Ancient Greek wonders of the world. Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece History Project Wonders of Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greek Wonders of the World Temple of Artemis Statue of Zeus Alexandrian lighthouse Seliverstova Irina Alekseevna, teacher of history, GOU NPO 29, Sarapul.

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7 Wonders of the World The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus. The list appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. e .. All miracles were on the island of Samos.

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7 Wonders of the World Historians associate the classic list with the empire of Alexander the Great

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Statue of Zeus For over 300 years, the Olympic Games have been held in Greece. They were very popular with the people. They were held in honor of the god Zeus. But the main temple in honor of Zeus was not erected. In Greece, they began to collect donations for the construction of this temple. Construction began in 470 BC. e.

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Statue of Zeus The construction of the temple took about 10 years. But the statue of Zeus did not appear in it immediately. The Greeks decided to invite the famous Athenian sculptor Phidias to create a statue of Zeus.

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Statue of Zeus According to legend, when Phidias finished his work, he asked: "Are you satisfied, Zeus?" There was a clap of thunder in response, and the floor in front of the throne cracked. For seven centuries Zeus, smiling benevolently, watched the athletes, while in the II century. n. e. there was no powerful earthquake that severely damaged the statue

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Statue of Zeus After the ban of the Olympic Games, thieves ripped off the statue of Zeus, stealing gold and ivory. All that remained of the famous sculpture of Phidias was taken from Greece to the city of Constantinople, but there the wooden sculpture burned down during a strong fire. This is how the third wonder of the world died, but the Olympic Games founded, according to legend, by the Thunderer were restored at the end of the 19th century and now they gather athletes from all over the world who are ready to measure their strength in a variety of sports.

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Alexandria Lighthouse The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Alexandria. This bustling port was founded by Alexander the Great during a visit to Egypt in 332 BC. e.

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Lighthouse of Alexandria The Pharos lighthouse consisted of three marble towers, standing on a base of massive stone blocks. The first tower was rectangular, it contained rooms in which workers and soldiers lived. Above this tower was a smaller, octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading to the upper tower. The upper tower was shaped like a cylinder, in which a fire was burning, which helped the ships safely reach the bay.

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Lighthouse of Alexandria By the 12th century AD e. The bay of Alexandria was so filled with silt that ships could no longer use it. The lighthouse has fallen into disrepair. The bronze plates, which served as mirrors, were probably melted down into coins. In the XIV century, the lighthouse was completely destroyed by an earthquake

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus In honor of Artemis, the inhabitants of Ephesus built near the city, on the site where the sanctuary of the Carian goddess of fertility was formerly located, a huge temple that became one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus Funds for the construction were donated by the famous rich man, the Lydian king Croesus. The temple was designed by the architect Khersyphron from Knossos. Under him, the walls of the temple were erected and a colonnade was installed. After the death of the architect, the construction was continued by his son Metagenes, and the architects Paeonius and Demetrius completed the construction.

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus When the completed construction of a huge white marble building opened before the eyes of the townspeople, it caused surprise and admiration. Unfortunately, no one knows exactly how the temple was decorated. It is only known that the best masters of the Greek world took part in the creation of the sculptural decoration of the temple, and the statue of the goddess Artemis was made of gold and ivory.

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Temple of Artemis of Ephesus Inside the temple was decorated with wonderful statues by Praxiteles and reliefs of Scopas, but the paintings of this temple were even more magnificent

The work was performed by Julia Novozhilova

the ancient world




  • the list MADE BY ANCIENT historians and travelers.
  • .
The structure is 4500 years old.


  • The building is 4500 years old.
  • 120 thousand Egyptians for 20 years in the sweat of their brow erected a grandiose Pharaoh's tomb. The pyramid of Cheops is composed of 2.5 million blocks weighing 2, tons each.
  • Without the use of cement and other bonding agents, the blocks are so tightly fitted to each other that the gap between them does not exceed 0.5 mm. Initially, the pyramid was 147 meters high, today it is 138 meters.
  • Almost 4000 years, until the XIV century AD, the Cheops Pyramid bore the title of the tallest structure in the world.
PYRAMID CHEOPSA Around 600 BC in the territory of modern Iraq, ancient Babylon was making noise.
  • Around 600 BC in the territory of modern Iraq, ancient Babylon was making noise.
  • For his wife Amitis (Semiramis), King Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the famous "hanging gardens" to be laid out. The gardens were located on a four-tiered area resembling a hill.
  • The foundations of the terraces were made of stone blocks covered with a layer of reeds and filled with asphalt. Then there was a double layer of brick, even higher - lead plates, preventing the seepage of irrigation water.
  • A fertile layer of soil was laid on top of this structure, on which trees, palms, flowers were grown.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Babylon Statue of Zeus at Olympia

