Azzam is the largest yacht in the world (photo and video). The largest private yacht in the world is eight decks, three hundred people

The most expensive parking for yachts are located near the coast of Italy, Spain, France, Monaco, Florida, Miami and the UAE. The cost of mooring yacht may vary from € 421 to € 2.9 thousand at normal time and almost € 12 thousand in the peak season.

The most tops are considered the period from May to October - at this time trial followed by a classic route from Saint-Tropez to Cannes, Antibes, Monaco and Portofino, enter Corsica, Sardinia, Capri and Scharka, and sometimes in Sicily.

In winter, the party moves to the Caribbean - here the list of destinations includes Bermuda, Bahamas, Saint Martin Island and Miami. The most expensive yachts can be seen from afar.

The Rising Sun, $ 200 million


With a length of almost 138 m, Rising Sun is located on the 10th place in the list of the biggest yachts of the world. The vessel belongs to the general director.

There is everything so that the weekly journey flew is unnoticed: a basketball playground, which can be used as helicopter, cinema hall, wine cellar, gym and spa.

At five levels of the yacht - 82 rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 8 thousand square meters. m. Each of them is equipped with a special microclimate system. At the same time, 16 guests can be resting on board, which serve 30 team members. Special attention deserves the power of the vessel - up to 50 thousand horsepower and speed - up to 28 knots (maritime miles) per hour.

SEVEN SEAS, $ 200 million

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The owner of the yacht is the famous director. This is a classic private vessel, where at the same time can accommodate up to 14 guests - seven cabins are provided for them. The crew consists of 26 people responsible for comfort.

From the entertainment there is everything you need a modest employee of the Hollywood film industry on vacation.

Including the cinema with the projector, the image range of which is 2x5 m, several sofas series, a platform for landing the helicopter, gym and a landscaped pool. Seven Seas is distinguished by modern interiors with a large number of environmentally friendly materials in the finish: it combines such wood species like nut and rosewood. In addition, many natural fabrics are used in the design, and the cabins and recreation areas are decorated with flowers and plants.

Lady Moura, $ 210 million


Lady Moura belongs to Saudi millionae Nassaru-Rashid and made in accordance with traditional ideas about the Eastern Luxury. The yacht is distinguished by high superstructures and huge glass windows on all decks, and the name of the vessel is applied on board a 24-carat gold. On the upper deck there is a platform with a spreading roof, imitating the beach with sand and swimming pool. The helipad here, of course, is also there.

Lady Moura's business card is a 18-meter dining table, created by Linley Viscount, a member of the British Royal Family, Honorary Chairman of the Christie Auction House "S and part-time the manufacturer of furniture.

At the same time, 30 guests can relax on the vessel and more than 60 crew members work. Two diesel engines are responding for movement, the power of both is 7,000 horsepower.

Al Mirqab, $ 250 million


Yacht former Prime Minister Qatar Sheikha Hamad Ben Jasim Ben Jab Al Tanya is designed for 24 guests and 55 crew members.

In addition to all the necessary crystal chandeliers and stairs, the glass installations of the American sculptor Dale Chihuli are carved here.

The length of the vessel is 133 m, and the maximum speed is 20 nodes. Set of entertainment classic: two pools, cinema and helipad.

Al Said, $ 300 million

Yacht Charter Fleet.

Favorite toy Sultan Oman Kabusa Ben Said is tightly hidden from the press, the owner does not like to share information about his yacht.

According to rumors, there is a concert hall on the ship, on the stage of which the orchestra of 50 musicians can accommodate.

Most of the deck fenced and conditioned. The yacht moves at a speed of 22 nodes and accommodates up to 70 guests and 154 crew members.

Dubai, $ 350 million

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Yacht 162 M - a real floating city for 72 guests and 88 crew members. This is the third largest yacht in the world.

Usually Dubai is moored on the artificial island of Logo Island near the summer palace of his Royal Highness Sheikh Mohammed.

