The eighth wonder of the world which means. What does the expression "the eighth wonder of the world" mean? The use of the expression "eighth wonder of the world" in literature


about something unusual, amazing, outstanding. In ancient times, people counted only seven wonders of the world, which have become so firmly embedded in the consciousness of people that every new remarkable achievement is called the eighth wonder of the world.

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is the EIGHTH MIRACLE OF THE WORLD in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • MIRACLE in the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2008-06-13 Time: 01:55:23 A miracle is the realization of a natural, that is, human, desire in a supernatural way. ("" Feuerbach ...
  • MIRACLE in the Statements of famous people:
  • MIRACLE in the Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
    - an event described by people who heard about it from those who did not see it. Elbert ...
  • MIRACLE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
    an event described by people who heard about it from those who did not see it. Elbert ...
    ..1) in religious and mythological ideas - a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of a divine, otherworldly force ... 2) (Trans.) Something amazing, surprising in its ...
    in religious and mythological concepts, a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of a divine, otherworldly force. In a figurative sense - something amazing, outstanding, surprising ...
    the objective meaning of the concept of ch. is determined by the general philosophical outlook, primarily by the theory of causality. All kinds of extraordinary and inexplicable phenomena themselves ...
  • MIRACLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, pl. miracles, -he, -esam, cf. 1. In religious beliefs: a phenomenon caused by the intervention of divine power, as well as something in general ...
  • MIRACLE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MIRACLE, in religion. representations of supernaturals. a phenomenon caused by the intervention of the Deities. strength. Transferred. - something amazing, surprising with its ...
    ? the objective meaning of the concept of ch. is determined by the general philosophical outlook on the world, primarily by the theory of causality. All kinds of extraordinary and inexplicable phenomena themselves ...
    chu "do, miracles", chu "yes, miracle" s, chu "du, miracles" m, chu "do, miracles", chu "house, miracles" mi, chu "de, ...
  • MIRACLE in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    chu do, chu, yes, chu, yes, chu, chu, chu, chu, chu, chu, chu, yes, chu, house, chu, dami, chu, de, ...
  • MIRACLE in the Popular Explanatory and Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, pl. miracles "a, miracle" eu, p. 1) In religious beliefs: a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of divine power, occurring at the will of God. The Gospel ...
    It creates ...
  • MIRACLE in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Something ...
    wonder, curiosity, curiosity, beauty, unseen, invisibility, rarity, fairy tale, phenomenon, ...
  • SVETA in the dictionary of Russian Synonyms:
    svetlana, ...
  • MIRACLE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. Wed 1) A phenomenon that contradicts the laws of nature and cannot be explained by them, but possible - according to superstitious ideas - as a result of interference ...
  • MIRACLE in the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    miracle, -a, pl. wonders, …
  • MIRACLE- in the Spelling Dictionary:
    miracle-miracle -... - the first part of complex words, spelled with a hyphen, for example: miracle-miracle, ...
  • MIRACLE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    miracle, -a, pl. miracles, miracles, ...
  • MIRACLE in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    something unprecedented, supernatural Perform (happened) h. Work miracles. Hope for hours (when ...
  • MIRACLE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    wed any phenomenon, which we do not know how to explain, according to the laws of nature known to us. All miracles are available to God. Christ performed miracles ...
  • MIRACLE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    , .. 1) in religious and mythological concepts - a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of a divine, otherworldly force ... 2) (Trans.) Something amazing, surprising in its ...
  • MIRACLE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    miracle, pl. miracles, miracles and (colloquially rare) miracles, miracles, cf. 1. In religious and mythological views - a phenomenon that is contrary to the laws ...
