Settlement of Sabetta. Why does Sabetta have an Italian name and how to get there? Heating network service locksmith

Working in the Far North is not easy. We have to work in difficult climatic conditions: extreme temperatures, constant winds, and mountains of snow. All this is familiar to the residents of the Sabetta village who are working on the construction of the Yamal LNG plant. We have shown a large-scale construction project more than once, but how is the life and leisure of workers arranged?

One of the work shifts has come to an end, and those who have worked, hurry to the hostel as soon as possible. It is still frosty here, in the evening outside until minus twenty, and full of snow. In this white desert, the orange-blue village looks like a bright spot. And here is the shop, also decorated in these colors. It is crowded in the evening. However, there are always enough visitors.

Although it is cramped here, the assortment of goods pleases the eye. Food is delivered to the village in large quantities by water, and delivered to the store every other day. Treats and drinking water are the most sought after by local buyers.

“There is not enough sweets here. I've been here for a very long time - about 4 months, and I can say that I am attracted to tasty. Prices, of course, differ from those on the "land", but in terms of assortment - everything is fine, "says Denis Kharchenko.

Seller Julia has been working here on a rotational basis for two years. Came to Sabetta from Omsk. They work with their partners practically without rest. But they love their work. They recognize almost everyone by sight, remember the gastronomic preferences of their customers.

“Everyone wants something tasty, just imagine - constantly eating in the dining room, you don't want to. Someone cooks himself. Chickens buy a lot, now we are selling vegetables. They take a lot of vegetables - they constantly ask, but we order. The men take the multicooker with them and they cook, ”says the seller Yulia Parakhuda.

Home-work, work-home. Life in a workers' settlement is not happy with its diversity. But for the hard workers, they tried to make everything as comfortable as possible. Comfortable hostels, spacious dining rooms, and a large gym for leisure. Those who still have strength after work can go to the gym or play a ball. Living conditions for people here are decent.

A village for 15 thousand inhabitants in the middle of a snowy desert is another proof that people in our country not only think big, but also do big things. Construction of the century - this is how the Yamal LNG plant can now be called. Well, all these people are just grains of sand on a large-scale project. You cannot build the Arctic, but you can create it - with its permission.

The seaport of Sabetta on the map is a completely new geographical name, which appeared about several years ago, when the need arose to develop huge oil and gas fields on the Yamal Peninsula and deliver cargo to the port of Sabetta, as well as for the transportation of hydrocarbons by the Northern Sea Route. The port is named after the workers' village, five kilometers north of which it is located. The port of Sabetta on the map is located in the eastern part of Yamal, on the coast of the 800-kilometer Ob Bay, which overlooks the Arctic Kara Sea.

The official ceremony for the start of construction of the Sabetta seaport took place on July 20, 2012, as part of the Yamal LNG project.

As a top priority, the builders of the port of Sabetta had to rebuild sea berths capable of receiving any cargo - from construction materials to equipment. For this, dredging works were carried out and access and sea channels, the port water area with a depth of over 15 meters were dug. This task was completely solved, and already in October 2013 the port of Sabetta opened winter navigation and received the first cargo ships.

Now the capacity of the port of Sabetta allows receiving cargo all year round. Currently, the construction of the second stage is being completed - terminals for the shipment of liquefied natural gas, which is delivered from the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye gas condensate field.

In the future, from the port of Sabetta, it is planned to supply oil, natural gas and gas condensate not only to the countries of Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, but also to the countries of Northern and South America... The next stage of work will be the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing facility.

Active mining is literally transforming the peninsula. Previously, there were only a few old dilapidated barracks in the workers' settlement, and now the port settlement of Sabetta in the photo is a settlement of the European type.

It houses several dozen new dormitories for 17 thousand people. There is a canteen, a police station and a medical center. A hotel, an administrative and amenity complex with gyms equipped with exercise machines have been built. In the photo of the port of Sabetta, you can see that it has its own boiler room and power center, a fire station, a warm parking for cars, storage facilities for fuels and lubricants, food and other necessary goods. The ecology of the village is provided by facilities for sewage and water treatment.

Delivery of cargo to the port of sabetta

Currently, the most popular and economical way of delivering cargo to the port of Sabetta is delivery by road on winter roads - winter roads. In addition, in the village-port of Sabetta there is an operating airport, which has been given international status. During the construction of the port of Sabetta, strict adherence to international environmental standards is envisaged, while the impact on nature is being tried to minimize.


