Who is the owner of the transaero company. Where are the transaero planes

Ten million passengers

CJSC C7 Group of Companies is 100% owned by the founders of Siberia Airlines Vladislav and Natalya Filev. Owns 97% of shares of Siberia Airlines, the fourth in terms of passenger traffic in Russia, and 100% of the ninth - Globus (both operate flights under the S7 Airlines brand). In 2014, the group's airlines carried 10.06 million passengers. The total revenue of the companies in 2014 amounted to 86.1 billion rubles, net profit - 1.39 billion rubles.

Lenders will think

Vladislav Filev told RBC that the shareholders of S7 “have a plan for settling relations with Transaero's creditors. He refused to talk about the details of the plan, noting only that the new shareholders "will do their best to avoid bankruptcy of the airline." Sberbank and Alfa-Bank filed lawsuits on the bankruptcy of Transaero late last - early this week. Yesterday in the newspaper "Kommersant" there was information that from day to day the operator's certificate may be revoked from the company.

The debt of "Transaero" is about 260 billion rubles, of which 160 billion falls on the leasing of aircraft, 85 billion rubles. - for bank loans, the rest - debt to fuel companies, airports and service providers. When asked whether Transaero's creditors would resume negotiations on debt restructuring after the deal with Filev, a top manager of one of the banks - the airline's largest creditors replied that it "depends on the conditions."

For the first time, information that the S7 group can take part in the rescue " Transaero ”Appeared in early September. As RBC reported at the time, representatives of VTB offered to transfer “ Transaero "To the S7 management at a meeting in Ministry of Economic Development September 2 - the very next day after at a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov it was decided to transfer 75% plus one share " Transaero to Aeroflot.

“This [transfer of Transaero to S7's management] would have made it possible to better guarantee the rights of the carrier's creditors,” a source close to one of the airline's creditors told RBC at the time.

“Everything is good that will not lead to bankruptcy of the airline. So this deal is good news for Promsvyazbank. I hope that the new management will take into account the interests of Transaero's creditors. The bank is ready for constructive negotiations on the methods and possibilities of repayment and debt restructuring, ”Vladimir Yashin, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Promsvyazbank, told RBC. Transaero's debt to Promsvyazbank is 7.5 billion rubles. The bank also pledges four aircraft of the air carrier.

The chairman of the board of Absolut Bank (Transaero's debt to the bank, according to RBC sources, is 2.7 billion rubles), Andrei Degtyarev, told RBC that he “welcomes the deal”. “Bank“ Absolute ”, as one of the creditors, will make every effort to support the new owner and take the company“ Transaero ”out of the situation in which it finds itself,” Degtyarev said.

Problem air carrier

On September 1, an interdepartmental commission chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov made a decision to transfer Transaero to Aeroflot for a symbolic ruble. It was assumed that Aeroflot will ensure the fulfillment of obligations for the carriage of passengers of its competitor, payment for the services of airports and refueling complexes, payment wages staff. The servicing of Transaero's loan obligations was to be undertaken by Aeroflot only after the program for restructuring the loan debt had been agreed with the banks. On September 3, Aeroflot's board of directors accepted for consideration the offer of Transaero shareholders to sell the state-owned company 75% plus one share “at the price of the specified block of shares not exceeding 1 (one) ruble”. The offer term, according to the decision, expired on September 28.

From the beginning of September, Aeroflot took over the management of the company. At the same time, it was headed by the former deputy general director of Aeroflot Dmitry Saprykin. But after a couple of weeks it became clear that Aeroflot might not be able to save Transaero. Already on September 15, German Gref, chairman of the board of Sberbank, a consultant to Aeroflot and a major creditor to Transaero, said that the debtor's bankruptcy was not ruled out. “In all respects, Transaero is already bankrupt,” Gref said. After him, officials started talking about bankruptcy. The term of the offer of the shareholders of Transaero to Aeroflot expired on September 28, but the deal never took place.

Formally, the sellers were unable to assemble the required package. Olga Pleshakova told RBC that her husband Alexander Pleshakov collected a little less than 60%, and the creditor banks - VTB (pledged 25% plus one share) and MKB, according to her, refused to withdraw pledges from shares.

On October 1, at a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, it was decided to bankrupt the airline. Aeroflot refused the deal, but assumed the obligation to carry the competitor's passengers until December 15, or 95% of all customers, the rest were promised compensation. On the same day, the Federal Air Transport Agency banned Transaero from selling new tickets. After that, 12 creditor banks wrote a letter to Medvedev, in which they indicated that the bankruptcy of the airline would lead to a deterioration in the competitive environment and the quality of air transportation in the country, as well as to a significant underfunding of the real sector of the economy on the part of creditor banks and leasing companies. Of these, six creditor banks on Monday appealed to Pleshakova, who heads the board of directors of Transaero, with a demand to change the general director, since, in their opinion, Saprykin has "an obvious conflict of interests."

