Choosing a good tent. Selection of tourist tent

Without a tent it is impossible to do if you are going to hike. In addition, such a design of fabric is almost indispensable in climbing, in autocamping, trekking or on the summer festival. In fact, the tent is an integral part of the luggage of the modern traveler. But how to choose a tent tourist for family holidays? After all, the choice matters a lot - material, weight, shape. How not to be mistaken and pick up an inexpensive, but functional design? About this in more detail in our publication.

Thinking over how to choose a tent for relaxing in nature, first of all, you need to answer several important questions. Among the numbers are as follows:

  • What exactly do you buy a tent?
  • In which season are you planning to use it most often?
  • What type of construction are you most interesting?
  • What do you have preferences on water resistance, size and material?

And only answering these questions, you can move to the following steps: the study of technical features and choosing the optimal option, given the cost of such an acquisition.

What exactly do you need a tent?

The answer to the question of how to choose a tent for a family holiday, largely depends on what type of rest you are interested in most. After all, if you prefer multi-day trips and complex conditions, it is better to purchase an extremal tent of assault or expedition type. What are their features?

The assault tent is usually small. It is easy to assemble if necessary. It takes the minimum volume, capable of withstanding in more difficult weather conditions. Important design features are snow skirts and a durable frame. This type of tent is intended for one or two people.

The expedition tent is intended to organize multi-day tourist bases. There are no snow skirts here, and the tent tension and the bottom design are more thoughtful. This type of tent is the most expensive, because enhanced materials and arcs are used here.

Another kind of tent - trekking (it is often called tourist). This is the most popular tent. Its feature is that it is not designed for difficult weather conditions. However, this does not affect the popularity of such a product. Similar to this is the ease of assembly, low cost and average weight.

Camping houses are a tent of an increased level of comfort. They are spacious inside, sometimes broken into several small rooms. Separate models are designed for a complete growth of a person. Such tents have a lot of weight and impressive volume. You can only transport them by car. We collected in which all the necessary qualities took into account.

How to choose a tent, given the season

It is practically unrealistic to choose a universal tent, which would be equally good as in the summer and winter. Given the seasonality factor, all tents are divided into several types:

  1. Summer. Their purpose is to use in hot conditions at high temperatures. Very often, such a tent is used on the so-called wild beach holiday. The characteristic properties of this option are the presence of a special mosquito net, light weight, excellent ventilation, windows. The fabric must be lightweight, with blurred inserts.
  2. Three-season. This type of tent can be used in summer, autumn and spring. The optimal temperature is moderately warm or cool. The fabric material is more dense, waterproof and completely unproduced.
  3. Winter. Their destination is to use enough bad weather conditions. An important features of such tents are the presence of a strong frame, not blurred and dense fabric, double bottom, snow skirts. This design well protects the inner space from wind gusts. It does not wash. Of course, you can use such a tent in the summer, but it will be too hot and stuffy.

How to choose a tent design

A few more than a few years ago, one shape of the tent was available for purchase - in the form of a duct-roof house. But there are several types of such models on the current market.

The main types of tents, taking into account structural features, are the following:

  1. Hemisphere (this is one of the most popular tents due to the simplicity of assembly, increased resistance to wind absorces, good skate - neither rain nor snow on her surfaces are delayed. This option is ideal for lovers tourists who go on a weekend);
  2. The semi-bodie (this is comfortable and spacious inside the tent, the disadvantage of which is low windows. Given this, this design is not suitable for extreme conditions. As a rule, such a portable house is used for overnight stays of a large company from 3 to 6 and even more people);
  3. House (double);
  4. Classic tent.

How to choose a tourist tent: size, material consumption, water resistance

The cost of the tent is largely determined by the materials that are used in its manufacture. But which of them are the best?

As a rule, the material frame of the tent is aluminum, fiberglass (fiberglass) or steel. The latter are not very convenient for use due to greater weight. Aluminum frame is more durable and easy compared to Fibergrass, but its cost is higher. Fiberglass also has its advantages. It is not deformed over time, but less durable in resistance to breaking than aluminum.

