Where you can plunge into an ice hole. The best places for winter swimming


One of the most popular places for winter swims. Every year, ice holes, places for changing clothes and ladders for entering the water are carefully prepared here. Lifeguards are working on the lake. Despite the loud name, the depth of the reservoir is small - up to three meters. But there is room to turn around: the length of the main font on the lake is about 20 meters. Also, a shovel is usually chained to the ice hole, with which enthusiasts regularly remove ice.

st. Tamanskaya, 2, building 2

Usually, several ice holes for walruses are installed on the ice of the reservoir. It is convenient to get here by public transport, and the water here is quite clean. There is one caveat: walruses are usually accompanied by fishermen. But after swimming, you can take a walk to the Museum of the History of the Russian Navy, which is located nearby. This place is interesting and colorful: there are real ships and submarines right on the shore.

Leningradskoe highway, 25-45

Usually this winter beach becomes a gathering place for walruses of the Winter Swimming Center club, who organize a high-quality long wormwood here. There are changing areas and a lifeguard station. The depth of the pond is small. In the summer of 2018, the beach area and the bottom of the pond were cleaned and found suitable and safe for swimming.

st. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 38A

Shibaevsky Pond

The ice hole is usually located near the boat station. There is a place to change clothes. People often swim here, so the risk of coming to a frozen hole is low. Regulars have organized their own walrus club, which welcomes everyone. The hole is about 7 meters long and 4 meters wide. The most convenient way to get to the pond is on foot from the Volzhskaya metro station.

st. Kuzminskaya, 10

Stroginskaya floodplain 0+

The ice holes are located in different places in the Stroginsky Bay of the Moscow River. Experienced walruses say that this is one of the most deep places for swimming in winter. But be prepared for the fact that there are no changing cabins there. You can get to the swimming place on foot from the Strogino metro station or from Shchukinskaya by taking a tram.

Stroginskaya floodplain

A good ice hole not far from the Shchukinskaya metro station. Landmark - Stroginsky Bridge. The hole is to the left of it. There is a gentle long descent into the water, there is a house where you can undress. Three times a week, hardening classes are held on the site, conducted by the hardening and winter swimming club “Walruses of the Capital”. Everyone is welcome to the club.

left bank, st. Picturesque

Convenient location near the Volzhskaya metro station and the Tekstilshchiki metro station. There is a house, the ice hole is equipped with a convenient wooden descent. Usually the hole in this place is of modest size, but the depth is good. Members of the “Winter Swimming and Hardening” club, which has existed for more than 40 years, come here to gain strength. Walruses carry out their procedures daily at 6 am.

Lublin Culture and Leisure Park

Ostankino Park

To film stories about Moscow walruses, journalists don’t even have to go far, because one of the ice holes appears every year not far from the Ostankino television center. In fact, it is perfectly visible to the capital’s cold swimmers who come to the small rectangular pond. If you want to admire the sights, there is also the estate of Count Sheremetyev and the red brick Church of the Holy Trinity. The reservoir is equipped with a wooden embankment; there is a staircase for comfortable descent. This arrangement attracts a particularly large number of walruses on weekends, although on weekdays it is much quieter, even deserted.

st. 1st Ostankino, 5

Academic Pond 0+

In the summer there is a well-maintained beach, and in the winter a little infrastructure is available for fans of cold swims. For example, if you are not yet a completely frostbitten swimmer, you can use the changing cabins, warm up in a cafe, and in case of frostbite, go to the rescue station. Thanks to such proximity to civilization, as well as the shallow depth and size of the reservoir (about 20 hectares - this is no joke!) The Academic Pond was chosen by professional walruses, and one of the thematic clubs opened its headquarters here. Thanks to the efforts of the participants of this club, the ice hole became spacious.

st. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 38

Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" 0+

The ice hole with the walruses' house, where the sports club "Walruses of Tsaritsyno" has settled, is located on the Upper Tsaritsynsky pond with an area of ​​17 hectares. Anyone interested in winter swimming and swimming is accepted as a walrus here. In order to properly prepare for one of them, there are horizontal bars for warming up in the area near the reservoir. And you can warm up after refreshing procedures in the insulated changing room. It is open to everyone every day. As for the ice hole itself, it is small - about ten sq.m. Mostly “regulars” swim here and you won’t meet random people - only professionals tested by low temperatures. By the way, they will tell you how to behave in the water if something happens.