Sabetta is a shift camp located on the eastern coast of the Yamal Peninsula (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) near the Gulf of Ob in the Kara Sea, and is a stronghold of the Yamal LNG project.

The name of the village is derived from the name of the river Sabetta-Yakha - translated from the Nenets language as “river in a hat”. However, there are several more versions of the origin of the name: from the name of the trading post “Sovetskaya” that existed here, converted into the Nenets language, to the name of the Sabe clan - Samoyeds (Nenets) who lived in the area.

In Soviet times, the village was a base for geologists. The staff of the Tambey expedition landed in Sabetta in the early 1980s. Then in the village there were only a few wooden buildings, typical for ordinary northern settlements of the late XX century. There were many of them then. Several dozen geologists were engaged in exploration, drilled wells, conducted research.

There are no days off and holidays in Sabetta, every day is a worker. But, as elsewhere, on New Year Here, traditionally, a large festive Christmas tree is set up on the main square, and on the first Sunday of September a concert is held in honor of the professional holiday of oil and gas workers. In September 2016, an Orthodox church appeared in the village, which was personally consecrated by Patriarch Kirill.

During the implementation of the Yamal LNG project, all the necessary infrastructure was created in the village for the accommodation of builders, auxiliary facilities of the life support complex were erected: a boiler room, four canteens, a cafe, a hospital, a bathhouse, a large sports complex, an administrative complex, a hotel, shops, sewer and water treatment facilities, food storage warehouses.



An international airport at such a latitude was built for the first time in Russian practice. When designing the runway and the complex of airport buildings, the complex natural and climatic conditions in the Sabetta region were taken into account: permafrost, swamps, lakes, rivers. In such climatic conditions, prestressed airfield slabs were used as the cover of the runway.

December 4, 2014 the first flight took place - a technical one, as a result of which the airport received a certificate of airfield fitness and a certificate of state registration.

In January 2015, Sabetta Airport received certificates of conformity in the following areas: aviation security, aerodrome flight support, navigational support, passenger and baggage service for domestic air transportation.

02 February 2015 Sabetta airport received the first passenger flight. Regular communication with five cities of Russia has been organized.

In 2016, Sabetta Airport began accepting international flights.

May 26, 2017 international Airport the Yamal LNG project received a "geographical passport".

The airport complex includes an ICAO category I airfield, a runway of 2704 mx 46 m, hangars for aircraft, a service and passenger building, including the international sector. The airport can receive aircraft of various types IL-76, A-320, Boeing-737-300, 600, 700, 800, Boeing-767-200, as well as helicopters MI-26, MI-8. The airport operator is a 100% subsidiary of Yamal LNG OJSC - Sabetta International Airport LLC.

During the operation of the airport, more than 490 thousand passengers and almost 6 thousand tons of urgent cargo were transported.

On July 20, 2012, the ceremonial laying of the seaport, located 5 km north-east of the village, took place. INin October 2013, the first cargo ships moored at the port berth. On July 25, 2014 the seaport of Sabetta was entered into the register of seaports of the Russian Federation.

In March, the ice reaches its maximum thickness along the Northern Sea Route. Nuclear and diesel icebreakers help deliver cargo to Sabetta on heavy ice. Thanks to the Yamal LNG project, cargo traffic on the Northern Sea Route has doubled. Since the beginning of the active construction of the project (since 2012), the delivery of construction materials and equipment has been carried out on a year-round basis; in winter, icebreaker support is used.

The seaport of Sabetta is a key growth point in the development of the Northern Sea Route. In total, more than 13 million tons of cargo have been delivered to the port since 2012.


In June 2014, construction began on the first two (out of four) LNG storage tanks. In permafrost conditions, each reservoir is built on a foundation of 948 piles, 24 meters deep, next to each of which a thermal stabilizer is installed. The concrete walls of the tanks over 50 meters in height were erected in a short time, in just 21 days.

The diameter of one tank is 80 meters, it is designed for storage of 160 thousand cubic meters. m of gas at a temperature of -163 degrees. For comparison, the tank can accommodate two Airbus 380 aircraft stacked on top of each other.

All four reservoirs have now been built and hydro-tested. The first two tanks are equipped with the main platforms of the pumping equipment.



The LNG plant with a capacity of about 16.5 million tons of LNG is being built directly at the South Tambeyskoye field on the shore of the Ob Bay.

The construction uses a modular installation principle, which significantly reduces construction costs in the Arctic and optimizes the project implementation schedule. The production complex will include three processing lines for gas liquefaction with a capacity of 5.5 million tons per year each. The first stage is planned to be launched in 2017.

