Swimming in the corrosive addresses. The authorities of the Moscow region acquainted Russians with places for baptism, media

All fonts will be bridges, wooden stairs with railings, and nearby - locker rooms and toilets.

For traditional bass bathings, 59 seats on Moscow reservoirs will be prepared. To plunge here citizens and guests of the capital will be able from 18:00 on January 18 to 12:00 on January 19.

All the fonts are equipped with comfortable bridges and wooden stairs with railings. Next will be installed locker rooms with heating and toilet cabins. In the dark on the territory around the fobs will include lighting. Also everyone will be able to get hot tea.

About 2.5 thousand people will observe the security of events, among which doctors, police officers, EMERCOM employees and search and rescue stations. Freshes to swimming pools will be controlled by traffic police officers.


The font for the residents of Cao will establish in the temple of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord on a pure enemy. In Swao, it will be possible to plunge into the palace pond. In the north of the capital, bathing space is equipped at the Big Gardens Pond, in the Water Stadium "Dynamo", as well as at the address: Coastal Travel, Possession 7.

For residents of the SZAO platforms will prepare on the pond of Baryshikha in Mitin, a pond in the Christmas, a derivation canal, in Pkio " North Tushino", In Strogin and Kirovskaya floodplains, on the lake bottomless, Karamyshevskaya embankment (at home 13-15), streets of aviation (house 79) and boat (possession 19).

In the West, Epiphany bathing will spend in the Meshchers and Moscow River in the area of \u200b\u200bRublevo village, at home 40a on the street Filevskoy and Fileu Boulevard (House 21).

In Yuzao, the platforms will be equipped in Vorontsovsky, Troparoovsky, Chernese ponds, as well as the pond sanatorium "Narrow", on Nakhimovsky Avenue (House 8) and near the temple in Zakharine.

Residents of the Southern District are waiting on Borisovsky ponds, Tsaritsynsky and Beet. And the Upper Kuzminsky, Nizhny Lublin and Shibaevsky ponds will be available in the south-east of the city.

The font "Vernissage" will open in WAO. Everyone will also be able to plunge into the holy and white lakes, Terletsky ponds, Red, Babaevsky and deer ponds. And in Zelenograd, the lakes are black and school and school in Zelenograd.

Most sites will open on the territory of Tinao - at the addresses:

- Troitsk, River Desna, Recreation Area "Zarechye";

- River Trenzny, Chernetsky village;

- pond in the village of Epiphany;

- pond in the village of Pokrovsky;

- Pond in the village of Blovily;

- pond in the village of Knutovo;

- pond in the village of Zharobishino;

- pond in the recreation house "Resurrection";

- pond in the village of Swinorya;

- Pond Ulyanovsky Forest Park;

- pond in the village of Mosrentgen;

- font in the village of Rest Houses "Fleskovo";

- Fishing at the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Vasyunino;

- Font in the village of DSC "Michurinets";

- Font in the park "Pererok" (village Marushkinino);

- Font in the village of Versartistovo;

- font in the village of Evseevo Kuvekino;

- Font in the village of Puchkovo;

- Font in Shishkin Forest.

Tips and safety rules for baptic bathing

For swimming in the hole, take a towel, terry bathrobe, a set of dry clothes, smelting or swimsuit (underwear, shirt), rubber hat and slippers that do not slide, or woolen socks.

Before immersion, you will certainly consult a doctor. Winter swims are contraindicated to people with kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases, increased arterial pressure, as well as patients with diabetes and pregnant women.

You should swim only in specially equipped places, where rescuers, doctors, police are on duty.

Little children can not be approached to the hole without adults.

It is forbidden to bring dogs and other animals with you.

It is impossible to dip in the hole hungry. It is better to eat at least an hour before swimming.

Do not drink alcohol before bathing.

Undress in specially equipped tents.

Before dipping, it is advisable to make several squats and slopes.

