Where in July, the warm sea and not very hot? Turkey in July: beach holidays as it is weather in Turkey in July.

Plan your summer vacation Many people start in winter, because at the height of the summer holidays it will be more difficult to find the desired ticket at an affordable price. Therefore, it is so important to choose the place in advance, which will be perfect to meet your requirements.

Many tourists most attractive month for recreation seems to be July, which is not surprising, because at this time you can do anything: swim, sunbathe in the sun or go to unforgettable excursions, and where it is better to fly to rest in July - we will tell you now.

Where to go to the weekend in July

Unfortunately, the vacation in July is guaranteed not to everyone, so it is often necessary to think about where it is interesting to spend at least weekend. It must be said that Europe has been the most suitable option for a successful weekend, since in the midst of summer, every weekend organized all kinds of events with bright and memorable events.

For example, on the coast of France, the festivals of the air coins regularly pass on, in Finland and Germany, you can visit the festivals of rock and pop music, and lovers of classical music goes to Austria. Particularly attractive is the fact that almost all such events are held outdoors in the picturesque corners of European countries.

If you prefer a beach holiday, you can go for several days to Turkey, Bulgaria or Georgia, which is becoming increasingly popular every year. Of course, to relax well at sea, there will be little for several days, but if you do not have more time, it is possible to remove a little from the working days and in this way.

Excursion tours in July

Planning vacation abroad in July, sightseeing tours will not be the best time version. The city bustle, which is complemented by a foolishness and abundance of tourists who come here for the sake of a beach holiday will not allow comfortable holidays.

July is the resting time in many countries of the world, so you need to be prepared for a large number of tourists in all popular cities in Europe, where they massively attend the amusement parks.

Therefore, when choosing a country for interesting and cognitive excursions, it is necessary to consider options where it is not hot in July. For example, the middle of the summer is the perfect time for traveling by Scandinavian countries. In Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland in July, just the ideal weather for walking, because, thanks to the relative location to the seas and oceans, the air albeit is warm, but fresh, without a characteristic of the summer stuff. You can choose classic bus trips to Denmark and Finland with the possibility of staying at the ferries, rest on Norwegian fjords or interesting fishing on the Islands of Sweden.

Map of the Scandinavian Peninsula

In addition, the middle of summer, despite the popularity of the beach holiday, is an excellent opportunity to combine excursions with time on the sea or the ocean coast, because the warm sea in July, where seagulls fly and breathe so easily, it is impossible to compare anything. If you decide to choose such a vacation, you can not only see the natural monuments and other attractions, but also restore the strength on the beach, having received a beautiful and even tan.

Combined tours are widespread in Spain and Italy, where a unique history and culture are complemented by a similar location of the sea. By the way, if you are a connoisseur of cultural recreation and do not know where to go to Europe in July, then we recommend visit Italy, where you can familiarize yourself with its landscapes and explore the long-term monuments of architecture and history (one walk in Rome will deliver you just a lot of positive emotions ).

This country will be interesting for those tourists who prefer to combine rest with amendment of health: for example, there are many thermal mineral sources and geysers on the island of Ischia. If you are planning to spend your vacation in July with a child, then numerous amusement parks and water parks will be presented to your attention.

If you like to constantly discover something new, then you can go to the Tour Tour in Brazil. The air temperature in Rio and its surroundings in the middle of the summer is kept at +25 ° C, which only contributes to traveling.

Festivals and holidays in July: where to go best

Summer is the most suitable time for a variety of music festivals and various holidays. In Europe, rock festivals are held almost every week with the participation of the best world performers, in Austria, there will be many interesting connoisseurs of classical music, where musical groups from different countries give concerts just on the streets. You can also recover on a journey through Rhine or Danube, where you can see from the deck of the ship not one holiday of the city residents.

Those tourists who are very loved by the celebrations in July should also visit the United States, where at the beginning of the month Americans celebrate the independence day of their country.

The middle of the summer is rich in state practices and in China, Canada, Montenegro, Argentina, Tunisia and Belgium. In the first week of July, many folk festivities are held around the world (recalling at least everyone familiar to us all "Ivan Kupala"). In America, they are held annually and not quite standard celebrations, which can be attributed to a kiss day, chocolate day and even the birthday of Hot Dog. In Japan, in July, the day of the Japanese female ministers, friendship day, whale holiday and dolphins and chess day are celebrated.

Holidays in July for ski resorts

Some tourists, choosing where to go in July abroad, are focused on the possibility of skiing. Despite the fact that it is atypical entertainment in the middle of summer, annually thousands of vacationers change their holidays on the sea coast on the mountains. You can go skiing in July from the highest mountains of Europe - the Alps, as well as visiting the resorts of South America, where Andes are located. As an alternative option for a ski holiday in the middle of the summer, the Mountains of New Zealand are perfect.

Most often, hiking or horse routes in the mountains use in great demand (for example, even newcomers are taken to conquer the Ukrainian Carpathians). Hiking Tours in the mountains of Austria, Nepal and Switzerland are equally attractive, where special guides come to the aid of tourists.

Where the warm sea in July

By the middle of summer, almost all European beach resorts establishes hot summer weather, however, the cost of vouchers at this time also increases, and where to go to the sea in July, many tourists decide not only on the basis of the comfort of vacation, but also from its cost. Turkey became the traditional beach holiday destination, where in the middle of summer the air temperature reaches +35 ° C, and the sea warms up to +26 ° C. Comfortable weather and pleasant climate will meet you and the coasts of Spain, Italy and Greece, where there are plenty of comfortable beaches with a high level of service.

Planning a vacation and choosing a place where the warm sea is beneficial in July with not too hot climate, pay attention to the Spanish Islands of Menorca, Mallorca and Ibiza (the holiday abroad in Mallorca is ideal for tourists with children, while in Ibiza every year Have fun from around the world).

For connoisseurs of natural landscapes, the Ligurian and Venetian coast is ideal, where it is assembled, probably all wealth and luxury of Italian culture.

Some tourists prefer a beach holiday in Portugal, where not so hot (the air temperature reaches + 20 ... + 27 ° C), and the water in the sea is heated to a comfortable +19 ° C, which is explained by the presence of cold underwater flows.

Not so long ago, Bulgaria acquired wide popularity among tourists, which in July is ready to meet the guests the temperature not higher than +30 ° C and the warm sea with a water temperature of +25 ° C. Rainy weather here is unlikely, thanks to which almost all resorts are famous in this country. You can have a pleasure time to spend time on the golden sands and in the sunny beach or in small towns Nessebar, Radw, Saint Vlas and Sozopol.

No less worthy vacation in July offers Montenegro, and to choose where to go inside the country, will not be difficult. Throughout the territory of the state, the air warms up to +29 ° C, and the water temperature in the sea is rarely lowered below +25 ° C. Almost similar conditions for recreation in Croatia, but you will be more comfortable in the resorts in the south side from Split. At the same time, such cities like Zadar and Dubrovnik will provide the possibility of interesting excursions in history.