  • In 435 BC. e. in Olympia, one of the sanctuaries of Ancient Greece, a majestic temple was built in honor of the sovereign of the gods - Zeus.
  • Inside the temple was a huge 20-meter statue of the Olympian god, seated on a throne.
  • The sculpture was made of wood, on top of which were glued ivory plates, imitating the upper naked part of Zeus's body.
  • The god's clothes and shoes are plated with gold.
  • In his left hand, Zeus held a scepter with an eagle, and in his right - a statue of the goddess of victory.
Statue of Zeus at Olympia Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  • The Temple of Artemis was built in 560 BC. King of Lydia Croesus in the city of Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor.
  • The huge white marble temple was framed by 127 columns 18 meters high.
  • Inside was a statue of Artemis, the goddess of fertility, made of gold and ivory.
  • In 356 BC. one vain inhabitant of Ephesus - Herostratus set fire to the temple, thus deciding to become famous and immortalize his name.
  • The Sanctuary of Artemis was rebuilt, but in 263 it was destroyed and plundered by the Goths.
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
  • The ruler of Caria Mavsol during his lifetime in 353 BC. began construction of his own tomb in Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey).
  • A grandiose burial structure 46 meters high, surrounded by 36 columns and topped with a chariot statue.
  • It made such a strong impression on contemporaries that since then all the monumental tombs began to be called mausoleums after the name of King Mavsol.
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes
  • A giant statue of the ancient Greek sun god Helios was installed at the entrance to the port of Rhodes in 292-280. BC e.
  • A slender youth-god, sculpted in full growth, held a torch in his hand.
  • Ships floated between the legs of the statue.
  • For only 65 years, the Colossus of Rhodes stood in its place: in 222 BC. it was destroyed by an earthquake.
Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse of Alexandria
  • In 270 BC. on the island of Pharos, at the entrance to the port of Alexandria, a huge tower 120 meters high was erected.
  • At the top of the lighthouse, a bonfire was constantly burning, the light of which was amplified by metal concave mirrors, and was visible at a distance of 60 kilometers.
  • Wood for fire was brought up the spiral staircase on carts pulled by mules.
  • The lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake in the 14th century.
Alexandrian lighthouse

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The first miracle of the Great Pyramids

This graceful Egyptian pyramid is the oldest of the seven wonders of antiquity. In addition, this is the only miracle that has survived to this day. At the time of its creation, the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in the world. And she kept this record, most likely, for almost 4000 years.

The Great Pyramid was built as the tomb of Khufu, known to the Greeks as Cheops. He was one of the pharaohs, or kings of ancient Egypt, and his tomb was completed in 2580 BC. Later, two more pyramids were built in Giza, for the son and grandson of Khufu, as well as smaller pyramids for their queens. The Khufu pyramid is the largest. The ancient Egyptians believed that in the event of a person's death, his body should be preserved so that the spirit could continue to live after death. They removed the internal organs, filled the body with salts and wrapped it in linen sheets. So the body turned into a mummy. The mummy was then buried along with clothing, food, precious and other things useful for the afterlife. Khufu's mummified body was placed in a burial chamber at the very heart of his pyramid.

The pyramids stand in the ancient cemetery in Giza, on the opposite bank of the Nile River from Cairo, the capital of modern Egypt. Some archaeologists believe it may have taken 20 years to build the great pyramid of 100,000 people. It was created from over 2 million stone blocks, each weighing at least 2.5 tons. The workers dragged them to the site using ramps, blocks and levers, and then adjusted them to each other, without mortar. return

The second miracle Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Miracle third Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

Croesus was the last king of Lydia, an ancient region in Asia Minor that is part of what is now Turkey. It was famous for its immense wealth and in 560 BC. built a magnificent temple in Ephesus.

The Temple of Alexander lasted until the 3rd century AD. Gradually the bay in Ephesus was covered with silt and the city lost its significance. The temple was plundered by the Goths, and later flooded with floods. Today only a few base blocks and one restored column have survived from the temple in Ephesus. return

The fourth miracle Halicarnassus mausoleum

Mausol was the ruler of Caria, part of the Persian Empire, from 377 to 353. BC. The capital of the region was Halikarnassus, which became, under the name Bodrum, a tourist center in modern Turkey. Mausol succeeded his father as ruler of the city and satrap of the province.

