Terror in Spanish. Basque Country and Catalonia

The Basque Country is the main resorts and areas, excursions and attractions, museums, tourist reviews about Basque Country.

In Northeast, Spain lies the autonomous region of the country of Basque, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b7,234 square meters. km. Other names - Basque, EUSKADI (in Basque language) have other names. Do not confuse this part of the kingdom with the same historic region, including the land of Spain and France. Local Country Basque borders with Cantabra region, Castile and Leon in the West, in the East, the neighbors of autonomy are Navarre and France, in the south - Rioha, and the North is washed by the waters of the Biscay Bay.

The original area in the northeast of Spain has several names - the Basque Country, Basquence, Euskadi (in the Basque language).

The small area is divided into 251 municipality and three provinces: Biskaya, Alava, Hypuscane. Most of the population is concentrated in Biscay. Residents of Basque countries speak Basque and Spanish. The colorful Basque language is distinguished by the Castilian language, the official Spanish dialect. His roots go back to the Dorim Epoch, the Basque dialect is not similar to any of the European languages.

The capital is Vitoria-Gasteis.

The largest cities - Bilbao, San Sebastian.

Entertainment and attractions

Autonomy, having the glory of one of the most industrial regions of the kingdom, has retained a lot of reserved corners. Fabulous landscapes will appear before the guests of the Guests of Basque on the shores of the Gerns River, in National Parks, which are not reading here. The region is optimally suitable for hiking, walks along the coast and mountain routes. The attention of travelers deserves a picturesque rocky coast near San Sebastian. Visit Salinas de Anyana, the salt repos are being developed on the same technologies as in the Roman era when they were open. Hold the time to visit the Biscay "flying" bridge between Las Arenas and Portuguese, this unique structure of 1893 functions as a conveyor. Gondolas who enjoy several dozen passengers are sent every 8 minutes.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe beach of Costa Basque, you can see the remains of the ancient cities, the chahols were invented here - hip wine.

Freedom-loving basks were able to preserve their own traditions, so folk holidays regularly spend in the region. In Bilbao, this is the August contest for the best shepherd dog. In the medieval town of Tolza, traditional carnivals are arranged.

In the west of Saint-Sebastian, the capital of the Hypuscoe, there is a watershed of Mundaka, a natural reserve that serves as a shelter for millions of migrant feathered.

The center of the Basque culture is considered to be the province of the Gipu. In the smallest Spanish region, stone buildings of the 16-19th centuries (Bera de Bidasoa village) were preserved, the sagour is famous for old mansions. You can take dance lessons from locals, song rites are presented with a special treasure of Basque.

Basque in the country

Vitoria Gasteis

The capital of the Basque Country is the center of Alava Province. This unusually pure and cozy city wears a double name - Vitoria-Gastejes, combining and Spanish, and the Basque name. Its foundation in 1181 on the place of the village of Gasteis - the merit of King Sancho Wise, this monarch surrounded the settlement of the fortress wall. In memory of the time in Vitoria, the names of the streets are preserved. And, of course, architectural structures - for example, the Gothic Cathedral of Santa Maria 14th century, in which paintings of Rubens brush are stored. The Church of San Pedro Apostle has become the burial site of many famous personalities. The Church of Nuestra Senora de Estibaliz in the Romanesque style, built in the 11th century, is located in the suburb of Vitoria.

The patroness of the province of Alava is considered the Virgin Estibaliz.

Vitoria-Gasteis, surrounded by the "green ring" from the chain of parks, has many museums - natural science, Alava weapons, archeology, sacred art, modern, visual art and even playing cards. Interest is also the buildings in which these museums are placed. By the way, an extensive exposition dedicated to playing cards appeared in the capital of the Basque is no coincidence. It is in this city that the production of such products has been established.

Basque Country

This term has other meanings, see Basque Country (Values).

Autonomous Community
Basque Country
span. País Vasco.
Tree of Genees
42 ° 50 's. sh. 2 ° 41 's. D.Hgiol.
Country Spain, France
Includes 3 provinces
Adm. Centre Vitoria Gasteis
The president Inikigo Urcool
History and geography
Education date 1130
Area 7234 km² (14th place)
Timezone UTC + 1.
Largest cities Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteis, Donostia-San Sebastian, Bayon, San Jean-de-Luz
  • · per capita
35 300 €
Population 2 189 534 people. person. (2016)
Density 302.67 people / km² (2nd place)
official languages Basque, Spanish, French
Digital identifiers
ISO 3166-2 code ES-PV.
Telephone code +34 94
Internet domain .eus.
Official site
Audio, photo and video on wikisklad

Basque Country (Basque. Euskadi (Eshkadi) or Euskal Herria (Eshkal Erria), Spanish), Euscadi, Basque District - Autonomous Community in the north of Spain.

The capital is Vitoria-Gasteis.

The autonomous community The Basque Country Community is part of the same historic region, the territory of which also extends to the autonomous community of Navarre (identical to the Spanish Province of the Province) and the Northern Country of Basque in the south of France.


In the early 1970s, the developed industry and tourism and tourism were replaced in the country of Basque for replacing agrarian production. Even in the early 70s of the 20th century, the region was in the deepest economic crisis, but already in the late 1980s the position began to change rapidly for the better. Today, the Basque Country is a rich region with developed agriculture. According to the latest data, there are about 35 thousand small farms in the Basque Country; Livestock from time immemorial is the traditional type of basque activity.

One of the largest centers in Spain on the extraction of iron ore is located in the province of Biscay. Rich mineral deposits are at the mouth of the Nervion River. The Basque Country also develops the metallurgical industry. In Bilbao, there is one of the oldest and most famous metallurgical plants in the country - Altos Ornos De Biscayia.

The main agricultural crops are local residents consider wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye - the fields of these cultures are located in the province of Alava. La Rioha-Alaves is located large grape plantations.

Along with animal husbandry, the traditional type of Basque activities is fishing. Basic fish ports - Fuenterabia, Pazahaz, Okardroa and Bermo.

Forest land - Another richness of Basque. The total area of \u200b\u200boak forests intended for cutting is about 300 thousand hectares.


Railway transport

Trains Euskotren at Station in San Sebastian

The Basque Country is serviced by railway lines of the following organizations:

The Renfe State Railway lines associates Victoria with San Sebastian and Bilbao with Central Spain. There is also a network of suburban railways of Cercanías around Bilbao and San Sebastian.

Feve - Public Uzpocole Railways of Spain. Feve lines bind Bilbao with Valmaceda and Bilbao with other regions of the North of Spain.

"Euskotren" is a network of narrow-chain railways belonging to the government of the Basque Country. The main line "Euskotren" binds Bilbao with San Sebastian, other lines associate these cities with their suburbs. There is one international line connecting San Sebastian with Andayeh (France).

City transport and buses

The metro is valid in Bilbao (see Metropolitan Bilbao), trams - in Bilbao (see the Bilbao tram) and Vitoria. Both tram systems are provided by EUSKOTRAN, the subsidiary of Euskotren.

Main bus operators:

  • Bilbobus - city buses in Bilbao;
  • "Bizkaibus" - long-distance buses in Biskaya Province;
  • "EUSKOTREN" - in addition to trains, this company also provides long-distance buses.


There are three airport in Basques - Vitoria Airport, Bilbao Airport and San Sebastian Airport.


In the country of Basque, there is a unique Biscay bridge - "Flying Ferry", entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List as a monument of the history of technology.

Briefly about the region

The Basque Country is the autonomous region of Northern Spain with an area of \u200b\u200b7,234 square meters. km. She is adjacent to Cantabria, Castile and Leon in the West, with Navarroy and France in the East, with Riocha in the south, and the northern part of it is washed by the Biscay bay.

The country of Basque or Basqueonia is the edge of the original culture, which has no longer one millennium, which the basks themselves call Euskadi or Euskal Herria - "Land of Basino-language".

Basque Country - mountainous and picturesque region. Despite the fact that this region is the center of Spanish industry and agriculture, there are many attractions and attractive places for tourists.

Basque Country Combines Cultural and Some Patus City of Bilbao, Youth and Sports San Sebastian, where the surfers from all over the world hang around the year round, and the coast of the Costa Basque with countless small port towns and amazing natural landscapes. Each guest will be able to open his own Basque Country, because it is a very diverse edge.

You can see the city of San Sebastian right now on this author's video:

All Spain loves holidays, but in the Basque country, this is especially noticeable. All year, one carnival is replaced by another festival or honoring a particularly revered saint.