Recently, two large lenders of Transaero - Sberbank and Alfa-Bank - filed bankruptcy claims. VTB also announced its intention to file a bankruptcy claim.

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The founders of Transaero, Alexander and Olga Pleshakov, left the country, two sources told Forbes - a businessman and a federal official. According to one of them, the Pleshakovs left a few months ago, but sometimes they visit Russia. Also, the interlocutor of Forbes clarified, Pleshakov's mother, the head of the Interstate Aviation Committee Tatyana Anodina, joined them. Forbes' third investment banking source said the family now lives in France. We have not yet been able to contact the Pleshakovs.

In early September, the decision that Transaero, which is in a difficult financial condition (total debt as of mid-2015 amounted to 250 billion rubles), should come under the control of Aeroflot, was made at a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov with the participation of the main creditors of the company: VEB, VTB and Sberbank. For 1 ruble, Aeroflot was to receive 75% plus one share of the company by September 28 and take on the task of solving the problems of passengers and personnel of Transaero.

In September, Transaero came under the operational control of Aeroflot, and Olga Pleshakova, who together with her husband Alexander Pleshakov owned the company, left the post of General Director of Transaero. However, the Pleshakovs could not collect the shareholding necessary for the transaction: for this they had to agree with minority shareholders and VTB, which had a pledge of 25% of the company's shares. Aeroflot refused the deal.

On the evening of October 20, it became known that the co-owner of the S7 Group, Vladislav Filev, had become interested in Transaero. He signed an agreement with Pleshakov, which implies the sale of 51% of Transaero shares to the co-owner of the S7 Group, RBC wrote. The businessmen did not name the amount of the deal, but Pleshakov said that it was significantly higher than 1 ruble - the symbolic amount of the proposed deal with Aeroflot.

The day after Filev and Pleshakov agreed on the deal, the first deputy prime minister said that law enforcement agencies should pay attention to how Transaero found itself in the company's current difficult financial situation. A few days later, on October 26, Rosaviatsia revoked the operator's certificate from Transaero. Without this document, companies are not allowed to fly. Until last week, Transaero was under the operational control of Aeroflot, which organized the transportation of more than 90% of passengers who had airline tickets. Aeroflot also received 56 international destinations from Transaero and 12 aircraft from its fleet.

On Monday, November 2, with Pleshakov, because he does not have the required 51% stake in Transaero. Olga Pleshakova posted on her Twitter page an appeal from Alexander Pleshakov, from which it follows that the 60-day period of the transaction, stipulated by the agreement between Filev and Pleshakov, has not yet expired. In turn, Natalya Fileva, the wife and partner of Vladislav Filev, told Forbes that if Pleshakov collects the 51% required by Filev before the expiration of the agreement, the deal will take place.

That 75% plus 1 share of Transaero will be bought by Aeroflot for 1 ruble. At the same time, the debts of Transaero, together with leasing contracts, reached 260 billion rubles by this time. The Vedomosti newspaper publishes the story of how the owners of the air carrier, the Pleshakovs, built and lost the company.

In 1992, the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) was created to certify aircraft, airports, develop airworthiness standards and investigate aviation accidents... Its chairman was Tatiana Anodina, the mother of the future general director of Transaero Alexander Pleshakov, and also an aviation general, former chief technical management Ministries civil aviation USSR. “Tatyana Grigorievna knew about how the complex air transportation business works, everything. Unlike the pilots, who led hundreds of squadrons, into which Aeroflot split in the 1990s, it is the only air carrier in the USSR, ”says Boris Rybak, CEO of Infomost.

The first Transaero flight took place on November 5, 1991 on a rented Tu-154 along one of the most profitable routes - to Israel. With the money earned in a year of flights, Transaero purchased its first Il-86 in 1992 and opened the Moscow - Norilsk route.

In 1997, Transaero signed an agreement with Boeing to prepare a contract for the supply of 40 new aircraft. “The company was lucky - it did not have time to buy a single new Boeing. Otherwise, the history of Transaero could have ended when the crisis broke out, ”says Aleksey Sinitsky, editor-in-chief of the Aviatransportnoe Obozreniye magazine. By the 1998 crisis, Transaero had 17 Boeing 737s, the average age of which was over 20 years.

Back in 1997, Transaero registered the Transaero aviation company, whose board of directors included two representatives of the oligarch Boris Berezovsky. For several years, Berezovsky's structures were able to consolidate almost 44% of the shares, and then the company was supported by the chairman of the Federation Council, the governor Oryol region Egor Stroyev. In 2000, the oligarch had to leave Russia, and Stroyev helped the company save on taxes: on his order, Transaero was provided with tax benefits to the local budget in the amount of 50% under the obligation to reconstruct the local airport and open regular flights from Orel to Moscow. The airport has not been reconstructed.