Mavsol married his sister Artemisia. Acquiring more and more power, he began to think about a tomb for himself and his queen. It was supposed to be an extraordinary tomb. Mavsol dreamed of a majestic monument that would remind the world of his wealth and power long after his death. Mausol died before the work on the tomb was completed, but his widow continued to lead the construction until its complete completion, around 350 BC. The tomb was named the Mausoleum, after the name of the king, and this word began to mean any imposing and majestic tomb. return

Miracle Fifth Statue of Olympian Zeus

Almost 3000 years ago, Olympia was an important religious center in Southwestern Greece. The ancient Greeks worshiped Zeus, the king of the gods, and held regular festivities in his honor there, which included sporting events. The first Olympic Games, as they came to be called, were probably held in 776 BC. After that, the games were held every four years for 1100 years. They were of great importance; during the games, all wars were stopped so as not to interfere with the participants and spectators to get to the place. In the 5th century BC. the citizens of Olympia decided to build a temple to Zeus. The magnificent building was erected between 466 and 456. BC. It was built of huge stone blocks and was surrounded by massive columns. For several years after the completion of construction in the temple there was no worthy statue of Zeus, although it was soon decided that it was necessary. A famous Athenian sculptor was chosen as the creator of the statue.

Around 40 AD the Roman emperor Caligula wanted to move the statue to Rome. Workers were sent for it, but, according to legend, the statue burst into laughter and the workers fled. Then, in 391 AD, after the adoption of Christianity, the Romans banned the Olympics and closed the Greek temples. Several years later, the statue of Zeus was transported to Constantinople. In 462 A.D. the palace in which the statue stood was destroyed by fire. An earthquake struck the Olympic region in the 4th century. The temple and stadium were destroyed by floods, their remains covered with silt. This helped the fragments of Olympia survive for over 1000 years. return

Miracle Six Colossus of Rhodes

Colossus was the name of a giant statue that stood in the port city of Rhodes, an island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of modern Turkey. In ancient times, the people of Rhodes wanted to be independent traders. They tried not to interfere in other people's wars, and nevertheless they themselves were repeatedly conquered.

At the end of the 4th century BC. the people of Rhodes celebrated their victory. They just safely defended their city, which was under siege by Greek soldiers for a whole year. The Greeks, realizing that they could not win, even abandoned some of the siege structures. The people of Rhodes decided to sell these structures and build a statue of Helios, worshiped by them as the sun god, to thank him for his intercession.

We don't know exactly what the statue looked like or where it stood. And we know that it was made of bronze and reached a height of about 33 meters. It was created by the sculptor Hareth and took 12 years to build. The bronze shell was attached to an iron frame. They began to build the hollow statue from below, and as it grew, they filled it with stones to make it more stable. The colossus was completed around 280 BC. For centuries, people believed that the Colossus towered over the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes. But that couldn't be. The width of the harbor mouth was about 400 meters, but the statue was still not so colossal. The descriptions suggest that she stood in the center of the city overlooking the sea and harbor. About 50 years after completion, the Colossus Collapsed. During the earthquake, it broke at the knee level. The oracle ordered not to restore the statue, and it remained where it fell. So she lay for more than 900 years, and they went to Rhodes only to look at the wreckage of the defeated god. In 654 A.D. the Syrian prince captured Rhodes and removed the bronze plates from the statue. It was said that he took them to Syria on 900 camels. return

Miracle Seventh Lighthouse of Alexandria

In the III century BC. a lighthouse was built so that ships could safely pass the reefs on their way to the bay of Alexandria. At night, they were helped in this by the reflection of the flames, and during the day - by a column of smoke. It was the first lighthouse in the world, and it stood for 1500 years. The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Alexandria. This bustling port was founded by Alexander the Great while visiting Egypt. The building was named after the island. It must have taken 20 years to build, and was completed around 280 BC, during the reign of Ptolemy II, king of Egypt.

Butskova Natalya A. Completed work Thank you for your attention

Architecture and sights of Greece so saturated that the traditional concept of the seven wonders is indispensable. Here is the Parthenon, the statue of Zeus, the Temples of Artemis and Apollo, the Palace of Knossos, the Mycenaean Walls, the Erechtheion, the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, the Monastery of St. Peter, the reconstructed ancient stadium in Athens.


Located on the island of Crete. This landmark of Greece is better known as the "Labyrinth of the Minotaur". The palace is built of different types of stones, it is huge in scale. The surrounding complex still looks like a labyrinth. The family members and the king's retinue lived in it along with the servants. Each of the apartments had bathrooms, kitchens, workshops, storerooms, etc. Everywhere they maintained order and brought beauty. On the walls there are frescoes depicting scenes from the life of the ancient Greeks. Already in those days, the water supply and sewerage system worked perfectly.