The great consecration of water takes place on Epiphany Eve in all churches - it is consecrated with a special rite called the Great Agiasma, which translated from Greek means “shrine”.

Water is blessed by the rite of the Great Blessing of Water only twice a year - both on Epiphany Eve and on the feast of the Epiphany itself.

Blessing of water in some churches is also carried out at springs, lakes and rivers, since Epiphany bathing in blessed water is the main tradition of the day.

Sputnik Georgia asked how the blessing of water is carried out, where and when you can swim, as well as what safety rules need to be followed.

Great Blessing of Water

On Epiphany Eve, which the Orthodox celebrate on January 18, according to church canons, a believer must go to church, stand for the service, light a candle, and draw blessed water.

On this day, an unusual service is held, in view of the special requirements of the Church Charter, first the liturgy, then Great Vespers, after which the clergy bless the water with the Great Rite.

The blessing of water is called great because of the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memory of the Gospel event. The blessing of water on the eve of the holiday and on the Epiphany of the Lord is performed in memory of the fact that the Savior sanctified the water with His Baptism.

Translated from Greek, the word “baptize”, “baptize” means “immerse in water,” therefore, without understanding the real and symbolic meaning of water in the Old Testament, one cannot understand the importance of baptism.

Water is the beginning of life, and it is from it, fertilized by the life-giving Spirit, that all living beings come.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresensky

Every year, believers line up in long lines outside churches on Epiphany Eve to stock up on Epiphany water for the whole year. As a rule, Epiphany water is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, and houses and offices are blessed with it in order to call upon the grace of God for help.

But the main point is to attend the prayer service and pray during the blessing of water, because God, at the request expressed in prayer, gives grace for healing from various diseases with holy water.

In some churches, the blessing of water is also carried out at springs, lakes and rivers, where the clergy go out in a procession of the cross - it is called the procession to the Jordan.

An ice hole made at Epiphany for water blessing and bathing is also called a Jordan, but no one demands to plunge into ice water, especially if a person is not ready for this.

Holy water at the Baptism of the Lord has the greatest symbolic meaning - it is used for washing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, cleanses a person from sins, and relieves ailments. Temples, houses and animals are consecrated with it, and seriously ill people are given to drink it.

© photo: Sputnik / Igor Zarembo

Epiphany bathing

Quite a lot of people decide to swim in the ice hole with ice water- people believe that baptismal bathing in ponds can cleanse from all sins and make a person spiritually stronger.

To ensure that Epiphany bathing brings benefits to people, the clergy, after the service, head in a solemn procession to a nearby reservoir. First, a cross is cut through the ice, called a Jordan, and then the place is consecrated again.

After consecration, the water in the ice hole becomes healing, so Orthodox Christians wash themselves with it. The most courageous “dive” into the ice hole - every person who swims in it feels a surge of strength, both physical and spiritual.

The Orthodox Church says that water on the day of Epiphany is sanctified by the grace of the Lord God Himself through the prayers of the clergy, and for the manifestation of its healing properties, a person’s sincere faith is necessary first of all.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgenia Novozhenina

Therefore, there is an opinion that those who do not believe in the healing properties of water should not swim, since it will not bring them any benefit.

The clergy, in turn, warn that one must know how to swim in an ice hole correctly, although there are no hard and fast rules.

Epiphany bathing is a three-time immersion in water with the head, during which the believer is baptized and pronounces the following phrase: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!”