When approaching the hole stand in one, since the ice may not bear large number of people.

On the descent to the hole, be careful. If there is a staircase, hold the railing.

Never dive in a hole forward head. After the three-time dipping, do not delay, free the place for the following.

If you are with you, watch him during his dive into the hole. A frightened child can easily forget that he knows how to swim.

Coming out of the water, swallowed with a towel and get dressed immediately, do not stay long on the cold. If you feel chills, you need to immediately dress or hide the blanket, drink hot tea, it is better to get her herbal.

If possible, go to the warm room. With a sharp deterioration of well-being, contact the doctors, rescuers or police officers.

Under the supervision of physicians

60 outbound brigades of the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Aid will be on duty in Epiphany Baths, as well as AS ambulance stations Puchkov.

At ambulance substations in Tinao, three additional medical teams are organized. Doctors from the Scientific and Practical Center for emergency medical care will also be on duty in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Epiphany Cathedral and the Patriarch of the Foreway of the Temple of the Liberal Trinity.

On the eve of the Baptism of the Lord - in the evening of January 18 - the Orthodox all over the world attend solemn services in the temples, they also take consecrated water. The custom of sanctifying the water to the Epiphany was committed in order to prepare it for those who will be baptized in it.

"Today, the sacred water takes and use her at home to strengthen the physically, believing that it can have any healing, strengthening properties," said Gazeta.Ru, the priest of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Rector of the Holy Filaret Orthodox-Christian Institute of Georgy Kochetkov .

As for the Epiphany Mass Swimming, they appeared from the joint of two traditions: to make the sacrament of baptism on the feast of the Epiphany (like on Christmas, and at Easter, before it was one of the most popular days for the rite) and walk to the places where the described in Gospel Events. "Since the baptism is rarely committed on this day, then people kindly imitate an ancient custom, and if they are not baptized, then at least diphwashes," added Georgy Kochetkov.

In the pre-revolutionary time, the Baptism of the Lord was celebrated on the old style - that is, on January 6th. In the central provinceX. Russian Empire The eve of this religious holiday was called "candles", since after serving on this day, the townskens were put at the vessel in which the water was consecrated, the candles were consemiced or ribbons. Although after Christmas and until the end of the carnival, it was possible to eat, whatever, it was January 5, Orthodox Christians held a strict post - even children were not allowed to eat to the first star.

In the evening, in the temples there was a real crush, as people believed - the earlier they paint the consecrated water, the "holy" it will be. But in some provinces it was forbidden to take water from the well to the morning on January 6th.

After the decreement, each family member did a sip of water. The remnants were sprayed through the territory of the house, thereby protecting the dwelling from the trouble and the evil eyes. Mass baths were not practiced: people preferred to simply approach the water and observe when the water is saved in the corner. It was a sign of the fact that the Lord plunged into the water, then, after that, the water even became saint in the twelve sword.

In the modern church, the Epiphany swimming in the modern church, calling for a liturgy, and not to Jordan if "the dive into the hole is accompanied by the separation of alcoholic beverages, matery."

"From the point of view of the church, the person who plunged the person from the not dipped in nature is no different. The church rejoices when people feel that something changes in their lives when they want to wash away from sins. But if for a person, immersion in water is just a wellness procedure, hardening or entertainment, it has nothing to do with faith, nor for the holiday of baptism, "said the priest George Kochetkov.

And yet many can not imagine baptism without swimming. For them in the city equipped 59 sites both on natural water bodies and in artificial affiliation. At every point there is a safe descent to water with handrails, warm cabins for dressing, heating and places where you can drink hot tea.

Plunge icewater It will be possible from 18.00 on January 18 and until noon on January 19th. Please note that, although the baptism in Moscow is given relatively warm (-9 ... -7 ° C), but due to the wind 12-17 m / s and the weathering weather will be felt significantly more severe - 10 degrees below the predicted value.

