Egypt was discovered. What's next? How to fly in the Legion: a guide to flying in the WOW Legion What will be the consequences of Vladimir Putin's statement for the travel services market

Flights between Moscow and Cairo will open on February 1. The corresponding protocol was signed on Friday by the ministers of transport of Russia and Egypt, Maxim and Sheriff Fathi.

“We declare that flights between Moscow and Cairo have been open since February 1,” Fathi said at a ceremony in Moscow.

“This is the first step towards the resumption of air communication between our countries, which will make it possible, quite possibly, to start operating flights to Cairo in February next year,” Maxim Sokolov said.

On the Egyptian side, regular flights to the Egyptian capital will be operated, and on the Russian side, Aeroflot.

However, tour operators took this news rather restrainedly: in order to re-launch the program of mass tourist tours, it is important to open air connections with the airports of resort cities, a decision on them has not yet been made.

“As for the airports in resort cities - Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada, there is still work to be done, this is a task for the next year. We hope that our Egyptian colleagues will cope with this task, ”Sokolov said.

in an interview with the channel "Russia-24".

The fact that flights between Egyptian resorts and Russian cities will not be open yet probably indicates that there is concern about the security of airports outside Cairo, the expert believes.

“This is very positive news, which is regarded by the Russian tourist business as the first step towards the restoration of this previously popular tourist destination, but for now it will be individual programs for tourists ready for a domestic flight or a long transfer from Cairo to the Red Sea resorts,” Gazeta said. Ru ”a representative of the tour operator TUI.

“For example, cruises on the Nile are well combined with a flight to Cairo. It will be possible to speak fully about package tours to Egyptian resorts for a mass tourist only after the opening of communications and the launch of charter programs between Russian cities and the airports of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada, ”the source said.

Earlier on Friday, Sokolov told reporters that

aeroflot has already begun preparing a package of documents for resuming flights to Cairo airport.

“I've already spoken to the CEO personally about this,” he said. - It is necessary (to conclude) a whole series of contacts: with handling organizations, refueling complexes, to resume the work of the representative office. This work is already underway. "

Vice President Yuri believes that the beginning of next year, the first quarter, is a very realistic time frame when resort areas can be opened.

“Tour operators may well launch programs to resorts in Egypt within two weeks. Moreover, they do not need to retrain managers, they are tailored to the direction.

The agencies know Egypt, they are waiting for the sale, ”Barzykin told Gazeta.Ru.

Earlier, the general director of NTK Intourist noted that the opening of Egypt would increase the outbound tourist flow from 1.5 to 2 million people.

The spokesperson noted that Russian tour operators will do their best to organize and deliver programs in this direction.

“Now it is impossible to say that tourists will go to resorts, because it is far and expensive, and absolutely inconvenient - 6-7 hours from Cairo by bus,” Barzykin argues. - If the flight, then it is much more convenient to fly through third countries: Turkey, Belarus. Tour operators will not form a stream in this way ”.

However, independent travelers have been flying to Egypt through third countries for a long time. According to the ticket portal Aviasales, the number of requests from Russia to Egypt increased by 57% over the year, even though the average bill has grown by a quarter during this time. We are talking about connecting flights, with the Turkish low-cost airline Pegasus being the most convenient of the options currently offered, flights with a transfer in Rome and Vienna are slightly more expensive.

Currently the most cheap ticket from Moscow to Hurghada and back costs 16,224 rubles.

According to the OneTwoTrip service, sales of connecting air tickets from Russian cities to Egypt in the eleven months of 2017 increased by 30% compared to the same period in 2016. The minimum travel time from Moscow to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh is 7 hours, from St. Petersburg - 10 hours. The average cost of a round-trip ticket purchased in 2017 was 25.5 thousand rubles.

"Tourists are not just waiting for Egypt, they are waiting for a budgetary Egypt,"

- emphasizes Barzykin. However, according to him, even if resort destinations are opened, the prices for vouchers are likely to be adjusted upward, because during this time, fuel prices have increased by 30%.

Fuel is only one of the constituent parts of the cost of the tour, the final price of the package for the tourist will depend on the cost of accommodation, that is, on the pricing policy of the hotels, pay attention to TUI.

Russia interrupted flights with Egypt in the fall of 2015, after a terrorist attack over Sinai crashed a Russian plane flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. Onboard there were 217 Russian tourists and seven crew members. They all died.

The imminent opening of air links with Egypt was announced on December 11 following a meeting between the President of the Russian Federation and the leader of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Earlier, Russian experts gave a positive assessment of the second terminal of Cairo airport in Egypt. It is planned that this particular terminal will be used for Russian flights.