  • MIRACLE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    miracle 1. Wed 1) A phenomenon that contradicts the laws of nature and cannot be explained by them, but possible - according to superstitious ideas - due to ...
  • MIRACLE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    The first part of complex nouns that adds meaning: amazing, magnificent (h "udo-g" orod, h "udo-mash" ina, h "udo-human" ek, etc.) ...
  • MIRACLE in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I cf. 1. A phenomenon that contradicts the laws of nature and cannot be explained by them, but possible - according to superstitious ideas - as a result of interference ...
  • MARCH EIGHT (FILM) in the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2008-09-06 Time: 03:42:05 * If a plumber drives around in a jeep, then he doesn't ...
  • SCATTERED LIGHT in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    light, change in the characteristics of the flux of optical radiation (light) when it interacts with matter. These characteristics can be the spatial distribution of intensity, frequency ...
  • LIGHT POLARIZATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    light, one of the fundamental properties of optical radiation (light), consisting in the inequality of different directions in the plane perpendicular to the light beam (direction ...
  • REFLECTION OF LIGHT in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    light, the phenomenon, which consists in the fact that when light (optical radiation) falls from one medium to its border ...
  • LIGHT MODULATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    light, modulation of oscillations of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range (visible light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation). When M. s. the amplitude changes (and therefore ...
  • ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    1. Characteristic properties of a beam of light. - 2. Light is not the motion of an elastic rigid body of mechanics. - 3. Electromagnetic phenomena as ...
  • LIGHT POLARIZATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    1. Characteristic properties of the light beam. ? 2. Light is not the motion of an elastic rigid body of mechanics. ? 3. Electromagnetic phenomena as ...
  • IVAN VASILIEVICH CHANGE THE PROFESSION in the Handbook of Secrets of games, programs, equipment, movies, Easter eggs:
    In the scene of interrogation by the police, Ivan Vasilyevich, when asked about the year of birth, answers: "One thousand five hundred and thirty-third from the Nativity of Christ.", Although ...
  • MIELOFON in the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-03-09 Time: 18:03:05 * “There was a myelophone on the desk. It looked like a small camera, in a leather case, with ...
  • FIGHT CLUB (FILM) in the Wiki Quote.
  • YAKOVLEV in the Encyclopedia of Russian Surnames, Secrets of Origin and Meanings:
  • YAKOVLEV in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
    This surname is in the top ten most common in Russia, followed by eighth place. Arose from the Orthodox name Yakov, which in ...
  • ANUGRAHA in the Dictionary of the Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
  • ABUACUM THE PROPHET BOOK in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    consists of three chapters and occupies the eighth place among the books of the lesser prophets. The prophecies contained in it were uttered, in all likelihood, ...
  • OPEN 21
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. New Testament. Revelation of John the Evangelist. Chapter 21 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • DIMITRY SOLUNSKY in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". This article is incomplete markup. Demetrius of Thessaloniki (+ c. 306), Great Martyr Commemorated on October 26. ...
  • ANUGRAHA in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    (Skt.) The eighth creation in Vishnu ...
  • 1916.10.09 in History Pages What, where, when:
    Eighth battle at Isonzo (until December 12). Italian troops are striving for the minimum ...
  • GODET in the Dictionary of Alcoholic Beverages:
    (cognac house "Gode") "Cognac is living water capable of prolonging life, waving a gloomy mood, reviving hearts and preserving youth" So they said ...
  • CHOPICH BRANCO in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1915-84) Serbian writer. The novels "Breakthrough" (1952), "Hidden Gunpowder" (1957), "Udaltsy under Bihach" (1975) about the People's Liberation War of 1941-45. In the novels "Do not ...