On January 20, all those who love rhythm are gathering in San Sebastian, as Tamborrad - the procession of drummers on the central streets. Hundreds of groups of musicians, smashed into the brightest clothes, pass on each other, chopping incendiary rhythms.

At the end of June, Rock lovers come to the capital of the region - here is one of the largest rock festivals in Spain. In two weeks, the genre varies sharply in Vitoria and starts a jazz festival. And at the end of August it is desirable to be at the great week of Bilbao, when the townspeople celebrate the city day for nine days.

What to see

Strank Basque attracts a lot of attention to tourists from all over the world, providing a huge variety of recreation types: from viewing attractions and architectural monuments to active sports and walks in natural parks.

We collected the top 10 mostst places that need to be seen with your own eyes:

Cathedral of St. Jacob in Bilbao is one of the central buildings in the city. As it often happens, the modern structure is on the site of the previous churches, which were destroyed or disassembled. Bilbao is included in the Pilgrimage Road of St. Jacob, so there are always many believers here.

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is one of the most unusual buildings not only in the city, but in all Spain. The flow of tourists increased significantly after the solemn opening of this building for visiting everyone.

Photo: View of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao

The new Cathedral of the Immaculate Virgin in Vitoria is to decorate the historic part of the city. This neo-style building is one of the largest cathedrals in Spain. He was named after him for the difference from the already existing "old".

The cathedral of a good shepherd in San Sebastian - besides the excellent elements of the decor, visitors attract a huge body, which for a long time wore the honorary title of the largest organ in the country.

Photo: Facade of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd in San Sebastian

Miramar Palace in San Sebastian is a chic English-style mansion, located just a few meters from the amazing beach. This is a real sample of luxury. It was built as a summer residence of the royal family, and many rooms retain the original design and furnishings. The rest of the premises were regularly rebuilt to meet new requirements.

The Bay de la Cum in San Sebastian is endless beaches along the sea bay in the shape of a shell. Next door to the beach here are built long embankments, passing one to another.

Photo: Beautiful Bay de la Cum in San Sebastian

Palace Chavarry in Bilbao - Another original structure is located near the famous Guggenheim Museum. This eclectic style build is affecting the variety of forms. Initially, this palace was built for the personal needs of the financial magnate of Salasar, but from the mid-20th century the government of the Basque Country Government is sitting.

The Basque Museum of Contemporary Art in Vitoria - Since the beginning of the 21st century, this museum pleases its visitors with beautiful masterpieces of both Spanish modern authors and foreign ones. In addition to exhibition halls, there is a large library, an archive and a separate educational center for those who study art.

Photo: Basque Museum of Contemporary Art in Vitoria

Del Cordon House in Vitoria - a unique building in the Gothic style, built by a rich merchant in the 15th century. Many famous people in Spain lived in it. Now it contains an information center dedicated to the culture and the original types of creativity of the Basque people.

Bridge Mary-Christina in San Sebastian - at the beginning of the 20th century this iron bridge, which united two shores was opened. It is richly decorated with huge obelisks and gilded sculptures, many of which are reminiscent of the famous Paris Bridge Alexander III.

What to do in the Basque Country

In the country of Basque, it is difficult to miss even experienced tourists who are difficult to surprise. Here and sports, art, and unusual buildings and monuments. It is difficult to resist such a variety.

We collected the top 20 cases that you need to have time to do during the trip to this edge:

  1. Go to the Cathedral of Bilbao and become part of the great pilgrimage path of many believers.
  2. To walk through the halls of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Vitoria - at first eyes run away from such a variety of forms, combinations of lights and paints.
  3. Look at the house del Cordon in Vitoria, built more than 500 years ago - strictly gothic building with amazing interiors inside. This is nothing an incomparable sense of involvement in the great events of the past, which occurred with people living in this home.
  4. Make a selfie on Mary-Christina Bridge in San Sebastian - around gorgeous views of the river and the coast.
  5. Swim on the beach Bay de la Cum in San Sebastian - here almost always calm clear water without excitement.
  6. Ride on the boat to the island of Santa Clara in San Sebastian - if you have time during the tide, you can even swim there.
  7. Visit the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao - an amazing construction in a modern style, which attracts the attention of all tourists in the Basque Country.
  8. Feel yourself with the representative of the royal blood, mischieving on the huge halls of the Palace of Miramar, who served as a summer royal residence of the Spanish dynasty.
  9. To be lost among the huge new Cathedral of the Immaculate Virgin in Vitoria - you feel sulky in the endless universe.
  10. To take a walk to Mount Urgul in San Sebastian, overlooking the view of all the surroundings. For the most insistent, a visit to the castle on top as a reward for their works.
  11. Inspired by Rubens pictures on the walls of the Santa Maria temple in the Metropolitan Vitoria-Gasteis.
  12. To visit one of the best and old Confectionery Spain, open in 1886 by Manuel Goya (in the capital of Vitoria Gasteis).
  13. To lie on the luxurious beaches of charming San Sebastian.
  14. Tool the best in the Pinchos region and the Basque Tapas in the coastal Pinchos Bars of San Sebastian.
  15. Tries the wines of Chaholi in the Costa Basque, which is no longer anywhere in Spain or in Europe.
  16. Go along mysterious maze and feel the ants before a huge spider in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
  17. Ascend to Mount Horba or to visit the amicable stalactite caves of Praghaua.
  18. Ride on the gondola of an extraordinary Biscay "Flying Bridge".
  19. Go to the province of Hypuncan and learn from crazy Basque dances.
  20. Look at the colorful town of Ocarrbia straight at the border with France.

Where to live

Photo: One of the best hotels in Bilbao Sercotel Hotel Gran Bilbao

In the country of Basque with the Great Radussia, guests and tourists are taken from all over the world, in which you can personally make sure, settling in any of the hotels in the Region.

We have chosen the top 5 hotels on experienced travelers:

1. NH Bilbao Deusto (Francisco Macia, 9 | Deusto, 48014 Bilbao) - convenient location, within walking distance to most attractions in the historic part of the city. Polite staff and high levels of services provided.
2. Sercotel Hotel Gran Bilbao (Avenida Indalecio Priety, 1, 48004 Bilbao) is a great hotel with large rooms equipped with everything necessary for high-quality rest.
3. SERCOTEL COLISEO (Alameda de Urquijo 13, 48008 Bilbao) - spacious room, excellent soundproofing, not far from the city center.
4. NH Canciller Ayala Vitoria (Ramon Y Cajal, 5 | City Center, 01007 Vitoria-Gasteis) - five minutes walk from the main tourist places, next to the park. Friendly staff and comfortable rooms.
5. Sercotel Boulevard Vitoria (Calle Zaramaga, 3, 01013 Vitoria-Gasteis) - The rooms are always clean and removed, there are all bath facilities in the bathroom. Not far is located a large supermarket.

Plan of vouchers, tours for 1-3-7 days

Photo: Nature and landscapes of Basque Countries

Basque Country becomes every year more and more popular among tourists: infrastructure develops, new restaurants and cafes are opening, and guests receive guests, and the authorities come up with a variety of entertainment to attract interest in this region. We tried to argue the immense and collected a weekly trip for Basque Country:

Day Morning Dinner Evening
1 Bilbao. Moi's area. Palace Chavarry Museum of Fine Arts Donya Casilda de Nurrisar Park. Eusalduna. Maritime Museum. You can dine at Restaurante Guria restaurant (Don Diego López Haroko Kale Nagusia, 66), where we recommend trying their cod dishes.
2 Guggenheim Museum. We recommend putting half a day on his visit, as there are a lot of rooms, plus the comfortable and original territory around the museum. After the museum at sunset, it's nice to stroll along the mouth of the river in a beautiful promenade. Complete saturated day can be in the Institute of San Mames Jatetxea (Raimundo P. Lezama S / N (Estadio San Mames. Puerta Nº 14), which is located in the Stadium Building.
3 Cathedral of Bilbao Museum of Basque art Walk through the old streets of the city. Among the countless sets of bars and restaurants we advise you to pay attention to Restaurante en Bilbao Bar Baster (Posta Kalea, 22), where a great cocktail card and a variety of tapas.
4 Vitoria. Cathedral Historical quarter.

Museum of lighting torches.

Catholic Church of Mikhail Archangel.

RESERVED WORKING in the beautiful restaurant of Basque Kitchen Restaurante Arkupe (Mateo Benigno De Moraza Kalea, 13), where they offer to try local traditional dishes.

