Assumption Cathedral of St. Tryphon Monastery. Vyatsky Assumption Trifonov Monastery

In the old part of the city, near the river, there is an ancient monastery founded in 1580 by Tryphon of Vyatka. Here is the oldest building in Kirov - the Assumption Cathedral, built in 1684-89. The architectural ensemble of the monastery has the status of a federal architectural monument.

The Assumption Trifonov Monastery was founded by Trifon of Vyatka (who came to Vyatka from the Arkhangelsk lands) in 1580.

He created four churches in the ensemble of the monastery: the Assumption, the Annunciation, Ioanno-Predtechensky, and the gateway Nikolsky. The most beautiful was the Assumption Cathedral, built with 6 tents. Then they noted that there were no such temples anywhere else. The wood for the construction of this temple was rafted along the Vyatka from Slobodskoye.

To the beginning In the 17th century, in addition to churches, a bell tower, monastic cells and various outbuildings appeared. In 1689, instead of a wooden one, a stone Assumption Cathedral was built. This temple is one of the oldest in Vyatka, which has survived to this day.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Trifonov Monastery was a well-appointed monastery in which spiritual life was in full swing. However, the October Revolution interrupted it centuries-old history. The Soviet government liquidated the Trifonov Monastery. The monastery bells were melted down, the iconostases in the churches were destroyed, the cemetery at the monastery was destroyed, the bell tower, the southern wall and the corner towers of the Assumption Cathedral were dismantled. At that time, churches housed a canteen, a laundry, a dormitory, a planetarium, and factory floors.

In the 1980s the population became concerned about the fate of the monastery, and by 1991 the Assumption Cathedral was restored, which became a cathedral, since the Trifonov Monastery was transferred to the diocese. In 1994, the iconostasis of the cathedral was restored. The St. Nicholas Church and the fraternal building were also restored, a new bell tower was created, and the entire territory of the monastery was ennobled.

Today, the Trifonov Monastery, consisting of the Assumption Cathedral, the Trekhsvyatitelskaya Church, the Gate St. Nicholas Church, the Annunciation Church, the chapel above the holy spring, the bell tower, the abbot's chambers, the fraternal building, is one of the main attractions of the old part of the city, whose image is even on a specially issued

Assumption Trifonov Monastery, one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles of Kirov November 28th, 2013

Assumption Trifonov Monastery has a deep history and keeps many secrets within its holy walls. The monastery is very old; its foundation began during the time of Ivan the Terrible.

Assumption Trifonov Monastery became the first building in the Vyatka region, in June 1580, founded by the Venerable Trifon of Vyatka, who came from Arkhangelsk peasants. A letter was written to Tsar Ivan the Terrible, asking for permission to build a monastery. The Tsar gave his permission and allocated the old city cemetery with two churches for construction. Afterwards, the blessed Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, as a sign of special favor, sent twelve carts with icons, books, vestments and various church utensils as a gift to the Vyatka monastery, as well as rich land holdings, in particular, the Voblovitsky volost and uninhabited lands in the Kazan district, where it was later founded village of Polyanka (Vyatskie Polyany). The monastery settled the empty lands with peasants from the Voblovitskaya volost, contributing to the development of the vast, sparsely populated region. Such donations and income from the lands allowed Tryphon to build four temples:

  • Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;

  • Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary;

  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;

  • Church of the Three Saints.

By the beginning of the 17th century, 14 cells for monks, a bell tower, outbuildings - cellars, granaries, a cookhouse with bread and a kvass brewery - were also built. The monastery was surrounded by a wooden fence, which had two entrances on the north side, one of which was called the Holy Gate. On the eastern side of the Assumption Cathedral there was a wooden chapel over the spring. Behind the monastery walls there were stables and cattle yards.
The Venerable Tryphon himself, due to the severity of his Rule, was expelled by the brethren, and returned to the monastery in 1612, where he ended his days. The monastery became more influential, construction began stone structures and several more churches. Prosperity and decline, the monastery withstood everything, but it was not ready for the events of 1918. All icons and property of the monastery were completely confiscated, churches were closed, and by 1929, the monastery was completely closed.
Of course these days Holy Dormition Trifonov Monastery is a federal architectural monument, completely restored and new bells cast. Coming to modern Kirov (Vyatka) and using the city guide to the sights and organizations of the city, which is located at, you should definitely visit the Holy Dormition Trifonov Monastery, touch its history and see all the splendor immortalized in stone.