Residents of the Cao, according to tradition, offer or go to another district, or take advantage of the singular platform for swimming in the center. Previously, the font was located on the Revolution Square, but now she was already decided to establish it for the second time from the temple of the Cross of the Lord at a pure enemy (Kievskaya metro station). Muscovites from Svao will be able to plunge into the palace pond, the inhabitants of the North of the capital - in the Great Garden Pond, in the Water Stadium "Dynamo", as well as at the address: Coastal Travel, Possession 7.

In the citizens living in the SZAO, as usual, the widest selection of swimming places, which is explained by the wide and clean Moscow-river in this part of the capital. For them, the following points will be opened: On the pond of the Baryshikha in Mitin, on the pond in the Christmas, the derivation canal, in the North Tushino Pkio, in Stroginsky and Kirovskaya floodplains, on the lake at the bottomless, Karamyshevskaya Embankment (at home 13-15), aviation streets ( House 79) and boat (possession 19).

In the western district of the capital, Epiphany bathing will be held in the Meshchersky Pond and Moscow River in the area of \u200b\u200bRublevo village, at home 40a on Filevskaya Street, as well as Fileu Boulevard (House 21). For residents of Yuzao, swimming points will work on Vorontsovsky, Troparevsky, Chernese ponds, as well as the pond of the Sanatorium "Narrow", on Nakhimovsky Avenue (House 8) and near the temple in Zakharine.

In the southern district, the platforms are equipped on the ponds of Beket, Tsaritsyn and Borisovsky. By the way, security on the Borisov pond will also be as part of the experiment to provide a drone rescuer, hopefully does not blow it this evening. As for the south Eastern District Capital, then there are points for Epiphany bathing will be opened on the Upper Kuzminsky, Nizhny Lublin and Shibevsky ponds. On the territory of the Eastern District, one font will be opened - "Vernisazh" in Izmailovo - and several natural sites (holy and white lake, Terletsky, Babaevsky and Pond).

As usual, the site will be organized online broadcast using the "Window to City" service so that Muscovites can choose the least loaded font.

In order not to embarrass the dipping believers, the cameras will show only a common picture, and not swimsters close-up. By the way, it is these broadcasts that are the most popular among foreign Internet users.

Each platform for swimming will stand an information shield with the rules for holding a religious ritual. But about such things it is still better to learn not two meters before the font. So, you should take with you, besides a towel, a set of dry clothes, as well as non-slip rubber slippers. Before the ritual, it is advisable to look at the doctor before the ritual, because bathing is contraindicated to people with patients with kidney, as well as those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, increased arterial pressure and diabetes mellitus. Drinking from bathing is also recommended for pregnant women.

Experts advise to well eat before immersion in the hole, but it is better to eat at least an hour before bathing.

Before rushing to the pool (in no case with the head - it is possible to spasm the vessels in the head, and, in addition, there will be no hair to dry the hair), it is recommended to sit down several times and make a couple of slopes.

It will warm up the muscles and turn away the blood on the body.

For security reasons, it is not worth crowding on the approach to the hole, because the ice may not withstand a large cluster of people. Extremes Rescuers are asked not to dive into the holes forward. After a three-time immersion in Epiphany water, they recommend citizens not to linger and release the place for the next believers.

In Moscow, 60 seats - 62 lanes and 10 fox are defined for Epiphany bathing. All places will be illuminated, equipped with locker rooms, tents with tea, observation points for rescuers and entrances for ambulance.

Epiphany bathing takes place on the night from 18 to January 19 and during the day in special bathing (Jordan), which are made in the form of a cross and consecrated. Rescuers ask citizens to follow the rules of winter bathing.

In order not to risk health, batheing do not recommend swimming and limit the minute stay in the water. After bathing, it is necessary to confuse the body with a terry towel, put on dry clothes and drink hot tea.

