Iron port history of the name. Kherson, Iron Port: description of the resort

Village iron Port Ukrainian Zalizny Port Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

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The iron port is located in the Kherson region of Ukraine on the Black Sea coast. Now it's resort village, quite popular among tourists

Many people wonder where the name Iron Port came from, but this is not known for certain. Local residents say that there was once an iron pier here that stretched far into the sea. As sea levels rose, the pier went under water. According to another version, in early times there was a large elevator with an iron roof, and sailors passing by gave the village its name

There are many attractions for tourists here, for example the large Black Sea biosphere reserve. A few kilometers from the village there is a real geyser with a depth of 1572 meters. The geyser is hot, the water temperature here is 65-70 degrees Celsius. It was opened for tourists in 2005, here you can swim and admire the beauty of nature

The main income of local residents is serving tourists during the holiday season. There are many boarding houses and recreation centers here - holidays in the Iron Port are quite popular among middle-class Ukrainians. Almost all establishments, shops and hotels operate exclusively during the holiday season

This article is for those who chose a holiday in Kherson (Iron Port) in 2014. Prices at this resort, despite everything, remained at the same level. A Northern Black Sea region- Koblevo, Zatoka, Lazurnoe, Bolshevik and Ochakov have always been considered the cheapest places to stay in Ukraine. Hot dry summers, quickly warming water, wide sandy beaches - all this makes the resorts tempting for a trip with the whole family. Of course, there are no mountains or Mediterranean vegetation here. But the Black Sea region, a cheap alternative to Crimea, has something to offer its guests. Tourist infrastructure The local resorts are developing rapidly. Small villages, former state farms, are quickly overgrown seaside boulevards, mini-hotels, neat cottages on the shore. Let's look at one of the resorts here - Iron Port.


These places thundered during the Zaporozhye Sich. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Naked Pereviz was founded by the Cossacks ( modern city Naked Pier). This point controlled the route along which the Chumaks transported salt through the Prognoevskaya palanka and Kherson. Iron Port is a new village. It was founded only in 1922 by settlers from the village of Kelegey. Former residents of the mainland, who found themselves on the very shore, joked that their village “climbed into the sea.” Later the name Zalizny Port was literally translated into Russian. According to another version, there was previously a long iron pier where ships carrying salt moored. The advancing sea and storms destroyed it, but the name remained. The third version says that already at the beginning of the twentieth century there was a barn covered with a plaque on the shore. It shone in the sun and served as a definite reference point for the sailors.

How to get there?

It is best to arrive by train or plane to Kherson. Iron Port, the distance to which is more than 70 kilometers, lies in the south of the region. From the bus station, which is located near central market regional center, regular buses run several times a day. But if you come by train, you don't need to go into the city. Minibuses “Kherson - Iron Port” run directly from the station square. The bus departs as soon as the seats are filled with passengers. The cost of travel in a minibus is no different from a bus - 40 hryvnia (at the exchange rate this is approximately 110 Russian rubles). Travel time is an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how busy the streets are in Kherson. In summer, a small comfortable minibus from Kyiv runs to the Iron Port. You must drive your own vehicle along the Kherson-Tsyurupinsk highway, then turn onto Golaya Pristan and navigate along road signs to Iron Port.

Where to live?

A tourist base in the village was formed back in the 70s of the last century. On the first line there are boarding houses, holiday homes and children's camps. The residents' estates, including modern mini-hotels, are located a little further from the sea. But the private sector, the price for a bed in which starts from 40 hryvnia per day, can satisfy even the discerning client, although for much more high price. It is for the variety of services that Kherson is valued. Iron Port, whose boarding houses offer three meals a day, is also cheaper than similar ones in Crimea or Odessa region. Organized vacation in holiday homes "Anchor", "Suzirya", "Victoria", "Vivat", on tourist centers“Three Whales”, “Breeze”, “Slavutich” and others are good because the buildings and houses are located in a park area. And in the steppe, the greenery of the trees is an additional luxury. And the beach will be just a stone's throw away.

Entertainment infrastructure

But living next to the beach is not always comfortable. All entertainment infrastructure in the village is concentrated near the so-called “promenade”. Sami local residents They call the Iron Port “Kherson Las Vegas”. Life here does not subside even long after midnight. Discos, strip bars, restaurants and cafes color the southern velvet evenings with color music. Children enjoy the amusement park throughout the season. But some attractions are chilling even for adults. The sand and shell beaches have long been cultivated, but they still remain free. And this is also another advantage from which the resort of Kherson, Zhelezny Port, benefits. Many of the beaches are equipped with canopies or umbrellas dug into the ground. Entertainment on the water is represented by banana boats, catamarans, scooters and other motorized watercraft. In the center of the village on the beach there is a rental of sun loungers and umbrellas.

Kherson, Iron Port, prices

For many Ukrainians, the Northern Black Sea region is a place of more than budget holiday. And this applies to both housing, food, and entertainment. The price depends on the status of the establishment and its proximity to the beach. The season also plays an important role - everything becomes more expensive in July. In any case, products are sold in stores at the same prices as in the regional center. The rural market pleases with an abundance of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish and seafood.