Tent fabric selection

Here the main factor is the choice of seasonality. Tents that are designed for the winter period are equipped with a more dense and heavy tissue. As a rule, the manufacturer uses such types of fabrics:

  • Mixed;
  • Polyester fibers (polyester, lavsan) - such fabrics are resistant to the effect of ultraviolet;
  • Polyamide fibers (Capron, nylon, anid) - such fabric is very durable, it does not cause irritation on the skin, it is characterized by good resistance to external influence.

Requirements for external tent tent

Since such material directly interacts with the external environment, then the main requirements will be: water resistance (the ability to miss and remove water), stability to deformities during wetting, the ability to weakly pass the air flows. In such characteristics, polyester meets most of all, which is why it is such a popular material in the manufacture of tents.

Please note: water resistance indicators are indicated by manufacturers in this way: 4000, 3000, 2000, 1500 mm V.ST. So denotes the pressure of hydrostatic raindrops to the awning. 1500 mm is light rain. 6000 mm - shower. The minimum indicator here is 1000 mm, maximum - 7000 mm. The optimal option will be a tent with indicators of 2000 -3000 mm V.ST.

Requirements for the inner layer of the tent

Since such a layer does not interact with the external environment, the requirements for it are somewhat different compared to an external tente. The material is not so tight here, but it should also have the properties of water (not rain, but the condensate formed from the temperature difference).

What should be the bottom of the tent?

Thinking over how to choose a camping tent, do not miss such an essential element as the bottom. After all, it is important that dryness inside, and insect protection and creeping was preserved. As a rule, such materials are used for the bottom:

  • Polyester;
  • Nylon;
  • Polyester structured.

All these materials have vagueness and ability not to pass moisture. Another important point is the presence of special sealing seams.

How to choose a tent for a hike: the optimal number of places and weight

If you go to the spring-autumn campaign on Saturday-Sunday, then use a double tent or a 2 + 1 tent. And it does not matter what will have to sleep alone. After all, in essence, the difference in weight for a single and double is not more than one kilogram. Modern lightest tents weigh everything from one to two kilograms. But such models are quite a lot. Nevertheless, if you are interested in hiking trips, it is better to buy a more expensive tent than pulling a heavy design behind your back in a backpack.

Optimal option, given the purpose of the tent

The tent for extreme hikes must comply with such parameters:

  • Weight - within four - six kilograms;
  • Water resistance of at least 4000mm;
  • Tent material - polyester;
  • Arcs are from aluminum.

The trekking tent must comply with the following parameters:

  • Weight - from two to three kilograms;
  • Water resistance agent - from 1500 to 4000 mm (depending on the duration of hikes);
  • Tent material - nylon with special polyurethane impregnation;
  • Arcs - from aluminum or polymer.

Camping tent must comply with the following parameters:

  • Weight - within 12-25 kg;
  • Water resistance awning - from 4000 to 10,000 mm;
  • Tent material - polyester;
  • Arcs made of steel or aluminum.

In addition, pay attention to the total number of inputs to the tent. If it is designed for 6-10 people, it is better if there are two or three inputs, not less.

How to choose a tent: major conclusions

Summing up, will answer the main question: what kind of tent should be? First of all, available at a cost, comfortable in operation, to be a reliable, waterproof, made of high-quality materials, protect against rain, snow and insects.

How to choose a tourist tent? An issue of choosing a tent for a hike, trekking or climbing every tourist, both newcomer and experienced, was concerned. In this article you will find almost all the selection criteria for which you need to pay attention to when buying. After reading this article, you are armed with huge knowledge about tourist tents. We hope that even the connoisseurs will be interesting!

Passion for hikes is not only a desire to see and recognize new wonderful places, being in nature, outside the cities, but also a certain challenge of the usual way of life. Traveler somehow goes for the usual frame of comfort. Preparation of food in the forest or mountains, weather vapors, physical difficulties to overcome obstacles are forced to be completely different, re-evaluate the importance of the concept of "Comfort". Comfortable hiking shoes, well-sitting, dry, warm and, of course, a reliable tent is the main "whales", which keeps the feeling of comfort in the campaign. Today it will be about tents.

