How we went to the Black Pyramid. Climbing Achishkho and the Black Pyramid Mountain Black Pyramid

Once a friend and I were planning to go to the top of the Black Pyramid mountain, on the Aibga ridge. We went there more than once.
They gathered spontaneously. Although the Aibga ridge is included within the border zone, they did not issue passes, knowing that the border guards go from Alpiki-Service towards Turiye Gory and practically do not look into the Aibga circuses. We decided to climb the ridge using a cable car. We didn’t even consider the Alpika-Service ski resort because we had climbed there many times. I wanted to climb the Mountain Carousel.
We packed our backpacks, bought food, and arrived at the foot of Aibga. They didn’t tempt fate, they turned to the head of the “security service” with the question: “... what about the border guards?” A man with a military bearing asked: “... for what purpose are we interested?” We explained everything to him, about the desire to rise, and about the “improvement of the nation,” and about the Constitution of the Russian Federation, about photographing landscapes... etc. To which we were told: “... go up, but you cannot go beyond the fences at the upper bypass station, otherwise troubles await us.” We weren’t happy with this option, we wanted to move on, especially since we were going overnight…. As a result, seeing us with backpacks larger in size than a camera bag, they didn’t even let us onto the ski lift. They said that: - “... you can’t carry backpacks.” Although at that time there were Downhill competitions taking place and the athletes were climbing with bicycles.
Why am I telling this? Probably, once again convince yourself and warn others that in connection with the status of the “Olympic capital” it is necessary to take a lot of passes and permits. This applies not only to Aibga, but to all other districts (Pseashkho, Aishkho, Kardyvach, etc.). Or maybe they are hiding something from us?
Literally a week after the described incident, I climbed the Black Pyramid with children aged 8-10 years (at that time a video was shot, which I already posted in the “Aibga-2” topic). I didn’t meet Pograntsov, but I found a lot of people at the top who wanted to wander along the ridge. I very much doubt that they had passes to the border zone or at least to the territory of the SNP.
Late in the evening, after long “negotiations,” we decided to climb, at least somewhere... The choice fell on the Achishkho ridge. They walked it up and down. What to do, time left is night and day. In the UAZ we went up to the Khmelevskoye lakes. On the same day we reached the Achipse River (Vdp. Brothers). We spent the night and the next day we climbed to the top. On the same day we went down to Krasnaya Polyana.
We were lucky, we didn’t meet anyone on our way, although Achishkho is also divided between the SNP, the Sochi Nature Reserve and the KSPBZ.
Question for travel lovers:
1. Do you take passes to environmental protection zones?
2. If you go without passes, what do you do when you meet employees of the same environmental protection zones?
3. Same thing about the border zone?
Below is a short photo report about the hike.

Lake Khmelevskogo - « Big lake" The lakes were named after landowner V.F. Khmelevsky, a member of the Caucasian Mountain Club, a researcher of the flora and climate of Krasnaya Polyana at the beginning of the last century.

There are many lakes on the ridge, from swamps to normal lakes.

Another one of the overgrowing lakes.

Achishkho in the clouds.

There are many well-worn trails on the ridge.

The area of ​​the former weather station. The Achishkho weather station was founded in September 1929 and was closed in 1988. For several years, the two-story weather station house was used by tourists as a shelter, then it was destroyed, leaving only the foundation of the building. Before the weather station, there was a booth of the Crimean-Caucasian Mountain Club here.

Mirror Lake. One of the most famous and beautiful. A place of pilgrimage for tourists and so-called “mushroom pickers” (by the way, they are soon in the season of climbing the ridge).

The village of Krasnaya Polyana from one of the horizons. In the area of ​​Lake Zerkalnoye there are many horizons with beautiful views.

The source of the Achipse River is the Brothers waterfall. Achipse flows into the Mzymta.

The first circus. Cows graze without a shepherd.

Chugush massif. One of the three thousand meters. Is highest point Republic of Adygea.

In the second circus.

Snowflakes hang almost all summer.

This is the structure that was discovered in the second circus. Who knows what this is? and who built it? Aren't these “mushroom pickers”?

Second circus. Assara is in the background.

Rhododendron. In Russia it occurs naturally, mainly in the Caucasus.