But before swimming, you must definitely go to the temple and pray. Also, you cannot go into Epiphany water well-fed and drunk - the Almighty will not send His blessing anyway, since gluttony and drunkenness are considered serious sins.

It is not appropriate for a woman to enter holy water in an open swimsuit or underwear - preferably in a closed and new shirt, which she can later put on when she gets sick or simply feels unwell. The clergy believe that the grace that descends while swimming in the ice hole will protect you for a whole year.

Epiphany bathing in Rus' has been considered healing since ancient times. By the way, the tradition of swimming in an ice hole in Rus' dates back to the times of the ancient Scythians - they dipped their babies in icy water, accustoming them to the harsh nature.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Malgavko

Safety regulations

On the eve of the feast of the Epiphany in big cities In Russia, for the mass bathing of believers, ice holes are specially cut down and equipped on the rivers, and the population of these cities is informed about this in the media.

For safety reasons, you need to swim in ice holes specially equipped near the shore, preferably under the supervision of lifeguards.

It must be remembered that Epiphany swimming in an ice hole is a procedure for trained people, who are called walruses; they harden the body for years. Accordingly, people with chronic diseases should either refrain from Epiphany bathing or follow all safety measures.

In particular, the body needs to be warmed up before Epiphany swimming in the ice hole.

You need to approach the ice hole slowly, wearing easily removable and non-slip shoes - preferably boots, woolen socks or special rubber slippers.

For Epiphany bathing, you also need to take a towel and a terry robe, a set of dry clothes, swimming trunks or a shirt, a rubber cap and, of course, a desire.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

The ladder along which you descend into the ice hole must be stable, otherwise, to be on the safe side, you need to lower the edge of a thick, strong rope with knots into the water, firmly fixed to the shore, so that the divers can get out of the water with its help.

Jumping into water and immersing your head in water are not recommended - this increases the loss of temperature and can lead to shock from the cold. It is best to plunge up to your neck, without getting your head wet, in order to avoid a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain.

To avoid general hypothermia of the body, it is not recommended to stay in the ice hole for more than one minute.

It’s also not easy to get out of the ice hole - it’s advisable to use a dry towel or scoop up handfuls of more water and, leaning on the handrails, rise quickly and energetically.

It should be remembered that Epiphany bathing is contraindicated for people with the following acute and chronic diseases: nasopharynx; of cardio-vascular system; central and peripheral nervous system; endocrine system; organs of vision and breathing; genitourinary system; gastrointestinal tract; dermatovenereal.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Many people ask - what date is Epiphany in 2018? What can you do on this holiday, and what can you not? When to swim in an ice hole? How to collect water correctly, and what properties does it have? How to store holy water and what can it be used for?

According to established church tradition, the date Baptism or Epiphany falls invariably on the night of January 18-19. This is one of the most famous twelve holidays, which Christians celebrate to cleanse themselves of sins, get closer to God and feel his grace. On Epiphany on January 19, 2018, it is customary to swim in an ice hole (Jordan), draw water from springs, visit a temple, and do good. Also, Orthodox Christians, in honor of the holiday, present each other with small gifts and invite each other to visit.

What should you do at Baptism?

Orthodox Christians on the evening of January 18 (or morning of January 19) visit a temple or church where festive services are held. On this day it is customary to dress in the most elegant clothes, to be in good location spirit, pray and take home the water blessed in the Church. Since after visiting the temple many people plan to plunge into an ice hole or into a font, before this action they need to confess and take communion.

Many people note that on the day of the Baptism of the Lord a special atmosphere is felt in the Church - solemn, festive, sublime. Many Orthodox believers feel how, during a church service, “as if the grace of God descends upon them,” people feel peace and spiritual cleansing.

Blessing of water - when to draw water for Epiphany 2018

During this bright day, all water - from springs, reservoirs, and from the tap - acquires unique cleansing properties. With its help you can heal illnesses, mental and physical ailments. This water is suitable for sprinkling rooms in order to improve the atmosphere in them. It is also used to calm crying babies, as well as to improve the health of sick animals. Epiphany water, blessed in the Church, is called agiasma.