With low average annual temperatures in the Arctic, less specific energy is required to liquefy gas, which allows for higher LNG production volumes compared to projects located in the southern latitudes and using similar equipment.

After the plant is launched, the hydrocarbon mixture from the wells will be supplied through gas gathering networks to a single integrated complex for the preparation and liquefaction of natural gas.

Separation will take place at the entrance facilities of the complex - separation of mechanical impurities, water, methanol and condensate from the gas. The inlet facilities include methanol recovery and condensate stabilization units.

The separated gas will be fed to the liquefaction lines and will subsequently undergo purification from acid gases and traces of methanol, dehydration and removal of mercury, extraction of ethane, propane and heavier hydrocarbon fractions. Further, the purified gas will be fed for preliminary cooling and liquefaction. LNG will be stored in special closed-type isothermal tanks.

The integrated complex will also include liquefied petroleum gas fractionation units, stable condensate and refrigerant storage parks, a 376 MW power plant, plant-wide utility systems and flare units.


At the beginning of 2013, drilling of production wells began at the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field. Production drilling is carried out using advanced technologies. The field development project provides for the drilling of more than 200 directional production wells with horizontal completion from 19 well pads.

Drilling rigs "ARKTIKA" were developed and manufactured especially for the project. The rigs are designed to operate in the difficult natural and climatic conditions of Yamal, they are fully protected from winds and low temperatures, which ensures comfortable working conditions for personnel and continuous drilling throughout the year.

The resource base for the Yamal LNG Project is the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field, discovered in 1974 and located in the northeast of the Yamal Peninsula. The license for the development of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field is valid until December 31, 2045 and belongs to OJSC Yamal LNG.

Proved and probable reserves of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field according to PRMS standards as of December 31, 2014 amount to 926 billion cubic meters. m of gas. The potential level of gas production to meet the needs of the LNG plant exceeds 27 billion cubic meters. m per year.


On August 26, 2016, sea trials of the Arc7 LNG tanker began in the waters between the coast of South Korea and Tsushima Island. For the first time, all marine equipment has been tested under real operating conditions. The ship's driving performance has been fully confirmed.

The first tanker is named Christophe de Margerie. Tanker Arc7 is a high-tech ice-class LNG carrier specially designed to meet the needs of the Yamal LNG project. Gas carrier design, three-fuel diesel-electric power plant, propulsion complex consisting of three Azipod propellers, design features of the hull and mechanisms in the Arctic version (ice class Arc7 according to RMRS classification and a set of equipment for operation in low temperatures down to -52 ° C ) - all this gives the ship serious competitive advantages and makes it unique.

"Christophe de Margerie" was built in the shortest possible time by the shipyard DSME (South Korea), which is one of the leaders in the world shipbuilding industry. Leading Russian and foreign research organizations took part in the development and implementation of the project.

At the end of March 2017ice-class tanker Arc7 arrived at the port of Sabetta. The ceremony of mooring in a straight line from Arkhangelsk was watched by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “If we act in the same vein and at the same pace, which is, to be honest, somewhat surprising for me, then, of course, Russia, without any doubt, not only can become, but will become the largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world. ... We have every reason to think so, to think so and to achieve this result. "

Vladimir Putin also thanked the foreign partners of the Yamal LNG project. “They believe in this project, actively participate in it, support both technologically and financially. This is very important if we keep in mind that the weather is not the best on the world energy markets, but we proceed from the assumption that the demand for energy resources will increase. We are working for the future, ”the head of state stressed.

The President noted that the ship that arrived at the port today was named in honor of the deceased "our great friend, former head of Total Christophe de Margerie": "This is very symbolic, it will strengthen our relationship even at such a spiritual level." Christophe de Margerie has been managing Total since 2007. In October 2014, he died in a plane crash at Vnukovo.

The first Arctic hub in Russia is Sabetta International Airport. It is located not far from the settlement of the same name in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. is of strategic importance for the development of the oil and gas industry in the region.


The Sabetta rotational camp is located in the immediate vicinity of the airport. The air harbor is located on the eastern coast near the Ob Bay, which belongs to the Kara Sea.

Infrastructure of the Yamal region

The Yamal region is quite difficult for the development and development of minerals. This is due not only to the harsh climate, but also to the underdeveloped infrastructure. One of the key tasks of the Yamal LNG project is to solve this problem.