Aibga - all peaks are visible.

A drying lake on one of the spurs.

View from the Achishkho pass (in the classifier of passes Krasnodar Territory designated as pass - 1A). Mount Zelenaya, Lago-naki plateau in the distance. In the circus, the Rybny stream, one of the tributaries of the Berezovaya, winds like a snake.

Peak Achishkho - 2391 meters above sea level. View from the pass.

Also a peak, but from the ridge. Below the peak there is another lake of the same name.

Valley of the Mzymta River. And the “scars on the body” of the mountains.

After lunch, it’s almost always addictive at the top. Achishkho is one of the wettest places in Russia.

Almost the entire ridge, the second circus, the top of the “Rock Castle”, and the drying lake are visible.


It's already Return trip. From the Bear Gate pass.

Krasnaya Polyana from the stone scree. The scree itself can be seen from the village.

"Rock Castle".

Dolmen on the Beshenka River. There are many of them here.

Beshenka River. Downstream is the Malaya Krasnopolyanskaya Hydroelectric Power Station.

Lastly. Photo from the tower on Mount Akhun.

This is what Achishkho and Chugush look like from the shore. There is a cloud above the top of Chugush.

It was the most rapid and therefore fantastic trip to the mountains. On the way to work on Monday morning, I had no idea that just seven days later, on Sunday night, I would be lying “without my hind legs” wondering what really happened! That's how it was...

This trip to the mountains came unexpectedly. On Monday I go to my favorite and see a fresh post with photos of Krasnaya Polyana... It’s damp autumn in Moscow, and there, in the sunny south, there’s warm sun and pointed mountain peaks. I wanted to visit these mountains so many times in the fall, and then I was late again... Or not? We must hurry!!! On Gismeteo, starting from Thursday, all days are decorated with a sun icon and nights with stars. Previously read reports emerge from my memory, which spoke about periods of good weather in the fall! If you take Thursday-Friday off, you have four whole days at your disposal! My heart beat a hundred per minute. Chugush, Achishkho, Mzymta... Familiar names of mountains and rivers emerge from memory.

On Tuesday morning I call Natasha in Sochi. “Hello, Natalka, hello! If I arrive the day after tomorrow, will you go with me to the mountains for four days?” Natasha is “our person,” but I managed to surprise her too. My boss Katya (I category in mountaineering, climbing five-thousand-meter peaks in the Pamirs) cannot help but let me go, but the persuasion of my colleagues leaves her no chance. At lunchtime I call Natasha in Sochi and simply say that I bought tickets. She says she's coming with me. Great!!! In the second half, I’ll create a post on the Kuban tourism forum. Topic: “Where can I go for four days?” At the same time, I am sending Natasha a list of equipment.

Climbing Achishkho (2391 m)

I'm back in the mountains. Let's leave the bustle of the Moscow rhythm, empty chatter and unnecessary words. Exhale and relax. Now only photos...

Beech forest at the beginning of the trail at Khmelevskie Lakes

After spending the night in a tent at an altitude of 1800, at dawn the next day we set out to climb Achishkho!

The first of the three peaks of Achishkho appears

Quite unexpectedly, after the next turn in the path, Chugush appeared. The same mountain that we retreated to two years ago, during our multi-trip through the Caucasus and Abkhazia!

Chugush (3238 m.)

Not a bad place for bouldering!

In less than an hour, having crossed a small spur, we find ourselves in the Achishkho circus. The waterfalls are rustling, the top is already close!

The weather is whispering, time is running out. Why not make a full stop for lunch? =)

Famous Krasnopolyansky tea! =)))

Fresh snow at an altitude of 2100!

A fantastic view of the sea opens from the Achishkho ridge!!!

Along the wide ridge to the top!

Destroyed rocks - the last meters of the ascent to Achishkho

At the top of Achishkho. Behind below is the village of Krasnaya Polyana.

From the last, third, peak we go straight down the slope...

View to the north. In the distance, on the far left are the peaks of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif, in the center is Chugush.