5 Square of Spain. Museum of Modern Art Artium. Museum of Archeology. After a scientific day, it is worth entering the Querida María Jatetxea restaurant (Santa Maria Plaza, 2), where it is delicious and quite inexpensive.
6 San Sebastian. Miramar Palace Funicular on the mountain. Lighthouse. Cathedral of a kind shepherd. Santa Cristina Bridge. In Restaurante IBAI (Calle de Getaria, 15), you can dine perfectly in a great atmosphere.
7 Buy on the beach. Go to the island of Santa Clara. Visit Oceanarium.

What and where there is

Basque cuisine is very diverse: it has many fish and seafood dishes thanks to the seaside location, and at the same time local residents can and love to prepare meat and vegetables.

We have collected the 5 most original traditional Basque dishes:
1. "ChuletOn de Vaca" - beef steak with a bone. You can choose any level of roasted, but in any case it will be unsurpassed to taste.
2. Baked fish in the furnace - special delicacy and treating expensive guests for a holiday or family celebration.
3. Drier Cod - Local Cooks demonstrate the amazing features of cooking dishes from this special ingredient. Taste specific, but because unforgettable.
4. Cheese Idiasabal (IDiazabal) is a rather fatty cheese. It is stored for a long time, so you can safely take it with you as a gastronomic souvenir.
5. Marmita de Bonito (Marmita de Bonito) - a fish dish of tuna, potatoes, onions, tomato and pepper. In the country of Basque, they even arrange contests for the preparation of this treat.


In Basque, you will be tasty, wherever you go seafood and meat. According to one of the ratings "San Pelegrino", two of the dozen of the best restaurants in the world are located in the country of Basque - this is Mugaritz and Arzak, and San Sebastian world leader in Mishalin Stars (four restaurants).

Kitchen Basque is characterized by minimal use of sharp seasonings, and the entire emphasis is the taste of the products themselves. The most popular MARMITAKA dishes (tuna chowder) and amazing dessert creamy Goshua.

There are also their wines in Basque - this is a slightly sparkling wines of Chakoli (TXAkoli).

Top Excursions for reviews

Sometimes for understanding the region is not independently everywhere to walk with the directories in hand. Professional guides know special places hidden from tourists, will tell cognitive stories and breathtaking legends.

We have collected the 5 most popular excursions in the Basque Country:
1. Riddles of the Basque Forest - Forest Bowl, Medieval Castles, Rocks, Small Fishing Dresses, in which time seems to stopped forever. Participants will be able to feel the power and power of this region, which is not in vain is referred to as the country.
2. Walk through Elegant San Sebastian - Pier for the most sophisticated layers of Spanish aristocracy. Everything is done here and decorated to the highest category to please begotivny.
3. Bilbao's cosmopolitan city is a little pissing and turmoil, this city has an indescribable, but a unique atmosphere. It can not be described in words, but you can feel in bars, galleries, museums, and even in the subway.
4. Excursion in Vitoria - a walk through the old streets accompanied by a guide and its colorful stories.
5. Marine excursion along San Sebastian - this city has a unique location along the deep bay. From the sea offers an amazing side view.

The beauty of the city of Bilbao you can see on this video:

Welcome to the Basque Country! Bienvenue Au Pays Basque! Ongi Etorri Euscal Herrira!

Between the Atlantic Ocean and Pyrenees Mountains, Basque / Pays Basque lies between France and Spain - a bright and hospitable region, whose people are deservedly proud of their history, traditions identity. Despite the state border, the will of the story passed between its French part in the north (iParralde) and South (Hegoalde), which is located in Spain, the country of Basque is historically and culturally united territory, unique and diverse, besides still talking on your language.

Even the concept of the Basque Country (Euscal Herria) literally means "Basque-speaking country." Euskara is an ancient beautiful language of fishermen and kites, corsars and peasants, shepherds and hunters, sun and wind, powerful waves of the Biscay Bay, sheep's pastures and dense forests to harsh mountain peaks. On a dry language, about three million Basque live in four Spanish provinces, and only 300 thousand - in France. The language of the ancestors do not forget their children, while having diligently studying Spanish and French on the appropriate side of the border. A worthy example and for Maye Radzima Belarusi ...

It is difficult to outline the cultural and ethnic contours of the Basque Country, not always coinciding with the administrative borders, but we will try. The French Euscal Herria spread out between the mountain chains of Pyrenees in the south, the stormy bay bay in the West, the endless pine forests of the flat landscape / Landes de GascoGne in the north and historical area of \u200b\u200bBearn / Bearn in the East. It includes three old provinces that are now part of the Department No. 64 Atlantic Pyrenees of the New Aquitaine / Nouvelle Aquitaine. Each of them offers a curious traveler kaleidoscope of impressions and landscapes such as diverse, how and contrasting.

Labudan / Le Labourde - Basque Country Coastline, Cote Basque. Huge waves and winds from the Atlantic are inexorably coming to this rocky coast, and sunny beaches please restlings and surficists. And on all this magnificence, the pyrenees led by the mythical mountain of La Rong / La Rhune.

Lower Navarre / La Basse-Navarre - Hills and Mountains, pastures and forests, the world of shepherds, livestock breeders, hunters ... and just mountain hiking lovers. The stormy story of this until 1620. The sovereign Kingdom of Navarre left here a rich architectural heritage: castles, homes, chapel and church. And you can start with prehistoric caves and megaliths.

"Depthint" Sul / La Soule (or Basque. Zubera / Zuberoa) - rocks and mountain gorges, green slopes and canyons covered with extensive forests of oak and ash ... less well-known, less tourist and because the most authentic land of traditions and legends.

The Basque Country is a story with thousand-year roots and the richest cultural heritage. Not only what is kept in museums (they are also plentiful here: elegant arts, Basque culture, ocean, chocolate, etc.), but the legacy of times frozen in the stones of the eternal mountains or local dolmens, Mengirov and Cromlekhs. The story, told on the walls of prehistoric caves, say, Isturizes (Grottes d'iSturiz) or Oxoselia / OxoCelhaya, whose prehistoric drawings and labor items are from 40 to 10 thousand years before. e. (It is terrible to think, but you can even see). Heritage, captured in the stones of the local castles of Bidas / Chateau de Bidache, Iholdy / Iholdy, Urtyubi / Urtubie, Abbadia / Abbadia (albeit not so ancient, but the work of Master Violla-le-Duke itself) ...

Who are such bask-wascon, and where did they come from? Theories were nominated up to the strangest: they are the sons of the mythical patriarch of Aitor or descendants of Adam and Eve, or Noah, or even the distant relatives of Georgian mountaineers ... that today scientifically proven: Euskara is the only surviving pre-Indo-European language of Western Europe. For most scientists, the ancestors of the current Basque - Cryanonians, and already from the Epoch of the Iron Age, they inhabited a conditional triangle from the Pyrenees mountains to the Garonna River in the north and the Atlantic in the West. Throughout its history, the basks were able to live by themselves. At the same time, as all the mountaineers, were and isolated, and in constant contact with other civilizations. Of course, there were both peaceful and militant interactions. Celts are arranged here with the VI century. BC e.; Romans are pressed with II century. Bent of the Nativity of Christ, and after the first success of Caesar in -56 G. Legions Mesalala by 27 BC. e. Gallia Aquitania valleys conquer. Disposable vascons are strengthened in hard-to-reach Saltus Vasconum pyrenees.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, Bascam had to face her German conquerors. Sveov and Westges in the south, francs (especially at the peak of Glory in Carlo Great) from the north they tried to subordinate the wascons who defended their lands from the Arabs, Berberians and other Maurons-Muslims of the Cordovsky Emirate until the middle of the X century. But in general, all these attempts ended in failure. In the VII century An independent grade of vasquence is based; Since 864, the name of Gasconium, or Gascon / Gascoogne, was entrenched for the country, which is also a historical part of the oxepania in France. By the way, the Biscay of the bay here in French Master Gascon / Golfe de GascoGne.

A county appeared on the Spanish side (later Duchy) Navarre. At that time, when Columbus was discovered, Castile begins the "golden period" expansion of its power in the new and old world. In 1513, South Navarre was conquered by Aragons and became part of the Kingdom of Spain. Northern Navarre remained independent until 1589, when her sovereign Heinrich III Bourbon became the king of France under the name Henry (Henry) IV in the bloody period of Catholics with Huguenotes. Bourbons sat on the throne of the "damned kings" of Valua, and the Kingdom of Navarre was finally joined in 1620 to France.

Wascons, Gasconians, Basque, Appears, Bearnz ... Today, their contemporaries are desirable not to be confused, and we do not want to confuse you! Just initially - this is one ethnos, the neighborly divided, but culturally and geographically having a lot in common. It is simplified by a possible confusion "Who is who" on a particular historical example.

