History of real haunted houses. Scary as much horror: abandoned and frightening buildings with paranormal activity (20 photos) What are the abandoned houses where the ghost is

All over the world there are abandoned buildings covered with legends of the past. Fans of tickling the nerves often go there to see paranormal activity with their own eyes. And skeptics, who cannot be frightened by any ghosts, listen with interest to stories related to this or that house. In this post, we have collected the creepiest abandoned buildings that will give you goosebumps.

There are many legends around this creepy abandoned hotel located in Cyprus. Many people claim to have seen ghosts there. “Why would there be ghosts?” - you ask. And it was like this...

In 1930, the hotel flourished and was the most popular tourist destination. Berengaria was owned by a very rich man who had three sons. When his father died, he decided to divide the inheritance in the form of a hotel and family wealth equally between his sons.

After a certain time, the brothers began to quarrel over the division of the profits brought by the hotel. And soon after the start of the conflict, they all died under very strange circumstances.

Not knowing the true cause of their death, people decided that their father and the hotel had taken revenge on them, which, by the way, turned out to be abandoned. The locals took everything they could carry away from there. And it is believed that the hotel has become a haven for the ghosts of greedy brothers.

This now abandoned building of a former sanatorium is located in Louisville, Kentucky (USA). In the 20s of the last century, this city had the highest mortality rates from tuberculosis, as it was located in a swampy area. In 1926, a sanatorium was built here, famous for its advanced methods of treating then incurable tuberculosis.

Nevertheless, the mortality rate in the sanatorium was very high. So that patients would not see how many people were dying, it was decided to build a special tunnel 150 meters long and send the bodies of the dead to railway station. It was called the "Tunnel of Death".

When a cure for tuberculosis was finally found, the sanatorium was empty. After that, it housed a nursing home with a treatment center, which was closed due to terrible conditions for people. There was even talk of conducting experiments on the elderly. Since then, the building has been empty, the vandals broke the windows in it, took out all the furniture.

Everyone who visited this abandoned place vied with each other about the high paranormal activity there. In addition to strange sounds, slamming doors, randomly moving objects, visitors saw here a little boy playing with a ball, a woman with cut wrists, calling for help; a hearse driving up to the service entrance to the building, where coffins were loaded into it. We also saw the ghosts of two nurses here, one of whom hanged herself after learning about tuberculosis infection, and the second jumped out of the window.

The forgotten estate of the Demidov family is located in the village of Taitsy in Leningrad region, about 39 km from St. Petersburg. The owner of the house was industrialist Alexander Demidov.

It is said that Demidov's daughter, Sophia, suffered from tuberculosis in her youth. So that she could, without leaving the house, arrange walks in the fresh air, the corridor of the house ran in a circle along the windows, and wide glazed terraces were arranged on the sides of the building.

The legend said that the seriously ill Sophia read a lot, and dreamed of taking up natural science, following the example of her grandfather. But the disease did not leave her. One autumn day, from the terrace of the mansion, Sophia noticed an unfamiliar young man in the park. The girl violated the doctors' ban and left the house to meet a young man. They started seeing each other every day. But one day the young man did not appear at the appointed hour. A thunderstorm broke out outside the window, and Sofya kept running out onto the front stairs to see if her friend was coming. Running out once again, Sophia slipped and, hitting her head on a stone step, died.

Since then, her ghost during a thunderstorm appears on the terrace and halls of the house.

Source: vsenovostint.ru

Actually, it's just a legend. And Sophia recovered safely and married the Chief Jägermeister Count Pyotr Gavrilovich Golovkin. She died at the age of 62.

But extreme travelers claim that in the estate you can meet the spirit of Alexander Demidov himself. If you hide on the front staircase of the house under the cover of night, you can hear rustling on the upper floors, as if something or someone is quietly turning the pages of an old book.

The abandoned Villa de Vecchi, also known as the "Haunted Mansion", is located in Italy near Lake Como. For many years now, it has attracted mysticism lovers from all over the world, thanks to its mystery.