The eighth wonder of the world: the city of Petra in Jordan Contents 1 Cinematography 2 Computer games 3 Architecture and technology ... Wikipedia

Wonderful miracle, play of nature, phenomenon, miracle, miracle miracle, miracle of nature, phoenix, unseen, curiosity, invisibility, miracle Dictionary of Russian synonyms. eighth wonder of the world n., number of synonyms: 11 miracle (18) ... Synonym dictionary

- "THE EIGHTH MIRACLE OF THE WORLD (Sports fantasy)", USSR, Mosfilm, 1981, color, 85 min. Sports fantasy. On a certain island, apparently Greek, Soviet basketball players come to take with them the Hera Cup. But, in addition to participating in ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

the eighth wonder of the world - about anything unusual, amazing, outstanding. In ancient times, people counted only seven wonders of the world, which so firmly entered the consciousness of people that every new remarkable achievement is called the eighth wonder of the world ... Phraseology reference

Spread. often Iron. What is L. unusual, amazing, outstanding. BMS 1998, 629; BMSh 2000, 400 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD - XVIII century. So foreigners called Peter the Great's dry dock in Kronstadt. It accommodated up to 10 ships at a time and was drained in 4 hours. At that time in Europe, there were no more than 4 ships in such docks, and they were drained within 48 hours ... Petersburgers Dictionary

The eighth (eighth) wonder of the world - Spread. Iron. Someone or something strange, bizarre. In every case, the mysterious Smith brought unprecedented scope. In front of the shocked Londoners, the garden began to turn into the eighth wonder of the world, the largest orchestra in England was assembled, and for ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

- (footnote) about a particularly wonderful (allusion to the seven wonders of the world) Cf. Having grabbed the tops of some kind of knowledge, we consider it a humiliation for our own dignity to do some ordinary things that ordinary people do, and we want to create ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

The eighth miracle of the holy (inosk.) Is especially remarkable (a hint of the seven miracles of the holy). Wed Having seized the tops of some kind of knowledge, we consider it humiliation for our own dignity to do some ordinary things that people do ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Phenomenon, miracle of nature, extra class, amazing, miracle, rarity, play of nature, beauty, no words, gold, beyond praise, invisibility, curiosity, unseen, eighth wonder of the world, miracle marvel, to die and not get up, miracles, charm, curiosity, ... ... Synonym dictionary


  • The eighth wonder of the world. VSKhV-VDNKh-VVTs, Zinovieva Olga Andreevna. The All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition, which opened in 1939 in Moscow, was called the "Eighth Wonder of the World" by Western journalists. What are the goals pursued by the organizers and creators of this ...
  • The eighth wonder of the world. VSKhV - VDNKh - VVTs, Olga Andreevna Zinovieva. The All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition, which opened in Moscow in 1939, was called the "Eighth Wonder of the World" by Western journalists. What are the goals pursued by the organizers and creators of this ...

Surely you all heard about the seven greatest natural attractions on our planet, but today another item has been added to them in the form of the eighth miracle.

There are a lot of beautiful structures and ancient structures of unknown origin on Earth; therefore, in different sources you can find completely different data even about these seven famous wonders of the world. And about the eighth, many scientists and historians still debate, each of which offers several of its own options.

Let's take a look at each of these eight world assets of all mankind.

  1. Pyramids of Egypt.

The name of the seven wonders of the world comes from the Egyptians in the 2nd century BC. This was the name of the 7 ancient Egyptian pyramids during the reign of the pharaohs of the fourth dynasty. It is these seven majestic pyramids that have survived to this day intact and are the main attraction not only of Egypt, but of the entire planet as a whole. These mysterious structures, which came to us from the distant past, still haunt the most famous scientists and archaeologists who are trying to unravel the mysteries of the Egyptian sands.

This legendary structure, located in the ruins of ancient Babylon, where in the distant 7th century BC there was a magnificent royal palace, and next to it and the hanging gardens of Queen Semiramis. For a long time this miracle was considered only a legend and a fiction of the beautiful life of the ancient kings, but today some semblance of a former luxury and a fabulous kingdom of exuberant life of vegetation among the desert territories of Assyria has remained from this stunning place. The garden consisted of artificial terraces, built in the form of a pyramid of four tiers, standing on high columns. The entire structure of this amazing structure was covered with fertile soil with seeds of beautiful flowers, which covered the gardens of Semiramis with a green dome. Among the hot climate and sandy hills, the Hanging Gardens were truly a wonder of the world and a valuable oasis of Babylon.

This wonder of the world was located on the territory of modern Turkey in the Greek city of Ephesus. You can still see the ruins of this temple with your own eyes and enjoy the most beautiful views of ancient architecture. Scientists have established that in the center of the temple there was a huge statue of Artemis, erected of gold and ivory, which, unfortunately, could not survive to our time. The remains of numerous sculptures, statues and ancient paintings that adorned the interior of the temple were also found. The goddess Artemis was revered by all the Greeks and their neighbors, thanks to whom the construction of a stunning temple, standing on 127 snow-white columns, was crowned with success.