The landmark was discovered by archaeologists of the 20th century. Arthur Evans has been excavating for over 30 years. The palace occupies a huge area, about 15 thousand square meters. It has over one and a half thousand rooms and premises for various purposes. They are connected by numerous corridors and staircases. Lighting had an interesting solution. Windows are everywhere, plus small light wells for natural sunlight. The unique system of doors only helps a lot of light to enter the rooms and halls of the palace.

Almost a hundred of the huge number of large rooms were intended for solemn receptions and feasts. The archaeologists discovered the throne room, the theater that could accommodate more than half a thousand people, treasuries, and ritual accessories that led the archaeologists to such thoughts.

Walls of Mycenae

They are gigantic. The Greeks refer to the construction of this architectural monument as the legend of the Cyclops. The stones from which the walls are built are quite impressive in size. The height of the walls reaches 8 meters, width - 5. This landmark is decorated with stone lions. They have long been the protective talisman of the Greeks.

It is located at the top of the Acropolis. The temple was built in honor of Athena herself in about 400 years. BC. The views of architects from all over the world are struck by the original style of the monument. Its highlight was the oblique construction method. You cannot find straight lines here, even if you try very hard, this even applies to columns. Many centuries earlier, a statue of Athena was installed in the temple, made of the bone of an elephant, gold (there was more than a ton of it in the figure). It reached a height of over 10 meters. The monument has not survived to this day.

The structure on the sacred hill is about 30 meters wide and about 70 meters long. During the construction of the Parthenon, architects instructed workers to grind marble blocks so that they were identical in size. The blocks were fastened with staples and lead casting.

The decorative composition of the temple is full of scenes from the great Athenian festival. On the pediments - the birth of Athena, her war with Poseidon. Further, you can see pictures of battles with the Amazons, Centaurs, plots of the fall of Troy. Some of the compositions were transported to the Museum of England.

Erechtheion temple

It is located slightly north of the Parthenon, and is made in the Ionian style. Built in the 5th century BC. The design is very original, and the figures of the beautiful maidens - Caryatids - become recognizable in the decoration of the columns.

A temple was erected in Arcadia in honor of Apollo. It was built later than the Parthenon, and has a unique structure that rotates (it rotates by about half a degree every year). Externally, the temple is decorated in Doric style, and inside - in Ionic. True, tourists will definitely be presented with one of the columns in the Corinthian style. The robbers did not bypass this architectural monument. Now many of the sculptures discovered later are housed in the British Museum.

Epidaurus Theater

This is a classic of Greek cultural structures. There is no such acoustics anywhere in the world. The sound is reflected off the stone so that even a completely quiet conversation is clearly audible. Special resonators are used. They are built into the walls, but pre-tuned to a specific wave.

The construction of the architectural monument was completed in the 2nd century BC. It was discovered at the end of the 19th century. In Epidaurus, there are clearly delineated: stage, spectator seats, orchestra pit. Almost all of this is perfectly preserved, except for the scene, it is surrounded by ruins.

The theater is huge. The Greeks dedicated its construction to the god Dionysus. There is a large music treatment center next to the building. The architect of Epidaurus is Polycletus. Under his direction, more than 50 rows of stone seats were built for spectators. More than 10 thousand people were accommodated here. The stage was two-story. The theater is still operating. It was renovated in the middle of the 20th century.

The Holy Mount Athos is notable.

Every tourist seeks to visit here to visit the Monastery of St. Paul. It is located on a steep slope along with 15 chapels. It was built around the 14th century. Since then, the monastery has been repeatedly rebuilt after fires.

The statue is included in the official list of wonders of the world. This is the figure of the ancient Greek god Helios. According to ancient Greek mythology, he patronized the island of Rhodes. The majestic monument has been erected for over 10 years. Archaeologists testify: the statue stood on a hill. They built it right on the spot where the location was supposed to be. Gradually erecting from the feet, the wooden frame was sheathed in bronze. Inside were heaps of stones. For cladding, it took about 200 tons of bronze. After standing for a little more than half a century, the figure was destroyed by an earthquake. 10 centuries have passed since then. When Rhodes was taken over by the Arabs, they decided to sell the giant statue. It was transported by almost a thousand camels. According to legend, if the Colossus is restored, Rhodes will be covered by a strong earthquake that will destroy the island.

The architects do not abandon their ideas to recreate the sculpture. The first project was proposed by German authors in 2008, the second - in 2015. But until now, construction has not begun. Today, the ancient figure of the Colossus, very much reminiscent of the American Statue of Liberty, has not survived.