You can collect water for Epiphany on January 18, after the evening liturgy; this time is called Epiphany Eve. The priest conducts the Blessing of Water ceremony in the temple, and then distributes the blessed water to everyone.

The blessing of water is also carried out under open air. You can collect water from the springs in the morning, as well as in the afternoon on January 19th. The water collected at this time has miraculous powers. Many people stock up on holy water for future use so that they can use it throughout the year if necessary.

Keep in mind - water collected per day can only be stored in glass containers. Plastic bottles Not suitable for storing it! Water can be stored in glass all year long without losing its strength and healing properties. It is recommended to drink Epiphany water on an empty stomach in order to feel vigorous and healthy.

Swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany 2018

Epiphany is a holiday when it is customary to plunge into an ice hole or “Jordan”. How should you bathe correctly, what should you do? Many people often have a logical question - when do they swim in the ice hole on Epiphany - January 18 or 19? And is it really necessary to do this? And where is the best place to swim on Epiphany?

Right swim in Jordan-on the night of January 19, from midnight (00:00) to 01:30. You should plunge into the ice hole after it has been consecrated by a clergyman. The baptismal consecration of water is carried out with prayer, after which the priest lowers a silver cross into the hole. Didn't have time to take a dip at night? No problem! You can dive into the water (as well as collect it) on January 19 throughout the day.

Keep in mind - the Church does not force anyone to swim! Immersion in water must be done by the Orthodox of his own free will. To receive a blessing and be cleansed of sins, you can simply go to Church, pray and repent in confession.

Who should not dive into the ice hole?

In order not to harm yourself, keep in mind that there are contraindications to this ritual. You should not go into icy water if you have diseases such as:

  • Colds, ARVI
  • Any chronic illness
  • Heart problems
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Weakened immunity

Diabetics, pregnant women, newborn babies and small children should not swim in the pool.

Where to swim for Epiphany?

Swimming can be done in any natural or artificial reservoir, in an ice hole, in a spring, on a river. In every city and locality There are special places where townspeople and villagers go to bathe in holy water. Organized places for Epiphany bathing can be recognized by the following features:

  • “Jordan” is carved in the shape of an Orthodox cross
  • There are wooden decks and steps at the ice hole
  • Nearby there are tents with heat guns for changing clothes.
  • An ambulance and a team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations are on duty near the ice hole.
  • After bathing, everyone is given hot tea to help warm them up.

Rules for bathing at Epiphany

Washing in Jordan is not a fun activity, but a church sacrament. You cannot make a scandal near the consecrated font, much less use profanity. You cannot come drunk, as this is a sin.

You should enter the water with prayer. You need to plunge into the ice hole three times, while repeating to yourself or out loud three times “ In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit"and make the sign of the cross.

It is very advisable that when swimming you wear not only a bathing suit, but also a long shirt (T-shirt) that hides your body from prying eyes.

If there is no spring in your locality where you can perform ablution, do not worry! Instead of complete immersion, simply pour blessed water from a bucket over yourself - this action is also equivalent to Epiphany bathing.

Epiphany water has a spiritual meaning, and it does not matter at all how a person communes with the saint - whether he plunges completely into an ice hole, pours it on himself, or drinks a sip of holy water. Grace equally descends on everyone who on this holiday is involved in the sacrament of the Blessing of Water.

On the night of January 19, the rite of Epiphany bathing will take place. The events will take place from 18:00 on January 18 to 12:00 on January 19. It is expected that about 130 thousand people will take part in the ceremony. If there are more people interested, the opening hours of the sites will be extended. Read about where you can swim on the night of Epiphany in our material.

Central Administrative District

  • Temple on Chisty Vrazhek.
  • Big Garden Pond;
  • Coastal passage, 7;
  • Water stadium "Dynamo".
  • Palace Pond.