The vessel with a capacity of 33.8 thousand horsepower develops speed up to 26 nodes. Passengers and crew are placed here on eight decks, and for guests there are three elevators, swimming pool, spa, glass staircase, a variety of dining tables, a submarine in case of unforeseen weather conditions and, of course, the helicopter platform.

Eclipse, score from $ 450 million to $ 1.2 billion

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The design was developed by the London company TERENCE DISDALE DESIGN under the closer leadership of the future owner.

162.5 m long yacht has nine decks, 24 luxury cabins for accommodation 62 guests, two swimming pools, cinema hall, dance floor, wine cellar. Glasses for non-alcoholic and strong drinks are made from Austrian crystal - the most expensive in the world. There is a huge massage room, the walls of which are covered with reptiles and leopards skins. Another vessel business card is its own defense system for detecting intruders and paparazzi. The vessel can develop a speed of 22 to 38 knots.

Streets of Monaco, $ 1 billion

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Streets of Monaco's yacht resembles a city on the water, even a small country. Designers really recreated the streets of Monaco with its reduced copies of luxury hotels, a casino, a restaurant Cafe de Paris, a night bar of La Rascasse and even a kart track, repeating the route of the Grand Prix route in Monaco. In the center of Streets of Monaco - "Atrium" connecting the lower and upper residential spaces, including seven guest rooms, each of which is equipped with a bedroom, bathroom and a balcony. Despite the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe vessel (almost 1.5 thousand square meters. M), no more than 16 guests can relax here.

However, so far, no one walks in the "Streets of Monaco" - the yacht does not belong to anyone.

The ship created in 2011 by the British company The Yacht Island turned out to be unusual that still awaits his buyer. It is moored in one of the Turkish ports.

The German company called Lürssen, which specializes in the release of elite and luxurious yachts released in 2013 the most huge mega yacht in the world, calling her azzam.

This yacht is the largest charter motor ship.

Photo 2.

In addition to the fact that the azmen class model is the biggest ship on the entire world, even more than the yacht of the novel Abramovich, it is also one of the most speeds in its class.

Its dimensions are amazed. Just imagine: 180 meters are two football fields or 12 railway cars. At the same time, Azzam can easily accelerate to the maximum speed of 30 nodes (55 km / h). In this, two gas turbines with a total capacity of 94,000 hp, four water plants and turbocharger diesel engine Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C with a capacity of 108,920 hp (80 088 kW).

This is the largest engine in the world: its length is 27.1 m, the height is 13.4 m, the weight is more than 2,300 tons. Originally designed for container shipments, it perfect for the 180-meter mega yacht. You can not doubt that with such dimensions on board the mega-yacht remained enough space to realize any fantasy of the customer. Even the main salon has no analogues in the world: length - 29 m, width 18 m.

Photo 3.

For servicing the vessel of such impressive sizes, five hundred is a carriage of the crew. In the yacht tank of this class, you can pour about one million fuel, which makes it possible to travel around the world all year round, while not to go to the port for refueling the vessel. One of the advantages of the azmen class yachts is that it can easily walk in shallow water at a very high speed.

Photo 4.

The design of the interior decoration was engaged in a popular and talented French designer whose name Christoph Leoni. The famous designer in his work adhered to an ampir style.

Photo 5.

There is no detailed information about the interior of the vessel at the moment, but it is known from reliable sources that the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest Azzam salon is thirty-to-twenty meters, this salon does not contain pillars that share the inner space. It is also known that the length of the open terrace is over eighteen meters.

Photo 6.

The interior of the yacht, Christoph Leoni designed in a magnificent imperial, dear and luxurious style. Most furniture that are harmoniously posted on the ship are antique, made of valuable and expensive trees.

Partially antique furniture is painted with gold and decorated with jewelry stones. It is said that the yacht of this class on its board has a submarine, as well as a helicopter.

Photo 7.

Designers reported that this vessel is the most complex and long-term project of the company. Mubarak Saad Al Ahbabi is a leading engineer who was engaged in the construction of superyahs.

Photo 8.

