DIY fishing rod. Tips for beginners

We decided to relax in nature, in the fresh air, near a cool pond, to eat aromatic fish soup made from fresh fish cooked over a fire, but in our haste we forgot to take fishing rods with us and apart from simple gear (spare fishing line, hooks, float) there was nothing at hand . Of course, you can make a simple bottom hook, but among the thickets of reeds and sedges it is still more convenient to use a simple float rod. And how to make a float fishing rod from what is left in stock and other available materials - you will have to call on ingenuity and a skillful approach to the rescue (unless, of course, fishing spot some commercial fisherman did not save ready-made tackle in the thick grass).

First of all it is necessary make a fishing rod. If you are lucky and there is a small forest or grove nearby, then all that remains is to find the right whip and process it a little. Naturally, you should choose from young growth with one-year-old shoots, since old dry wood probably has wormholes or rotten areas in the wood. It is better to go into the thick of the forest, where the plants stretch towards the light and their trunks are straighter and more even.

Almost all types of trees or tall shrubs are suitable for a homemade fishing rod, except, for example, poplar, since its wood becomes fragile after drying, or stone fruit plants, which are very difficult to clear of bark. The thickness of the rod at the base can be selected at your discretion. The thin tip should be flexible enough that when pulled, the rod bends 180 degrees.

If the local vegetation is so poor that it is impossible to pick up even a one and a half meter more or less even rod, then you will have to make a fishing rod from last year’s dry reeds. Such tackle will easily handle small fish. Before making a float rod from the trunk of a young tree, it will need to be cleared of bark. Thus, the weight of the rod will be reduced by half and it will become much easier to hold it during long-term bites. Young bark, especially in spring, can be peeled off quite simply.

After cleaning, the fishing rod blank can be dried. If you have time, drying should be done in the shade for several days. Then the wood will not “drive” and bend. Otherwise, the rod must be carefully secured with wire, nails or rope on a rigid base and placed in direct sunlight for several hours. Well, if you really can’t wait, then you can put up with the extra weight of water in the wood.

After drying, the rod can be equipped with fishing line. However, if you are concerned about the question of how to properly make a float fishing rod, you need to highlight three key points. Firstly, the rod tip must be flexible. Thus, when bending, it does not break, but transfers all the weight to the stiffer and, naturally, more durable sections of the whip.

Secondly, the fishing rod must be rigid enough to ensure that the fish is hooked when the bite is sluggish. This parameter is selected individually and is largely determined by the fishing skills acquired through experience. Thirdly, the tip of the fishing rod should not be so thin and fragile that it breaks from accidental impacts, for example, on tree branches, or from an unsuccessfully tightened knot of fishing line.

It is best to knit the fishing line on the strongest part of the rod and, after making several turns around it, bring it to the tip and secure it with electrical tape or a regular self-tightening loop. Thus, a broken tip will not lead to the loss of the entire tackle. If you plan to often use a homemade fishing rod, then to reel in the fishing line, instead of a reel, you can attach two multidirectional hooks made of aluminum or copper wire to the rod. The simplest option for winding is two driven shoe nails.

If you don't have one, a float can be quickly made from a thick piece of tree bark. The bark is less susceptible to getting wet and is quite easy to process. You can also look for a feather from a large bird. The sinker, first of all, performs the function of immersing the bait to depth and making it easier to cast the tackle. Therefore, it is not necessary to select its weight to keep the float on the water in a standing state.

As for bait, in addition to the generally accepted ones, you can use any insects and their larvae found in the area, including in the water under stones, in the roots and stems of plants. And finally, I would like to say that knowing how to make a float fishing rod from scrap materials, you don’t have to destroy a young tree every time you go out into nature. Remove the tackle and place it carefully in thick grass until your next fishing trip. By the way, it is not recommended to store a wooden fishing rod standing up or at an angle, since it sag over time, and it is virtually impossible to straighten dried wood.

Traditionally, fishing is one of the options for outdoor recreation. For some this is a serious hobby, for others it is an opportunity to test themselves. But sometimes situations arise when fishing may become the only means of subsistence. For example, if you had to stay on an island surrounded by water due to bad weather conditions, or you are lost. Let's see how to make a fishing rod with your own hands right in nature.