Speaking of where it is better to fly in July, it is impossible not to remember the African countries and the countries of the Middle East. For example, the warm climate of holidaymakers always meets the coast of the Dead Sea in Israel, where, due to the absence of high humidity, hot weather is moved much simpler (the air can warm up to +40 ° C, and water - up to +27 ° C).

In Tunisia, even in the middle of summer is not so hot, as in other countries, therefore, in addition to the beach holiday, you can visit various excursions.

It is quite hot in July in Egypt, where heat can reach +45 ° C, and the temperature of the water in the Mediterranean and the Red Seas is often noted at the value of +28 ° C. The climate in this area is sufficient dry, so for those who do not work well with heat, it is advisable to move rest in Egypt to a later time.

Vacation with children in July: the best countries of the world

Some parents purposefully choose recreation places where the warm sea in July is beneficial with the possibility of a comfortable childhood. If you are ready to send your child to a children's or teenage camp of another country, then it is worth considering the options in Malta and Cyprus, because here the child will not only find friends from around the world, but also will be able to improve his knowledge of foreign languages. At the same time, in many European countries (in particular, in Germany, Slovenia, Austria or Slovakia) there is a wide selection of summer camps for interests: for example, theatrical, sports and computer.

If you have a small child, and you are not ready to leave far beyond Russia or Ukraine, then the most successful option of the July holiday will be a visit to the Black Sea resorts. Such a vacation has a number of advantages: first, the climate is not so much different from the usual child, and secondly, there is no language barrier, and if necessary, you can easily find a doctor or solve other problems. In addition, to return home before the planned period will be much easier (there is no binding to charter flights).

As a good alternative to the Black Sea Rest, you can consider the option of holding holidays with children at the resorts of Spain, Bulgaria and Turkey, where there is a large selection of entertainment for children of many different ages. In many hotels, you will provide nanny services, a special menu for children, children's playgrounds and an interesting animation. In many distinguished resorts, you can find amusement parks and water slides, with plenty of water entertainment.

Comparatively new directions for summer holidays in 2017 are Sardinia and Sicily. Rest abroad in July in this case is particularly profitable: since charter flights from Moscow were organized, the prices for tours have decreased significantly.

Cheapest Price: Shopping Abroad in July

While one tourists reflect on where you can fly to relax in July, to get enough to get into the sea and threaded at interesting places of other countries, domestic fashionistas and fashionists go to countries with the cheapest shopping. Such European countries such as Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and France become the object of particular attention, although many of our compatriots in pursuit of discounts reach China itself. Let's see if a similar rest is justified.

In early July, summer sales will start in a fashionable Italy, where the season of unprecedented discounts begins with Rome, after which it is transferred to Florence, Milan, Verona and Turin. You can come here for high-quality and branded clothing, shoes and leather products.

The perfect place for shopping in Rome is the "Square of Spain", with numerous large boutiques and small branded shops.

Many cities of England can also meet you with good July discounts, but in comparison with other European countries they will not be substantial. This country has a huge number of outlet with brand clothing from young designers than the country and attracts young people from around the world.

If the United Kingdom and Italy are more famous for inexpensive clothes, then France is just a paradise for connoisseurs of various cosmetics. Starting from July and ending with August in all cities of the southern part of France, ambitious sales are held. Having visited Nice, Toulon, Marseille or Avignon at this time, you can purchase the goods "from Kutur" with a discount of 50-80%. Having visited France, it is important to understand what you need, and already on the basis of this, choose a place to shop. For example, to the south of the country, you can safely go to the fashionable things of the well-known brands.

Since the beginning of July, the season of summer discounts begins ("Rebahas") and in Spain. It lasts as many as two months, during which you can profitably update your wardrobe things inexpensive brands. Here you can also test leather products: belts, bags and clothing. In addition, in Spain, it is very profitable to buy pottery and paintings.

The most popular European country that is able to interest shopaholics from any point of the Earth was and remains Germany. In addition to brand exclusive clothes and shoes, you can buy great tea and coffee. For example, by visiting the TCHIBO store, you will find not only coffee, but also clothes, household appliances and various home products, which are characterized by sufficiently high quality, affordable price and are produced in small batches.

Wherever you go for shopping, take our experienced shop guide, which will help recognize the fakes of the branded things and will help navigate in a huge number of shops.

Where to fly in July: exotic countries

Answer the question where it is better to go in July to relax well, it is very difficult, especially if you prefer exotic. However, there is nothing impossible, and if there is a certain amount, you can perfectly spend your vacation on clean beaches in the distant Hong Kong or go to Indonesia. In the latter case, the middle of the summer is just the perfect time to visit this country. There is sunny, dry and not so hot as in winter. Nevertheless, the fact that July-August is a season of vacation season in Australia, and find free place in the hotel may be an unbearable task. In general, with the advance booking of rooms in the hotel there should be no problems, since the weather conditions on Bali, Lombok, Java and in Sulawysi perfectly contribute to a good summer holiday.

A good option for an exotic July holiday is Malaysia, although there are two drastically different directions here: rest in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean (on the Islands of Langkavi and Penang) and in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe South China Sea (on the Islands of Redang, Borneo, Tioman, Perchtensy). The main danger of resting on Langeli and Penang comes from jellyfish, which in huge quantities accumulate at the shore. On the beaches even set plates with warnings and instructions, what to do if the jellyfish is still horrid.

Since July, a large animal migration begins, which causes the increased interest of tourists to Safari. During this period, you can spend a great time in the parks of Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Masai Mara. On the island of Zanzibar and Kenyan resort of Mombas, the rest may continue all summer, as the rainy season ends in May.

From May to July, a very hot and wet climate on the coast of the Caribbean (Plais del Carmen, Cancun and Riviera Maya), which makes a successful beach vacation.

Where can I go without visas in July

The most popular for recreation countries that do not require a Russian visa tourist should include Turkey (vacationers can spend 90 days on sunny beaches), Montenegro (up to 30 days) and Serbia (up to 30 days). You can also go to Panama (for 90 days), Costa Rica (for 30 days), Nicaragua (90 days), where you can also spend just an unforgettable vacation. The visa-free regime also operates in 14 countries of the Caribbean, among which preference in July is better to give Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Where should not go to rest in July

Of course, not all regions and resorts are suitable for summer holidays, so, planning your vacation, you need to know where it is better not to go in July. Thus, tropical livne can spoil the trip to the Indian Goa or the Andaman Sea (for example, Krabi and Phuket Islands), and at least a short rain are possible anywhere where you hoped for the warm season in July, there are often precipitation here for whole weeks.

Also, you should not forget that in the southern hemisphere our summer months fall for the winter, and therefore the beach season, for example, in South Australia, Argentina or South Africa will be even closed at this time. In the Caribbean, where you can also go in early July, at the end of the month it is possible to form hurricanes, the consequences of which are often unpredictable, and therefore it is better to refrain from visiting the resorts off the coast of the Caribbean.