Of course, the types of tents have a great set - trade, military and even whole tents-pavilions of huge sizes. Here we will look at the tents tourist. Under the tourist tent, we mean mobile shelter, able to protect the traveler from weathering - rain, wind, insects and small animals, cold (within certain limits, of course). The tourist tent should have a reliable design, to be simple and convenient in installation and folding, to occupy a folded form of little volume, and in the unfolded - provide normal conditions for recreation and sleep.

Another twenty years ago and before, there was no special choice in the post-Soviet tourist space - the majority used the same type of serial structures, cumbersome and heavy, or had to make tents on their own. Foreign models and products of few local producers were few, and they were not available to many. Gradually, the market was filled with a large number of a wide variety of models - for every taste and wallet. It is difficult to understand this manifold, not only a novice tourist, but also more experienced travelers.

Where to buy a tent for a hike?

If this is your first purchase of the tent, and you are not an experienced market connoisseur, it is best to make a purchase in a major equipment center. Here you can choose from a variety of models, see, swell and even install / fold the model you like. In such stores, as a rule, real connoisseurs of the tourist industry work, so they sell the most suitable, functional models, and do not order everything in a row, like large online stores "Total in the world." Here you can really help the Council when choosing. Sellers usually use equipment themselves, and are not advisory theorists. The main thing is not to get completely under the influence of the seller.

How to buy in the Ecipment Center?

Remember, the real "pumping masters of sales of 1000 levels", capable of delve into your request and sell what you need is extremely small. In most cases, even an experienced climber tourist, he also sales consultant will sell you equipment "for yourself." This may lead to the fact that you will get under the "magic influence of a specialist" and acquire something you do not really need something. To avoid this, go for the purchase as prepared as possible, make up the criteria for your choice, even write them down. Save pictures on the smartphone the models visiting the Internet. You know that in the photo on the Internet everything may not look like in reality. Forming your desires before buying, avoid a large number of advisers, especially with weak qualifications - you risk finally get confused. If there is such an opportunity, choose a couple of truly sensible people, whose opinions you trust are most constructively describe your task. They themselves will ask you the necessary questions. After that, go to the store. The chosen tent must be defined, to ask for permission to climb inside - lie on the rug, sit. If you are going to become an avid tourist, remember - this is your future house in a variety of places and conditions and you must be confident in it.

Now consider what you definitely need to know about tents.

The main criteria for choosing a tent:

Designs of tent

Nowadays, most tents, even budgetary series, are made of modern, quite reliable materials. Now almost all tents are completely waterproof and have a suture-cured special heat shrink tape. The material in many cases has ceased to be criterion No. 1 in the choice. The exception can only be the most cheapel models, the so-called "tents from the supermarket" - they should be avoided. The first thing you need to decide when choosing - what is the tent design you need?

Most modern tents are stretched on the frame. So, by default, your tent will have a frame. But there are tents without your frame. They stretch with the help of trekking sticks (good, whatever they have them) or girlfriend. In what cases do you need to pay attention to such designs?

Frameless tents

You are minimalist easily and save every gram, ready to come from the convenience of overnight in favor of weight and compactness. The tent in the campaign you will be needed extremely rarely or may not be useful at all, you take it "just in case." You may simply suit you just awning or bivar bag. Type of tourist activity inexorably requires you easy and most compact backpack - ski tour, complex via fertures, adventure races, etc.

Choosing a similar design, it is worth keeping in mind the pros and cons.

Pluses of a frameless tent:

  • Minimum packaging volume and weight.
  • Relatively low cost (not always, there are very expensive models).
  • The ability to more fully use your equipment (trekking sticks, skis).

Cons of the frameless tent:

  • Often less convenience in the installation in comparison with self-supporting structures.
  • Usually the worst inhabitability and wind resistance.
  • Now the market presents frame tents weighing less than a kilogram. They are expensive, but perhaps you should look at them?

Frame structures of tenting

Most modern framework designs on the market have self-supporting framework. In other words, these are freestanding tents, in quiet weather they practically do not need stretching. However, in many models, it is still necessary to stretch their individual parts to impart the right shape and the maximum internal volume. The use of free-standing tent is possible including on camping flooring, asphalt and concrete sites, soft sand - where it is problematic to fix the stretch marks. Also, stretching designs are very common, the installation of which is possible only with stretch marks.