The customer and the current owner of the Yacht Azzam - Khalifa Ibn Zaid Al Najiani, President of the UAE and Emir Abu Dhabi, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes $ 15 billion. The construction of the vessel was preceded by a project competition, which defeated the exterior from the Milan Studio Nauta Yacht Design and the interior from the French designer Christophe Leoni. Technical management of the construction carried out Burgess Yachts. The main engineer was Mubarak Sad Al Akhbabi.

There was a version that this owner of the yacht.

Photo 9.

Nauta Yachts is an Italian company that was engaged in the design of the vessel of the Azzam class, and the German company Lurssen was engaged in the construction of this magnificent and majestic mega yacht, which is located in the city of Bremen.

Photo 10.

It is known that the style in which the interior of Azzam's interior is close to neoclassicism of the beginning of the XIX century - the time of the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte. In the absence of photographs from the board mega-yacht - they could not yet be obtained anyone, even by authoritative international yacht editions - you can submit something resembling the imperial bedrooms in Versailles.

Photo 11.

Azzam is registered as a charter yacht, however, open information about the possibility and cost of its charter is not represented anywhere. An extremely rare yacht can be found in the Arabian Sea, even less often in the Mediterranean. In May 2015, eyewitnesses managed to see her passing Gibraltar. Currently - and most of the year of the year - Azzam moored in the port of Khalifa in Abu Dhabi.

Photo 12.

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Photo 26.


Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world

They are beautiful, unlike each other, there are absolutely everything for a luxurious life. And they are very expensive.

See our top 10 most expensive yachts in the world as of the beginning of 2016.

10. The Rising Sun - $ 200.000.000

Initially belonging to Larry Ellison, the head of Oracle Corporation, this yacht is a 5-storey floating mansion with 82 rooms and develops the maximum speed of 33 miles per hour.

9. Seven Seas - $ 200.000.000

Director's yacht Stephen Spielberg Seven Seas was built taking into account all the wishes and demands of the owner.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
8. Lady Moura - $ 210.000.000

Yacht Saudi billionaire Nasser Al-Rashid is so smart that the ship's name is made of 24-carat gold. The yacht appeared in 1990, but very little is known for details about the ship. But, judging by the gold on board, it is safe to say that the owner has become consistent with the cost of equipment and the inner decoration of the yacht.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
7. Al Mirqab - $ 250.000.000

Another Arab billionaire, another stunning yacht. It has 10 rooms, 2 VIP zones, a cinema, a terrace, as well as a swimming pool and a helicopter area. This yacht was developed by Tim Haywood and was built by Peters Shiffbau in Germany. Currently, the yacht belongs to the Prime Minister of Qatar Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Tanya.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
6. Dilbar - $ 263.000.000

This yacht was purchased for $ 263 million by one of the richest Russian businessmen, Alisher Usmanov. The ship is named after Mother Usmanova, can take on board 20 guests and 47 crew members. On the ship there is a helicopter platform, a pool and a chic dining room. Dilbar is also developing Tim Haywood.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
5. Al Said - $ 300.000.000

The cost of the yacht is comparable to the GDP of a small country. Al Said belongs to Sultan Oman Kabus Ben Said and is named in his honor. In 2008, the ship built from aluminum was considered the largest yacht in the world made of aluminum.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
4. SUPERYACHT A - $ 323.000.000

This yacht is relatively small and can take on board 14 guests and 43 crew members. Superyacht A was developed by Philip Stark, belongs to Russian businessman Andrei Melnichenko. The ship has a bed with a controller that allows it to rotate to catch the perfect view of sunrise and sunset.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
3. Dubai - $ 350.000.000

Created to princes and Sheykhov, Dubai yacht was named floating city due to its huge seven decks, helicopter platform, a small submarine, swimming pool, spa and everything else, which could wish a person. Currently, this yacht belongs to Mohammed Ben Rashid Al Maktum, Emir of Dubai. Created by Blohm + Voss in 2006, she was the most expensive yacht in the world.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
2. SUPERYACHT AZZAM - $ 600.000.000

Yes, this yacht is expensive, and this is because it has not only an exclusive design interior and exterior, but also because it is the largest superyah in the world. It belongs to the President of the United Arab Emirates of Khalifa Ibn Zaid Al Najiani, this is the second most expensive yacht in the world. German shipbuilders Lürssen Yachts took four years to build Azzam and its 50 apartments.