Having understood, much better go to rest in July, you can provide yourself with your family an unforgettable vacation, and many proposals from travel agencies will make it possible to choose a ticket with all your interests.

Let's find out where in July 2020 it is possible to relax at sea in July 2020! In this selection, we will list the popular areas for a beach holiday, in which in the middle of the summer, the warm sea, but not too hot. By tradition, we consider prices for tours and air tickets.

In July, there is a real tourist boom - many take leave and leave to relax to the sea. This month is good because it disappears the need to fly somewhere far: the Mediterranean, Black and Azov Sea warms up, and many European and domestic resorts willingly take millions of tourists.

At the same time, July is usually one of the most expensive months of months due to the high prices in popular tourist destinations both on air tickets and accommodation, entertainment and other. But no one canceled interesting!

In this selection, we list the best overseas areas, where you can relax in July 2020, thanks to low prices for tours and tickets. We also tell me a little about the weather in these countries, which resorts are best suited for a beach holiday and what to do during the holidays.

Holidays in July at sea abroad


Of course, it is pleasant and inexpensively to relax on the sea in July it is possible in - in this direction regularly are cheap last minute. Rest is better planning for the first half of the month: not so stern and fewer people on the beaches. In the afternoon + 32 ° C, at night + 22 ° C, the water in the sea is well warmed to a temperature of + 25 ° C. The greatest demand for tourists aimed at a great beach vacation, tours are used to the islands, and where the constantly blowing breeze from the sea brings freshness and coolness - that's where in July it is not hot, and comfortable.

Beach Shaitan Limanya (Chertova Harbor) in Crete (photo © Anastoskol / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC 2.0)

The most resistant attend monuments of ancient ancient culture and numerous natural attractions: monasteries Meteora and Mount Athos, Poseidon Temple, Athenian Acropolis, Palace, Zeus Cave, Santorini Island and others are most popular.

Beach in Nea Mudanya, Chalkidiki (Photo © Booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Good news for those who prefer to fly on vacation in a ticket. Tours to Greece at 2020 are quite inexpensive! Greece resorts successfully replace for many Russians who are accustomed to fly to Turkey and Egypt, their favorite directions. Now you can find weekly tours from 42000 rubles for two people.

Independent travelers, there is no reason to complain. Tickets from Moscow to Thessaloniki and Athens are from 8 thousand rubles, it is possible to fly to Rhodes in July 2020 from 13 thousand rubles, on Crete - from 12 thousand

Athenian Acropolis (Photo © unsplash.com / @Arthuryeti)


Fly in Italy can be completely inexpensive. In Rome, Milan, Bologna, Venice, Naples and many other cities tickets are from 9 thousand rubles. Flights in Rimini and back costs from 18 thousand rubles.

Basilica Virgin Mary Healing, Venice (Photo © unsplash.com / @canmandawe)


Hot and dry weather in July is installed in. Day + 32 ° C, at night +22 ... + 24 ° С, water temperature in the sea + 25 ° С - Ideal conditions for relaxing on the sea. In July, rains are rarely and most often in the northern regions of the country. Spain is better to visit in the first half of the month - from mid-July the number of tourists increases every day, and the little local beaches are difficult to call.

The most popular for beach holidays in July The resorts of the coast of Costa Brava, Costa Dorad and Costa del Sol. Young people go to Ibiza - the island has become a kind of center of youth culture in Europe, and those who do hardly tolerate heat prefer holidays on. Comfortably relax in July on the islands of Menorca and, they often choose families with children.

Beach Ses-Ilenets in Mallorca (Photo © gnomusy / flickr.com)

Excursions in Spain are no less interesting than in Italy. The recognized center of the tourist movement was its architectural monuments, the Catalan and Castilian cities are popular. For children, there are water parks and amusement parks, the largest and most famous of them - Port Aventura Amusement Park - Located not far from. In the summer you can see the real Spanish Corrida, spectacular performances go to Zaragoza, San Sebastian, Madrid and other major cities.

Bulls race at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona (Photo © Vaquerofrancis / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Sale in Spain will start at the beginning of the month, and the holidays have the opportunity to make fashionable acquisitions with discounts.

Now there are easily tours for 7 nights in Majorca, the resorts of the coast of Costa Brava and other places from 48 thousand rubles. You can fly to Spain in "All Inclusive" mode from 60 thousand rubles for two.

Flight in Barcelona or Madrid from Moscow can only be from 10 thousand rubles, in Ibiza and in Alicante - from 15 thousand rubles.

San Juan Beach in Alicante (Photo © Pedro_m_L / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Another destination, where you can relax in July to the sea in 2020 -. In July, the high tourist season begins. Albena, Golden Sands, Sozopol and attract a large number of vacationers of different ages. On the Bulgarian coast in July, the sea is not hot, besides, there are good and affordable prices for rest.

Summer is very soft - it is warm, not roast: in July, the temperature is about +28 ... + 30 ° C, at night + 19 ° C. Cool Black Sea warms up to + 24 ° C. The precipitation, which often darken with rest in June, is extremely rare in July.

Beach in Albena (Photo © Balcon Del Mundo / Flickr.com / License CC BY-SA 2.0)

In addition to standard beach entertainment, tourists, visit Rila lakes, rose valley, rock monastery Aladja, ancient Nessebar and Sofia. Shopaholics will be able to pamper natural cosmetics based on rose oil and leather products of local production, with a discount you can buy things inexpensive European brands.

Rest by the sea in July 2020 in Bulgaria is very cheap! It is easy to find trips for a week at a price of 29,000 rubles. Tours "All Inclusive" are a few thousand more expensive.

Flights to Sofia are from 10 thousand rubles, in Burgas - from 14 thousand, in Varna - from 12 thousand.

Holy Week Cathedral in Sofia (Photo © Deense / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)


Many tourists believe that it is best to rest on the sea in July in July. True, in July, good natural conditions add up to the resorts of the Adriatic Sea. In Montenegro in coastal areas during the day +28 ... + 30 ° C, in highlands for 3-5 degrees below. Transparent sea and clean beaches, water temperature + 23 ° C. And although the level of service is not yet reaching high European standards, but this deficiency compensates for rest, good ecology and for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Saint Stephen Island - one of the most expensive places in Montenegro

Montenegro is rich in natural attractions, there is a beautiful Skadar Lake, Boko-Kotor Bay and Sveti Stefan Island. About third of the territory of the country are occupied by national parks. In addition to beach entertainment, tourists go on excursions to Budva and other cities. Learn how to go to rest

  • Air temperature: 21-35 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 25 ° C.
  • Visa: Not required if the stay does not exceed 60 days.
  • Cost of living: from 1,114 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • : from 9,689 rubles.

If you truly love the sun and heat, you can go to. July is one of the most warm and sunny months in the country.

At your service a lot of beach resorts. The wonderful choice will be the port city of Marmaris, located in the Merge Zone of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. Here you are waiting for picturesque nature, oriental hospitality and moderate prices. In the city you can visit the ancient castle and have fun in the famous water park.