Material carcass

Fiberglass, Fiberglas

It is used for the tents of the lower price range. The worst option is black, matte, opaque fibergles. If possible, choose a frame of reinforced plastic - it is more reliable and more durable. The plastic frame is suitable where the weight, limit wind resistance and use at minus temperatures are not critical. If you do not want to spend a lot of money for equipment, go hiking is not very often and in the warm season - this is your possible choice.


The most balanced material for the frame. It should be noted that the budget structures use simpler aluminum brands than more expensive. They are somewhat harder and have less strength, elasticity. More expensive models use more functional stamps of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Top models can be equipped with scandium frames and even carbon. Also, some well-known and expensive manufacturers order frameworks from specialized developers for maximum reliability and legend with their products with a shade of "Elibe". The most famous manufacturer of tent carcasses is DAC. It should be known as this famous creator of the most durable frames there is both simpler and more expensive rules. Specify this moment from the seller.

Inflatable frame

So far, such tents are so rare that it makes no sense to write about them.

External or internal framework?

Inner frame

The most common solution. The frame is located between the inner and external tents. The inner tent hangs on it, and the awning is simply stretched from above and attached.

Pluses of a tent with an internal frame:

  • The length of the frame is less than with an external location, it means that the weight and sizes are saved.
  • It is possible to install only with the inner tent, which is in demand with good weather.
  • If there is a special set (usually purchased separately, but sometimes included in the kit) you can only install an external tent without internal with a separate bottom, which can be used as a footprint (protective litter).
  • The outer surface of the tent is the maximum smooth and streamlined, the snow and garbage accumulates on it.

Minuses tents with internal frame :

  • Perhaps somewhat worse wind stability.
  • When breakdown, the frame can break the material of the awning.
  • When installing in the rain, the inner tent has time to wet.
  • Installation in the wind is less convenient.

Huby frame

The invention of recent times. Mainly applies in the models of the "Ultralight" segment. The main feature is the presence of "hubs" - frame compounds, allowing you to optimize its total length, volume, andnce weight. As a rule, it is used as an internal frame. The main advantages are low weight with a large inner volume of the tent. The main disadvantages are the worst wind resistance and the big value. Often the hub frame is a design of all-in-one - all frame elements are interconnected by an elastic cable, forming as if one complex arc. Such a frame is conveniently folded even a newcomer.

Exterior framework

Located over the entire design, the arcs are visible. The inner tent is attached to the outside. There are two main options for fastening the awning to an external frame. With the help of lat-pockets. These are peculiar sleeves from the grid or fabric, where the framework is done, after which it is fixed by tips in special champs. This is the most wind-resistant design, the most uniformly distributing load, on the other, the most time-consuming in the installation. Sometimes the final production (stretch) of the tips in the chalks is associated with such efforts that some girls or adolescents do not fulfill it! So practice before buying. The second option - with hooks or carbines. Reminds the fastening of the inner tent to the frame in models with an internal frame. A similar system has unsurpassed convenience and speed of installation! If you worked in advance to attach an inner tent to the external (or you have a single-layer tent) - the installation will take a few seconds. This can especially be assessed in storm conditions. At the same time, carbines do not provide the phenomenal distribution of the load of the first option. Here you already choose to you.

Pluses of a tent with an external frame:

  1. Ability to install an internal tent along with external.
  2. The ability to establish an external tent without internal and without bottom as awning.
  3. Good wind resistance, easier to put in the wind.
  4. In the event of a breakdown of the carcass, the awning usually remains as much, it is easier to repair.
  5. When setting in the rain, the inner tent remains dry.

Minuses tents with an external frame:

  1. You can not install an internal tent without awning!
  2. The frame is relatively longer and harder than in the first version.
  3. Deeps snow and garbage (leaves, branches, serves as the basis for weaving web, etc.)
  4. There are significant efforts when installing.
  5. Typically, such structures are equipped with floor straps connecting the places of attachment of the arc ends. Belts can be confused and make it difficult to install.
  6. Installation "from scratch", without an attached inner layer, quite a time consuming.

OUTPUT: For most tourists, an internal frame option is preferable to confirm the sales volumes. Tents with an external framework are more suitable for professional use - in the mountains, cold climates, with bad weather conditions.

One or two-layer tent?