Vyatsky Assumption Trifonov Monastery, 2nd class, in the city of Vyatka. It was founded in 1580 by its first archimandrite, the Monk Tryphon (see October 8), whose relics rest hidden in the local Assumption Church. Here the relics of St. Procopius of Christ for the sake of the Fool for the Fool are buried under cover (see December 21). The wooden staff of St. Tryphon and iron chains are preserved in the monastery. In 1896, the renewed cathedral church Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is a school at the monastery.

From the book by S.V. Bulgakov "Russian monasteries in 1913".

The men's monastery in the name of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary was founded in the 16th century. According to a charter from Tsar Ivan the Terrible and with the permission of the patriarch, to the south of the Kremlin fortifications behind the Sora River in 1580, the site of an old city cemetery with two dilapidated wooden churches was allocated for monastery buildings. The builder of the monastery and its first abbot is the monk of the Pyskorsky monastery - the famous educator of the small peoples of the Kama and Vyatka lands, Venerable Tryphon.

The first buildings - the “cage with a meal” Church of the Annunciation and the “small cells” – were built by Trifon at the expense of the townspeople. Also thanks to donations local residents in 1588, the new monastery was decorated with a six-tent wooden cathedral, replacing the dilapidated Assumption Church. A man of remarkable intelligence and enormous energy, Tryphon not only won over the unassuming Khlynovites to the new cause, but managed to win the patronage of the kings and nobles. The monastery owes the growth of its prosperity to the tireless care of Father Tryphon, who often visited Moscow, where he spent time worrying about royal favors, patriarchal, noble and other charitable deeds “for the monastic needs.”

The abbot’s labors were not in vain - savings letters, lands, cash donations and rich contributions to the gift of the Vyatka monastery were made by representatives of the most ancient boyar families. The large land holdings and privileges that the monastery possessed by the end of the 16th century, its active economic and educational activities contributed to the growth of the prestige of the monastery, which gradually gained strength and power. The large income brought in from the patrimonial lands made it possible to actively carry out construction work on its territory. From the small monastery a picturesque wooden ensemble grew. Four temples, a chapel over the source, which according to legend was built by Tryphon himself, a hipped belfry on pillars with eight bells, cells and numerous outbuildings, surrounded by a wooden dam with holy gates, made up a spectacular composition.

According to ancient Russian traditions, new churches were built on the sites of old ones, so subsequent reconstructions did not change the historically established complex. The first stone building of the ensemble, the Assumption Cathedral, was founded by Archbishop Jonah Baranov in 1684. In the 1690s, the St. Nicholas Gate Church was built to the northwest of it. Under Archimandrite Alexander, with the permission of Peter I, a bell tower (1714) and the Church of the Alexandrian Wonderworkers Athanasius and Cyril at the hospital cells (1711 -1717) were built in stone. Somewhat later, the stone abbot’s chambers (1719), the Annunciation Church (1728) and the brethren’s building (1742) “grew up” in the monastery.

The fire of 1752 caused great damage to the monastery buildings. Restoration work and the construction of a stone fence with towers, interrupted in 1770 by a new fire, were completed only by 1799. Experiencing great financial difficulties after the reform of 1764, the monastic authorities began to widely resort to collecting donations and merchant patronage, which made it possible not only to maintain the monastery in order, but also to carry out new construction. In the 50s and 60s of the 18th century, the completion of the St. Nicholas Gate Church and the bell tower, damaged during the fires, was restored, the Church of Athanasius and Cyril was repaired, renamed in honor of the Moscow Saints Peter, Alexei and Jonah. An extension to the northern façade of the fraternal building in 1823 and alteration of the rector's chambers at the beginning XIX century completed the formation of the monastery complex.

A significant part of the income that the treasury brought from the leasing of monastery buildings and lands to secular authorities and private individuals, which became part of the economic life of the monastery in the mid-19th century, was used for the repair and reconstruction of monastery buildings and landscaping of the territory. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Trifonov Monastery surprised pilgrims with its cleanliness and order. A cast-iron sidewalk, asphalt paths, an ancient garden with gazebos, linden trees, raspberries, currants, flower beds, ponds, bridges, a well-kept cemetery with white stone tombstones, fish tanks, a swimming pool, and a wooden chapel over the source were added to the ensemble places of worship features of intimacy and comfort.