All places for Epiphany bathing have safe approaches and descents to the water, as well as heated changing rooms, toilets and parking for cars.


  • Lake Svyatoe;
  • Lake Beloe;
  • Terletsky Ponds;
  • Red Pond;
  • font "Vernissage";
  • Babaevsky Pond;
  • May Pond.
  • Shibaevsky pond.

Southern Administrative District

  • Borisovsky Pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards);
  • Tsaritsynsky pond;
  • Becket pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards).

During the events, the safety of citizens will be ensured by about 2.4 thousand people and 180 pieces of equipment, including 776 rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and volunteers, 21 rescue hovercraft, 163 vehicles, 1,587 police officers and 60 medical teams. At the same time, there will be almost three thousand vigilantes.

South-Western Administrative District

  • Vorontsovsky Pond;
  • pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe";
  • Troparevsky Pond;
  • pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 8;
  • Chernevsky Pond;
  • pond near the temple in Zakharyino.


  • Meshchersky Pond;
  • Moscow River – Rublevo village;
  • Moscow River – Filevskaya street, 40A;
  • Moscow River – Filevsky Boulevard, 21.
  • Baryshikha pond in Mitino;
  • pond in the village Rozhdestveno;
  • Derivation channel;
  • pond No. 4 on the Chernushka River;
  • PKiO " Northern Tushino";
  • Stroginskaya floodplain;
  • Kirov floodplain;
  • Bottomless Lake;
  • Karamyshevskaya embankment, 13-15;
  • Zhivopisnaya street, 50;
  • South Tushino, Lodochnaya street, building 19.


  • Black Lake;
  • Lake Shkolnoe.

For those Muscovites who prefer to stay at home on the night of January 19, the Window to the City portal will host a...


  • Troitsk, Desna River, Zarechye recreation area;
  • pond on the Treshna River, Chernetskoye village;
  • pond in the village Epiphany;
  • pond in the village Pokrovskoe;
  • pond in the village Bylovo;
  • pond in the village of Knutovo;
  • pond in the village Oznobishino;
  • pond in the Voskresenskoye educational establishment;
  • pond in the village of Svinorye;
  • pond of the Ulyanovsk forest park;
  • pond in the village Mosrentgen;
  • font in the village DO "Pleskovo";
  • temple complex of the icon of the Mother of God in Shcherbinka;
  • Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Vasyunino;
  • font in the village DSK "Michurinets";
  • Park "Rucheyok", Marushkino village;
  • font in the village of Tovarishchevo;
  • font in the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino;
  • font in the village of Puchkovo;
  • font in the village of Shishkin forest.

Here's what you need to know if you decide to go for a swim:

  • Before swimming in the ice hole, warm up your body by warming up or jogging.
  • Approach the ice hole in comfortable, non-slip, easy-to-remove shoes to prevent loss of feeling in your feet. You can wear special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping on ice.
  • When heading to the ice hole, you must remember that the path may be slippery. Move slowly.
  • It is best to plunge up to your neck, without getting your head wet, in order to avoid a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain. You should not dive into the hole head first.
  • Jumping into water and immersing yourself in water are not recommended, as this increases temperature loss and can lead to hypothermia.
  • Do not stay in the ice hole for more than one minute to avoid general hypothermia of the body.
  • If you have a child with you, be sure to keep an eye on him while he dives into the ice hole.
  • Getting out of the hole is not so easy. When exiting, do not directly hold onto the handrails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the edge of the ice hole, or you can scoop up more water into handfuls and, holding the handrails, quickly and vigorously rise.
  • After bathing (dipping), dry yourself and your child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes.
  • To avoid hypothermia, it is best to drink hot tea, for example from berries and fruits.
  • The main tradition of Epiphany is mass bathing in Jordans, that is, in specially open and consecrated fonts. As always, it will be possible to swim in ice holes at Epiphany in Moscow in 2018. They are usually carved into the ice in the shape of a cross.