Most tent sold have a two-layer design. As a rule, this is an inner tent equipped with bath-shaped (coming on the walls) with a waterproof bottom and light breathable riding, part of which is made of light grid. In tents for use in the warm and hot season, almost the entire top can be made from the grid, the models for colder conditions the amount of grid is much less and it can be closed with a more dense tissue with lightning. The outer tent is usually a protective awning from waterproof durable fabric with fixed stretch marks. With the inner tent, it is connected, usually through a frame using special textures or other fixing devices equipped with a treadmill mechanism. It allows us to stretch the awning as a tight as possible, which is necessary during rain or wind. A two-layer tent forms an air layer between the inner and external tent. It makes stay in it more comfortable both in hot and in cold weather and to a greater extent prevents the appearance of condensate in the residential zone, which is very important to maintain your things dry through the campaign.

Single-layer tent This is either a very cheap and extremely simplified "supermarket" option, or a specialized design for certain tasks. Almost all single-layer tents, one way or another, have problems with condensate, even when using special breathable fabrics, so their use in most cases is limited to the winter period, mountains and other places with low air temperature, where the condensate is not as critical. Also, single-layer tents are colder than on the cold, and the sun is hotter than their two-layer fellow. In return, they offer ultimately low weight and volume, convenience of installing and folding in extreme weather conditions, minimal dimensions in the prescribed form, which allows you to place them on the smallest smooth area. As you already understood, this option is not for everyone! It is also worth considering often very high cost of such structures.

Tent shape

Tent dome

Dome designs are most common. Already dozens of years such tents faith and truth serve to tourists, mountaineers, hunters and fishermen. The simplest design of the dome is formed by the frame crossed in the middle of the frame of two racks. Such a tent is easy to install, easy. It does not boast a spacious lobby (one or two). Often to increase the functional (internal volume, wind resistance) into the design add one or more framework arcs or special frame struts. The greater the intersections are made among themselves the frameworks, the stronger the tent.

Tent seminchka

The second most prevalence type of tent today. In popularity lags behind the dome to orders. The appearance of such a tent is clear from the name. The main disadvantage - the tent is not free-standing (self-supporting), stretching is necessary. Installation, usually, more complicated, especially for beginners. The main advantage is excellent wind resistance (with proper installation), good internal volume, low weight. Such a tent is rarely chosen by newcomers, mainly its owners experienced tourists who can take advantage of the benefits and compensate for the shortcomings.

Tent tent.

Classic, view resembling Indian "Tipi", "Vigvam" or yurt. It is usually installed on the central rack, although there are other options. The option is very common in North America, we have little in demand. Basically in the post-Soviet space, such a design is used for winter trips, as a rule, skiing, since it is convenient for the use of ski equipment as a frame and installation of the stove. Often there are options without sex.


The once non-alternative version of Soviet tourists. The design is usually single-layer. Now it is notated little because of small inhabitants, depending on stretch marks and installation difficulties. Rare guest on store shelves. In a new reading - a compact frameless tent, installed on the trackpalks, a frequent choice of "survivalors", "bushkrafters" and beginner easing.

The number of inputs. Lobby (tambura), placement of things in a tent

Many are used to that the tent should have one input (output). It's nice when the entrance to the tent allows convenient use in the rain. Practice shows that two inputs are much better than one. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, choose a model with two inputs. If you do not intend to use a tent on narrow sites, it is better to choose a model with side inputs (provided that you have a 2-3 local tent; if the tent is larger, then the input / output in the heads / legs is a good option). How to better organize a storage space? Of course, the little things and some of the clothes are better to keep at hand in the tent itself, for which your pockets will be useful in it and the Andresol is very pleasant - the shelf under the ceiling. Backpacks, shoes and bulky / dirty things are comfortable to keep in the lobby (Tambura). In the theory than their more (that is, two better than one) and the more their volume (for example, it is good when a separate carcass arc "answers" is "answered"), the better. In practice, you constantly balance between the useful volume of the tent and tambouries and its weight / sizes / cost. Think what will be important to you and proceed from this in your choice. Where do you want to shift accent - towards comfort or low weight?