The collection of 150 books collected by Tryphon formed the basis of a rich monastery library; later a museum of church antiquities was organized here. Since 1744, a Slavic-Greek-Latin school was located within the walls of the monastery.

In 1612, old Tryphon rested in his cell, whose relics were subsequently buried in the Assumption Cathedral. After 1917, the churches of the Assumption Trifonov Monastery were transferred under an agreement to the religious community, and a provincial party school was located in the fraternal building and the abbot's chambers. However, in 1929, the community was denied the use of churches: the Assumption Cathedral began to be used as a book depository for the provincial archives bureau, and the remaining buildings were allocated for housing. During the Great Patriotic War, part of the monastery buildings was lost. Work on the reconstruction of the monastery began in 1980. With the help of the Kirov special scientific and restoration production workshops, a project for the restoration of the monastery complex was developed, the external appearance of the Church of the Three Hierarchs and the south-eastern tower was restored, the southern section of the fence with the gate was recreated, then the work was carried out by the Arso company and the Kirov diocese.

Now the monastery is again in charge of the Russian Orthodox Church, and work on its reconstruction continues, taking into account the needs of the modern owner.

So we start the tour

The first images of the Trifonov Monastery.

Trifonov Monastery at present.

Entering the territory of the Tryphon Monastery, an amazing view of the architectural ensemble of the Assumption Cathedral opens up before us. It was founded in 1580 Reverend Trifon of Vyatka, who came here from the Chusovsky estates of the Stroganov salt industrialists. In the winter of 1580, the Venerable Tryphon arrived in Khlynov, turning to the “zemstvo judges, elders, tselovalniks and all Orthodox Christianity” of the city with a request to entrust him with the construction of a monastery across the Zasora River on the site of the city cemetery, where there were two dilapidated churches. The townspeople, who had been thinking about this for a long time, agreed and drew up a petition to the Tsar and the Metropolitan on behalf of the residents of Slobodskoye, Khlynov, Kotelnich, Orlov, Shestakov. In the spring of 1580, Tryphon went to Moscow with his petition, where he was favorably received by the Tsar, who blessed him to be the builder of the new Khlynovo monastery, presented her with the icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria and ordained the Reverend to the rank of hieromonk. Tsar Ivan the Terrible with a letter dated June 2 (12) 1580, he granted the monastery land ownership and ordered the transfer of both cemetery churches with books and bells to it. First, in 1581, he erected a wooden church in the name of the Annunciation and the monastery was surrounded by a wooden fence, and in 1589 - a unique wooden Assumption Church with 6 tents of different heights. Next to the monastery, two monastic settlements soon grew up - a small one, behind the monastery, which was called Kikimorskaya, and a large one, near the monastery itself, which was therefore often called Zaogradnaya. During the first century of its existence, the Assumption Monastery remained wooden and completely retained its original layout, picturesquely complementing the silhouette of the city. In the next century, the wooden monastery churches, fences, outbuildings and residential buildings were gradually rebuilt in stone.

Popular wisdom says: The earth is not worthwhile without a righteous man.

Icon of Saint Tryphon

Image of Saint Tryphon

Saint Tryphon was born in 1546. In a family of peasants, the Ascetic, in the Arkhangelsk province. He was the youngest son in the family. Before becoming a monk, his name was Trofim. He was tonsured at the Perm Peskovsky Monastery, a famous educator of the Ostyaks and Voguls. IN 1580 he was invited by the residents of the city of Khlynov, as Vyatka was then called, to found a monastery. According to a charter from Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Monk Tryphon founded a monastery in the city in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Soon the number of monks in the monastery increased so much that the material resources for its maintenance became insufficient. Therefore, the Monk Tryphon was forced to go to Moscow and turn to Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich with a request for help. The monk was graciously received in Moscow and generously endowed by the pious Tsar and other eminent people. Patriarch Job elevated him to the rank of archimandrite. Returning to the monastery with rich gifts, Saint Tryphon continued to work for the prosperity of the monastery he created until his blessed death in 1612 Before him, there was not a single monastery on Vyatka. The monastery grew quickly, turning into a large feudal estate, and with it Tryphon’s influence in the region increased. The watch book of the city clerk Fyodor Ryazantsev, compiled in 1601 g. testifies that: “The monastery had four wooden churches: 1. Cathedral Assumption, six-domed, round with seven altars... 2. Annunciation - quadrangular, dumplings, single altar. 3. John the Baptist and St. Sergius, quadrangular with a table and cellar, double-headed with two thrones. 4. St. Nicholas round, built on pillars above the holy monastery gates, single-throne.” On the eastern side of the Assumption Cathedral there was a wooden chapel over the spring, which was built by the elder himself.