View to the east. It’s a pity, but Elbrus is not visible =(((

A small lake in the eastern circus of Achishkho

The day turned out to be beautiful and very eventful. Lakes, waterfalls, snow, a beautiful peak ridge, four-thousanders of the Greater Caucasus... Last hour We walked along the path at dusk, and arrived at the camp in complete darkness. In such cases, GPS is very helpful - a backpack with a tent hidden in a dense forest was found without any problems!

P.S. Exactly five years later, in November 2012, I went to Achishkho in one day!

Day 3

Today we have a difficult day ahead. First you need to go down to the village of Krasnaya Polyana, and this is a little, a lot minus 1200 meters, which is not bad for your beloved knees. But this is only half the trouble! Next we need to get to the Alpika Service cable car, ride it to the top of the second stage (it no longer works, maintenance before the start of the winter season) and then, from a height of 1100 meters, climb as high as possible in order to climb the Black Pyramid the next day !

Morning exercises before the start of a hard day

The descent went without problems, although it took a lot of energy. In the first part there is a very sharp drop in height. The trail is excellent, but my knees were bursting at the seams :) We go down to the village, have lunch in a cafe at the Lukoil gas station and begin the second part of our program!!!

Climbing the Black Pyramid (2375 m)

ATTENTION! Unfortunately, a few years after this hike, a cable car was built through the spur of the Black Pyramid and the route lost its former attractiveness. Now all that remains is to look at these photos and remember what Polyana was like before the Olympic construction.. (Note from 2012)

Famous Krasnopolyansk peaks. The Black Pyramid is in the center!

Freeride and Salomon stores in Krasnaya Polyana (now closed. Approx. 2016). But we have everything and we pass by :)

Cable car Alpika Service

- Dashur -

The Black Pyramid of Amenemhat III at Dashur is located 1.3 km east of the Bent Pyramid (as is the White Pyramid of Amenemhat II at a distance of 1.3 km from the Red Pyramid).

3D panorama of the Pyramids of Dashura.
Use your mouse to rotate the panorama. Ctrl - zoom out, Shift - zoom in + cursor control keys: , ↓ , ← , →

The Black Pyramid was first visited by John Perring and Karl Lepsius. This happened in the middle of the 19th century. A more thorough study of the Pyramid in 1894-1895. carried out by French archaeologists Jacques de Morgan and George Legrain.

The height of the Pyramid is 75 m;
The slope of the edges is 57°;
The length of the base side is 105m.

The pyramid of Amenemhat III has a very complex internal architecture, unusual for the builders of the XII Dynasty. There are two entrances to the Pyramid. The first is in the southeast corner of the eastern side of the Pyramid. It leads to a Descending Corridor equipped with a staircase. The corridor leads into a labyrinth with many passages and chambers located at different levels on the eastern side of the Pyramid. The Burial Chamber, with its gabled ceiling, is oriented east-west and, like most of the underground chambers of the Pyramid, is made of white limestone blocks.

The second entrance to the Pyramid is opposite the First, on the west side of the Pyramid, from the southwest corner and leads to the two Burial Chambers of the Queens. It is believed that the first Burial Chamber belongs to Queen Aat, the name of the owner of the second Burial Chamber unknown.

A series of complex passages connects the Western chambers of the Pyramid with the Eastern chambers.

The pyramid is surrounded by double walls made of unfired kripich along its entire perimeter.

It is believed that Amenemhet III built and then abandoned the Pyramid at Dashur in the 15th year of his reign, having begun construction new Pyramid in Hawar. Perhaps the reason was the unstable geological zone chosen for the construction of a megalithic structure near the Nile Valley. The pyramid was built at an altitude of only 10 meters above sea level. The weak material of the main walls allowed leakage groundwater into the main thickness of the Pyramid's masonry, thereby making it heavier. This resulted in a gradual subsidence of the main masonry mass, which provoked the formation of cracks in the load-bearing walls of the underground premises.

Currently, both entrances to the Pyramid of Amenemhat III are completely filled up.

In 1900, during an inspection of the surrounding area of ​​the Pyramid of Amenemhat III by the Organization of Egyptian Antiquities, a perfectly preserved basalt Pyramidion, decorated with inscriptions and images, was found on the eastern side of the structure. It is difficult to say whether it ever sparkled in the rays of the bright sun of Dashur at an altitude of 75 meters from the surface of the plateau... Time has taken with it the original appearance of the Pyramid.