Tent bottom material

Most tents have a fabric bottom. The bottom is constantly experiencing heavy loads - you lie on it, press, press elbows and knees. In this case, your tent is rarely located on an ideal surface. Therefore, it is good that the bottom was made from the tissue of increased strength. A modern weight reduction trend forces many manufacturers to chase more for the relief of the product, and not for its strength and resource. In some point, the manufacturer is beneficial that your tent would wear faster and was replaced by a new one. If you also chase weight and buy a ultra-lightweight tent, be especially careful when it is operating. I advise you to use the sociprint (litter) on suspicious surfaces. The bottom material should be not only very strong, but also have increased waterproof. In the classic European measurement system, it is necessary to consider the minimum value of waterproof for the bottom of the tent value of 5000 mm. But remember that pressing the elbow, you create a greater pressure, and the tent can flow. Absolutely reliable is the indicator of 10,000 mm water column. At the same time, it is enough to have characteristics of 3-5000 mm. US producers report significantly more modest indicators. But, firstly, they are guaranteed lifelong for fabric, secondly, the waterproof evaluation system over the ocean is somewhat different from European.

On cheap tents, the floor can be made of structured polyethylene, its type of reminder reminding an adhesive bag from the supermarket. There is nothing terrible in such a field with an infrequent use. It is heavier and somewhat more cumbersome, but it is greatly cleaned with the help of assembly scotch. Such a floor is suitable for not too demanding and economical tourists. I happened to live in a tent with plastic floors and a fiberglass frame on Elbrus, at an altitude of 4200 meters a few nights in fairly fresh weather, and the tent perfectly coped with this test. True, polyethylene can sound healthy to ice.

Processing material tent

In nature, especially in the mountains, the tent is exposed not only to mechanical loads, but also strong solar radiation. To confront ultraviolet and best moisture protection, most tents have additional tissue treatment. The best ultraviolet and moisture resists silicone coating. For internal impregnation and impregnation of the bottom, the fields of the fabric is often used. Different types of coating have their advantages and disadvantages on which we will not stop in the review article. Also it will be useless there will be a flame retardant impregnation of the awning and inner tent. This will help to avoid damage from sparks or inaccurative circulation with fire inside.

Features of operation

Cooking food in a tent

Be very careful and careful! Without extreme need to avoid using burners inside the tent. If this is not avoided, prepare in the vestibule, having previously convinced that there is a lot of air and that no part of the burner or dishes is in contact with the tent material. Avoid cooking in a tent on integrated systems, such as jetboil, reactor and similar - they are extremely dangerous. There are many accidents associated with this.

Packing tent in a hike

You do not always have to always fold the tent in the case. You can split parts of the tent and carry them separately from each other. Wet awning can be placed on a backpack while driving for drying. Packing a tent without a cover in a backpack make sure that it will not be damaged by sharp objects.

Care for a tent

Modern tents are made of synthetic materials, they are very unpretentious and require a minimum of care. At the same time can serve you for a very long time. Nevertheless, the tent is needed at least to dry after a hike. When folding, avoid stereotypical (familiar) ignitions - in the same places. Repair a tent as quickly as possible after damage, use the appropriate repair kit.

Seasonality use

Extremely conditional characteristic. Extreme tents are often denoted as "all-season", while using them in summer is often uncomfortable. At the same time, two-three-season tents often successfully used in winter and in the mountains. Nevertheless, some things should be understood. So, one of the main characteristics that determines the possibility of use is wind resistance. A tent with a weak frame and large sailboat is unlikely to take for difficult weather, it will not be able to withstand increased wind and snow load. If you have a warm sleeping bag, you can use a tent with a large number of grid inside in cold conditions, but it is important that it has enough strength, and the awning caught as possible to the ground. Against the beliefs of some tourists, the snow skirt is not at all a mandatory attribute of the "winter" tents, although often it can be a lot of benefit in the snow and with strong wind. Nevertheless, many very well-known manufacturers sell "Winter" tents without snow skirts. Experienced tourists know that a good windproof wall may often be a more important factor than a skirt or a very durable tent.

You must understand that modern super technological tents of the "Ultralight" segment may not withstand serious loads and take into account this in their travels. It is also necessary to know that even the most expensive, heavy and durable super-cream tent can be torn and simply destroyed by the hurricane wind.