The timing of the resumption of flights between the Russian Federation and Egypt, which was interrupted two and a half years ago, has moved again. Despite the fact that at the end of 2017, the heads of state agreed to open flights between Moscow and Cairo in February, the new date for the start of flights is now April. The Egyptian national air carrier EgyptAir has not yet received permission from the Federal Air Transport Agency to fly to Moscow. Kommersant's sources say that one of the reasons for the delays is the desire to ensure maximum safety during the World Cup.

The resumption of flights between Moscow and Cairo, tentatively scheduled for the end of February, has been postponed until at least April, the Egyptian newspaper Al-Iktisadi reported, citing sources in the Egyptian Ministry of Aviation. According to the newspaper, "intensive consultations and preparations for the resumption of flights" are now continuing. A source at the Cairo airport confirmed to RIA Novosti that no flights between Moscow and Cairo are scheduled for February 20. Also, the sale and booking of air tickets for direct flights to Moscow is not yet carried out.

According to a diplomatic source in Egypt, the Egyptian Foreign Minister spoke with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as part of a recent security conference in Munich. The heads of departments discussed, among other things, the "tourist dossier". But so far "the minister has not instructed his assistants to specially go to Moscow to find out the reasons for postponing the resumption of flights," the agency's source said.

Safuat Muslim, general director of EgyptAir, the national carrier of Egypt, said the company plans to open flights from Cairo to Moscow in April.

He added that the airline has already received slots in Domodedovo, "but this does not mean anything yet," since the Federal Air Transport Agency has not yet approved the submitted application. “Therefore, it is not only premature to talk about the exact timing of the start of flights, but it is pointless: it could be April, or the end of March, when carriers switch to summer schedules, or in general May,” the CEO noted, adding that everything is being decided in working order. According to him, the companies have coordinated the counters and exits at the air terminals, in Cairo and Moscow all procedures have been completed for the normal functioning of the companies' representative offices. Under the terms of the resumption of flights, Russian security personnel will still be present at the Cairo airport.

Two-way air traffic between the Russian Federation and Egypt was interrupted in November 2015 after a disaster over Sinai Peninsula the A321 "Kogalymavia" aircraft (the cause was later called a terrorist attack: a bomb was carried on board the plane), which flew from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. Recall that 224 people became victims of the plane crash over Sinai. To resume flights, Moscow demanded increased security at Egyptian airports and the involvement of Russian specialists in control procedures. Since then, experts from the Russian Federation regularly carried out checks at Egyptian airports, but the decision to resume flights was never made.

In mid-December last year, as part of Vladimir Putin's visit to Cairo, the Russian side agreed to resume direct flights between Russia and Egypt. According to the cautious forecast of the Ministry of Transport, with the signing of the intergovernmental protocol, flights may begin in February. The Ministry of Transport insists that all political decisions on the resumption of flights between Moscow and Cairo have been made, and technical issues have been settled. This was reported by the press service of the ministry, urging all parties to speed up the resumption of air traffic.

Sources of Kommersant in the industry believe that the delays may be related to "the desire of the Russian authorities to ensure maximum safety during the World Cup."

Elizaveta Kuznetsova


Egypt was discovered. What's next?

What will be the consequences of Vladimir Putin's statement for the travel services market

The Russians were once again encouraged about the possible resumption of flights to Egypt. December 11 President of Russia Vladimir Putin said: the Egyptian side has done a great job to improve security at airports, to open direct flights between Moscow and Cairo "in general, we are ready." Chapter Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov said that in the coming days an appropriate decree could be signed and gave a guideline - regular flights to Cairo may resume from February 2018. And where there is Cairo, there is Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh - in any case, representatives of the tourism business see just such a scenario for the development of events.

But how will the opening of Egypt actually affect the market?

Purely symbolic

The beginning of flights from Moscow to Cairo will become a symbolic event for the tourism industry - as the first step towards the cherished goal. But nothing more. Because this item is not of great practical interest in terms of organizing tourist transportation. The distance from the Egyptian capital to the resort areas is about 500 km, bus transfers of such length would be too expensive, extremely tiring and even questionable in terms of safety. It is much easier and cheaper for Russians to fly to the beaches of Egypt via Minsk, Istanbul or other roundabout routes. As you know, many now do this.

It's another matter if regular flights are allowed to all airports in Egypt. This will have significant implications for the tourism business. Namely: tour operators whose transportation partners have destinations for regular flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh will get a competitive head start. Here is a list of experts close to Federal Air Transport Agency.