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world
1. Eclipse - $ 800.000.000

Eclipse is a 536-foot yacht with 24 rooms, two helicopter venues, a cinema, a hairdresser, a dance floor, a restaurant and a mini-submarine. This yacht was acquired by the Russian billionaire, the owner of FC Chelsea Roman Abramovich in 2010. At that time, Eclipse was the largest yacht in the world. According to rumors, a laser protection system is installed on the ship (so that they do not photograph guests who have fun on the yacht).

Top 10: The most expensive yachts in the world

Boat International, Online Magazine about Yakhting, published a list of the world's largest private luxury yachts. Especially in the list are allocated the first 17 - their length varies from 123 to an impressive 180 meters. Most of them were built in this century, but the oldest yacht on the list first walked 150 years ago. Many yachts in this list are shrouded in the halo of mystery - despite the outstanding dimensions, it is unknown who owns them. 17. Savarona - 124 meters. We begin with a beautiful yacht built in 1937 for Emily Robling Kadwalader, the heiress of a rich kind of US. Later, Turkey acquired it to use as a presidential yacht, and in 1989, the yacht was repaired and converted to $ 35 million.
16. Katara - 124 meters. The origin of this yacht is foggy, but in the ports it raises the flag of Qatar. Boat International believes that the yacht belongs to the young Emir of Sheih Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Tanya
15. Maryah - 125 meters. This is the former Russian research vessel, built in Poland in 1991. Later in the UK, it was turned into a luxurious yacht, capable of accommodating 54 passengers.
14. Octopus - 126 meters. The giant yacht belongs to the Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Most of the time it is moored in Antibes, France. It even has a helicopter landing platform!
13. Al Mirqab - 133 meters. In 2009, Al Mirqab won the Title "Motor Yacht of the Year" at the World Superyacht Awards competition. It is reported that it is able to develop the maximum speed of 20 nodes.
12. Serene - 134 meters. About the yacht, built in 2011 for the mysterious Russian customer, it is known only that this is the largest yacht ever lowered to water in Italy, where it was made.
11. Rising Sun - 138 meters. Initially built for the head of Oracle Larry Ellison, in 2010 the yacht moved into the hands of the musical magnate David Hepfen.
10. Al Salmah - 139 meters. At the time of construction, the yacht was assigned the code name "MIPOS" - a reduction from the "Mission Possible" (the mission is executed). This is one of many superyahs in the list belonging to the Saudi royal family, in this case - Prince Sultan Ibn Abdul-Aziz.
9. Ocean Victory - 140 meters. Another yacht, all the details of which are held secret. According to rumors, on Ocean Victory, seven decks, six swimming pools and "flooded garage".
8. YAS - 141 meters. The yacht looks so futuristic that it would be appropriately looked even in the Star Path. Yas was built in 2011 by ABU Dhabi Mar holding using the materials of the Dutch Naval Ship. The owner is unknown.
7. EL HORRIYA - 146 meters. The yacht was built in 1865 for the Ottoman governor. 119 years old she remained the biggest yacht in the world.
6. Prince Abdulaziz - 147 meters. Personal yacht King Saudi Arabia Abdullah. It is reported that in 1984, she cost 184 million dollars. The interior of the cabin company is inspired by the images of the Titanic.
5. Topaz - 147 meters. The yacht was built in Berlin in 2012 and cost the customer at $ 527 million. On board there are gym, cinema, jacuzzi and negotiation.
4. Al Said - 155 meters. The yacht, built in 2006 for the Omansky Sultan Kabusa Al Said, can boast the highest displacement in the list - 15.85 tons. In addition, the yacht has its own concert hall, where the orchestra of 50 people can accommodate.
3. Dubai - 162 meters. This giant yacht, ordered by Prince Bruna Jeffrey in 1996, now belongs to Shahih Mohammed Ibn Rashid Al Maktuum. In addition to the usual luxury attributes, there is an atrium 21 meter wide, designed to impress 24 guests (so much people can spend the night on the yacht).
2. Eclipse - 162.5 meters. The second largest superimat in the world was built in 2009 for the Russian billionaire and the owner of the Chelsea Football Club, Roman Abramovich, and he had rumored $ 500 million. Every year she crosses the Caribbean Sea to deliver passengers to the house of Abramovich on the island of Saint-Bartelemi.
1. Azzam - 180 meters. The yacht was built by the German company Lurssen Yachts, with a shipyard of which six of the top ten yachts in this list. The owner of the world's largest private super yacht is unknown, although many suggest that he belongs to the royal family Abu Dhabi. The cost of Azzam is estimated at $ 600 million. According to rumors, a submarine is placed on the yacht with its own system.