The nearest air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was previously opened by the end of 2012 and is wholly owned by Gazprom. The nearest railway station "Karskaya" is located at the same distance from the village. Therefore, the problem of transport infrastructure seriously hampered the development of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field.

Sabetta airport (Yamal): construction

The construction of an air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was a large-scale Yamal LNG project. This project provides for the construction of the transport infrastructure of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field, which is one of the largest in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in terms of natural gas reserves. It also houses a liquefied natural gas plant. Construction of the transport infrastructure began in 2012, when construction began on Sabetta Airport. In the same year, the construction of the seaport began. The port is intended for navigation throughout the year. In the future, the Russian icebreaker fleet will be localized here.

The operator of the Arctic "air gates" is the limited liability company "International Airport Sabetta", which, in turn, is owned by the "Yamal LNG" enterprise, which is implementing the project for the development of the South Tambeyskoye field. Among the shareholders of Yamal LNG:

  1. Independent Russian company Novatek (holds 60% of shares).
  2. French oil and gas company "Total" (20% of shares).
  3. National Oil and Gas Corporation from China CNPC (20% stake).

The total investment in the Yamal CIS project, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to about $ 27 billion. Over the year, the volume of natural gas production reaches 30 billion cubic meters. Gas is exported mainly in a liquefied state. The estimated volume of reserves of raw materials is about 492 billion cubic meters, and other liquid hydrocarbons - 14 million tons.

The construction of the Arctic hub involved the use of the latest technologies for the construction of structures on permafrost flooded soils. The project for the construction of a two-storey building for the air terminal complex was published at the end of 2013 on the Novatek Internet portal. At the beginning of 2014, the Yamal LNG enterprise reported that, according to preliminary estimates, the volume of investments in the construction of an air transport hub amounted to 150 million rubles.

The project for the construction of the complex involved two stages of work. The first included the construction of a service and passenger terminal located on an area of \u200b\u200b36 × 42 m. The second envisaged the construction of an international terminal on an area of \u200b\u200b36 × 36.5 m and a building for a command and control center. Thus, both terminals should be located on an area of \u200b\u200b36 × 78.5 m. Initially, the opening of the first Arctic airport was planned for June 2015.

The project of the airfield complex included the construction of a runway, hangars for aircraft. The construction of the runway was completed by December 2014.

In July 2015, the airport management received a certificate of conformity for the implementation of airport activities. Also, the air hub was entered in the state register. On October 5 of the same year, the Interstate Aviation Committee officially recognized the suitability of the airport for receiving and sending international flights. On December 24, a checkpoint across the state border was opened.

Sabetta airport: opening

Despite the fact that the opening of the hub was scheduled for 2015, the first flight was accepted in 2014. On December 22, the first plane flew to the village of Sabetta. It was the Boeing 737 of the domestic carrier UTair. The flight was mostly technical in nature. Acceptance of aircraft and servicing of passenger flights began on February 2, 2015. The airport opened for international flights on July 29 of the same year. The reason for this was the order of the Russian government, as well as the installation of a cargo-passenger checkpoint across the state border. First international flight took place on the night of March 4, 2016, which was carried out on the route "Beijing - Sabetta - Moscow". The aircraft arrived from the Chinese capital and delivered four passengers to Sabetta (Yamal region), after which it departed for Moscow.

Runway characteristics

Sabetta Airport has a runway made of reinforced concrete, which fully complies with the requirements of the first category of ICAO. The strip measures 2704 m in length and 46 m in width.

Accepted types of aircraft

The Arctic hub can receive and dispatch the following types of airliners:

  • Il-76.
  • "Airbus A-320".
  • Boeing 737-300.
  • Boeing 767-200.

It is also capable of receiving aircraft with lighter takeoff weight and all types of helicopters.

Airlines, flights

Currently, Sabetta Airport is engaged in servicing regular rotational passenger flights, which are operated by the domestic companies UTair and Yamal.

UTair operates flights from Sabetta to Moscow (Vnukovo airport), Novy Urengoy and Samara. Air carrier Yamal operates flights to Moscow (Domodedovo airport) and Novy Urengoy.

Thus, the Sabetta Arctic Airport is of great strategic national importance. It was built as part of the Yamal LNG project to improve the transport infrastructure of the South Tambeyskoye natural gas field. The construction of the hub began almost from scratch in 2012 and was completed by the end of 2014. V.V. Putin notes that the project is financed from private and public funds. General Director of UTair Aviation A. Martirosov believes that the opening of the airport will increase the level of transport accessibility the Yamal Peninsula and will be the impetus for the development of the north-west of Siberia. The village of Sabetta has actually become the largest international air transport hub in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

Recently in Yamal, the world's first icebreaker tanker was loaded with liquefied natural gas. Russian President Vladimir Putin flew to this event. All interesting FactsWhat you need to know about Sabetta and the Yamal LNG plant - in this article.