Canonization of Saint Tryphon

Icon "Tryphon of Vyatka in front of the Mother of God", 1692-1695.

Silver shrine with the relics of Saint Tryphon

After Tryphon's death, his glorification as a saint began. Already during the time of Archimandrite Jonah Baranov, the image of “Tryphon of Vyatka” (1692-1695) was painted, a detail of which is a drawing depicting the Khlynov Kremlin with its temples, chambers and walls. This is the only view of the city from the late 17th century that has reached us. At the same time, the Monk Tryphon of Vyatka was canonized. Commissioned by Archbishop of Vyatka and Great Perm Jonah Baranov 26 May 1684 The stone Assumption Cathedral was laid. After 5 years, the cathedral was consecrated. In 1690, the relics of Saint Tryphon were solemnly transferred there and a rich tombstone - a silver shrine - was installed over the grave. The handwritten gospel, copied by him, as well as the saint’s staff and chains are also kept here. Before 1742 rock formed architectural ensemble monastery, preserved in its main features to the present day.

To date, the original historical appearance of the monastery has been restored

IN 1912 Mr. historian K. Selivanovsky described the Assumption Ensemble this way: “Whoever has been to the Monastery will now be pleasantly amazed by the improvement and order that now reign in the monastery of St. Tryphon. The monastery buildings have been restored, re-roofed, or even re-covered with iron. The monastery courtyard with its cleanliness and landscaping makes the most pleasant impression.” The architectural ensemble includes:

Annunciation Church and bell tower.

Cells of the Trifonov Monastery.

– Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, 1698;

– St. Nicholas Gate Church, 1692–1695;

– Church of the Three Saints, 1711–1717;

– Church of the Annunciation, 1728;

– bell tower, 1714 (recreated in 2000);

– the abbot’s chambers, 1719;

– building of fraternal cells, 1717-1725, 1742;

Corps of fraternal cells (hospital), 1764;

– southeast corner tower, 1774–1775;

– monastery brewery, 1759;

We will visit the “heart” of the monastery - the main temple, the Holy Assumption Cathedral.

Holy Dormition Cathedral.

Iconostasis of the Holy Dormition Cathedral of the Trifonov Monastery.

The focus of the monastery, its heart, is the cathedral, built at the end of the 16th century from wood and consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Main temple Vyatka Trifonov Monastery - Holy Assumption Cathedral. It was built in 1580 and was first made of wood, and in 1689 it became stone, reflecting the features of the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. The building was founded by Archbishop Jonah Baranov in 1684 year. Its interior contains a huge five-tiered iconostasis with ancient icons restored in the 19th century. icons. Most of these icons were sent from Moscow as a gift to the monastery from the Tsar and the Patriarch. The Gospel, written according to legend by the Monk Tryphon himself, his chains and ebony staff were kept as relics in the cathedral.

St. Nicholas Gate Church is located at the northern borders of the monastery.

St. Nicholas Gate Church.

The wooden St. Nicholas Gate Church was built at the end of the 16th century by Moscow craftsmen, marking the northern border of the monastery. The watch book of 1601 tells: “Nikolsky round, built on pillars above the holy monastery gates, single-throne.” There is a stylistic similarity with the Assumption Cathedral, but the Gate Church is more ornate. A hall for the monastery library was built above the middle part of the temple. Above the passing gates there were images of the Monk Tryphon, and from the side of the courtyard - the Archangel Michael. The temple is flanked by the buildings of the abbot's and fraternal cells, which gives solemnity to the main entrance to the monastery. The wide arch of the basement floor leads to the internal front courtyard of the monastery.

Annunciation Church.

Church of the Annunciation.

The Annunciation Church is located southwest of the main cathedral of the monastery. Built behind the central square of the ensemble, it gives diversity and depth to the entire picturesque group of the main monastery buildings and, as it were, separates the official front part of the ensemble from the internal monastic territory occupied by the cemetery and outbuildings. The peculiarly shaped dome that crowned the Church of the Annunciation echoed the cuboid covering of the tower at the Fraternal Building and the onion-shaped domes of the Assumption Cathedral, picking up the soft pattern of the diagonal perspective opening from the northeast..