This year about 120 thousand people are expected to participate in Epiphan bathing. The number of participants in the bathing annually varies. So, in 2016, 105.3 thousand people plunged into the water, and in 2015 - 112.1 thousand people.

List of places in Moscow, where Epiphany bathing will be organized in 2017

An object




Revolution square

Large garden pond

B. Academic, ul. 47.

Coastal Travel, 1-7

Water area of \u200b\u200bKhimkinsky reservoir

Leningrad Highway, d. 47-49

Palace Pond

Between ul. Academician Queen and 1st Ostankinskaya

Lake "Holy"

ul. Orangenery, d.18.

Lake "White"

ul. Zaozernaya, d.2-6

Recreation Area "Terletskaya Dubrava", Olch pond

Free PR-T, D.9

Red pond

Izmailovsky Forest Park, Home Alley

Font "Vernissage in Izmailovo"

Izmailovskoe sh., D.73zh

Babaevsky Pond

ul. Kurganskaya, D.5-9

Nizhny May Pond

Sokolniki Park

Upper Kuzminsky Pond

Ul. Kuzminskaya 10.

Shibayevsky pond

Ul. Zarechye Vl.14.

Nizhny Lublin Pond

Ul. Schuleva 2 B.

Tsaritsynsky pond

ul. Dolskaya, D.1

Pond Beket.

Country Highway, D.2

Borisov ponds

ul. Borisov ponds d. 2g

Vorontsov Pond

ul. AK. Pilyugina, 1.

Pond Sanatorium "Narrow"

ul. Trade union 123b

Troparevsky pond

ul. Academician Vinogradova D.7.

Pond on Nakhimovsky Prospect

Nakhimovsky Avenue, House 8

Chernevsky pond (decorative pond №1)

ul. Yuzhnobutovskaya d. 62

Pond in the territory of the temple

St. Sirotkin St., 28 "A"

Lake Meshchersky

ul. Resurrection d.3a

Moskva river

p. Rublevo, ul. V. Botylva d.41

Moskva river

ul. B. Filevskaya, 40 A

Moskva river

Filevsky b-r, d.21

Landscape Park

ul. Baryshikha Vl. four

Pond in the village. Christmas

Pond in the village. Christmas (for the christmas temple of Christ), district of Mitino

Kirov Floima

ul. Isakovsky Vl. 2.

Lake bottomless

ul. Taman d. 91

Moskva river

Karamshevskaya nab., 13-15

Peak "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo"

Natural and historical park "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo" Chernushka №4

Pkio "North Tushino"

ul. Freedom d. 56

Stroginskaya floodplain, river Moscow

ul. Tvardovsky Vl. 16 Corp. 3.

Derivational canal (left bank)

ul. Boat ll. nineteen

Derivational canal (right shore)

ul. Small embankment d. 3, p. One

Embankment of the river of Moscow (left bank)

ul. Picturesque d. 50

Lake "School"

10 μR, Philaretovskaya Street, near the beach area

Lake "Black"

6 mk.r-n, Alley Forest ponds at the body 621 a, font on the western side

Holy source and chapel-font in honor of the icon of God's Mother of Kazan

moscow, p. Vnukovo village. DSC "Michurinets", ul. Arseny Tarkovsky, near R. Setun


Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin

moscow Moscow settlement Voronovskoe p. Pokrovskoe

Trinity Temple d / o Resurrection

moscow, p. Voskresenskoe, pos. Resurrection, d / o "Resurrection"

Fike at the source in the area of \u200b\u200bEvseevo-Kuvekino

moscow, P. Desenovskoye, D. Evseevo-Kuvekino

Equipped Fishing, River Liver D. Comradeschevo Temple of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother

moscow, pos. Klenovskoe, Village

Equipped place for Epiphany bathing D. Comarage

moscow, pos. Klenovskoe, Chernetskaya village

Epiphany font

n. Krasnopahorsky with. Bylovo, pond near the Mikhailo Arkhangelsk Temple

d.Marushkino People's Park "River"

moskva, P. Marushkinskoe, D. Marushkino, Folk Park "River"

d. Large Swinorya near the church of the Savior Savior

moscow, pos. Marushkinskoye, d. Big Swing, near the Church of the Savior of the Independent Image