The nearest airport in Dalaman is located in Dalaman at a distance of about 100 km. After arrival, you can do the remaining path on public transport.

  • Air temperature: 21-27 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 23 ° C.
  • Visa:schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 588 rubles per night in the guest house.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 27 550 rubles.


Tenerife is the largest island of the Canary Archipelago. He is called the island of permafrost, because it is almost never too cold here or hot. July is not an exception, so in Tenerife you can relax under the heating, but not burning.

The main advantage of the island is considered a unique landscape formed by ancient volcanic eruptions and a riveting flora. There are plenty of wild and official beaches with beautiful views of the Atlantic Ocean. A mass of impressions on tourists produces Loro Park - a huge botanical garden and a zoo with exotic animals and plants.

  • Air temperature: 23-28 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 24 ° C.
  • Visa
  • Cost of living: from 4,042 rubles per night in the apartment.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 39,833 rubles.


In the summer of the Seychelles, favorable conditions for rest at. So you can not fear rains and excessive heat. Tourists are easiest to get to Mahe, the largest island and the most popular resort area on the archipelago.

Here you can do diving, ride water skiing and simply relax on the snow-white shores of the Indian Ocean. In the capital of the State - the city of Victoria - there is a National Botanical Garden of Seychelles, which is very loved by visiting.

  • Air temperature: 23-29 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 25 ° C.
  • Visa: Not required if the stay does not exceed 30 days.
  • Cost of living: from 1,564 rubles per night at the hotel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 86,098 rubles.


In July, the Pacific Islands Fiji reigns a dry season. Water at this time is crystal clear, which is ideal for the favorite classes of local tourists - diving. Local coral reefs are striking the diversity and beauty of the underwater world.

But the Fiji arrive not only to dive. This in every sense is a very developed tourist center with high-quality service and chic. Guests arrive at the islands through the airport in Nadi. You can stay right in the vicinity of the city or search hotels away from civilization.

  • Air temperature: 22-27 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 25 ° C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 1,469 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 32,833 rubles.


Naxos is considered the greatest Greek island. According to myth, it was here that the god of winemaking and fertility of Dionys was born. Travelers are waiting for sandy beaches, mountains and female fields, surrounded by the blue waters of the Aegean Sea.

The best is the island will suit lovers of relaxing rest: cozy hotels, to the ruins of ancient temples, horseback rows and beaches without a crowd of tourists. July weather will not regret the heat and paints for you.

  • Air temperature: 21-33 ° C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 735 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 15 471 ruble.


From July 11 to July 13, Mad Cool will be held in Madrid - a major European Festival of Rock, Pop and Alternative. The list of main stars, which will come out this year on the stage, are the Cure, The Smashing Pumpkins, Vampire Weekend, Bon Iver, The National and Bonobo (DJ Set). The cost of a ticket for one festival day is 79 euros.

  • Air temperature: 20-31 ° C.
  • Visa: It is drawn up independently through the Embassy or Consulate of the United States.
  • Cost of living: from 1,633 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 39,727 rubles.


July 4 Americans celebrate the United States Independence Day. This is the main national holiday. Picnics, concerts and fairs are arranged throughout the country, but the main celebration is always concentrated in Washington. Here you can see a grand parade that goes along the monuments of the capital, and bright fireworks.

  • Air temperature: 19-25 ° C.
  • Visa: Not required if the stay does not exceed 30 days.
  • Cost of living: from 5 951 ruble per night at the hotel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 18 242 rubles.


From July 4 to July 7, the EXIT festival will be held in Serbia. About 150,000 people from other European countries and around the world come here every year. Here you can hear musicians of different genres, but most often - electronics and indie. This year, performers as the Cure, Sofi Tukker, Greta Van Fleet and Tarja Turun are invited this year.

The event will be held in the Petrovaradin fortress located on the banks of the Danube. You can get here for an hour by public transport from Belgrade Airport. Next to the fortress is the city of Novi-Garden. June 14, the French will celebrate the Day of Taking Bastille - a prison fortress, the assault on which in 1789 became the beginning of the Great French Revolution. For residents of the country, this holiday is just as important as the United States Independence Day for Americans. And celebrate French with no smaller scope.

On this day, many cultural events can be observed throughout the country. In the morning the parade passes on the Elysees fields, and in the evening the city lights fireworks. If you have long been dreaming to come to Paris for the sake of famous boulevards, galleries and restaurants, then the opportunity to visit Bastille takes - this is another weighty argument.

  • Temperature aira: 22-30 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 24 ° C.
  • Visa: It is drawn up through a travel agency or independently in the embassy.
  • Cost of living: from 3,381 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 18 388 rubles.


And one more worthy of attention - Ultra Europe - will be held from 12 to 14 July in the Croatian city of Split. The event will be held at the "FIU" stadium, where the Afrojack, Armin Van Buren, David Guetta and other stars of electronic music will perform. The cost of three-day pass at the festival - from 169 euros.

Split is located on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. This is an ancient city resort with a rich history and an amazing architecture. So you can spend great time even after graduating from the festival.

In the hottest month of Russian summer, many prefer to leave for the sea coast. In the middle of summer, the demand for tours to the sea, airfares, hotel booking and apartments is traditionally enhanced. Already, it is worth thinking about choosing a place that provides a comfortable sea vacation, taking into account your financial opportunities. In order for the vacation, it was not overwhelmed by finding a good resting place, solving problems with travel and accommodation, you should choose in advance, where to relax on the sea in July and think about buying a tour. The earlier decide whether to prepare for the trip. We offer you a review of several seaside resorts that are characterized by climate and natural conditions, cultural traditions and what is important, the cost of rest.

Exotic country with semi-deserts, tropics and subtropics, pleases tourists with Mediterranean resorts. There is a cheerful resort life, filled with beach pleasures, evening and night entertainment. On the coast, it is dry, hot weather, with velvet nights, aroma of flowering plants and a whisper of waves. The sea almost becomes very warm, I don't want to go out of his teaching.

Water around the banks warms up from + 26 ° to + 28 °, day air - from + 31 ° to + 33 ° C, at night - + 25- + 27 ° C. On any of the seaside resorts are waiting for an abundance of fruits, fresh seafood dishes, exciting excursions on mysterious objects of an ancient country. Supports of comfort It is worth choosing the city of Hammamet, with highly developed infrastructure, luxury hotels, interesting attractions. Here children will delight the amusement park Carthaqe Land, an indoor rink, etc.

If you want to "please" - go to Sousse, disappointments will not have any children or children. Between the Sousse and Hammamet, Frigia Safari Park is a resistant 400 species of fauna. Holidays in Djerba will enjoy, with beautiful beaches; Lagoon, where Flamingo lives, with a crocodile farm. Here, as well as in Tabaque, excellent diving. The resorts of Mahdia and Monastir will also get a fair portion of pleasure.