    Today, January 16, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, they discussed preparations for the upcoming holiday and told where to swim at Epiphany in Moscow in 2018.

    59 baths will open throughout the city, said Deputy Mayor of the capital Pyotr Biryukov. - Due to the weather, the thickness of the ice on reservoirs does not exceed 15 - 20 centimeters, so there will not be a mass exit of people onto the ice.

    By the way, due to the warm winter, there will be fewer swimming pools this time than last year. Then there were 70 of them in different districts of Moscow. Now, for example, it will be possible to swim in the center of Moscow in a font in the courtyard of the temple on Chisty Vrazhek, in the south - in the Tsaritsynsky pond, in the east - in lakes Svyatoe and Beloe, in the north-west - in the Stroginskaya floodplain, in Serebryany Bor.

    The most places for swimming on Epiphany will appear in New Moscow (19 addresses) and the North-Western District (10 addresses). The least number is in the center and northeast of the capital (1 address, respectively) and in Zelenograd (2 addresses). Full list places to swim at Epiphany in Moscow in 2018 - see below.

    Swimming areas are coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor. The quality of water in areas permitted for swimming meets sanitary standards.

    Near all the swimming pools and Jordans there will be heating tents with lighting, changing rooms, dry toilets, and points with hot drinks. Temporary parking spaces for cars will be installed next to them.

    Wooden and straw anti-slip flooring will be laid on the approaches and descents to the water. Ambulance teams, rescuers and police, as well as volunteers from Orthodox organizations, will be on duty everywhere. Some lanes, for example, in the South-Eastern district of the capital will be built next to rescue stations. In total, 2.5 thousand people will keep order during swimming, and about 170 special equipment will also be used. Of them:

    More than 600 rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and volunteers;

    About 700 utility workers;

    About 700 police officers;

    About 60 medical teams;

    16 rescue hovercraft;

    74 special equipment vehicles.

    According to the mayor's office, about 120 thousand participants are expected to attend Epiphany bathing in Moscow this year. Let us remind you that last year about 170 thousand people came to the ice holes and swimming pools, of which more than 109 thousand people swam.


    Deputy Mayor of Moscow Pyotr Biryukov told Komsomolskaya Pravda in more detail about the celebration of Epiphany.

    - Pyotr Pavlovich, how will swimming be held this year?

    In total, 59 places for swimming will be organized at reservoirs popular among Muscovites in all districts of the capital. The largest number of swimming pools and ice holes will appear in the Trinity and Novomoskovsk districts.

    Epiphany bathing is organized annually, and now preparations are being carried out comprehensively according to schedule. First of all, the efforts of the Moscow Municipal Services Complex, the capital's rescuers and police are aimed at ensuring the safety of Muscovites.

    This year, the thickness of the ice cover on the capital's water bodies does not exceed 15 - 20 centimeters, which means that mass access of people to the ice cannot be allowed. We equip special approaches for swimmers with anti-slip flooring, safe descents, lighting, rescue equipment, heating and changing facilities, hot food and drinking. Additional fencing will be installed and parking will be provided for vehicles.

    - Will the baths open in the center of Moscow?

    Muscovites will be able to plunge into the font at the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Chisty Vrazhek.

    - How will they ensure the safety of those who come to the ice holes and swimming pools?

    Ambulance teams will be on duty near the swimming pools. Rescuers equipped with special equipment will be on duty, and public order will be maintained by police. In addition, utility workers, responsible representatives from prefectures and district governments will be on duty. Information boards with rules of conduct will be installed in advance near reservoirs.


    Officially, the fonts will be open from 18.00 on January 18 to 12.00 on January 19. But, as noted by the mayor's office, usually in some especially busy places, swimming time is extended until 18.00 - 20.00 on January 19.


    What to bring with you

    Take warm clothes to the ice hole so that you can quickly put them on. Comfortable non-slip slippers and towels will also come in handy. And everyone will be given hot tea and warmed up on the spot. In most swimming places it is free.