Tourist wisdom, knowledge and developed intuition are often more important than the newest and expensive gear. And in anticipation of the arrival of all these important qualities and get the necessary experience, try to use equipment strictly by purpose, take into account the positioning of the manufacturer and always guided by common sense.

Have a nice choice and pleasant travel!

  1. First, decide on type Tents. For hiking, light trekking models are perfect for hiking. The high level of comfort provides spacious camping tents. Conquerors of the mountains should look at the storm category.
  2. When determining optimal capacity It is important to take into account the duration of living in nature. If the campaign stretches for several days, the part of the space will be occupied by things and a table. Therefore, it is better to take a tent that accommodates more than expected vacationers.
  3. An important criterion for choice is seasonality. Summer models are made from the most subtle materials. Spring-autumn structures are made of more dense tissues. Maximum strength and high thermal insulation qualities have winter tents.
  4. Pay attention to such a parameter as waterproof. It is expressed in millimeters of a water column (mm water. Art.). In summer, the awning with an indicator of 1500 mm of water will cope with short-term rain. Art., And for relaxation from spring to late autumn it is better to choose more waterproof tents (3000-4000 mm). Also worth find out if there is a hermetic bottom in the tent.
  5. Modern tents are equipped with many useful options. It is convenient to use internal pockets, a comfortable microclimate provides ventilation system, and anti-mosquito nets will help protect the vacationers from annoying insects.
    In many tourist tents, an inner bedroom is sewn from a combination of mosquito net and fabric. Pay attention to the grid does not start too low from the floor, as you lie in such a tent, feeling cool draft on your face, it will not be very comfortable. It is desirable that the sides that form the bottom of the tent were located as high as possible, especially if the edge of the awning is not lowered to the ground level. Winter tents are often equipped with a windproof skirt. In my opinion, it is more than justified for winter hikes. However, the skirt adds a weight tent and significantly worsens its ventilation, so inside it will be very humid. Therefore, many manufacturers do not use skirt, but simply lower the edge of the agent to the level of the Earth. The entrance to the inner tent should be duplicated by a mosquito net. This advice can be neglected if you are going to use a tent for high-altitude climbing in the mountains or for winter trips. The mosquito net is not only insect protection, but also fresh air inside, if the outside is stuffy and hot, and the window into the world, which can be fascinated by the lying inside the tent. Pay attention to the presence of ventilation windows. There must be at least 2 on different sides of the tent and the higher they are located, the better. In lightweight models you can do without them - good ventilation is ensured by a highly located edge of the awning and abundance of the mosquito net on the inner tent. The form of the awning should be such that water is not accumulated outside the entrance and when it is unilled, it has not resulted in your sleeping bag or in shoes. In some tents, you can find even special plums for water. Manufacturers often indicate the tent parameters of the waterproof and bottom. To be honest, I do not watch them. Of course, you yourself understand that the higher the parameters, the better. But now all the materials, even with the lowest values \u200b\u200bof 3,000 mm, are able to withstand the protracted rains. In addition, the water resistance of the awning in some manufacturers is indicated at the time of the operation of the tent, and others - by the end of the alleged service life. The presence of additional loops on the tente will allow you to stretch the tent stronger. This, firstly, will help keep your tent shape on a strong wind, secondly, the awning will not slap strongly. Look, whether the awning stretches well on the correctly installed tent in the store. He should not love and touch the inner tent - in such a place a sleeping canopy can wet from condensate. In addition, weakly stretched awning can crack in the wind and do not give you a rest. I highly recommend paying attention to how the zippers are sewn. You will be much more comfortable in the campaign if you can open the doors with one hand, and the zipper will not eat anything, for example, a bar for protection against rain. It is desirable that two slider are used on zipper - from below (standard) and from above. Then you can make the window - see the weather and for additional ventilation. Check how high-quality the tents are cocked and, in general, the overall quality of lines, accessories, sling. The height of the inner tent should allow you to sit so that you do not hurt the head of the ceiling and could calmly straighten your shoulders without stitching. The presence of pockets for things in the inner tent, suspended shelves or loopes also facilitates life while traveling. Especially - in the process of "arrows", when you are waiting for a suitable weather or relaxing after a hard day on the route.