The short history of the village does not mean that there are no attractions there. Directly adjacent to the village, on the western side, is the territory of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, one of the largest in Ukraine. It extends far, including the lands of Kinburnskaya and the Yagorlytsky Kut tract. It also contains the only desert in Europe - Oleshkovskie Sands. Since 2005, 15 km from Zhelezny Port, a geyser has been open to those who want to improve their health. The water gushing out of it has a temperature of +70 o C. The brown liquid, saturated with iodine and salts, flows into two baths. Another one contains healing mud. On the promenade of the Iron Port and in boarding houses you can sign up for longer excursions: to the Askania-Nova nature reserve, to salt Lake to Golaya Pristan, on or to the Dnieper Plavni.

A country Ukraine
Region Kherson region
Area Golopristansky
Postcode 75653
Density 704,150 people/km²
Coordinates Coordinates: 46°07′20″ N. w. 32°17′54″ E. d. / 46.122222° n. w. 32.298333° E. d. (G) (O) (I)46°07′20″ n. w. 32°17′54″ E. d. / 46.122222° n. w. 32.298333° E. d. (G) (O) (I)
Timezone UTC+2, in summer UTC+3
Telephone code +380 5539
Based 1922
Vehicle code BT/22
Population 1528 people
Square 2,170 km²

Zalizny Port or Iron Port (Ukrainian: Zalizny Port) is a resort village in the Golopristansky district of the Kherson region, Ukraine. Located in the south of the region, on the Black Sea coast.


To the west of Zalizny Port is the largest Black Sea Biosphere Reserve in Ukraine. The expansion of the resort area creates a threat to the reserve, in particular to its parts adjacent to the village. As of 2008, the distance from the outskirts of Zalizny Port to the border of the Potievsky section of the reserve is less than 500 meters.

There is a geyser 15 kilometers from Zalizny Port, opened to the public in 2005. The depth of the source is 1572 meters, the temperature is 65-70 °C. To serve tourists, the geyser is equipped with baths.


The historical date of foundation of the village is 1922.

origin of name

There is no documentary evidence of the origin of the name Zalizny Port. There are several versions based on the stories of local residents.

One version says that in the village there was an iron (Ukrainian: zalizny) pier extending 100 meters into the sea. The pier was used for loading grain and fish onto small ships. Subsequently, with the gradual advance of the sea onto the land, the pier found itself far from the shore and was swallowed up by the sea.

According to another version, a barn with an iron roof was used to store grain for shipment, and sailors who saw the barn from ships gave the village its name.

The presence of a port in the early history of Zalizny Port is confirmed by the third version. However, according to her, the name of the village comes from the Ukrainian verb “zaliz” (Russian climbed): “I climbed the whole village under the sea itself. And the port is Zalizny.” Later the Russified name “Iron Port” became established, but on the maps it was and remains “Zalizny”.


The economy of Zalizny Port is focused on the holiday season and serving vacationers. Along the coast there are mainly boarding houses, recreation centers, hotels - a total of about 50 institutions, from individual buildings to boarding houses with an area of ​​​​up to ten hectares. The coastline also hosts entertainment venues. Private sector, in relation to the sea, located behind the boarding houses.

Almost all institutions and shops are open only during the holiday season, mainly in the summer (June-August).

In Zalizny Port there is a comprehensive school of I-III degrees (11 classes), opened in the summer of 1985.

Surely many people have heard the phrase “Iron Port” more than once. And this applies not only to residents of the city of Kherson, but also to neighboring regions, and perhaps even more remote parts of our country.

So, let's find out in more detail what the Iron Port is, let's try to plunge a little into the history of this glorious town, let's understand such unusual name and find the most interesting sights.

Iron Port is a small resort town on the Black Sea coast, which is located in the south of the Kherson region. Founded in 1922 during the resettlement of peasants from the village of Kelegey (now the village of Gladkovka, Golopristansky district). There is no documentary evidence of the name Iron Port, but there is a version based on the stories of local residents.

Previously, there was a pier on the shore where local fishermen fished. It was in this place that iron bridge, extending 100 meters into the sea. Ships moored to the bridge to load grain and fish and stopped to wait out bad weather at sea. Also, the barns for storing grain standing on the shore had roofs that were visible to sailors from open sea. Thus, it is generally accepted that the iron pier bridge and the roofs of the barns served as unique landmarks for ships and served as the name for the port - Iron Port.

Today, Iron Port is a young, developing resort with wide sandy beaches and a large selection of accommodations.

In the west of Zhelezny Port there is the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, one of the largest in Ukraine. The reserve was created to protect unique complexes of sandy arenas, deserted steppes, and to study the natural environment of the Dnieper and the Black Sea coast.

There is also a healing geyser on the territory, the water temperature of which reaches 65 degrees at any time of the year. On the territory of the hot spring there are three equipped swimming pools in which you can warm up during the cold season and improve the health of your entire body.

Of course, on the territory of the town there are many boarding houses, recreation centers and hotels. In total there are about 100 different vacation spots on the coast. Holidays in Zhelezny Port will not make you bored. On the embankment and beyond there are cozy restaurants of various levels, bars, cafes and dance floors. There are amusement parks with various slides, catamaran rides, jet skis, and banana rides. There is also a Ferris wheel. Thanks to it, you can view the entire panorama of the town from above and take in the endless expanses of the sea.

Of course, these are not all the attractions of the Iron Port resort, so this glorious town will be happy to welcome you to its shores in the new beach season.