Rossiya Airlines: destinations to Hurghada and Sharm el-sheikh from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

"Icarus": Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh from Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk.

Saratov Airlines: Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh from Saratov.

Ural Airlines: Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh from St. Petersburg.

Yamal: Moscow - Hurghada.

It is clear that the flights of "Russia" will be loaded, "Ikar" is affiliated with. The other three airlines do not have an exclusive relationship with any of the tour operators. Therefore, theoretically, everyone will be admitted to their transportation, if necessary.

Plus, if regular flights to resort airports are allowed, tour operators will certainly try to enlist support EgyptAir, which must have the appropriate permissions from the Egyptian side. In a word, activity in the direction will resume.

When charters are finally allowed, the deferred demand for Egypt will fully manifest itself and some other tourism destinations will receive less tourists from Russia.

Where are the clients missing?

"Natural decline" of client flows is possible, for example, in Turkey, experts say. Because summer Egypt has always been cheaper, and in the first season after the ban is lifted, local hoteliers will certainly offer unprecedentedly low prices.

There may be a decrease in tourist flows from Russia and in many other directions, which, in the absence of Egypt, were taken by large tour operators in order to ensure the loading of their transport tanks and keep sales volumes. This applies to both exotic and European resorts. Biblio-Globus and Pegas Turistik are likely to adjust their plans in favor of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. It is possible that the range of charter destinations in this regard will become scarce. The reductions may affect the variety of programs in Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus. For the same reason, optimization is quite likely on some long-haul routes - for example, in the Dominican Republic, which ANEX Tour in the absence of access to Egypt, he began to promote in a year-round format.

And what about Russian resorts? They do not face a significant outflow of clientele, observers believe. Of the heavyweight tour operators, Biblio-Globus is really active there, and it is unlikely to deprive Russia of transportation in favor of Egypt, since it has already done a lot of work on introducing a package format of rest in Sochi. Moreover, there are no prerequisites for a natural decrease in demand in the field of domestic tourism now. Those who had to travel to the Black Sea forcibly, for lack of anything cheaper, migrated to Turkey in the summer of 2017. Remained, however, mostly convinced adherents of Russian resorts, who by definition are not interested in Africa - regardless of the price.

These are the general forecasts of experts regarding the perturbations in the market in the event that Egypt is indeed opened. It remains to add that, in general, this will have a beneficial effect on the economy of large outgoing tour operators: they will be able to ensure a fairly stable load of their fleets throughout the year. Because in the absence of Egypt, everyone has one and the same - in summer planes are in short supply, in winter they have nowhere to go. And under such conditions, the expansion of aircraft fleets is difficult.

So, we are waiting to see how events will develop on the “mothballed” market. Skeptics, by the way, remind: while the official permission for flights from Russia to Egypt has not been received, therefore there is no formal basis for making specific business plans.

It can be expected not earlier than April - this forecast was announced on Tuesday by the Egyptian media. The Egyptian Ministry of Aviation is indicated as a source of information. At the moment, air transportation between the capitals of Russia and Egypt is going through a long stage of coordination and preparation for the restoration of flights, and although they have been officially allowed since February, and they were expected to open from 20.02, while neither Aeroflot nor Aeroflot are actually selling air tickets. However, it should be noted that this was not a surprise for the travel market, in general, the real restoration of Egypt is expected here even later - when direct flights to and will be allowed, and this is clearly not earlier than the end of the summer season.

At the same time, the publication "Al-Iktisadi" claims that with the restoration of transportation in Egypt it plans to work at the highest level. In particular, according to his statement, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri instructed one of his assistants, who is flying to Moscow, to find out the true reasons for the suspension of the restoration of air traffic. However, according to Russian data from European diplomatic sources, the head of the Egyptian and Russian Foreign Ministries held talks recently, as part of a meeting at a security conference in Munich, including on issues of tourism restoration. And no "special" visits were needed.

Let us recall the decree on the restoration of air communication with Egypt. At the same time, in the second paragraph of the decree, concerning restrictions for the implementation of tours, in the edited version is the following: “To refrain from selling to citizens a tourist product that provides for air transportation (including commercial) of citizens from the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory of the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the exception of . Cairo ".

In fact, a new edition of the decree on the "closure of Egypt" was signed, that is, in the decree of November 8, 2015 No. 553 "On certain measures to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation and the protection of citizens of the Russian Federation from criminal and other illegal actions", the ban on transportation remained "for excluding regular air traffic to Cairo. " And already on January 10, flights from Moscow to Cairo appeared on the online scoreboard of Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports. The start of flights was announced on February 1, and then - on 02.20, but in reality, none of them took place.