Temple of Novomarthennikov Podolskiy in the Shishkin Forest

moscow P. Mikhailovo-Yantseva, P.Shishkin Forest, d.43

Church of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

pos. d / o Pleskovo, on the territory of "New Building"

p. Moscow, Pos. Yulianovsky Forest park, quarter 30, LLC "Gloria"

p. Moscow,

p. Ulyanovsky Forest Park, LLC "Gloria" Temple-Chapel Icons of God's Mother "Disadvantageous Color"

Middle Pond Cascade "Manor Troitsky"

moscow, Pos. Mosentgen near the house number 39

p. Pervomayskoye,

puchkovo, Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

moscow, P. Pervomayskoye, D.Puckovo

d.Vasyunino, Holy Trinity Temple

Trinity Temple D. Vasyunino

r. "Desna" in the borders of G.O. Troitsk recreation area "Zarechye"

Pond in the village of Knutovo

moscow, P. Filimkovskoye, D. Knutovo

Fishing in S. Znobishino

moscow, Posso Schapovskoe, Zhnobishino village, near the Church of the Holy Trinity

Temple complex Icons of the Mother of God "Allmenitsa" and the Holy Prescription of the Great Princess Elizabeth in Shcherbinka

moscow, Shcherbinka, ul. Railway, house 15


Safe bathing in baptism

Before deciding to swim, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of bathing for baptism. It is not recommended to dive into the hole for more than 2 minutes. Before the hole, you need to go to the shoes, because the legs begin to freeze the first.

Stripe before bathing is better gradually: first remove the upper clothes, after a few minutes shoes, only then to the swimsuit. After bathing, you must first get a warm towel well, then dress and drink something hot.

It is especially dangerous to immerse in cold water to people with bronchopile diseases, with a weak heart, pressure problems. If it is high, then a person may have a spasm of vessels or microinsult, and if reduced - cramps.

On Tuesday, January 16, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Government of Moscow discussed preparations for the upcoming holiday and told where to swim on baptism in Moscow in 2018. This year, 59 specially equipped places for Epiphany bathing will be prepared for baptism in Moscow on January 18 and 19.

As you know, the Orthodox holiday of the Baptism of the Lord is accompanied not only with worship, but also swims in the hole. According to weather forecasters, the 18 and 19 numbers temperature will range from 5 to 10 degrees of frost.

To plunge here citizens and guests of the capital will be able from 18:00 on January 18 to 12:00 on January 19, 2018. All the fonts are equipped with comfortable bridges and wooden stairs with railings. Next will be installed locker rooms with heating and toilet cabins. In the dark on the territory around the fobs will include lighting. Also everyone will be able to get hot tea. Next to them will arrange temporary parking spaces for cars.

Central District

Temple on a clean enemy

Northern District

Large garden pond

Water area of \u200b\u200bthe Khimkin reservoir:

- in the aqua stadium "Dynamo", Leningrad w., Vl. 39-43

- In the zone of the Levoberezhny beach, opposite the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the coastal pr-d, Vl. 7.

Eastern District

Babaevsky pond, ul. Kurganskaya, d. 5-9

Red Pond, Izmailovsky Forest

Font "Vernissage in Izmailovo", Izmailovskoe sh., D. 73zh

Deer Pond, Sokolniki Park, ul. Sokolnical shaft, d. 1, p. One

White Lake, ul. B. Kosinskaya, 46

Sacred Lake, ul. Orangene, d. 18

Terlets ponds, free pr-t, d. 9

Southeast District

Upper Kuzminsky pond, ul. Kuzminskaya, d. 10, near the dam

Nizhny Lublin pond, ul. Schuchev, Vl. 26, near the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Shibayevsky pond, ul. Zarechya, ll. 14, near the rescue station