In the depths of the monastery territory is the Church of the Three Saints.

Three Saints Church..

In the depths of the monastery territory, on its southern section, among the dense greenery of trees that mysteriously rustled over the monastery cemetery, the modest-sized building of the Church of the Three Saints stands white. The walls of the church are covered with a brick pattern like a carpet. A multi-broken cornice cuts off the steep arcs of sculptural zakomari from the walls of the quadrangle; triple semi-columns separated by a stepped projection mark the corners of the volume; each platband has its own, unique compositional “undertaking.” Stepped frames, lush platbands made of turned balusters, twisted flagella, rosettes, columns, all kinds of rollers and shelves visually expand the windows, filling the entire plane of the wall.

Let's approach the Holy Spring of the Trifonov Monastery.

Holy spring.

The Monk Tryphon permeates everything in the monastery, starting with the one he once chose amazing beauty place and from a holy source, at which, according to legend, Herself appeared to the future saint Holy Mother of God. The holy spring is located on the eastern outskirts of the monastery. Its origin is as follows. In 1804, the chapel over the well, which Tryphon himself dug, was repaired. Then pipes hollowed out from logs were laid to the source “in the chapel trench” to prevent the water from freezing in winter time. The chapel was an original complex of two platforms located on different levels and connected by a staircase of 16 steps. There was a covered passage adjacent to the chapel. In the mid-1990s. the chapel has been carefully restored. Trifonov Spring is truly a symbol of the Vyatka region. Many believers constantly take the spring water, which gives physical and mental health, for drinking.

Holy Dormition Trifonov Monastery in Kirov (Russia) - description, history, location. The exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The male Holy Dormition Trifonov Monastery was founded in 1580 by St. Tryphon. This is a beautiful architectural ensemble of many buildings, which as a whole are classified as architectural monuments of federal significance. Its “heart” is the Assumption Cathedral, which in an architectural sense echoes the massive quadrangular gate church-stronghold and the free-standing polygonal bell tower.

St. Tryphon of Vyatka first built the wooden Church of the Annunciation on the territory of the current monastery, and after about 20 years - another, the Assumption, also wooden, but much more majestic. Around the monastery, which remained entirely wooden for the first 100 years, a settlement grew, and subsequently all the buildings were gradually rebuilt into stone ones. The Trifonov Monastery in Kirov is the oldest in the entire Vyatka land, and it has great spiritual significance for Orthodox believers. It is from here that the Velikoretsk religious procession departs.

The Trifonov Monastery in Kirov is the oldest in the entire Vyatka land, and it has great spiritual significance for Orthodox believers.

In subsequent centuries, the monastery received a lot of land with peasant villages by royal decrees and eventually became very wealthy and prosperous. But in 1918 the monastery was closed and the monks were shot. The Assumption Cathedral, however, continued to operate after this for another 10 years. In 1988, the question of transferring the monastery Museum of Local Lore or the diocese was decided thanks to a massive collection of signatures, and in 1991 the monastery was opened, and the Assumption Cathedral was re-consecrated.

Types of Trifonov Monastery in Kirov

The Assumption Cathedral of the Trifonov Monastery is an almost standard church building of the 17th century. This large temple with six domes, slightly reminiscent of the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. The building is strictly symmetrical and quite restrained in its exterior, as dictated by the canons of Russian Orthodox architecture. Tall and powerful drums are crowned with black onion domes; under the roof you can see a ribbon of zakomaras, forming semicircular vaults. During the construction of the cathedral, as was expected at that time, it was taken into account what it would look like from a distance, in the future. Therefore, he looked great both from Kikimorskaya Mountain and from the old market square, and from the left bank of the ravine. Unfortunately, today these prospects are disrupted.

You should definitely visit the St. Nicholas Gate Church. Inside you can see a beautiful iconostasis and very beautiful paintings on the walls and vaults.

In total, the monastery complex includes slightly less than 20 buildings. The most significant of them are four churches: Assumption, Annunciation, Trekhsvyatitelskaya and St. Nicholas Gate. The earliest of them in their current form was the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, built at the end of the 17th century. Almost immediately a church above the gate appeared behind it, and the other two were rebuilt in stone in the first half of the 18th century.

Other notable monastery buildings are the bell tower, originally built in the 18th century, then destroyed and only rebuilt in the 1990s; four corner towers from the 18th century (two of them were also restored at the end of the 20th century) and the chapel of St. Tryphon.