Now this artifact is in the central hall of the Cairo Museum, amazes visitors with the high precision of its geometric parameters along with the impeccable technique of applying inscriptions and drawings on the basalt surface mirror-polished by ancient masters. The black pyramid attracted me for a long time, but in the summer I never got to it. And then, when heavy snowfalls began, I looked at her from the office window and the light bulb above my head turned on. Why not?! The snow-capped peak of one of the most beautiful Peaks of Mount Aibgi! Gorgeous! All that remains is to find a company. And the company itself found me - a comrade in the PVD Electronic Dolphin

he asked if I had any plans for Saturday. Well, we've decided, let's go!

Having looked at the views from “lookout 2200” we realized that the cable cars of Circus-2 were not working and therefore we carefully moved on foot, while we were descending to Circus-2 rescuers passed us on skis on fresh “corduroy”... eh... that feeling when you already want to ride, and they do it right in front of your nose, like they took away a child’s candy and ate it... ahem... but somehow I’ve deviated from the topic.

We got a kick out of the mountain climatic uniqueness of Circus-2 and moved higher to cable car at elevation 2300, from which the ascent to the Black Pyramid actually begins. There was a lot of snow, the climb was not the easiest, in some places it fell almost waist-deep. It is good in places where it is very difficult to stretch a rope, which you can grab onto and climb with it much easier.

Well, here are our last efforts and we are at the top! An indescribable feeling, so I’ll just post some of the photos and you’ll understand everything!

At the top we decided not to linger too long; the sun was going down below the mountains, although we got there very quickly and it was only about half past noon. Going down to elevation. 2300, drank tea from a thermos and walked back to elevation. 2200. At 15:00 we were already at the lower level of the Mountain Carousel.

It turned out to be a great walk, the first ones walked on the fresh snow at the top and got a lot of impressions!
Thanks to Zhenya “Electronic Dolphin” for the company and moral support during our small but incredibly interesting hike!

P.S. A huge request, if you are not confident in your abilities, do not repeat!!! Not everyone can climb this peak in such deep snow. Assess the situation realistically, mountains are not a toy!

It is not for nothing that the Great Pyramids are considered a wonder of the world. The whole world admires their thousands of years of history and incredible architectural perfection, as well as the amazing secrets that these ancient monuments hide. The three main pyramids at Giza are called great. The tombs of the pharaohs Cheops, Mikerin and Khafre have a strict geometric shape, and their faces are oriented exactly to the cardinal points (

However, there is evidence that there were actually at least one more Great Pyramids. Prominent Danish explorer and naval captain Frederik Norden claims in his writings that he saw the fourth of them with his own eyes. In 1737-1738, at the request of King Christian the Sixth of Denmark, he went to Sudan through all of Egypt. During this journey, the captain made many notes and sketches regarding the monuments of ancient Egyptian architecture. All this information was carefully collected after his death and posthumously published in the form of the book “Journey to Egypt and Nubia.”

Mystical black pyramid

According to Norden, the fourth Great Pyramid was made of black stone, which has the same high strength as granite. Frederick wrote that the main pyramids are located in the southeast and east of Giza, and there are exactly four of them. Nearby there are small pyramids that mean nothing compared to the Great ones. The black pyramid, according to Norden, had a height of more than one hundred and fifty meters. There were no tombs or temples located inside it, but this monument was important for another feature.

At the very top of the fourth pyramid was a colossal cube-shaped stone, which may have once served as a pedestal. However, the Dane was not sure of this and fully admitted that this stone could be a self-sufficient sculpture. The pyramid itself was made of some kind of black granite, but the building material for its top, supporting the mysterious cube, was a stone of a lighter, yellowish hue. The Black Great Pyramid was located to the west of the other three and formed a straight line with them.

It is noteworthy that many other researchers talked about Great Pyramid black color. Egyptologists and representatives of official science refuse to acknowledge this and completely deny the existence of such a monument. The world community easily believes these words, since the fourth pyramid really does not exist anywhere. There are also no debris that would certainly have remained from it. However, if Frederic Norden, who has never been caught in a lie, much less in a hoax, is not deceiving and the black pyramid really existed, then where could it have gone - that is the question?..