Southern District

Borisovsky ponds, ul. Borisov ponds, d. 2g

Upper Tsaritsynsky pond, ul. Dolskaya, d. 1

Beket pond, country sh., 2

Southwestern District

Vorontsovsky pond, the temple of the "Livest Trinity in Vorontsovo", ul. Vorontsovsky ponds

Pond Sanatorium "Narrow", Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the "narrow", ul. Trade union, d. 123 b

Troparevsky pond, recreation area "Troparevo", ul. Academician Vinogradova, d. 4

Chernevsky Pond, Church of the "Nativity of Christ" in Chernevo, ul. Yuzhnobutovskaya, d. 61

Pond on Nakhimovsky Pr-Te, d. 8

Pond near the temple in Zakharino

Western District

Meshchersky pond, ul. Resurrection, D. for

Moscow River, Filevsky Br, opposite d. 21

Moscow River, ul. B. Filevskaya, d. 40a

Pond in the village Rublevo

Northwest District

Moscow River, ul. Aviation, d. 79

Moscow River, Stroginskaya Poima, ul. Tvardovsky, Vl. sixteen

Bottomless lake, ul. Taman, d. 91

Derivational canal

Karamshevskaya nab., D. 13-15

Kirov Floima

Moscow River, North Tushino Park, ul. Freedom, d. 56

pond village christmas, ul. Baryshikha, d. 4-6

Pond Baryshikha in Mitino

Southern Tushino, ul. Boat, ll. nineteen


Black lake, on the western side of the reservoir, the Alley Forest Ponds, the 6th neighborhood

School lake, on the western side of the reservoir, Panfilovsky PR, Corp. 1001.

New Moscow

troitsk, r. Desna, recreation area Zarechye


- in the village of Swinory

- in the village. Holiday homes "Pleskovo"

- at the temple in the village of Vasyunino

- in the village. DSC "Michurinets"

- In the park "Rouh" D. Marushkinino

- in the village of Comradistovo

- in the village of Evseevo -Kuvekino

- in the village of Puchkovo

- in the village. Shishkin Forest


- on r. TRESHNY, D. Chernetsky

- in p. Epiphany

- in p. Pokrovskoe

- in p. Bibility

- in the village of Knutovo

- in p. Oznobishino

- near the holiday home "Resurrection"

- in the village. Mosrentgen

- in Ulyanovsk Forest

Security rules when swimming for baptism

- plunge (swim) follows in specially equipped droves at the shore under the supervision of rescuers.

- Before swimming in the hole, you need to warm up the body by making a warm-up, jogging.

- It is necessary to approach the corruses in a comfortable, non-slip and easily-seated shoes to prevent the loss of leg sensitivity. It is better to use shoes or woolen socks in order to reach the corner. It is possible to use special rubber slippers, which also protect the legs from sharp stones and salt, and will not let you slide on the ice. Going to the hole, remember that the track may be slippery. Go slowly and carefully.

- Make sure that the ladder for descending into the water was stable. At least, for the suspension, it is necessary to lower the edge of a durable thick rope with nodes into the water, so that the swimmers can with it from water. The opposite end of the rope should be securely fixed on the shore.

- plunge the best on the neck, not seeing my head to avoid the reflex narrowing of the brain vessels; Never dive in a hole forward head. Jumping into water and immersion in water with heads are not recommended, as it increases the temperature loss and can lead the shock from the cold.

- When entering the water for the first time, try to quickly reach the depth you need, but do not swim. Remember that cold water can cause a perfectly normal safe rapid breathing. As soon as your body has adapted to cold.