Jean-Arman du Paire, Graf de Treville (1598-1672). Right from Gascona. Solid character. Made a brilliant career to the rank of the Captain Lieutenant (de facto commander) of the Royal Musketeers at Louis XIII. It is famous for the novels of Dumas and a brilliant game of Lion Durov in our "Three Musketeers". In the memoirs of contemporaries (especially Parisians, where all the others are not from Paris - some provincials) goes like a nobleman and Basque, and Barnets. De Treville prefers to recruit their Bearn and Gaskonian countrymen (everything like people ..). And they serve as a king of his notorious cousins \u200b\u200bHenri D'Aramz and Arman D'iatos, as well as Isaac de Porto. Here Dumas left near the truthful historical characters, unlike the real D'Artagnan, Gasconse! "Gray Cardinal" Richelieu gave God to God in 1642 D'Artagnan thanks to the patronage of the same de Treville only in 1644 he entered the company of royal musketeers (therefore, La Rochelle was never precipitated and the Richel did not fought with the guards). However, in 1646, the Musketeer company was disbanded; De Treville left home, and D'Artagnan in Cardinal Mazarini continued the civil service. Therefore, for the historical truth, we will remove (we are on the homeland of the legendary head Upora!) And Nallem Armagna's glasses. For reference: Armagnac - 1) the local brandy, he is the oldest "moonshine" of France; 2) Drink of real Gasons, a thousand devils!

But back directly into the country of Basque. The final stage of the state separation of the Basque people into the French and Spanish part is the signing of the Pyrenean World in August 1659. Louis XIV, marrying the Spanish Infanta Mary Teresia in Saint-Jean-de-Luz / Saint-Jean-De-Luz, and fought the current border Between the country of the Basque of the North and the South. And the town of Saint-Jean (as its local) retained the church, where in 1660 a lush wedding of the Sun king and the Spanish princess was held, and the palaces of the newlyweds, which are windows on the picturesque fishing port.

In the XIX century The same Saint-Jean, the city of fishermen, sailors and corsars, became popular as a sea resort. However, he is not alone: \u200b\u200bSIBUR / CIBOURE, BIDAR / BIDART, Biarritz / Biarritz, Anglet / Anglet ... The wealthy lovers of glamorous and recreation at the sea reached the Basque coast. The arrival of the first train to Bayonna / Bayonne (COTE BASQUE) in 1854, further contributed to the development of local tourism (let it even exclusively for nobility). Before and after the Second World Basque coast gradually becomes affordable and "simple citizens". Here, on the coast of the Biscay Gulf, on the beaches from Andai / Hendaye to Biarritz since the 1950s, it starts his stormy procession in Europe, a surfing from America, a beautiful and bold not that sport, not the way of life, which attracts lovers of all ages to ride "On the crest of a wave". For admirers of a more relaxing holiday, thalassotherapy centers, spa resorts, beach hotels and apartments for every taste and budget are available. In winter, there are even ski resorts! "You don't have a plain here, here is another climate ..."

Powerful and indomitable Atlantic is again the Basque Country. From her coast, the Basque has long been equipped with their fleet to hunt whales, whose breath of the kitoboe was viewed with high coastal plateau. The fleet, on which they walked to Dakar to catch a tuna (which are industrial in the local waters and today / try it to Mi-Cuit!), Before Newfoundland, for a cod and Canada in search of a better life. For many impoverished mountaineers from Sul and Lower Navarre, the ocean was work, and "by expulsion". The most brave of them was destined to conquer the unknownness and open their America, and the lucky shoes - even to return with a thick wallet or something unprecedented. So one sailor-bath was brought and the burning pen of Chile, who now solemnly decorates the facades and the interior of numerous restaurants and benches, but most of all Le Piment lashes and the village of Espelte / Espelette. By the way, usually the Basque has a white house, the front (like pepper) is red, and takes - black.

The colors of traditional clothes in the Basque Country - the same red-black (will be in Saint-Jane for St. John's holiday - our Ivan Kupala) or a red with white in Bayonna on FETES De Bayonne, from the first Wednesday of August, a peaceful invasion of a week with Dancing, giants, races with bulls ... Whether it is a feather village village, Foire Fair (ham, cheeses, table linen), whether the match in Pelota (Pelota - National game, Squash Personal) or Local (in France Beauless!) Corrida - This is a bright hymn tradition. And we are not at all about the indicative folklore from the stage, but about living culture, to which everyone can join.

Any guest here to the place is part of the action. Everyone is offered wine-cider beer to drink in moderate quantities and sing without restrictions (although true and the opposite). Having a famous refrigerant bayon ham and sheep cheeses with Piperade (vegetable stew from red and green pepper - in the color of the Basque Flag!) Or a variety of tapas. To the table in the reto and houses, except for the naval of sea, traditionally served mountain trout and lamb, white mushrooms (yes, we are about Boroviki!) Yes Wildlife ...

Now go from the carnal to the spiritual. An integral part of the Basque culture is the church, although the basks are relatively late (in the 10th century, when the rus is baptized) accepted Christianity. From the same time through their lands, pilgrimages were launched on Santiago de Compostela to Spain, and in the town of Saint-Jean-Piere de Piatra / Saint-Jean-Pied-de-port - the capital of Lower Navarry was accounted for as much as 4 Roads of St. Jacob. And today, on the pretended Middle Ages, the pilgrims go through these places with the staff in their hands. Instead of a wooden stick, there may be alpenshtoks, instead of a heavy long raincoat - high-tech storms, shorts and mountain boots. But it is almost unmistakably to learn the pilgrims of the XXI century and today it is possible on the seashell of the sea scallop, the symbol of St. Jacob, on a backpack or hat. Some houses on the streets of the city are also decorated with sewer Saint-Jacques, which means: the owners of the house are ready to let the pilgrims on the night.

And whether to give us basque in neighboring Spain? The border is near and formally absent. The same inscriptions "Ongi Etorri!" in Basque. One people are one language. From Anday across the river, you can go on a shoe in the Spanish Hondarribia / Hondarrbia, let's say, on the late French concepts of lunch, drink the Red Navarre, Rioja, Ribera del Duero or to taste the freshest tuna (also red). Before the famous San Sebastian / San Sebastian (on the Basque Donostia) on the shopping by hand. San Seba landscape unfolds against the background of the picturesque bay-shell La Concha; In the old quarter and the port is always tasty, noisy and crowded, and in October there is also an international film festival ... Good hour by freeway - and you are in Bilbao / Bilbao, where the Guggenheim Museum will definar themselves to think about the conceptuality and face between A bunch of garbage and an underground master's masterpiece. The same hour of ride to the south - both architecture, culture and gastronomy of century-old Pamplona / Pamplona have your feet. At the same time, running from bulls on its narrow streets is optional ...

Do you love holidays on the sea or mountain routes, surfing or caves, you like the knowledge of any traditions of the Basque people or masterpieces of contemporary art, entails you a variety of landscapes and architectural styles or bright southern cuisine - all this is possible here and immediately. Without exaggerations (they will leave them for stories familiar after returning from your journey to the Basque Country). And our recipe is now known to you: take from the heart of Basque authenticity, add a bit of France and Spain, take all the waves of the Biscay Bay, add the peaks of the pyrene and something else to your taste. Cooking with pleasure and stirring regularly ... a week is minimum!

Our proposals for all sorts of excursions and sights of the region more - in the heading "Aya Yes Country Basque".

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The Basque Country, it is also a basque or eusada - the edge in the northeast of Spain, which is divided into three provinces: Biskaya, Alava, Hypuscane. Most of the population lives in Biscay, its center is a trendy and cultural bilbao, the main city in the Hypuscane - Youth and Surfer San Sebastian, and almost all of the territory of Alava are natural reserves and villages. Fans of antiquities will appreciate the ancient architecture of cities, gourmet - the original Basque cuisine (no, it is not only seafood and pinchos) and a local cider, surfers are the coolest waves in Spain, and the party-discos and festivals.

Residents of the Basque Countries speak Basque, stretchingly different from the Castilian norm of Spanish. His roots go back to the Dorim era, and he does not look like any of the European languages.

How to get to Basque Country

The largest international airport in the Basque Country International Airport is located in Bilbao, there are no direct flights from Russia. From the Moscow Sheremetyevo, Eyre France is flying there through Paris and Brussels Airlines through Brussels. On the way from 6.5 hours in one direction, the cost of tickets - from 170 EUR there and back. Prices on the page are shown in August 2019.