  • - Located by the sea, own sandy beach, thematic dinners, 4 bars, water slide pool for children
  • - Located on the coast, 2 pools, wellness and spa, for children Playground for games and club
  • - Located on the first line, several bars, the animators are arranged daily show programs, area area - 50,000 sq. M


Cyprus is ideal for people who love really hot weather, the same who suffers from heart disease, it is better to refrain from a trip to the island at this time. The rains are rather anomalies for summer months, so the tropical stool will not interfere with rest. Anomalous temperatures reign in the resorts of such Larnaca - here the air is sometimes heated to 40 degrees.

At the same time, a visit to the Larnaca is recommended to fans of high-quality and relaxed beach holidays and travel with children. Local beaches are awarded blue flags for their purity, and therefore resting here will be comfortable. And the status of one of the oldest cities of Cyprus guarantees a rich excursion program. Those who fear high temperatures, it is better to choose the mountain resorts or go to Paphos, the most fashionable resort of Cyprus, from where the legend has been released and the wonderful Aphrodite.

In addition, Paphos is under the protection of international organizations as a unique cultural facility. Here the temperature rarely exceeds 29 degrees. The temperature of the water is relatively homogeneous throughout the coast - from 25 to 30 degrees.

  • - Located on the coast of Nissi Bay, has its own secluded bay, three outdoor pools with water slides and attractions for children
  • - Food is all inclusive, located in the park with waterfalls and 150 meters from the sandy beach of Landa Golden, 7 thematic pools, exclusive villas
  • - Food is all inclusive, water park, children's pool, equipped with a playground in the form of a sailboat, an indoor heated pool, several restaurants and bars


The blessed Turkish coast is washed by 4 seas, provides a wide selection of rest in July. The month of "high season" here is characterized by severe heat, especially in the Mediterranean and the Aegean shores. If you observe a reasonable measure of sunbathing (up to 11 am and from 16.00) and staying on the beach, then rest in Turkey will only benefit.

Air temperature in the afternoon in the resorts of Mediterranean (Antalya, Alania, Belek, Beldibi, Kemer) from + 33 ° to + 38 °, at night - + 20- + 21 °. The sea warms up to + 24- + 26 °, in some places up to 28 ° heat. Resorts of the Aegean Sea (Bodrum, Cesme, Didim) are pleased with the 33-x-34-degree heat and a + 24-degree temperature at night. Very hot in Marmaris in a closed bay. However, the abundance of pine forests in the vicinity of the beaches helps to carry the heat.

The cooler of everything in the Black Sea coast (Samsun Samsun, Trabzon, Sinop Sinop, Amazra, etc.) + 30-32 ° Day, at night - + 20- + 21 °, many attractions, thermal sources make rest here interesting and useful. Medieval, Byzantine castles, mountain lakes, wonderful landscapes diverse. The choice of Turkey resorts is extremely rich, any of them have some kind of raisin.

  • - area of \u200b\u200b40,000 sq.m., 4 outdoor pools and one indoor, lagoon with water slides, 6 bars, evening program
  • - Own sandy beach, swimming pool with 3 water slides, children's pool and playground, confectionery, 4 bars
  • - A huge area located near the sea, outdoor pools, 11 water slides, for children mini club Crispy, swimming pool, games, special meals and drinks

Why not go to the cruise? Prices are very affordable! .

The Spanish coast is a real find for a tourist: a variety of resort zones and consistently high service performance. So, the Costa tropical decorates the province of Granada in the southern tip of Spain. The massive mountain ridges of Sierra Nevada turn into natural protection from the wind cold from the north. The weather here is distinguished by stability: dry and sunny actually all year round. The air warms up to 30 degrees, the temperature of the water on average demonstrates an indicator of 24 degrees.

Among the local resort towns are especially allocated by Almunecar rich attractions. The White Coast of Spain or Costa Blanca is distinguished by small-scale beaches, picturesque mountain rings and snow-white cliffs. The maximum temperature reaches 32 degrees, while the water temperature is sometimes freezing at 28 degrees.

Among the local resort towns are the most important to Alicante with his castles, museums of arts and a bright embankment, Benidorm with a real arena for bulls, as well as Valencia, which annually takes the festival of kings and is famous for its wines. Among other resort zones are stable popularity by the Costa Dorada and Costa Brava. You should not also forget about the sea possessions of Spain: Ibiza, Mallorca and the Canary Islands never lack tourists.


It is in July that the most magnificent Italian blossoms begin - all over the peninsula begin to flourish with the paints of huge asters, and the first bunches of grapes are poured by sweetness. With quite high humidity, quite comfortable temperature is preserved - up to 30 degrees. In the northern regions of the country is relatively cooler - up to 25 degrees. As a rule, water steadily warms up to 26 degrees. All this gives real space to choose a spa to taste.

Among the main tourist cities, Rome and the so-called city of art are especially allocated: Milan, Venice, Florence and a glorious Pisa. A huge number of resorts are located along the coast of Italy, forming Riviera Lazio, Venetian and Tuscan riviera and other seaside resort areas. Of particular interest is the island possessions of Italy.

So, Sardinia, which has an autonomous status, is a place where beach holidays are perfectly combined, almost all water sports and the richest excursion programs. Sicily is distinguished by an explosive temperament, a unique culture, silent heat of volcanoes and delicious cuisine. Not surprisingly, hundreds of gastronomic tours are organized here. And also Capri is an amazing place, which has acquired the status of the island, where European, and then the American elite preferred to rest.

Like other seaside resorts, in Eldead a high beach season. Almost all the coast and on the islands are the day heat, when everyone is hiding in the shade at lunchtime. Beautiful landscapes with turquoise sea, white sandy beaches, amazing ancient monuments, surfing, diving make rest in Greece amazing. On Chalkidiki, Peloponnese, Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Spit Air Temperature Day from + 29 ° to + 33 °. The more cool on thessaloniki + 28 ° -29 ° C.

Water in the whole water area warms up to + 24 ° C. The most comfortable weather (+ 29-32 ° C) stands on Skiathos, Corfu, Thassos, Crete. Night coolness (+ 20 ° -21 ° C) compensates for the test of day heat. July is not the most suitable month for excursions on unique ancient sights. Short examinations are held in the early morning watches and in the evening, before sunset. It is better to do this on a rented car with air conditioning.

But but the beach holiday on the delightful coast, with crystally transparent water, in many places marked with a blue flag, real pleasure. Water off the coast warms up to + 29 ° C, which is very good for children. You can spend excellent vacation on the Islands of Rhodes, Santorini, Corfu, Mykonos, Chalkidiki, Zakynthos, etc. Sea walks, fishing, diving, stay in luxury hotels, evening entertainment from Sirtaka, karaoke - unforgettable days in Greece.

  • - Private sandy beach, 9 pools with fresh and sea water, water park, kids club, animation
  • - Eating ultra all inclusive, first line, several pools, including slides and with sea water, entertainment for children and adults
  • - Food All included, service on the beach (mineral water, cold tea and fruits), exquisite restaurants, the hotel area - 58,000 m2

A somewhat different type of rest offers Bulgaria. For tourists, beautiful sandy beaches, as well as a friendly Slavic service, which has also retained the entire flavor of Soviet sanatoriums. You can accommodate in one of the famous hotels, the cost of living in which almost twice the lower, rather than their Western European colleagues. Almost all Bulgaria hotels have the status of "three stars", an acceptable level of comfort (for not too demanding customers) and affordable prices.