In 1850, returning to his homeland after a long wandering, Count Felix de Vecchi decided to create a cozy nest for his family. And he succeeded. In the first years of its creation, the villa enchanted guests with its warmth and comfort. It had a large piano and a warm fireplace, the walls were decorated with expensive frescoes. A wonderful park was laid out around the villa, in which a rather powerful fountain was even installed, working under the pressure of water from the mountainside.

If you are interested in abandoned buildings and ghosts, then we offer you a kind of guide: in these abandoned buildings located in different corners light, according to local legends, you can not only touch history, but also meet ghosts. Almost all of these places can be visited on your own, since access to them is free, but we still strongly recommend visiting there only virtually. So, let's begin:

Berengaria Hotel

Where: Prodromos, Cyprus
The heyday of the hotel, built in 1930 by a wealthy man, came in the 1950s and 70s, bringing considerable profit. However, the death of the owner of the hotel predicted a sad fate for his brainchild. He bequeathed the management of the hotel to his three sons, who at first managed to run the family business. However, later, when quarrels began on the basis of the distribution of profits, all three brothers died one after another under very strange circumstances. They say that this is the owner and the hotel took revenge on them for failing to keep their promise. Everything that could be taken out of the hotel was taken out by local residents, and the hotel fell into complete disrepair. It is said that the ghosts of the brothers settled in the ruins of the building.

Bhangarh Fort (Fort Bangar)

Where: on the way to Alwar and Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
On the way to the castle, signs are striking, which strictly forbid approaching it after sunset, since whoever dares to do this will never come back! The legend says that a black magician sent a curse on Bangar and its inhabitants because the shadow from the fort fell on a sacred place that was intended for meditation. He cursed everyone, saying that they would die a painful death, and their spirits would remain in the castle for centuries. That's how it all happened. This castle really inspires animal fear in every mortal. The government of India somehow decided to debunk the terrible myth and set up armed patrols in the fort, but there are still daredevils.

Diplomat Hotel

Where: Baguio, Philippines
Residents of houses in the vicinity complain of chilling sounds - moans, screams, slamming doors, hurried steps - coming, they say, from the side of an abandoned hotel. During the Second World War, this building served as a refuge for refugees, repeatedly subjected to shelling and bombing. The soldiers of the Japanese army executed many innocent sisters of mercy here. When a hotel was opened in the building in the 70s of the last century, its inhabitants repeatedly imagined the silhouettes of mysterious black figures walking around the halls, appearing in the windows hiding behind the curtains.

St. John's Hospital (St. John's Hospital)

Where: Lincolnshire, England
This hospital, founded in 1852, was created for the sick poor who suffered from mental disorders. For obvious reasons, few people cared about the fate of poor patients, so cruel methods of treatment were used on the unfortunate patients. When in 1989, after the closure of the hospital, employees were asked to remove all available medical equipment from the building, they did not manage to spend even a couple of days there. According to the men, they were constantly haunted by terrifying screams of unknown origin. Firefighters were called to the abandoned hospital more than once, as it seemed to people passing by by chance that flames were escaping from the windows. The fire brigades that came each time did not find any signs of a fire, but they saw some strange lights flickering in the corridors.

Salesian School (salesian school)

Where: Goshen, New York, USA
This Catholic school for boys was built on the territory of a former aristocratic estate. She enjoyed honor and respect until one day, in 1964, one of her pupils died: 9-year-old Paul Ramos fell to his death, falling from the roof of one of the educational buildings. Then the death of the boy was explained by a tragic accident, but at the beginning of the 2000s, this case again interested the press and special services. As it turned out, the body of the pupil lay too far from the school building: in order for it to fall at such a distance, someone had to push it, but finding the killer is, of course, unrealistic. Currently, the school building is under guard, but those few daredevils who managed to get past it and approach the abandoned building, in the window openings, according to them, saw the silhouette of a boy.

Baldoon Castle

Where: Bladnock, Scotland
During the day, the ruins of the castle do not evoke anything sinister at all, but at night here, they say, you can see the ghost of the bride Janet Dalrymple, dressed in a bloody wedding dress. According to legend, in the middle of the 17th century, her parents forced her to marry the rich owner of this castle, although she herself loved a poor guy named Archibald. However, the girl did not have to marry the unloved girl. A few minutes before the bride's entrance to the wedding ceremony, she was found stabbed to death in a room where the brides were waiting for their entrance to the altar. Some say that this is the work of a rejected lover, while others believe that Janet committed suicide.