From Bilbao Airport to the city every 15 minutes hosts Bizkaibus company number 3247. The stop is located at the exit of the terminal, tickets are sold at the box office next to her. The bus goes to the TERMIBUS central bus station, also stops on the Square of Moya. On the way to the dead 20 minutes, the fare: 3 EUR, by taxi to the center: 15-25 EUR. From Bilbao Airport there is a direct bus to San Sebastian. Buses of Pesa (office site in English) go every half an hour from 7:45 to 23:45, on the road 1 hour and 15 minutes, the fare of 17 EUR.

In San Sebastian, too, there is an airport, but fly there longer and more expensive. The fastest and fiscal option - through Barcelona with joint flights of Aeroflot, Woeling and Es Seven. Departure from Domodedovo, arriving in Sheremetyevo. On the way from 7.5 hours, tickets will cost 350 EUR in both directions. From the airport to the city center there are several buses, they all go to the Gipusko Square. On the way for 15 minutes, the fare of 1.65-2.35 EUR, by taxi - 8-10 EUR.

Search for flights to Bilbao (Nearest a / n to Basque Country)


Basque countries can travel on trains and long-distance buses. Railways here is Euskotren (OF. Site in English), trains run between major cities. The road from Bilbao to San Sebastian will take from 4 to 6.5 hours and will cost 30 EUR one way. In the morning the train goes at 6:30, 9:20 and 9:40, during the day at 15:20, in the evening - at 17:00.

On Alsa buses (office site in English) you can get to Madrid and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bPesa runs through the region. A bus from Bilbao to San Sebastian is poisoned every 30 minutes, it goes 1 hour and 20 minutes and costs 12.60 EUR one way. You can buy tickets (on the site online) only between the cities of Bilbao, San Sebastian and Vitoria Gasteis, and other cities in the station at the station.

Hotels in Basque Hotels

Most hotels in the Basque Country are located in large cities: Bilbao, San Sebastian and Vitoria Gasteis. Prices for "Treshki" in Bilbao and Vitoria Gasteis begin from 50 EUR per day for the room for two, "Four" will cost 85 EUR. Stayed in San Sebastian about twice as expensive: "Treshka" - from 100 EUR, bed-place in the hostel - from 30 EUR, regardless of the season.

Building in cities is predominantly old, so be prepared for the absence of elevators and heating.


Beaches please mainly surfers and less often beach holidays. The best of them are located in the province of Gipuo, in the vicinity of San Sebastian: there are excellent waves all year round and warm water due to the flow of Gulf Stream. One of the most beautiful and popular beaches among tourists - La Cum in San Sebastian, there is pretty small, the coast of sandy, there is all the infrastructure - from the rental of sun beds and umbrellas to excellent restaurants, children's slides and trampolines.

The largest beach of the province is Sarauts (2.5 km long). It is divided into three zones, the central "is given" to the soles, Western - families with children, and on the eastern - beautiful promenade.

In Bilbao, all beaches are located outside the city, but to many can be reached by metro. The most popular and closest to the city is sandy Las Arenas, surfers hang out there, but when there are no waves, you can swim (Art. Metro "Areta", then on foot). 3 km from the station "Prison" there is a nudist beach of Barrik, located in the village of the same name.

All beaches are free, pay only for renting an umbrella and sun bed: 5-20 EUR depending on the landscaping.


The most popular souvenir from the Basque Country - Black Takes "Chapela", which still worns some local men, and fat smoked cheese "Idiasabal" from sheep milk. All this is sold in souvenir shops and markets.

In major cities there are shopping centers where you can buy clothes and shoes of Spanish brands. Outlet Fashion Barakaldo in Bilbao all year round offers discounts from 30 to 70%, you can get to it on the subway station to the Bagatz station and then on foot.

For products for every day cheaper than just go to Eroski and Carrefour's network supermarkets, and for delicacies - to the markets.

Bilbao is located the largest indoor market in Europe - "Ribera", it is in this place from the 14th century. Here traded Spanish products in non-tour prices. On the Plaza Nueva Square in Bilbao on Sundays, a flea market opens, and in the city of Balmaced every year in March, the reconstruction of the real medieval market with costumed ideas and fair is being held.

Basque in the country

Kitchen and restaurants Basque countries

In the country of Basque, tapas bars and traditional restaurants - Sidriria, which serves 2-3 sidra varieties (at least there is dry and sweet) and different snacks. For a high kitchen it is worth going to San Sebastian: 15 stars Michen on 8 restaurants. Among them are to celebrate the restaurant innovative Basque Cuisine Arzak (Avda. Alcalde Elosegui, 273).

The popular traditional dish is "MARMITAKO" (Tuna Summer with Potato), also everywhere serve a dried cod and "Chleton-de-Vaka" - Beef steak on the bone. From the desserts try the Basque cake with custard and cherries, and the best local wine is considered slightly sparkling fruit "Chakoli".

In the city of Astigaraga, there is an excellent apple cider, the season lasts from January to April.

A glass of beer and 5-6 Pinchos in the tapas bar cost 15-20 EUR, dinner in the restaurant - from 60 EUR for two without drinks, from 12:00 to 16:00 in many of them serve "Menu-Day-Dia" For 13-20 EUR per person. The middle check for two in the restaurant with a star Michelin - 200-250 EUR without drinks.

Guides in the Basque Country

Entertainment and attractions

Basque Country is known for national parks. Next to Bilbao is the most famous biosphere reserve in the region - Urdaybai (Urdaibai, Biscay): forests, hills, the coast of the Atlantic, as well as small towns with historical monuments. Hiking and cyclers were laid in the park, and here they filmed the "game of the throne", and you can meet the Tabun Basque Pony.

Urkiola Park (Lugar Barrio Urkiola, 9f) is located on the slopes of the Durangesado mountain range, and the Flisch Ruta Del Flysch is one of the most picturesque in Spain, near the town of Durangesado.

The center of the Basque culture is considered to be a guest, almost in any city you can take dance lessons from local residents and look at song rites.

San Sebastian

Here are not only serfs, but the largest church in Baskovonia - the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd (Urdaneta Kalea, 12) and the Palace of Miramar (48 Paseo Miraconcha, 20007) - the former Summer Residence of the Royal Family, where the furniture and decor of the 19th century are preserved. Today in these luxurious interiors is the headquarters of the Musicology Center and are summer courses of the local university.

Victoria Gasteis

In the capital of the Basque Country go to watch architecture. The Gothic Cathedral of Santa Plaza, S / N, in which Rubens paintings are stored in the city center of the city. In the Church of San Pedro Apostle (Fundadora de Las Siervas de Jesus Kalea, 2) Local famous personalities are buried, and 9 km from Vitoria Gasteis is located the Church of Nourera Senora de Estibaliz in the Romanesque style of the 11th century. There are also many museums and galleries in the city, the Museum of Contemporary Art "Artium" (Francia Kalea, 24) is particularly interesting.


One of the symbols of Bilbao is the Guggenheim Museum. His building is simultaneously similar to a giant flower and a spacecraft, and to the entrance leads a glass bridge over the river Nervion. Through Bilbao, the path of St. Jacob passes, so in the city there are many cathedrals: the Gothic Cathedral of St. Jacob of the 14th century, the Church of San Nicholas de Bari, etc.


In Basque there are several climatic zones, in the mountains traditionally slightly cooler, and by the ocean - windy. In general, summer is not very roast here, and the winter is soft enough, surfers come here all year round. This is the most rainy region of Spain, the least precipitation falls in May and June.

The Basque Country is the autonomous region of Northern Spain with an area of \u200b\u200b7,234 square meters. km. She is adjacent to Cantabria, Castile and Leon in the West, with Navarroy and France in the East, with Riocha in the south, and the northern part of it is washed by the Biscay bay.

The country of Basque or Basqueonia is the edge of the original culture, which has no longer one millennium, which the basks themselves call Euskadi or Euskal Herria - "Land of Basino-language".

Photo: Nature of the Basque Country

Basque Country - mountainous and picturesque region. Despite the fact that this region is the center of Spanish industry and agriculture, there are many attractions and attractive places for tourists.

Basque Country Combines Cultural and Some Patus City of Bilbao, Youth and Sports San Sebastian, where the surfers from all over the world hang around the year round, and the coast of the Costa Basque with countless small port towns and amazing natural landscapes. Each guest will be able to open his own Basque Country, because it is a very diverse edge.