Making a fishing rod

It’s easy to make a fishing rod from scrap materials, even in extreme conditions. The simplest fishing rod can be made from a thin tree trunk, such as hazel, bird cherry or juniper. To do this, the trunk should be trimmed at the base and cleared of knots. It is not necessary to remove the bark; it will not deteriorate the quality of fishing. The main thing is to check the strength of the rod. After all, the loss of fishing line and hook, if your structure cannot withstand the weight of the fish, is like death for a lost fisherman. To do this, you can fill a sock with sand, attach it to the end of the fishing rod, and see how to make the fishing rod stronger.

We secure the fishing line

As a fishing line for a fishing rod, you can use a thin rope, loosened on a thread. Shoe laces are suitable for catching large fish, or, in extreme cases, thin wires, pre-rubbed with grass, so as not to scare off the fish with an unusual smell. In ancient times, for example, they knew how to make a fishing rod from woven horsehair. The line should be 50 centimeters longer than the rod. You can attach it to the end of the fishing rod by making a slit-like cut.

Selecting a sinker

A good sinker can be made from a pellet from a hunting cartridge. Any heavy object will also work, such as a nut, bolt, or even a regular stone. Knowing how to make a fishing rod, you can use suitable materials at hand: a film case, a glove, a handkerchief filled with sand. In the old days, the sinker was made of clay. It is better to attach it not directly to the fishing line, but at a distance of 20 centimeters from the hook.

Looking for a float

If you are deciding how to make a float fishing rod, then you will need a little more imagination. A lightweight material such as a bottle cap, polystyrene foam, a fountain pen, a bird's feather, tree bark or reeds can be used to replace the float. We install the float in such a way that, with the help of a sinker, it protrudes out of the water by a third of its size. If you plan to catch pike or perch, a float in your fishing rod is an optional attribute.

Installing the hook

In extreme situations, the hook can be made from a nail or ordinary metal wire. Its end should be slightly flattened by hitting it with a heavy object. Then make a deep notch using a knife or axe, bending the wire upward so that the caught fish does not slip off. The hook can be made from a ring from a bunch of keys, a hairpin, a bobby pin, a brooch or a safety pin.

So, knowing how to make a fishing rod, you can, even in an extreme situation, not worry about being hungry. The main thing is to show a little skill and imagination, and you will be guaranteed a delicious fish for dinner.

Need a fishing rod? - that means we’ll be going fishing soon! It’s better to make a fishing rod with your own hands; you shouldn’t buy something already assembled. Then you will quickly develop skills in handling fishing line, hook, and rod. Without such experience, success in fishing cannot be achieved. There you will need to quickly set up the tackle with your own hands, or assemble a suitable fishing rod right on the pond.

The art of fishing is largely based on the ability to make the correct installations yourself, including a fishing rod.
Before fishing, the first thing you need to do is make your own fishing rod. But where to start?

Old recipes won't help

All components of the fishing rod can now be bought at any market or fishing store. And it's not expensive. Don't even try to make them yourself. It will take longer, be more expensive, and nothing good.

Carving a fishing rod from willow or hazel is possible only for the pleasure of the process of creating a souvenir product, but not at all for the sake of obtaining a functional fishing rod. The cheapest telescope on the market will be several times better.

You don’t need to bend a hook from a pin like in the old days, pull hair from a horse’s tail to weave a fishing line (this is also dangerous), or look for a goose feather on the farm for a float. An old battery also does not need to be cut to obtain lead. It is better to purchase ready-made round weights in a set.

Choose a rod

If this is your first fishing rod, or one of the first, then it is hardly advisable to immediately purchase an expensive fishing rod. Such products have special qualities that are evaluated and used only by experienced fishermen. In addition, very expensive “sticks” made of carbon are also very fragile, intended for special use.

And if such a rod shatters due to an accidental knock (and when fishing, an “accidental blow” is inevitable), then the only question that remains is how such nonsense and for such money….
It turns out that a cheap telescope with fiberglass can withstand normal handling. It is specifically designed for mastering fishing with a fishing rod. And if it breaks, all that remains is to say thank you to the wreckage for the experience gained. The optimal length to start with is 4.5 - 5 meters, and no more.

What to make a fishing rod from

You can also purchase the following for an inexpensive fishing rod.

  • The main line is 0.2 mm in diameter. Usually it is used much thinner, up to 0.1 mm, with a thin fishing line. But the increased diameter protects against breaks and is much less tangled - just what is needed most.
  • A float with a drop-shaped body (the drop is extended upward) with a load capacity of 2.5 - 3.0 grams, which should be written on the float itself. Usually lighter floats are used, which means they are more sensitive. But in our case, thick fishing line also requires a significant load. Then it is easier to control the fishing rod.
  • Thin hooks No. 16. This is a universal fishing rod hook. But for bloodworms and an uncertain bite, you can use No. 18 - No. 20. And for large bait - No. 12.