    How to perform the ceremony correctly

    You have to wear shoes all the way to the ice hole, because your feet start to freeze first. It is better to undress before swimming gradually: first remove your outerwear, after a few minutes your shoes, and only then everything else. Before swimming, you can rub your body with a rich cream or drink a tablespoon of fish oil.

    According to the rules, it is enough to dive headlong into the font three times. At each immersion, you need to cross yourself and pray at this moment for yourself and your loved ones.


    Many believe that plunging into an ice hole washes away all sins from an Orthodox Christian. However, the priests do not agree with this: “To get rid of sins, we need more serious spiritual work and confession.”


    MSCh explains

    Every year, on the eve of Epiphany, rescuers remind Muscovites and guests of the capital several recommendations:

    Dive only in specially equipped ice holes under the supervision of city services and doctors;

    You should not drink alcohol before dipping, this increases the already high load on the heart;

    Don’t take the plunge hungry; have a snack at least an hour before swimming in the font;

    You need to stay in the ice hole for no more than 3 minutes to avoid general hypothermia of the body;

    After bathing, you must first rub yourself with a terry towel. Then put on a hat, dry warm clothes and drink hot tea.

    Who better to stay on the shore

    People with a weak heart, asthma attacks, diseases of the genitourinary system, nasopharynx, stomach, nervous system;

    People with diabetes and blood pressure problems;

    Pregnant women, as well as children and elderly people without preparation.


    Where to swim on Epiphany in Moscow in 2018

    Central district

    Temple on Chisty Vrazhek

    Northern District

    Big Garden Pond

    Water area of ​​the Khimki Reservoir:

    Near the Dynamo water stadium, Leningradskoye shosse, vl. 39-43

    In the Levoberezhny beach area, opposite the Emergency Ministry station, Pribrezhny pr-d, ow. 7

    Eastern District

    Babaevsky pond, st. Kurganskaya, 5-9

    Red Pond, Izmailovsky Forest Park

    Font “Vernissage in Izmailovo”, Izmailovskoye sh., 73Zh

    Oleniy Pond, Sokolniki Park, st. Sokolnichesky Val, 1, building 1

    Lake Beloe, st. B. Kosinskaya, 46

    Lake Svyatoe, st. Orangereinaya, 18

    Terletsky Ponds, Svobodny Prospekt, 9

    South-Eastern District

    Upper Kuzminsky pond, st. Kuzminskaya, 10, near the dam

    Lower Lublinsky Pond, st. Shkuleva, ow. 26, near the Ministry of Emergency Situations station

    Shibaevsky pond, st. Zarechye, ow. 14, near the rescue station

    Southern District

    Borisov Ponds, st. Borisovskie Ponds, 2g

    Upper Tsaritsynsky pond, st. Dolskaya, 1

    Pond Beket, Zagorodnoye sh., no. 2

    Southwestern District

    Vorontsovsky pond, Church of the Life-giving Trinity in Vorontsovo, st. Vorontsovskie Ponds

    Pond of the sanatorium “Uzkoe”, Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in “Uzkoe”, st. Profsoyuznaya, 123 B

    Troparevo pond, recreation area "Troparevo", st. Akademika Vinogradova, 4

    Chernevsky Pond, Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernevo, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 61

    Pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 8

    Pond near the temple in Zakharyino

    Western district

    Meshchersky pond, st. Voskresenskaya, d. Za

    Moscow River, Filevsky Boulevard, opposite No. 21

    Moscow River, st. B. Filevskaya, 40a

    Pond in the village of Rublevo

    Northwestern District

    Moscow River, st. Aviatsionnaya, 79

    Moscow River, Stroginskaya floodplain, st. Tvardovsky, ow. 16

    Bottomless Lake, st. Tamanskaya, 91

    Derivation channel

    Karamyshevskaya embankment, 13-15

    Kirov floodplain

    Moscow River, Northern Tushino Park, st. Svobody, 56

    Rozhdestvenno village pond, st. Baryshikha, 4-6

    Pond Baryshikha in Mitino

    Yuzhnoye Tushino, st. Boat, ow. 19


    Black Lake, on the western side of the reservoir, Lesnye Prudy alley, 6th microdistrict