Tour operators, in turn, were ready to start programs from Cairo - for example, the TezTour company intended to offer combined programs, including an excursion part of Cairo or Alexandria, as well as rest in. As the PR-director of "" Larisa Akhanova told the correspondent of the "TURPROM" infogroup, the talk was about city breaks in Cairo or Alexandria, which is located on the Mediterranean Sea, in combination with beach vacation at the Red Sea resorts. “For those who will use the services of regular flights to Cairo, such tours will look like one or two nights in the Egyptian capital with a visit, including the very first one, after which the tourist can go to the Red Sea bus,” Larisa Akhanova explained. ...

Nevertheless, with all the readiness of the travel market, forecasts for Egypt were rather pessimistic. As noted by experts, despite the fact that everything says about the imminent launch of the first flights to Cairo, no one has named the exact dates, which means that it can be assumed that there are still unresolved issues between Russia and Egypt. “At the moment, everything in Egypt is ready to meet Russian tourists, but everything depends on the flight - tickets for flights Moscow-Cairo are still not on sale. That is, to talk about something specific, you need to wait for information about the date from which flights in the direction will begin. I can assume that there is something else that we do not know about, since the Egyptian side itself was very interested in launching flights as soon as possible, "emphasizes the head of the host company" "in Egypt.

At the same time, according to the expert, now everyone is waiting only for charters. “But according to data that I also receive from open sources, negotiations on this issue will only take place in April. Our Egyptian partners say that this is Russia's demand. Therefore, I do not think that a full-fledged opening can be expected even in summer. Most likely, this will only happen by the next winter season. But this is only an assumption, ”concluded Mr. Zalivin.

We add that any travel agency can place a weather widget in the form of a beautiful interactive map on its website for free, thereby significantly improving the perception of its Internet resource by potential tourists. So, if you have a section dedicated to Egypt on your site, then insert the following widgets there:

  1. Egypt - top attractions the whole country -
  2. Egypt - top attractions Cairo -

Have you already started playing Battle for Azerot and are thinking about how to fly in BFA?Now we will try to tell you in detail how to open a flight.

As we are already accustomed to from past additions, in order to be able to fly, we will have to do Achievement. Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part 1. It consists of several achievements that need to be completed in order to receive bonuses, namely Pincreased riding speed in Kul Tiras and Zandalar by 20 percent.

This achievement consists of several others. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Battle for Azeroth Explorer

This achievement is given for exploring all locations in the current expansion, both the Horde territory and the Alliance zones.

In Horde territory it will be

And on the territory of the Alliance, we will need to research

This will not be so easy, especially in the war mode on enemy territory. Therefore, keep this in mind and disable it when going through this achievement if you want to do it quickly)

Azerothian Diplomat

Here we will need to achieve the location of the factions of our locations

For the Alliance, we will need Revered with factions

  1. 7th legion

For the Horde, these will be slightly different factions with which you will also need to achieve the Revered reputation in order to get this Achievement

  1. Zandalari Empire
  2. Talanji's expedition
  3. The honor army

Gaining reputation will most likely have to complete tasks that are quite simple and will help us pump up to level 120. At 120, local quests will become available to us with which we will also raise reputation points. Also, every day, like in the Legion, World Quests will be given for completing 4 quests for certain factions, as a reward for which you will receive a chest and 1500 reputation.

Contracts also appeared in Inscription. When used, a buff is imposed on you, which will give an additional 10 points of reputation for any local quest. This will help us a lot to finish off a certain reputation as soon as possible. There are contracts for all factions.

Local Celebrity

Everything is pretty simple here. We will need to complete 100 World Quests. As we said, they will appear when you reach level 120. As always, they will be quite simple and the only difficulty in this achievement is their number. Although, again, we will most likely complete this item earlier than many others, because after reaching 120 we will be making a bunch of LANs in order to get both useful and new gear and to get hold of other usefulness and gold.

Completing storyline quest chains

Here we will have to complete all the storyline quest chains that will be given to us.

For the Alliance, we will need to make the Kul Tourist achievement, which includes 3 zones in each of which there is a chain along which the plot will lead us. So try to do them all.

  • If drust turned out to be drust

For the Horde, of course, this will be its own storyline, which we have to complete in our 3 locations. But it will differ from Alliance by the presence of some more achievements that will be needed for the main achievement. Long live Zandalar! where you will need to complete the script and make one more additional chain.