  • Line for a leash with a diameter of 0.15 mm. The leash is the most important part of the fishing rod. Usually made the thinnest. You can read more about how a good leash is made
  • A set of weights of different weights with slots. Experienced fishermen pay great attention to weights - so that they are of optimal hardness and correct shape - do not twist the line.
  • Plastic reel for winding fishing rods and leashes – 10 pcs. Even if you are making a fishing rod for the first time, make several spare rigs and leashes for them at once - they will come in handy.

We mount the fishing rod ourselves

It is important to learn how to tie a couple of basic knots on a fishing line. Then making a fishing rod with your own hands will not be difficult.

The main line is connected to the tip of the rod (to the line on the reel) using a loop. It also connects to the leash. Therefore, you need to learn how to make a loop-to-loop connection.

You can tie a hook to a leash using a regular knot, although it may not be the best, but it is simpler.

Now we put a float on the main line and secure it with silicone cambrics.

We put a load of two weights on the tip of the fishing line (in the future, one will be located near the hook - the sub, the second half a meter higher - the main one) and experimentally (in a bucket of water) we select their mass so that one tip of the float remains above the water.

After this, we clamp the weights on the fishing line, flatten the fishing line above the weights with pliers, and drag them higher through this place to the float. Now the weights will not injure the fishing line, and we cut off the damaged end of the fishing line.

We tie a loop for the leash below the sinker. We measure the length of the main line half a meter shorter than the rod, cut it and tie a loop for attaching to the rod. We wind the finished equipment onto the reel and sign the load weight and the diameter of the fishing line.
How the fishing line is attached to the fishing rod - read on the website.

We make leashes 15-25 cm long. At the same time, we tie a hook to the leash line on one side and tie a loop on the other.

This handmade fishing rod is ready for fishing. All that remains is to fasten the equipment to the rod, and a suitable leash to it.

Experienced fishermen make many different rigs and leashes at once, using fishing line of different thicknesses, float buoyancy, different body shapes, different hooks for large and small fish, for bloodworms and for worms... This makes it possible to adapt to the fishing conditions. But all this is mastered only gradually...
Read also how to select a float - the most important part of a float fishing rod.

Types of fishing rods and structure diagram

How many thousands of years have people been fishing, so much time has this tackle undergone changes and improvements. Modern fishing rods are:

  • winter and summer;
  • wooden, metal, plastic and mixed;
  • light, medium and heavy;
  • float, spinning, bottom and others.

Sometimes the fisherman himself cannot clearly determine what type of fishing rod is needed for a particular fishing. What can we say about a novice amateur? The most common tackle is a float fishing rod.

It usually consists of the following elements:

  • rods - the basis of the tackle, acting as a lever when fishing;
  • fishing line connecting the rod with the sinker and hook;
  • a float indicating the presence of fish on the hook;
  • a sinker that allows the float to stay vertical on the surface of the reservoir;
  • leash - the intermediate part of the fishing line (from 10 to 20 cm) between the sinker and the hook;
  • a hook that performs the main function on which the fisherman’s catch depends.

How and from what you can make a fishing rod with your own hands

To make a fishing rod you don’t need much: ingenuity, skillful hands, patience and instructions. Having made a fishing rod with your own hands, you will, with triple the pleasure, devour grilled fish or fish soup cooked in a camp pot over a fire by both cheeks.

Preparing the rod

So, for a perfect fishing rod, you will need a bamboo stalk. Considering that bamboo practically does not grow in our latitudes, and there is no possibility of going to Sri Lanka or India for it, you will have to make do with flexible trunks (branches) of juniper, bird cherry or hazel, and maple, ash or birch will also do. The future fishing rod should be strong, flexible, 2–2.5 m long and 3.5–4.5 cm in diameter.

First, the trunk is cleared of side branches and knots. The bark is removed at will, but you don’t have to do this - it will not worsen the properties of the future fishing rod. The next step will be to dry the shaft for several days in the shade. The most impatient fishermen can dry it in the sun, after fixing it on a hard surface with nails or wire. However, after such drying, the rod will become fragile and will not serve you for many years.

After drying, apply a layer of sunflower oil or drying oil to the wood - this will make the fishing rod stronger and more flexible. And later varnish it for greater moisture resistance.

Advice! It is advisable to make a fishing rod in the fall - then the wood is stronger than that prepared at other times of the year.

More sophisticated craftsmen can sand and polish the rod, and also increase the butt so that it fits comfortably in the hand using a rope or twine, winding it carefully turn by turn.

We fasten the fishing line

You can buy fishing line at the market or in a specialized store for hunters and fishermen. Its price is cheap, so there is no point in preparing a fishing line from a rope or by weaving it from hair. The length of the fishing line should be 0.5 m longer than the rod. You can secure it in two ways:

  1. Split the end of the fishing rod with a knife, insert the fishing line and secure it tightly with rope or insulating tape. This method of fastening is not very reliable - if the end of the tackle breaks off, you will be left without a fishing line and without a fish.
  2. The fishing line is attached at the base of the shaft using hooks made of aluminum or copper wire directed in different directions or reels (reels). As a last resort, drive in two nails in different directions.

Next, the fishing line is passed through wire rings, evenly secured in 3-4 places along the entire length of the fishing rod up to the whip. Such simple devices will protect the fishing line from tangling and ensure its easy feeding from the reel (winding) to the tip. Instead of wire rings, you can use rope winding. Wind it in several places on the shaft in such a way that you can adjust the length of the fishing line.

Choosing a float

The float is the part of the fishing rod that you will have to look at for hours until the fish deigns to feast on a worm or other food. The range of floats on sale is very diverse. It should be light (lighter than water), bright and noticeable.

If it is not possible to buy a float for various reasons, a suitable material can be polystyrene foam, a hollow part of a poultry feather, for example, a rooster, goose or turkey, and even tree bark. The size of the float can reach 15–18 cm. It is attached to the fishing line using a Hungarian or any other elastic band. The main thing is excellent visibility on water ripples.

Knitting a sinker

The sinker acts as a weight for the float and allows it to remain on the surface of the water in a vertical position. If you don't have lead weights at the store, use a nut, bolt, or any heavy metal object.

Connecting a leash with a hook

Using a leash, we connect the sinker to the hook. The hook tip should be strong and elastic. Factory-made hooks will save you from the need to construct it from a needle, nail or wire. We attach the hook to the end of the leash and you can proudly declare that the fishing rod, designed with your own hands, is already ready.

Advice! Take several spare leashes with hooks of different sizes with you when fishing. In fishing gear, the leash is the weakest link. Be prepared for unexpected surprises.

What can you use to make a homemade fishing rod?

A fishing rod made of durable and even wooden whip, one of the simplest and most rational solutions. We select for the tackle a straight and elastic branch, not exceeding the diameter at its base of 20–30 mm. The length of the rod from which the future fishing rod will be made can vary from three to six meters.

Suitable material is vine bushes and birch or maple wood. The wood of this species is elastic and has acceptable elasticity and is practically devoid of fragility.

In addition, it is a fairly light material, especially if it is allowed to dry in a wind-blown, shady place. Homemade fishing rods made of wood are practical, light and cheap, although the practical value of a homemade product is no different from its purchased counterpart, especially in the skillful hands of an experienced fisherman.

How to make a fishing rod with your own hands

First of all, when you decide to make a fishing rod, you need to find a suitable material. The criteria for its selection by size and diameter are given in the previous section, but you can find such a representative among the young shoots of maple and birch, as well as in the coastal bushy thickets of vines.

Important! For tackle, it is better to select a young whole tree.

Having evenly trimmed the butt of the shoots and existing branches, the bark is completely removed. When pruning, they try to make knots as indistinguishable as possible on the surface of the main trunk. In the future, inaccurate trimming will be expressed in frequent snagging of the fishing line on the base of the tackle. After sanding the trunk, it is given time to dry.

Important! Drying in the shade helps to avoid deformation of the wood, which is expressed in the transformation of a smooth, wet whip into a dried out humped rocker.

After drying, the rod can be equipped with line guides. The rings are made of wire with a diameter of 1.5–2 mm. Having made a puncture with a thin awl, which in its thickness will differ in a smaller direction in relation to the material of the rings, a puncture is made at the base of the tackle every meter to the center of the stick. Rings are installed in the resulting holes.

The rod is attached to the butt using insulating tape or a reel of string, which is cut out of a plank. If there is no particular need for rings, a slot is made at the tip of the whip to tie the fishing line; this will help to properly make a reliable fastening that holds the entire equipment.

Do-it-yourself fishing rods are similar in manufacturing algorithm; the main thing is to be competent and scrupulous in selecting the base. After all, the comfort of fishing will depend on this component, which includes ease of holding the tackle, its straightness for ideal control of the equipment and elasticity, absorbing the efforts from the resistance of the fish being caught.

There is no better fishing rod for a fisherman. Without it, you can catch fish with other devices, such as a grenade or a seine. But there will always be fishing rod lovers, and there are many of them in our country. Not everyone's fishing rods were inherited from father to son. And buy in branded stores expensive now. What remains for the amateur fisherman? Make a fishing rod with your own hands.

During the Soviet era, Komsomol members were easy on inventions. The fishing rod was made from tree branches. Rings and coils are made of wire. The float is made from the feather of a forest bird, and the fishing line is made from wood, or from other available material. And these young people were so dexterous that they managed to catch fish for dinner and take some more with them.

Times have changed. The USSR collapsed, but the habits of making fishing rods remained. And although during perestroika it was possible to buy a fishing rod made of bamboo, the desire to make it yourself was stronger. Below we will present an example of making a fishing rod with your own hands and your task will be to determine whether it can compete with modern fishing rods and whether it is even possible to go fishing with it.

When deciding on the choice of material for a fishing rod, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the time of year. In spring the wood is not strong enough. If you make a fishing rod from such material, it will be fragile. It is best to wait until autumn and prepare a fishing rod from durable wood, which by then will have acquired the necessary strength.

The first step is to clean the workpieces from knots without touching the bark. Next, hang it by the end from the ceiling in a dry room. A barn or a dry balcony would be ideal; a corridor would also be suitable if the sight of hanging fishing rods does not spoil your mood. A load of several kg must be attached to the bottom of each workpiece. Leave in this position until spring.

With the onset of spring, the workpieces are cleared of bark and polished with sandpaper. Then we oil it, cover it with a layer of varnish and leave it to dry. At this moment, the fishing rod acquires the properties of water resistance and elasticity.

But our fishing rod is not yet strong and thin. A miracle solution (acetone, rubber and plastic) will help solve this problem. We dilute the above ingredients in a bowl and apply it to the workpiece with a brush until you are satisfied with it. The plastic will harden and create the necessary strength. The thickness of the fishing rod will also increase, and the weight will increase quite a bit.

You can polish the workpiece to improve appearance. Next, we attach the rings, made independently or from the store, securing them with glue or threads, and cover the top with a layer of varnish to prevent moisture from entering.

Thus, you can make a fishing rod that will last for a long time. He will not be afraid of weather changes. It will be durable and not very heavy. And with the help of it you will, with proper skill, catch a lot of fish before it becomes unusable. But you can always do something new without spending extra money, which, as you know, is never superfluous.

It's time to test the strength. To do this, attach a sinker weighing about 50 grams to the end of the fishing rod. We take the fishing rod by the handle and lift it. You shouldn't hear a crunch or see your fishing rod crack. Everything is fine? This means you can catch fish weighing five times the load.

The next stage is to increase the load five times. If you pass the test, you can catch fish up to five times its weight. And so on. But don't get carried away, because the more you increase the weight of the load, the more likely your fishing rod may one day break.

Almost everything is ready. For those who like comfortable fishing, it is possible to upgrade the handle of the fishing rod, making it more comfortable and thicker. For these purposes, you can use a regular clothesline, forming a winding in which the coil is adjacent to the coil. You can also use thin leather or stingray skin, making a wrap in the manner of samurai swords. The balance can be adjusted by inserting metal weights into drilled holes in the rod handle. Of course, then the holes will need to be varnished to prevent moisture from getting into the wood. Or you can attach a metal ball to the end of the fishing rod, attaching it to the handle with rope.

All. The fishing rod is finally ready. You can go fishing. Use it with pleasure, not forgetting that it is homemade and requires careful handling.

A fishing rod is a simple and at the same time very effective way to catch fish. Over time, this gear has become one of the main fishing methods for many professionals and amateurs. It will be useful for every person to know how to make a fishing rod with their own hands so that it becomes high-quality and reliable equipment that will ensure effective hooking and landing of fish of any size.

Rod equipment elements

You might think that the fishing rod - this is a simple tackle, which any teapot can make. In fact, this is not the case, because a good quality float fishing rod can be assembled only when you have a lot of important knowledge and considerable experience in fishing and installing gear.

Nowadays, high-quality equipment is a set of the following equipment:

  • carbon rod;
  • fishing line or cord;
  • float;
  • sinkers;
  • leash line;
  • carabiner;
  • hook.

It is these elements that make up fishing tackle, with which you can catch even the largest fish.

So, let's try to figure it out, what characteristics should it have? certain elements of equipment of a fisherman who is going to catch a trophy fish.

Rod for float fishing

A real angler understands that for successful fishing you can use any wooden rod, the main thing is that it is light and hard. Over the years, new technologies and chemical elements have appeared in the world that have managed to displace bamboo fishing rods, as well as those made from ordinary trees growing in our area. There are still those who adhere to traditions and fish with bamboo, but this old generation is old school.

Modern fishing requires the presence of a graphite rod. This tackle is made entirely of carbon fiber. This is a very high quality and durable material, which also stands out among analogues in its lightness and versatility.

To catch small fish weighing up to 1-3 kilograms, carbon rods are used, which contain 99% carbon fiber. To catch larger fish, you can use composite rods, which are heavier but much stronger. The most popular rod length for float fishing is five-meter rods. Professionals always have At hand are options with 6 and 7 meters in length. For beginner fishermen, a tackle with a length of 4 meters is perfect.

Another important feature of rods used for float fishing is the modularity of carbon. In competitions and international tournaments, H7 or H8 carbon fiber is used. These are the most versatile and lightweight carbon fiber options, and they are also extremely durable. H9 and H10 can also be used. Such fishing rods will be lighter, but less durable. They will not be able to catch a huge trophy of the carp family, because the rod will simply break.

Main line for the rod

After the rod has been selected, necessary for successful fishing, you can begin to select the main fishing line. First, you should understand that you need to have at least 2 reels of fishing line: the main one and for the leashes. The main line is a piece of equipment that is attached to the end of the rod and unwinds all the way to the base of the rod. As soon as the length of the fishing line is equal to the length of the fishing rod, you need to unwind another 50 centimeters of fishing line and only then cut it. So, the fishing lines are reeled out with a margin of 50-70 centimeters, this is very important.

Choosing a good and reliable fishing line is very difficult, because many sellers under famous brands sell ordinary Chinese fakes. Real fishing line must be made in Japan or Germany. Fishing lines from Korea are of good quality. Material with a diameter of 0.14−0.2 millimeters can be used for fishing rods, and the fishing line itself must meet the following criteria:

  • be strong: withstand the breaking weight in the nodes as declared by the manufacturer;
  • have elasticity and lack of memory for various bends and twists;
  • be durable in use.

For fishing with a fly rod Many people recommend knitting a cord. A fishing rod made of such material will simply not be killed and will withstand any fish, because the cord is several times stronger than the fishing line. But at the same time, the cord has one very noticeable drawback. If it gets snagged, the fishing line will break and you will simply redo the tackle; the cord is a very strong material and, most likely, when you try to pull out the snagged tackle, the tip of the rod will break, and this is already a serious loss, because the cost of the rod is not comparable to the price of the equipment.

One of the most important elements of equipment is the float; it is the one that signals bites and lets the fisherman know when to hook. Before purchasing a float, you need to understand for what purposes it will be used. For fishing on the river Floats weighing 1-2 grams are ideal, because in such a reservoir you need to see the most subtle bite, and therefore the float should convey even the most barely noticeable fish bites. The ideal option on the river would be a tackle weighing 0.8 grams, but it will be impractical in strong winds. Therefore, a universal float will be one that weighs 1.5 grams and whose size does not exceed 20 centimeters in length.

As for fishing on lakes and reservoirs where there is no current, a fishing rod with a float weighing 2-5 grams would be a good option. The tackle will be especially effective when fishing for crucian carp, carp, carp, roach, silver bream, bream and sabrefish.

When choosing a float, it is important to consider the color of the tackle. Therefore, the ideal float option is a red or blue tip, a small seal yellow color in the middle, and the bottom is a narrow black stick, so as not to scare away fish in the water. This float will be universal for any type of fishing and all kinds of reservoirs.

Many amateurs believe that the sinker is not such an important element of the rod equipment as the fishing line or float. Actually this is not true. It is with the help of small weights that the bait sinks and returns to the bottom of the river. Weights ensure that the worm is held at the bottom of the reservoir and the bait is quickly delivered to the feeding area. The absence of a sinker is also allowed, but only when fishing for certain types of fish: redfish and saberfish.

To rig, you need to select several small weights and attach them to the main fishing line and at least one to the leash. Why is this being done? It is this technique that will ensure the most accurate and quick immersion of the hook. The time it takes the bait to sink to the bottom determines whether the tackle will reach the point where the bait is located.

It is better to hang the sinkers in a round shape, so that at least 2-3 pieces are on the main fishing line. The most suitable material for weights is lead because it is soft and heavy, making it easy for any fisherman to work with. In addition, lead sinkers are inexpensive and available in the market. Tungsten is in second place in popularity, but the price of this metal is higher than that of lead. Professionals prefer to use tungsten because the noise it creates in water is much lower than its analogues.

Leashes for fishing rods

One of the most important elements of the equipment are the leashes on which the hooks are attached. The leash itself is made from thin fishing line, with a diameter of no more than 0.14 millimeters, preferably made from fluorocarbon. Such a leash will be transparent in the water and the fish will not notice it. In addition, fluorocarbon leaders are much stronger than their fishing line counterparts. For fishing for perch and large fish, such leashes will be especially useful.

As for the length, 20-25 centimeters is optimal. This size of leash will not get tangled with the main line and cling to the weights.

For fishing in late autumn and early spring, it is better to use 0.08 mm fishing line as leashes, because the fish at this time of year are very shy and may refuse to take the bait if they see the tackle.

Selection of hooks and installation of tackle

It is better to use one hook for a fishing rod, but in some cases you can use more. When choosing hooks, you need to consider what kind of fish they are designed for. It is impossible to catch a large bream or carp with a small hook.

Before purchasing hooks, be sure to consider the following points:

  1. Hooks made of steel quickly become rusty, so it is better to choose an alloy option.
  2. You won't go wrong if you use gear from a Korean or Japanese manufacturer: OWNER, GAMAKATSU, DECOY.
  3. When actively biting fish, hooks should be constantly checked and replaced with new ones at least once during fishing.

Once the fishing location has been selected, you can begin installing the equipment.

Making a fishing rod will be very simple, the whole process will not take more than 20-30 minutes. So, installing the fishing rod step by step is as follows:

Experts advise preparing tackle at home, which will save time and start fishing immediately after feeding the fishing point. At home, installing the tackle will not take much effort, because the main difficulty is determining the number and weight of the weights. To do this, you can check the float in an ordinary bucket of water, which will be a kind of analogue of a reservoir. Also at home you should mount fishing leashes with different thicknesses of fluorocarbon or fishing line and different sizes hooks Using the loop-to-loop fastening method, the fisherman will only need one minute to quickly change equipment and select suitable gear.

Installing a fishing rod yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Such a fishing rod can please the fisherman with a good catch and positive emotions that fishing gives.

We almost always go to some river. It’s nice to relax on the shore, and there is water for various needs, and you can swim. Well, where there is a river, there is almost always fish. You don’t want to carry a fishing rod with you every time, and the desire to catch fish may arise spontaneously, so it will be useful to know how to make a fishing rod from a stick and other available means.

In fact, you can catch a few small fish without a huge amount of fishing equipment presented in stores. All this variety is good, but, as a rule, there is nothing at hand at the right time. Therefore, we will make a fishing rod from what we have.

I always have a compact one in my backpack. It is very light and takes up virtually no space, but everything you need is already there.


First, you should look for a suitable stick for your fishing rod. It should be a thin long branch. The longer it is, the easier it will be to cast the tackle. Do not take dry branches - the tip will break. It is better to cut off all the knots from the branch with a knife so that the fishing line does not cling or get tangled.

fishing line

In many places on the shore there may be an old fishing line lying around, which is quite suitable for us. Even if it is tangled, you can find several long sections and connect them together.

If the place is more for picnics than for fishing, then there may not be any fishing line. Then you can use threads from a sewing kit instead. Of course, it is better if they are synthetic. In my set, a thick nylon thread is wound on the outside. We simply unraveled it into several thinner threads and it turned out to be an excellent replacement for fishing line.

At the end of our rod we need to use a knife to make a small groove that will prevent the thread or fishing line from slipping. Tie the thread to the rod.


If you don’t have a normal hook, you can bend it from a pin, which is also in the same sewing kit.

First you need to bend it a little. Then bend the sharp tip into a hook shape. To do this, I used small pliers that are included in the tools on the bike.

The part of the pin after the ring must be broken off with pliers. We will have a rather clumsy, but sharp hook. Tie it to the end of a thread or fishing line.


A sinker for a homemade fishing rod can be made from something metal. Usually there are traces of a person everywhere in the form of garbage, in which you can find some kind of piece of iron: a rusty nail, nut, washer, wire, etc. Tie a weight about 10-15 centimeters above the hook.


Anything that can float is suitable for a float. There are often large bird feathers lying on the ground. All excess must be cut off from them, leaving only the central rod. You can take any thin dry twig or cut off a piece of reed (reed). Your float must be able to support the weight of the hook and sinker. Even if it lies on the water and does not stand vertically, the bite will still be visible.


The easiest way to use bread crumbs for bait. There is almost always bread for snacking with you. You need to knead a small piece in your hands so that it looks like dough or plasticine and place it on a hook. Since the fish that will bite is most likely small, the bait must be made of the appropriate size. The fish simply will not be able to grab a healthy piece of bread and will pinch it off from the side.

If it has recently rained, you can try digging for worms under shady trees. You can also use small fish for bait, cutting it into small pieces.


If you have enough bread, cookies or something similar, you can crumble it into the water at the fishing spot. This will attract fish and among the floating bread crumbs the fish will be more likely to bite your bait, and larger fish may swim in, attracted by the bustle.

For many people, fishing is a great way to relax, enjoy nature and think about everything in the world. Just imagine... A body of water, silence, birdsong, the murmur of water, just you and your thoughts in your head... What could be better!

So, are you going fishing soon, but don’t have a fishing rod? What to do? Do you really have to buy it? We would like to please you and explain in this article how to make a fishing rod with your own hands! After all, you can easily make it yourself.

What to make a fishing rod from?

Let's figure out what you can make a float fishing rod from. One of the best options for its construction is a smooth and elastic wooden whip.

You need to find a straight and strong branch. Its diameter should not be more than 30 millimeters. And the length can vary from 4 to 7 meters.

Most best material for making a fishing rod - vine bushes and birch or maple wood. This is explained by the fact that this wood is quite flexible, elastic and practically unbreakable.

In addition, this material is quite lightweight. These wooden fishing rods are cheap and lightweight. And in the hands of a skilled fisherman, it is generally impossible to distinguish them from expensive purchased fishing rods.

How to make a fishing rod with your own hands?

As we already said in the previous section, before you make a fishing rod for crucian carp and other large fish with your own hands, you need to select the right material for its preparation. Having done this, you need to evenly trim the thick part of the tree trunk and the branches that grow on it and completely remove the bark.

When pruning, you should try to make the knots as invisible as possible on the main trunk. If you do not clean the tree carefully, then in the future this will be reflected in frequent snagging of the fishing line on the base of the tackle. After the trunk is sanded, it needs to be allowed to dry thoroughly.

After a little time, you need to place rings for the fishing line on the rod. They are made from wire 1-2 mm wide.

You need to pierce holes with a thick awl to the middle of the stick, which will allow you to put rings on them. Which is what they do next.

Next, take the insulating tape and use it to attach a reel, which is cut out of a plank, to the thickest part of the fishing rod. If the rings are not particularly needed, then make slits at the tip of the stick to tie the fishing line. So, you will make a strong fishing rod that will withstand all the equipment.

The methods for preparing fishing rods with your own hands are quite identical and do not differ too much. The most important rule is to choose the foundation carefully, carefully and wisely. After all, it depends on what the fishing rod will be like and whether you will be comfortable with it.

Bit equipment

After the bit has already undergone a certain processing process, you need to start equipping it. By the way, it should be noted that making a winter fishing rod with your own hands is no different from a summer one. How to equip?


A float is a device that indicates biting activity. It must be constructed from any material that floats well on water.

To make a float yourself, you first need to cut a barrel-shaped fragment from wood. In order for the float to stand out on the water, the indicator must be painted in a bright color. After this, you need to drill a small hole in the middle of the float. Next you need to thread the fishing line into the float.

You should feel that it is moving tightly. This will keep the alarm in one place and allow you to fish at great depths. Next you need to make a reel for the fishing rod.


The next element of equipment is a weight suspended on a fishing line, which is called a sinker. It is made so that the bait does not float to the surface of the water. The sinker can be made from a bearing ball, lead pellets, or a metal nut.


The hook is needed so that the fish, reacting to the bait, falls on it. How to attach a hook to a fishing line? You need to fold the end of the fishing line twice and thread it through the mounting hole. The hook ring can be tied with any knot. The hook is threaded through the resulting loop and tightened into a knot.

The equipment knots must be tightened well and all excess fishing line must be cut off so that the fish does not suspect anything.

Also, for greater convenience, you can make a fishing rod holder with your own hands. It can be done quickly and easily. Information about its production can be found in full on the Internet.


So, we hope now you know how to make a fishing rod with your own hands. As you understand, even a child can cope with this. We wish you successful fishing!

Photos of do-it-yourself fishing rods