyatkino hour by train. Those. at least three hours on the road you need to give to ride.
How to get there. From the train we go back 700 meters along the railway. The turn onto the tracks will be visible, it is knurled. There are signs on all routes in Orekhovo.

Of course, the list is not complete. I hope every season will add explored trails to it.
In conclusion,

Orekhovo- this is not yet a resort and not even a mini ski resort. Orekhovo is a wild slopes located near the village of the same name, 47 km north of St. Petersburg (). This area attracted the attention of local skiers back in the 70s and 80s. Then, thanks to the Ski Arrow train, the surrounding hills were actively developed by amateurs. winter views recreation. For the unspoiled Soviet people, Orekhovo was a real ski oasis. After the cancellation of the train, the wild slopes of Orekhovo became empty, and only in 2008, with the re-launch of the Ski Arrow, did a new chance for development appear.


In Orekhovo, there is no infrastructure typical of modern resorts. There is no need to talk about the benefits of civilization in the form of lighting and snowing of tracks, snowcats and other pleasant moments. Do you need to go there? Definitely a must if you just want to relax with family or friends away from the city among beautiful nature. And the nature here is really magnificent. Rugged terrain, hills, forests, numerous lakes - in such an environment, Orekhovo's shortcomings associated with the lack of service remain practically unnoticed.

The season in Orekhovo begins in December, when a stable snow cover forms, and can last until mid-April. Features of the location, terrain and climate provide good conditions for skiing even at an air temperature of +10°C.


One thing can be said about skiing in Orekhovo - extreme slopes created by nature itself. And here it is not a matter of height or steepness: the height difference is small (no more than 55 m), and the slopes are quite short (up to 300 m). It's all about natural obstacles that significantly complicate the descent. Hillocks, pits, trees will be your constant companions on the slopes, so during the descent to Orekhovo you need to be extremely collected and careful. Those who do not have enough adrenaline build jumps with their own hands.

In total, Orekhovo has 9 tracks, which are served by five drag lifts, of which 2 are non-commercial. At present, the cost of lifts is cheap.


Safety in Orekhovo is a personal matter.


Additional services are not provided.

Apres Ski

Occasionally there are celebrations. Basically, all the variety of entertainment is confined to recreation centers, where baths, billiards, restaurants, paintball, quad biking, etc. are waiting for you.


You can stay at the recreation centers "Orekhovo" and "Zhuravushka", in the country club "Nut", etc., the cost of living in which starts from 1000 - 1300 rubles / day.