You can see the city of San Sebastian right now on this author's video:

All Spain loves holidays, but in the Basque country, this is especially noticeable. All year, one carnival is replaced by another festival or honoring a particularly revered saint.

On January 20, all those who love rhythm are gathering in San Sebastian, as Tamborrad - the procession of drummers on the central streets. Hundreds of groups of musicians, smashed into the brightest clothes, pass on each other, chopping incendiary rhythms.

At the end of June, Rock lovers come to the capital of the region - here is one of the largest rock festivals in Spain. In two weeks, the genre varies sharply in Vitoria and starts a jazz festival. And at the end of August it is desirable to be at the great week of Bilbao, when the townspeople celebrate the city day for nine days.

Geographical features

Photo: Cave of Praglaua in Natural Park Armanion

The Basque Country is the brightest gem in the Crown of Northern Spain. Two reality coexist here: a heavy industry is developed and the forests, colorful bays and bays are reigning, and amazing villages are preserved.

Landscapes and landscapes of Basque countries are also unique, like the Basque themselves - Emerald evergreen hills, mighty mountains and picturesque rocky bays.

In Basque there are 14 natural parks with beautifully planned trekking routes of different complexity. For example:

  • Natural Park Horba invites you to climb the mountain of the same name, from where stalking landscapes open;
  • The Natural Park Armanion attracts tourists to the cave of Praghaua with the striking imagination in stalactitis;
  • Urdabe Biosphere Reserve pleases with picturesque views, etc.


For Basconium, a soft and humid climate is characterized, the temperature is on average in the summer, and in winter, 7 degrees Celsius. Even in winter, the opportunity to meet the surfer is not excluded here. This is the most rainy region of the Spanish kingdom, so be prepared for weather surprises.

How to get and move on site

Photo: Detailed map of Basque Country

Why go

The Basque Country is the mountainous region, which invites tourists to a variety of routes in the mountains and the coast. Here you can see a special culture and hear a unique language, visit unusual museums, as well as taste the best cuisine in the kingdom.

When to go

We advise you to go to the Basque Country from May to June, when a great warm weather reigns with the smallest precipitation in this rather rainy region. In July, you can get to the international jazz festival in San Sebastian.

Cultural features

Basque language is considered one of the oldest in Europe, while it does not have similarities with any of the European languages. Some even believe that the Basks have a link with Georgians, because there are about 200 similar roots in their language.

Due to the isolation, in the Basque Country, there are still amicable folk traditions and legends, carefully transmitted and mouth in the mouth of Bardi. The main musical instruments are Tambourine and a type of accordion, called trikitis. A feature of the Basque folk dance is a beautiful ejection of the legs. Basque sports is also interesting - raising heavy boulders or log cabings.

The Basque Culture Center is the province of the Gipo, where the Basque buildings of the stone (Ber de Bidasoa village) and folk traditions are preserved. Local sing and dance, like century ago, and with pleasure they will teach this tourists.

What to see

Strank Basque attracts a lot of attention to tourists from all over the world, providing a huge variety of recreation types: from viewing attractions and architectural monuments to active sports and walks in natural parks.

We collected the top 10 mostst places that need to be seen with your own eyes:

Cathedral of St. Jacob in Bilbao - One of the central buildings in the city. As it often happens, the modern structure is on the site of the previous churches, which were destroyed or disassembled. Bilbao is included in the Pilgrimage Road of St. Jacob, so there are always many believers here.

Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao - One of the most unusual buildings is not only in the city, but in the whole of Spain. The flow of tourists increased significantly after the solemn opening of this building for visiting everyone.

Photo: View of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao

New Cathedral of Immaculate Virgin in Vitoria - Decoration of the historic part of the city. This neo-style building is one of the largest cathedrals in Spain. He was named after him for the difference from the already existing "old".

Cathedral of a good shepherd in San Sebastian - In addition to the beautiful elements of the decor, visitors attract a huge body, which for a long time wore the honorary title of the largest organ in the country.

Photo: Facade of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd in San Sebastian

Palace Miramar in San Sebastian - The chic English-style mansion, located just a few meters from the amazing beach. This is a real sample of luxury. It was built as a summer residence of the royal family, and many rooms retain the original design and furnishings. The rest of the premises were regularly rebuilt to meet new requirements.

Bay de la Cum in San Sebastian - These are endless beaches along the sea bay in the shape of a shell. Next door to the beach here are built long embankments, passing one to another.

Photo: Beautiful Bay de la Cum in San Sebastian

- Near the famous Guggenheim Museum is another original structure. This eclectic style build is affecting the variety of forms. Initially, this palace was built for the personal needs of the financial magnate of Salasar, but from the mid-20th century the government of the Basque Country Government is sitting.

- Since the beginning of the 21st century, this museum pleases its visitors with beautiful masterpieces of both Spanish modern authors and overseas. In addition to exhibition halls, there is a large library, an archive and a separate educational center for those who study art.

Photo: Basque Museum of Contemporary Art in Vitoria

Del Cordon House in Vitoria - A unique building in the Gothic style, built by a rich merchant in the 15th century. Many famous people in Spain lived in it. Now it contains an information center dedicated to the culture and the original types of creativity of the Basque people.

Mary Cristina Bridge in San Sebastian - At the beginning of the 20th century, this iron bridge, which united two shores was opened. It is richly decorated with huge obelisks and gilded sculptures, many of which are reminiscent of the famous Paris Bridge Alexander III.

Main places and city attractions

Photo: Santa Maria Cathedral

The main attractions of the Basque:

  1. In Vitoria-Gastejis, the Santa Maria Cathedral of 14th centuries is interesting, where the impressions complement the paintings of Rubens. And in the suburbs you can see the pearl of the Romanesque style of the 11th century Temple of the Virgin Mary de Estibalis;
  2. Bilbao is famous for the ultramodern art museum of the Guggenheim Foundation and a glass bridge leading to it;
  3. Costa Basque city is famous for its beautiful and somewhere even dramatic landscapes. Here you can also find traces of ancient settlements;
  4. Between the Portuguese and Las Arenas, you can survive special feelings on the Biscay "Flying Bridge-Ferry". Its extraordinary flying gondolas run every 8 min.;
  5. From little-known seats, Salin Salinas de Anyana can be called, where the development is still on the ancient Roman technologies;
  6. Not far from San Sebastian in Mundaka, a bird reserve is located, where millions of migratory birds are coached.

Vitoria Gasteis

Photo: The capital of Basque - Vitoria-Gasteis

The capital of Basque is a double Spanish-Basque name Vitoria-Gasteis. It was founded in 1181 at the place of the village of Gasteis by the efforts of the monarch Sancho IV of the Wise, who will discove the village with a fortress wall.

Vitoria-Gastejis from all sides is focused by natural parks and leads in terms of the number of museums - weapons, cards, archeology, natural science, modern arts, etc. Here, the atmosphere of the medieval city is hung everywhere - the fortress wall and majestic gothic temples.


Photo: Cruise port in Bilbao

Bilbao is the largest Basque city, as well as its industrial center and port of national significance. The symbol of the city is the Museum of Modern Art of the Foundation of Solomon Guggenheim. This museum is visited annually about 1.5 million people. The 55-thyme structure in itself the masterpiece of contemporary art - some of it resembles a huge flower, a wonderful bird or a spacecraft of the future. Noteworthy and glass bridge over the river Nervion, which leads to the museum.

What to do in the Basque Country

Photo: Palace Chavarry in Bilbao

In the country of Basque, it is difficult to miss even experienced tourists who are difficult to surprise. Here and sports, art, and unusual buildings and monuments. It is difficult to resist such a variety.