Zeus is the Greek god of thunder and lightning, who commands all people and is the main one among the other gods. ancient greece... He was also the most revered deity of the people, who was given temples, palaces and statues with his image. One of the greatest works of ancient art is the Statue of Zeus in the small town of Olympia, built of pink ivory and adorned with robes of solid gold. The statue was installed in the temple of the same name made of marble with 34 columns 10 meters high. The legendary creator of this wonder of the world was the great painter, sculptor and architect Phidias of Athens. The strongest earthquake in the 2nd century AD seriously damaged the famous statue and temple, after which the beautiful structure was empty and gradually collapsed. To protect the statue of Zeus from looting, it was taken to Constantinople, where it was destroyed by a strong fire. Today, the last proof and memory of the greatest temple with the sculpture of the main god of the ancient Greeks can be seen only in the found workshop where this grandiose work of art was created.

It is the greatest historical architectural monument built in the city of Halicarnassus, which belongs to modern Turkey. A mausoleum was founded on the top of the hill, where the tomb of the Carian king Mavsol was located. The mausoleum was a tall square structure with a conical roof, which was decorated with a huge chariot. In front of the entrance to the mausoleum, two columns with stone soldiers were also installed, guarding the sleep of the deceased king. The entire temple was adorned with numerous sculptures and animal figures, parts of which are still in the British Museum, in Halicarnassus Hall.

This is a bronze statue in the shape of the sun god Helios, built on the eponymous island of Rhodes in the third century BC. It was this attraction that made the current resort of Greece famous throughout the world. In 222 BC, the statue fell due to a strong earthquake, which the Roman scientist Pliny warned about in his writings. But even then, such a majestic statue made a strong impression on the inhabitants of the city. The last mention of the statue was in 997, when the Arabs sold its fragments to an unknown merchant who took it away on his camels.

It is an ancient tower built on Pharos Island in the Egyptian city of Alexandria. The tower served as a beacon for incoming ships to the local harbor. The height of this structure reached 140 meters and for a long time retained the image of the tallest building in the world, which was the main reason for its inclusion in the list of 7 wonders of the world. The entire structure consisted of three towers of different sizes. And this structure could not survive due to several earthquakes, which left only ruins in this place.

And the eighth wonder of the world, which was included in this list quite recently, is a snow-white marble palace, made in the Mogul architectural style in India. The luxurious palace amazes with its grandeur and grace, which attracts huge crowds of tourists from all over the world. The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum founded by Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his deceased wife during childbirth. This new wonder of the world is equated to a symbol of eternal love and is the most beautiful and romantic building in India. The outer luxury of the palace does not end beyond the threshold of its doors, but the interior amazes with its decoration and precious decorations.

Among the possible options for the eighth wonder of the world, such great structures were proposed, such as:

  • the Chichen Itza pyramid in Mexico;
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa;
  • the city of Petra in Jordan;
  • the statue of Christ the Savior in Rio de Janeiro;
  • The great Wall of China;
  • Machu Picchu in Peru;
  • Colosseum in Rome.

Machu Picchu is another wonder of the world

The eighth wonder of the world is a phraseological unit expressing or an ironic definition of something curious, funny, touchingly absurd; or an admiring reaction to an action, plan, thought, phenomenon, a structure that is really rare, amazing, grandiose, with the ability to remain in the memory of mankind forever

Expression synonyms in the first case

  • Curiosity
  • Nonsense
  • Joke
  • Nonsense

Expression synonyms in the second case

  • Wonderful miracle
  • Phenomenon
  • Nevidal
  • Curiosity
  • Play of nature

The phraseologism "the eighth wonder of the world" came into use thanks to the ancient list of the seven wonders of the world, which appeared in the works of ancient Greek scientists and writers. The first mention of the wonders of the world was revealed by Herodotus in the History. He listed three: a tunnel in the mountain, a dam in the sea built around the harbor, a temple; all on the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea. Gradually, the number of miracles grew. in the end, as Wikipedia says, the classic list included