Where does the “Italian name” Sabetta come from in Yamal?

Sabetta is a shift camp near the Gulf of Ob of the Kara Sea on the eastern coast of the Yamal Peninsula. The village got its name from the local Samoyed family Sabe, who lived in the area and were engaged in reindeer herding. The very name of the Yamal Peninsula is also of Samoyed origin and means “the end of the earth” - I-mal.

This is what Sabetta looks like from a bird's eye view. Indeed - the end of the earth

It is interesting that initially, the name of the village had one letter T - Sabeta. But during the restart of the gas-rich region and giving the planned seaport to be built of international significance, the name was Europeanized by adding a second T. Now the village sounds a little Italian, with a hack - Sabetta. True, now there is a version spread, including by Wikipedia, that the village got its name from the Sabetta-Yakha River, which flows into the Ob Bay at this place. In the Nenets language, sabetta means a female headdress.

From a Nenets camp to the village of Sabeta (with one more T in the name) it began to transform in 1980, when geologists from the Tambey oil and gas exploration expedition, stationed earlier in Labytnangi, landed here. But by 2002, only 19 residents remained in the village, and the village of Sabeta was abolished in 2006.

How do they live and work there?

Northern Lights brightens Sabetti evenings
Sergey Neverov

The Yamal Peninsula is a swampy plain. You can only build in winter. And winter in Yamal lasts ten months a year, several of them are polar nights. Freezing temperatures of minus 50 degrees are a common occurrence for shift workers. The squally wind is more problematic. They work there exclusively on watch. Three weeks each. Dormitories are staffed at the highest level. Workers, not spoiled by expensive resorts, compare their rooms to three- or four-star hotels. Alcohol is strictly prohibited throughout the village. Cahors do not receive communion even in the local church. Those seen drunk pay decent fines with five zeros, and their employers with six.

There is little entertainment in the village, but the Internet works, and there are several active groups on social networks. One of them is “Sabetta Super! (Yamal LNG) "has almost 20 thousand subscribers on the VKontakte network.

The food is very decent, but in order to get into the canteens, sometimes you have to stand up for your right. The overwhelming majority of the contingent is male, and the shift workers sometimes relieve tension like a man. Among the entertainment are also viewing of the northern lights and winter swimming. It is strongly discouraged to make friends with the local fauna. A polar bear can taste just out of curiosity, and polar foxes that stroll around the village in search of handouts can infect with rabies.

This light phenomenon is common for polar winter and artificial light.
Ayrat Basareev

Temple of Sabetta, where one does not receive communion with wine
Andrey Starostin

You can enjoy walruses in Sabetta directly with walruses Aleksey Ivanov

Is it true that outsiders cannot fly to Sabetta?

An international airport was rebuilt and put into operation in Sabetta. Red Wings flies from Moscow, and Yamal Airlines flies to Moscow. There are also flights from Novy Urengoy and Salekhard. Officially, tickets are not sold for all these flights. But you can almost always get hooked on the watch, having agreed in advance with the inviting party or with the air carrier.

Baggage inspection at Sabetta Airport is conducted for imported alcohol. Any quantity and quality of alcoholic beverages will be seized by the security services. You can refuse to check your baggage by paying a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

Sabetta International Airport
Andrey Starostin

Why is Sabetta a seaport, and even an international one?

The construction of the international sea cargo port in Sabetta began in 2012, and already in 2013 it began to receive cargo ships. The seaport was finally ready this year - for the arrival of the first and so far the only icebreaker-type gas carrier in the world. The natural gas liquefaction plant itself is being completed on the territory of the seaport so that liquid gas can be immediately pumped into tankers and sent along the Northern Sea Route. The first icebreaker tanker will ship with LNG directly to China.

"Christophe de Margerie" goes through the 2.1-meter thick ice on its own
Dmitry Lobusov

The test commercial voyage of the icebreaker Christophe de Margerie from Norway to South Korea along the entire Northern Sea Route took 19 days. This is 30% faster than through the Suez Canal. This is the main advantage of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). And the NSR is the shortest between the European part of Russia and The Far East - the distance from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok along it is slightly more than 14 thousand km.

Tanks injected with natural gas Yamal LNG