We collected the top 20 cases that you need to have time to do during the trip to this edge:

  1. Go to the Cathedral of Bilbao and become part of the great pilgrimage path of many believers.
  2. To walk through the halls of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Vitoria - at first eyes run away from such a variety of forms, combinations of lights and paints.
  3. Look at the house del Cordon in Vitoria, built more than 500 years ago - strictly gothic building with amazing interiors inside. This is nothing an incomparable sense of involvement in the great events of the past, which occurred with people living in this home.
  4. Make a selfie on Mary-Christina Bridge in San Sebastian - around gorgeous views of the river and the coast.
  5. Swim on the beach Bay de la Cum in San Sebastian - here almost always calm clear water without excitement.
  6. Ride on the boat to the island of Santa Clara in San Sebastian - if you have time during the tide, you can even swim there.
  7. Visit the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao - an amazing construction in a modern style, which attracts the attention of all tourists in the Basque Country.
  8. Feel yourself with the representative of the royal blood, mischieving on the huge halls of the Palace of Miramar, who served as a summer royal residence of the Spanish dynasty.
  9. To be lost among the huge new Cathedral of the Immaculate Virgin in Vitoria - you feel sulky in the endless universe.
  10. To take a walk to Mount Urgul in San Sebastian, overlooking the view of all the surroundings. For the most insistent, a visit to the castle on top as a reward for their works.
  11. Inspired by Rubens pictures on the walls of the Santa Maria temple in the Metropolitan Vitoria-Gasteis.
  12. To visit one of the best and old Confectionery Spain, open in 1886 by Manuel Goya (in the capital of Vitoria Gasteis).
  13. To lie on the luxurious beaches of charming San Sebastian.
  14. Tool the best in the Pinchos region and the Basque Tapas in the coastal Pinchos Bars of San Sebastian.
  15. Tries the wines of Chaholi in the Costa Basque, which is no longer anywhere in Spain or in Europe.
  16. Go along mysterious maze and feel the ants before a huge spider in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
  17. Ascend to Mount Horba or to visit the amicable stalactite caves of Praghaua.
  18. Ride on the gondola of an extraordinary Biscay "Flying Bridge".
  19. Go to the province of Hypuncan and learn from crazy Basque dances.
  20. Look at the colorful town of Ocarrbia straight at the border with France.

Shopping (what and where to buy)

Photo: Smoked Cheese Idiasabal

The Basque Country is a colorful and rather distinctive region, where there are souvenirs, unlike gifts from other Spanish provinces. We collected 5 best souvenirs from Basque countries:
1. Chapel - the original black takes, which is worn by many men.
2. Icurin - Basque flag. Sold almost everywhere.
3. Lubouro - Cross formed by four commas. This symbol occurred not here, but it's surprising that I got a huge distribution here. With this symbol you can buy everything: from the plate on the wall to the jewelry.
4. Chakoli is a delicious local wine, which is served in all cafes and restaurants. Sin do not bring with me to memory.
5. Idiasabal - fat smoked cheese of sheep milk.

Where to live

Photo: One of the best hotels in Bilbao Sercotel Hotel Gran Bilbao

In the country of Basque with the Great Radussia, guests and tourists are taken from all over the world, in which you can personally make sure, settling in any of the hotels in the Region.

We have chosen the top 5 hotels on experienced travelers:

1. NH Bilbao Deusto (Francisco Macia, 9 | Deusto, 48014 Bilbao) - convenient location, within walking distance to most attractions in the historic part of the city. Polite staff and high levels of services provided.
2. Sercotel Hotel Gran Bilbao (Avenida Indalecio Priety, 1, 48004 Bilbao) is a great hotel with large rooms equipped with everything necessary for high-quality rest.
3. SERCOTEL COLISEO (Alameda de Urquijo 13, 48008 Bilbao) - spacious room, excellent soundproofing, not far from the city center.
4. NH Canciller Ayala Vitoria (Ramon Y Cajal, 5 | City Center, 01007 Vitoria-Gasteis) - five minutes walk from the main tourist places, next to the park. Friendly staff and comfortable rooms.
5. Sercotel Boulevard Vitoria (Calle Zaramaga, 3, 01013 Vitoria-Gasteis) - The rooms are always clean and removed, there are all bath facilities in the bathroom. Not far is located a large supermarket.

Plan of vouchers, tours for 1-3-7 days

Photo: Nature and landscapes of Basque Countries

Basque Country becomes every year more and more popular among tourists: infrastructure develops, new restaurants and cafes are opening, and guests receive guests, and the authorities come up with a variety of entertainment to attract interest in this region. We tried to argue the immense and collected a weekly trip for Basque Country:

Day Morning Dinner Evening
1 Bilbao. Moi's area. Palace Chavarry Museum of Fine Arts Donya Casilda de Nurrisar Park. Eusalduna. Maritime Museum. You can dine at Restaurante Guria restaurant (Don Diego López Haroko Kale Nagusia, 66), where we recommend trying their cod dishes.
2 Guggenheim Museum. We recommend putting half a day on his visit, as there are a lot of rooms, plus the comfortable and original territory around the museum. After the museum at sunset, it's nice to stroll along the mouth of the river in a beautiful promenade. Complete saturated day can be in the Institute of San Mames Jatetxea (Raimundo P. Lezama S / N (Estadio San Mames. Puerta Nº 14), which is located in the Stadium Building.
3 Cathedral of Bilbao Museum of Basque art Walk through the old streets of the city. Among the countless sets of bars and restaurants we advise you to pay attention to Restaurante en Bilbao Bar Baster (Posta Kalea, 22), where a great cocktail card and a variety of tapas.
4 Vitoria. Cathedral Historical quarter.

Museum of lighting torches.

Catholic Church of Mikhail Archangel.

RESERVED WORKING in the beautiful restaurant of Basque Kitchen Restaurante Arkupe (Mateo Benigno De Moraza Kalea, 13), where they offer to try local traditional dishes.

5 Square of Spain. Museum of Modern Art Artium. Museum of Archeology. After a scientific day, it is worth entering the Querida María Jatetxea restaurant (Santa Maria Plaza, 2), where it is delicious and quite inexpensive.
6 San Sebastian. Miramar Palace Funicular on the mountain. Lighthouse. Cathedral of a kind shepherd. Santa Cristina Bridge. In Restaurante IBAI (Calle de Getaria, 15), you can dine perfectly in a great atmosphere.
7 Buy on the beach. Go to the island of Santa Clara. Visit Oceanarium.

What and where there is

Photo: Beef steak with bone

Basque cuisine is very diverse: it has many fish and seafood dishes thanks to the seaside location, and at the same time local residents can and love to prepare meat and vegetables.

We have collected the 5 most original traditional Basque dishes:
1. "ChuletOn de Vaca" - beef steak with a bone. You can choose any level of roasted, but in any case it will be unsurpassed to taste.
2. Baked fish in the furnace - special delicacy and treating expensive guests for a holiday or family celebration.
3. Drier Cod - Local Cooks demonstrate the amazing features of cooking dishes from this special ingredient. Taste specific, but because unforgettable.
4. Cheese Idiasabal (IDiazabal) is a rather fatty cheese. It is stored for a long time, so you can safely take it with you as a gastronomic souvenir.
5. Marmita de Bonito (Marmita de Bonito) - a fish dish of tuna, potatoes, onions, tomato and pepper. In the country of Basque, they even arrange contests for the preparation of this treat.


Photo: Seafood in Spain

In Basque, you will be tasty, wherever you go seafood and meat. According to one of the ratings "San Pelegrino", two of the dozen of the best restaurants in the world are located in the country of Basque - this is Mugaritz and Arzak, and San Sebastian world leader in Mishalin Stars (four restaurants).

Kitchen Basque is characterized by minimal use of sharp seasonings, and the entire emphasis is the taste of the products themselves. The most popular MARMITAKA dishes (tuna chowder) and amazing dessert creamy Goshua.

There are also their wines in Basque - this is a slightly sparkling wines of Chakoli (TXAkoli).

Top Excursions for reviews

Sometimes for understanding the region is not independently everywhere to walk with the directories in hand. Professional guides know special places hidden from tourists, will tell cognitive stories and breathtaking legends.

We have collected the 5 most popular excursions in the Basque Country:
1. Riddles of the Basque Forest - Forest Bowl, Medieval Castles, Rocks, Small Fishing Dresses, in which time seems to stopped forever. Participants will be able to feel the power and power of this region, which is not in vain is referred to as the country.
2. Walk through Elegant San Sebastian - Pier for the most sophisticated layers of Spanish aristocracy. Everything is done here and decorated to the highest category to please begotivny.
3. Bilbao's cosmopolitan city is a little pissing and turmoil, this city has an indescribable, but a unique atmosphere. It can not be described in words, but you can feel in bars, galleries, museums, and even in the subway.
4. Excursion in Vitoria - a walk through the old streets accompanied by a guide and its colorful stories.
5. Marine excursion along San Sebastian - this city has a unique location along the deep bay. From the sea offers an amazing side view.

The beauty of the city of Bilbao you can see on this video:

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The authorities of Catalonia have developed a bill that implies an independence announcement unilaterally. The legality of the document verifies the Prosecutor General of Spain. Catalonia and Basque Country have always been the most "explosive" points of the country. From the hands of the Basque separatists in 1970 - 1980s, 850 people died. They killed the successor to Francisco Franco. The militants broke through the tunnel under the street, where Carrero Blanco was drove, and explosives were laid there.