  • Pyramid of Cheops (in Egypt)
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon (in Babylon - a city on the territory of modern Iraq)
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia (settlement in Ancient Greece)
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (city on west coast Asia Minor. today - in Turkey)
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Greek city on the Mediterranean coast of Asia Minor, today the Turkish resort city of Bodrum)
  • Colossus of Rhodes (statue, Greek island of Rhodes
  • Alexandrian lighthouse (in Egyptian Alexandria)

Over time, the register of wonders of the world has been replenished

  • Alexandria library
  • Colosseum in Rome
  • Taj Mahal - temple in India
  • the great Wall of China
  • petra city in Jordan
  • temple of Solomon in Jerusalem
  • pyramids of Giza in Egypt
  • statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro
  • Alhambra - a park in Granada (Spain)
  • tunnel under the English Channel
  • Angkor - an ancient temple city in Cambodia

The use of the expression "eighth wonder of the world" in literature

« But the uncle is the eighth wonder of the world of its kind ... " (D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Privalov Millions")
« There is deliverance from him only in two extreme grades of moral dignity: or when a person is already a transcendental villain, the eighth wonder of the world of rogue virtuosity, like Ali Pasha of Yaninsky, Jezzar Pasha of Syria, Megemet-Ali of Egypt, who were escorted by European diplomats ..."(N. G. Chernyshevsky" What to do? ")
"There is in Jordan and the eighth wonder of the world - Petra" (Alexander Bovin "Five years among the Jews and the Foreign Ministry")
"Vasily Golitsyn, the favorite of Princess Sophia, the most educated person of his century, built these chambers in 1686 and received in them noble foreigners who considered it their duty to visit this, as they wrote abroad, the" eighth wonder "of the world" (V. A. Gilyarovsky "Moscow and Muscovites")
"We did not expect help, we ourselves created the eighth wonder of the world." (V. A. Kaverin "Open Book")

It is customary to call the wonders of the world architectural monuments that are much ahead of their time in their beauty and technology. Currently, the list of such miracles is far from seven units, and the list is being supplemented and changed all the time. But, there is a classic list and it is as follows:

1. Egyptian pyramids. They are still shrouded in mystery. There is a lot of controversy about how they were built and why. The pyramids impress the imagination of people with their grandeur and mystery.

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon. We know about them only from written sources. In their natural form, they have not survived to this day. They were a multi-stage pyramid. Each step was covered with soil and planted with beautiful plants. Their branches covered the structure itself and gave the impression that they were hanging in the air. Hence the name - Hanging Gardens.

3.Statue of Zeus in the city of Olympia. She was in a temple dedicated to Zeus. God was depicted sitting on a chair. The height of the statue was 15 meters. Now imagine how impressive that was. It is enough to imagine a picture that Zeus will now rise to his full height. The statue was made from a wooden base, lined with ivory and decorated with gold. Unfortunately, this work of art has not survived to this day. He was moved to Constantinople, where the statue died in a fire in the 5th century AD.

4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.According to the testimony of contemporaries who have survived to this day, the temple was incredibly beautiful. But, he suffered a sad fate - he was burned by Herostratus, who simply could not think of any other way to make him famous and go down in history.

5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. This is the territory of modern Turkey. It was built as a tomb for Mavsol. He was the ruler of the Carian kingdom. The mausoleum was impressive for its size. Just imagine: its length was 60 meters, and its height was 46. It existed for a long time - from the 4th century BC. e. until the XIII century AD. It was destroyed not by man, but by the elements, or rather - by an earthquake.

6. Colossus of Rhodes on the island of Rhodes in honor of the god Helios. The statue was huge. Its height was about 60 meters. It was made of a frame (clay plus metal), sheathed with bronze. Contemporaries wrote that ships sailed between the legs of this statue. But, something was wrong with her. After standing for only 65 years, it collapsed during an earthquake.

7. Alexandria lighthouse. It got its name in no one else's honor, but solely because of its geographic location. It was built near the city of Alexandria. Its height was 135 meters. Now imagine that the 3rd century BC. e. (that's when it was founded) there was no electricity. And the light of the lighthouse was visible to ships at night at sea at a distance of 60 kilometers. This effect was achieved through fire from a fire and a system of mirrors. The Alexandria lighthouse served people for about 1 thousand years and collapsed during the next earthquake.