And in combination with excellent climatic conditions, the best qualities of which are revealed in the first days of the month, these resorts retain the title of the most popular and accessible to the annual recreation. The temperature of the air and water reaches marks at 29 and 25 degrees above zero, respectively. Especially a lot of holidaymakers with children, for whom on the Bulgarian beaches there is a special detriment - the entrance to the sea is gentle, the bottom without flaws, and an experienced and responsible personnel is following the purity of the beaches. There is a huge number of water parks and other types of entertainment, which are so loved by young holidaymakers.


Vietnam does not have the stability and homogeneity of the weather regime, and therefore it is worth more attentively to the selection of the resort, especially when the rainy season begins. So, the resorts that are located in the north are pleased with the hot tropical sun and the highest humidity rates. The water and air temperature in the afternoon is steadily at 30 degrees.

Among the northern resorts is worth paying attention to the Sap: Beautiful mountain landscapes, stepped green terraces and French pools of architectural delights that appeared here mainly in the 19th century. One of the best southern resorts is Ho Chi Minh City, a huge megapolis, which personifies the rapidly developing Vietnam. In the summer, the rainy season is in full swing, the temperature of the air is slightly lower compared to the northern resorts - 28 degrees, but water retains its temperature, not time to start cooling.

During this period, it is best to go to rest at the resorts in the central part of Vietnam, since the lowest moisture indicators are recorded here, and the dry season begins. It is worth a visit to Nha Trang, which, thanks to the winning geographical position, does not suffer from abnormal heat (up to 36 degrees), measurements at 29 in Celsius.

This small town personifies the eternal summer and fun: beautiful sea views, bright stovery of bars, clubs and casino, vintage temples and ruins.


As a rule, it is for July who falls the height of the rainy season. The air becomes wet due to severe rainfall, which, however, usually fall to the ground in the evening or night. Duchot wet bedspread covers the resorts of Thailand when the sun turns out to be in the zenith. Nevertheless, it is July who considers the best time to visit such resorts as crabs, where the daily temperature reaches only 30 degrees, as well as Bangkok and Pattaya, where the air warms up slightly more - on average up to 32 degrees.

At the same time, the water temperature is relatively the same at all resorts, reaching 25 degrees. Despite the fact that Bangkok is not intended for a beach holiday and swim here it is possible for the roofs of the hotel complexes, to start an acquaintance with Thailand best from here. It is worth a little more careful to look at the shadow of a huge fussy megalopolis, historical buildings and hundreds of temples - Buddhism are permeated with all urban arterys.

Krabi, despite the popular mistake of many travel agencies, is not only an island within the water of Thailand, but a province with a whole province that is a zone of increased concentration of modern resorts focused on the beach format. It is within the crash that the most picturesque national parks of the country are located.

Pattaya is almost the most famous resort city in the Siamese Gulf and fully justifies its glory of tourist Mecca. Here are not the cleanest beaches, but it is in this city that you can taste the most exotic food and entertainment, and you can visit beautiful beaches at any time - ferries go away from the local berth daily to all the ends of the country.

  • - Located on the seashore, on the beach, Jomtien, 3 free-shaped pools, several restaurants and bars
  • - Located on the seashore, 2 pools, water park with water slides and exciting attractions, several restaurants
  • - Located right on the coast, in a secluded bay, 10 bars and restaurants, kids club


Similar climatic conditions can boast other popular countries with access to the sea. Croatia offers guests accommodation in the conditions of a natural reserve, in whose territory a moderate Mediterranean climate is dominated. The daily heat here practically does not happen, as well as night drops. Tourists come here for the restoration of forces and for admission to the traditions of a healthy lifestyle.

This is especially good such a trip for children. The sea coast is decorated with slender rows of coniferous forests, which are saturated with air mass of nutrients and trace elements. Well, you can diversify your leisure time in the process of numerous excursions. For 2017, tour operators offer seven-day stays with accommodation in excellent rooms for 33-39 thousand (hotels with two or three stars Adriatic, Plavi, Jadran Residence) up to 78-79 thousand (hotels five stars Sheraton Zagreb Hotel, The Westin Zagreb) .


Chernogorsk Adriatic is a fertile place for the beach vacation, when the heights of the bathing season comes here. The rains almost never happen, the day air warms up to + 29-30 ° C. The transparent water of the Adriatic Sea becomes like pair milk - + 25 ° -26 ° С (Budva, Podgorica, Tivat) If a variety of beaches, irresistibly beautiful views and relatively inexpensive prices, are difficult to resist the pleasant weather factor.

Luxury sandy beaches prevail at the resorts of Budvan Riviera (Becici, Prnom, Rafailovichi, Kamenovo). Chorrows sandy-pebble sectors of the coast of the Tivatsky, Kotansky-Risan Bay, in the vicinity of Herceg Novi. You can choose PRBL and Lushtice Peninsula, with cozy coves. In which, perasta, kindness, testers are pebble or rock coast.

Almost every resort city of Montenegro is the storehouse of cultural and historical monuments. Vintage monasteries, fortresses, churches, Palaces are in which, Petrovac, Ultsin, Cetinje, Herceg Novi, St. Stephen's O-Wah, Sveti Nikola, and others. Bolko-Kotorsky Bay, Skadar Lake, Canyons, Mountains create stunning landscapes from which It is impossible to remove the eyes.

Divine piece of the Black Sea coast, according to the legend, giving abhasm for hospitality by God, fascinates landscapes. Picturesque peaks, mountain lakes, mysterious caves, vintage monasteries, forests - the wealth of nature of Abkhazia is not inferior to Montenegro. Despite the destruction caused by the war, a small country seeks to meet tourists with comfort.

Prices for accommodation in hotels, private owners are much lower than in other Caucasian resorts. The weather here is mainly dictated by the Mediterranean subtropical climate. Although the embossed features of different places make their nuances in the weather, almost throughout the day the day temperature reaches + 29-30 ° C. In the Gagra, surrounded by mountains, at noon, the air is split up to + 35-37 ° C, and due to insufficient air circulation, humidity increases.

Cooler in Pitsunde, Sukhumi, New Athos. In Pitsunde, a new Athos, drowning in lush greenery, a lot of shady corners, where it is easy to hide from the heat. Water throughout the coast reaches comfortable + 22-24 ° C. Beaches in Abkhazia for every taste: pebble sandy-pebble and sandy. Their infrastructure is somewhat inferior to the quality of European beaches. There is a rental of water-sports equipment: Aquation, inflatable shells, etc.

A huge aesthetic pleasure is delivered excursions to unique natural objects: Rice Lakes, Blue, MZ, Novo Aphon Cave, Waterfalls, Bzyb Gorge, Reserves. Children especially like visiting the Sukhumsky nursery monkeys, which began to revive. Radows tourists fruit and berry abundance: pears, peaches, figs, melons, dogwood.