In 2004, the airline changed its registration to St. Petersburg, the Pleshakovs bought out Berezovsky's share in 2005-2006, which, according to Vedomosti, could cost them 2.5 billion rubles.

The Pleshakovs gained full control over Transaero by 2006. A year earlier, the aircraft fleet was restored to the 1997 level - 17 aircraft. By 2010, their number had reached 59. At the same time, by the end of 2009, the airline's net debt was five times higher than EBITDA. And from 2007 to 2015, Transaero showed profit only once - in 2011. Analysts noticed the first signs of a crisis at Transaero in 2013 - then the company, with a long delay and the auditor's reservations, published its IFRS statements. “And in 2014, when the events in Ukraine began and the economic situation began to deteriorate more and more rapidly, especially at the end of the year, it became clear that Transaero would not survive,” Rybak says.

One of the sources of the publication claims that around that time the Pleshakovs first offered to buy out their business for $ 300 million, a year later reducing the offer to $ 100 million.

In October 2014, Sberbank announced the organization of a syndicated loan for up to RUB 45 billion to refinance the company's debt. In addition, after Transaero received state guarantees for 9 billion rubles from VTB and refused a loan from Sberbank, starting negotiations on new state guarantees for large amounts - up to 70 billion rubles, but, according to sources of the publication, the fate of the company has already been decided. “But lenders and the government were afraid to immediately apply harsh measures to Transaero, otherwise half of the country would not come from vacation,” says one of them.

“At a certain moment, Shuvalov simply ran out of patience,” says a federal official and notes that no one in the government and state-owned banks-creditor understood what business model the Pleshakovs were talking about, and it became clear that the prospect of stopping flights and strikes was becoming real. employees. Therefore, Shuvalov handed the passengers over to Aeroflot, only this company would have the capacity to carry such a number of people.

“I think that for Alexander Petrovich Pleshakov, the offer to give the company for 1 ruble at a government meeting was a surprise. But he stood up and said that if the banks are not otherwise ready to restructure debts, then he is ready to cede the company, let the banks talk with another shareholder and that he is grateful to Aeroflot, "says Vitaly, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vnukovo Airport and minority co-owner of Transaero. Vantsev.

After purchasing 75.1% of Transaero shares, Aeroflot intends to reduce the fleet of the acquired airline by 70%, optimize routes and restructure debts.

Pleshakova and Anodin did not respond to Vedomosti's inquiries.

Transaero Is a private airline that started air transportation in December 1990. In terms of flight safety, the company is one of the ten best in the world.There are four classes of passenger service on regular flights of the airline.

A bit of history and half the issue

But during the crisis of 98, the company had to sell 9 planes, leaving 8 behind them. They were rather shabby Boeing 737s (about 20 years in service on average).

The company covered most of the flights, restructured debts, but stayed afloat.

In subsequent years, the company receives new certificates, opens new routes, increases its fleet (up to 57 aircraft in 2010).

The company is the first to introduce fully electronic tickets.

The company signs multimillion-dollar contracts for the supply of equipment with Boeing, Airbus and Sukhoi Sukhoi Civil Aircraft.

The company underwent restructuring, cost optimization, but the next crisis in 2008 brought all efforts to naught.

In 2009, it became known, according to the leaders of Transaero, that the company had negative capital, and this lasted at least 3 years.

ACT 3, extreme. Do not renounce the prison and the bag.

In 2014, according to some media reports, Ms. Pleshakova applied to the government with a request for a state guarantee for 10 billion rubles. The management of Transaero, in chorus, denied this information, providing reports and figures of steady growth in profits.

However, a loan from VTB in the amount of 9 billion rubles was received, as well as state guarantees.

According to RBC, the list of Transaero's debts before the meeting in the government was as follows:

  • VTB - 12.7 billion rubles
  • Gazprombank - 8 bln.
  • Novikombank - 8 bln.
  • Credit Bank of Moscow + Promsvyazbank - 7.5 billion.
  • Sberbank - 6 billion.
  • Rosselkhozbank - 6 bln.

As is known on this moment, Aeroflot refused to buy Transaero. And at a meeting in the government, with the participation of Aeroflot, credit and leasing companies, no compromise was found.

The final

The final turned out to be logical. Transaero has always worked only for itself. The company did not make any compromises and negotiations with other members of the firm. It pursued its own policy of purchasing old aircraft and reducing the cost of tickets, and increasing passenger traffic at any cost. The Pleshakovs' clan also had personal disagreements with some of the airline executives that reached the point of hostility. With this approach, the company remained in a vacuum in the air transportation market, and as you know, you cannot last long in a vacuum.