On the fate of the Basque during the civil war, nostalgia on the "glorious" medieval, the rapid path to terrorism and positions in the region of Igila * - in our material.

Bullet for Franco.

The independent past of Basque has seven centuries: in the IX-XVI centuries, they were part of the Kingdom of Navarre. Catalonia was the most advanced area in the kingdom of Aragon. Starting from the 1800s, the literature of Catalan is devoted mainly to nostalgia about the independent past. Poets called life as part of Spain slavery, historians told about the special role of the people in European civilization. Catalan nationalists sought, first of all, to protect their native language and positions of the Catholic Church. Artists painted etudes from the life of the "glorious" medieval.

At the beginning of the XX century, the nationalism of the Basque and Catalans experienced an unprecedented rise. Both people were over the measures of economic - the joys of the Seside were not for them. The landowners worked without tired, and at the beginning of the 20th century the country of Basques and Catalonia became one of the most prosperous regions of Spain. Today, basks contain up to 40 thousand large farms, and Catalonia produces more than 25% of the Gross National Product of Spain. This is one of the reasons who prompted the inhabitants of the regions to seek independence with weapons in their hands. "Previously, the backbone of the movement was the left youth and relatives of those who suffered from the repression of Franco. To date, a major and medium business joined the movement for independence, as well as conservative people who see the economic benefits of independence from Spain, "said Samara journalist vetell.

In 1919, Catalans prepared a draft statute on autonomy. Madrid this initiative, understandable, did not support. Later, the region received partial independence, but was obliged to obey directives from the center.

Spain, 1939.

During the civil war, 1936-1939, Catalonia and the Basque Country became the support centers of the resistance of Franco. Dictatorship would mean the collapse of hope for autonomy. The main "goatre" of Basque was superiority in the air. However, to give rebels to rebuff still failed: in the height of the conflict, foreign allies stopped deliveries to the ammunition and food regions. In April 1937, the Basque lost their main shrine - Gerns. 40 tons of bombs were reset on the city. The hennik embraced the fire, one hundred and citizens left his homes. Subsequently, Pablo Picasso captured these events in the picture "Gernik". The destruction of the city radical basks were used in their propaganda. In February 1939, Catalonia was occupied.

Herront after bombardment

During the dictatorship over the separatists, demonstrations were arranged. In 1974, the 25-year-old anti-fascist Salvador Puach Antique was executed. He organized an underground typography that produced anarchist literature. In 1975, Francisco Franco signed a death sentence with five concluded terrorists. For 36 years, the dictatorship of the Basques lost to the difficulty of dying rights. They were forbidden to publish literature and teach in their native language, to use national symbolism and give children Basque names. At that time, up to 2 million Basque lived in Spain; The total population has reached 35 million people. Another 15 million Basque dated Latin America.

The same fate suffered Catalan. Researcher Gomez Ping wrote: "Catalan language was limited exclusively to the home sphere. Only traditional Catalan dances and music recognized as official propaganda were allowed. The unification of the country's linguistic space rooted nationalist moods.

How the basks folded the weapon

In 1959, a grouping of the Basque separatists "Country Basque and Freedom" was born (this). This embarked on the path of armed struggle. The grouping document group proclaimed the course for the socialist revolution. The first terrorist attack was performed in 1968. Then a high-ranking police officer was killed. In all Spain, the militants exploded government agencies and railway tracks. The "Basque and Freedom Country" enjoyed the general support of the population. Their actions were regarded as the only way to confront the dictatorship. In 1973, the explosion was killed by Prime Minister Carrero Blanco. Terrorists made a subpople under one of the central streets in Madrid. The armored person weighing 1.5 tons, on which the official went, at the time of the explosion flew to a height of several floors.

Francisco Franco.

After the death of Franco in 1975, the Basque and Catalonia received autonomy. Regional level issues were now under the maintenance of local parliaments. "Part of the taxes went to Madrid. Since 1975, local authorities independently make decisions in the field of education and health, production, infrastructure, "Samara told.

Despite these measures, the "Basque and Freedom" did not cease its activities. Furnages at 20-30 people acted in different points of Spain. According to experts, in total in the 1970s and 1980s, the militants were about 500. In order to receive funds for terrorism, this kidnapped people and demanded a huge redemption from relatives. In addition, representatives of the organization "Locked" Basque entrepreneurs for solid contributions. A major terrorist attack occurred in 2009 in Burgos - then 46 people were injured as a result of the car explosion. In 2011, the special services eliminated part of the leaders of the Basque separatists, and in April 2017 this declared his disarmament.

According to Samara, in recent years in the Basque country there is an increase in separatist sentiment. "Catalans demanded a referendum, starting in 2010. Then more than a million people participated in Procession in Barcelona. Protest shares were held annually, the number of participants reached 2 million. Trade unions, universities and football club "Barcelona" joined the movement. As a result, the referendum on the independence of Catalonia in 2014 was symbolic. The court of Spain acknowledged him inappropriate to the country's constitution, and he did not have legal force. However, in 2016, the parliamentary elections in the Basque country won the right nationalists, "the journalist emphasized.

A number of experts claim that the "hunt" for radical bazas leads ISIL *. According to Samara, this information does not correspond to reality: "There is no chance that the grouping replenishes its ranks at the expense of Basque. Firstly, people of one religion and one nationality live here, and "play" on their religious feelings is unlikely to succeed. Secondly, the basks have just stopped a 50-year-old armed struggle. The conflict did not carry ethnicity - it was about finding independence and the construction of socialism. But at the same time, we see an alarming trend in the region: girls and young men who have never participated in an armed struggle, idealize it. "

The Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Raha, said that "in no case" will not allow the referendum on the independence of Catalonia.

* The organization is prohibited in Russia by decision of the Supreme Court

The first certificates of settlements in this part of France go to the times of Neolithic (5000-2000 years. BC). Later this place was captured by the Celts, then the Romans, which, in turn, were expelled by the German tribes that came from the East. In 778, Franks, headed by Emperor Charles Great, were reflected, as an attempt to win this territory by Louis IX French (1226-1270) in 824. After that, the Basque Country has become part of the newly created Kingdom of Pamplona.

In 1530, Karl V (1364-1380) made the Lower Navarre (Basse-Navarre) part of France, and the Laban and Soul, other northern provinces of the region were added to France in 1589. Spain retained Biscay, Hipu, Alavu and Navarre. In 1659, the Pyrenean World led to reconciliation between France and Spain, which was fixed by the marriage of the young Louis XIV in France with Spanish Infanta in 1660.

At the end of the 18th century, the Basque country entered into a period of economic recession, which ended only with the beginning of tourism development. Today, this region is not only paradise for fans of water sports, but also for connoisseurs of history and pilgrims, thanks to the resumption of interest in the ancient pilgrimage, which crosses it. Attractions along were identified as in 1993.

For centuries, despite the numerous government shifts, the Basque country firmly kept for its national identity. Today it is expressed in the use of the Basque language of Euskar, and in the architecture of the region, its religious and secular holidays and.

View Basque Country

Part of the Basque countries, lying in French territory, includes three historical provinces:

  • Lower Navarre (Basse-Navarre) - The world of shepherds and hunters, with numerous pastures and forests and mystical megaliths. Until 1620, this was the independent kingdom of Navarre, from which the rich architectural heritage was preserved.
  • Labundan (Labourd) - Coastal part of the country of Basque and the most tourist: Rocky sheer cliffs are replaced by sandy braids with thin sand and the best beaches - Paradise for vacationers and surficists. And the water-rich water turned the labury into a healing resort with numerous thalassotherapy centers.
  • Sul (Soule) - Less tourist, the deep part of the country of Basques, which preserved a more untouched appearance and authenticity.

Lower Navarre

In the lower Navarre there are several cities, especially Saint-Palais (Saint-Palais) and Saint-Jean-Pie de Port (Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port), which were once the main stopping points on.

  • Saint-Palais (Saint-Palais)
  • Saint-Jean-Piere de Port (Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port)


Together with the Biscay Bay (which is called the French manner of the Gascon Bay), the Lambandan consists of hills and mountains, such as Rune, Axusion and Artsamenti, with many picturesque villages, such as Ascain (Ascain). The capital of the region is, although the most popular city is undoubtedly the resort for the highest sections of society and surficists, the Thalassotherapy Center. Biarritz has been greatly popular among many years.

Laban is known for its 5-day Bayonn festival - Fêtes de Bayonne - The largest summer festival in France, as well as red pepper.

View in Labourdo:

  • Hendaye,
  • Ciboure.
  • Ascain.