The United Arab Emirates is perhaps the most hot corner of the Arabian Peninsula. The sun goes back here early, and at 9 o'clock in the morning already takes out. Despite the heat and greater humidity, the Emirates entail tourists at all times of the year and a few days later, guests adapting to the heat, find options for an exciting rest. At noon, the thermometer column crawls to the mark + 42⁰s in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, + 40 ° C - in Dubai and + 37⁰s - in Fujaire. In the evening after 19.00, when the sun goes beyond the horizon, the heat falls to + 30 ° C and the streets begins with the streets, and by night it becomes more comfortable - + 27-28⁰.

For beach holidays - low season. There are almost no people on snow-white sandy beaches. You can sunbathe early in the morning to 9.00 saving from the scorching sun under the canopy. Water in the sea of \u200b\u200bfundamental to + 30 ° C, so that during swimming does not happen burns to enter the sea recommend in a T-shirt. Basically, vacationers are bathed in swimming pools available in each hotel complex 4 * and 5 *. They are cooled to + 25 ° C for a comfortable bathing.

The most favorable weather for the sea recreation is on the eastern shore in Fujaiwa, where the sea is warmed up to + 26⁰. Divers are going to dive into the spectacular underwater world of the Oman Bay. July in the kingdom - time of total price reduction: in hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, gaming and spectacular complexes. Cheap shopping and memorable rest are provided!

A huge range of opportunities for maritime relaxes and effective treatment is provided by the resorts of Israel with clean landscaped beaches on three seas: red, Mediterranean and Dead. July does not stand out by the hotter weather. In Mediterranean resorts - Haifa, Herzliya, Tel Aviv and Netanya, the average daytime temperature is held within + 32 ° C and lowered to + 24- + 25⁰c at night.

The sea will delight with pleasant warm water + 27- + 28⁰c. On the shores of the Dead Sea is hotter. For the weather, the temperature is characterized by day + 37- + 38 ° C, and at night + 27- + 28⁰c. Water in the Dead Sea heats up to + 33- + 34⁰c, which is not so comfortable for bathing, but effectively for treatment.

The best resorts on the Dead Sea:

  • Ein-Bokek with 7 Private Hotel and 1 Public Sand Beach
  • Zohar Neva with 3 hotels working on the "All Included" system, and with our own beaches
  • ein-Gedi resort, located near the reserve with 1 paid and 1 city beaches

In Eilat, on the shore of the Red Sea, the temperature can reach + 40⁰c, but with the onset of twilight becomes cooler - + 20- + 22⁰c. The Red Sea is comfortable - + 27- + 28⁰c. The resort is a series of hotels of different class, magnificent beaches: northern, urban and southern, duty-free shops. The rains do not happen, the solar and dry weather prevails everywhere. Many fashionable hotels, budget hotels and therapeutic complexes open huge opportunities for a combination of beach recreation with treatment and spa treatments.

Indonesia, Bali.

Staying a lot of money for the tour, I want to know what attractive is the island of Bali in the midst of the summer season. The weather this month is hot, but it is easily transferred to the dry southeast monsoon that dominates in the winter. This month, there are sunny days on the island, and the temperature in any corner of Bali does not fall below + 30 ° C.

A little hot weather in southern regions at Nosa Dua, Kuta and Jimbaran. There, the air warms up to + 31 ° C, and at night + 22 ° C. In Amida, after sunset, the air cools up to + 19 ° C and it becomes cool near the sea. In the North Resort of Lovina in the evening comfortable temperature - + 21 ° C. Beach vacation attracts a large influx of tourists. Sea temperature keeps in the area + 27⁰ C. Exotic nature, clean sandy beaches and transparent sea favors not only for swimming and sunbathing.

There are excellent opportunities for divers in the study of the delightful underwater world with 100 types of corals and 3 thousand types of bright fish. The only minus for recreation can be the increase in prices by about 40% per vouchers, so in order to save them it is necessary to book for 3-4 months before the expected date of the flight. Then July, spent on the sea in Bali, will be remembered by the paradise of the world.

The beaches of the Dead and Red Seas, the Sacred River Jordan, the oldest pink city of Peter and many other attractions are the Arabian State of Jordan. In July, the scorching is installed here, when the thermometer indicators reach + 33-36 ° C, and even higher. In Aqaba, on the Red Sea, according to experienced tourists, the rest is much better than in Egypt. Spacious beaches, comfortable gentle entrance to the sea, coral reefs, diving centers, luxury hotels make rest in interesting and full. Water warms up to + 27-28 ° C, a permanent lung breeze brings coolness.

The mass of positive emotions will take excursions to the famous "Pink City" Peter, with 800-bedroom prehistoric objects, with the monasteries of hell-de-deyar and El Hazne. The entire segment of the coast of the Dead Sea of \u200b\u200bJordan is a natural hospital. Sea water containing a complex of mineral components and salts heals many diseases. Almost all year round the sun shines here, the day heat is easily transferred in comfortable hotels, in spa centers. You can come here on 1 day to get therapeutic procedures, using the services of a payable beach "Amman Beach".

In Malta, you will find hot and sunny weather. The thermometer column rises from +30 to + 33⁰ C, and the sun shines 12 hours a day, stretching the bright time to 14 hours. Comfortable temperature is observed until 11 o'clock in the afternoon and with the arrival of twilight, when the air is cooled to + 21- + 23⁰С. The moisture on the island is relatively high and almost all month is the island of the wind shape.

The main occupation will be staying on the coast. Water in the watches of the comfort tan is already up to + 24 ° C, so swim here is a pleasure. In the water area, you will not meet poisonous jellyfish, snakes and predators, therefore, safe bathing is provided. Despite the lack of winds, waves are observed at sea, but they are not so great to interfere with swimming.

The sea near the coarse is characterized by perfect cleanliness. All beaches are paid and free allocated with flawless well-kept. Most of them are pebble, possessing a small width, so they are crowded.

Lovers of sandy coast should be sent to the Gozo Island, which is part of the Maltese archipelago. There they will be able to soak on golden beaches: MarsalForn Bay, Xlendi Bay, Hondoq Ir-Rummien, Mgarr IX-Xini and red sand-covered - Ramla Bay and San Blas. Gorgeous sandy beaches also have in the north of the island: in Slime, Birzibbe, in the south - in Birzebbuj and Marsaiskale in the eastern part of the island. All resorts Malta have hotels in different categories - from budget 3 * to comfortable 4 * and 5 *, with restaurants, pools and private beaches.

Morocco - the kingdom, spread in the North-West Africa, washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. To get together in these wonderful edges, you must first get acquainted with the climatic conditions in the resorts of the country. On the coast of the Atlantic - in the agadir temperature + 34⁰c during the day and + 24.7⁰c - at night, the ocean is cool - 19,7 ° C. In Casablanca by day about + 29⁰s, at night - + 21 ° C, the sea - + 22⁰c. On all the coasts of Morocco, most beaches are municipal, regularly supported clean.