Despite the obvious support of the authorities, from which all sorts of benefits and indulgences poured on the company, Transaero got too carried away in the race for the leader. The company received state. loans against promises of purchase of Russian aircraft. But it was in no hurry to buy Tu-204, Tu-214 and SSJ 100. Transaero preferred to take aircraft on operational lease. In the carrier's fleet (for 2013), 67 aircraft were leased.

The company created a surplus of aircraft, constantly increasing unprofitable routes, hoping to cover losses on international routes. Hoping for an increase in lines and passenger traffic.

But in 2013-2014, there was a hurricane crisis in the tourism sector. A wave of bankruptcies of tour operators, Western sanctions, an increase in the exchange rate of Western currencies, a sharp reduction in the flow of passengers on foreign flights, finally undermined the barely holding company.

Already in 2014, the deterioration of the economic situation, the events in Ukraine, led the owners to the idea of ​​selling the business.

From an initial price of $ 300 million, the rate dropped to $ 100 million six months ago.

According to some sources, Aeroflot may receive 35 aircraft from the stagnating company. Leased aircraft will be transferred to other companies. And about 11,000 people of qualified personnel of "Transaero" will be left without work.

A curtain.

Overhead lighting in the hall turns on, the spectators get up from their seats in bewilderment, and dejectedly go to the exit. The money has been paid, and not everyone will be able to return their hard-earned money for the pleasure they have not received.

The air transportation market is very specific. It is influenced by many factors. Wars, epidemics, rising or falling oil prices, and now the planes fly half empty, and the carrier suffers huge losses. This market is very competitive, but despite this, companies need to be able to negotiate in the interests of the market itself, and passengers, and the companies themselves.

Transaero flights for which tickets have been sold and booked will be provided by UTair, Aeroflot, S7 Siberia. Moreover, Aeroflot takes over the bulk of Transaero's passengers.

There is no intrigue, the company itself has driven itself into a debt corner.

And the crisis in the air transportation market is a common phenomenon in world practice. As well as the bankruptcy of even the largest players.

Four classes of passenger service.

One of the largest aircraft fleets today belongs to Transaero. In addition, Transaero is the only airline among the countries of Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe, operating a passenger Boeing-747.

From the first day of its existence, the company has been working in three main areas: improving flight safety, ensuring comfort and constant improvement.

Transaero's management is constantly working to improve the quality of passenger service.

As part of this activity, the company, through its employees, implements the following activities:

    takes full responsibility to passengers for the safety of flights;

    ready to constantly listen to each client and fulfill all his requirements;

    ensures the coherence of the work of all its employees;

    carefully considers all the candidates for employees, relying on the choice not only on the professional, but also on the personal qualities of each;

A huge role in the success of Transaero is played by the company's staff, which consists of professionals in their field. At present, their number is approaching 10,000. By providing employees with high wages, the company's management emphasizes the great importance of everyone in achieving a common goal - high-quality service for Transaero customers.

The company tries to fully fulfill its obligations to passengers. It does everything possible to provide flight opportunities for passengers of different categories with different material capabilities.

In just 25 years of operation, Transaero Airlines has achieved worldwide recognition for the success of its activities. At the moment, the air carrier carries out dozens of flights across the territory of the Russian Federation, and no less number of flights also falls on the countries of the near and far abroad, which indicates the firm intentions of this air operator, which will certainly entail the nearest promising development.

Today, Transaero Airlines is very recognizable in the international arena of passenger air transportation, and dozens of airports located around the world cooperate with this air carrier. In the very near future, the air carrier intends to expand its air fleet, increasing the number of aircraft by more than 50%, which will be an excellent help for the continued development of its air transportation, both on the domestic routes of the Russian Federation and beyond.

As of the end of September 2014, Transaero has significantly increased the volume of passengers carried - an increase compared to the same month of the previous year was about 3.5%. The annual number of passengers carried increases every new year by more than 15%, which once again underlines the success of this air carrier.

Within the framework of social policy, the company's management is ready to provide free services for certain groups of passengers... These include veterans of the Great Patriotic War, residents of besieged Leningrad, prisoners of concentration camps. In addition, the company provides financial sponsorship assistance to children suffering from cancer, and also provides free transportation of such children from various cities of Russia for treatment abroad. The social policy of Transaero is also aimed at the development of Russian sports.

On the company's website you will receive all the information you are interested in. Special operators-consultants will answer all your questions.


Basic data:

    The country of the airline is Russia;

    Engaged in long-haul flights from St. Petersburg and Moscow across Russia and the world.

    Year of appearance: 1991;

    IATA airline code: UN;

    ICAO airline code: TSO;

    Internal airline code: UN;

Air company Transaero. Official site: