Lesson from class 3 architectural monuments. Presentation "monuments and architecture"

Rybnikova Elena
Outline of the lesson "Ancient city - wonderful city"


« Ancient city - wonderful city»

1. Full name (completely) Rybnikova Elena Nikolaevna

2. Place of work MBOU NOSH-DS "Hope"

3. Position Educator

4. The subject of GCD "Cognition : Formation of a holistic picture of the world "with integration into educational areas "Communication", "Fiction", "Physical development", "Music".

5. Class Preparatory group

6. Topic and lesson number in the topic « Ancient city - wonderful city»

7. Basic tutorial -

Goals and objectives:

To consolidate the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe history of the emergence and development of Moscow;

Expand children's understanding of Moscow;

Continue your acquaintance with the historic center of Moscow - the Kremlin, Red Square; with the most famous in Moscow, and throughout the world, the Bolshoi Theater and the State Tretyakov Gallery;

Introduce children to Russian national culture;

Promote the development of aesthetic taste.


Table 2.

No. Lesson stage Name of ESM used

(indicating the serial number from Table 2) Teacher activity

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, a demonstration) Student Activity Time

(in min.)

1. Introductory 1 Conversation with children,


(4,5,6,7) Conversation with the teacher,

Review visual material 10 min

2. Main 1 Game tasks for children,


(8-20) Game exercises,

Physical education,

Reading poetry

Review visual material 15 min

3. Final 1 Direction of Staging,

Chatting with children


(20-26) Participation in the performance.

Conversation 10 min

Table 2.


No. Resource name Type, type of resource Information presentation form (illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.) Hyperlink to a resource that provides access to ESM

1 presentation EOR presentation Presentation 1 « Ancient city - wonderful city»

Preliminary work: Viewing pictures about Moscow, reading stories and poems, listening to music, getting to know the flag and the coat of arms of Moscow, with historical monuments, with the history of the emergence of Moscow, “Artistic creativity (drawing)» "Moscow Golden-domed".

Equipment: Personal computer, multimedia projector, books about Moscow and Moscow historical museums.

Course of the lesson:

Introductory part

Russia is a huge country. Our homeland is rich in forests, rivers, seas, cities... Main city \u200b\u200bof Russia - Moscow... Moscow is the capital. In the old days they said "Capital City".

Today we will talk about the capital of our Motherland - about Moscow. People from all over the world come to Moscow to admire its beauty. So we will make a tour of our capital today, (slide 4)

Moscow has its own flag, anthem, coat of arms. Coat of arms - a distinctive sign cities... The coat of arms of Moscow depicts a warrior-rider in a cloak and on a horse. A warrior kills a snake with a spear, and a horse tramples it with a hoof. The rider is Saint George the Victorious, he is considered the patron saint of Moscow, (slide 5)

Moscow- old town, ancient... Many years ago, on the site of Moscow, there were large forests where animals lived; rivers full of fish. People began to settle here, many small villages were formed. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky decided to unite these villages - after all, together it was easier to fish, hunt animals, and defend against enemies. This is how Moscow appeared. In September, Muscovites celebrated the birthday of their beloved cities, (slide 6)

The city that Dolgoruky built

In the middle of deep forests

Ascended lovingly by the grandchildren

Higher than others cities.

(V. Ya. Bryusov)

Consider with the children an illustration of the monument to Yu. D. Dolgoruky.

And now children, we will go to Red Square, visit the Kremlin and the Alexander Garden (slide 7).


Did you like it here?


Yes, I liked it.


Moscow is beautiful, there are many interesting places... Now we will see the most famous sights of our capital.

Blitz - poll:

1.the most famous theater in Moscow on the building of which the sculptural composition is located "A man in a chariot drives four horses"?

(slide 8)

2.What is in the Alexander Garden? (slide 9)

3. What museum was created by the collector Tretyakov, which contains paintings by Russian artists - masters? (slide 10)

4.what is the name of the main clock on the Spasskaya Tower (slide 11) sound


Children, you and I have already learned and seen a lot, but let's take a little rest and warm up, (slide 12)

Physical education

Let's go, let's go, let's go for a long time

This path is very long.

We'll reach Moscow soon

We can rest there.

We put our hands to our shoulders

We start to rotate them,

Away tiredness, laziness and boredom,

We will stretch the muscles.


Everyone rested and warmed up a little.


We liked.


And now, guys, we will continue the tour with you again. Tell me, what kind of transport can we travel in Moscow?


Buses, fixed-route taxis, tram, trolleybus, metro, cars.


Listen to the riddle and guess what kind of transport we are talking about. (13 slide).

I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather,

If necessary, at any hour

I'll take you underground.


This is the subway.


That's right, metro, (slide 14)

The metro is underground. To get there, you need to go underground on the escalator. An escalator is such a ladder that automatically moves, and when you go downstairs, there you choose the desired station, where you need to get, and get on the train, which will quickly bring you to the desired station, (slide 15)

The metro is very convenient in such large citieslike Moscow, because there are a lot of cars on the roads of the capital.


We are going with you to the station called VVC. VVC is the All-Russian Exhibition Center. There are many beautiful pavilions, a real rocket, an airplane, greenhouses. (16slide).

Children, listen to the sound of the water. These are fountains, of which there are many at the exhibition. The most famous of them: "Friendship of Peoples" and "Stone Flower". (slide 17-19)

Did you like it here?


Yes, I liked it.


Pay attention to this tall tower (20 slide).

This tower is called - Ostankino, all programs are filmed here and shown to us on TV. It is the largest in Russia.


Well, children, our excursion has come to an end. We have already learned a lot, but you will see even more in Moscow.

Moscow today is one of the largest cities the world and continues to build. (slide 21)

New districts, bridges, embankments appear in Moscow and they differ from the old ones (slide 24).

We can say that Moscow is constantly changing its appearance (slide 22)

Moscow is very hospitable city and everyone who comes to the capital is always welcome there. (25 slide)

Many poems have also been written about Moscow. (slide 26) sound

Wonderful city, ancient city,

You fit in your ends

And the townships and villages,

Both chambers and palaces!

Belted with a ribbon of plowed fields,

You are all dazzling in the gardens

How many temples, how many towers

On your seven hills.

With a gigantic hand

You, as a charter, are developed.

And over the little river

Became great and famous.

In your old churches

Trees grow.

The eyes will not catch the long streets,

Is this Mother Moscow?

Art teacher

MOU "Veydelevskaya secondary school"

  • - the art of designing, constructing buildings and structures (also their complexes). Architecture invariably creates an organized environment that people need for their life and work.

How do buildings differ from each other?

Basic expressive means architecture - plasticity of volumes, scale, rhythm, proportions, texture and color of surfaces, connection with the environment.

House of the merchant Dunaev.

A distinctive feature of Dunaev's house among the wooden buildings of the Kurgan of the early 20th century is its facade decor. It is he who gives lightness and elegance to the composition of the whole house. The feeling of lightness of the composition is achieved by a whole system of small decorative details, finely traced and precisely executed, interconnected in proportions and scale. The plan of the house was drawn up by the city architect N.A. Yushkov. The house was built and decorated by local craftsmen.

Pashkov's house.

The Pashkov House in Moscow opposite the Kremlin is also an architectural monument. This white slender building is in the past a real palace

Moscow University (MSU)

An architectural monument is the high-rise building of the Moscow state university... It looks proud, majestic, solemn, as if it reigns over everyone. How swiftly his spire shot up into the sky!

Kizhi. Wooden architectural complex.

Architectural monuments can be seen even in a small village or village.

  • What new have you learned in the lesson?
  • - Did you succeed in this task?
  • - What failed? Why?

  • ON. Goryaeva. Art. Art is around us. Grade 3: textbook. for general education. organizations / [N.A. Goryaeva, L.A. Nemenskaya, A.S. Piterskikh and others]; ed. B.M. Nemensky. - 3rd ed. - M .: Education, 2013 .-- 144 p.: Ill. - ISBN 978-5-09-029698-4
  • Internet resources

Zamoskvorechye is one of the oldest corners of Moscow One of the nine protected areas of the capital, unique corners of Moscow, where everything of value that has come down to us from time immemorial has been preserved: low mansions of noblemen and merchants, elegant churches, slender bell towers.

From the history of Zamoskvorechye The first mentions in the chronicle of the XIV century characterize it as a densely populated trade and craft settlement. On the low-lying sandy shores of Moscow there were trades. Zamoskvorechye covered the Kremlin from the raids of the Tatar hordes from the south. At the beginning of the 17th century, about 50 thousand archers were concentrated here.

Population of Zamoskvorechye 1. Servicing the royal court: royal coins, Kadashevites, interpreters, gardeners and others. 2. Posad people, traders, merchants. 3. Archers (military people). On the streets of Zamoskvorechye one could hear the shouts and jokes of street traders and artisans.

About modern Zamoskvorechye These ancient times are reminded today by the almost unchanged layout of Zamoskvoretsky streets and lanes and their names, which come from the streltsy and craft settlements of the XVI-XVII centuries. Dubininskaya street, Stremyanny lane, Bolshaya Ordynka, Kadashevskaya embankment and others.

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The building of the first fire department of the city of Tsaritsyn is an architectural monument of Tsaritsyn of the 19th century of regional significance. Located in the Central District of Volgograd at the address: st. Kommunisticheskaya, 5. The unique coat of arms has been preserved on the facade, which is a compilation of the coats of arms of the Saratov province and Tsaritsyn. The building is currently not used for its intended purpose. It houses: Volgogradavtodor OGUP Volgograd Representative Office of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District in the Volgograd Region. Control Road Roads Administration of the Volgograd region

Slide 4

Volgograd I - railway station of the Volgograd branch of the Privolzhskaya railway, the central station of Volgograd. Located on the territory of the Central District at the address: Pryvokzalnaya Square, 1. Serves both suburban and long-distance trains. The station is a junction of five directions: to Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Saratov and Astrakhan A platform at the Tsaritsyn station Railway station at the Volgograd-I station

Slide 5

Gateway No. 1 Movement along the Volga-Don shipping channel starts from the Sarepta backwater of the Volga, well protected from currents and ice drift along the river valley. Sarpy, along the foot of Ergeni. The authors of the architectural treatment of the canal structures: LM Polyakov - head; Biryukov S.M., Boris G.G., Demidov S.V., Kovalev A.Ya., Musatov V.V., Pankov M.V., Rochegov A.G., Topunov F.G., Yakubov R . A.; sculptor Motovilov G.I .; engineers: Zhuk S. Ya., Marsov V.A., Oskolkov A.G., Shakhov N.V.

Slide 6

View of the Planetarium building from Mira Street Volgograd Planetarium is the only planetarium in the Lower Volga region. Opened September 19, 1954. Located on the street. Peace of the city of Volgograd. The authors of the project are the People's Architect of the USSR V. N. Simbirtsev and the architect N. A. Khomutova. The building is crowned with the sculptural group "Mir" by V. I. Mukhina, which is her last work.

Slide 7

The buildings of the museum at Lenin Ave., 5a and 7 are monuments of history and architecture of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, built in the eclectic style with modern elements. Restored after the Battle of Stalingrad The building of the Nobility Assembly of the city of Tsaritsyn, now - Volgograd local history museum... Located at the intersection of Lenin Street and Lenin Avenue

Slide 8

The building of the hotel "Capital rooms" (now the hotel "Volgograd"). The hotel was founded in 1890 by the merchant Vasily Voronin. This was the first institution of such a high class in Tsaritsyno. The initially three-story building became the center of the city's business activities. No other establishment in Tsaritsyn could compare with the "Rooms" in terms of luxury and comfort. In the 1930s, a fourth floor was added to the hotel, and after the Battle of Stalingrad it was restored in 1955 in a five-story form, trying to preserve the maximum number of details of the pre-revolutionary style.

Slide 9

The only historical and architectural complex of the 18th - 20th centuries that has survived in Russia, associated with the creation of a colony of the Moravian brothers-Gernuthers. The layout of the colony and its implementation in construction is an attempt to create Eden on earth - the "city of heaven".

View all slides

Monuments and Architecture Aisha Bibi Mausoleum

An architectural monument: 11-12 centuries, located in the village of Aisha bibi, Zhambyl district, Zhambyl region, 18 km from the city of Taraz.

It is an architectural monument of republican significance.

Aisha Bibi was the beloved of Karakhan, who built a mausoleum in her memory.

The base of the mausoleum is cubic. Massive columns are placed at its four corners.

Small niches, small columns, vaults, pointed arches, terracotta facing tiles were used in the design.

Mausoleum of Karakhan

An architectural monument: 9th century, located in the central part of the city of Taraz at the intersection of Tole bi and Bayzak batyr streets.

The mausoleum is included in the cult-memorial complex, since 1982 it has been included in the list of monuments of republican significance.

Folk legends associate the construction of the mausoleum with a man who was the khan of the Karakhanid dynasty, which ruled in the 10-12 centuries.

It is a square, portal-domed structure. It consists of a central hall and three small corner rooms, the fourth corner of the mausoleum is occupied by a staircase leading to the roof of the building.

In 1906 it was rebuilt, the structural principle was preserved, but the original architectural and decorative decoration was lost. Inside the mausoleum there is a stepped tombstone.

Mausoleum of Zhoshy Khan

An architectural monument: 13th century, located in the Ulytau district of the Karaganda region, 40 km from Zhezkazgan on the bank of the river. Kengir.

Since 1892 the monument has been under state protection

According to legend, the eldest son of Genghis Khan Zhoshy Khan is buried in the mausoleum.

Has a portal-domed structure. The dome has not survived; earlier it rested on a star 17-sided drum of a very rare shape and was faced with tiles and turquoise glazing. The inner shell of the dome, overlapping the square chamber, rests on arched sails. There is a tombstone in the back of the cell. The floor of the mausoleum is paved with bricks. The interior is illuminated by two arched openings located in the side chambers.

Mausoleum of Kozhekh of Ahmet Yassawi

An architectural monument: 14th century, located in the south of Kazakhstan in the city of Turkestan.

The mausoleum is included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

The building was erected in honor of the famous in the East ancient Turkic poet and preacher of Sufism Kozha Akhmet Yassaui, who lived in the 12th century.

Is an architectural complex, which combines the functions of a mausoleum, mosque, khanaka, administrative and economic premises. The outwardly symmetrical, compact plan includes up to 35 rooms connected by walkways, staircases and corridors. ... The precise choice of the structural scheme, the high quality of the material and construction work ensured the building's strength and stability for centuries.

Mausoleum of Alash Khan

An architectural monument: 11-12 centuries, located in the Ulytau district of the Karaganda region, 2 km south-west of the village of Malshybai on the right bank of the river. Karakengir.

Since 1892 it has been included in the list of monuments of history and culture and is under state protection.

The tomb was erected by folk craftsmen in honor of Alash Khan, whose name is associated with the emergence of three Kazakh zhuzes .

Has the shape of a rectangle. The building was built of bricks, only wood was used to decorate the windows and doors. In the center of the main façade, there is a double-leaf door, behind which is a deep double-arched niche.