In the Mediterranean resorts - Tangier and Saidius - the thermometer column is consistently held in the area + 30 ° C during the day, and at night - + 20⁰s. Water in the sea warms up to + 23⁰, there are practically no rain. Tangier is not only a resort, but also a large port. There are many luxury hotels and brand stores in the city. The whole coastline is sandy, stretching at 6 kilometers, with a slight beach infrastructure.

Another famous resort is Saidia. The beach strip of pure crispy sand stretches here 14 kilometers. Hotels are focused on all inclusive work, so there are many Russian tourists in the city. From the spa of the Atlantic Ocean is the largest - white city of Agadir, located on the southwest coast. More than 40 fashionable hotels, a delightful snow-white sandy beach area with shallow water up to 30 meters, a variety of restaurants and attractions.

A memorable beach holiday for the "Wave Tamper" - Surfers can take place in Es-Savier. This is a resort and port city, notable for sea gentle bottom, shallow water, strong bets and waves, bohemian entertainment facilities. Casablanca is an exotic place with landscaped snow-white beaches and ancient sights. Despite the heat, thanks to the ocean winds, it is easily transferred here, but the water in the ocean remains cool.

Tourists and Portugal can be pleased with good conditions for recreation on the seashore. Of course, against the background of its European competitors, this country is famous for the cooler climate: the air is heated only to +25 degrees, and the water temperature is 19 degrees above zero. But do not forget about the island of Madeira, who enjoys great popularity among holidaymakers. Comfortable conditions for swimming and tanning here are saved up to October!

Madeira herself is famous for its attractions and amazing nature. This trip will have to taste all the connoisseurs of clean air, pristine beauty and natural food. In addition, it will be found here to taste and those who love high-quality wine. And so that the vacation also has a wellness effect, tourists are proposed to be addicted to the local mineral sources.

The only lack of holidays on Madeira are cool descents to the sea. To be on the shore to overcome not one dozen meters on steep stairs. But if you can afford the number in an expensive hotel, you should not worry about this, because for your guests the hotel offers the possibility of descent to the sea on the elevator. To choose Portugal is also because the famous regatta is held here - the competition in Portuguese boats Mulisayir.

Multiple fairs will help to diversify the holidays, as well as the holiday of RIA. We advise connoisseurs to go to Bombarral, where in the middle of summer the traditional festival of wines is held. Of course, you will not call the trip to Portugal available. The cost of exciting tours starts from 50-60 thousand rubles. But if you wish to go to this amazing country with your own way, you can safely save.

Resorts of Russia

Do not forget about the possibility of holding a good and accessible holiday within the native country. The resorts of the Black Sea and Azov coast are gaining popularity, in whose territory a very attractive climate is established. They will find the resort to taste and tourists who come to heal their children.

For young holidaymakers, sanatoriums and children's camps located in Evpatoria, Yalta, Feodosia and Sudak will fit. It is not worth discounting and excellent conditions for relaxing on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory, Anapa and Gelendzhik. There are excellent offers for tourists with a minimum vacation budget.

Their attention deserves the desert coast and the bay of the southern coast of the Crimea, who were so loved by tourists, which rest in the "wild" style. The air temperature in Crimea reaches the maximum mark and will last at the level of these indicators until the beginning of the autumn. In other resort corners of the country - Sochi, Anapa, etc. - The air warms up to 27-28 degrees with a plus sign, and the water temperature keeps at 22-23 degrees of heat.

Do not forget about the availability of domestic resorts. You can get to the Black Sea or Azov coast as ground and airporty of transport. Family tourists prefer to travel on a personal car, and the youth often resorts to the services of the highway.

You will not need a visa or passport from tourists, and saved money can be spent on pleasant gifts for relatives or staying for a few days on the resort you like!

July is one of the hottest months in the northern part of the globe. At this time, you can save on vacation at the expense of the fact that there is no need to fly far behind the warm sea. In this material, we collected ideas of inexpensively July holidays in the regions known for their budget. Some countries have already come to lists, such as places, or.

List of places where you can inexpensively relax on the sea in July with children or friends

Golden Sands in Bulgaria

Most beaches in Bulgaria are sandy. Photo Jürgenbot with Flickr

In July, Bulgaria comes to the first place among the resort countries. Golden sands, Varna, Burgas, Kamchiy attract the greatest number of tourists at this time. However, the remaining from almost 400 kilometers of the sandy Black Sea coast of Bulgaria remain open to the sea. In the afternoon, the temperature here is usually held in the area of \u200b\u200b25-27 degrees Celsius. Together with a gentle sea breeze, it makes Bulgaria an attractive place to relax.

Rocky shores of Cyprus

Panereti Coral Bay Resort Hotel in Cyprus. Photo Rutty with Flickr

Two-star hotels in Cyprus are not inferior to anything, say, three-member in Italy. At the same time prices in restaurants are higher. Most of the excursions begins early in the morning to end until midday. One of the most popular resorts of Cyprus - Limassol. From here you can go on an excursion to the place of birth of Aphrodite, as well as get acquainted with other antique monuments.

Cheap holidays in Turkey

Sea off the coast of Turkey. Photo Philippe Leroyer with Flickr

In Turkey, even on the Black Sea coast in July, the sea warm and even sometimes hot. Although from the middle of the summer, the peak of the season begins, together with the influx of holidaymakers from Russia decreases and prices. So, if your budget is minimal or you want to relax with children, buy a tour to Turkey. You can have enough just a few hundred dollars for a hotel with the "All Inclusive" system, water slides and pool. During the day, the temperature here is rarely lowered below thirty.

Hot Sea in Egypt

Beach in Naama Bay in Sharm el-Sheikh. Photo Womeos with Flickr

In July, in Egypt, hotter than in Turkey. But due to the smaller humidity of the climate in this country, the heat is perceived gently. From excursions to the desert at this time it is better to refrain and enjoy a temperate bathing in the sea and a pool, air conditioning and low prices. Water at this time in Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh and other resorts warm up to 27 degrees Celsius. Like Turkey, Egypt is good for inexpensive to relax with children.

Attractions in Italy

Beach on the Adriatic Sea in Italy. Photo Victorfe Places with Flickr

In Italy, in July, it is possible to catch beautiful sometimes hot weather, and visit attractions. The most popular way -, to buy there in the sea for several days and from there to go to Venice, Florence, Rome, Vatican, and also look into the state of San Marino, located very close. It is suitable for shopping, like.

Island Spain

Beach Beach Be Live Grand Palace de Muro on Mallorca. Photo belivehotels.com with Flickr

We are talking about the Canary and Balearic Islands. In the first July, perhaps, one of the few months when "Eternal Spring" goes into the summer, and you can fully swim and sunbathe. Tenerife, Gran Canaria was located away from Europe almost at the very edge of the world. At the same time, the height of the season comes in Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca, Formentere, as in the Catalan capital itself - and just to see the sights.

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