Great Isaac Cay Lighthouse

Where: Great Isaac Cay, Bahamas
The designation of this island is not in every map, but its coordinates are well known to ghost hunters. Legend has it that in the 19th century, a shipwreck occurred not far from the islet, in which only little child. Nobody knows how it turned out further fate, however, the spirit of the child's mother, a lady in gray, still roams around the abandoned lighthouse at night, crying bitterly from grief. Two caretakers who lived here disappeared in 1969 under unclear circumstances. Their bodies have not been found so far. Many associate this secret with the fact that the island is territorially located in bermuda triangle, although according to skeptics, people simply died during Hurricane Anna, which carried their bodies into the ocean.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium (Waverly Hills Sanatorium)

Where: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
The building of the former sanatorium for tuberculosis patients has been recognized more than once as one of the most creepy places within the US. Students of pan-anomalous activity find it to be very high here. To a large extent, this refers to the "tunnel of death", which was originally cut for the employees of the sanatorium: in this way, they got to their jobs faster and safer, bypassing the rather steep slopes of the hill. And later, this tunnel began to be used to secretly take out the bodies of deceased patients: the living did not need to see how their neighbors in the ward set off on their last journey. Ghosts were seen not only in a narrow and terrifyingly dark corridor, but also inside separate rooms. So, for example, in the 502nd room lives the spirit of a nurse who hanged herself here after she, being pregnant, became aware that she had contracted tuberculosis. Those who wish to visit the abandoned sanatorium can do this as part of an excursion group.

Show maximum concern for everything that concerns you, for your life and your property are in great danger;
to see a ghost or an angel suddenly appear in heaven - the loss of a close relative or some other misfortune;
a female ghost appears in the sky to your right, and a male ghost appears to your left, and both look joyful - a meteoric rise from obscurity to glory, but your star will not shine for long, for death will come and take you away;
the ghost of a woman in long robes moves quietly in the sky - you will make progress in scientific studies and you will become rich, but nevertheless there will be a shade of sadness in your life;
the ghost of a now living relative - your friends are plotting something unkind, be careful in concluding business contracts;
the ghost looks haggard - this person will die soon;
a ghost haunts you - strange, unpleasant events;
runs away from you - anxiety will be small;
for young people - be careful in dealing with members of the opposite sex.
See also Clothing.

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Do you want to tickle your nerves with quality, going on a trip? On our planet, you can find enough places characterized by increased paranormal activity and the presence of ghosts, according to eyewitnesses. So, where can a risky and adventurous tourist who wants to encounter something supernatural go?

1. Eastern State Penitentiary

The maximum security prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has long been the subject of much paranormal research. The building resembles a well-fortified fortress with towers and powerful gates, and it served as a prison for almost 140 years until the early 1970s. Today it state museum, and one of the most interesting places in the former prison - this is the solitary confinement of Al Capone himself. The ill-treatment and torture caused many prisoners to go insane and die, which is why visitors today report hearing ominous whispers, weeping, and even dark silhouettes in the rooms.

2. Tower of London

There were so many and so many executions in the Tower that the manifestations of paranormal activity within its walls do not seem surprising at all. Most often, visitors and workers notice the appearance of the ghosts of Queen Anne Boleyn, the executed wife of King Henry VIII, the children's silhouettes of Edward V and his brother Richard, Duke of York, and the elderly Countess of Salisbury, whom the executioner managed to behead only the third time.

3. Gettysburg

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is one of the most visited historical sites in the USA. This is the site of a bloody three day battle (1863) during civil war which claimed the lives of about 50 thousand people. It is believed that the battlefield and several nearby buildings, then used as temporary hospitals for the wounded, have forever remained an eternal haven for the souls of many soldiers, whose ghosts are often observed by tourists who come to these parts.

4. Pere Lachaise

The atmosphere of the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris is unique and inimitable, its territory is not like any other earthly cemetery, but rather like some special City of the dead. Ancient tombstones, statues and the absolute silence of Père Lachaise make visitors feel as if they are constantly being watched by invisible eyes.