- Do not stand in the hole for more than 1 minute to avoid overall supercooling of the organism. When lowering the bottom in a small hole, the danger consists also in the following. Not everyone knows how to descend vertically. Many are lowered at an angle, shifting towards the edge of the ice. With a depth of 4 m, the offset from the starting point can reach 1 - 1.5 m. When you closed with closed eyes in a small hole, you can "miss" and hit your head about ice.

- If you are a child, fluttering him during his dive into the hole. The afraid child can easily forget that he can swim.

- It's not so easy to get out of the corruses. At the exit, do not hold directly for the handrails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the brought hole, you can kill more water and leaning about the handrails, quickly and vigorously climb.

- It is difficult to get out in a vertical position and dangerous. Fucking, you can go under the ice. Insurance and mutual assistance is needed.

- After swimming (dipping), sort yourself up yourself and the child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes.

If the believer decides that he needs to plunge into a hole for baptism, it should be remembered for medical contraindications.

To the immersion in ice water should be prepared in advance, and should not be experimenting with those who have diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine system of respiratory organs. In addition, pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory processes in the body and children's age up to 2 years are contraindications.

Epiphany bathing in Moscow

Baptism is a significant holiday for very many people. And even those who do not profess Orthodoxy and regularly visits the Church, still consider it necessary to fulfill all the traditions of this holiday, to gain holy water and swim in the corner.
Although the church does not oblige anyone to dive into ice water, this rite has become very popular, and every year you wanted to plunge into the hole with consecrated water only more. People believe that in this way you can easily "wash off" the sins, but the priests say that to purify the soul, only this rite will not be enough. Nevertheless, each person has the right to dive with his head three times.

Swimming on baptism
It is customary not to bathe in all reservoirs, but only in those where there are special holes. The ministers of the church cut them out in the form of crosses in rivers, ponds, reservoirs and lakes that are close to the temples. It happens on January 18 after the end of the evening church service. You can swim in the holes immediately after the priests of the rite of consecration of water. According to the church rules, a person who is going to plunge into a hole must first fast, then stay in the church, read the prayer and put a candle. You can swim both on January 18 and 19 throughout the day.

Where to swim on baptism in Moscow
Huge queues are built up in the harbor in every city, but most of all those wishing to plunge into consecrated water is observed in the capital. How are the Epiphany bathing in Moscow organize?
Those who are going to dive into the hole, it is worth thinking not only about cleansing the soul, but also about their safety. In places where mass bathing pass, except for the servants of the Church, of course, police officers, Ministry of Emergency Situations and Ambulance Doctors are on duty, but each person is worth watching his behavior. Do not push in front of standing people, you do not need to conflict with anyone. All people who are going to swim, rescuers recommend taking with them plaids, replaceable clothes and thermoses with hot tea. Doctors resemble people suffering from chronic diseases that they should not be dipped into icy water. It may well affect health, so it's better to simply wash brought from the church.

The holes, in which residents of the capital will be able to plunge, will be in all parts of Moscow. In total, there will be 57 seats in the capital, where you can make an Epiphany rite.
The authorities were calculated in which areas of Moscow last year it was most of all those wishing to make a sacred rite and it was there that several places were organized immediately, where you can plunge into the hole.
So, for example, in the city center, four fonts will be at once on the Revolution Square. Two boots will be carved in the northern part of Moscow, three in the southern district and seven in the eastern part. In addition, 17 places to commit the Epiphany rite will be located in the territory of the new Moscow. Drubs in the shape of crosses can be seen in many ponds, for example, Big Gardens, Babaevsky, Red, May, Upper Tsaritsynsky and others. Full lists of places where it will be possible to plunge into the hole and font, published on the official websites of the departments of Moscow.

How to swim in the hole on baptism
Any strict rules exactly how to dip in the hole does not exist, but it is customary to be immersed in water in some kind of clothes, for example, in a swimsuit. Women are often bathed in a hole in spacious night shirts.
Church traditions say that a person should dive three times. And completely plunging into the water. After each time you need to be baptized three times. And then the person must say: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."