The best and therefore the most expensive yacht in the world in 2016, the 70-meter yacht "Galactica Super Nova" belonging to the Russian oligarch, the owner of LUKOIL, Vagit Alekperov.

At the end of September 2016, Monaco, in the presence of more than 30 thousand guests, a grandiose competitive show was held, on which the richest billionaires of the world presented their chic yachts - only exclusive vessels with a length of at least 25-30 meters were admitted to participation.

By decision of the authoritative jury, the yacht "Galactica Super Nova" received the 1st place in the "Best New Yacht" nominations and the "best interior design". In addition, as previously it has already been known that the Alekperova yacht today is the largest aluminum yacht in the world.

Yacht Vagita Alekperova "Galactica Super Nova" is recognized as the best in the world

Super Nova was manufactured and first launched on the water in March 2016 at the shipyards of Heesen Yachts in the city of Osc (Netherlands). The main challenge characteristic of the vessel is the presence of, in addition to the two main screw engines, also the third engine-water-water "Rolls-Royce", due to which the yacht can accelerate the speed of 30 nodes in a minute (about 56 km / h), belonging to the category of fastest His class.

According to the quality of the "Super Nova" is just a masterpiece of luxury, given that its interiors dealt with the world's best designer ESPEN OEINO, along with his named architectural bureau from Monaco.

It is not surprising that the gorgeous yacht alikperova has 6 cabins for 12 people, a swimming pool with a volume of 13.5 thousand l. With a waterfall and a jacuzzi, a restaurant, a spa zone and a helicopter platform. From individual characteristics you can select a glass elevator connecting all decks. It is curious that the bottom of the pool made of transparent glass provides natural lighting for the cabins located under it.

The interiors of the yacht "Galactica Super Nova"

Crystal staircases between decks, silver dishes and a refined layout of a sailing ship on the table in the central cabin of the 1st floor were steel.

Usually, during the absence of a traveling owner, "Galactica Super Nova" is located on the piernes of Mediterranean resort cities. In particular this summer, the ship has already managed to celebrate the port of Tivat in Montenegro, Spanish Valencia and in Ibiza, causing a lot of admiration for tourists and locals.

Interestingly, the love of Vagit Alekperova to his still future yacht was so high that the Russian billionaire several years ago simply bought the Dutch shipyard "Heesen Yachts", becoming its owner through the Cyprus Offshore Company "Vela Fund" and paying several tens of millions of euros. And the whole process of the building "Super Nova", which took a total of more than 3 years, Alekperov controlled on the rights of a double owner, as the customer and the performer.

As previously reported, Vagit Alekperov is considered one of the richest Russian businessmen, is the founder and head of the oil-producing company LUKOIL. According to Forbes magazine, its condition is estimated at 8.9 billion US dollars, which corresponds to the 6th place in the ranking of the most wealthy Russian citizens.

Yacht "Galactica Super Nova" in the port of Valencia, June 2016
Yacht "Galactica Super Nova" on the wharf in Ibiza, July 2016
Scheme of the most expensive yacht in the world "Galactica Super Nova"