5. Bran Castle

Bran Castle in Transylvania is a real attraction for tourists. Still, because the people still call it nothing more than Dracula's castle. There are no historical records confirming that Vlad the Impaler was his master, but for several months he was kept in this castle as a prisoner. However, imagination is a powerful thing, and Bran Castle has forever become Dracula's own fearsome fortress.

6. Liner "Queen Mary"

The transatlantic military transport liner Queen Mary is also haunted, according to numerous eyewitnesses. Today it is permanently laid up in the port of Long Beach (California) and performs a lot of functions: a museum, a restaurant, a hotel and a room for presentations, exhibitions and conventions. It even has a church and a chapel for wedding ceremonies on board. Among the paranormal activity, one can note the appearance of a young man who was crushed by door number 13 in the engine room, the sounds of splashing water from an empty pool and traces of wet feet and
dancing lady in white in the first class lounge.

7 Mansfield Prison

If you walk into the former prison and penal colony of Mansfield, Ohio, chances are you will feel very uncomfortable there. Many horrific and mysterious deaths have been recorded in the prison infirmary.

The chapel once housed a torture chamber, and the so-called "Hole" was a terrifying punishment cell. By the way, it was Mansfield Prison that “played the role” of Shawshank Prison in the movie The Shawshank Redemption.

8. Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is a tourist attraction, and certainly not without its own ghosts, namely Greyfriars dog Bobby, who guarded the grave of his deceased owner, and a mysterious man in a leather apron. In addition, the sounds of bagpipes are heard here, since once a local piper was lost forever in the tunnels under the castle, and visitors also note the constant feeling that they are being watched by invisible inhabitants of the castle.

9. Parisian catacombs

They say that the Parisian catacombs are simply overpopulated with ghosts. And this is quite understandable. The catacombs serve as underground burial chambers for the vast quantities of bones taken from overcrowded city cemeteries.

From the remains, an amazing, but rather sinister ossuary (bone) was built in the form of crosses and imitation walls.

10 St. Louis Cemetery

St. Louis Cemetery in New Orleans (Louisiana) looks like a real scenery for some Hollywood horror movie. Visitors are also drawn to the grave of a local voodoo queen named Marie Laveau, who passed away in the late 19th century.

It is believed that even from underground, she continues to fulfill the wishes of those who come to her here for help - most importantly, do not forget to draw three crosses on the wall of her crypt.

Dilapidated mansions, of which there are many around the world, make a depressing impression, but they always attract many lovers of delving into old stories.

Peeling walls, on which traces of graffiti are visible, the remains of broken furniture, empty windows and things of the previous owners have their own unique energy, and they look very photogenic, so such houses are just expanse for photographers and lovers of mysticism!

One of these incredible atmospheric places is once abandoned by the owners of Villa de Vecchi, also known as the "Haunted Mansion". This old house is located among the mountains of Italy, not far from Lake Como, and for many years it has had the glory of a rather mysterious place.

The history of the old villa begins in the 1850s, when the local Count Felix de Vecchi, returning from distant travels around the world, decided to build a cozy nest for his family. He hired the Italian specialist Alessandro Sidoli as an architect, under whose leadership the Baroque building was built.

In the early years of its existence, Villa de Vecchi made an unforgettable impression on guests: its walls and ceilings were decorated with elegant frescoes, in a huge reception hall there was a beautiful piano, and a richly trimmed fireplace warmed the house with the warmth of its fire. A wonderful park was laid out around the villa, in which a rather powerful fountain was even installed, working under the pressure of water from the mountainside. It was a luxurious mansion, surprising guests with many hitherto unknown construction innovations.

Unfortunately, the further history of this house is rather gloomy - despite the wealth surrounding the family of the owners, they could not live there happily ever after. Returning home one day, the count found his wife brutally murdered, and his daughter completely disappeared from the house, leaving no trace. The desperate father searched for her for several weeks in the surrounding forests, but did not find her. Distraught with grief, Felix de Vecci committed suicide at the age of forty-six.

This tragedy occurred in 1862, after which the villa passed into the hands of the younger brother of the count, who became the last tenant of this house. Now the building is in an abandoned state, frightening local residents with its dark beauty and scary stories.