    Shkolnoye Lake, on the western side of the reservoir, Panfilovsky Prospekt, bldg. 1001

    New Moscow

    Troitsk, r. Desna, Zarechye recreation area


    In the village of Svinorye

    In the village holiday home "Pleskovo"

    At the temple in the village of Vasyunino

    In the village DSK "Michurinets"

    In the park "Rucheyok" in the village of Marushkino

    In the village of Tovarishchevo

    In the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino

    In the village of Puchkovo

    In the village Shishkin forest


    On the river Treshnya, Chernetskoe village

    In the village Epiphany

    In the village Pokrovskoe

    In the village Bylovo

    In the village of Knutovo

    In the village Oznobishino

    Near the holiday home "Voskresenskoye"

    In the village Mosrentgen

    In the Ulyanovsk forest park


    Do you jump into an ice hole to strengthen your spirit or body?

    Gennady ONISCHENKO, ex-chief sanitary doctor of Russia, State Duma deputy:

    First of all, I don’t dive, but perform ablution. And I do this in order to ensure harmony between spirit and body.

    Nikolay VALUEV, State Duma deputy, boxer:

    I’ve been doing this traditionally for God knows how many years... Probably ten. I will fly to Buryatia for Epiphany.

    Nikita DZHIGURDA, showman:

    I'll take an ice cold shower. I do this every day, not only during Epiphany frosts. The spirit is tempered, and through it the body, for the spirit is original. Even someone who swims all the time can fall into a trap. After all, a vessel of the body that is not filled with spirit and love leads to disaster. The main thing is to believe and love. Then everything will be fine with your health. I used to constantly dive into the ice hole, but now Marina Anisina objects.

    Vladimir ZHIRINOVSKY, leader of the LDPR:

    Both. This is a whole test for the body. Here you are walking in a warm jacket - and suddenly into icy water. This requires physical strength. But if you are afraid that you will not be able to cope, it is better to simply wash your face with water - this is also useful. And swimming in an ice hole is also a spiritual test. After all, you need to overcome numbness. For many people, faith helps them do this.

    Vitaly MILONOV, State Duma deputy:

    I don't dive. At Epiphany we are told: demand from God that he does not let you get sick. But on any other day we don’t dive into the ice hole: we’re afraid of catching pneumonia. I do not have the boldness to demand healing from the Lord on this very day. I ask God to forgive me my sins. It’s a shame that Epiphany became a substitute for winter swimming: I drank vodka, dived, but didn’t go to church. The main thing is to take communion on this holiday, and the ice hole is in the background.

    Stanislav SADALSKY, actor:

    I will celebrate Epiphany at home and with my family. Let's set the table. There is a church opposite us, when the bells start ringing, I go to the bathroom. I stand under warm water. It doesn’t matter whether it’s cold or hot, at this time all water is sacred.

    Alena, reader of the KP.RU website:

    For the sake of health. Once a year, but you need to harden yourself. And here is such a wonderful occasion.

    Irina, listener of Radio “KP” (97.2 FM):

    My husband taught me to bathe. After the hole, you are filled with lightness. It was like starting a new life.


    How does transport work in Moscow on Epiphany: Metro until two o’clock in the morning, overland until three

    On Epiphany night, church services will be held in more than 400 monasteries and churches in Moscow. But it is not necessary to come on this particular day. As explained in the Moscow Patriarchate, water becomes holy after a special water blessing prayer. Access to containers with it will be open in churches for several days. In addition, on the holiday itself, January 19, queues are expected to form for holy water, and it will be difficult to get to the temples